Ashurbanipal 072
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
o io i | Lacuna | |
o i 1'1' | [... ú-nam-mir? ki]-⸢ma u₄-me⸣ | (i 1') [... I made (it) shine li]ke daylight [... in Egašanḫil]ikuga [... (and) I made (Šarrat-Kidmuri) dwell on (her) ete]rnal [dais]. |
o i 2'2' | ||
o i 3'3' | [... pa-rak da]-⸢ra⸣-a-ti | |
o i 4'4' | [...].⸢MEŠ⸣-šú | |
o i 5'5' | [...].⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
o i 6'6' | [...] x | |
o i 7'7' | [...] x | |
Lacuna | ||
Column ii | ||
o iio ii | Lacuna | |
o ii 1'1' |⸢ṣur KUR.ku⸣-[ú-su ik-šu-du-ma ina la mi-ni iš-lu-la šal-la-as-su] | (ii 1') [(wherein) he (Esarhaddon) conquered] Egypt (and) Ku[sh and (then) carried off its booty without number. He ruled over] that land in [its] ent[irety and made (it) part of the territory of Assyria. He changed] the forme[r] names of the cities [and gave them new names. He appointed] his servants [therein] as king(s), go[vernor(s), (and) official(s). He imposed upon them annual] tribute payment (in recognition) of [his] overlordshi[p]. |
o ii 2'2' | KUR šu-a-tu a-na ⸢si-ḫir⸣-[ti-šá i-be-el-ma a-na mi-ṣir KUR aš-šur.KI ú-ter] | |
o ii 3'3' | MU.MEŠ URU.MEŠ maḫ-ru-⸢ti⸣ [ú-nak-kir-ma a-na eš-šu-ú-te iš-ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un] | |
o ii 4'4' | ⸢ARAD⸣.MEŠ-šú a-na LUGAL-ti LÚ.⸢NAM⸣-[ú-ti LÚ.GAR-nu-ú-te ú-pa-qí-da ina lìb-bi] | |
o ii 5'5' | GUN man-da-at-tu be-lu-⸢ti⸣-[šú šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin ṣe-ru-uš-šú-un] | |
o ii 6'6' | ⸢55 ALAM LUGAL⸣-ti-šú-⸢nu⸣ x [...] | (ii 6') Fifty-five of their royal statue(s) [...] the victory that he had achieved ... [...] in cult centers (and) temples, which are insi[de ...]. |
o ii 7'7' | li-i-tú ki-šit-ti ⸢ŠU⸣.II-šú ⸢ma⸣-x [...] | |
o ii 8'8' | ina ma-ḫa-za-a-ni É.KUR.⸢MEŠ? šá qé-reb⸣ [...] | |
o ii 9'9' | (ii 9') After the father who had engendered me ... [...], Taharqa, without (the consent of) the gods, [made a serious attempt to take away Egypt for ...]. He [scorned] the might of (the god) Aššur, my lord, [and trusted in his own strength]. The harsh deeds that the father who had engendered me had p[erformed against him did not cross his mind]. He came and e[ntered] the city Memphis, [and (then) turned that city over to himself]. Against the people of Assyria who were insi[de Egypt, servants who belonged to me], (ii 15´) whom Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — [had appointed as king(s) there, he dispatched his army] to kill, rob, (and) p[lunder (them)]. | |
o ii 10'10' | mtar-qu-ú ba-⸢lu⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢a-na⸣ [e-kemṣur uš-tam-ṣa-a a-na DA ...] | |
o ii 11'11' | ⸢da-na-an? AN?.ŠÁR? EN?-ia? e?⸣-[mì-iš-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-šú] | |
o ii 12'12' | ⸢ep?-šet? ma?-ru-uš?-tú šá AD DÙ-u-a e⸣-[pu-šú-uš ul ib-bal-kit ina lìb-bi-šú] | |
o ii 13'13' | ⸢il-li-kám-ma qé⸣-reb⸢em-pi e⸣-[ru-um-ma URU šu-a-tu ú-ter ra-ma-nu-uš] | |
o ii 14'14' | e-li ⸢UN⸣.MEŠ KUR aš-⸢šur⸣ ša qé-⸢reb⸣ [ṣur ARAD.MEŠ-ni da-gíl pa-ni-ia] | |
o ii 15'15' | ša maš-šur-⸢PAP⸣-AŠ MAN KUR aš-⸢šur⸣ AD DÙ-u-⸢a⸣ [a-na LUGAL-ú-ti ip-qí-du ina lìb-bi] | |
o ii 16'16' | ⸢a-na da⸣-a-⸢ki⸣ ḫa-ba-a-⸢ti šá⸣-[la-li ú-ma-ʾe-e-ra um-man-šú] | |
o ii 17'17' | ⸢al-la-a-ku⸣ ḫa-an-ṭu ina ⸢qé?-reb NINA⸣.[KI il-li-kam-ma ú-šá-an-na-a ia-a-ši] | (ii 17') A fast messenger [came] to N[ineveh and reported (this) to me. My heart became enraged] about the[se] deeds [and my temper turned hot]. I summoned (my) field marshal (and) [governors, together with the troops (under) their authority, my elite forces], and (ii 20´) [I] quickly [gave] the ord[er to them] to support (and) a[id the kings (and) governors, servants who belonged to me, (and) I made them take the road to Egypt]. |
o ii 18'18' | e-⸢li⸣ ep-še-e-ti an-⸢na⸣-[a-ti lìb-bi i-gu-ug-ma iṣ-ṣa-ri-iḫ ka-bat-ti] | |
o ii 19'19' | ⸢al⸣-si-ma LÚ.tur-tan ⸢LÚ⸣.[NAM.MEŠ a-di ERIM.MEŠ ŠU.II-šú-nu e-mu-qí-ia MAḪ.MEŠ] | |
o ii 20'20' | a-na na-ra-ru-⸢ti ḫa⸣-[mat LUGAL.MEŠ LÚ.NAM.MEŠ ARAD.MEŠ-ni da-gíl pa-ni-ia] | |
o ii 21'21' | ur-ru-⸢ḫiš ṭè-e⸣-[mu áš-kun-šú-nu-ti ḫar-ra-anṣur ú-šá-áš-ki-na GÌR.II-šú-un] | |
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
rr | Reverse completely missing |
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as