
  • Ashurbanipal 008


  • Q003707
  • Ashurbanipal 008



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 008

Column i


i 1'1'

[ŠU.II d30 dnusku aṣ]-bat ú-še-rib ú-še-šib ina [BÁRA]1

(i 1') [I too]k [the gods Sîn (and) Nusku by the hand], made (them) enter into (their respective temples), (and) made (them) sit on [(their) eternal dais(es)].

i 2'2'

[da-ra-a-ti -re-e-ti] KUR -šur.KI u? KUR [URI.KI]

(i 2'b) I comp[leted the sanctuaries] of Assyria and the lan[d Akkad in] their [entire]ty. I ma[de every type of te]mple [appurtenance] there is from silver (and) gold, (and) (i ) I add[ed (them) to those of the king]s, my ancestors. I made [the] great [god]s who support me reside [in] their exalted [inner sanctums]. I offer[ed] sumptuous [offerings] before them (and) presented (them) with my gifts. (i 10´) I made regular offerin[gs] (and) contributions more plentiful than those of distant days.

i 3'3'

[a-na si-ḫir]-ti-ši-na ú-šak-[lil]

i 4'4'

[mim-ma si-mat É].KUR ma-la ba-šú-u šá .BABBAR .GI e-pu-[]

i 5'5'

[e-li ša LUGAL].MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia ú-rad-di

i 6'6'

[DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia

i 7'7'

[ina at-ma-ni]-šú-nu ṣi-i-ri ú-še-šib-šú-nu-ti

i 8'8'

[UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ] taš-ri-iḫ-ti ma-ḫar-šú-un aq-

i 9'9'

ú-šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-a-a

i 10'10'

sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-ú UGU šá u₄-me ul-lu-ti

i 11'11'

ú-šá-tir-ma ar-ku-us

i 12'12'


(i 12') I had statues of my royal majesty skillfully made from silver, gold, (and) shiny copper through [the c]raft of the deities Ninagal, Kusiba[nda], (and) Ninkurra, and, (i 15´) [as] constant petitioners for my life, [I installed (them) in thei]r [positions befor]e the gods who support m[e. F]rom m[y] childhood [until I became an adult, I was ass]iduous towards the sanctuaries of [the great gods. They required my] priestly ser[vices] (and) th[ey] (now) enj[oy my giving (them) food offerings].

i 13'13'

ina ši-pir dnin-á-gal d-si₂₂-bàn-[da]

i 14'14'

dnin-kur-ra nak-liš ú-še-piš-ma?

i 15'15'

[a-na] mu-ter-ri-ši TI.LA-ia

i 16'16'

[ma]-ḫar DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia [ú-kin na-an-za]-sún

i 17'17'

ul-tu ṣe-ḫe-ri-ia [a-di ru--ia]

i 18'18'

[áš]-te-ʾa-a áš-rat [DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ]

i 19'19'

.šá-an-[gu-ti iḫ-šu-ḫu]

i 20'20'

i-ram-[mu na-dan zi-bi-ia]

i 21'21'

dIŠKUR [ŠÈG.MEŠ-šú ú-maš-še-ra]

(i 21') The god Adad [released his rains (and)] the god E[a opened up his springs]. Gra[in was five] cubits [high in its furrow (and) ear(s) of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. (i 25´) Successful harvest(s and) an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to] co[ntinually flourish], fruit orch[ards to be very lush with fruit], (and) cattle to su[ccessfully give birth to (their) young]. During [my] reign, [there was plenitude (and) abund]ance; during m[y] years, [boun]tiful produce [was accumulated].

i 22'22'

dé-[a ú-paṭ-ṭi-ra IDIM.MEŠ-šú]

i 23'23'

[5] KÙŠ ŠE.[AM -qu ina AB.SÍN-ni-šá]

i 24'24'

[e-ri-ik šu-bul- 5/6 KÙŠ]

i 25'25'

[SI. BURU₁₄ na-pa-áš dnisaba]

i 26'26'

ka-[a-a-an ú-šaḫ-na-bu gi-pa-ru]

i 27'27'

ṣip-pa-[a-ti šu-um-mu-ḫa in-bu]

i 28'28'

MÁŠ.ANŠE šu-[te-šur ina ta-lit-ti]

i 29'29'

ina BALA.MEŠ-[ia ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ]-du

i 30'30'

ina MU.AN.NA.MEŠ-ia [ku-um-mu-ru] ḪÉ.GÁL-lum

i 31'31'


(i 31') Throughout m[y] entire land, (on account of) abundant [trade], fo[r one shekel of si]lver one could pur[ch]ase twelve donkey-loads of grain, [three homers of] wine, two seahs of oil, [(and one) talent of w]ool.

i 32'32'


i 33'33'

ina nap-ḫar KUR-ia [KI.LAM] nap-šú

i 34'34'

i-šam-mu ina [1 GÍN] kas-pi

Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'

ša la-[pa-an ti-bu-ut mtar-qu-u]2

(ii 1') who [had abandoned their] pos[t(s)] in the fa[ce of Taharqa’s tactical advance, (and) had gone to (lit. “filled”) the countryside, where their post(s) were, I permitted them to serve] in [their] (former) positions aga[in. (ii ) I reorganized] Egypt and [Kush, which the father who had engendered me] had conquered. [I strengthened] its guard more th[an previously] (and) conclude[d (new) agreements with it].

ii 2'2'

pi-qit-ta-[šú-un ú-maš-še-ru im-lu-ú EDIN]3

ii 3'3'

ú-ter-[ma a-šar pi-qit-ti-šú-un]

ii 4'4'

ina maš-kán-i-[šú-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti?]

ii 5'5'ṣur u KUR.[ku-u-si šá AD ba-nu-u-a]

ii 6'6'

ik-šu-du a-[na -šu-ti aṣ-bat]

ii 7'7'

EN.NUN.MEŠ-šú UGU šá [u₄-me pa-ni ú-dan-nin]

ii 8'8'

ú-rak-ki-sa [rik-se-šú]

ii 9'9'

it-ti ḫu-ub-[ti ma--di]

(ii 9') With [much] plun[der (and) substanti]al booty, I [turn]ed around (lit. “I [turn]ed the front of my yoke”) and retur[ned] safely [t]o Assyria.

ii 10'10'

šal-la-ti [ka-bit]-ti

ii 11'11'

pa-an GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia ú-[ter]-ra-am-ma

ii 12'12'

šal-meš a-tu-[ra a]-na KUR -šur.KI

ii 13'13'

EGIR-nu mni-ku-ú? [mLUGAL]-lu--ri

(ii 13') Afterwards, Necho, [Šarru]-lū-dāri, (and) [P]a-qruru sinned against [m]y [treaty (and) did not h]onor the oa[th(s sworn) by the] great [god]s. They forgot [my kindness and their heart(s)] plotted evil (deeds). They [s]poke [word(s) of treachery] and [decided (among) the]mselves [on a profitless decision, saying: (ii 20´) “If they remove Taharqa from] Egypt, [ho]w then [can we (ourselves) stay?” To establish treaties and pea]ce, [they dispatched their mounted messenger(s) to Taharqa, the king of K]ush, saying: [“Let] pe[ace be established between us so that] (ii 25´) we can come to a [mutual] agree[ment. (Let) us divide] the land among ourselves [so that] no other [lord] comes [between us].” With regard to troops of Assyria, [the might of my lordly majesty], th[ey] constantly soug[ht out evil plan(s)] to cut (their) throat(s).

ii 14'14'

[m]pa-aq-ru-ru ina [a-de]-ia iḫ-ṭu-u

ii 15'15'

[la iṣ]-ṣu-ru ma-[mit DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

ii 16'16'

[ṭa-ab-ti] im-šu-[ma lìb-ba-šú-nu] ik-pu-ud ḪUL-

ii 17'17'

[da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id]-bu-bu-ma

ii 18'18'

[-lik la ku-širi₄ im-li-ku ra]-man-šú-un

ii 19'19'

[um-ma mtar-qu-u ul-tu -reb]ṣur

ii 20'20'

[i-na-saḫ-ú-ma at-tu-ni a-šá-ba-ni] mi-i-nu

ii 21'21'

[e-li mtar-qu-u MAN KUR.ku]-u-si

ii 22'22'

[a-na šá-kan a-de-e u sa]-li-me

ii 23'23'

[ú-ma-ʾe-e-ru .rak--šú-un]

ii 24'24'

um-ma su-[lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni liš-šá-kin-ma]

ii 25'25'

ni-in-dag-ga-[ra a-ḫa-meš]

ii 26'26'

KUR a-ḫe-en-na-a [ni-zu-uz-ma]

ii 27'27'

a-a ib-ba-ši [ina bi-ri-ni]

ii 28'28'

šá-nu-um-ma [be-lum]

ii 29'29'

a-na ERIM.ḪI.A KUR -šur.[KI e-muq EN-ti-ia]

ii 30'30'

šá na-kas ZI-tim -te--[ʾu-ú a-mat ḪUL-tim]

ii 31'31'

.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia a-ma-[a-ti an-na-a-ti -mu-u-ma]

(ii 31') Eunuchs of mine [heard these] wor[ds]; th[ey] sei[zed] their mounted messenger(s) along with [their] messa[ges and]

ii 32'32'

.rak--šú-un a-di šip-ra-[ti-šú-un]

ii 33'33'

(blank) iṣ-ba-[tu-nim-ma]

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

[a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-ú-ti ú-bi-la a]-di? maḫ?-[ri-ia]4

(iii 1') [He brought b]efor[e me (his) daughter, his own offspring, and the daughter(s) of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had] ne[ver] c[rossed the se]a, [t]o do obeisan[ce to me]. (iii ) I recei[ved from him his daughter] and the daughter(s) of [his] brothers, [together with a] large [marr]iage gift. I had [merc]y on him an[d] (then) I gave [(his) son], his [off]spring, back to him.

iii 2'2'

[DUMU-šú ma-ti-ma ti]-amtu? la e-[bi-ra]

iii 3'3'

[-šá-a a]-na e-peš ARAD-ti-[ia]

iii 4'4'


iii 5'5'

[it-ti] ter-ḫa-ti ma--as-si am-ḫur-[šú]

iii 6'6'

[re-e]-mu ar-ši-šú-ma

iii 7'7'

[DUMU ṣi]-it lìb-bi-šú ú-ter-ma a-din-šú

iii 8'8'

[URU.ḪAL].ṢU.MEŠ šá UGU mba-ʾa-li

(iii 8') I dismantled [the outpos]ts that I had constructed against Baʾalu, [the king of the land T]yre. (iii 10´) [By se]a and dry land, I open[ed] (all of) his routes, [as many] as I had seized. I received [from him] his substantial [paym]ent. I turned [arou]nd (lit. “I turned [the front of] my [y]oke”) an[d] returned [safely] to Assyria.

iii 9'9'

[LUGAL KUR].ṣur-ri ú-rak-ki-su ap-ṭur

iii 10'10'

[ina tam]-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-te-e-šú

iii 11'11'

[ma]-la ú-ṣab-bi-tu ap-ti

iii 12'12'

[ma-da]-at-ta-šú ka-bit-tu am-ḫur-[šú]

iii 13'13'

[pa-an GIŠ].ŠUDUN-ia ú-ter-ram-ma

iii 14'14'

[šal-meš a]-tu-ra a-na KUR -šur.KI5

iii 15'15'

[ma-al-ki] MURUB₄ tam-tim [u]

(iii 15') [Rulers (who reside in)] the middle of the sea [and kings who reside in the] high [mo]untains saw the might of these [deeds of mi]ne and became frightened of my lordly majesty. (As for) Yakīn-Lû, the king of the land Arwa[d], (iii 20´) Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, (and) Sanda-šarme of the land Ḫilakku (Cilicia), who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. (iii 25´) They brought (their) daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a substantial dowry and a large marriage gift, and they kissed my feet. (iii 30´) I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of large horses.

iii 16'16'

[LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib] šad-de-e šá-qu-u-ti

iii 17'17'

da-na-an [ep-še-ti]-ia an-na-a-ti

iii 18'18'

e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-ḫu EN-u-ti

iii 19'19'

mia-ki-in-lu-u LUGALú-a-[da]

iii 20'20'

mmu-gal-lu LUGAL

iii 21'21'

msa-an-di-šar-me KUR.ḫi-lak-ka-a-a

iii 22'22'

ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la kan-šú

iii 23'23'

ik-nu-šú a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia

iii 24'24'

DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú-nu

iii 25'25'

it-ti nu-dun--e ma--di

iii 26'26'

ù ter-ḫa-ti ma--as-si

iii 27'27'

a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-ú-ti

iii 28'28'

a-na NINA.KI ú-bi-lu-nim-ma

iii 29'29'

ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia

iii 30'30'

e-li mmu-gal-lu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

iii 31'31'

ma-da-at-tu šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin EDIN--šú

iii 32'32'

ul-tu mia-ki-in-lu-u LUGALú-a-da

(iii 32') After Yakīn-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone to (his) fate, Azi-Baʾal, Abī-Baʾal, (and) Adūnī-Baʾal, [the son]s of Yakīn-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up [fro]m the middle of the sea, [ca]me [wi]th their substantial audience gift(s), and kissed my feet. (iii 40´) I looked upon [Az]i-Baʾal with pleasure and installed (him) [as ki]ng of the land Arwad. I clot[hed Abī-B]aʾal (and) Adūnī-Baʾal [in garment(s) with mu]lti-colored trim [and] pla[ced gol]d [bracelets (around their wrists)]. I made th[em] stand [before me].

iii 33'33'

il-li-ku a-na šim-ti

iii 34'34'

[m]a-zi-ba--al ma-bi-ba--al

iii 35'35'


iii 36'36'

[DUMU].MEŠ mia-ki-in-lu-u a-šib MURUB₄ tam-tim

iii 37'37'

[ul]-tu MURUB₄ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma

iii 38'38'

[it]-ti ta-mar-ti-šú-nu ka-bit-ti

iii 39'39'

[il]-lik-ú-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia

iii 40'40'

[ma]-zi-ba--al ḫa-diš ap-pa-lis-ma

iii 41'41'

[a-na] LUGAL-ti KUR.a-ru-ad-da áš-kun

iii 42'42'

[ma-bi]-ba--al ma-du-ni-ba--al

iii 43'43'

[lu-bul-tu] bir-me ú-lab-[biš-ma]

iii 44'44'

[ḪAR.MEŠ ].GI -kun

iii 45'45'

[ina maḫ-ri-ia] ul-zis-su-[nu-ti]6



Column iv
iviv Lacuna


iv 1'1'

ša [ina ter-ṣi LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia e-ki-mu]

(iv 1') which [the Manneans had taken away in the time of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those] set[tlements. I tore] the land M[annea apart from within. I carried off to Assyria (their) ho]r[ses, (their) equipment, (and) their implements of war].

iv 2'2'

da-[ád-me šá-a-tu-nu ak-šu-ud]

iv 3'3'[na-a-a ul-tu lìb-bi as-suḫ]

iv 4'4'

ANŠE.[KUR.RA.MEŠ GIŠ.til-li ú-nu-ut -šú-nu]7



iv 1''1''

ú-[šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú]8

(iv 1'') [Afterwards, Uallî, his son], s[at on his throne. He saw] the might of the deities A[ššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû], Ištar of Nineveh, [Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal], the [great] gods, [my lords, and] (iv 5´´) bow[ed down to my yoke]. For the pre[servation of his (own) life, he opened up his hands to me] (and) ma[de an appeal to my lordly majesty. He] sent Er[isinni], his [heir des]ignate, to Nine[veh] and (iv 10´´) he k[issed] my feet. I had mercy on him. I dispatched [my] messen[ger wi]th (a message of) goodwill to him. He sent me (his) daughter, [his] own offsp[ring], (iv 15´´) to serve as a housekeeper. (As for) his fo[r]mer payment, which they had discontinued in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they carried (it) before me. I added thirty ho[r]ses to [his fo]rmer paymen[t] and [imposed] (it) upon him.

iv 2''2''

da-na-an AN.[ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG]

iv 3''3''

d15 šá NINA.KI [d15 šá LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR]

iv 4''4''


iv 5''5''

ik-nu-[šá a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia]

iv 6''6''

áš-šú ba-[laṭ ZI--šú up-na-a-šú ip-ta-a]

iv 7''7''

ú-ṣal-[la-a EN-ú-ti]

iv 8''8''

me-ri-[si-in-ni DUMU] -ti-šú

iv 9''9''

a-na NINA.[KI] -pur-am-ma

iv 10''10''

ú-na-[áš-ši-qa] GÌR.II.MEŠ-ia

iv 11''11''

re-e-mu ar-ši-šú

iv 12''12''

.A šip-ri-[ia] ša šul-me

iv 13''13''

ú-ma-ʾe-er EDIN--šú

iv 14''14''

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-[bi-šú] ú-še-bi-la

iv 15''15''

a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-ú-ti

iv 16''16''

ma-da-ta-šú maḫ-ri-

iv 17''17''

ša ina ter-ṣi LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

iv 18''18''

ú-šab-ṭi-lu -šu-u-ni a-di IGI-ia

iv 19''19''


iv 20''20''

UGU ma-da-at-ti-[šú] maḫ-ri-ti

iv 21''21''

ú-rad-di-ma [e-]-is-su

iv 22''22''

[ina] u₄-me-šú mbi-ri-is-[ḫa-at-ri .EN.URU ša] mad-a-a9

(iv 22'') [At] that time, (as for) Biris[ḫatri, a city ruler of] the Medes,



Column v


v 1'1'

m?[te-um-man le-mut-tu -te--ʾi-i]

(v 1') [Teumman constantly sought out evil (deeds), (but)] the god [Sîn (also) sought out inauspicious omens for him]. In the month [Duʾūzu (IV), an eclipse (of the moon) lasted longer than the third watch of the night, until daylight, the god Šamaš saw it, and it lasted like this] the entire d[ay], (thus signifying) the en[d of the reign of Teumman, the king of the land Elam], (and) the destruction of his land.

v 2'2'

d[30 -te--ʾa-šú GIŠKIM.MEŠ le-mut-ti]

v 3'3'

ina ITI.[ŠU AN.MI šat ur-ri EN ZÁLAG -ta-ni-iḫ-ma]

v 4'4'

d[UTU IGI-šú-ma ki-ma šu-a-tu-ma]

v 5'5'

kal u₄-[me -ta-ni-iḫ]

v 6'6'

a-na -[it BALA.MEŠ mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

v 7'7'

ZÁḪ KUR-šú [ú-kal-lim-an-ni]

(v 7'b) “The Fruit” (the god Sîn) [revealed to me his] decision, [which cannot be changed]. At that time, [a mishap befell him]: (v 10´) His lip b[ecame paralyzed and his eyes turned back. He was not ashamed] b[y these measures] that the god [Sîn and the goddess Ištar had taken against him].

v 8'8'

GURUN .BAR-[šú šá la in-nen-nu-ú]

v 9'9'

ina u₄-me-šú [mi-iḫ-ru im-ḫur-šú-ma]

v 10'10'

NUNDUM-su uk-[tam-bil-ma IGI.II-šú is-ḫur-ma]10

v 11'11'

it-ti [ep-še-e-ti an-na-a-ti]

v 12'12'

šá d[30 u d15 e-pu-šu-]11



Col. vi completely missing

Col. vi completely missing

Column vii
viivii Lacuna


vii 1'1'

[mtam-ma-ri-tu ŠEŠ-šú šal-šá-a-a]

(vii 1') [I ins]talled [Tammarītu, his third brother, as king in the city Ḫidalu. (With) the ch]ari[ots, wagons, horses, mu]les, harness-br[oken (steeds), (and) equipment suited for] war (vii ) [th]at I [cap]tured [be]tween the city S[usa and the Ul]āya [River] with the support of [(the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Ištar, the great gods, by the command of] (the god) Aššur and the [great] god[s, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Ela]m [and salvation was establis]hed [for my] entire [army].

vii 2'2'

[ina URU.ḫi-da-lu a-na LUGAL-ú-ti áš]-kun?

vii 3'3'


vii 4'4'

ṣi-mit-ti [ni-i-ri GIŠ.til-li si-mat]

vii 5'5'

ša ina tu-kul-ti [AN.ŠÁR d15 DINGIR.MEŠ GAL].MEŠ

vii 6'6'

bi-rit URU.šu-[šá-an u ÍD.ú-la]-a-a

vii 7'7'

[ik]-šu-da [ŠU.II-a]-a

vii 8'8'

[ina -bit] AN.ŠÁR u DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ul-tu -reb]12

vii 9'9'

[KUR.ELAM].MA.KI [ḫa-diš ú-ṣa-am-ma]

vii 10'10'

[a-na] gi-mir [ERIM.ḪI.A-ia šá-lim-tu šak-na]-at

vii 11'11'

[ina] 8-e [ger-ri]-ia

(vii 11') [On] my eighth [campaign, I mar]ched [against] Dunān[u, son of Bēl-iqī]ša, [to the land] Gambul[u, which had put its tru]st [in] the king of the land Ela[m (vii 15´) (and) had not bow]ed down [to] my [yoke. With] my [mighty battle array, I cove]red [the land Gambulu in] its [entir]ety [like a fog]. I conquered [the city Ša-pī-Bēl], his [fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers].

vii 12'12'

[UGU m]du-na-nu [DUMU mdEN-BA]-šá

vii 13'13'

[a-na KUR].gam-bu-li? [lu-u al]-lik

vii 14'14'

[ša a-na] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.[MA.KI it-tak]-lu?

vii 15'15'

[la-a ik]-nu-šú [ana GIŠ.ŠUDUN]-ia

vii 16'16'

[ta-ḫa]-zi [dan-nu]

vii 17'17'

[KUR.gam-bu-lu a-na si-ḫir]-ti?-šú

vii 18'18'

[GIM MURU₉ ak]-tùm?

vii 19'19'

[URU.šá-pi-i-dEN URU dan-nu-ti]-šú

vii 20'20'

[ša -reb ÍD.MEŠ na-da-at šu-bat-su] ak-šu?-ud

vii 21'21'

[mdu-na-nu ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú ul-tu -reb URU šú]-a-tu

(vii 21') [I brough]t [Dunānu (and) his brothers out of th]at [city alive. I brought out his wife, his sons], his [daughters, his (palace) women, male singers, (and) female singer]s [and I cou]nted (them) [as booty. I brought out silver, gold, property, (and) the treasures of] his palace [and I cou]nted (them) [as booty. (vii 30´) I brought out eunuchs], his [attendants, engineers, (and)] his [food preparer]s [and I] counted (them) [as booty. I brought out all of (his) artisans, as many as th]ere were, [the bond of city and] steppe, [and I cou]nted (them) [as booty. (vii 35´) I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, (and) m]ules, [which we]re [with]out [number, and I cou]nted (them) [as booty]. I did [not] leave [a single person of his land male and female, young] and old (and) [I brought (them) out and] counted (them) [as boo]ty.

vii 22'22'

[bal-ṭu-us-su-un ú-še-ṣa]-a

vii 23'23'


vii 24'24'


vii 25'25'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am]-nu

vii 26'26'

[.BABBAR .GI NÍG.ŠU na-kám-ti] É.GAL-šú

vii 27'27'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am]-nu

vii 28'28'

[.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ .man-za-az pa-ni]-šú?

vii 29'29'

[.kit-ki-tu-ú mu-šá-ki-le]-e-šú

vii 30'30'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš] am-nu

vii 31'31'

[gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la] ba-šu-u

vii 32'32'

[mar-kas URU u] EDIN

vii 33'33'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am]-nu

vii 34'34'


vii 35'35'

[ša ni-ba la i]-šu?-u

vii 36'36'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am]-nu

vii 37'37'

[UN.MEŠ KUR-šú zik-ra u sin-niš TUR] u? GAL

vii 38'38'

[e-du ul] e-zib

vii 39'39'

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la]-tiš? am-nu

vii 40'40'

[mmas-si-ra-a] .GAL [GIŠ].PAN

(vii 40') [I] captured [alive Massirâ], the chief [a]rcher [of Teumman, the ki]ng of the land Elam, [who] was stationed [inside the city Ša-p]ī-Bēl [to provide support to] the land Gambulu (and) [to guard Dunān]u. [I cut off his head] (and) beat (it) [against the face of] Dunānu, [the ally who could not save him].

vii 41'41'

[šá mte-um-man] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 42'42'

[šá a-na kit-ri] KUR.gam-bu-li

vii 43'43'

[ma-ṣar-tu mdu-na]-nu áš-bu

vii 44'44'

[-reb URU.šá]-pi-i-dEN

vii 45'45'

[bal-ṭu-us-su ina qa-ti] aṣ-bat

vii 46'46'

[SAG.DU-su ak-kís it-ti pa-ni] mdu-na-nu

vii 47'47'

[kit-ri la mu-še-zib-i-šú] ar?-pi-is

vii 48'48'

[URU šu-a-tu ap-pul] aq-qur

(vii 48') [(As for) that city, I destroyed], demolished, [(and) dissolved (it) with water]; I annih[ilated (it). (vii 50´) I laid] waste [that district (and) cut off the clamor of humans from] it. [With the support of the great gods, I ki]lled [my enemies (and) returned safely t]o Assyria.

vii 49'49'

[ina A.MEŠ -ḫar-miṭ a-di la ba-še-e] ú-šá-lik

vii 50'50'

[na-gu-u šu-a-tu ú]-šaḫ-rib

vii 51'51'

[ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa EDIN]--šú

vii 52'52'

[ina tu-kul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ .KÚR.MEŠ-ia a]-ni?-ir?

vii 53'53'

[šal-meš a-tu-ra a]-na KUR -šur13

vii 54'54'

[SAG.DU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA].KI14

(vii 54') [I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunānu].



vii 1''1''

[...] iq-bu-[u]15

(vii 1'') [... w]ho uttered [... un]kind [...], I ripped out [their tongue(s and) flayed] them [inside the city Arbela].

vii 2''2''

[... la?] ṭa-a-bu

vii 3''3''

[-reb URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR EME-šú-un] áš-lu-up

vii 4''4''

[áš-ḫu-ṭa KUŠ]-šú-un

vii 5''5''

[mdu-na-nu ... ḫi-ri]-iṣ GAL₅..MEŠ

(vii 5'') [(As for) Dunānu, ..., the (very) imag]e of a gallû-demon, [...] did [n]ot do obeisance to me, [...], I had [his limbs] cut off. [...] kings who sit upon (royal) daises, [...] I sent [...].

vii 6''6''

[...] la? e-peš ARAD-ti-ía

vii 7''7''

[... meš-re-ti-šú?] ú-par-ri-is

vii 8''8''

[...] LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib pa-rak-ki

vii 9''9''

[...] ú-še-bil

vii 10''10''

[si-it-ti ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú šá m]du-na-nu

(vii 10'') [(As for) the rest of the brothers of D]unānu [and Aplāy]a, I killed (them), [chopped up their flesh, (and) sent (them) out to be a spectacle] in all of the lands.

vii 11''11''

[ù mIBILA-a]-a? a-ni-ir

vii 12''12''

[UZU.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-nak-kis ú-še-bil a-na ta-mar-ti] ma-ti-tan

vii 13''13''


(vii 13'') [(As for) Nabû-naʾid (and) Bēl-ēṭir, sons of Nabû-šu]ma-ēreš, the šandabakku (governor of Nippur), [whose father, the one who had engendered them], had stirred up [Urtaku to fight with the land] Akkad [the bones of Nabû-šuma-ēr], [which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assy]ria,

vii 14''14''

[ša AD ba-nu-šú-un mur-ta-ki] id-ka-a

vii 15''15''

[a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi KUR] URI.KI

vii 16''16''


vii 17''17''

[ša ul-tu -reb KUR.gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na KUR ]-šur.KI16



Column viii
viiiviii Lacuna


viii 1'1'

[ter-ra tuk-te-e AD ba-ni-ka]17

(viii 1') [Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you.” Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, (and) Nēšu, together with the messengers of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn], (my) hos[tile] brother, [set out en route and] too[k the direct road].

viii 2'2'

m[un-da-su mza-za-az mpa-ru-u]

viii 3'3'

m[at-ta-me-tu m-e-šú]

viii 4'4'

[it-ti .A KIN.MEŠ šá mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA]

viii 5'5'

ŠEŠ nak?-[ri ur-ḫu iṣ-ba-tu-nim-ma]

viii 6'6'

-te-[-šer-u-ni ḫar-ra-nu]

viii 7'7'

ERIM.MEŠ -[ia šá ina]

(viii 7') [My] battle troops [(who were stationed) in the land Mangisi] which [is inside (the territory of) the city Sumandir]

viii 8'8'

ša? [-reb]18



viii 1''1''

ú-ma?-[ʾe-er ṣe-er mum-man-i-gaš]19

(viii 1'') I di[spatched my messenger to Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) regarding these matters. He detained] the [eunuch of mine whom] I had se[nt (Marduk-šarru-uṣur) and did] not [give a reply to my word(s)].

viii 2''2''

?.[šu-ut SAG-ia šá]

viii 3''3''

áš-pu?-[ra ik-la-ma]20

viii 4''4''

la ú?-[ter-ra tur- a-mat-ia]

viii 5''5''

AN.[ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG dU.GUR]21

(viii 5'') [The gods] [šur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) Nergal], the god[s who support me, rendered a just verdict for me concerning Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II). Tammarītu rebelled against him an]d [struck] hi[m, together with his family, down with the sword]. (viii 10´´) Tamm[arītu, who was (even) more inso]lent [than Ummanigaš], sa[t on the t]hrone of the land Elam.

viii 6''6''

DINGIR.[MEŠ tik-le-ia]

viii 7''7''

[di-in kit-ti it-ti mum-man-i-gaš i-di-nu-in-ni]

viii 8''8''

[mtam-ma-ri-tu EDIN--šú ib-bal-kit]-ma

viii 9''9''

šá-a-[šú ga-du kim-ti-šú ú-ra-sib-šú ina GIŠ.TUKUL].MEŠ

viii 10''10''

mtam-ma-[ri-tu šá e-la mum-man-i-gaš ek]-ṣu

viii 11''11''

ú-šib [ina GIŠ].GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

viii 12''12''

ki-ma šá-a-[šú-ma ul-tu ŠU.II] mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA

(viii 12'') Just like hi[m (Ummanigaš), he (Tammarītu) accepted] bri[bes from the hand of] Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, did [not] inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, (and) (viii 15´´) [went] to the ai[d of Šama]š-šuma-ukīn, (my) un[faithful] brother, to fig[ht with] my [troop]s. As a result of the supplication[s that I] had addressed [to (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar], they [acc]epted my prayers (and) listened to the ut[terance(s) of] my [lip(s)]. (viii 20´´) His servants [rebell]ed against [him] and together str[uck down] my [adversar]y. Indabibi, a servant of his [who] had incited [rebellion against] him, sat on [his throne].

viii 13''13''

ṭa-ʾa-[a- im-ḫur ul] -al šu-lum LUGAL-ti-ia

viii 14''14''

a-na kit-[ri mdGIŠ].NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA

viii 15''15''

ŠEŠ la [ke-e-nu il-lik-am]-ma

viii 16''16''

a-na mit-ḫu-[ṣi ERIM.ḪI].A-ia

viii 17''17''

ina su-up-pe-[e ša AN.ŠÁR u d15 ú]-sap-pu-u

viii 18''18''

un-ni-ni-ia [il]-qu-ú?

viii 19''19''

-mu-u zi-[kir NUNDUM]-ia

viii 20''20''

ARAD.MEŠ-šú EDIN--[šú ib-bal-ki]-tu-ma

viii 21''21''

a-ḫa-meš ú-ra-[si-bu EN MUNUS].ḪUL-ia

viii 22''22''

min-da-bi-bi ARAD-su [ša si-ḫu UGU]-šú ú-šab-šú-u

viii 23''23''

ú-šib ina GIŠ.[GU.ZA-šú] mtam-ma-ri-tu [MAN KUR].ELAM.MA.KI22

(viii 23''b) (As for) Tammarītu, [the king of the land] Elam [w]ho had spoken insolent word(s) on account of the cutting [off of the head of Teumman] which a low-ranking sol[dier of] my [ar]my had cut off saying: “Will they cut off the h[ead of the king of the land Ela]m in his (own) land, in the midst of [his troops?” He spoke a second time]: “Moreover, how could Ummanigaš k[iss the ground before the messen]gers of Ashurbanipal, king of [Assyria, the creation of (the god) Aššur and the goddess] Mullissu?” (viii 30´´) On account of [these words that he had slanderously uttered, (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu attacke]d him and (then) Tamma[rītu, his brothers, his family, (and) the seed of] his father’s [house, tog]ether with [eighty-five nobles who march at] his [si]de, [...] ... [...]

viii 24''24''

ša UGU ni-kis [SAG.DU mte-um-man] me-re-eḫ-tu

viii 25''25''

iq-bu-u šá ik-ki-su a-ḫu-ru-[ú] ERIM.ḪI.A-ía

viii 26''26''

um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u SAG.[DU MAN KUR.ELAM].MA.KI

viii 27''27''

ina -reb KUR-šú ina UKKIN [ERIM.ḪI.A-šú šá-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi] ù mum-man-i-gaš

viii 28''28''

ke-e ú-na-[áš-šiq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an .A] KIN.MEŠ

viii 29''29''

ša m-šur--A MAN [KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI bi-nu-ut AN.ŠÁR u? d]NIN.LÍL

viii 30''30''

UGU [a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti šá il-zi-nu AN.ŠÁR u dNIN.LÍL? e-ri]-ḫu-šú-ma

viii 31''31''

mtam-ma-[ri- ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú qin-nu-šú NUMUN É] AD-šú

viii 32''32''

it-ti [85 NUN.MEŠ a-li-kut i]-di-šú

viii 33''33''

[...] x x

viii 34''34''

[...] x23



viii 1'''1'''

[...] x x [x (x)]

(viii 1''') [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... [...] for (something to) e[at]. (viii 5´´´) They could not satisfy [(their) starvation (and) hunger (so) they ate dog]s (and) mongooses. [Their sin] was great. They ate [grass]. (As for) the snakes (and) [scorpions], as many [creature]s that there are on earth, (viii 10´´´) (and) rodent[s], they brought them to an end. They gnawed on animal hides, (leather) straps, shoes and sandals. To (fight) their hunger, they slaughtered (their) sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, [...], all of them. (viii 15´´´) I[nstead of] bread, they ate the flesh of their sons. [Instead of] beer, they drank the blood of their daughters.

viii 2'''2'''

[...] x u [x (x)]

viii 3'''3'''

[...] x u [x]

viii 4'''4'''

[...] a-na a-ki-li?

viii 5'''5'''

[ina un-ṣi -eb-re]-ti la ig--lu

viii 6'''6'''


viii 7'''7'''

[NÍG.GIG-šú-nu] ra-bu-u

viii 8'''8'''

ina [šam-mu pi-i-šú]-nu ig-mu-ru

viii 9'''9'''

MUŠ.MEŠ [GÍR.TAB.MEŠ nam-maš]-ti qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-šú-u

viii 10'''10'''

zer-man-du iq-ti-šú-nu-ti

viii 11'''11'''

ik-su-su gi-il-du ku-ru-us-su

viii 12'''12'''


viii 13'''13'''

a-na bu-ri-šú-nu ú-ṭa-ba-bi-ḫu

viii 14'''14'''


viii 15'''15'''

UZU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-šú-nu e-ku-lu ku-[um] NINDA.MEŠ

viii 16'''16'''

ÚŠ.MEŠ DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú-nu -ta-at-tu-u [ku-um] ši-ka-ri

viii 17'''17'''

ina la ma-ka-le-e iq-ta-a i-zu-ba

(viii 17''') From lack of food, their limbs stopped working (lit. “came to an end”) (and) withered away; they became like corpse(s). The faces of the people darkened as (if by) smo[ke] with depression and mournin[g. In the square(s) of the city, the young m]an [s]aw the concealed part(s) of the young woman, (and) the young woman the concealed part(s) of the yo[ung man].

viii 18'''18'''

meš-re-ti-šú-nu e-mu-u šá-lam-tíš

viii 19'''19'''

zi-i-me UN.MEŠ ina ku-ú-ri u ni-is-sa-ti

viii 20'''20'''

iq-ṭu-ru ki-ma qut-[ri]

viii 21'''21'''

[eṭ]-lu šá ar-da-ti ar-da-tu šá eṭ-[li]

viii 22'''22'''

[ina re-bet URU i-na]-aṭ-ṭa-lu pu-zur-[šùn]24



viii 1''''1''''

[AD e-te-zib] DUMU na-ram lìb-[bi-šú]

(viii 1'''') [The father left (his) s]on whom [his] h[eart] loved. [In order] not to see one another [in a state of dyin]g, a person (lit. “he”) made a promise [to an enemy, who would ki]ll him. [Plague, pestilence], illness, (and) the chills (viii 5´´´´) [reduced the peo]ple of the land Akkad, all of them. [Between the city and the steppe], the swift iron dagger [fin]ished them off. [The governor, thei]r [shepherd], became angry with them and [cut dow]n the remainder (of them).

viii 2''''2''''

[šu-ut -tu]-tu a-ḫa-meš la na-ṭa-li?

viii 3''''3''''

[a-na .KÚR da-a]-a-ki-šú it-ta-din pi-i-šú

viii 4''''4''''

[šib-ṭu NAM.ÚŠ].MEŠ GIG šu-ru-up-pu-u

viii 5''''5''''

[ú-ṣa-ḫir] UN.MEŠ KUR URI.KI -šú-un

viii 6''''6''''

[bi-rit URU u EDIN ig]-mur-šú-nu-ti GÍR AN.BAR ḫa-an-ṭu

viii 7''''7''''

[GÌR.NÍTA SIPA-šú]-nu ina lìb-bi-šú-nu iz-zi-iz-ma

viii 8''''8''''

[ú-šam]-qit si-it-

viii 9''''9''''

[ADDA.MEŠ UN.MEŠ] SILA u su-lu-u pur-ru-ku

(viii 9'''') [The corpses of people] were obstructing [the stre]et(s and) alley(s); [they were blocking] gateways. [The si]lence (of desolation) lay [over the city and (its) ruler; a deathly hush] had been poured out. [Thei]r [storeroom(s)] were laid waste, [thei]r [fields] wept (and) mourned, (and) (viii 15´´´´) [thei]r [watercourses], which had (once) gushed with an abundance of water, [were (now) filled with silt].

viii 10''''10''''

[pu-uḫ-ḫu-ú] .MEŠ

viii 11''''11''''

[UGU URU u NUN šá]-qu-um-ma-tu na-da-at

viii 12''''12''''

[šá-ḫur-ra-tu] tab-kàt

viii 13''''13''''

[ga-nun-šú]-un šu-uḫ-ru-bu

viii 14''''14''''

[A.GÀR.MEŠ-šú]-un ba-ku-u sa-ap-du

viii 15''''15''''

[ÍD.MEŠ-šú]-un šá ú-šaḫ-bi-ba A.MEŠ ḪÉ.NUN

viii 16''''16''''

[im-la-a sa-ki-ka] mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ nak-ri

(viii 16''''b) (As for) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) hostile brother [who] had planned murder [against Assyria and] uttered grievous blasphemies [against (the god) Aššur, the god] who created me, [he] (the god Aššur) determined for him [a cruel death]; he consigned him to a conflagration and [destro]yed his life.

viii 17''''17''''

[ša a-na KUR -šur].KI ik-pu-du -er-

viii 18''''18''''

[ù e-li AN.ŠÁR DINGIR] ba-ni-ia iq-bu-ú šil-la-tu GAL-tu

viii 19''''19''''

[mu-u- lem-nu i]-šim-šú-u-ma ina mi-qit dGIBIL₆ i-di-šu-ma

viii 20''''20''''

[ú-ḫal]-li-qa nap-šat-su

viii 21''''21''''

[.ERIM.MEŠ] e-piš si-ḫi bar-ti

(viii 21'''') [(As for) the soldiers] who had perpetrated sedition (and) rebellion, [as many as] had made common cause [wit]h him, not a single one (of them) escaped; [(anyone) who tried to get aw]ay did not escape my grasp. [(As for) clothing (and)] precious [jewe]lry, every royal appurtenance, (viii 25´´´´) [the necessit]ies of his palace, as much as there was, his [palace wome]n, his nobles, his eunuchs, [and (other) people as]sociated with his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, [chariot(s), a pro]cessional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, [horse]s, his harness-broken (steeds), (viii 30´´´´) [(and) people m]ale and female, young and old [who] had escaped [fro]m the clash of arms, [diʾu-disease, plague], pestilence, and hunger I [captured (them and)] carried (them) off to Assyria.

viii 22''''22''''

[ma-la it]-ti-šú šak-nu e-du ul ip-par-šid

viii 23''''23''''

[mul-taḫ]-ṭu ul ú-ṣi ina ŠU.II-ia

viii 24''''24''''

[lu-bul-tu šu]-kut-tu a-qar-tu mim-ma si-mat LUGAL-ti

viii 25''''25''''

[ḫi-šiḫ]-ti É.GAL-šú ma-la ba-šú-u

viii 26''''26''''

[MUNUS.sek-re]-ti-šú GAL.MEŠ-šú .šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú

viii 27''''27''''

[ù UN.MEŠ] li-me-et É.GAL-šú .BABBAR .GI NÍG.ŠU NÍG.GA

viii 28''''28''''

[GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ.šá] šá-da-di ru-kub be-lu-ú-ti-šú

viii 29''''29''''

[ANŠE.KUR.RA].MEŠ ṣi-mit-ti ni-i-ri-šú

viii 30''''30''''

[UN.MEŠ] zi-kir u sin-niš TUR u GAL

viii 31''''31''''

[šá la-pa]-an mit-ḫu-ṣi GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

viii 32''''32''''

[di-ʾu šib-ṭu] NAM.ÚŠ.MEŠ u -eb-re- i-še-tu-u-ni

viii 33''''33''''

[ik-šu-da ŠU.II]-a-a áš-lu-la a-na KUR -šur.KI

viii 34''''34''''

[UN.MEŠ EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭi] an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti

(viii 34'''') [(As for) the people who were guilty], I imposed [a] harsh [pun]ishment upon them. I destroyed [their faces], flayed them, (and) [chopped up] their [fle]sh.

viii 35''''35''''

[bu-un-na-an-ni-šú-nu] at-bal KUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu áš-ḫu-uṭ

viii 36''''36''''

[ú-nak-ki-sa UZU].MEŠ-šú-un

viii 37''''37''''

[min-da-bi-bi šá EGIR] mtam-ma-ri-

(viii 37'''') [Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land E]lam [after] Tammarītu, [sa]w [the might of my weapons that had previously prevailed over the land] Elam and [(as for) the Assyrians] whom

viii 38''''38''''

[ú-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR].ELAM.MA.KI

viii 39''''39''''

[da-na-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia e]-mur-ma

viii 40''''40''''

[šá ul-tu re-e-ši ú-šam-ri-ru UGU KUR].ELAM.KI

viii 41''''41''''

[DUMU.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI] šá25



Column ix
ixix Lacuna


ix 1'1'

min?-[da-bi-bi LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

(ix 1') In[dabibi, the king of the land Elam, released them] from [prison]. So that (they) would inte[rcede (with me), say good thing(s) about him], (and) in order to prevent (me) from doing ha[rm to the territory of his land, he sent (them) before me] by the hands of [his] mes[senger].

ix 2'2'

ul-tu [É ṣi-bit-ti ú-še-ṣa-áš-šú-nu-ti]

ix 3'3'

ki-i ṣa-[bat a-bu-ut-ti qa--e MUNUS.SIG₅-šú]

ix 4'4'

la ḫa-ṭe-[e mi-ṣir KUR-šú]

ix 5'5'

ina ŠU.II .A [KIN-šú ú-še-bi-la a-di IGI-ia]

ix 6'6'


(ix 6') With regard to [Nabû-bēl-šumāti, son of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan)], a servant [who belonged to me] who had fled (and) [gone to the land Elam], and (with regard to) the re[st of the Assyrians] (ix 10´) whom Nabû-bēl-[šumāti] had seiz[ed by guile (and) taken (to Elam) with him, I sent (a message) to Indabibi] by the hands of [his] messenger, (saying) as follows: “Since [you have not sent me those] people, (ix 15´) I will com[e and tear down your cities. I will carry off] the people of [the cities Susa], Madaktu, (and) [Ḫidalu. I will remove you] from [your] ro[yal] throne [and make] someone else [sit] on [your throne]. The (same) actions that [I used to thwart Teumman], I will make ha[ppen to you].”

ix 7'7'

ARAD [da-gíl pa-ni-ia]

ix 8'8'

šá in-nab-tu [il-li-ku a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

ix 9'9'

ù si-it-[ti DUMU.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI]

ix 10'10'

ša mdAG?-EN-[MU.MEŠ ina pi-ir-ṣa-a-ti]

ix 11'11'

ú-ṣab-bi-[tu ú-bi-lu it-ti-šú]

ix 12'12'

ina ŠU.II .A KIN-[šú a-na min-da-bi-bi]

ix 13'13'

ki-a-am [áš-pur-šu-ma]

ix 14'14'

áš-šú UN.MEŠ [an-nu-u-ti la tu-še-bi-la]

ix 15'15'

um-ma al-la-[kam-ma URU.MEŠ-ka a-na-qar]

ix 16'16'

UN.MEŠ [URU.šu-šá-an]

ix 17'17' [URU.ḫi-da-lu a-šal-lal]

ix 18'18'

ul-tu GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-[ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma]

ix 19'19'

šá-nam-ma ina [GIŠ.GU.ZA-ka ú-še-šab]

ix 20'20'

ep-šet ina IGI m[te-um-man ú-šap-ri-ku]

ix 21'21'

ú-šam-[ḫar-ka ka-a-ta]

ix 22'22'

a-di .[A KIN-šú ma-ḫar-šú la i-kaš-šá-du]

(ix 22') Before [his messenger had arrived in his presence] (and before) he co[uld report the issuing of my decision to him], with the support of the deities A[ššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû], (ix 25´) Ištar o[f Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal], who [march at my side (and) kill my foes, inside the land Elam], th[ey (the Elamites)] h[eard about the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to the city Dēr. Fear of my royal majesty (ix 30´) with] which [the great gods had endowed me overwhelmed] the land [Elam and (then)] the peop[le of the land Elam] reb[elled] aga[inst Indabibi] (and) (ix 35´) ki[lled him with the sword]. Th[ey placed] Um[manaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), son of Atta-metu, on his (Indabibi’s) throne].

ix 23'23'

la ú-[šá-an-nu-šú ši-kin ṭè-e-me-ia]

ix 24'24'

ina tukul-ti AN.[ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG]

ix 25'25'

d15 šá [NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR]

ix 26'26'

ša [it-tal-la-ku Á.II-a-a]

ix 27'27'

i-[na-ar-ru ga-re-ia]

ix 28'28'

[a-lak? .A KIN-ia ša a-na áš-pu-ru]

ix 29'29'

-[mu-u -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI pu-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ti-ia]

ix 30'30'

šá [ú-za-ʾi-nu-in-ni DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ]

ix 31'31'

KUR.[ELAM.MA.KI is-ḫu-up-ma]

ix 32'32'


ix 33'33'

ṣe-[er min-da-bi-bi]

ix 34'34'


ix 35'35'

i-[na-ru- i-na GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ]

ix 36'36'

mum-[man-al-da-si DUMU mat-ta-me-tu]

ix 37'37'

ú-[še-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú]

ix 38'38'

m[ia-u-ta- DUMU mḫa-za-a-DINGIR]26

(ix 38') [Iautaʾ, son of Hazael], the k[ing of the land Qedar who does obeisance to me, approached me] ab[out his gods and]

ix 39'39'

LUGAL [ e-piš ARAD-ti-ia]

ix 40'40'

áš-[šú DINGIR.MEŠ-šú im-ḫur-an-ni-ma]27



ix 1''1''

fa-[di-ia-a šar-rat KUR.a-ri-bi]28

(ix 1'') [I inflicted a heavy] defeat on A[diya, the queen of the land of the Arabs. I burned] her tents [with fire. I captured] her alive (and) brought her [to Assyria], together with the plunder of [her land].

ix 2''2''

di-ik-ta-[šá ma--as-su a-duk]

ix 3''3''

kul-ta-re-e-šá [ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu]

ix 4''4''

šá-a-šá bal-ṭu-us-[sa ina ŠU.II aṣ-bat]

ix 5''5''

it-ti ḫu-bu-ut [KUR-šá?]

ix 6''6''

al-qa-áš-ši [a-na KUR -šur.KI]

ix 7''7''

mna-at-nu LUGAL[ti ša a-šar-šú ru-ú-qu]

(ix 7'') Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabaya[teans whose location is remote] heard about the migh<t of> the gods Aššur (and) Marduk, [who had encouraged me]. The one who (ix 10´´) had [n]ever [sent] his messenger t[o the kings, my ancestors], and had never inquired about the well-bein[g of my royal majesty] after Iautaʾ, [the king of the land of the Arabs], a servant who belonged [to me, had fled] to the land of the Nabayateans [and] (ix 15´´) came befor[e Natnu], Natnu [said] the following to [Iautaʾ], saying: [Can] I myself [be spared] from the grasp of Assyria? Nevertheless, you have made me [your stronghold]!” (ix 20´´) Natnu became frightened an[d distressed]. He sent his messengers to me to inquire ab[out my well-being] and kiss[ed my feet]. He was constantly besee[ching my lordly majesty] to conclude a treaty (and) [peace agreement], (and) to do obeisance to me. (ix 25´´) I myself loo[ked] with pleasure [upon him and turned] my benevolent face [towards him]. I [imposed upon him] annual tribute [payment].

ix 8''8''

-ma-a da-na-<an> AN.ŠÁR dAMAR.UTU [ša ú-tak-kil-ú-in-ni]

ix 9''9''

šá ma-te₉-e-ma a-na [LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia]

ix 10''10''

.A KIN-šú [la -pu-ra]

ix 11''11''

la -ʾa-a-lu₄ šu-lum [LUGAL-ti-ia]

ix 12''12''

ul-tu mia-u-ta- [LUGAL KUR.a-ri-bi]

ix 13''13''

ARAD da-gíl [pa-ni-ia]

ix 14''14''

a-na [in-nab-tu-ma]

ix 15''15''

il-li-ku ma-ḫar [mna-at-nu]

ix 16''16''

mna-at-nu a-na m[ia-u-ta-]

ix 17''17''

ki-a-am [iq-bi-šú-ma]

ix 18''18''

um-ma a-na-ku la ŠU.II KUR -šur.[KI ul-te-zi-i-bi]

ix 19''19''

ù at-ta taš-kun-an-ni [a-na dan-nu-ti-ka]

ix 20''20''

mna-at-nu ip-làḫ-ma [ir-šá-a na-kut-tu]

ix 21''21''

.A KIN.MEŠ-šú a-na šá-ʾa-[al šul--ia]

ix 22''22''

-pur-am-ma ú-na-áš-ši-[qa GÌR.II-ia]

ix 23''23''

a-na šá-kan a-de-e [su-lum-me-e]

ix 24''24''

e-peš ARAD-ti-ia ú-ṣa-na-al-[la-a be-lu-u-ti]

ix 25''25''

a-na-ku ḫa-diš ap-pa-[lis-šu-ma]

ix 26''26''

pa-ni-ia SIG₅.MEŠ [UGU-šú áš-kun]

ix 27''27''

GUN [man-da-at-tu]

ix 28''28''

šat-ti-šam-ma ú-[kin ṣe-ru--šú]

ix 29''29''

i-na 11-e ger-ri-ia a-[na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI lu al-lik ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia]29

(ix 29'') On my eleventh campaign, [I marched] t[o the land Elam. In the course of my campaign, I conq]uered the city Bīt-Imbî, a city upon which [the land Elam] relie[d]. (As for) the people living inside it, who [had not co]me out and inquired about the well-being of [my] royal ma[jesty], I killed (them). I cut off their heads, sliced off [thei]r lip[s], (and) t[oo]k (them) to Assyria to be a spectacle for the people of my land.

ix 30''30''

URU.É-mim-bi-i URU tukul-ti [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ak]-šu-ud

ix 31''31''

UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb-bi-šú šá [la ú]-ṣu-nim-ma30

ix 32''32''

la -ʾa-a-lu₄ šu-lum LUGAL-[ti-ia] a-nir

ix 33''33''

SAG.DU.MEŠ-šú-nu ak-kis NUNDUM.[MEŠ-šú]-nu ap-ru-

ix 34''34''

a-na ta-mar-ti UN.MEŠ KUR-ia al-[qa]-a a-na KUR -šur.KI

ix 35''35''

mim-ba-ap-pi .GAL GIŠ.[PAN šá KUR.ELAM.MA].KI

(ix 35'') (As for) Imbappi, the chief ar[cher of the land Elam], who was statio[ned as a guard] in the city Bīt-Imbî, [I brought him out of that city] ali[ve. ...]

ix 36''36''

šá ina URU.É-mim-bi-i pa-aq-[du a-na EN.NUN-u-ti]

ix 37''37''

bal-ṭu-[us-su ...] x x [...]31



ix 1'''1'''

MUNUS.[É.GAL DUMU.MEŠ-šú šá m]te-um-man [MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]32

(ix 1''') [I brought out a palace] w[oman (and) the sons of] Teumman [the king of the land Elam wh]ose head [I had cut off during a previous campaign on the instructio]n(s) of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), (and) [Nabû together with the rest of the people liv]ing in the city Bīt-Imbî [and] I counted (them) as [bo]oty. [...] third-men, [... male singers], female singers. [...], his [...]

ix 2'''2'''

[šá ina na-áš-par]-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN [dAG]

ix 3'''3'''

[i-na ger-ri-ia maḫ-re-e ak-ki-su] SAG.DU-su

ix 4'''4'''

[it-ti si-it-ti UN.MEŠ a]-ši-bu-ti URU.É-mim-bi-i

ix 5'''5'''

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal]-la-tiš am-nu

ix 6'''6'''

[...] .3.U₅.MEŠ

ix 7'''7'''


ix 8'''8'''




Column x


x 1'1'

[... a-na KUR.e]-lam-ti [m?bar?-bu-ru DUMU-šú ul-tu URU.É-mim-bi-i]

(x 1') [... to the land El]am [I br]ought [Barburu, his son], out [of the city Bīt-Imbî] and flayed him.

x 2'2'

[ú]-še-ṣa-am-ma KUŠ-šú áš-ḫu-uṭ [mtam-ma-ri-tu MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI mun-nab-tu]

(x 2'b) [(As for) Tammarītu, king of the land Elam, a fugitive] who had [set out] from Assyria [(and) gone (back) to the land Elam], he saw the assault of my mighty battle array (and) the ... [... of my weapons that] had prevailed [over the land Elam] and [...] ... [...] inside [...] my [...] his vehicle [...], he threw himself on the gro[und] and [...] eunuc[h ...] his [...]

x 3'3'

ša ul- -reb KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI it-[bu-ú il-li-ku ana KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

x 4'4'

ti-ib -ia dan-ni x TA [... GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia šá UGU? KUR.ELAM.MA.KI?]

x 5'5'

ú-šam-ri-ru e-mur-ma x [...]

x 6'6'

ḫi-il-li-mu-ú-tu e-re-[...]34

x 7'7'

-reb x [...] x-ia

x 8'8'

ru-ku-bi-šú? [...] ip-pal-si-iḫ-ma

x 9'9'

.šu-ut SAG-[...] x-šú

x 10'10'

mum-man-al-da-[si] MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI35

(x 10') (As for) Ummanald[ašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the ki]ng of the land Elam, [he heard about] the entry of my troops, [who had ent]ered [inside the land Elam; he abandoned] the city Madaktu, [a royal] city [of his, and (then) fled and took to the mountains (lit. “ascended his mountain”)].

x 11'11'

e-reb .ERIM-ia [ša -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

x 12'12'

[e-ru]-bu [-me-e-ma]

x 13'13' URU? [LUGAL-ti-šu ú-maš-šir-ma in-na-bit-ma KUR-šú e-li]

x 14'14'

[m]um-ba-LAGAB-[u-a šá -eḫ-ret mum-man-al-da-si]

(x 14') (As for) Umba-LA[GABua, who sa]t on the [throne of the land Elam in opposition to Ummanaldašu, he, like him (Ummanaldašu) heard about (the advance of my army) and abandoned the city] Bub[ilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and (...)]

x 15'15'

[áš]-bu ina GIŠ.[GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ki-ma šá-a-šú-ma -me-e-ma]

x 16'16'

[URU].bu-bi-[lu URU mu-šab EN-ti-šú ú-maš-šir-ma (...)]36



x 1''1''


(x 1'') I wrote out [an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism with which through the support of] the deit[ies Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk) and Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal], I con[stantly] ma[rched] through the lands (and) [established mighty victories] an[d I deposited (it) for future days].

x 2''2''

ina KUR.KUR at-tal-[la-ku áš-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-]

x 3''3''

áš-ṭur-ma [a-na aḫ-rat u₄-me e-zib]

x 4''4''


(x 4'') In the fut[ure], may [one of the sons, grandsons], or (great grand)sons, (one of) the kin[gs, my descendants], whom (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar nom[inate] for ru[ling over the land and people], r[enovate] its dil<api>dated section(s) when this wall becomes o[ld and dilapidated]. (x 10´´) May h[e find an insc]ribed object bearing my name, [and] (then) anoint (it) [with oil], ma[ke] an offering, (and) r[eturn (it) to] its place.

x 5''5''


x 6''6''

ša -šur u d15 a-na be-[lut KUR u UN.MEŠ]

x 7''7''

i-nam-bu-ú [zi-kir-šú]

x 8''8''

e-nu-ma BÀD šu-a-tu i-lab-bi-[ru-ma in-na-ḫu]

x 9''9''

an-<ḫu>-us-su lu-[ud-diš]

x 10''10''

[MU].SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia li-[mur-ma]

x 11''11''

[Ì.MEŠ] lip-šu- UDU.SISKUR BAL-[]

x 12''12''

[a-na] áš-ri-šú lu-[ter]

x 13''13''

[ki-i ša] a-na-ku MU.SAR-[u]

(x 13'') [Just as] I fou[nd] an inscribed obj[ect bearing the name of] Sennacherib, [the father of the father who had engendered me, anointed (it) with oil, made an offering, (and) placed (it)] with an insc[ribed object bearing my name], you should be ju[st like me, find an inscribed object] bear[ing my name and (then) anoint (it) with oil, make] an of[fering (and) place (it) with an inscribed object] be[aring your name].

x 14''14''

[ši-ṭir šu-me m]d30-PAP?.MEŠ?-SU [AD AD -ia]

x 15''15''

a-mu-[ru Ì.MEŠ ap-šu-šú UDU.SISKUR aq-qu-u]

x 16''16''

it-ti MU.[SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-ia áš-ku-nu]

x 17''17''

at-ta ki-[i ia-a-ti-ma MU.SAR-e]38

x 18''18''

ši-ṭir [MU-ia a-mur-ma Ì.MEŠ pu-šu-]

x 19''19''


x 20''20''

ši-[ṭir MU-ka šu-kun]39



x 1'''1'''

[ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil]-ti ú-[ḫal-la-qu]40

(x 1''') [(As for) the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name (...)], mak[es (it) disappear by some craf]ty [device, (or) does not p]la[ce (it) with an inscribed obje]ct bearing [his name], may [the great gods of] heaven and nether[world] overthrow [his kingship] (and) make [his name (and) seed] disappear [from the land].

x 2'''2'''

[it-ti MU.SAR]-e ši-ṭir [MU-šú]

x 3'''3'''

[la i]-šak-ka-[nu]

x 4'''4'''

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá] AN-e u KI-[tim]

x 5'''5'''

[LUGAL-us-su] lis-ki-pu

x 6'''6'''

[MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR] lu?-ḫal-li-qu

Date ex. 1Date ex. 1
x 7'''7'''

[...] UD.10?.KÁM

(x 7''') [...], the tenth day, [eponymy of Nabû]-nādin-aḫi, [governor of the city Kār]-Shalmaneser (646).

x 8'''8'''

[lim-mu mdAG]--PAP

x 9'''9'''

[.x x URU.kar-m]dsál-ma-nu-MAŠ41

1The lacuna corresponds to text no. 6 (Prism C) i 1´–91´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 1–6, 1´–64´a.

2The now-missing contents of col. ii would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) i 7´´–ii 83´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 89´–ii 8´´.

3Large portions of the military narration of this inscription duplicate the contents of the reports of Ashurbanipal’s campaigns included in text nos. 6 (Prism C) and 7 (Prism Kh), as well as text nos. 3 (Prism B) and 4 (Prism D). For details on the reports of Ashurbanipal’s “first” to “eighth” campaigns, see the on-page notes to text nos. 3 (Prism B) and 6 (Prism C). For the “eleventh” campaign, see the on-page notes to text no. 7 (Prism Kh). The major textual differences between this inscription and earlier annalistic texts are noted here.

4Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the now-missing line before iii 1´ contained DUMU.MUNUS-su ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú ù DUMU.MUNUS ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú “his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughter(s) of his brothers.” The contents now missing from col. iii would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) iii 1´–73´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ii 37´´b–iii 29´.

5KUR -šur.KI “Assyria”: Earlier inscriptions have NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia “Nineveh, my capital city”; compare, for example, text no. 6 (Prism C) iii 88´.

6This break in the inscription duplicates text no. 6 (Prism C) iv 1´–60´´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) iii 17´´–iv 28´´.

7The translation assumes that the now-missing line after iv 1´ contained áš-lu-la ana KUR -šur.KI “I carried off to Assyria.” This short gap corresponds to text no. 6 (Prism C) iv 66´´–73´´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) iv 33´´–41´´.

8The translation assumes that the now-missing line immediately before iv 1´´ contained EGIR-nu mú-al-li-i DUMU-šú “Afterwards, Uallî, his son”; see text no. 3 (Prism B) iii 80, text no. 4 (Prism D) iii 2´, text no. 6 (Prism C) iv 73´´, and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) iv 41´´.

9The contents of this long gap would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) v 7–2´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) iv 60´´–v 69.

10There is not sufficient space to restore ga-ba-ṣu iš-šá-kin ina lìb-bi-šá (“a seizure had taken place inside him”) at the end of the line (cf. text no. 3 [Prism B] v 13 and text no. 7 [Prism Kh] v 79).

11The translation assumes that the now-missing line after v 12´ contained ul i-ba-áš “he was not ashamed” (see text no. 3 [Prism B] v 15 and text no. 7 [Prism Kh] v 82). The now-missing contents of this long break in the text correspond to text no. 6 (Prism C) vi 1´–vii 1 and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 82–vi 11´.

12Compare text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vi 19´, which appears to add dAMAR.UTU (“the god Marduk”) before DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ (“the great gods”).

13KUR -šur “Assyria”: Text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 46 has NINA.KI “Nineveh.”

14The translation assumes that the now-missing line after vii 54´ contained ina mdu-na-nu a-lul “I hung around the neck of Dunānu” (see text no. 3 [Prism B] vi 42, text no. 4 [Prism D] vi 45, text no. 6 [Prism C] vii 48, and text no. 7 [Prism Kh] vi 6´´). The now-missing contents of this lacuna would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 47–31´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vi 6´´–vii 23.

15The passage recording the punishments of the Gambulian ruler Dunānu and his collaborators Mannu-kī-aḫḫē and Nabû-uṣalli is longer in this inscription than in earlier texts; compare, for example, text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 21–27.

16The gap corresponds to text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 45´–viii 12´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 34b–45.

17The translation assumes that the now-missing line before viii 1´ contained ul-tu KUR -šur.KI “from Assyria” (see text no. 3 [Prism B] vii 15, text no. 4 [Prism D] vii 15, and text no. 6 [Prism C] viii 12´).

18The now-missing contents of this short break in the inscription would have duplicated text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 2´–9´a.

19The translation assumes that the now-missing line before viii 1´´ contained šu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti .A KIN-ia “regarding these matters, my messenger” (see text no. 3 [Prism B] vii 25, text no. 4 [Prism D] vii 26–27a), and text no. 7 [Prism Kh] vii 8´–9´).

20If text no. 19 proves to be an exemplar of this inscription, then a-na šá-al šul--šú (“to inquire about his well-being”) should be restored at the end of this line (see text no. 19 line 12´).

21Following text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 13´, possibly restore dMAŠ dnusku (“the gods Ninurta (and) Nusku”) before dU.GUR (“the god Nergal”). Moreover, if text no. 19 turns out to be an exemplar of this inscription, then the list of gods would be much longer than is currently restored. If so, the damaged DINGIR sign at the beginning of line 6´´ could possibly be the determinative of one of those deities since there may not have beeen enough space in line 5´´ to include them all.

22The passage recording Tammarītu’s hostilities towards Ashurbanipal is more detailed in this inscription than it is in earlier prism inscriptions; compare, for example, text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 34´–40´.

23This section of Ashurbanipal’s annals is not fully preserved in this text, text no. 6 (Prism C), and text no. 7 (Prism Kh). For some of the contents of this lacuna, see text no. 6 (Prism C) viii 24´´–21´´´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 41´–viii 8´.

24This short gap corresponds to text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 30´–37´.

25This short break in the inscription would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) ix 15´´b–19´´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 84´b–89´.

26Unlike text no. 7 (Prism Kh), as well as earlier inscriptions, the military narration of this text does not end with reports of Ashurbanipal’s wars and dealings with the Arabs. Instead, the scribe(s) responsible for this version of Ashurbanipal’s annals placed them before the description of the first war against the Elamite king Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III).

27For the now-missing contents, see text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ix 67´´–x 27´.

28The report of the capture of the Arabian queen Adiya is not included in earlier inscriptions, including text no. 7 (Prism Kh), which was written in the same year as this text.

29These lines also appear in text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ix 10–14; compare text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 46–48.

30This passage also appears in text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 49–55a and text no. 11 (Prism A) iv 133–v 3a.

31Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the damaged section of ix 37´´ (and possibly the beginning of the now-missing ix 38´´) contained ul-tu -reb URU šu-a-tu ú-še-ṣa-am-ma “I brought him out of that city.” The lacuna between ix 37´´ and 1´´´ is probably not more than a few lines and likely duplicated text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 56b–57a and text no. 11 (Prism A) v 3b–5.

32This passage also appears in text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 57b–61 and text no. 11 (Prism A) v 6–10.

33This part of the report of the first war against the Elamite king Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III) is not fully preserved in this text and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) and, therefore, the size of the lacuna cannot be estimated with certainty. The end of the gap can be restored from text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ix 1´–10´a.

34The CAD (Ḫ p. 184 sub ḫilammu) very tentatively relates ḫi-il-li-mu-ú-tu to a type of locust and restores e-re-[...] as e-ri-bi, another Akkadian word for locust.

35Compare text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 62–69a and text no. 11 (Prism A) v 11–19.

36For the rest of the report of this campaign against Elam, see text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ix 7´´–63´´. For the conjectured contents of the building report and the depositing of royal monuments, see text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 61–74.

37The translation assumes that x 1´´ and the lines immediately before it contained MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia šá ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR “an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism — with which through the support of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal.”

38[MU.SAR-e] ši-ṭir [MU-ia] “[an inscribed object] bear[ing my name]”: Compare text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 84, which has MU.SAR-a-a “an inscribed object of mine.”

39For the now-missing contents, see text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 86–88.

40Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the now-line missing line immediately before x 1´´´ contained ša MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia (...) “(As for) the one who (destroys) an inscribed object bearing my name (...).” It is uncertain if anything should be restored between ši-ṭir MU-ia (“bearing my name”) and the ib-ba-tu (“destroys”) of line 1´´´. For example, following text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 88, possibly restore also u šu-me AD AD -ia “or the name of the father of the father who had engendered me” since this inscription records work on the citadel wall of Nineveh.

41The translation assumes that the restored .x x (based on text no. 7 [Prism Kh] x 92´) should tentatively be read .GAR?.KUR?governor.”

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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