Ashurbanipal 061

o 1o 1


(1) Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of As[syria], the pious servant, the one who reveres the great gods, beloved of the god Aššur and the goddess Mullissu, the one required by the gods Nabû and Marduk, the one who protects the secret knowledge of the great gods, (5) the one who is assiduous towards san[ctuari]es, the holy priest whose gi[ving of food off]erings the gods of heaven (and) netherworld enj[oy], the one who ... Ešarra, the one who am[a]sses te[mple] appurtenance(s),

o 22

re-e-šú mut-nen-nu-u pa-liḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.ME

o 33

na-ra-am d-šur u dNIN.LÍL ḫi-šiḫ-ti

o 44


o 55

muš-te₉--ú áš?-[re?]-e SANGA

o 66

šá na-[dan zi]-bi-šú i-ra-[mu] DINGIR.ME šu-ut AN KI

o 77

mu-x [x] x é-šár-ra mu-na-ki-mu si-mat É?.[KUR?]

o 88

x [x x] x [x] x x x [x] x MUNUS.SIG₅

(8) (No translation possible)

o 99

I [...] GAL [x]

o 1010

ŠI x (x) x x [...] x x

o 1111

x [...]

o 1212

[x] AN? [...] x x MA

o 1313

ina .NUN-[ni-šú? ú]-šar-[ma]-a? šu-bat-su

(13) [I] made (him) t[ake] his seat in [his] (own) pri[vate room. I completed] Es[agil]. (As for) the replica of the apsû, the pala[ce of the k]ing of the go[d]s, the god Marduk, I dec[orated (it)] with silver (and) [gold] (and) made (it) shine [like] the sun.

o 1414

é-sag-[íl ú-šak-lil] GABA.RI ap-se-e

o 1515


o 1616

ú-za-[ʾi-in] ú-šá-an-bi-ṭa dUTU-[niš]

o 1717

dAMAR.UTU [EN ṣi]-ru? na-bu-ú [zi]-kir [MU]-ia

(17) (As for) the god Marduk, [the exalte]d [lord], the one who called me [by name], from ... [...] the pl[ace of] his creation, [I loaded (him)] into a bo[at] and (20) made (him) tak[e the road to Š]uanna (Babylon). I made (them) enter [into] Esag[il, the seat of his lordly] majesty [and placed (him)] on his [s]eat. ... [...] the gods, my helpers, [...] Egypt and Kush (25) [... Šuan]na (Babylon), a temple [...] gold [...] the underworld ... [...].

o 1818

ul-tu KI-x [...] x x a-[šar] nab-ni-ti-šú

o 1919

-reb GIŠ. [ú-še-li?]-ma

o 2020

ú-šá-aṣ-bi-[it KASKAL?] šu-an-na?.<KI>

o 2121

[ina] é-sag-[íl šu-bat] EN-ti-[šú]

o 2222

ú-še-rib?-[ma ...] šub-tuš-šú

o 2323

x x x [...] x DINGIR.ME tik-le-ia

o 2424

[... KUR].mu-ṣur u KUR.ku-si

o 2525

[... šu-an]-na.KI e-kur-

o 2626

.GI [...] x KUR.a-ra-al-li

o 2727

x x DA? [...] ina u₄-me-šu-ma

(27b) At that time, the trap[pi]ngs of the exalted chariot of [the king of the god(s) (Marduk)], the v[ehicle of] the lord of lo<rds>, (and) a bed of mus[ukkann]u-wood, a [du]rable wo[od], (30) that is cla[d] with gold [...] as a bed for the god(dess) [...] (the god) Aššur [and] the god(dess) [...] my [...]

o 2828

ṣi-in-da GIŠ.GIGIR [LUGAL? DINGIR?] ṣir-tu ru-[kub] EN EN.<EN>

o 2929

GIŠ. GIŠ.MES.[.KAN].NA iṣ-[ṣi da]-re-e

o 3030

šá .GI lit-bu-šat [...]-at

o 3131

a-na ma-a-a-al d[...]

o 3232

AN?.ŠÁR? [u] dx [...]

o 3333

x [(x)]-ia [...]





r 1'1'

[...] x x [...]

(r 1') [...] ... [...] to/for [... t]hat [wall] became dilapidated and [...] I identified its (original) site (and) [reached its] foundation pit. (rev. ) [In a] favorable [mon]th, (on) an auspicious day, I (re)la[id] its foundation(s and thereby) [secured] its [bri]ckwork. With limestone, a [(strong) mountain] st[one, ...] of its foundation(s). [I m]ixed (the mud for) [its] revetment with oil [...] (and) pleasant(-smelling) [aromatic]s. I built (and) completed (it) [from] its [foun]dation(s) [t]o its crenellations. (rev. 10´) I made (it) larger th[an the one in the da]ys of the past (and) its appearance (more) [res]plendent.

r 2'2'

[...] a-na [...]

r 3'3'

[BÀD šu]-a-tu e-na-aḫ-ma i-[...]

r 4'4'

a-šar-šú ú-me-es-si dan-na-as-[su ak-šud]

r 5'5'

[ina] ITI DÙG.GA UD ŠE.GA UŠ₈-šú ad-[di]

r 6'6'

[ú-kin] SIG₄-su ina pe-e-li NA₄ [KUR-i (dan-ni)]

r 7'7'

[...] šá? te-me-en-šú ina Ì.GIŠ [...]

r 8'8'

[ŠIM.ḪI?].A? DÙG.GA.MEŠ [ab]-lu-la ta-ra-ḫu-[]

r 9'9'

[ul-tu] UŠ₈-šú [a]-di GABA.DIB-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil

r 10'10'

UGU [ša u₄]-me pa-ni ú-šá-tir

r 11'11'

ú-šar-ri-iḫ nab-ni-su

r 12'12'

[NA₄].NA..A.MEŠ ša MAN.MEŠ a-lik pa-ni-ia

(r 12') (As for the) [st]eles of the kings who came before me who bui[lt] this [wal]l, I anointed (them) wi[th oil, ma]de an offer[ing], (and) p[laced (them)] w[ith st]eles bearing my name.

r 13'13'

e-piš BÀD šú-a-te ina [Ì.GIŠ] ap-šu-

r 14'14'

UDU.SISKUR [aq]-qi it-[ti NA₄].NA..A.MEŠ

r 15'15'

ši-ṭir MU-ia áš-[kun NUN] EGIR-ú

(r 15'b) [May a fut]ure [ruler], one of the kings, [my] descendants, [whom (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar nominat]e [f]or ruling over the land and people, [renovate its] dilapidat[ed section(s)] when t[his] wall [becomes old] and dilapidated. [Just like] me, (rev. 20´) [ma]y he an[oi]n[t] the steles [bearing my name with oil], make an offering, (and) pla[ce] (them) [with st]eles [bear]ing his name. The deities Aššur, Adad, (and) Ištar will (then) listen to his [pra]yers.

r 16'16'

ina MAN.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-[ia ša -šur u d-tar a]-na be-lut KUR

r 17'17'

ù UN.MEŠ i-[nam-bu-ú zi]-kir-šú

r 18'18'

e-nu-ma BÀD šu-[a-tu i-lab-bi-ru?]-ma

r 19'19'

in-na-ḫu an-[ḫu-su lu-ud-diš ki-ma] ia-a-ti-ma

r 20'20'

NA₄.NA..A.MEŠ [ši-ṭir MU-ia Ì.GIŠ] lip-[šu]-

r 21'21'

UDU.SÍSKUR liq- [it-ti NA₄].NA..A.MEŠ

r 22'22'

[ši]-ṭir MU-šú liš-kun d-šur dIŠKUR dINANNA

r 23'23'

[ik]-ri-bi-šú i-šem-mu-ú

r 24'24'

ITI.DU₆. li-mu mu₈-a-nu

(r 24') Tašrītu (VII), eponymy of Awiānu, governor of the land Que (655).

r 25'25'

.EN.NAM KUR.qu-e

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2017, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as