Ashurbanipal 022

Column i


i 1'1'

[(...) ina -ḫi-li- maš-tak dzar-pa-ni-tum ša ku-uz]-bu sa-al-[ḫu ad-di]1

(i 1') [(...) I placed (the bed) in Kaḫilisu, the residence of the goddess Zarpanītu, which] is lad[en with sexual cha]rm.

i 2'2'

[GIŠ. GIŠ.ESI iṣ-ṣi -re-e šá .GI ḪUŠ.A lit-bu-šat] a?-na? d[AMAR].UTU ra-im BALA.MEŠ-[ia a-qiš]

(i 2') [I presented the] god [Mard]uk, the one who loves [my] reign, [with a bed of ebony, a durable wood, (and) which is clad with reddish gold].

i 3'3'

[... a-a?]-ak-ku šu-bat ru-bu-[ti-šú x x]2

(i 3') [...] pure [san]ctuary, [his] prince[ly] abode. [I constructed ...] ... ane[w] for the god Marduk, my lord.

i 4'4'

[...]-uk- a-na dAMAR.UTU EN-ia -šiš [ar-ṣip]

i 5'5'

[(...) 2 per-ku .BABBAR eb-ba ša] AŠ₄ GUN.[TA.ÀM?] KI.-šú-[nu]

(i 5') [(...) in ...] ... and gateways, [I made] the foundations of [two shiny silver pirkus, wh]os[e] weight is [s]ix talents [each], as firm as a m[o]untain.

i 6'6'

[...]-a-ni u .MEŠ-ni ú-ḫum-meš SUḪUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu [ú-kin]3

i 7'7'

[(...) 6 AM.MEŠ .BABBAR ek-du-ti] na-ṣi-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-u-ti-[ia]

(i 7') [(...)] I s[tationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, pr]otectors of [my] royal path, [in ..., in the gate]way(s) of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

i 8'8'

[... ina] é-zi-da šá -reb bár-sipa.KI ul-[ziz]

i 9'9'

[... ki-zálag-ga šu-bat dIZI.GAR 83] GUN za-ḫa-lu-ú eb-bu ap-tiq-ma

(i 9') [...] I cast [Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nūru, with eighty-three ta]lents of shiny zaḫalû-metal an[d] made [... of] his great [divin]ity spread o[ut] before him.

i 10'10'

[... DINGIR?]-ti-šú GAL-ti ma-ḫar-šú ú-šat-ri-iṣ4

i 11'11'

[... GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA? iṣ-ṣi? ]-re-e šá 50 MA.NA .GI ḪUŠ.A lit-bu-šat5

(i 11') [I ... a ... of musukkannu-wood, a dura]ble [wood], that is clad with fifty minas of reddish gold, [and (...)] I secured (it) [... the s]eat of his high rank, in the inner sanctum of the god Nabû, my lord.

i 12'12'

[...] šu-bat da-nu-ti-šú ina at-man dAG EN-ía ú-šar-šid

i 13'13'

[... šá] -reb NINA.KI .BABBAR .GI lu uḫ-ḫi-iz

(i 13') I inlaid with silver (and) gold [the ... that is] inside Nineveh [(...)].

i 14'14'

[(...) é-mes-lam É dU.GUR šá -reb .DU₈.A].KI? šá e-na-ḫu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-riš

(i 14'b) [(As for) Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha], which had become dilapidated and old, [I renovated its collapsed section(s and) removed the portion(s) of it that had collapsed. In] brick mold(s) of ebony (and) musukkannu-wood, [I made its bricks with crushed pieces of aromatics. I made (people)] take up [hoe(s)] and had its foundation(s) put (back) into alignment. [In an auspicious month, (on) a propitious day, I lai]d its foundation(s) [with perfumed oil, good quality oil, silver, (and) gold]. Moreover, I secured its door bolt(s).

i 15'15'

[an-ḫu-us-su ud-diš mi-qit-ta-šú ad-ke ina] GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA

i 16'16'

[ḫi-biš-ti ŠIM.ḪI.A SIG₅.ḪI.A-šú al-bi-in al-lu ú]-šat-rik-ma -te--še-ra UŠ₈-šú

i 17'17'

[ina ITI DÙG.GA u₄-me še--i ina ì-gu-la-a Ì DÙG.GA .BABBAR .GI ad]-di tem-me-en-šú ú ad-da-a SI.GAR-šú6

i 18'18'

[ina GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA GIŠ.KA GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ?.KÌM? u GIŠ.UMBIN us]-si-ma ši-kit-ti É

(i 18') [I ador]ned the structure of the temple [with musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, ebony, boxwood, ḫilēpu-wood, and UMBIN-wood] and [built (and) completed (it) from its foundation(s) to its crenellations with the craft of the god Kulla. I rais]ed its superstructure. [... I roo]fed it [with long beams of cedar. ...] its [...].

i 19'19'

[ul-tu UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú ina ši-pir dkulla ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul]-la-a re-ši-šú

i 20'20'

[... GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN MAḪ.MEŠ ú-šat]-ri-ṣa UGU-šú

i 21'21'




Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'


(ii 1') (No translation possible)

ii 2'2'

mx [...]

ii 3'3'

x [...]

ii 4'4'

IGI [...]

ii 5'5'

x [...]

ii 6'6'


ii 7'7'

x [...]



Column i


i' 1'1'

[...]-x x (x) [...]7

(i' 1') [...] ... they (my troops) [con]stantly passed saf[ely ... from Nineveh, the city love]d by the goddess Ištar, the lady of Nineve[h, ... Uait], the king of the land of the Arab[s, ... next] to wat[er] cisterns. [... My troops] dre[w water to (fill)] their drinking vessel(s), [and (then) ... a land of] par[ching thirs]t (lit. [a land of thirs]t (and) a place of par[ching]) [...]

i' 2'2'

[... e]-te-et-ti-qu šal-[- ...]

i' 3'3'

[... TA NINA.KI URU na]-ram d-tar GAŠAN NINA.[KI ...]

i' 4'4'

[... mú-a-a-te]- LUGAL KUR.a-ri-bi [...]

i' 5'5'

[... ina] UGU? gu-ub-ba-ni šá A.[MEŠ ...]

i' 6'6'

[... ERIM.ḪI.A-ia A.MEŠ a-na] maš-ti-ti-šú-nu iḫ-bu-[ma ...]

i' 7'7'

[... qaq-qar ṣu-um-me]-e a-šar lap-[lap-ti ...]8

i' 8'8'

[...] x [...]



i' 1''1''

[...] x x

(i' 1'') [...] ... [... I made] their [feet take the road to Damascus].

i' 2''2''

[... ḫar-ra-an? KUR.di-maš-qa? ú-šá-áš-ki-na? še-pu]--šú-un9

i' 3''3''

[ma-bi-ia-te- ma-a-am-mu i]-na? -bit [AN.ŠÁR u] d15 EN.MEŠ-ia

(i' 3'') [(As for) Abī-Yateʾ (and) Aya-ammu, b]y the command of [(the god) Aššur and] the goddess Ištar, my lords, I cap[tu]red them [aliv]e [in the thick of battle. I placed (their) hands and feet in iron fetters (and)] t[ook the]m to Assyria, together with plunder from their land.

i' 4''4''

[ina MURUB₄ tam-ḫa-ri bal-ṭu]-us-su-nu uṣ-ṣab-bit ina qa-ti

i' 5''5''

[ŠU.II u GÌR.II bi-re- AN.BAR ad-di-šú-nu]-ti it-ti šal-lat KUR-šú-nu al-[qa-áš-šú-nu]-ti ana KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI

i' 6''6''

[mun-nab-ti? šá? la-pa-an? GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ?] AN.ŠÁR in-nab- iṣ-ba-tu [KUR.ḫu-uk-ku-ru-na KUR]-ú mar-ṣu10

(i' 6'') [The fugitives who] had fled [from the weapons of (the god) A]ššur took to [Mount Ḫukkuruna, a] rugged [mountai]n. [Where(ever there was) a spring (or) a source o]f water, as many as there were, [I had] g[uar]ds [stationed] over it [and (thus) I] withheld (from them) [the water (which) sustains] their live(s). [I made drink scarce for the]ir [mouths] (and) they laid down (their) live(s) from parching thirst.

i' 7''7''

[a-šar kup-pi nam-ba-ʾi] šá A.MEŠ ma-la ba-šu-ú EN.NUN.MEŠ UGU-šú

i' 8''8''

[ú-šá-an-ṣir-ma A.MEŠ TI.LA] na-piš-ti-šu-nu ak-la

i' 9''9''

[maš-ti-tu ú-šá-qir a-na pi-i-šú]-nu ina ṣu-um?-me?-e lap-lap-ti -ku-nu na-piš-

i' 10''10''


(i' 10'') [They (lit. “I”) carried off people male and female donkeys], cam[el]s, oxen, and sheep and goat[s (without number). I divided (them) among the people of] Assyria (so that) within [my] land they (the Assyrians) could purchase [camels for one shekel (or even) a half shek]el of silver at the [market] ga[te. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a j]ug (of beer), (and) the gardener for [his] bag [of vegetables were regularly receiving c]amels (and) sl[aves].

i' 11''11''

[(ina la -ni) áš-lu-la ú-za-ʾi-iz a-na UN.MEŠ] KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ina qa-bal-ti KUR-[ia]

i' 12''12''

[ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ ina 1 GÍN 1/2] GÍN kas-pi i-šam-mu ina [ma-ḫi-ri]

i' 13''13''

[MUNUS.áš-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni .LÚNGA ina] ḫa--e .NU.GIŠ.KIRI₆ ina ki-ši-[šú šá Ú.SAR]

i' 14''14''

[im-da-na-ḫa-ru ANŠE.A].AB.BA.MEŠ ù a-me-[lu-tu (...)]

(i' 14''b) [(...) Uaiteʾ [..., who] had fle[d into the presence of Natnu, ...] who(m) to [...] ... [...]

i' 15''15''

[mú-a-a-te- ...] x [(x)] in-nab-tu [ma-ḫar? mna-at-na?]

i' 16''16''

[...] šá a-na [...]

i' 17''17''

[...] x x [...]



Column ii
ii'ii Lacuna


ii' 1'1'

d15 x (x) [...]

(ii' 1') O Ištar, [...] look with pleasure upon me As[hurbanipal, ...] the gods [...] the preservation of [my] li[fe] ...] scepte[r ...]

ii' 2'2'

ia-a-ti mAN.[ŠÁR--A ...]

ii' 3'3'

ḫa-diš nap-lis-[in-ni? ...]

ii' 4'4'

DINGIR.MEŠ su?-[...]

ii' 5'5'

TI.LA ZI.[MEŠ?-ia? ...]

ii' 6'6'


ii' 7'7'

A [...]



1The preserved contents of this inscription’s prologue are similar to text no. 12 (Prism H) i. See the on-page notes of that inscription for further information on some of the passages recording work in Babylonia.

2The contents of these lines are presently attested only in this damaged inscription.

3[...]-a-ni u .MEŠ-ni “[...] ... and gateways”: Text no. 12 (Prism H) i 12´ has a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-šú ṣir-ti (“for the processional way of his exalted rulership”) before SUḪUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-kin (“I made their foundations firm”).

4ma-ḫar-šú ú-šat-ri-iṣ “I made spread o[ut] before him”: Compare, for example, text no. 12 (Prism H) i 9´, which has nak-liš ú-še-piš (“I expertly fashioned”).

5The contents of these lines are presently attested only in this damaged inscription.

6ú ad-da-a “and I secured”: The orthography of this line appears to be corrupt given that ú is not used as a conjunction in Akkadian. Due to this, R. Borger (BIWA pp. 189 and 210) instead reads these four signs together as a single word, and interprets it as a D stem of edû (uʾaddâ), translating the line, “Ich bestimmte sein Türschloss.” However, a D stem of edû makes little sense in this context, and the orthography can more easily be explained as a error in copying through dictation, whereby the scribe incorrectly rendered the first sound in /u addâ/ with ú rather than u or ù. This is confirmed by the parallel passage in i 21´ of the later text no. 12 (Prism H), in which the scribe corrected the orthography to ù ad-da-a.

7Compare the contents of the much longer text no. 11 (Prism A) viii 86–106.

8It is assumed here that this break in the inscription would have duplicated (with significant omissions) text no. 11 (Prism A) viii 107–ix 7.

9Compare the contents of the much longer text no. 11 (Prism A) ix 8–56.

10[GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ?] AN.ŠÁR “[the weapons of (the god) A]ššur”: Text no. 11 (Prism A) ix 25 has GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia “my weapons.”

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as