
  • Ashurbanipal 079


  • Q003778
  • Ashurbanipal 079



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 079

Column i
i 1i 1

ina 6-ši ger-ri-ia

(i 1) On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who did not remember the kindness of the father who had engendered me (nor) did he respect my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam (and) hunge[r] had set in, (i 5) I sent to him grain, (which) sustains the live(s) of [people], and (thus) held [him by the hand]. (As for) his [peopl]e, who [had fled] on account of the famine [and sett]led in [Assyria until it r]aine[d] (again) in his land (and) [harvests grew (i 10) I sent t]hose [people] wh[o] had st[ayed alive in m]y [land (back) to him. But (as for) the Elamite wh]ose [ag]gression I [had not thought possible] (lit. “I [did not speak with my heart]) (and) [a fight with whom I had] no[t contemplated Bēl-iqīša, the Gam]bulian, Na[bû-šuma-ēreš, the šandabakku (governor of Nippur), servant]s who belonged [to me, (and) (i 15) Marduk-šuma-ib]ni, a eunu[ch of Urtaku who had sided with them, ...]

i 22

UGU mur-ta-ki MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI lu-u al-lik

i 33

ša MUN AD ba-ni-ia la ḫa-as-su la iṣ-ṣu-ru ib-ru-ti

i 44

ul-tu ina KUR.ELAM.MA.KI su-un-qu -ku-nu ib-ba-šu-u -eb-re-

i 55

dnisaba ba-laṭ ZI-tim [UN.MEŠ]

i 66

ú?-še-bil-šu-ma aṣ-bat [ŠU.II-su]

i 77

[UN].MEŠ-šú ša la-pa-an su-un- [in-nab-tu-nim-ma]

i 88

[ú-ši]-bu -reb [KUR -šur.KI]

i 99

[a-di zu]-un-nu ina KUR-šú iz-nu-nu? [ib-ba-šu-u BURU₁₄]

i 1010

[UN.MEŠ šá]-a-tu-nu ša [ina KUR]-ia ib-[lu-ṭu ú-še-bil-šú-ma]

i 1111

[.e-la-mu-ú šá] ti-bu-us-su [it-ti lìb-bi-ia]

i 1212

[la da-ba]-ku la [ḫa-as-sa-ku ṣe-let-su]

i 1313

[mEN-BA-šá KUR.gam]-bu-la-a-a mdAG-[MU-KAM- ..EN.NA]

i 1414

[ARAD].MEŠ da-gíl [pa-ni-ia]

i 1515

[mdAMAR.UTU-MU]- .šu-ut SAG [šá mur-ta-ki ša it-ti-šú-nu]

i 1616

[...] x [...]1



i 1'1'

[...] x



Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ina 1-et MU.AN.NA -<eḫ>-ret a-ḫa-meš -ku-nu na-piš-tu

(ii 1) Within one year, they (all) laid down (their) live(s) at the same t<i>me. The angry heart of (the god) Aššur had not relented against them, nor had the mood of the goddess Ištar, [who] had enco[ur]ag[ed] me, become tranquil towards them. (ii 5) They overthrew [his royal dynasty]. They [made] someb[ody else assum]e [dominion over the land Elam].

ii 22

lìb-bi AN.ŠÁR ag-gu ul i-nu-uḫ-šú-nu-ti

ii 33

ul ip-šaḫ-šú-nu-ti ka-bit-tu d-tar

ii 44

[šá] ú-tak-kil-an-ni

ii 55

[BALA-e LUGAL-ti-šú] -ki-pu

ii 66

[be-lut KUR.e-lam-ti ú-šal]-qu-u šá-nam-[ma]

ii 77

[EGIR mte-um-man tam-šil GAL₅. ú]-šib ina GIŠ.GU.[ZA]

(ii 7) [Afterwards, Teumman, the (very) image of a gallû-demon, sa]t on the th[rone of Urtaku. He constantly sought out e]vil (ways) [to kill the children of Urta]ku [and the children of Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), the brother of Ur]taku. [Ummanigaš, Ummanappa, (and) Tamm]arītu [the sons of Urtaku], the king of the land Elam [Kudurru (and) Parrû the sons of U]mmanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), [the king who came before U]rtaku (ii 15) [together with sixty members of the royal (family), countless] archers, (and) [nobles of the land E]lam [fled to me before Teu]mman’s [slaughtering and grasped the feet of] my [royal majes]ty.

ii 88

[mur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki DUMU.MEŠ mur-ta]-ki

ii 99

[ù DUMU.MEŠ mum-man-al-da-še ŠEŠ mur]-ta-ki

ii 1010

[-te--ʾa-a] MUNUS.ḪUL

ii 1111

[mum-man-i-gaš mum-man-ap-pa mtam]-ma-ri-

ii 1212


ii 1313

[mku-dúr-ru mpa-ru-ú DUMU.MEŠ m]um-man-al-da-še

ii 1414

[LUGAL a-lik pa-ni m]ur-ta-ki

ii 1515

[ù 60 NUMUN LUGAL ina la -ni .ERIM].MEŠ GIŠ.PAN

ii 1616


ii 1717

[šá la-pa-an da-a-ki mte]-um-man

ii 1818

[in-nab-tu-nim-ma iṣ-ba- GÌR.II.MEŠ LUGAL]-ti-ia

ii 1919

[ina 7-e ger-ri-ia UGU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] lu-u al-lik

(ii 19) [On my seventh campaign], I marched [against Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had re]gularly [s]ent [his envoys] to me [concerning Ummanigaš, Ummanappa, (and) Tamm]arītu [the sons of Urtaku], the king of the land Elam [(and) Kudurru (and) Parr]û the sons of Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), [the brother of Urtaku], (former) king of the land Elam (asking me) to se[nd] (back) (ii 25) those [people] who had fled to m[e and] grasped my feet. I did not grant [him] their extradition. Concerning the aforementioned, he sent insults mont[hly] by the hands of Umbadar[â] and Nabû-damiq. Inside the land Elam, he was bragging in the assembly of [his] troops. (ii 30) I trusted in the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) [Ištar of Arbela, who had encouraged me. I did] no[t comply with the utterance(s) of his pro]vocative [speech] (lit. [mouth]).

ii 2020

[šá UGU mum-man-i-gaš mum-man-ap-pa mtam]-ma-ri-

ii 2121


ii 2222

[mku-dúr-ru mpa-ru]-ú DUMU.MEŠ mum-man-al-da-še

ii 2323

[ŠEŠ mur-ta-ki] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI]

ii 2424

[.EDIN.MEŠ-šú ]-ta-nap-pa-ra a-na še-bu-[li]

ii 2525

[UN.MEŠ] šá-a-tu-nu šá in-nab-tu-nim-[ma]

ii 2626

iṣ-ba- GÌR.II-ia še-bul-šú-nu ul aq-bi-[šú]

ii 2727

ina UGU me-re-ḫe-e-ti ina ŠU.II mum-ba-da-ra-[a]

ii 2828

ù mdMUATI-SIG₅-iq -ta-nap-pa-ra ITI-[šam]

ii 2929

-reb KUR.e-lam-ti *-ta-ra-aḫ ina UKKIN ERIM.ḪI.[A-šú]2

ii 3030

at-kil a-na AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d[15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR]3

ii 3131

[šá ú-tak-kil-u-in-ni -bit pi-i-šu] er-ḫu ul [am-gúr]



Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

áš-šú mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ša a-na [AN.ŠÁR LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ]4

(iii 1') “with regard to Teumman, the king of the land Elam who placed a bu[rden] o[n (the god) Aššur the king of the gods], the father who had engendered you he mustered his troops, prepared for battl[e], (and) was sharpening his weapons in order to march to Assyria.”

iii 2'2'

AD ba-ni-ki iḫ-tu-u bil-[tu]

iii 3'3'

id-ka-a ERIM.ḪI.A-šú ik-ṣu-ra ta-ḫa-zu

iii 4'4'

ú-šá-ʾa-la GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú a-na a-lak KUR -šur.KI

iii 5'5'

um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti DINGIR.MEŠ

(iii 5') “You, the heroic one of the gods, drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and (then) raise a storm, an ev[il] wind, against him.”

iii 6'6'

GIM GUN ina qa-bal tam-ḫa-ri pu-uṭ-ṭi-ri-šú-ma5

iii 7'7'

di-kiš-šú me-ḫu-u IM lem-[nu]

iii 8'8'

in-ḫe-ia šu-nu-ḫu- d15 -me-e-[ma]

(iii 8') The goddess Ištar heard my sorrowful plight [and] said to me “Fear not!” She gave (me) confid[ence], (saying): “Because of your entreaties, which you directed towards me, (and because) your eyes were filled with [tear(s)], I had mer[cy] (on you).”

iii 9'9'

la ta-pal-làḫ iq-ba-a ú-šar-ḫi-iṣ lìb-[bu]

iii 10'10'

a-na ni- ŠU.II-ka šá taš-šá-a IGI.II-ka im-la-a [di-im-]

iii 11'11'

ar-ta-ši re-e-[mu]

iii 12'12'

ina šat mu-ši šu-a- šá am-ḫur-[ši]

(iii 12') During the course of the night that I had appealed [to her], a dream interpreter lay down and saw a d[ream]. He woke up and (then) reported to me the night vision that the goddess Ištar had shown him, saying:

iii 13'13'

1-en .šab-ru-u ú-tu-ul-ma i-na-ṭal MÁŠ.[GI₆]

iii 14'14'

i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-ši šá d15 ú-šab-ru-šú

iii 15'15'

ú-šá-an-na-a ia-a-ti

iii 16'16'

um-ma d15 a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI e-ru-ba-ni6

(iii 16'b) “The goddess Ištar who resides in the city Arbela entered (and) she had quivers hanging on the right and left. She was holding a bow at her side (and) she was unsheathing a sharp sword that (was ready) to do battle. You (Ashurbanipal) stood before her (and) (iii 20´) she was speaking to you like (your own) birth-mother. The goddess Ištar, the sublime one of the gods, called out to you, instructing you, saying: ‘You are looking forward to waging war (and) I myself am about to set out towards my (lit. “your”) destination (the battlefield).’ You (then) spoke to her, saying: ‘Let me go with you, wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!’ (iii 25´) She replied to you, saying: ‘You will stay in the place whe[re] you are (currently) [resid]ing. Eat food, drink w<i>ne, [ma]ke mus[ic], (and) revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go (and) accomplish this task, (thus) I will let (you) achieve your heart’s desire. Your face will not become pale, [your feet] will not trembl[e], (iii 30´) you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of batt[le].’ She took you into her sweet embrace and protected yo[ur] entir[e bod]y. Fire was flaring up in front of her. She came out furiously (and) splendidly and went to conquer her enemy. [She directed her] attent[ion towar]ds Teumman, the king of the land Elam with whom she was angry.”

iii 17'17'

15 u 2.30 tul-la-a-ta -pa-a-ti

iii 18'18'

tam-ḫa-at GIŠ.PAN ina i-di-šá šal-pat nam-ṣa-ru zaq- šá e-peš

iii 19'19'

ma-ḫar-šá ta-zi-iz ši-i ki-ma AMA

iii 20'20'

a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka

iii 21'21'

il-si-ka d15 šá-qut DINGIR.MEŠ i-šak-kan-ka ṭè-e-mu

iii 22'22'

um-ma ta-na-ṭa-la a-na e-peš šá-áš-me*7

iii 23'23'

a-šar pa-nu-ki šak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku8

iii 24'24'

at-ta ta-qab-bi-ši um-ma a-šar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik be-let GAŠAN.MEŠ

iii 25'25'

ši-i tu-šá-an-nak-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na lu áš-ba-ta

iii 26'26'

a-šar [maš]-kán-i-ka a-kul a-ka-lu ši-ti ku-<ru>-un-nu

iii 27'27'

nin-gu-[ šu]-kun nu-ʾi-id DINGIR-ti

iii 28'28'

a-di al-la-ku šip-ru šú-a- ep-pu-šú ú-šak-šá-du ṣu-me-rat lìb-bi-ka

iii 29'29'

pa-nu-u-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nàr-ru-ṭa [GÌR.II-ka]

iii 30'30'

ul ta-šam-maṭ zu-ut-ka ina MURUB₄ tam-ḫa-[ri]

iii 31'31'

ina ki-rim--šá DÙG.GA taḫ-ṣi-in-ka-ma taḫ-ti₇-na gi-mir [la]-ni-ka

iii 32'32'

pa-nu--šá dGIŠ.BAR in-na-pa-aḫ ez-zi-* x x9

iii 33'33'

nam-ri-ri- È-ma a-na ka-šá-ad .KÚR-šá DU-ik

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

[e]-li mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šá ug-gu-ga-at pa-nu-[-šá taš-kun]

iv 22

[ina] ITI.KIN ši-pir dINANNA.MEŠ i-sin-ni AN.ŠÁR MAḪ

(iv 2) [In] the month Ulūlu (VI), “the work of the goddesses,” the festival of the exalted (god) Aššur, [the mon]th of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light (Sîn) (iv 5) [and] the message of the goddess Ištar, my lady, which cannot be changed. [I must]ered my battle troops, warriors who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Aššur, Sîn, and I[štar. I set out on] the path [again]st Teumman, the king of the land Elam, [and] t[o]ok the direct roa[d].

iv 33

ITI d30 dna-an-nàr AN-e u KI-tim at-kil

iv 44

a-na .BAR x dŠEŠ.KI nam-ri

iv 55

[ù] ši-pir d15 GAŠAN-ia šá la in-nen-nu-u

iv 66

[ad]-ke ERIM.MEŠ -ia mun-daḫ?-ṣe? šá ina -bit AN.ŠÁR d30? u d15?

iv 77

it-ta-na-áš-rab-bi-ṭu MURUB₄ tam-ḫa-ri

iv 88

[e]-li mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA?.KI?

iv 99

ur-ḫu? [aṣ-bat-ma] -[te]-še-ra ḫar-ra?-[nu]

iv 1010

il-la-mu-u-a [mte-um-man MAN] KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI]

(iv 10) [B]efore me, [Teumman, the king of] the land Elam, [set up camp in] the city Bīt-Imbî. [He heard about the entr]y of my royal majesty i[nto (the city) Dēr]

iv 1111

[i-na] URU.É-mim-bi-[i na-di ma-dak-]

iv 1212

[e]-reb <<U>> LUGAL-ti-ia šá -[reb BÀD.AN.KI]10



iv 1'1'

[...] x

(iv 1') [...] I placed [Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikas II), who had fled to me (and) had grasped my feet, on h]is (Teumman’s) [throne]. (iv ) I installed [Tammarītu], his third [bro]ther, as king [in the city Ḫida]lu. [(With) the chariots, w]a<go>ns, horses, harness-[broken] (steeds), (and) equipment suited for war [that] (iv 10´) I captured [between the city Sus]a and the Ulāya River [with the suppor]t of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, the great gods, [by the com]mand of (the god) Aššur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out [o]f the land Elam and salvation was established [fo]r my entire army.

iv 2'2'

[...] x

iv 3'3'

[...] x

iv 4'4'

[iṣ-ba-tu GÌR.II-ia ina GIŠ.GU.ZA]-šú ú-še-šib

iv 5'5'

[mtam-ma-ri-tu] ŠEŠ-šu šal-šá-a-a

iv 6'6'

[ina URU.ḫi-da]-lu a-na LUGAL-u-ti áš-kun

iv 7'7'

[GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ].ṣu-<um>-bi ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ11 (erasure)

iv 8'8'

[ṣi-mit-ti] ni-i-ri GIŠ.til-li si-mat

iv 9'9'

[ša ina tukul]-ti AN.ŠÁR u d15 DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ (erasure)

iv 10'10'

[bi-rit URU.šu-šá]-an u ÍD.ú-la-a-a ik-šú-da ŠU.II-a-a

iv 11'11'


iv 12'12'

[ul]-tu -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ḫa-diš ú-ṣa-am-ma

iv 13'13'

[a]-na gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ša-lim-tu šak-na-at

iv 14'14'

ina 8-e ger-ri-ia

(iv 14') On my eighth campaign

Blank space for ca. 2–3 lines

Blank space for ca. 2–3 lines

iv 15'15'

3-šú nis-ḫu NU AL.TIL

(iv 15') Third extract, (inscription) not complete.

1The translation assumes that this line contained -ku-nu pi-i-šú “had sided with them”; see, for example, text no. 6 (Prism C) v 42.

2After ii 29, the text lacks the contents of text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 61–65 that appear at this location in the latter inscription. This omission corresponds to the tradition found in text no. 3 (Prism B), which also does not contain those lines of the later prism inscription. *-ta-ra-aḫ “he was bragging”: The text has for .

3The long list of gods in this line duplicates the list found in text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 66–67, and thus the tablet does not follow the tradition found in text no. 3 (Prism B) v 2, which only mentions the goddess Ištar.

4a-na [AN.ŠÁR] ... iḫ-tu-u bil-[tu]placed a bu[rden] o[n (the god) Aššur]”: The translation of this phrase here and in text nos. 3 (Prism B) v 40; 6 (Prism C) vi 20´; 7 (Prism Kh) v 115–116; and 200 obv. 18 is based upon the translation of R. Borger (BIWA p. 225). Following an old, conjectural suggestion of A.C. Piepkorn (Asb. pp. 64–65), W. von Soden (AHw p. 338 sub ḫatû II) and P. Villard (Syria 96 [2019] §5), tentatively proposed reading this passage as iḫ-ṭú-u [bil-tu la ú-bi-la] “he sinned (and) [withheld (his) tribute].” Given that the TU sign is never attested with the value ṭú in the present corpus of Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions, this proposal is highly unlikely. Since the verb haṭû (“to do wrong”) appears multiple times (for example, text no. 11 [Prism A] i 118 and 132) in Ashurbanipal’s inscriptions and is always written as iḫ-ṭu-u or iḫ-ṭu-ú in subordinate clauses, the proposed reading of the signs iḫ-tu-u as iḫ-ṭú-u is not accepted here. For this opinion, see the comments of Borger (BIWA p. 100). Furthermore, J.N. Postgate and M. Worthington (personal communication) have suggested that bil-tu could actually be read as pil-tu, for piš-tu “insult.” If this is correct, then the phrase might instead be translated “cast an in[sult] a[t (the god) Aššur].”

5GIM GUN ina qa-bal tam-ḫa-ri pu-uṭ-ṭi-ri-šú-ma “drive him away like a ... in the thick of battle and”: The translation follows CAD P p. 300 sub paṭāru 12.b. The Akkadian literally translates, “unloose him like a load/burden in the thick of battle and.”

6e-ru-ba-ni “entered”: The form is grammatically problematic. The accounts in text no. 3 (Prism B) v 52, text no. 6 (Prism C) vi 34´, and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 130 instead have the correct form e-ru-ba-am-ma “entered and.”

7šá-áš-me* “war”: The text has ŠI for the visually similar me.

8a-šar pa-nu-kimy (lit. ‘your’) destination”: The accounts in text no. 3 (Prism B) v 58 and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 138 have a-šar pa-nu-u-a “my destination.” The scribe apparently forgot that this line was part of the quotation by the goddess Ištar, and thus employed the 2fs suffix to reference her directly instead of the appropriate 1cs suffix.

9The reading of these two lines on the tablet follows the tradition found in text no. 6 (Prism C) vi 9´´–10´´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vi 6–7. Text no. 3 (Prism B) v 70 instead has šam-riš ta-at-ta-ṣi a-na a-ḫa-a-ti “she went off furiously outside.” The latter reading, however, may have influenced the scribe of the tablet at this point. H. Winckler’s copy (Sammlung 3 p. 73) records two signs at the end of line 32´ after ez-zi- “furiously,” which appear as if they should be read as šam-riš “furiously” given the context of the line. But R. Borger (BIWA p. 101) commented that these traces are highly uncertain as šam-riš. The signs are difficult to discern, not just because of damage, but because the end of the sign in ez-zi- is written on top of the beginning of the first x in the present transliteration. Thus, it seems that the scribe of the tablet was treating the final elements of the line as an erasure, so if the signs were originally šam-riš from the account of text no. 3 (Prism B), the scribe corrected this intrusive element in order to make the tablet fall in line with the reading of text nos. 6 (Prism C) and 7 (Prism Kh).

10<<U>> LUGAL-ti-ia “my royal majesty”: Perhaps the scribe initially started to write the MAN sign, but then decided to use the LUGAL sign instead.

11(erasure): Based on the accounts in text no. 3 (Prism B) vi 3 and text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 4, ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ “mules” should be in the erasure.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap5 sub=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap5/outlined.lst/1 list=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap5/outlined.lst/1/1-z1-p4.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap5/outlined.lst/1/1-z1.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap5/Q003/Q003778 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap5/Q003/Q003778 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap5/Q003/Q003778/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap5/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=ruler sort_labels=ruler head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,popular_name,provenience,object_type cat_links=(null) cat_widths=35,35,15,15

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=en nlangs=1 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=Q003778 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=rinap/rinap5 htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap5/Q003/Q003778/Q003778.html dotted=(null) index=79 page=4 pindex=4 zoom=1 zpag=4 zindex=79 prev=Q003777 next=Q003779 tmax=346 xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap5/Q003/Q003778/Q003778.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/rinap/rinap5/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=318


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