Ashurbanipal 005

Column i
i 1i 1

[a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A LUGAL GAL-u LUGAL dan-nu]

(i 1) [I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), off]spring [of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, gov]ernor of B[abylon, kin]g of the land of Sumer and [Akkad, desce]ndant of Sennac[herib, kin]g of the world, king of A[ssyria]

i 22


i 33


i 44


i 55


i 66


i 77


i 88


(i 8) The great [go]ds in [their] as[sembly] determined a favorable [de]stiny [as my lot (and)] th[ey] gra[nted me a] broad [m]ind (and) allowed [my] mi[nd] to learn [a]ll of the scribal [arts]. They [glorified the] mention of my name (and) [made my] lord[ship greater] than (those of all other) kings who sit on [(royal) daises].

i 99

ši-mat SIG₅-tim i-ši-mu [šim-ti]

i 1010

uz-nu ra-pa-áš-tum -[ru-ku-u-ni]

i 1111

kul-lat ṭup-šar-[ru-ti]

i 1212

ú-šá-ḫi-zu ka-[ra-ši]

i 1313

e-li LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib [pa-rak-ki]

i 1414

zi-kir MU-ia ú-[šar-ri-ḫu]

i 1515

[ú-šar-bu]-ú EN-[ú-ti]1



i 1'1'

é-[ḫur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra É AN.ŠÁR]2

(i 1') [I completed] E[ḫursaggalkurkurra, the temple of (the god) Aššur, my] lo[rd, (and) I clad its] w[alls with gold (and) silver. I fastened band(s) of silver on tall] col[umns (and) I erected (them)] at [the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made] (the god) Aššur [enter into Eḫursaggula and] m[ade (him) reside on (his) eternal dais].

i 2'2'

EN-[ia ú-šak-lil]

i 3'3'

É.[GAR₈.MEŠ-šú ú-šal-bi-šá .GI .BABBAR]

i 4'4'

GIŠ.tim-[me MAḪ.MEŠ me-ser .BABBAR ú-rak-kis]

i 5'5'

ina [ ḫi-ṣib KUR.KUR az-qu-up]

i 6'6'

AN.ŠÁR [ina é-ḫur-sag-gu-la ú-še-rib-ma]

i 7'7'

ú-[šar-ma-a BÁRA da-ra-a-ti]

i 8'8'

é-[sag-íl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ -]3

(i 8') [I (re)built] E[sagil, the palace of the gods, (and)] co[mpleted its designs. I brought] the deities Bēl (Marduk), [Bēltīya (Zarpanītu), the Lady of Babylon, Ea, (and) Mandānu out of Ešarra (and) made (them) enter into Šuanna (Babylon)].

i 9'9'

ú-[šak-li-la GIŠ.ḪUR.MEŠ-šú]

i 10'10'

dEN [dGAŠAN-MU dbe-let-.DINGIR.RA.KI]4

i 11'11'

x x [...]5

i 12'12'

x [...]

i 13'13'

x [...]6

(i 13') [(As for) the throne-dais, the seat of his (Marduk’s) exalted divinity, I cast] fifty [talents of shiny zaḫalû-silver] in[to bricks and (thereby)] e[nlarged it].

i 14'14'

50 [GUN za-ḫa-lu-u eb-bu]

i 15'15'

a-[na a-gúr-ri ap-ti-iq-ma]

i 16'16'

ú-[rab-ba-a EDIN--šú]

i 17'17'

x [...]7

(i 17') [...]



Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[a-na ma]-a-a-al tak--e d[EN dGAŠAN-MU]8

(ii 1) I [skill]fully m[ade a bed of musukkannu-wood ... as a] pleasure [b]ed for the god [Bēl (Marduk) (and) the goddess Bēltīya (Zarpanītu) to carry out the we]dding (and) to make [love. I placed (it) in Kaḫ]ilisu, the bed cha[mber of the goddess Zarpanītu, which] is la[den with sexu]al charm.

ii 22

[šá-kan] ḫa-šá-di e-peš [ru-ʾa-a-me]9

ii 33

[nak]-liš e-[pu-]

ii 44

[ina ]-ḫi-li- maš-[tak dzar-pa-ni-tum]

ii 55

[ša ku]-uz-bu sa-[al-ḫu ad-di]

ii 66

[4 AM].MEŠ .BABBAR [ek-du-u-ti]

(ii 6) [I stationed four fierce wild bull]s of silver, [prote]ctors of [my royal] pa[th, in the Gate of the Rising] Sun [and (in) the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI],

ii 77

[na]-ṣi-ru ki-bi-[is LUGAL-u-ti-ia]10

ii 88

[ina ṣi-it] dUTU-ši [u dLAMMA-RA.BI]11



ii 1'1'

[šá URU.tar-bi-ṣi] az-qu-[up]12

(ii 1') I set u[p ... in the gateway(s) of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbiṣu].

ii 2'2'

[a-di a-di-ni a-bi] la i-ma-al-[la-du]13

(ii 2') [Before my father] was bo[rn (and) my birth-mother] was created in [her mother]’s womb, [the god Sîn, who c]reated me to be ki[ng], named [me to (re)build] Eḫulḫul, [saying: “A]shurbanipal will (re)bui[ld] that temple [and] make me dwell [therein] upon an et[ernal] dais.” [The word of the god S]în, which he had spoke[n] in distant [days, (ii 10´) h]e [now] revealed to the people of a lat[er generation]. He allow[ed the temple of the god Sîn which S]halmaneser (III), son of Ashurna[sirpal (II), a king of the past (who had come) b]efore me, had b[uilt to become ol]d [and he entru]sted (its renovation) to [me].

ii 3'3'

[um- a-lit-ti la] ba-na-at ina lìb-bi [AMA-šá]

ii 4'4'

[a-na e-peš] é-ḫúl-ḫúl iz-kur ni-bit [MU-ia]

ii 5'5'

[d30 šá] ib-na-an-ni a-na LUGAL-[u-ti]

ii 6'6'

[um-ma m]AN.ŠÁR--A É.KUR šu-a- ip-pu-[-ma]

ii 7'7'

[-reb-šú] ú-šar-man-ni pa-rak da-[ra-a-ti]

ii 8'8'

[a-mat d]30 šá ul-tu [UD.MEŠ]

ii 9'9'

ru-qu-ú-ti iq-bu-[u]

ii 10'10'

[e-nen-na] ú-kal-lim UN.MEŠ ar-[ku-u-ti]

ii 11'11'

[É d30 šá md]sál-ma-nu-MAŠ A m-šur-PAP-[IBILA]

ii 12'12'

[LUGAL pa-ni] maḫ-ri-ia e-[pu-šu]

ii 13'13'

[la-ba]-riš ú-šá-[lik-ma]

ii 14'14'

[ú-šad]-gi-la pa-nu-[u-a]

ii 15'15'

[É.KUR šu-a- šá] la-ba-riš il-[li-ku]14

(ii 15') [(As for) that temple, which] had be[come o]ld, [I removed its] dilapidated sectio[n(s) by the command of the gods Sîn (and) Nusk]u. [I made] it[s] structure [larger than the one in the days of the pa]st. [...]

ii 16'16'

[ina a-mat d30 d]nusku an-ḫu-us-[su ad-ke]

ii 17'17'

[e-li ša u₄-me pa]-ni šu-bat-su [ú-rap-piš]

ii 18'18'

[...] x [...]15



Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

[dnin]-kur-ra nak-liš ú-[še]-piš-ma16

(iii 1') I [had statues of my royal majesty] skillfully [m]ade [... through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda, (and) Nin]kurra, and, [as cons]tant petitioners for my life, [I installed (them)] in their positions [before the go]ds who support me. [From] my [childho]od until I became an adult, [I was assiduous towards the sanctuar]ies of the great gods. They required [my priestly services (and) they (now) enjoy] my [giving (them) fo]od offerings.

iii 2'2'

[a-na mu]-ter-ri-ši TI.LA-ia

iii 3'3'

[ma-ḫar] DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia

iii 4'4'

[ú-kin] na-an-za-sún

iii 5'5'

[ul-tu ṣe-ḫe]-ri-ia a-di ra--ia

iii 6'6'

[áš-te-ʾa-a áš]-rat DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

iii 7'7'

[.šá-an-gu-ti] iḫ-šu-ḫu

iii 8'8'

[i-ram-mu na-dan] zi-bi-ia

iii 9'9'

[dIŠKUR ŠÈG.MEŠ-šú ú]-maš-še-ra

(iii 9') [The god Adad re]leased [his rains (and) the god Ea opened up] his [spr]ings. Grain was [five c]ubits hi[gh in] its [fur]row (and) ear(s) [of corn] were [five]-sixths of a cubits [lo]ng. [Succe]ssful harvest(s and) an abundance of [g]rain enabled [pas]ture land to [conti]nually flourish, [fruit orc]hards to be very lus[h with f]ruit, (and) [catt]le to successfully give birth to (their) young. During my reign, there was plenitude (and) abundance; [during] my [year]s, bountiful produce was accumulated.

iii 10'10'

[dé-a ú-paṭ-ṭi-ra] IDIM.MEŠ-šú

iii 11'11'

[5] KÙŠ ŠE.AM -[qu ina AB].SÍN-ni-šú

iii 12'12'

[e]-ri-ik šu-bul-[] 5/6 KÙŠ

iii 13'13'

[SI]. BURU₁₄ na-pa-áš [d]nisaba

iii 14'14'

[ka-a]-a-an ú-šaḫ-na-bu [gi]-pa-ru

iii 15'15'

[ṣip-pa]-a-ti šu-um-mu-ḫa in-bu

iii 16'16'

[MÁŠ].ANŠE šu-te-šur ina ta-lit-ti

iii 17'17'

ina BALA.MEŠ-ia ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ-du

iii 18'18'

[ina MU.AN.NA].MEŠ-ia ku-um-mu-ru ḪÉ.GÁL-lum

iii 19'19'


(iii 19') Throughout my entire land, (on account of) [abun]dant [trade], for one shekel of silv[er] one could purchase [ten donkey-loads of gr]ain, three homers of wine, two seahs of oil, (and) [one ta]lent of wool. [Year after yea]r, [I shepherd]ed the subjects of the god Enlil in prosperity and with justice.

iii 20'20'

BANMIN Ì.[MEŠ 1] GUN SÍG.MEŠ ina nap-ḫar KUR-ia

iii 21'21'

[KI.LAM] nap-šú i-šam-ma ina 1 GÍN kas-pi

iii 22'22'

[šat-ti-šam]-ma ina ṭuḫ-di u me-šá-ri

iii 23'23'

[ar-te-ʾa]-a ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL

iii 24'24'

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ša ap-tal-la-ḫu]

(iii 24') [The great gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, generous]ly granted m[e power, viril]it[y, (and) outstanding strength]. Th[ey] placed [lands that had not bowed down to me into] my hands (and) [allowed me to achieve my] heart’s desire. [I marched from the Upper Sea to the] Low[er] Sea, [where the kings, my ancestors, had regularly t]rave[led].

iii 25'25'

[DINGIR-us-su-un dun-nu zik-ru]-u-ti

iii 26'26'

[e-mu- ṣi-ra-a-ti ú]-šat-li-mu-in-[ni]

iii 27'27'

[KUR.KUR la ma-gi-re-ia ina] ŠU.II-ia im-nu-[ú]

iii 28'28'

[ú-šam-ṣu-in-ni] ma-la lìb-bi-[ia]

iii 29'29'

[ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di] tam-tim šap-[liti]

iii 30'30'

[ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia ir]-te-ed-[du-ú]17



Column iv
iv 1iv 1

[ú-šak-ni-šá] a-na ni-ri-ia18

(iv 1) [I made the people living in those lands bow down] to my yoke (and) [I imposed] annual [tribute payment up]on them. [By the command of the deities Sîn, N]ingal, Šamaš, and Aya, [the kings who s]it upon (royal) daises [kiss] my feet (and) [great rulers from (both) east] and west [are a]nxious for me [to be their ally].

iv 22

[GUN man-da-at-] šat-ti-šam-ma

iv 33

[ú-kin] EDIN--šú-un

iv 44

[ina -bit d30 d]nin-gal dUTU u da-a

iv 55

[LUGAL.MEŠ a]-šib pa-rak-ki

iv 66

[ú-na-áš-šá-qu] GÌR.II-ia

iv 77

[mal-ki GAL.MEŠ šá ṣi-taš] u ši-la-an

iv 88

[a-na kit-ri-šú-nu ú]-pa-qu-ni

iv 99

[ina u₄-me-šú-ma É d30 dnin-gal] dUTU da-a19

(iv 9) [At that time, the temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal], Šamaš, (and) Aya [that is inside Nineveh (and) which Esarhaddon, kin]g of Assyria, [the father who had engendered me, had b]uilt, [had become o]ld [that temple had become dilapid]ated and its [wa]lls [had buckled. (iv 15) I built (and) completed that temple in] its [entir]ety (and) [I raised up] its superstructure. [I roofed it with] long [beams of cypress] (and) fi[xed doors of white cedar], who[se] frag[rance is sweet, in its gateways]. After [I had thoroughly co]mplete[d that] te[mple (and) finished its construction, I brought] the deities Sîn, [Ningal, Nusku, Šamaš, and Aya, the god]s [who support me, in]side [it and] made (them) dw[ell (on their) eternal dais(es)].

iv 1010

[ša -reb NINA.KI ša mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-] LUGAL KUR -šur.KI

iv 1111

[AD -ia e]-pu-šú

iv 1212

[il-li-ku] la-ba-riš

iv 1313

[É.KUR šú-a- e-na]-aḫ-ma

iv 1414

[i-qu-pa É].GAR₈.MEŠ-šú

iv 1515

[É.KUR šú-a- a-na si]-ḫir-ti-šú

iv 1616

[ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul-la-a] re-ši-šú

iv 1717


iv 1818

[ú-šat-ri-ṣa ta-ra-an-šú]

iv 1919

[GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.li-ia-a-ri]

iv 2020

šá e-re-[si-na DÙG.GA]

iv 2121

ú-rat-[ta-a .MEŠ-šú]

iv 2222

ul-tu É.[KUR šú-a- ú-šak-li-lu]

iv 2323

ú-qat-tu-[u ag-mu-ra ši-pir-šú]

iv 2424

d30 d[nin-gal dnusku dUTU u da-a]

iv 2525

[DINGIR].MEŠ [tik-le-ia]

iv 2626

[ina] qer-bi-[šú ú-še-rib-ma]

iv 2727

ú-šar-[me BÁRA da-ra-a-ti]

iv 2828

ep-[še]-ti-ia [SIG₅.MEŠ ḫa-diš lit-tap-la-su?]20

(iv 28) [May they (the gods) always look with pleasure upon] m[y good] d[ee]ds. The deities Sîn, [Ningal, Nusku, Šamaš, and Aya], the gods [who support me], (with regard) to m[e Ashurbanipal], the ki[n]g [who is the favorite of their hearts], the builder of their [exalted] ce[llas], (and) the one who reveres their gre[at] divinity from (sun)ris[e] to (sun)set, wherever ... [...] ... the heav[ens ... monthly] without interr[uption may they discu]ss with [each other favorable] o[mens] concerning the lengthening of the days of [my] re[ign, ... of my] kingship, [the securing of the foundation(s) of the] throne of [my] lordshi[p. ...] their [...]

iv 2929

d30 d[nin-gal dnusku dUTU u da-a]

iv 3030

DINGIR.MEŠ [tik-le-ia?]

iv 3131

ia-a-ti [mAN.ŠÁR--A]

iv 3232

LUGAL [mi-gir lìb-bi-šú-nu?]

iv 3333

e-piš ku-[um-mi?]-šú-nu [ṣi-ru-ti?]

iv 3434

pa-liḫ DINGIR-ti-šú-nu GAL-[ti]

iv 3535

ina ni-ip-ḫi u ri-i-bi e-ma it-x [x (x)]

iv 3636

PI?-x [...] ša-ma-[me?]

iv 3737

GIŠKIM? [SIG₅?] šá a-rak u₄-me pa-[le-ia?]

iv 3838

[...] LUGAL-ti-[ia?]

iv 3939

[šul-bur SUḪUŠ?] GIŠ.GU.ZA EN-u-ti-[ia?]

iv 4040

[ITI-šam-ma?] la na-par-[ka-a]

iv 4141

[li-tap-pa]-lu? a-[ḫa-meš]

iv 4242




Column v
v 1v 1

ina tukul-ti-šú-nu GAL-te e-[ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el]

(v 1) [W]ith their great support, may [I rule] wherever [I desire (lit. “I say”) (and) achieve] whatever (lit. “the place”) [I] strive for.

v 22

a-šar ú-ṣar-ra-mu li-[ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a]

v 33

a-na EGIR u₄-me ina DUMU.MEŠ [DUMU DUMU.MEŠ]

(v 3) In the future, may one of the sons, [grandsons], (great grand)sons, or (great, great grand)sons, one of the kings, [my descendants], whom the gods Aššur, Sîn, (and) Šamaš choose and nomi[nate] for ruling over [the land and people], renov[ate] their dilapidated section(s) when the[se] shrines become old and dilapid[ated]. May he find an inscribed object bearing [my] name, anoin[t] (it) with oil, make an offering, (and) return (it) to its place.

v 44


v 55

šá AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU ut-tu-šú-ma a-na be-lut [KUR u UN.MEŠ]

v 66

i-nam-bu-u zi-[kir-šú]

v 77

e-nu-ma -re-e-ti šá-[ti-na]

v 88

i-lab-bi-ra-ma en-na-[ḫa]

v 99

an-ḫu-us-si-na lu-ud-[diš]

v 1010

MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-[ia]

v 1111

li-mu-ur-ma Ì.MEŠ lip-šu-

v 1212

UDU.SISKUR BAL- a-na áš-ri-šú lu-ter

v 1313

ki-i šá a-na-ku MU.SAR-u

(v 13) Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, anointed (it) with oil, made an offering, (and) placed (it) with an inscribed object bearing my name, you should be just like me, find an inscribed object of mine and (then) anoin[t] (it) with oil, make an offering (and) place (it) with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the [great] gods, as many as are recorded on t[his] inscribed object, constantly bless your [kings]hip (and) [pr]otect your reign.

v 1414

ši-ṭir šu-me mAN.ŠÁR-PAP- MAN KUR -šur.KI

v 1515

AD -ia a-mu-ru

v 1616

Ì.MEŠ ap-šu-šú UDU.SISKUR aq-qu-u

v 1717

it-ti MU.SAR-re-e ši-ṭir šu--ia áš-ku-nu

v 1818

at-ta ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma

v 1919

MU.SAR-a-a a-mur-ma

v 2020


v 2121

it-ti mu-šá-re-e

v 2222

ši-ṭir šu--ka šu-kun?

v 2323

DINGIR.MEŠ [GAL].MEŠ ma-la ina mu-šá-re-e

v 2424

an-[-e] šá-aṭ-ru

v 2525

[LUGAL]-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu

v 2626

[li]-iṣ-ṣu-ru BALA.MEŠ-ka

v 2727

[ša] mu-šá-ru-u ši-ṭir šu-me AD ba-ni-ia

(v 27) [(As for) the one] who destroys [an in]scribed object beari[ng] the name of the father who engendered me [or] bearing my na[m]e, makes (it) disappear [by som]e crafty device, (or) does [not] place (it) [wit]h an inscribed obje[ct] bearing his name, may [the] great [god]s of heaven and netherworld overthrow his [kings]hip (and) make his name (and) <seed> disappear from [the land].

v 2828

[u] ši-ṭir šu--ia ib-ba-

v 2929

[ina mim]-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti ú-ḫal-la-qu

v 3030

[it]-ti MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir šu--šú

v 3131

[la] i-šak-ka-nu

v 3232


v 3333

[LUGAL]-us-su lis-ki-pu

v 3434

MU-šú <NUMUN-šú> i-na [KUR] lu-ḫal-li-qu

Date ex. 4Date ex. 4
v 3535


(v 35) Abu (V), the eighth day, [eponymy of] Bēlšunu, gove[rnor of the city] Ḫindā[nu] (648).

v 3636

[lim-me m]be-el-šú-nu .EN.[NAM URU].ḫi-in-da-[na]

1For the now-missing contents, see text no. 6 (Prism C) i 5´–10´.

2Compare the earlier descriptions of the completion and decoration of the Aššur temple at Aššur in text no. 15 ii 3–9 and BM 134557 lines 5–7 (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 74 no. 14).

3This is a shorter general statement about Ashurbanipal’s work at Babylon than the one included in text no. 15; compare ii 10–13 of that inscription.

4According to the Esarhaddon Chronicle (Grayson, Chronicles p. 127 no. 14 lines 31–37) and the Akītu Chronicle (ibid. p. 131 no. 16 lines 1–8), the statues of Marduk and his entourage entered Babylon in the month Ayyāru (II) of Ashurbanipal’s 1st regnal year (668 = Šamaš-šuma-ukīn’s accession year). A detailed description of the festive event is recorded on K 2694 + K 3050 ii 26´–iii 30´ (L4; Novotny, SAACT 10 pp. 78–79 no. 18).

5The translation assumes that these three damaged lines contained dé-a dDI.KU₅ ul-tu -reb é-šár-ra ú-bil ú-še-rib -reb šu-an-na.KI BÁRA.MAḪ-ḫu šu-bat DINGIR-ti-šú ṣir-ti “the gods Ea (and) Mandānu, I brought out of Ešarra (and) had (them) brought into Šuanna (Babylon). (As for) the raised dais, the seat of his (Marduk’s) exalted divinity.” See text no. 6 (Prism C) i 21´–24´ and text no. 10 (Prism T) i 24–27.

6Compare the longer account of the enlargement of Marduk’s raised dais in text no. 15 ii 19–21 and 81-2-4,212 obv. 7´–13´ (Bauer, Asb. pl. 57).

7The contents of i 17´ and the following gap would have duplicated text no. 6 (Prism C) i 27´–39´ and text no. 10 (Prism T) i 31–48.

8Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the now-missing penultimate line of col. i contained GIŠ. GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA “a bed of musukkannu-wood.”

9According to the Šamaš-šuma-ukīn Chronicle (Grayson, Chronicles p. 129 no. 15 line 4), this (inscribed and) completely refurbished bed was sent to Babylon during Ashurbanipal’s 14th regnal year (655 = Šamaš-šuma-ukīn’s 13th regnal year). For some details, see Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/2 pp. 225–231 text nos. 161–162.

10u “and”: The restoration follows text no. 6 (Prism C) i 46´; compare text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 4, which has ina (“in”).

11The translation assumes that the end of the now-missing ii 9 contained ul-ziz “I stationed.” The lacuna corresponds to text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 5–28a.

12The translation assumes that the now-missing line before ii 1´ contained ina é-galam-mes É dU.GUR “in gateway(s) of Egallammes, the temple of the god Nergal.”

13For a comprehensive discussion of Ashurbanipal’s construction work at Ḫarrān, see Novotny, Eḫulḫul. The most detailed report of Eḫulḫul’s rebuilding is known from the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription rev. 43–69 (Novotny, SAACT 10 pp. 84–85 no. 20).

14These five words also appear in text no. 6 (Prism C) i 76´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 50´; they are, on the other hand, not included in text no. 10 (Prism T).

15For the now-missing contents, see text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 47–iii 14 and 35b–51.

16The translation assumes that the two lines now-missing before iii 1´ contained ALAM.MEŠ LUGAL-ti-ia ... ina ši-pir dnin-á-gal d-si₂₂-bàn-da “statues of my royal majesty ... through the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusibanda.”

17The translation assumes that the begining of the now-missing iii 31´ contained a-na-ku lu-u ar-de “I marched.” The contents of the gap duplicate text no. 10 (Prism T) iv 22b–27.

18The translation assumes that the final line of col. iii ended with UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti KUR.KUR šá-a-ti-na “the people living in those lands.”

19The building report of this inscription was more or less incorporated verbatim into the prologue of text no. 10 (Prism T); see iii 18–35a of that inscription. This presumably took place after work on the Sîn-Šamaš temple at Nineveh had been completed (perhaps sometime in 646 or at the very beginning of 645).

20For details about the proposed restorations, see Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 52 no. 1 (on-page notes). Compare text no. 10 (Prism T) vi 12–23.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as