Ashurbanipal 083

Column i
i' 1i 1

[šá (UGU) mum-man-i]-gaš mum-man-ap-pa mtam-ma-ri- mku-dúr-ru

(i' 1) [Teumm]an regularly sent insul[t(s) concerning Ummani]gaš, Ummanappa, Tammarītu, Kudurr[u, (and) Parrû, f]ugitive(s) who had grasped the feet of m[y] royal majesty. [I trusted] in the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of [Nineveh, ( 5) ]tar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal who had encour[aged me]. I did not comply with [the utte]rance(s) of his provocative speech (lit. “mouth”). I did not give him [those] fugi[tives. He] mustered his troops, prepared for bat[tle], (and) was sharpening his weapons in order to march to [Assyria. I mus]tered my battle troops, warriors who [dart about. ( 10) I set out on the path a]gainst Teumman, the king of the land Elam, [and t]ook the direct [road].

i' 22

[mpa-ru-u] mun-nab-ti šá iṣ-ba- GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia

i' 33

[mte-um]-man -tap-pa-ra me-re-eḫ-[tu]

i' 44

[at-kil] a-na AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG d15 šá [NINA.KI]

i' 55

[d]15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR ša ú-tak-kil-[u-in-ni]

i' 66

[]-bit pi-i-šú er-ḫu ul am-gúr ul a-din-šú mun-[nab-ti šá-a-tu-nu]

i' 77

id-ka-a ERIM.ḪI.A-šú ik-ṣu-ra ta-[ḫa-zu]

i' 88

ú-šá-ʾa-a-la GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú a-na a-lak [KUR -šur.KI]

i' 99

[ad]-ke .ERIM.MEŠ -ia mun-daḫ-ṣe šá [it-ta-na-áš-ra-bi-ṭu]

i' 1010

e-li mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI ur-ḫu aṣ-bat-ma]

i' 1111

[]-te--še-ra [ḫar-ra-nu]

i' 1212

el-la-mu-u-a mte-um-[man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

(i' 12) [B]efore me, Teu[mman, the king of the land Elam], ... [...]

i' 1313

[x] x x x [...]



Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as