Ashurbanipal 023
Obverse | ||
11 | [a-na d]⸢NIN.LÍL⸣ ru-ba-tu ṣir-tu e-tel-lat dí-gì-gì u dGÉŠ.U šá-ru-uḫ-tum i-lá-a-ti šar-⸢rat⸣ [šar-ra]-⸢a⸣-ti | (1) [For the goddess Mul]lis[s]u, exalted ruler, the pre-eminent one among the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods, the most splendid of goddesses, the que[en of que]ens, the Ištar worthy of praise, who is endo[w]ed with sexual charm (and) filled with awe-inspiring radiance, the supreme lady whose lordly majesty is the most outstanding (and) whose divinity is the greatest among the gods of [a]ll settlements, the very competent one, the lady of all things that (are found) in the whole (lit. “territory”) of heav[e]n and netherworld, [the one who holds] the bond of the bright firmament, who[se] place is firmly founded in the wide heavens, [...], |
22 | diš-tar ta-na-da-a-ti šá ku-uz-bu za-aʾ-⸢nat⸣ ma-lat nam-ri-ri be-el-tu šur-bu-tú ša ina DINGIR.MEŠ | |
33 | ⸢kul?⸣-lat? da-ád-me šu-tu-qát be-lut-sa šur-ba-a-ta DINGIR-⸢us-sa⸣ dZÍB be-let DÙ mim-ma šum-šú šá ina paṭ šá-ma-⸢me⸣ u qaq-qa-ri1 | |
44 | [ṣa-bi-ta-at?] ⸢mar⸣-kas bu-ru-um-me KÙ.MEŠ šá ina AN-e rap-šu-ti šur-šú-du gis-gal-la-[šá? ...]2 | |
55 | [ḫi-rat? d]⸢EN⸣.LÍL.⸢LÁ⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ šá-qu-ú LUGAL AN-e u ⸢KI⸣-tim mu-šim ši-ma-a-ti AMA DINGIR.⸢MEŠ⸣ ša | (5) [wife of the E]nli[l] of the gods (Aššur) — the (most) exalted one, the king of heaven and [net]herworld, the one who decrees fates — the mother of the gods whose command(s) cannot be changed (and) whose pronoun[cements] cannot be altered, the one who has gathered to herself (all of) the valuable divine offices of the god Anu, the one who grasps the res[po]nsibility of supreme power, the <lo>ft[y] wild cow whose horns are pointed, the one who gores [(...)] fo[es] (to death), [...], the one who treads on the unyielding, the one who rides great storm-demons, who does not have an opponent among the gods (and) who[se ...] does not exist among goddesses [...], whose widespread net is la[i]d for (trapping) enemies, from whose snare ene[mies] do not escape, [... t]o the side of the capable, who rules over the totality of [ev]erything and makes all of the lands bow do[wn to] her [yo]ke, |
66 | ⸢qí⸣-bit-sa la in-nen-nu-ú la ut-tak-ka-ru ṣi-it [pi-i]-šá ḫa-mì-mat GARZA.MEŠ da-num ⸢šu⸣-qu-ru-ti | |
77 | ta-me-ḫat pi-⸢qí⸣-ti dEN.LÍL-u-ti ri-im*-tú <šá>-qu-⸢tú⸣ šá qar-na-šá ed-da mu-nak-ki-pat za-ʾi-[ri ...]3 | |
88 | ⸢ka-bi-sa-at?⸣ áš-ṭu-ti ra-ki-pat UD.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá ina DINGIR.MEŠ ge-ru-šá la i-šu-u ina d15.MEŠ la ib-šú-u [...] | |
99 | sa-par-šá šu-par-ru-ru a-na a-a-bi šu-nu-⸢ul⸣-lu ina giš-par-ri-šá la ip-pa-raš-ši-du na-[ki-ru? ...]-ni | |
1010 | [i?]-na i-di le-ʾu-ú-ti šá nap-ḫar ⸢ka⸣-la ta-bé-lu-ma KUR.KUR DÙ-ši-na tu-šak-ni-[šú a-na? ni?]-ri-šá4 | |
1111 | ⸢an⸣-tum réme-ni-tum le-qát un-ni-ni še-⸢ma-at⸣ ik-ri-bi ⸢na⸣-ṣi-rat na-piš-ti qa-⸢i⸣-[šat TI.LA] | (11) (the goddess) [A]ntu, the merciful one, the one who accepts supplications (and) he[ar]s prayers, the one who [p]rotects life (and) gran[ts good health], the one who goes at the side of [the king] — her favorite — who resc[ues] the ruler who re[veres] her from tro[ub]le (and) difficulty, the one who resides in [Nineveh — the] holy [ci]ty, the dwelling of the ... of the great gods — the great lady, my lady: |
1212 | a-li-kàt i-di [LUGAL] mi-gir-i-šá ša ina PAP.⸢ḪAL⸣ BAD₄ ú-še-⸢zi⸣-[bu] NUN pa-[liḫ]-šá a-ši-bat [NINA.KI] ⸢URU⸣ KÙ | |
1313 | šu-bat [(x)] x DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ GAŠAN GAL-tu GAŠAN-ia [a-na-ku] mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-⸢A⸣ [MAN] ŠÚ MAN KUR [AN.ŠÁR.KI ti-ri]-iṣ ŠU.II-[ki?]5 | (13b) [I], Ashurbanipal, [king of] the world, king of [Assyria], the one to whom [your] hands [are stretc]hed out, the p[io]us governor, the one who pulls your yoke, ... [...] ... [... who] made [...] resplendent and made appeals to your lordly majesty, [who]se mind [thought] to [...] ... [...], with erbu-offerings, gifts, voluntary offerings, petiti[ons ...] at your [fe]et [...]; son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descen[dant of Sar]gon (II), king of the world, [king of As]syria, [governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and] Akkad; |
1414 | GÌR.NÍTA ⸢mut⸣-nen-nu-u šá-ʾi-iṭ ni-ri-ki ki-⸢ṣir⸣ [...] U MU ŠÚ [...] | |
1515 | ú-ša-pu-ma ú-ṣal-lu-u be-lut-ki a-na x [...] x AN x [... ib-šá-a?] GEŠTU.II-šú [...] | |
1616 | ina ⸢er⸣-bi qí-šá-a-ti ŠÀ.GI.GURU₆.A tés-li-[ti ... šá]-pal-ki [...] | |
1818 | šá a-bu la ú-rab-ban-ni la iṣ-pu-pan-ni [kap-pi ...] x TAR x [... nu]-bal-lu | (18) whom no father has raised (nor) taught to spread [(his) wing(s), ...] ... [... w]ing [...] you protected me [...] ... [... pe]ace, you had [your] beneficent [protection] spread out over [me, ...] y[ou had me] firmly [placed on the throne of the fat]her who had engendered me. [May] a good, protective šēdu (and) a ju[s]t lamassu that prese[rves lif]e [walk] at my side, [...]. |
1919 | [...]-Ú taḫ-ti-nin-ni [...] x TI x [... sa?]-⸢li⸣-mu | |
2020 | [ṣu-lul-ki] DÙG.GA tu-šat-ri-ṣi UGU-[ia ...] šur-šú-diš ⸢tu⸣-[še-ši-bi-in-ni ina GIŠ.GU.ZA?] ⸢AD⸣ DÙ-ia6 | |
2121 | dALAD dum-qí na-ṣi-ru dLAMMA me-⸢šá⸣-ri mu-šal-⸢li⸣-[mat? ZI?]-⸢tim?⸣ Á.II-a-⸢a⸣ [lil-li-ku? ... ina tukul-ti?]-⸢ki⸣ GAL-ti | (21b) [With yo]ur great [support], I follow after you (and) you marc[h] at my side. I constantly over[come ...] my [en]emies. You [allowed me to stand over] my foes in victory, strength, (and) triumph. [... Through your ..., which] cannot be changed, you commanded my exercising the kingship for everlasting days. [...] shrines [... (The god) Aššur and the goddess Mull]issu looked upon me with their benevolent glance and commanded [... At] your exalted [comman]d, I set [...] to complete sanctuaries, pro[v]ide for cult-centers, (and) put in order [...] cultic rites (and) kidudû-rites: |
2222 | at-ta-lak ar-ki-ki i-da-a-a tal-li-⸢ki⸣ a-ta-tab-⸢lak⸣-[kat ... a]-a-bi-ia | |
2323 | ina li-i-ti da-na-ni ki-šit-ti ŠU.II tu-[šá-zi-zi-in-ni EDIN] ga-re-ia [... šá] ⸢la? ut?-tak⸣-ka-ru7 | |
2424 | e-peš LUGAL-u-ti-ia taq-bi-i ana UD.MEŠ da-ru-te [...] iš-re-e-te [... AN.ŠÁR u dNIN].LÍL8 | |
2525 | ina ni-iš IGI.II-šú-nu SIG₅.MEŠ ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma iq-bu-u ZA [... ina qí-bi?]-⸢ti⸣-ki ṣir-te9 | |
2626 | a-na šuk-lul eš-re-e-ti za-⸢na⸣-an ma-ḫa-zi šu-te-šur par-ṣe ki-du-de-e [...] x áš-kun-ma | |
2727 | é-⸢ḫur-sag⸣-gal-kur-kur-ra É AN.ŠÁR EN-ia šá mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-AŠ MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI AD ba-[nu-u-a la ig]-mu-ra ⸢ši⸣-pir-šú10 | (27) (As for) Eḫ[ursa]ggalkurkurra, the temple of (the god) Aššur, my lord, whose construction Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had enge[ndered me, had not fin]ished, I finished its construction by the command of (the god) Aššur, the great lord, my lord, and cl[ad] its walls [with g]old (and) silver. I fastened band(s) of silver on tall [columns of ce]dar (and) erected (them) at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. [I made] (the god) Aššur [en]ter into Ešarra, (which is) a replica of the temple of the Enlil of the heavens, and [made (him) reside on] (his) eternal [da]is. |
2828 | i-na qí-bit AN.ŠÁR EN GAL-e EN-ia ši-pir-šú ag-mur-ma É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú ú-šal-[bi-šá] ⸢KÙ⸣.GI KÙ.BABBAR [GIŠ.tim-me GIŠ].⸢EREN⸣ MAḪ.MEŠ | |
2929 | me-ser KÙ.BABBAR ú-rak-kis ina KÁ ḫi-ṣib KUR.KUR az-qup AN.ŠÁR ina é-šár-ra tam-šil É dEN.LÍL šá AN-e [ú-še]-rib-ma [ú-šar-ma-a pa]-rak da-ra-a-ti | |
3030 | é-maš-maš É dNIN.LÍL GAŠAN-⸢ia⸣ at-ma-nu mu-šab be-lu-ti-šá KÁ.MEŠ-šú sip-pi-šú ⸢SI⸣.GAR-i-šú [KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI lu]-⸢u⸣ uḫ-ḫi-iz11 | (30) (As for) Emašmaš, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, [m]y lady, the inner sanctum, the dwelling place of her lordly majesty, I [in]laid its gates, door jambs, (and) d[oo]r bolts with [silver (and) gold]. |
3131 | á-ki-tu mu-šab be-lu-ti-šá ša UD.21.KAM šá ITI.AB GAŠAN GAL-tu uṣ-ṣu-ma ú-šal-la-mu [...] ⸢par⸣-ṣe-šá? [ul-tu u₄-me? LUGAL].⸢MEŠ⸣ AD.MEŠ-ia12 | (31) (As for) the akītu-house, the dwelling place of her lordly majesty, where on the twenty-first day of Ṭebētu (X) (her) great divinity goes out and properly carries out [...], whose [ri]tes had been forgotten [since the days of the king]s, my ancestors, and which had not been constructed according to its original specifications, like the previous one — I now built (and) co[mp]leted (it) in its entirety [with baked bricks inlai]d with obsidian (and) lapis lazuli. I filled (it) with splendor. Through the craft of the deity Ninzadim, I depi[ct]ed on it (images of) the settlements of enemies that I had co[nq]uered (and) representations of en[e]mies who(se defeat) I had regularly brought about by the command of her exalted d[ivini]ty, as well as (those of) kings who had not bowed d[own] to me. |
3232 | im-ma-šu-ma ina si-ma-ti-šá LIBIR.RA.MEŠ GIM šá maḫ-ri la šu-pu-šá-tu i-na-an-na a-na-[ku ina a-gúr-ri? tam]-⸢lit⸣ NA₄.ZÚ NA₄.ZA.GÌN | |
3333 | a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá ar-ṣip ú-⸢šak⸣-lil lu-le-e ú-mal-li da-ad-me na-ki-ri ša ⸢ik⸣-šú-da ŠU.II-a-a | |
3434 | si-ma-a-ti na-⸢ki⸣-ri šá ina qí-bit ⸢DINGIR⸣-ú-ti-šá ṣir-ti áš-tak-ka-nu ù LUGAL.MEŠ la kan-šú-[ti]-⸢ia⸣ | |
3535 | ina ši-pir dnin-zá-dím UGU-šá ú-⸢ṣir⸣ é-ki-bi-kù-ga ziq-qur-rat ⸢NINA⸣.KI [...]13 | (35b) (As for) Ekibikuga, the ziggurrat of Nine[ve]h, [...]. (As for) Matumma[l], the boat of the goddess Mullissu, I built (it) with cedar and inlaid (it) with silver. (As for) the outer gate that ... [...] the cross-shap[e]d, the place of pelludû-rites, the ... of the king, I built (and) completed (it) in its entirety. |
3636 | GIŠ.má-tum-ma-⸢al?⸣ GIŠ.MÁ dNIN.LÍL šá GIŠ.EREN ab-ni-ma KÙ.BABBAR uḫ-ḫi-iz KÁ AŠ.A.AN šá mu-us-saḫ-⸢ra?⸣-[...] x iš-pil-lu-ur-⸢ti⸣ | |
3737 | a-šar pel-lu-⸢de⸣-e x (x)-ti LUGAL a-⸢na si⸣-ḫir-ti-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul-tú mim-ma ši-pir É [...]-⸢ia⸣ e-⸢pu⸣-šú KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI ú-za-⸢ʾi⸣-[nu]14 | (37b) Aft[e]r I had d[o]ne every type of work on the temple of [..., m]y [lady], (and) decor[ated] (it) with silver (and) gold, I inlaid the inner sanctum of the god Nabû, my lord, that is in Nineveh, with silver (and) gold. |
3838 | at-man dAG EN-ia šá qé-reb NINA.KI KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI lu-u uḫ-ḫi-iz É d30 dnin-gal dUTU [da]-a šá [qé]-⸢reb⸣ NINA.KI15 | (38b) (As for) the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Šamaš, (and) [Ay]a that is [insid]e Nineveh, I built (and) completed (it) in its entirety. I made the deities Sîn, Ningal, [Nusku, Šamaš, (and)] A[ya, the gods who s]uppor[t me, ...] enter inside it and made (them) dwell (on their) eternal dais(es). |
3939 | a-na si-⸢ḫir⸣-ti-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil d30 dnin-gal d[nusku dUTU d]⸢a⸣-[a DINGIR.MEŠ] ⸢tik-le⸣-[ia ...] x ina qé-reb-e-šú | |
4040 | ú-še-rib-ma ú-šar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti é-gašan-kalam-⸢ma⸣ [...] É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú ú-[šal-bi]-⸢šá⸣ KÙ.⸢GI⸣ [... ú-še?]-piš16 | (40b) (As for) Egašankalam[a, ...], I [cla]d its walls with gol[d (... and) ma]de [...]. |
4141 | KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ud-diš é-sag-íl ú-šak-⸢lil⸣ BÁRA.MEŠ-šú tam-šil šá-ma-⸢mi⸣ [...]17 | (41) I renovated Babylon, completed Esagil, (and) [...] its daises, replica(s) of the heaven[s. ...] the deities Bēl (Marduk), [Bēltīya (Zarpanītu)], the Lady of Babylon, Ea, (and) Mandānu. [...] mood [...] sheep [... comma]nded the going on a peaceful road [...] the king [...] ... [... the cit]y of As[allu]ḫi, Babylon, [...]. |
4242 | be-lum [dGAŠAN-MU] dbe-let-KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI d⸢é⸣-a dDI.KU₅ [...] x ka-bat-⸢ti⸣ [...] | |
4343 | UDU.NÍTA.[MEŠ ... iq?]-⸢bu⸣-u a-lak ú-ru-uḫ šul-me ⸢ra?⸣-[...] | |
4444 | LUGAL [...]-su a-[...] ⸢URU?⸣ d⸢asal?⸣-[lú?]-ḫi? KÁ.DINGIR.RA.⸢KI⸣ [...] | |
4545 | ⸢BÁRA⸣.[MAḪ]-⸢ḫu⸣ šu-bat DINGIR-ú-ti-[šú ṣir-ti 50 GUN] ⸢za⸣-ḫa-⸢lu⸣-[u eb]-bu a-na a-[gúr-ri ap-ti-iq-ma ú-rab-ba-a EDIN-uš-šú] | (45) (As for) the th[rone-dai]s, the seat of [his (Marduk’s) exalted] divinity, [I cast fifty talents of shi]ny [z]aḫalû-[silver] into b[ricks and (thereby) enlarged it]. |
4646 | [ú-še-piš-ma? GIŠ.er-me a-nu] GIŠ.MES.⸢MÁ⸣.KAN.NA GIŠ dà-[re-e ... 34] GUN [20 MA.NA] ⸢KÙ⸣.GI ⸢ḪUŠ⸣.[A kip-pat-su ú-šal-biš ... ú]-šat-ri-⸢iṣ⸣18 | (46) [I had a canopy ... made from] musukkannu-wood, a dur[able] wood. [I clad its perimeter with thirty-four] talents (and) [twenty minas of] redd[ish g]old [... I] stretched o[ut ...]. |
4747 | [GIŠ.GIGIR ṣir]-⸢tum⸣ ru-⸢kub⸣ be-lu-ti-šú ina [KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na dAMAR.UTU LUGAL kiš-šat AN-e] u KI-tim19 | (47) [(As for) the exalt]ed [chariot], the ve[hic]le of his lordly majesty, [I completed its feature(s)] with [gold, silver, (and) precious stones. I gave (it)] as a gif[t to the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven] and netherworld, [the one who overwhelms] my [en]emi[e]s. |
4848 | [sa-pi-in LÚ].⸢KÚR.MEŠ?⸣-ia a-na ši-rik-[ti áš-ruk GIŠ.NÁ GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.NA iṣ]-⸢ṣi⸣ dà-re-e | (48b) [I skillfully made a bed of musukkannu-wood, a] durable [woo]d, [that is clad with pašallu-gold (and) studded with precious stones, as a] pleasure [bed] for the god Bēl (Marduk) (and) the goddess Bēltīya (Zarpanītu) [to carry out the wedding (and) to make l]o[ve. I placed (it) in Kaḫilisu, the bed ch]amber of the goddess Zarpanītu, which [is laden with] sex[ual charm]. |
4949 | [šá pa-šal-lu lit-bu-šat NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-ti za-aʾ-nat a-na ma-a-a-al] tak-né-e dEN dGAŠAN-ia | |
5050 | [šá-kan ḫa-šá-di e-peš] ⸢ru?-ʾa⸣-[a-me nak-liš e-pu-uš ina ká-ḫi-li-sù maš]-tak dzar-pa-ni-tum | |
5151 | ⸢šá ku⸣-[uz-bu sa-al-ḫu ad-di GIŠ.NÁ GIŠ.ESI iṣ]-ṣi ⸢dà⸣-[re-e šá KÙ].⸢GI⸣ ḪUŠ.A lit-⸢bu⸣-[šat a-na d]AMAR.UTU ⸢MAN⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ ra-ʾi-im BALA-ia aq-qiš | (51b) I presented [the god] Marduk, the ki[ng of] the gods, the one who loves my reign, with [a bed of ebony, a] du[rable wo]od, [which] is cl[ad with] reddish [gol]d. |
5252 | [ú-na-at KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI] ⸢NA₄⸣.MEŠ ni-⸢siq-ti⸣ ZABAR AN.⸢BAR⸣ mim-ma [ši-pir] ⸢É⸣.KUR ú-še-piš-ma qé-reb [é]-⸢sag⸣-gíl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ ú-⸢kin⸣20 | (52) I had [utensils of silver, gold], pre[cio]us [sto]nes, bronze, (and) iron made for every type of [t]emple [service], and had (them) deposited in [Es]agil, the palace of the gods. |
5353 | [é-sa]-⸢bad⸣ É d⸢gu⸣-[la šá] ⸢qé⸣-reb KÁ.DINGIR.⸢RA⸣.[KI ul-tu UŠ₈-šú a]-⸢di⸣ gaba-dib-bi-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil | (53) I built (and) completed [Esaba]d, the temple of the goddess G[ula that] is inside Babyl[on, from its foundation(s) t]o its crenellations. |
5454 | [6 AM.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR ek-du-ti na-ṣi-ru ki-bi]-⸢is⸣ LUGAL-ú-ti-[ia ina KÁ lú-gú]-⸢dù⸣-e-ne21 | (54) I sta[tioned six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my] royal [pat]h, [in the Lugud]uene [Gate], the Gate of the Rising Sun, [and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa]. |
5555 | KÁ ṣi-it dUTU-ši [u KÁ dLAMMA-RA.BI ina é-zi-da šá qé-reb bár-sipa].⸢KI⸣ ul-[ziz] | |
5656 | [KUN₄? KÙ.GI] ⸢ḪUŠ⸣.A šá 50 MA.NA KI.LÁ-šá a-[na me-le-e? šá]-qu?-ú-ti | (56) [I ... a threshold of re]ddish [gold], whose weight is fifty minas, t[o ascend to a hi]gh place [...]. |
5757 | [... ki-zálag-ga šu]-⸢bat⸣ dIZI.GAR 83 GUN za-ḫa-lu-u eb-bu | (57b) [I cast Kizalaga, the sea]t of the god Nūru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zaḫalû-metal [and, to make (it) shine (like) a brazier], I had [the appurtenance(s) of Ezida expertly] fashioned. |
5858 | [ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur KI.NE si-mat é-zi-da nak-liš] ú-še-piš22 | |
5959 | [2 per-ki KÙ.BABBAR eb]-bi šá AŠ₄ GUN.TA.ÀM KI.LÁ-šú*-nu* ⸢ina⸣ [ká-maḫ u ká-nam]-⸢ti⸣-la a-na ⸢tal⸣-[lak-ti ru-bu-ti-šú] ⸢ṣir⸣-ti ⸢ḫur⸣-šá-niš áš-pu-uk23 | (59) I[n (the gates) Kamaḫ and Kanamt]ila, for the pr[ocessional way of his e]xalted [rulership], I heaped up like [mou]ntain(s) [two sh]iny [silver pirkus], whose weight is six talents each. |
6060 | [...] ⸢šá⸣ ul-tu UD.MEŠ ul-lu-u-ti [(x)] im-[ma-šu-u] ⸢ši⸣-pir-šú [...] x ap-tiq-ma24 | (60) [...] whose [con]struction had been fo[rgotten] since distant days, [...] I fashioned and [...] its [...]. |
6161 | [...] x-šú é-mes-lam É dU.GUR šá GÚ.DU₈.A.[KI šá i-na]-⸢ḫu⸣-ma il-li-[ku la-ba]-⸢riš⸣ an-ḫu-su ud-diš | (61b) (As for) Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha, [which had become dilapidat]ed and [ol]d, I renovated its collapsed section(s and) [removed the portion(s) of it that had collapsed]. I built (and) completed (it) [from] its [found]ation(s) to its crenellations. |
6262 | [mi-qit-ta-šú ad-ke ul-tu] ⸢UŠ₈⸣-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil GIŠ.[ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN MAḪ].⸢MEŠ⸣ ú-šat-ri-[ṣa UGU-šú] GIŠ.IG.MEŠ ⸢GIŠ.li⸣-ia-a-ri | (62b) I roof[ed it] with [long] b[eams of cedar] (and) fixed doors of white cedar, [whos]e [fragrance] is sweet, in its gateways. I adorned the temple with musukkan[nu-wood, KA-wood], ebony, boxwood, [ḫilēpu-wood, and] UMBIN-wood. |
6363 | [šá e-re-si]-na DÙG.GA ú-rat-ta-a ina KÁ.MEŠ-šú ina GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.[NA GIŠ.KA GIŠ].⸢ESI GIŠ⸣.TÚG [GIŠ?.KÌM? u GIŠ].UMBIN us-si-[ma] É | |
6464 | [é-ḫúl]-⸢ḫúl⸣ É d30 šá qé-reb URU.KASKAL šá ul-tú UD.⸢MEŠ⸣ [SÙ.MEŠ? d30? ...] x ú-šad-gi-lu pa-[nu]-ú-a25 | (64) [(As for) Eḫulḫ]ul, the temple of the god Sîn, which is in the city Ḫarrān (and) which [the god Sîn ...] in [distant] days entrusted (its renovation) to me, I built (and) co[mpleted (it) from] its foundation(s) to its crenellations. I clad [...]. Insi[de it], I bui[lt] Emelamana, the temple of <the god> Nusku, the exalted vizier. |
6565 | [ul-tu] UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú ar-ṣip ú-⸢šak⸣-[lil ...] ⸢ú⸣-šal-biš é-me-⸢lám⸣-an-na | |
6666 | É <d>nusku* SUKKAL MAḪ ab-⸢na-a qé-reb⸣-[šú 2 AM.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia ina at-man] d30 EN-ia ul-ziz 2 làḫ-me eš-ma-re-e26 | (66b) [In the inner sanctum of] the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed [two wild bulls of silver, which gore my foes (to death). In a gateway of] Eḫulḫul, I (also) stationed two long-haired heroes of ešmarû-metal, which gra[sp divine emblems, (keep safe my royal path, and) bring in the yield of mountain and sea]. |
6767 | šá ti-iṣ-⸢bu⸣-[tú GIŠ.šu-ri-in-ni (mu-šal-li-mu kib-si LUGAL-ti-ia) mu-še-ri-bu ḫi-ṣib KUR-i u tam-tim ina KÁ] ⸢é⸣-ḫúl-ḫúl ul-ziz É á-ki-tu | (67b) I built (and) completed the akītu-house, the residen[ce of his lordly majesty. I ...] with silver (and) go[ld ...]. |
6868 | mu-⸢šab?⸣ [be-lu-ti-šú?] ⸢ar⸣-ṣip ú-šak-lil KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.[GI ... GIŠ].MES.MÁ.KAN.NA ⸢GIŠ⸣ dà-re-e za-[ḫa]-⸢lu⸣-[u] eb-bu | (68b) [...] musukkannu-[wood], a durable woo[d], I decorated (it) with shiny za[ḫa]l[û]-metal, [... (and) re]ddish [gold. ... I] set up [...] the god Sîn, m[y] lord, [...]. |
6969 | [... KÙ.GI] ⸢ḪUŠ⸣.A ú-za-ʾi-in [...] ⸢az⸣-qup d30 EN-⸢ia⸣ [...] ⸢at⸣-man ⸢d⸣[nusku] ⸢SUKKAL⸣ MAḪ | (69b) (As for) the inner sanctum of the go[d Nusku, the] exalted [vi]zier, [the one who intercedes on] my [be]half, the one who reminds [(...)] the god Sîn, my lord, I inla[id (it)] with silver. |
7070 | [ṣa-bit ab]-⸢bu-ut-ti⸣-ia mu-šaḫ-sis [(...)] d30 EN-ia KÙ.BABBAR uḫ-⸢ḫi⸣-[iz (...)] x GIŠ SI x ti šá a-na šub-ruq [... dIM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ?] ḪUŠ.MEŠ27 | (70b) [(As for ...)] ..., which to cause lightning to strike [...], I erected fierce [lion-headed eagles in the ... of] Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, on the right and lef[t. ...]. |
7171 | [...] é-me-lám-an-na É dnusku SUKKAL MAḪ im-nu u ⸢šu⸣-me-⸢lu ul⸣-ziz28 | |
7272 | [... ŠU.II d30 dnusku aṣ]-⸢bat⸣-ma ú-še-rib ú-še-šib pa-rak ⸢da-ra⸣-a-ti | (72b) [I too]k [the gods Sîn (and) Nusku by the hand], made (them) enter into (their respective temples), (and) made (them) sit on (their) e[te]rnal dais(es). |
7373 | é-dim-gal-kalam-ma É ⸢AN⸣.GAL šá ⸢BÀD⸣.[AN.KI a-na] ⸢si⸣-ḫir-ti-šú ⸢ar⸣-ṣip* ú-[šak-lil AN].GAL dGAŠAN-BÀD.AN.KI ⸢d⸣DUMU.É29 | (73) [In] its entirety, I built (and) [completed] Edimgalkalama, the temple of Great [A]nu of D[ēr]. I made the deities Great [Anu], Šarrat-Dēr, (and) Mār-bīti enter into it and [made (them) sit on (their) eterna]l [dais(es)]. F[o]r the dwelling place of his lordly majesty, I [clad] a seat of mu[suk]kannu-wood, a durable wood, with [shi]ny sil[ver. ... (of) si]lver, that is clad with reddish gold, in [its] e[ntirety, ...] ... |
7474 | qé-reb-šú ú-še-rib-ma ⸢ú⸣-[še-šib? pa-rak? da-ra-a]-⸢ti?⸣ KI.TUŠ GIŠ.MES.⸢MÁ⸣.KAN.NA GIŠ dà-re-⸢e⸣ a-⸢na⸣ mu-šab EN-ti-šú30 | |
7575 | KÙ.[BABBAR eb]-⸢bu ú⸣-[šal-biš ...] ⸢KÙ?⸣.BABBAR šá KÙ.GI ḪUŠ.A lit-bu-šú a-na ⸢si⸣-[ḫir-ti-šú ...] x-su | |
7676 | [d]IM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR eb-bi šá ma-lu-u pu-luḫ-tu a-na TI.LA ZI.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ [ina KÁ é-galam-mes É] ⸢d⸣U.GUR šá URU.tar-bi-ṣi ul-ziz31 | (76) For the preservation of m[y] life, I stationed lion-headed eagles of shiny silver, which are full of fearsomeness, [in gateway(s) of Egallammes, the temple of the g]od Nergal of the city Tarbiṣu. |
7777 | eš-ret KUR AN.ŠÁR.⸢KI⸣ [...]-šú-nu ú-še-piš sat-tuk-ki ⸢ù⸣ [...] IGI [...] lu-u ú-kin ú-ter ⸢áš⸣-ru-uš-šùn | (77) (As for) the shrines of Assyria, I had their [...] made. [...] regular offerings an[d ...] ... [...] I (re)confirmed (and) returned (them) to their (proper) [p]lace(s). [I increa]sed (them) over the establish[ed] nindabû-offerings (and) provided (them) in abundance. |
7878 | UGU nin-da-bé-e kun-nu-[ti lu-u ú-šá]-tir lu*-u ú-ṭáḫ-ḫi-id DINGIR.⸢MEŠ⸣ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ [šá ap-tal-la-ḫu-šú]-nu-ti32 | (78b) The great gods, m[y] lords, [who]m [I constantly revered], looked steadfastly upon me and [stood in] for me. Th[ey] spr[ead] their benevolent protection over me, looked with pleasure upon my good [dee]ds and constantly ble[ssed] my kingship. They made all of the lands from the Upp[er] Sea to the Lower Sea b[ow down] to [my] yo[ke] and they (the lands) pulled my yoke. At the[ir (the gods’) ex]alted command, [I] constantly marc[hed about] through all [the lands and] had [no rival] (lit. “there was [no one to rival me]”). |
7979 | ke-niš ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma ⸢i⸣-[tap-pa-lu] Á.II-a-a AN.DÙL-la-šú-nu DÙG.GA UGU-ia it-⸢ru⸣-[ṣu-ma ep-še]-⸢ti⸣-ia SIG₅.MEŠ ḫa-diš ip-pal-su-ma | |
8080 | ik-⸢tar⸣-[ra-bu] LUGAL-u-ti KUR.KUR DÙ-ši-na ul-tu tam-tim AN.[TA] a-⸢di⸣ tam-tim ⸢šap-li⸣-ti a-na ni-[ri-ia] ú-⸢šak⸣-[ni-šu]-⸢ú⸣-ma33 | |
8181 | i-šu-ṭu ab-šá-a-ni ina qí-bi-ti-⸢šú⸣-[nu] ⸢ṣir⸣-ti ina kul-⸢lat⸣ [KUR.KUR] ⸢at⸣-tal-⸢lak⸣-[ma ma-ḫi-ri ul] ⸢i⸣-ši34 | |
8282 |ʾ URU LUGAL-u-tiṣur u KUR.ku-u-si KUR-ud šal-lat-su ⸢ka⸣-bit-tú [áš-lu-la a-na KUR AN].ŠÁR.KI35 | (82) I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush, (and) [carried off] its [su]bstantial booty [to As]syria. |
8383 | mba-ʾa-lu LUGAL KUR.ṣur-ri šá a-mat LUGAL-u-ti-ia la iṣ-ṣu-ru URU.ḪAL.ṢU.[MEŠ UGU-šú ú-rak]-kis | (83) (As for) Baʾalu, the king of the land Tyre who did not honor my royal command(s), [I se]t up outpost[s against him]. By sea and dry land, I took control of (all of) his routes. I made [the]m (the people of Tyre) bow [down] to my yoke. |
8484 | ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-⸢re⸣-ti-šú ú-ṣab-bit a-na ni-ri-ia ú-šak-[nis-su-nu]-⸢ti⸣ | |
8585 | mia-ki-in-lu-u LUGAL KUR.a-ru-ad-da msa-an-di-⸢šar⸣-me KUR.ḫi-lak-ka-a-a šá a-na LUGAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [AD.MEŠ]-ia [la kan-šú] | (85) (As for) Yakīn-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, (and) Sanda-[š]arme of the land Ḫilakku (Cilicia), who had [not bowed down] to the kings, my [ancestors], they bowed down to [my] y[oke]. |
8686 | ik-nu-šú a-na GIŠ.⸢DUN₄⸣-[ia mgu-ug-gu] LUGAL [] ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR DINGIR ba-nu-ú-a ni-⸢bit⸣ [MU-ia] | (86b) [(As for) Gyges], the king of [the land Lydia, (the god) A]ššur, the god who created me, [made him see] in a dream the men[tion of my name, saying]: “Gr[asp the f]eet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, [and] through the men[tion of his name, conquer you]r [enemies].” Through the mention of my name, he conquer[ed] his enemies. [...] He sent his mounted messenger (with messages) of goodwill, tog[ether with his substant]ial [audience gift(s)] and he kis[s]ed m[y] feet. |
8787 | ina MÁŠ.GI₆ ⸢ú⸣-[šab-ri-šú um-ma] ⸢GÌR.II⸣ mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A LUGAL KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ṣa-[bat-ma] | |
8888 | i-na zi-⸢kir⸣ [MU-šú ku-šu-ud LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ]-⸢ka i⸣-na zi-kir MU-ia LÚ.KÚR.⸢MEŠ⸣-šú ik-šú-⸢ud⸣ [...] | |
8989 | LÚ.rak-bu-šú šá šul-me ⸢it⸣-[ti ta-mar-ti-šú? ka]-⸢bit?⸣-ti ú-še-bi-lam-ma ú-na-áš-⸢šiq⸣ GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣ | |
9090 | mú-al-⸢li⸣-[i LUGAL? da-na-an?] AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL EN.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ [... e-mur-ma?] ik-nu-šá a-⸢na⸣ [GIŠ.DUN₄-ia] | (90) (As for) Uallî, [king of the land Mannea, he saw the might of] (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, m[y] lords, [... and] he bowed down t[o my yoke. He ...] large horses as his payment, yearly, without ce[asing] and he made appeals to [my] lord[ly majesty]. |
9191 | ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ⸢GAL⸣.MEŠ man-da-at-ta-šu [...] šat-ti-šam la ⸢na⸣-[par-ka-a ...]-ma ú-ṣa-al-la-a be-[lu-u-ti] | |
9292 | ina ⸢e⸣-muq AN.ŠÁR MAḪ.MEŠ šá ⸢GABA⸣.[RI] ⸢la⸣ i-šá-a KUR.ELAM.MA.KI DAGAL-[tu ...]36 | (92) Through the exalted strength of (the god) Aššur, which does [no]t have a r[ival, ...] the extensi[ve] land Elam. I estab[lished ...], the king of the land Elam. [...] his fortified [citi]es, his treasury, together with [small(er) settlements], which were [without] num[ber], I con[quered. ...] I devastated [...] his [...]. (As for) the cities Susa, Pi[dilma, ...], I destro[yed (them), demolished (them), ...] ... gods [...] (and) I carried off to Assyria its [...] its property (and) its substantial booty. |
9393 | LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI áš-⸢kun?⸣ [... URU].⸢MEŠ⸣-šú dan-nu-ti É ni-ṣir-ti-šú a-di [URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ] | |
9494 | šá ni-[ba la] ⸢i?⸣-šu?-u ak-⸢šud?⸣ [...]-ti-šú ú-nam-me URU.šu-šá-an URU.pi-[di-il-ma ...] | |
9595 | ap-⸢pul⸣ [aq-qur ...] Aʾ MU DINGIR.MEŠ x [...]-šú NÍG.GA-šú šal-lat-su DUGUD-tú áš-lu-la a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI | |
9696 | mum-man-[i-gaš šá in-nab-tu iṣ-ba]-tu GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia ⸢ina⸣ [GIŠ.GU].⸢ZA⸣-[šú ú-še-šib mtam-ma]-ri-tu ŠEŠ-šú šal-šá-a-a | (96) (As for) Umman[igaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), who had fled (and) grasp]ed the feet of my royal majesty, [I placed (him)] o[n his (Teumman’s) thro]ne. I appointed [Tamma]rītu, his third brother, in the city Ḫidalu. |
9797 | ina URU.ḫi-da-a-⸢li⸣ ap-qid d[na]-⸢na⸣-a šá ul-tú UD.MEŠ SÙ.MEŠ tas-bu-šu-ma [tu-ši-bu a-šar la si-ma]-ti-šá | (97b) (As for) the goddess [Nan]āya, who since distant days became angry and [(went) to live in a place not befit]ting her, I brought (her) out of the city Susa and (then) [made] her [en]ter into Ur[u]k, the ci[t]y of [her] lordly majes[ty, (and) dwell on (her) et]ernal [dais] in Eanna, which she loves. |
9898 | ul-tú qé-reb URU.šu-šá-an ú-še-ṣa-am-ma a-na ⸢UNUG⸣.KI ⸢URU⸣ be-lu-⸢ti⸣-[šá ú]-⸢še⸣-rib-ši ina é-an-na šá ta-ram-mu | |
9999 | ú-⸢šar⸣-[me-ši pa-rak da]-ra-a-ti mtam-ma-ri-tu mpa-ʾe-e mum-man-al-da-⸢si⸣ [ša EGIR a-ḫa-meš] ⸢e⸣-pu-šú be-lut KUR.ELAM.MA.KI | (99b) (As for) Tammarītu, Paʾê, (and) Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), [who had e]xercised lordship over the land Elam [one after the other], (and) whom the deities Aššur, Mullissu, (and) [the Išt]ar who resides in the city Arbela allowed me to conquer, they grasped the feet of my royal majesty (and) did obeisance to me. |
100100 | ša AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL [d]⸢15⸣ a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR ú-šak-ši-du qa-ti iṣ-ba-tú GÌR.II LUGAL-u-ti-ia ip-pu-šú ARAD-u-ti | |
101101 | mdu-⸢na⸣-nu [DUMU] ⸢m⸣EN-BA-šá KUR.gam-bu-la-a-a ša GIŠ.DUN₄ AN.⸢ŠÁR iṣ⸣-lu-u a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI it-tak-lu | (101) (As for) Du[n]ānu, [the son of] Bēl-iqīša, a Gambulian who cast off the yoke of (the god) Aššur (and) relied upon the land Elam, I conquered the city Ša-pī-Bēl, the city upon which he relie[s], whose location is situated between rivers. I captured him a[l]ive (and) I took (him back) to Assyria with substantial booty from his land. |
102102 | URU.šá-pi-i-dEN URU tu-kul-⸢ti⸣-šú šá ina bi-⸢rit⸣ ÍD.MEŠ na-da-at šu*-bat-su ak-šu-ud37 | |
103103 | šá-a-šú ⸢bal⸣-ṭu-us-su ina qa-ti aṣ-bat it-ti šal-lat KUR-šú DUGUD-tú al-qa-a a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI | |
104104 | [mdMUATI]-EN-MU.MEŠ DUMU mdAMAR.UTU-⸢IBILA⸣-AŠ ARAD da-gíl pa-ni-⸢ia⸣ [šá] ina a-de-ia iḫ-ṭu-ú in-na-bi-tu qé-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI | (104) [(As for) Nabû]-bēl-šumāti, the son of Marduk-[a]pla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), a servant who belonged to m[e, who] had sinned against my treaty (and) fled inside the land Elam, terror of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelm[ed] him. He ... [his] personal attendant (and) [he] (and) his [pers]onal attendant struck each other down with their iron belt-dagger(s). Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam, became frightened and had his (Nabû-bēl-šumāti’s) corpse br[ought] before me. To (show) the mi[g]hty deeds of (the god) [A]ššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, I did not agree to hand over his corpse for burial. |
105105 | ḫat-ti AN.ŠÁR EN-ia is-⸢ḫup⸣-šú NU x ḪAR LÚ.ki-zu-[šú šu-u LÚ].⸢ki⸣-zu-šú ina GÍR AN.BAR šib-bi-šú-nu [ú]-ras-si-bu a-ḫa-meš38 | |
106106 | mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI pu-luḫ-tú ir-ši-ma pa-gar-šú ú-⸢še⸣-[bi-la] a-di maḫ-ri-ia | |
107107 | a-na ep-šet da-⸢na⸣-an ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL pa-gar-šú ul ad-din a-na qé-bé-ri | |
108108 | mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ la ke-e-nu šá MUN ⸢e⸣-pu-šú-uš áš-ku-nu-uš a-na LUGAL-u-ti KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI | (108) (As for) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) unfaithful brother for whom I performed (many acts of) kindness (and) whom I had installed as king of Babylon, he forgot (the acts of) k[indness] that I had done for him, ma[de] the land Akkad, Chaldea, (and) Aram, servants who belonged to me, become hostile towards me and broke off (our) brotherly relatio[ns]. The deities [En]lil, [Mullissu], and Marduk, the gods who support me, looked upon his evil deeds and came to my aid. [...] their mighty battle array. They made the fire-god grasp his hands (and) had his body burned. |
109109 | ⸢MUN⸣ e-pu-šú-uš im-ši-ma KUR URI.KI KUR.kal-du KUR.a-ru-mu ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia it-ti-ia ú-⸢šam⸣-kír-ma ip-ru-sa ŠEŠ-ut-⸢tu⸣ | |
110110 | [dEN].LÍL [dNIN.LÍL?] u dAMAR.UTU DINGIR.MEŠ tik-le-ia ep-še-ti-šú ḪUL.MEŠ ip-pal-su-ma il-li-ku re-ṣu-ti MÈ-šú-nu dan-ni | |
111111 | x [...] x [...] ⸢d⸣GIŠ.BAR ŠU.II-šú ú-šá-ḫi-zu ú-šaq-mu-ú pa-gar-šú mú-a-a-te-eʾ LUGALìl39 | (111b) (As for) Uaiteʾ, the king of the land Sumuʾil, who had sided [wit]h him, I captured him alive. |
112112 | ⸢šá⸣ [it]-⸢ti⸣-šú iš-šak-nu bal-ṭu-us-su ⸢ina ŠU⸣.[II] aṣ-bat mam-mu-la-ad-di LUGAL KUR.qé-da-ri | (112b) (As for) Ammi-ladīn, the king of the land Qedar, he was delivered into the hands of my troops during a clash of arms and they brought him alive b[e]fore me. |
113113 | ina mit-ḫu-ṣi GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ina ŠU.II ERIM.ḪI.A-ia iš-šá-kin-ma a-⸢di⸣ maḫ-ri-ia il-qu-u-ni bal-ṭu-us-su | |
114114 | ul-tu GIŠ.TUKUL.<MEŠ> AN.ŠÁR ka-ši-du-ti KUR.ELAM.MA.KI DÙ-šá ik-šu-du i-na-ru mku-ra-áš MAN KUR.par-su-ú-ma-áš | (114) After the conquering weapon<s> of (the god) Aššur had conquered all of the land Elam (and) killed (its people), Cyrus, the king of the land Parsumaš, (and) Pislumê, the king of the land Ḫudimiri, kings whose location(s) are remote (and) who live on the far side of the land Elam, fear of the deities Aššur, [Mul]lissu, and the Ištar who r[es]ides in the city Arbela, overwhelmed them and they became distressed. They sent their envoys (with messages) of go[odwill and pe]ace, [w]ith their substantial audienc[e gift(s)], befo[r]e me and they kissed my feet. |
115115 | mpi-iš-lu-me-⸢e⸣ LUGAL KUR.ḫu-di-me-ri LUGAL.MEŠ šá a-šar-šú-nu ru-ú-qu šá ina a-ḫi KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ul-liti áš-bu | |
116116 | pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR d[NIN].LÍL ù d15 a-⸢ši⸣-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR* is-ḫup-šú-nu-ti-ma ir-šu-u na-kut-tú40 | |
117117 | LÚ.MAḪ.MEŠ-šú-nu šá ⸢ṭu⸣-[u-bi u su]-⸢lum⸣-me-⸢e it⸣-ti ⸢ta-mar-ti⸣-šú-nu DUGUD-tú a-na maḫ-⸢ri⸣-ia ú-bi-lu-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia | |
118118 | mtam-ma-ri-tu mpa-⸢ʾe⸣-[e] ⸢m⸣um-man-⸢al-da?⸣-[si LUGAL.MEŠ] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI mia-u-te-eʾ LUGALìl41 | (118) (As for) Tammarītu, Paʾ[ê], (and) Ummanald[ašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), kings of] the land Elam, (and) Uaiteʾ, the king of the land Sumuʾel, whom I had [cap]tured by the command of the deities Aššur, Mullissu, and the Ištar [who resides in the city Arbela] — afterwards, in order to make offerings (and) to successfully complete rituals in Ešarra, Emašmaš, (and) E[...] I hitched them li[k]e thoroughbred hor[ses] to a processional ca[rriage], the vehi[cle of] my [royal maje]sty, (and) they to[ok hol]d of my yoke. |
119119 | šá ina qí-bit AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL ù d15 [a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR ik]-šu-da ⸢ŠU⸣.II-a-a ul-⸢tu⸣ a-na e-peš UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ42 | |
120120 | šul-lum par-ṣe ina é-šár-ra é-maš-maš ⸢é⸣-[...]-⸢e?⸣ ina GIŠ.šá šad-⸢da⸣-[di] ru-[kub LUGAL]-ti-ia | |
121121 | ki-⸢ma⸣ mur-ni-⸢is⸣-[qí] aṣ-mid-su-nu-ti iṣ-[ba]-⸢tu⸣ ab-šá-ni md15-BÀD ⸢MAN⸣ [KUR.ur-ar-ṭi] šá LUGAL.⸢MEŠ AD⸣.MEŠ-šú | (121b) (As for) Ištar-dūrī (Sarduri III), the ki[ng of the land Urarṭu], whose kings, his [ance]stors, used to regularly send (messages of) brotherly relations to [my] ance[stors], n[o]w, [he heard about] the mighty deeds [that] the gre[at] gods had determined [for me and] terror fe[ll] upon him; [he (then) cons]tantly [s]ent (messages) saying: “May it be well w[ith the k]ing, my lord.” |
122122 | a-na ⸢AD⸣.[MEŠ-ia] iš-ta-nap-pa-ru-u-ni ŠEŠ-tu i-[na]-⸢an⸣-na da-na-an ep-še-e-ti [ša] | |
123123 | DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢GAL⸣.[MEŠ] ⸢i⸣-ši-mu-⸢ú⸣-[in-ni iš-me-e-ma] ḫat-tu UGU-šú im-⸢qut⸣-[ma iš]-⸢ta⸣-nap-pa-ra | |
124124 | um-ma lu-u šul-mu ⸢a⸣-[na] ⸢LUGAL⸣ EN-ia [mna-at-nu LUGAL]-⸢a⸣-a-ti šá ⸢a⸣-[šar-šú ru]-ú-qu | (124b) [(As for) Natnu, the king of the land of the Nab]ayateans, who[se] lo[cation is re]mote, (and) who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, [he] bowed down to [my] y[oke. ... the land of the N]abayatea[ns ...] ... [... with]held [his] au[dience gift(s)], by the command of (the god) Aš[šur (and) the godde]ss Mullissu, the gre[at] gods, my [lo]rds who had encouraged me, [... I brought about his] defeat. I [de]stroyed (and) [demolished his cities], (and) turned (them) into mounds of ruins (lit. “mound(s) and ruin(s)”). [I carried off t]o Assyria him, his wife, his sons, [his] daughters, (and) su[bstantial boo]ty from his land. |
125125 | ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la kan-šú ⸢ik⸣-nu-šá a-na GIŠ.⸢DUN₄⸣-[ia ... KUR].⸢na?⸣-ba-a-a-⸢ti?⸣ [...] x AD x | |
126126 | [... ik]-lu-u ta-[mar-ta-šú] ina qí-bit AN.[ŠÁR] ⸢d⸣NIN.LÍL DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢GAL⸣.[MEŠ] ⸢EN⸣.MEŠ-ia šá ú-tak-kil-u-in-ni | |
127127 | [...] BAD₅.BAD₅-[šú áš-kun URU.MEŠ-šú] ⸢ap⸣-pul [aq-qur] a-na DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter | |
128128 | šá-a-šú DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-[šú šal]-⸢lat⸣ KUR-šú ⸢ka⸣-[bit-tu áš-lu-la a]-⸢na⸣ KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI | |
129129 | mnu-ḫu-ru DUMU-šú šá la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ AN.ŠÁR u d15 ip-par-⸢ši⸣-[du ...] ma?-a-ti | (129) (As for) Nuḫūru, his son, who fle[d] before the weapons of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, [...] ... [... t]heir [...] overwhelmed him and [he came] before me with his su[bstantial] payment. I had mercy on him and place[d him] on the throne of his father. |
130130 | [...]-⸢šú⸣-nu is-ḫup-šú-ma it-ti man-da-at-ti-šú ⸢ka⸣-[bit-ti il-li-ka?] a-di maḫ-ri-ia | |
131131 | re-e-mu ar-ši-šú-ma ina GIŠ.GU.ZA AD-šú ú-še-⸢šib⸣-[šú m]ḫu-un-da-ru LUGAL KUR.NI.[TUK.KI ... AN.ŠÁR u dNIN].LÍL DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia43 | (131b) (As for) Ḫundāru, the king of the land Dil[mun, the ... of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mul]lissu, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him; he (then) came to Nineveh with [his substantial payment] yearly, without interruption, and ma[de app]eals to [my] lordly majes[ty]. |
132132 | is-ḫup-šú-ma it-ti [man-da-at-ti-šú? ka-bit-ti?] ⸢a⸣-na NINA.KI šat-ti-šam la ba-ṭa-li il-li-kam-ma ú-⸢ṣa⸣-[al]-⸢la⸣-a ⸢be⸣-lu-ú-[ti] | |
133133 | [...]-ra-a-BAD-te LUGAL KUR.x-[up-pi] mpa-de-e LUGAL šá ina URU.iz-ke-e áš-bu šá ⸢ma⸣-ti-⸢ma*?⸣44 | (133) [(As for) ...]raBADte, the king of the land ...[uppi], (and) Padê, the king of the land Qadê who lives in the city Izkê, who n[e]ver [...] (or) set foot in Assyrian territory, by the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, [they sent] me their mounted messenger(s with messages) of goo[dwill (and) peace], together with their substantial payment(s). They traveled a distance of six month(s’ journey), ca[m]e befo[re m]e, inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, (and) made appeals to my lordly majesty. |
134134 | [...] la ik-bu-su mi-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ina qí-bit AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL LÚ.rak-bu-šú-nu ša ⸢ṭu⸣-[u-bi] | |
135135 | [su-lum-me-e iš-pur-u]-ni it-ti man-da-at-ti-šú-nu ka-bit-ti ma-lak 6 ITI ir-du-u-ni il-⸢lik⸣-[u]-⸢ni⸣ a-di ⸢maḫ⸣-[ri]-⸢ia⸣ | |
136136 | šu-lum LUGAL-u-ti-ia iš-a-lu₄ ú-ṣal-lu-u be-lu-u-ti ⸢mši⸣-i-lum MAN ⸢EDIN?⸣ šá ina KUR.ḫa-az-ma-a-ni45 | (136b) (As for) Šīlum, a king of [the step]pe who lives in the land Ḫazmāni, (which is) on the shore of Dilmun, in the middle of the sea, fear of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who sup[port me], overwhelmed him [and] he took the long road by sea and dry land; [he (then) cam]e before me with his substanti[al] payment, inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, and kissed my feet. |
137137 | ina a-ḫi NI.TUK.KI MURUB₄-at tam-tim áš-bu pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR u d15 DINGIR.MEŠ tik-⸢le⸣-[ia] ⸢is⸣-ḫup-ú-šu-[ma] | |
138138 | ur-ḫu SÙ-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li iṣ-bat-am-ma it-ti man-da-ti-šú DUGUD-⸢ti⸣ [il-li]-⸢ka⸣ a-di maḫ-ri-ia | |
139139 | šu-lum LUGAL-ú-ti-ia iš*-al-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia [mmu-gal-lu LUGAL]-⸢URU⸣ šá it-ti LUGAL.MEŠ AD.⸢MEŠ⸣-[ia] id-bu-bu da-ṣa-a-ti46 | (139b) [(As for) Mugallu, the king of of the land Taba]l, who spoke to the kings, [my] ancestors, with disrespect, fear of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, my lords, [overwhelmed him, and he ...], who had not bowed down to the yo[k]e, sent (his) [daug]hter, his own offspring, together with large horses, as his su[bstant]ial payment, and kissed my feet. |
140140 | pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL EN.MEŠ-ia [is-ḫup-ú-šu-ma? ...] x ⸢šá a-na ni-ri la ik-nu?-šú?⸣ [DUMU].MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú it-ti ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ | |
141141 | man-da-ta-šú ⸢DUGUD⸣-tú ú-še-bi-lam-ma ú-⸢na⸣-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia [mmu?]-us-si DUMU-šú šat-ti-šam la na-par-ka-a man-da-at-ta-šú DUGUD-tú47 | (141b) [(As for) M]ussi, his son, he sent his substantial payment yearly, without ceasing, and made appeals to [my] lordly majesty. I made him swear [oath(s sworn) by the] great [go]ds, my lords, but he neglected the oath(s sworn) by their great divinity (and) sided with Tugdammî, the king of the nomads. (The god) Aššur, the great mountain whose boundaries cannot be transgressed, conquered him and had his body burned with a blazing fire. Without (my having to use) bow(s or) horses, his brothers, his [cla]n, the seed of his father’s house, his extensive troops, his supporters, horses, mules, without number, let them[se]lves be [ca]rried off to Assyria wil[ling]ly. |
142142 | ú-še-bi-⸢lam⸣-ma ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-⸢ti⸣ [ni-iš] ⸢DINGIR⸣.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ú-šá-az-kír-šú-ma i-šiṭ ma-mit DINGIR-⸢ú⸣-ti-šú-nu GAL-te | |
143143 | it-⸢ti⸣ mtug-dam-mì-i LUGAL NUMUN ḫal-ga-ti-[i] iš-ta-kan pi-i-šú AN.ŠÁR KUR-ú GAL-u šá i-ta-a-šú la in-né-⸢et?-ti⸣-qu48 | |
144144 | ik-šú-us-su-ma ina dGIŠ.BAR a-ri-ri pa-gar-šú ú-šaq-me ba-lu GIŠ.PAN ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú [qin]-ni-šú | |
145145 | NUMUN É AD-šu ERIM.ḪI.A-šú DAGAL-tum tuk-lat Á.II-šú ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ ina la mì-ni ina mil-[ki ra]-ma-ni-šú-nu | |
146146 | iš-⸢šal?⸣-lu-u-ni a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI mtug-dam-⸢mì⸣-[i] ⸢LUGAL⸣ šad-da*-a-a-ú gu-tu-um.KI muš-tar-[ḫu] ša pa-laḫ DINGIR.[MEŠ] ⸢la⸣ i-du-ú49 | (146b) (As for) Tugdamm[î, the k]ing of the mountain-dwellers, the presumptu[ous] Gutian who does [n]ot know how to revere the god[s], he trusted in his own strength and (then) mustered his troops and set up his camp on the territory of Assyria to wage battle and war. The deities Aššur, Mullissu, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) [the Iš]tar who resides in the city Arbela became furious [at] his provocative speech (lit. “mouth”) and it sicken[e]d them. By the command of their gre[at divini]ty, [fir]e fell from the sky and [bur]ned him, his troops, (and) his camp. Tug[dammî became frighte]ned and distressed, and he withdrew his [tro]ops (and) his camp and returned bac[k t]o his land. |
147147 | a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-šu it-ta-kil-ma ERIM.ḪI.A-šú id-kam-ma a-na e-peš ⸢MURUB₄⸣ u ta-ḫa-⸢zi⸣ ina mì-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI it-ta-di KARAŠ*-su50 | |
148148 | AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL dEN dAG d⸢15⸣ a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR [a-na] pi-i-šú er-ḫi e-ziz-ú-ma im-ta-ra-⸢aṣ⸣ UGU-šú-un51 | |
150150 | i-na a-mat [DINGIR]-ti-⸢šú⸣-nu ⸢GAL⸣-[ti dGIŠ].⸢BAR⸣ ul-tú AN-e im-qu-tam-ma šá-a-šú ERIM.ḪI.A-šú KARAŠ-su ú-[qal]-li-šú-nu-ti | |
151151 | mtug-[dam-mì-i ip]-⸢làḫ⸣-ma na-kut-tu ir-ši-ma ⸢ERIM⸣.ḪI.A-šú KARAŠ-su is-suḫ-ma a-na EGIR-[šú a]-na KUR-šú i-⸢tur⸣ | |
152152 | pu-luḫ-ti ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL dEN dAG d[15 a-ši]-⸢bat⸣ URU.⸢LÍMMU⸣-[DINGIR DINGIR.MEŠ šá ú]-tak-kil-u-in-ni is-ḫúp-⸢šú⸣-ma LÚ.MAḪ.MEŠ-⸢šú⸣ šá ṭu-u-bi52 | (152) Fear of the deities [A]ššur, Mullissu, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) [the Ištar who reside]s in the city Ar[bela, the gods who] had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and [he sent] hi[s] envoys (with messages) of goodwill and pe[ace. I] received [...]. He br[ou]ght gold, garments with multi-colored trim, (and) [linen garment]s, together with large ho[r]ses, [...], harn[ess-broken (steeds), horse]s of his lordly vehicle, eq[uipment], (and) implements of war, his su[bstantial] payment, and he kis[sed] my [fee]t. |
153153 | ù su-lum-[me-e ...] ⸢am⸣-ḫur KÙ.GI lu-bul-tu bir-me [GADA].⸢MEŠ⸣ it-ti ANŠE.⸢KUR⸣.RA.MEŠ GAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [...] | |
154154 | ṣi-⸢mit⸣-[ti ni-ri ANŠE.KUR.RA].⸢MEŠ⸣ ru-kub be-lu-ti-šú ⸢til?⸣-[li] ú-nu-ut MÈ man-da-at-ta-šú ⸢DUGUD⸣-[tú] ú-⸢še⸣-bi-lam-ma ú-na-⸢áš⸣-[šiq GÌR].⸢II⸣-ia | |
155155 | a-na la ḫa-ṭe-e [mi]-⸢ṣir⸣ KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ⸢zik⸣-ru šá [AN.ŠÁR u d]⸢NIN⸣.LÍL ⸢ú⸣-[šá]-⸢az⸣-kír-šú-ma ú-dan-nin it-ti-šú áš-ta-kan ma-mitu šu-u ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ | (155) I [made] him swear by the names of [(the god) Aššur and the goddess M]ullissu not to infringe [on the territo]ry of Assyria and I reinforced (it) with him. I established the treaty. He [broke] the oath(s sworn) by the great gods, [my lords; he transgressed] the limits (set) by them [and] plotted evi[l (deeds) against the territory of A]ssyria. Where [flax] grows, [he] sinned, by establishing (himself) on the territor[y of Assyria]. |
156156 | GAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [EN.MEŠ-ia ip-ru-uṣ]-⸢ma⸣ i-ta-šùn [e-tiq-ma a-na mi-ṣir KUR] ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR.KI ú-ṣa-am-mir MUNUS.⸢ḪUL⸣ a-šar ti-ib [GADA?] ⸢iḫ⸣-ṭi ina mi-⸢ṣir⸣ [KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI]53 | |
157157 | a-⸢na⸣ šá-ka-ni na-[mur-rat? GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ] ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR EN-ia is-ḫúp-šú-ma maḫ-ḫu-tíš il-lik-ma ⸢ina⸣ mì-qit ṭè-[e]-⸢me⸣ ú-na-šak ⸢rit-ti⸣-šú mut-ta-as-⸢su im⸣-ma-šid-ma | (157b) The awe-i[nspiring brilliance of the weapons of (the god) A]ššur, my lord, overwhelmed him; he went into a frenzy and (tried) biting off his ha[nd]s [du]ring a loss of (all) re[aso]n. Half (of) hi[s] body was stricken with palsy and a piercing pain was lo[dged in his heart]. His [to]ngue was scratched and he became impotent. His life en[d]ed through dissolving and melting (like a wax figurine), (saying) “Woe! Alas!” [...], in their own te[rr]or, [they struck e]ach other [down] with the sword, (thereby) singing the praise(s) of (the god) Aššur, the grea[t] lord, [m]y [lord]. |
158158 | si-iḫ-lu iš-⸢šá?⸣-[kin ina lìb-bi-šú] ⸢EME⸣-šú im-mar-ṭa-ma im-qut GÌŠ-šú ina za-a-bi u ḫa-a-li u₈-a a-a iq-⸢ta⸣-ti na-piš-tuš [...]54 | |
159159 | ina ⸢ḫat-ti⸣ ra-ma-ni-šú-nu [ú-ra-si-bu a]-ḫa-meš ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ i-dal-la-lu ta-nit-ti AN.ŠÁR EN GAL-[e EN]-⸢ia⸣ ina u₄-me an-na-a ⸢áš-mu⸣-[u] | (159b) On the day that I [h]ea[rd] this, I h[umbled myself with expressions of hum]ility (lit. “[stroking the n]ose”) (and) paid careful attention to the might of the [great] g[ods, my lords, who cam]e to my aid. (As for) the rest of the enemies who had not bowed [down], fear of the deities Aššur, Mu[llissu, (and) the Ištar who resides in] the city Arbela, the gods [...]. At the mere me[ntion of] my name, they became afraid (and) were re[questing] to be my servant(s). |
160160 | al-⸢bi⸣-[in ap-pi ina la-ban] ⸢ap⸣-pi at-ta-⸢ʾi⸣-id da-na-an ⸢DINGIR⸣.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia šá il-li]-ku re-ṣu-ti si-it-ti LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ la kan-⸢šu⸣-[ti] pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR | |
161161 | d⸢NIN⸣.[LÍL d15 a-ši-bat] LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI DINGIR.⸢MEŠ⸣ [...] ⸢a⸣-na ⸢zi⸣-[kir] MU-ia ip-tal-la-ḫu ARAD-u-ti ir-[ri-šu]55 | |
162162 | ina u₄-me-šú NA₄.x [... é-maš]-maš É [dNIN.LÍL šá maš-šur-PAP]-⸢IBILA⸣ LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ru-u i-pu-šú-[ma]56 | (162) At that time, the stone [... of Emaš]maš, the temple of [the goddess Mullissu, that Ashurnasirp]al (II), a king of the past who (came) before (me), had built [had] become dilapidated, [...] stone of the mountain, massive (blocks of) [...] I cut free and [...] Emašmaš, the temple of the goddess Mullissu, my lady. An image (of) [...] her grea[t] divinity [...] the one who overwhelms [...] ... [...]. |
163163 | ||
164164 | ||
165165 | ALAM x [...] DINGIR-u-ti-šá GAL-⸢ti⸣ [...] | |
166166 | (166b) [... may the goddess Mullissu], the gre[at] lady, [... look upon] this [... with] plea[sure and ...] ... [...] the preservation of (my) life, [...] lo[ng ...]s [...] as a gi[ft. ... those ho]stile to you, land(s) that were not sub[missive to you ...] (so that) I may a[chieve whatever] I strive for. [... l]ike that from my childhood, you [...] to glorify your greatness [...] you [...] my [...]. Now, until [...] that according to [your] utterance(s) [...] according to that [...] ... the one who goes [...] the praise of [yo]ur great divin[ity ... the bla]ck-headed (people). | |
167167 | GAŠAN GAL-[tú] x [...] šu-a-tú ḫa-[diš lip-pal-lis-ma ...] | |
168168 | x x Ú x [...] x [...] | |
169169 | ba-laṭ ZI-tim [...].⸢MEŠ⸣ GÍD.[DA.MEŠ ...] | |
170170 | a-na ši-⸢rik⸣-[ti ...] | |
171171 | [x za]-e-ri-ki KUR la ⸢ma⸣-[gi-re-ki ...]57 | |
172172 | ||
173173 | ||
174174 | ||
175175 | ||
176176 | ki-i pi-i an-nim-⸢ma⸣ [...] ŠU TA a-li-⸢ku⸣ [...] | |
177177 | ta-nit-ti DINGIR-ú-[ti]-⸢ki⸣ ra-bi-ti [... ṣal]-mat SAG.DU a-na ⸢EGIR⸣ [UD.MEŠ ...] | (177b) In the fut[ure, ... m]ay a future ruler, (one of) the kings, my [desce]ndants, during who[se] reign [th]is [...] becomes dilapidated and [old], renovate its dilapidated section(s and) [return] an inscription (bearing) my name to [its] pl[ace. The goddess Mul]lissu, the great lady, [will (then) hear his prayers]. |
178178 | NUN EGIR-ú ina LUGAL.⸢MEŠ DUMU⸣.MEŠ-ia šá ina BALA-[šú ... šu-a]-⸢tú⸣ in-na-ḫu-ma [la-ba-riš il-la-ku] | |
179179 | an-ḫu-us-su ⸢lu⸣-ud-diš ši-ṭir MU-ia a-na áš-[ri-šú li-ter dNIN].LÍL GAŠAN GAL-tú [ik-ri-bi-šú i-šem-me] | |
180180 | ⸢ša⸣ ši-pir ŠU.II-⸢ia⸣ [ú-šá]-⸢an⸣-nu-u ⸢ú⸣-[nak-ka-ru šu-mì] ⸢šaṭ⸣-ru i-[pa-áš-ši-ṭu ...] | (180) (As for) the one who [chang]es (or) [alters] m[y] handiwork, [erases my ins]cribed [name, ... may the goddess] Mullissu, the great lady, [not be pre]sent for [his] pr[a]yers and [...]; may she not go to his aid [in wa]r and combat; [...] before (the god) Aššur, her husband, may she s[peak] bad thing(s) about him [...]. |
181181 | [d]⸢NIN.LÍL⸣ GAŠAN GAL-tu a-na ni-⸢iš⸣ ŠU.II-[šú a-a iz]-⸢ziz?-ma?⸣ [...] | |
182182 | ||
183183 | [...] ⸢ma⸣-ḫar AN.ŠÁR ḫa-ʾi-i-ri-šá MUNUS.ḪUL-šú lit-[tas-qar ...] |
1⸢kul?⸣-lat? “[a]ll”: Or possibly ⸢kiš⸣-šat? (Fuchs in Borger, BIWA p. 264).
2[ṣa-bi-ta-at?] “[the one who holds]”: Or, following A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 264), possibly restore mu-kil-lat? “[the one who holds].”
3ri-im*-tú “wild cow”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 1 has ri-iʾ-tú.
4[a-na? ni?]-ri-šá “[to] her [yo]ke”: The conjectured restoration is based on context.
5ŠU.II-[ki?] “[your] hands”: The restoration of the second person possessive suffix is based on context; see lines 14–26. A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 266) restores the end of the line as ŠU.II-[šá?] “[her] hands.”
6[ṣu-lul-ki] “[your protection]”: Or restore AN.DÙL-la-ki (Fuchs in Borger, BIWA p. 266)
7Using ex. 22 and following the suggestion of A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 267), the end of the line might be read as [... ina qí-bi-ti-ki] ṣir-⸢ti⸣ [šá] ⸢la? ut?-tak⸣-ka-ru “[... by your] exalte[d command, which] cannot be changed.”
8Ex. 22 has [...] x-ti ERIM [...] RI ZI [...], but its placement is uncertain. A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 267) raises the possibility of reading [...] x-ti as [... da]-⸢ru⸣-ti.
9Combining exs. 8 and 11 with ex. 22, A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 267) tentatively suggests reading ZA [...] as sà-[kap] LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ-[ia] “to dri[ve back my] enemies.” Fuchs’ suggestion in not included in the master text as it is unclear exactly how the meager contents of ex. 22, the fragment containing LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ, fit into the inscription.
10Compare, for example, the earlier reports of work on Aššur’s temple in text no. 10 (Prism T) i 14–20 and text no. 15 ii 3–9. Also, contrary to A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 268), there is no lacuna between ⸢ši⸣-pir-šú (“its construction”) and i-na qí-bit (“by the command of”).
11The decoration of this temple of Ištar is mentioned in the prologues of texts composed between 647 and 645; see for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 7–8.
12Work on the akītu-house on Nineveh’s citadel is also recorded in text no. 10 (Prism T) v 33–49.
13Work on the ziggurrat at Nineveh during the reign of Ashurbanipal is presently attested only in this passage. On the names of the temple and ceremonial boat of Mullissu, see George, House Most High p. 112 no. 630; Landsberger, MSL 5 p. 176; and Salonen, Wasserfahrzeuge p. 63.
14É [...]-⸢ia⸣ “the temple of [..., m]y [...]”: Possibly read this passage as É [d15? GAŠAN?]-⸢ia⸣ “the temple of [the goddess Ištar, m]y [lady].” e-⸢pu⸣-šú “I had d[o]ne”: Or possibly e-[tep]-⸢pu⸣-šú (Fuchs in Borger, BIWA p. 270)
15Compare, for example, the earlier report of the rebuilding of the Sîn-Šamaš temple at Nineveh in text no. 10 (Prism T) iii 18–35a.
16The decoration of Egašankalama is mentioned in the prologues of texts composed between 647 and 645; see for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 7–8. In the gap after the temple name, possibly restore [É? d15? GAŠAN-ia?] “[the temple of the goddess Ištar, my lady]” or [É? d15? GAŠAN-ia? šá? qé-reb? URU.LÍMMU.DINGIR?] “[the temple of the goddess Ištar, my lady, that is in Arbela].”
17Compare, for example, the earlier reports of work at Babylon in text no. 10 (Prism T) i 21–54 and text no. 15 ii 10–21.
18Compare, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 31–38. Contrary to A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 271), there is probably no lacuna between [ú]-šat-ri-⸢iṣ⸣ (“[I] stretched o[ut]”) and [GIŠ.GIGIR] (“chariot”) in the following line.
19be-lu-ti-šú “his lordly majesty”: Text no. 10 (Prism T) i 39b–40 has dAMAR.UTU [e]-⸢tel⸣-li DINGIR.MEŠ EN EN.EN “Marduk, [the pre-emin]ent one among the gods, the lord of lords.”
20ZABAR “bronze”: Compare text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 10´, which has URUDU (“copper”) instead of ZABAR (“bronze”).
21Compare, for example, the earlier reports of work at Borsippa in text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 1–6 and text no. 12 (Prism H) i 4´–13´a.
22The restoration of the line follows text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 23´b–25´a. However, it is possible that this inscription follows text no. 12 (Prism H) and adds šu-bat DINGIR-ti-šú GAL-ti (“the seat of his great divinity”) after é-zi-da (“Ezida”); see i 9´ of that text.
23KI.LÁ-šú*-nu* “whose weight”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 13 has KI.LÁ-GUN.
24Compare the reports of the rebuilding of Emeslam at Cutha in text no. 12 (Prism H) i 13´b–25´ and text no. 22 i 14´b–21. See also the building report of the Nergal-Laṣ Inscription (Borger, BIWA p. 85 lines 78–88).
25Compare, for example, the earlier report of work on Eḫulḫul and Emelamana at Ḫarrān in text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 29–iii 14. The restorations in lines 64, 66, and 67 are based on that passage. For the most detailed description of the rebuilding of Sîn’s temple, see Novotny, SAACT 10 pp. 84–85 no. 20 rev. 43–69. For a study of Ashurbanipal’s building program at Ḫarrān, see Novotny, Eḫulḫul.
26<d>nusku* “<the god> Nusku”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 13 has SIPA.
27[dIM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ?] “lion-headed eagles”: The restoration is conjectural.
28Contrary to A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 274), there is probably a lacuna between ⸢ul⸣-ziz (“I erected”) and [ŠU.II d30] (“the hand of the god Sîn”).
29Compare the earlier report of the rebuilding of Edimgalkalama in text no. 10 (Prism T) iii 15–17. ⸢ar⸣-ṣip* “I built”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 23 has ⸢ar⸣-ŠE.
30⸢ú⸣-[še-šib? pa-rak? da-ra-a]-⸢ti?⸣ “I [made (them) sit on (their) enterna]l [dais(es)]”: The restoration is conjectural.
31Compare, for example, the earlier report of the decoration of Egallammes in text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 25–28.
32lu*-u “indeed”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 23 has KI-u.
33Compare text no. 12 (Prism H) ii 3´–10´.
34R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 12 omits KUR.KUR (“the lands”), which is otherwise located in a break in the other exemplars.
35The focus of the “military narration” of this inscription is generally on the (voluntary) submission of foreign rulers and sending of audience gifts and annual payment, and the appointment of people to positions of power. As for forced submission to Assyrian domination, Ashurbanipal claims to have subjugated Tyre (lines 83–84); forced Tammarītu, Paʾe, (and) Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III) of Elam into submission (lines 99b–100); and made Mussi of Tabal swear loyalty to him (lines 141b–142a). With regard to rulers voluntarily submitting to Assyria, the following men are recorded in this text as sending gifts and payments to Ashurbanipal of their own volition: Yakīn-Lû of Arwad and Sanda-šarme of Ḫilakku (lines 85–86a); Gyges of Lydia (lines 86b–89), Uallî of Mannea (lines 90–91); Cyrus of Parsumaš and Pislumê of Ḫudimiri (lines 114–117); Ištar-dūrī of Urarṭu (lines 121b–124a); Ḫundāru of Dilmun (lines 131b–132); [...]raBADte of ...uppi and Padê of Qadê (lines 133–136a); Šīlum of Ḫazmāni (lines 136b–139a); and Mugallu of Tabal ( lines 139b–141a). As for the appointment of foreign rulers, Ashurbanipal claims to have made Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) king of Elam (line 96a), Tammarītu (Ummanigaš’s brother) ruler in Ḫidalu (line 96b), and Šamaš-šuma-ukīn king of Babylon (line 108). A few successful battles and the defeat of some of Assyria’s enemies are also recorded: for example, the capture of Thebes (line 82), the destruction of Susa (line 94), the capture of Dunānu and the plundering of his capital Ša-pī-Bēl (lines 101–103), and the murder/suicide of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn (lines 110–111a).
36As correctly pointed out by A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 277), there is no large break in the inscription. R. Campbell Thompson postulated that there was a break of several lines; for a few details, see Fuchs in Borger, BIWA p. 277.
37šu*-bat-su “whose location”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 3 has MA-bat-su.
38NU x ḪAR “...”: A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 279) suggests reading the signs as ⸢is⸣-ḫur (“[he] turned”) or ⸢im⸣-ḫur (“[he] received”).
39mú-a-a-te-eʾ “Uaiteʾ”: The Arabian ruler mentioned here is probably Uaiteʾ (son of Bir-Dāda), and not Iautaʾ (son of Hazael). For this opinion, see Gerardi, SAAB 6/2 (1992) p. 94 and Lämmerhirt, RLA 14/3–4 (2014) p. 256 sub Uaiteʾ. H. Baker (PNA 3/2 p. 1353 sub Uaite’ 1), however, identifies the Arab ruler in question as Uaiteʾ (king of the Arabs), a man who is not Iautaʾ or Uaiteʾ (son of Bīr-Dāda). For further information about the various men called Uaiteʾ in Ashurbanipal’s inscriptions, see the on-page note to text no. 11 (Prism A) vii 82–x 39.
40URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR* “Arbela”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 3 has URU.LÍMMU-EŠ₆.
41Compare, for example, text no. 11 (Prism A) x 17–39.
42mia-u-te-eʾ “Uaiteʾ”: Despite the spelling of the name, the Arabian ruler mentioned here is probably Uaiteʾ (son of Bir-Dāda), and not Iautaʾ (son of Hazael). For this opinion, see Gerardi, SAAB 6/2 (1992) p. 94 and Lämmerhirt, RLA 14/3–4 (2014) p. 256 sub Uaiteʾ. H. Baker (PNA 3/2 p. 1353 sub Uaite’ 1), however, identifies the Arab ruler in question as Uaiteʾ (king of the Arabs), a man who is not Iautaʾ or Uaiteʾ (son of Bīr-Dāda). For further information about the various men called Uaiteʾ in Ashurbanipal’s inscriptions, see the on-page note to text no. 11 (Prism A) vii 82–x 39.
43[m]ḫu-un-da-ru “Ḫundāru”: For a brief biography of this ruler of Dilmun, who is also mentioned in several Neo-Assyrian letters, see Brinkman, PNA 2/1 p. 479 sub Ḫundāru 2.
44[...]-ra-a-BAD-te “[...]raBADte”: Utilizing ex. 32, a fragment too small to be certain of its placement within the text, A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 283) tentatively proposes (in his commentary) the idea that the name of this ruler may have been [m]⸢BAD-ma⸣-ra-a-BAD-te “Bemarābete.” KUR.x-[up-pi] “the land ...[uppi]”: R. Campbell Thompson (AAA 20 [1933] p. 105) reads the geographic name as KUR.⸢ku⸣-[up-pi] “the land K[uppi].” R. Borger (BIWA p. 200), on the basis of his examination of BM 122616+ (text no. 21) line 21´, proposed reading this damaged name as KUR.⸢lu⸣-[up-pi] “the land L[uppi].” ⸢ma⸣-ti-⸢ma*?⸣ “ever”: Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 133 has ⸢ma⸣-ti-⸢AL?⸣.
45⸢mši⸣-i-lum “Šīlum”: The reading of the name is uncertain and the edition tentatively follows the PNA (Luukko, PNA 3/2 p. 1266). R. Campbell Thompson (AAA 20 [1933] p. 101) read the name as ⸢mši⸣-i-ḫum “Šīḫum.” The LUM sign in this context could be read as either lum or ḫum; a writing of the name as mši-i-lu-um or mši-i-ḫu-um would clarify the matter.
46iš*-al-ma “he inquired about and”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 4 has TA-al-ma.
47[mmu?]-us-si “[M]ussi”: A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 284) suggests that the partially preserved name may be an Akkadian rendering of an East Phrygian name; see Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen pp. 338–339 §988-7. That proposal is tentatively followed here. For more on this son of Mugallu, see Fuchs, PNA 2/2 p. 762 sub Mugallu d.
48KUR-ú GAL-u “the great mountain”: Ex. 16 omits ú and GAL-u.
49: For a slightly different version of Ashurbanipal’s dealings with the tribal chieftain Tugdammî, see text no. 13 (Prism J) viii 6–45. šad-da*-a-a-ú “mountain-dwellers”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 4 has šad-SAG-a-a-ú and his copy of ex. 16 has šad-SAG-a-a-u.
50KARAŠ*-su “his camp”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 4 has KI-KAL (= KÁRAŠ).
51a-ši-bat “who resides in”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 9 instead has šá “of.”
52[a-ši]-⸢bat⸣ “[who reside]s in”: R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 9 instead has ⸢šá⸣ “of.”
53[GADA?] “[flax]”: Following A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 287), ex. 9, which is used here as the master text, is thought to have had one sign missing in the break in the middle of the line. Ex. 16 appears to have the variant ⸢ki?⸣-[te-e?].
54ina za-a-bi u ḫa-a-li “through dissolving and melting (like a wax figurine)”: See the on-page note to text no. 13 (Prism J) viii 43.
55[a-ši-bat] “[who resides in]”: Or restore šá (“of”).
56NA₄.x [...] “... [...]”: A. Fuchs (in Borger, BIWA p. 288) suggests reading this passage as NA₄.[KUN₄.MEŠ] “[thresholds]”; the traces in R. Campbell Thompson’s copy of ex. 16, as Fuchs points out, look more like ⸢ZA⸣ or ⸢ḪA⸣ than the beginning of KUN₄.
57Ex. 9 has šuk-ni-ši [...], but its placement is uncertain.
58Ex. 9 has ŠU.II.MU x [...], but its placement is uncertain.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as