
  • Ashurbanipal 004


  • Q003703
  • Ashurbanipal 004



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 004

Column i
i 1i 1

a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--[A LUGAL] GAL LUGAL dan-nu1

(i 1) I, Ashurbani[pal], great [king], strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, [king of the fou]r [quarters (of the world)], offspring of Esarh[addon, king of Assyria], governor of Babylon, ki[ng of the land of Sumer and Akkad], descendant of Sennacher[ib, king of the world, king of Assyria]

i 22


i 33

ṣi-it lìb-bi mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-[ LUGAL KUR -šur.KI]

i 44


i 55


i 66

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ina UKKIN-šú-nu ši-mat SIG₅-[tim i-šim-mu šim-ti]

(i 6) The great gods in their assembly [determined] a favo[rable] destiny [as my lot] (and) they granted me a broad mind (and) [allowed] my mind [to learn] all of the scr[ibal arts. They glorified] the mention of [my] na[me] in the assembly of princes (lit. “stags”) (and) made my kingship great; they generously granted me power, vir[ility], (and) outstanding strength; (and) they placed lands that had not bowed down to me into my hands (and) allowed me to achieve my heart’s desire.

i 77

uz-nu ra-pa-áš- -ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat ṭup-[šar-ru-ti ú-šá-ḫi-zu]

i 88

ka-ra-ši ina UKKIN lu-li-me zi-kir MU-[ia ú-šar-ri-ḫu]

i 99

ú-šar-bu-ú LUGAL-u-ti du-un-nu zik-ru-[u-tu]

i 1010

e-mu-qa-an ṣi-ra-a-ti ú-šat-lim-u-ni ma-ta-a-ti

i 1111

la ma-gi-re-ia ina ŠU.II-ia im-nu-u ú-šam-ṣu-in-ni

i 1212

ma-la lìb-bi-ia .šá-an-gu-ti iḫ-šu-ḫu

(i 12b) They required my priestly services (and) my giving (them) food offerings pleased their divinity. I completed the sanctuaries of the great gods, my lords, clad (them) with gold (and) silver, (and) had long-haired heroes, lion-headed eagles, (and) tall columns erected in their gate(s). I made Ešarra, Emašmaš, Egašankalama, (and) Eḫulḫul shine like the stars (lit. “writing”) of the heavens. I made every type of temple appurtenance from gold (and) silver, (and) I added (them) to those of the kings, my ancestors. (i 20) I made regular offerings (and) contributions more plentiful than those of distant days. I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the gods (and) constantly followed their ways.

i 1313

na-dan zi-bi-ia i-ṭib UGU DINGIR-ti-šú-un

i 1414

-ret DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ú-šak-lil

i 1515

ú-šal-bi-šá .GI .BABBAR dlàḫ-me dIM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ

i 1616

tim-me MAḪ.MEŠ ina -šú-un ul-ziz é-šár-ra é-maš-maš

i 1717

é-gašan-kalam-ma é-ḫúl-ḫúl ki-ma ši-ṭir AN-e ú-ban-ni

i 1818

mim-ma si-mat É.KUR šá .GI .BABBAR e-pu- UGU šá LUGAL.MEŠ

i 1919

AD.MEŠ-ia ú-rad-di sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-ú

i 2020

UGU šá u₄-me ul-lu-u-ti ú-šá-tir-ma ú-kin

i 2121

áš-rat DINGIR.MEŠ áš-te-ʾa-a at-ta-la-ka al-ka-ka-te-šú-un

i 2222

dIŠKUR ŠÈG.MEŠ-šú ú-maš-še-ra dé-a ú-paṭ-ṭi-ra IDIM.MEŠ-šú

(i 22) The god Adad released his rains (and) the god Ea opened up his springs. Grain was five cubits high in its furrow (and) ear(s) of corn were five-sixths of a cubits long. Successful harvest(s and) an abundance of grain enabled pasture land to continually flourish, fruit orchards to be very lush with fruit, (and) cattle to successfully give birth to (their) young. During my reign, there was plenitude (and) abundance; during my years, bountiful produc[e] was accumulated.

i 2323

5 KÙŠ ŠE.AM -qu ina AB.SÍN-ni-šú e-ri-ik šu-bul- 5/6 KÙŠ

i 2424

SI. BURU₁₄ na-pa-áš dnisaba ka-a-a-an ú-šaḫ-na-bu

i 2525

gi-pa-ru ṣip-pa-a-ti šu-um-mu-ḫa in-bu MÁŠ.ANŠE šu-te-šur

i 2626

ina ta-lit-ti ina BALA-ia ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ-du

i 2727

ina MU.AN.NA.MEŠ-ia ku-um-mu-ru ḪÉ.GÁL-lu

i 2828


(i 28) Throughout my entire land, (on account of) abundant trade, for (one) shekel of sil[ver] one could purchase ten donkey-loads of grain, one homer of wine, two seahs of oil, (and) one talent of woo[l]. Year after year, I shepherded the subje[cts of the god Enlil] in prosperity and with justice.

i 2929

ina nap-ḫar KUR-ia KI.LAM nap-šú i-šam-mu ina x x [x]2

i 3030

šat-ti-šam-ma ina ṭuḫ-di u mi-šá-ri ar-te-ʾa ba-ʾu-ú-[lat dEN.LÍL]

i 3131

ul- tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim šap-liti a?-bel-[ma?]3

(i 31) I ru[led] from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea [and] kings from the rising sun and the setting [sun] carried their substantial tribute to me. I made the people from the midst of the sea (and) those who live on high mountains bow down t[o] my [yo]ke. By the command of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, the kings who sit upon (royal) daises kiss my feet (and) great rulers from (both) east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

i 3232

LUGAL.MEŠ ṣi-it dUTU-ši u e-reb d[UTU-ši]

i 3333

-šú-u-ni GUN-su-nu ka-bit- UN.MEŠ MURUB₄ tam-tim

i 3434

a-šib šad-de-e šá-qu-te ú-šak-ni-šá a-na [GIŠ].ŠUDUN-ia

i 3535

ina -bit AN.ŠÁR u d15 LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib pa-rak-ki ú-na-áš-šá-qu

i 3636

GÌR.II-ia mal-ki GAL.MEŠ šá ṣi-taš u ši-la-an

i 3737

a-na kit-ri-šú-nu ú-pa-qu-u-ni

i 3838

i-na maḫ-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na KUR.-kan ùḫ-ḫa

(i 38) On my first campaign, I marched to Makan (Egypt) and Meluḫḫa (Ethiopia). Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me had brought about (and) whose land he ru[l]ed over, forgot the might of (the god) Aššur, the goddess Ištar, and the great gods, my lords, and trusted in his own counsel. (i 45) He marched against the kings (and) officials, whom the father who had engendered me had appointed inside Egypt, to kill (and) rob (them) and to take away Egypt (from them). He entered and resided i[n the city M]emphis, a city that the father who had engendered me had conquere[d] (and) made part of the territory of his land. A fast messenger came to Nineveh and reported (this) to me. (i 50) My heart became enraged about these deeds an[d my] tempe[r] turned hot. I mustered my elite forces that (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar had placed in my hands.

i 3939

lu-u al-lik mtar-qu-u MANṣur u KUR.ku-u-si ša mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-

i 4040

MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI AD ba-nu-u-a BAD₅.BAD₅-šú -ku-nu i-be-lu KUR-su

i 4141

da-na-an AN.ŠÁR d15 u DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia

i 4242

im-ši-ma it-ta-kil a-na ṭè-em ra-ma-ni-šú

i 4343

UGU LUGAL.MEŠ .qe-pa-a-ni šá -rebṣur

i 4444

ú-pa--du AD ba-nu-u-a a-na da-a-ki ḫa-ba-a-ti

i 4545

u e-kemṣur il-li-ka [EDIN--šú]-un

i 4646

e-ru-um-ma ú-šib -reb [URU].me-em-pi

i 4747

URU ša AD ba-nu-u-a ik-šu-du a-na mi-ṣir KUR-šú

i 4848

ú-ter-ru al-la-ku ḫa-an-ṭu ina -reb NINA.KI

i 4949

il-li-kam-ma ú-šá-an-na-a ia-a-ti UGU ep-še-e-ti

i 5050

an-na-a-ti lìb-bi i-gug-ma iṣ-ṣa-ru-uḫ ka-bat-[ti]

i 5151

ad-ke-e-ma .e-mu-qi-ia MAḪ.MEŠ ša AN.ŠÁR u d15

i 5252

ú-mal-lu-u qa-tu-u-a a-na na-ra-ru-ti ḫa-mat

(i 52b) I quickly advanced to support (and) a[i]d the kings (and) officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, and I marched as far as the city Kār-Bānīte. Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force (while he was) inside the city Memphis, and mustered his battle troops before me to wage armed battle (and) war. With the support of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), (and) Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

i 5353

ša LUGAL.MEŠ .qe-pa-a-ni ša -rebṣur ARAD.MEŠ

i 5454

da-gíl pa-ni-ia ur-ru-ḫi- ar-de-e-ma al-lik

i 5555

a-di URU.kar-ba-ni-ti mtar-qu-ú MANṣur u KUR.ku-u-si

i 5656

-reb a-lak ger-ri-ia -me-ma

i 5757

a-na e-peš MURUB₄ GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ a-na maḫ-ri-ia

i 5858

id-ka-a ERIM.MEŠ -šú ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN dAG

i 5959

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia a-li-kut Á.II-ia ina EDIN rap-ši

i 6060

áš-ku-na BAD₅.BAD₅ ERIM.ḪI.A-šú mtar-qu-ú ina -reb

(i 60b) Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops while (he was) inside the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Ištar overwhelmed him and he went into a frenzy. The brilliance of my royal majesty, with which the gods of heaven and netherworld had endowed me, covered him; he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to save his (own) life, he fled inside the city Thebes. I seized that city (Memphis) (and then) made my troops enter (and) reside there.

i 6161

-ma-a taḫ-te-e ERIM.ḪI.A-šú nam-ri-ri AN.ŠÁR d15

i 6262

is-ḫu-pu-šu-ma il-li-ka maḫ-ḫu-tíš -lam-me LUGAL-ti-ia

i 6363

ik-tu-mu-šú-ma šá ú-za-ʾi-i-nu-u-ni DINGIR.MEŠ šu-ut AN KI

i 6464 ú-maš-šir-ma ana šu-zu-ub ZI--šú

i 6565

in-na-bit a-na -reb URU šu-a-tu

i 6666

aṣ-bat ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia ú-še-rib ú-še-šib ina lìb-bi

i 6767

LUGAL.MEŠ .NAM.MEŠ šá -rebṣur ú-pa--du

(i 67) (As for) the kings (and) governors whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their post(s) in the face of Taharqa’s tactical advance, (and) had gone to (lit. “filled”) the countryside, where their post(s) were, I permitted them to serve in their (former) positions again. I reorganized Egypt (and) Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. I strengthened its guard more than previously (and) concluded (new) agreements with [it].

i 6868

AD ba-nu-u-a ša la-pa-an ti-bu-ut mtar-qu-u

i 6969

pi-qit-ta-šú-un ú-maš-ši-ru im-lu-u EDIN

i 7070

ú-ter-ma a-šar pi-qit-ti-šú-un

i 7171

ina maš-kán-i-šú-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti

i 7272ṣur KUR.ku-u-su ša AD ba-nu-u-a

i 7373

ik-šu-du a-na -šu-ti aṣ-bat

i 7474

EN.NUN.MEŠ-šú UGU šá u₄-me pa-ni ú-dan-nin

i 7575

ú-rak-ki-sa rik-se-e-[šú]

i 7676ṭi-ṭi URU.ṣa--nu [ša] ib-bal-ki-

(i 76) (As for) the cities Sais, Mendes, (and) Tanis, [which] had rebelled (and) sided with Taharqa, I conquered [tho]se cities (and) I killed the pe[ople livi]ng inside them with the sword. I hun[g their corpses on p]oles, fla[yed] them, (and) drape[d] the city wall(s with their skins).

i 7777

it-ti mtar-qu-u -ku-nu pi-i-šú-un

i 7878

URU.MEŠ [šá-a-tu]-nu ak-šu-ud

i 7979

UN.[MEŠ a]-šib lìb-bi-šú-un a-ni-ir ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

i 8080

[ADDA.MEŠ-šú-nu ina GIŠ.ga]-ši-ši a-lul

i 8181

[KUŠ.MEŠ]-šú-nu áš-ḫu-uṭ BÀD URU ú-ḫal-líp

i 8282

[mLUGAL-lu--ri šá AD-u-a] inaṣur

(i 82) [(As for) Šarru-lū-dāri, whom my father had installed as a ki]ng in Egypt [(and) who] plotted [evi]l (deeds) [again]st the Assyrians, I capt[ured] (him and) brought (him) to Assyria.

i 8383

[-ku-nu- a-na] LUGAL-ti

i 8484

[šá ḪUL]-tu ik-pu-du [a]-na DUMU.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI

i 8585

[ina qa-ti] aṣ-bat ú-ra-a a-na KUR -šur.KI

i 8686

[mtar-qu-u a-šar] in-nab-tu

(i 86) [(As for) Taharqa, in the place where] he had fled, [the a]wesome terr[or of the weapon of (the god) Aššur, my lord, ov]erwhelmed him and he p[as]sed away.

i 8787

ra-šub-bat [GIŠ.TUKUL AN.ŠÁR EN-ia is]-ḫup-šu-ma

i 8888

il-lik nam-mu-ši-šú

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

EGIR-nu mUR-da-ma--e DUMU NIN₉-šú

(ii 1) Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat upon his [ro]yal th[rone]. He made the cities Thebes (and) Heliopolis his fo[rtre]sses (and) [ass]embled his forces. (ii 5) [To] fight against [the A]ssyrian troo[ps] who were inside the city Memphis, [he mobiliz]ed his battle array, confined [tho]se [people], and [cut o]ff t[heir] escape route. [A] fast [me]ssenger cam[e to Ninev]eh [and tol]d (this) to me.

ii 22

ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.[ZA] LUGAL-ti-šú

ii 33 URU.ú-nu [a-na] dan-nu-ti-šú -kun

ii 44

[ú]-paḫ-ḫi-ir il-lat-su

ii 55

[a-na] mit-ḫu-ṣi ERIM.[ḪI.A DUMU.MEŠ] KUR -šur.KI šá -reb

ii 66

[id]-ka-a qa-bal-šú [UN.MEŠ šá-a]-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma

ii 77

[iṣ]-ba-ta mu-uṣ-ṣa-šú-[un ].A šip-ri ḫa-an-ṭu

ii 88

[a-na] NINA.KI il-lik-am-[ma iq]-ba-a ia-a-ti

ii 99

[áš-ni-ma] a-naṣur [KUR.ku-u-si] -te-še-ra ḫar-ra-nu

(ii 9) [For a second time, I] took the direct road to Egypt (and) [Kush. Tanut]amon heard about [the advance of] my [expeditionary forc]e and

ii 1010

[mUR]-da-ma--e [a-lak ger]-ri-ia -me-ma4



ii 1'1'

in-na-[bit a-na URU šu-a-tu]

(ii 1') he (Tanutamon) fl[ed to the city Kipkipi. With the support of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar], I [conquered that city (Thebes)] in [its entirety].

ii 2'2'

a-na [si-ḫir-ti-šú ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR u d15 ik-šu-da]

ii 3'3'

ŠU.II-a-[a .BABBAR .GI ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ NÍG.ŠU É.GAL-šú]

(ii 3'b) [Silver, gold, precious stones], as much [property of his palace as there was, garment(s) with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses], (ii ) people [male and female two tall obelisks cast with] shiny [zaḫalû-metal], wh[ose weight was 2,500 talents (and which) stood at a temple gate, I ripped (them)] from where [they] were erecte[d and took (them) to Assyria. I carried off] substantial booty, [(which was) without number], from inside the city Thebes. (ii 10´) I made [m]y [weapons] prevail over Egy[pt and Kush] and (thus) ach[ieved victory]. With full hand(s), [I returned] safely to Nineveh, my capital city.

ii 4'4'

ma-la [ba-šu-u lu-bul-tu bir-me GADA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ]

ii 5'5'

UN.MEŠ [zik-ra ù sin-niš 2 tim-me MAḪ.MEŠ pi-tiq za-ḫa-le-e]

ii 6'6'

eb-bi ša [2 LIM 5 ME GUN KI.-šú-nu man-za-az É.KUR]

ii 7'7'

ul-tu man-zal-ti-[šú-nu as-suḫ-ma al-qa-a a-na KUR -šur.KI]

ii 8'8'

šal-la- ka-bit- [a-na la -ni áš-lu-la] ul-tu -reb

ii 9'9' UGUṣur [u KUR.ku-u-si GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ]-ia

ii 10'10'

ú-šam-ri-ir-ma áš-ta-[kan li-i-] it-ti qa-ti

ii 11'11'

ma-li-ti šal-meš [a-tu-ra] a-na URU.NINA.KI URU EN-ti-ia

ii 12'12'

ina šal-ši ger-ri-ia UGU mba-ʾa-li LUGAL KUR.ṣur-ri

(ii 12') On my third campaign, I marched against Baʾalu, the king of the land Tyre who resides in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal command(s and) (ii 15´) [did not obey the pro]nouncement(s) from my lip(s), I set up [outpost]s against him. To prevent his people from leaving, [I reinforc]ed (its) garrison. By sea and dry land, I took control of (all of) [h]is ro[utes] (and thus) cut off (all) access to him. (ii 20´) I made the water (and) fo[o]d for the preservation of their lives scarce for their mouths. I confined them in a harsh impri[sonm]ent from which there was no escape. I constricted (and) cut short their lives. I made them (the people of Tyre) bow down to my yoke.

ii 13'13'

a-šib MURUB₄ tam-tim lu-u al-lik

ii 14'14'

áš-šú a-mat LUGAL-ti-ia la iṣ-ṣu-ru

ii 15'15'

[la -mu-u] zi-kir NUNDUM-ia

ii 16'16'

[URU.ḪAL.ṢU].MEŠ UGU-šú ú-rak-kis a-na la a-ṣe-e UN.MEŠ-šú

ii 17'17'

[ú-dan]-nin ma-ṣar- ina tam-tim u na-ba-li

ii 18'18'

ger-re-[ti]-šú? ú-ṣab-bit a-lak-ta-šú ap-ru-us

ii 19'19'

A.MEŠ te-ʾu-[ú]-ta ba-laṭ ZI--šú-nu a-na pi-i-šú-nu

ii 20'20'

ú-šá-qir ina me-[se]-ri dan-ni šá la na-par-šu-di e-si-ir-šú-nu-ti

ii 21'21'

nap-šat-su-nu ú-si-iq ú-kar-ri

ii 22'22'

a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia ú-šak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

ii 23'23'

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú u DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú5

(ii 23') He brought before me (his) daughter, his own off[s]pring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. He brought his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeis[an]ce to me. I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift. I had mercy on him and (then) I gav[e] (his) son, his offspring, back to him.

ii 24'24'

a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-u-ti ú-bi-la a-di IGI-ia

ii 25'25'

DUMU-šú ša ma-ti-ma A.AB.BA la e-bi-ra -šá-a

ii 26'26'

a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia DUMU.MUNUS-su u DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú

ii 27'27'

it-ti ter-ḫa-ti ma--as-si am-ḫur-šú

ii 28'28'

re-e-mu ar-ši-šú-ma DUMU ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú

ii 29'29'

ú-ter-ma a-ri-im-šú URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ šá UGU mba-ʾa-li

(ii 29'b) I dismantled the outposts that I had [co]n­struc­ted against Baʾalu, the king of the land Tyre. By sea and dry land, I opened (all of) his routes, as many as I had seized. I received from him his substantial payment. I returned safely to [N]ineveh, my capital city.

ii 30'30'

LUGAL KUR.ṣur-ri ú-rak-ki-su ap-ṭur

ii 31'31'

ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-šú ma-la ú-ṣab-bi-

ii 32'32'

ap-ti ma-da-at-ta-šú ka-bit- am-ḫur-šú

ii 33'33'

šal-meš a-tu-ra a-na NINA.KI URU EN-u-ti-ia

ii 34'34'

ma-al-ki MURUB₄ tam-tim u LUGAL.MEŠ

(ii 34') Rulers (who reside in) the middle of the sea and kings who reside in the hi[g]h mountains saw the might of t[hese] deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. (As for) Yakīn-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, (ii 40´) (and) San[da]-šarme of the land Ḫi[l]akku (Cilicia), who had [not] bowed down to the kings, m[y] ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. (ii 45´) They brought [(their) daughters], their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, togethe[r with a] substantial [dowry] and a large marriage gift, and they kissed [my] fe[et]. I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of [large] horses.

ii 35'35'

a-šib šad-de-e šá-qu-[u]-ti

ii 36'36'

da-na-an ep-še-ti-ia an-[na-a-ti]

ii 37'37'

e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-ḫu EN-u-ti

ii 38'38'

mia-ki-in-lu-u LUGAL KUR.a-ru-ad-da

ii 39'39'

mmu-gal-lu LUGAL

ii 40'40'

msa-an-[di]-šar-me KUR.ḫi-lak-ka-a-a

ii 41'41'

ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia [la] kan-šú

ii 42'42'

ik-nu-šú a-na ni-ri-ia [DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ]

ii 43'43'

ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú-nu it-ti [nu-dun--e]

ii 44'44'

ma--di ù ter-ḫa-ti ma--as-si

ii 45'45'

a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-u-ti a-na NINA.KI

ii 46'46'

ú-bi-lu-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.[II-ia]

ii 47'47'

e-li mmu-gal-li ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ [GAL.MEŠ]

ii 48'48'

ma-da-at-tu šat-ti-šam ú-kin [EDIN]--šú

ii 49'49'

ul-tu mia-ki-[in-lu-u LUGAL KUR].a-ru-ad-da

(ii 49') After Yakī[n-Lû, the king of the land] Arwad, had gone [to (his) fa]te, [Azi-Baʾal], Abī-Baʾa[l], (and) Adūnī-Baʾal, the sons of Ya[kīn-Lû who reside in] the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of [the sea], came with [their sub]stantial audience gif[t(s)], and (ii 55´) kisse[d] my feet. I looked upon Azi-Baʾal with pleasure and installed (him) as king of the land Arwad. I [clothed] Abī-Baʾal (and) Adūnī-Baʾal in garment(s) with multi-colored trim (and) placed gold bracelet(s around their wrists). I m[ade t]hem [stand] before me.

ii 50'50'

il-li-ku [a-na šim]-ti

ii 51'51'

[ma-zi-ba-al] ma-bi-ba-[al] ma-du-ni-ba-al

ii 52'52'

DUMU.MEŠ mia-[ki-in-lu-u a-šib] MURUB₄ tam-tim

ii 53'53'

ul-tu MURUB₄ [tam-tim] e-lu-nim-ma

ii 54'54'

it-ti ta-mar-ti-[šú-nu ka]-bit-ti il-lik-u-nim-ma

ii 55'55'

ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ía

ii 56'56'

ma-zi-ba-al ḫa-diš ap-pa-lis-ma

ii 57'57'

a-na LUGAL-u-ti KUR.a-ru-ad-da áš-kun

ii 58'58'

ma-bi-ba-al ma-du-ni-ba-al

ii 59'59'

lu-bul-ti bir-me ú-[lab-biš] ḪAR .GI áš-kun

ii 60'60'

ina maḫ-ri-ia ul-[zis]-su-nu-ti

ii 61'61'

mgu-ug-gu LUGAL

(ii 61') (As for) Gyges, the king of the land Lydia a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had (ever) heard (the god) Aššur, the god who created me, made [him] se[e] in a dream my royal name. On the (very) day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being.

ii 62'62'

na-gu-u šá -ber-ti A.AB.BA áš-ru ru-u-qu

ii 63'63'

ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la -mu-u zi-kir MU-šú

ii 64'64'

ni-bit LUGAL-ti-ia ina MÁŠ.GI₆ ú-šab-ri-[šú-ma]

ii 65'65'

AN.ŠÁR DINGIR ba-nu-u-a u₄-mu MÁŠ.GI₆ an-ni- e-mu-ru6

ii 66'66'

.rak-bu-šú -pu-ra a-na šá-ʾa-al šul--ia

ii 67'67'

.gi-mir-a-a .KÚR ek-ṣu šá la ip-tal-la-ḫu

(ii 67') (As for) the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never feared my ancestors, and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty, (ii 70´) with the support of the gods Aššur (and) Marduk, my lords, he (Gyges) c[lamped (them)] i[n manacles], handcuffs, (and) neck-stocks [and sent (them)] before me, together wi[th] his substantial audience gift(s). I constantly saw the migh[t of the gods Aššur and Marduk].

ii 68'68'

AD.MEŠ-ia ù ia-a-ši la iṣ-ba-tu GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia

ii 69'69'

ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR dAMAR.UTU EN.MEŠ-ia ina [GIŠ.ṣi-iṣ-ṣi]

ii 70'70'

GIŠ.šat qa-ti GIŠ.ši-ga-ri ú-tam-[me-eḫ-ma]

ii 71'71'

it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú-nu ka-bit-ti [ú-še-bi-la]

ii 72'72'

a-di maḫ-ri-ia a-tam-ma-ra da-na-an [AN.ŠÁR u dŠÚ]

ii 73'73'

ina 4-e ger-ri-ia a-na URU.qir-[bít šá -reb]

(ii 73') On my fourth campaign, [I marched] to the city Qir[bit, which is inside] (Mount) Ḫarēḫasta (lit. “the city Ḫarēḫasta”), [since Tandāya], (iii 1) their city ruler, [had never bowed down] to the yoke of the kings, [my] ancestors, and the people livin[g in the city Qirbit] were constantly plunde[ring the land Yamutbal]. With the support of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), (and) S[în, the gods, my lords], I conquered (and) plundered that city. (As for) Ta[ndāya, their city ruler], I took (him) [to Assyria] together with captives from his city. [I took] the people of the city Qirbit, as many as I had carrie[d off, and] set[tled (them)] in Egypt.

ii 74'74'

URU.ḫa-re-e-ḫa-as-ta [lu-u al-lik ša mta-an-da]

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

.EN.URU-šú-nu a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-[ia la ik-nu-šú]

iii 22

a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN u UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti [URU.qir-bít]

iii 33

ka-a-a-an iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ḫu-[bu-ut KUR.ia-mut-ba-li]

iii 44

URU šu-a- ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN dEN?.[ZU? DINGIR.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia]7

iii 55

ak-šu-ud áš-lu-la šal-lat-su mta-[an-da .EN.URU-šú-nu]

iii 66

it-ti šal-lat URU-šú al-qa-a [a-na KUR -šur.KI]

iii 77

UN.MEŠ URU.qir-bít ma-la áš-lu-[lu ú-bil-ma]

iii 88

-rebṣur ú-šá-[aṣ-bit]

iii 99

ina 5-ši (erasure) ger-ri-ia UGU maḫ-ši-ra MAN KUR.[man-na-a-a lu-u al-lik]

(iii 9) On my fifth campaign, [I marched] against Aḫšēri, the king of the land [Mannea], who had never bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, (and) who always answere[d (them) with disrespect]. I mustered my battle troops. I made (them) take the direct road to conquer the land Mann[ea].

iii 1010

šá a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la kit-nu-šú i-tap-pa-lu [da-ṣa-a-ti]

iii 1111

ad-ke ERIM.MEŠ -ia a-na ka-šá-ad[a-a]

iii 1212

-te-še-ra ḫar-ra-nu al-lik-ma -reb URU.[BÀD--šur]

(iii 12b) I went and (then) set up camp in the city [Dūr-Aššur] and pitched my camp (there). A[ḫšēr]i heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and [dispat]ched [his army. (iii 15) During the night, in a] crafty [ma]neuver, th[ey] approach[ed] to do battle, [to fi]ght with m[y] troops. My [bat]tle [troops] foug[ht] with them (and) [bro]ught about their defeat. (Over) an area (the distance of) [three leagues march], they filled the wide steppe with their corpses.

iii 1313

-man-nu ad-di-ma áš-ku-na ka-ra-ši maḫ-[še-e]-ri

iii 1414

a-lak ger-ri-ia -me-ma [ú-ma]-ʾe-e-ra [um-man-šú]

iii 1515

[ina šat mu-ši ina] ši-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-peš it-bu-[u-ni]

iii 1616

[a-na mit]-ḫu-uṣ-ṣi ERIM.ḪI.A-ia

iii 1717

[ERIM.MEŠ] -ia it-ti-šú-un im-da-ḫa-[ṣu]

iii 1818

[]-ku-nu BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-un

iii 1919

[ma-lak 3 KASKAL.GÍD] A.ŠÀ šal-ma-ti-šú-nu ú-mal-lu-u EDIN rap-šú

iii 2020

[ina -bit AN.ŠÁR] d30 dUTU DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ša ú-tak-ki-lu-in-ni

(iii 20) [By the command of the gods Aššur], Sîn, (and) Šamaš, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered [the land Mann]ea and marched about triumphantly. [In the course of] my [campai]gn, I conquered, destroyed, demolished, (and) burned with fire the cities Ayusiaš a fortress (of his) [Aššaš a strong]hold of his Busutu, Ašdiyaš, [Urkiyamun, Uppi]š, Siḫūa, (and) Naziniri [eight fortified cities] together with small(er settlements), [which] were [without number], a[s f]ar as the city Izirtu. I brought [peo]ple, horses, donkeys, oxen, (and) sh[eep and goats] out of those cities and I counted (them) as booty.

iii 2121

[-reb]-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak šal-ṭiš

iii 2222

[ina me-ti-iq ger]-ri-ia URU.a-a-ú-si-áš URU.ḪAL.ṢU

iii 2323

[URU.áš-šá-áš dan]-na-su URU.bu-su- URU.áš-di-áš

iii 2424

[URU.ur-ki-ia-mu-un URU.up-pi]-ḫu-u-a

iii 2525

[8 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti] ù a-di ṣe-eḫ-ru-ti

iii 2626

[šá ni-ba la] i-šu-ú

iii 2727

a-di -reb URU.i-zir-ti ak-šu-ud ap-pul aq-qur

iii 2828


iii 2929

GU₄.MEŠ ṣe?-[e-ni] ul-tu -reb URU.MEŠ šá-a-tu-nu

iii 3030

ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu maḫ-še-e-ri

(iii 30b) Aḫšēri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izir[tu], his royal [c]ity. He fled to the city Atrāna, a city upon which he relied, (and) took refuge (there). I surrounded the cities [Iz]irtu, Urmēte (Armaet), (and) Uzbia (Izibia), his [forti]fied [cities]. I confined the people living in [tho]se cities an[d] (thus) constricted (and) [cut shor]t their lives. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, (and) burned that district with fire. (iii 40) I laid waste to (an area of) [fif]teen [da]ys march and poured out (over it) the silence (of desolation).

iii 3131

a-lak ger-ri-ia -me-ma ú-maš-šir

iii 3232

URU.i-zir-[] URU LUGAL-ti-šú a-na

iii 3333

URU tukul-ti-šú in-na-bit e-ḫu-uz

iii 3434

mar--tu URU.[i]-zir- URU.ur-me-e-te

iii 3535 [URU.MEŠ dan]-nu-ti-šú al-me

iii 3636

UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut URU.MEŠ [šá-a]-tu-nu

iii 3737

e-si-ir-ma nap-šat-su-nu ú-si-iq ú-[kar]-ri

iii 3838

na-gu-ú šu-a-tu ak-šu-ud

iii 3939

ap-pul aq-qur ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu

iii 4040

ma-lak 10 u₄-[me 5 u₄]-me ú-šaḫ-ri-ir-ma šá-qu-um-ma-

iii 4141

at-bu-uk ina me-ti-[iq] ger-ri-ia (erasure) URU.MEŠ

(iii 41b) In the cou[rse of] my campaign, I conquered, burned with fire, (and) plundered the cities in the environs of the city Pa[ddi]ra, which the Manneans had taken away (and) appropriated for them[s]elves in the time of the kings, my ancestors. I returned those cities to the territory of Assyria.

iii 4242

šá li-mi-it URU.pad-[di]-ra šá ina ter-ṣi LUGAL.MEŠ

iii 4343

AD.MEŠ-ia e-ki-mu

iii 4444

a-na i-di ra-ma-ni-šú-nu ú-ter-ru

iii 4545

ak-šu-ud ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu áš-lu-la šal-lat-sún

iii 4646

URU.MEŠ šá-a-tu-nu a-na mi-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR ú-ter

iii 4747

na-gu-ú šá

(iii 47) I leveled (and) burned with fire the district of the city Arsiyaniš, which is betw[ee]n the city Azaqaya[n]i (Azaqanani) and (lit. “of”) Mount Ḫarsi, which is before the land of the Kumurdeans, who are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadišadî, their fortress commander, (and) I pl[u]ndered it (Arsiyaniš).

iii 4848

ša bi-rit URU.a-za-qa-ia-ni

iii 4949

ša ḫa-ar-si šá-di-i

iii 5050

ša SAG KUR.ku-mu-ur-da-a-a

iii 5151

ša -reb as-pu-un ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu

iii 5252

mra-a-a-di-šá-di-i .GAL ḪAL.ṢU-šú-nu

iii 5353

a-duk áš-lu-la šal-lat-su na-gu-u šá URU.e-ri-is-te-ia-na

(iii 53b) I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana, flattened its [v]illages, burned (them) with fire, (and) plundered them. With the assault of my battle array, I laid [wa]ste to his district (and) made his entire land smaller. I returned safely with much plu[n]der (and) substantial booty (and) set foot in Assyrian territory.

iii 5454

ak-šu-ud URU.MEŠ-šú as-pu-un ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu

iii 5555

áš-lu-la šal-lat-sún ina ti-ib ta-ḫa-zi-ia na-gu-u-šú

iii 5656

ú-šaḫ-rib ú-ṣa-aḫ-ḫi-ir nap-ḫar KUR-šú

iii 5757

it-ti ḫu-ub-ti ma--di šal-la- ka-bit-

iii 5858

šal-meš a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI

iii 5959[a] URU.LUGAL-iq-bi

(iii 59) (As for) the cities Birrū[a], Šarru-iqbi, (and) Gusinê, cities that were formerly within the territory of Assyria [wh]ich [the Manneans] had taken away [in the t]ime of the kings, my ancestors, I conquered those [set]tlements. I tore [the land Mannea] apart [from withi]n. [I carried off to Assyria (their) horses, (their) equipment, (and) the]ir [implements of war].

iii 6060

URU.MEŠ maḫ-ru-u-ti šá mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI

iii 6161

ša [ina] ter-ṣi LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia e-ki-mu

iii 6262

[ da]-ád-me šá-a-tu-nu ak-šu-ud

iii 6363

[ TA lìb]-bi as-suḫ

iii 6464

[ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ til-li ú-nu-ut -šú]-nu8



iii 1'1'

[ina SILA URU-šu id]-du-u pa-gar-šú

(iii 1') they [c]ast his (Aḫšēri’s) corpse [into a street of his city].

iii 2'2'

[EGIR-nu mú-al-li-i DUMU]-šú ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú

(iii 2') [Afterwards, Uallî], his [son], sat on his throne. He saw [the might of] the deities [šur, Bēl (Marduk)], Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of A[rbel]a, the great gods, my lords, and (iii 5´b) bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his (own) life, he opened up his hands to me (and) made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He s[ent] Erisinni, his heir designate, to Nineveh [and] he kissed my feet. (iii 10´) I had mercy on him. [I dispatched my messenger with (a message of) goodwill to him]. He [sent me] (his) daughter, his own offspring, [to serve as a housekeeper]. (As for) his form[er] payment, [which] they had discontinued [in the time of the kings, my ancestors], they car[ried (it) before me]. I added thirty horses [to his] former [payment] and [imposed (it) upon him].

iii 3'3'

[da-na-an] AN.[ŠÁR dEN] dAG d15 ša URU.NINA.KI

iii 4'4'


iii 5'5'

e-mur-ma ik-nu-šá a-na ni-ri-ia

iii 6'6'

áš-šú ba-laṭ ZI--šú up-na-a-šú ip-ta-a

iii 7'7'

ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-ti

iii 8'8'

me-ri-si-in-ni DUMU -ti-šú

iii 9'9'

a-na NINA.KI -[pur-am-ma] ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia

iii 10'10'

re-e-mu ar-ši-šú .[A KIN-ia šá šul-me ú-ma-ʾe-er EDIN--šú]

iii 11'11'

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú ú-[še-bi-la ana e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-u-ti]

iii 12'12'

ma-da-at-ta-šú maḫ-ri-[ šá ina tar-ṣi LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia]

iii 13'13'

ú-šab-ṭi-lu -[šu-u-ni a-di maḫ-ri-ia]

iii 14'14'

30 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ [UGU ma-da-at-ti-šú]

iii 15'15'

maḫ-ri-ti ú-rad-di-ma [e-mid-su]

iii 16'16'

ina u₄-me-šú mbi-ri-is-ḫa-at-ri [.EN.URU ša mad-a-a]

(iii 16') At that time, (as for) Birisḫatr[i, a city ruler of the Medes], (and) Sarati (and) [Pariḫi], two sons of Gagî, a ci[ty ruler of the land Saḫi], who had cast off the y[oke of my lordship], I conque[red (and) plundered] seventy-five of their fortified cities. [I captured] them alive (and) brought (them) to Nineveh, [my capital] c[ity].

iii 17'17'

msar-a-ti m[pa-ri-ḫi]

iii 18'18'

2 DUMU.MEŠ mga-a-gi .EN.[URUḫi]

iii 19'19'

ša iṣ-lu-u GIŠ.ŠUDUN [EN-ti-ia]

iii 20'20'

75 URU.MEŠ-šú-nu dan-nu-ti ak-šu-[ud áš-lu-la šal-la-sún]

iii 21'21'

šá-a-šú-nu bal-ṭu-su-nu [ina ŠU.II aṣ-bat]

iii 22'22'

ú-bi-la a-na NINA.KI URU [EN-u-ti-ia]

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

man-da-ri-a .EN.NAM KUR.[ur-ár-ṭi]

(iv 1) (As for) Andaria, the governor of the land [Urarṭu], who had advanced (and) marched du[ring the night] to conquer the cities Uppu[mu and Kullimeri], the people living in the city Kullim[eri, servants who belonged to me, inflicted] a hea[vy] defeat on him during the night. They did not spare [anyone. They cut off] the head of Andaria [and they brought (it)] to Nineveh, befo[re me].

iv 22

ša a-na ka-šá-ad URU.up-pu-um-[me u KUR.kul-li-im-me-ri]

iv 33

ir-da-a il-li-ka -[reb mu-ši-ti]

iv 44

UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti URU.kul-li-im-me-[ri ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia]

iv 55

ina šat mu-ši di-ik-ta-šú ma--as-[su i-du-ku]

iv 66

la iz-zi-bu [a-a-um-ma]

iv 77

SAG.DU man-da-ri-a [ik-ki-su-nim-ma]

iv 88

a-na NINA.KI ina maḫ-[ri-ia ú-bil-u-ni]

iv 99

ina 6-ši ger-ri-ia UGU [mur-ta-ki MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI lu-u al-lik]

(iv 9) On my sixth campaign, [I marched] again[st Urtaku, the king of the land Elam] who [did not remember] the kindness of the father who had engendered [me (nor) did he respect my friendship]. After [famine occurred] in the land Elam (and) [hunger had set in, I sent to him] grain, (which) sustains the li[ve(s) of people, and] ... [...]

iv 1010

ša MUN AD -[ia la ḫa-as-su la iṣ-ṣu-ru ib-ru-ti]

iv 1111

ul-tu ina KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI su-un-qu -ku-nu ib-ba-šú-u -eb-re-tu]

iv 1212

dnisaba ba-laṭ ZI-[tim UN.MEŠ ú-še-bil-šú-ma]

iv 1313

x x x x [...]9



iv 1'1'

x x [...]10

(iv 1') ... [... I was not concerned about this news of] Ur[taku’s assault]. (Because) he had regularly s[ent his envoys (with messages) of peace before me], (iv ) I dispatch[ed my messenger] to see the ki[ng of the land Elam. He went quickly, returned, and reported to me] an acc[urate] report, saying: “The El[amites] cover the land Akka[d, all of it, like a swarm of locusts. Against Babylon], (his) camp [is pitched and (his) military cam]p [is laid].”

iv 2'2'

mur-[ta-ki ul áš-du-ud ina lìb-bi-ia]

iv 3'3'

šu-ut .[MAḪ.MEŠ-šú šá su-lum-me-e]

iv 4'4'

-ta-nap-[pa-ra ina maḫ-ri-ia]

iv 5'5'

a-na a-mar LUGAL [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI .A KIN-ia]

iv 6'6'

ú-ma-ʾe-er [ḫa-an-ṭiš il-lik i-tu-ram-ma]

iv 7'7'

a-ma-a-te ka-[a-a-ma-na-ti ú-šá-an-na-a ia-a-te]

iv 8'8'

um-ma KUR.e-la-[mu-u GIM ZI-ut BURU₅.ḪI.A]

iv 9'9'

ka-tim KUR URI.[KI ka-li-šá ṣe-er .DINGIR.RA.KI]

iv 10'10'

-man-nu [šá-kin-ma na-di ma-dak]-? a-na [na-ra-ru-ti]

(iv 10'b) T[o aid the gods Bēl (Marduk) and] Nabû, g[ods of mine] whose divinity I constantly revered, I mustered my battle troops and set out on the road. He heard about the advance of [my] expeditionary forc[e] and (then) fear overwhelmed him and he returned t[o his (own) land]. I went after him (and) brought a[bout] his defeat. I drove him away as far as the border of his land.

iv 11'11'

[dEN u] dAG DINGIR.[MEŠ-ia]

iv 12'12'

ša ap-tal-la-ḫu DINGIR-su-un

iv 13'13'

ERIM.MEŠ -ia ad-ke-e-ma aṣ-ba-ta ḫar-ra-nu

iv 14'14'

a-lak ger-ri-[ia] -me-ma

iv 15'15'

ḫat-tu is-ḫup-šú-ma i-tur a-na [KUR-šú]

iv 16'16'

EGIR-šú aṣ-bat a-bi-ik-ta-šú áš-kun

iv 17'17'

aṭ-ru-us-su a-di mi-ṣir KUR-šú

iv 18'18'

mur-ta-ku LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ša la iṣ-ṣu-ru ib-[ru-ti]

(iv 18') (As for) Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not respected [my] frie[ndship], whom death cal[led] on a day (that was) not his fate, who came to an end (and) [withered away] while wailing [he no (longer) set] f[oot] upon the land of the living. In that year, his life [came to an end] (and) he passed away.

iv 19'19'

ina u₄-me la šim-ti-šú mu-u-tu ú-gar-[ru-u]

iv 20'20'

ina ta--ḫi iq-tu-ú i-[zu-bu]

iv 21'21'

ina qaq-qa-ri ba--ṭi GÌR.[II-šú ul -kun]

iv 22'22'

ina MU.AN.NA-šú na-piš-ta-šú [iq-ti]

iv 23'23'

il-lik nam-mu-ši-šú mEN-BA-šá .gam-bu-la-a-[a]

(iv 23'b) (As for) Bēl-iqīša, a Gambuli[an] who had cast off the yoke of [my] lordshi[p], he laid down (his) lif[e] through the bite of a mouse.

iv 24'24'

ša iṣ-lu-ú GIŠ.ŠUDUN EN-ti-[ia]

iv 25'25'

ina ni-šik PÉŠ -ta-kan na-piš-tu

iv 26'26'

mdAG-MU-KAM- ..[EN.NA] la na-ṣir a-de-e

(iv 26') (As for) Nabû-šuma-ēreš, the šan[dabakku] (governor of Nippur) who did not honor (my) treaty, he suff[er]ed from dro[psy], (that is) “full water.”

iv 27'27'

-ši a-ga-nu-til?-[la-a] A.MEŠ SA₅.MEŠ

iv 28'28'

mdAMAR.UTU-MU- .šu-[ut SAG]-šú? mu-šad-bi-ib-šú

(iv 28') (As for) Marduk-šuma-ibni, [hi]s (Urtaku’s) eu[nuch], the instigator who had incited Urtaku [to plot] evi[l (deeds), the god] Marduk, the k[ing of the gods], imposed his grievous punishment [upon him].

iv 29'29'

ša MUNUS.ḪUL ú-šak-[pi-du] a-na mur-ta-ki

iv 30'30'

e-mid-[su d]AMAR.UTU LUGAL [DINGIR.MEŠ] ši-ir-ta-šú GAL-

iv 31'31'

ina 1-et [MU.AN.NA] -eḫ-ret a-ḫa-meš

(iv 31') Within on[e year], they (all) laid down (their) live(s) at the same time. The angry heart of (the god) Aššur [had] not [relented against t]hem, nor had the m[ood of the goddess Išt]ar, who had encourag[ed] me, become tranquil towards them. (iv 35´) They overthre[w his] royal dynasty. They [made] somebody else [assu]me dominion over the land Elam.

iv 32'32'

-ku-nu na-piš-

iv 33'33'

lìb-bi AN.ŠÁR ag-gu ul [i-nu-uḫ-šú]-nu-ti

iv 34'34'

ul ip-šaḫ-šú-nu-ti ka-[bit-ti d]-tar ša ú-tak-kil-an-ni

iv 35'35'

BALA-e LUGAL-ti-[šú] -ki-pu

iv 36'36'

be-lut KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ú-[šal]-qu-u šá-nam-ma

iv 37'37'

EGIR mte-um-man tam-šil GAL₅.

(iv 37') [Afterwa]rds, Teumman, the (very) image of a gallû-demon, [sat on the throne of] Urtaku. [He constantly soug]ht out evil (ways) [to kill the children of] Urtaku (and) [the children of Ummanal]dašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), [the brot]her of Urtaku. [Ummanigaš, Ummanapp]a, (and) Tammarītu [the sons of Urtaku, the king of] the land Elam [Kudurru (and) Pa]rrû (iv 45´) [the sons of Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), the kin]g who came before [Urtaku together with sixty members of the ro]yal (family), countless [archers, (and) nobles o]f the land Elam [fled to me before Teu]mman’s [slaughtering and grasped the feet of] my [ro]yal majesty.

iv 38'38'

[ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA m]ur-ta-ki

iv 39'39'

[a-na da-a-ki DUMU.MEŠ] mur-ta-ki

iv 40'40'

[a-na DUMU.MEŠ mum-man-al]-da-še ŠEŠ mur-ta-ki

iv 41'41'

[-te-]-ʾa-a MUNUS.ḪUL

iv 42'42'

[mum-man-i-gaš mum-man-ap]-pa mtam-ma-ri-

iv 43'43'


iv 44'44'

[mku-dúr-ru mpa]-ru-ú

iv 45'45'

[DUMU.MEŠ mum-man-al-da-še] LUGAL a-lik pa-ni

iv 46'46'

[mur-ta-ki ù 60 NUMUN] LUGAL ina la -ni

iv 47'47'


iv 48'48'

[la-pa-an da-a-ki mte]-um-man

iv 49'49'

[in-nab-tu-nim-ma iṣ-ba- GÌR.II] LUGAL-ti-ia

iv 50'50'

[ina 7-e ger-ri-ia UGU m]te-um-man

(iv 50') [On my seventh campaign], I marched [against] Teumman, [the king of the land Elam who] had regularly sent his [envoys] to me [concerning Ummanigaš, Umman]appa, (and) [Tammarītu the s]ons of [Urtaku, the king of] the land Elam (and) [Kudur]ru (and) Parrû [the sons of Umm]analdašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), the brother of Urtaku, [(former) king of the land] Elam (asking me) to send (back) those [people] who had fled to me and [grasped] my [f]eet. I did not grant him their extradition. (iv 60´) [Concerning the aforementioned], he sent [ins]ults monthly by the hands of Umbadarâ [and Nabû]-damiq. [Inside the land El]am, he was bragging in the midst of his troops. [I trusted i]n the goddess Ištar, who had encouraged me. I did not comply with [the utterance(s) of his] provocative [speech (lit. “mouth”)]. I did not give him those [fugitiv]es.

iv 51'51'

[MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI lu-u] al-lik

iv 52'52'

[šá UGU mum-man-i-gaš mum-man]-ap-pa

iv 53'53'

[mtam-ma-ri-tu] DUMU.MEŠ [mur-ta-ki LUGAL] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

iv 54'54'

[mku-dúr]-ru mpa-ru-ú

iv 55'55'

[DUMU.MEŠ mum]-man-al-da-še ŠEŠ mur-ta-ki

iv 56'56'


iv 57'57'

[.MAḪ.MEŠ]-šú -ta-nap-pa-ra a-na še-bu-li

iv 58'58'

[UN.MEŠ] šá-a-tu-nu šá in-nab-tu-nim-ma

iv 59'59'

[iṣ-ba-] GÌR.II-ia še-bul-šú-nu ul aq-bi-šú

iv 60'60'

[ina UGU me]-re-ḫe-e-ti ina ŠU.II mum-ba-da-ra-a

iv 61'61'

[ù mdMUATI]-SIG₅-iq -ta-nap-pa-ra ITI-šam

iv 62'62'

[-reb KUR.e]-lam-ti -tar-ra-aḫ ina UKKIN ERIM.ḪI.A-šú

iv 63'63'

[at-kil a]-na d15 ša ú-tak-kil-an-ni

iv 64'64'

[-bit pi-i-šu] er-ḫu ul am-gúr ul a-din-šú

iv 65'65'

[mun-nab]-ti šá-a-tu-nu

Column v
v 1v 1

[mte-um-man le-mut- -te-]-ʾa-a11

(v 1) [Teumman constantly soug]ht out [evil (deeds)],



v 1'1'

um-ma mte-[um-man] ki-a-am iq-bi

(v 1') saying: “T[eumman], whose judgement the goddess Ištar h[ad clo]uded (lit. [alt]ered”), spoke as follows, saying: ‘I will not st[op until I go (and) do battle] with him.’”

v 2'2'

ša d15 ú-[šá]-an-nu-u mi-lik ṭè-me-šú

v 3'3'

um-ma ul ú-maš-[šar a-di al-la-ku]

v 4'4'

it-ti-šú [ep-pu-šú mit-ḫu-ṣu-]

v 5'5'

šu-ut -re-eḫ-ti [an-ni-te šá mte-um-man]

(v 5') On account of [these] insolent words [that Teumman] had spoken, I made an appeal to [the sublime goddess Ištar]. I stood be[fore her, knelt down at her feet, (and) made an appeal to] her divinity, [while my tears were flowing], say[ing]:

v 6'6'

iq-bu-u am-ḫur [šá-qu- d-tar]

v 7'7'

a-zi-iz a-na [tar-ṣi-šá ak--is šá-pal-šá]

v 8'8'

DINGIR-us-sa [ú-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a]

v 9'9'

um-[ma dbe-let URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI a-na-ku m-šur--A]12

(v 9'b) [“O Divine Lady of the city Arbela! I, Ashurbanipal],



v 1''1''

[1-en .šab-ru-u ú-tu-ul-ma i]-na-ṭal MÁŠ.GI₆

(v 1'') [a dream interpreter lay down and s]aw a dream. [He woke up and (then) rep]or[t]ed to me [the night vision t]hat the goddess Ištar had shown him, [saying]:

v 2''2''

[i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-ši] ša d15 ú-šab-ru-šú

v 3''3''

[ú-šá]-an-na-a ia-a-ti

v 4''4''

[um-ma d]15 a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR e-ru-ub-am-ma

(v 4''b) [“The goddess ]tar who resides in the city Arbela entered and she had quivers hanging on [the right and left. She was holding] a bow at her side (and) [she was unsheathing a] sharp [swo]rd that (was ready) to do battle. [Y]ou (Ashurbanipal) stood [before her] (and) she was speaking to you like [(your own) birth]-mother. (v 10´´) [The goddess Ištar, the sub]lime one of the gods, [called out to you], instructing you, [saying: ‘You are looking forw]ard to waging war (and) I myself am about [to set out towards my destination (the battlefield).’ You (then) sa]id to her, saying: [Let me] go [with you], wherever you go, O Lady of Ladies!’ (v 15´´) She [replied to yo]u, saying: ‘You will stay in the place where you are (currently) residing. Eat food, drink wine, make music, (and) revere my divinity. In the meantime, I will go (and) accomplish this task, (v 20´´) (thus) I will let (you) achieve your heart’s desire. Your face will not become pale, your feet will not tremble, you will not wipe off your sweat in the thick of battle.’ She took you into her sweet embrace and protected your entire body. (v 25´´) Fire flared up in front of her. She went off [furio]usly outside. She directed her attention [towar]ds Teum[m]an, the king of the land Elam [with whom] she was ang[r]y.”

v 5''5''

[15 u 2.30] tu-ul-la-a?-ta -pa-a-ti

v 6''6''

[tam-ḫa-at] GIŠ.PAN i?-na i-di-šá

v 7''7''

[šal-pat nam]-ṣa-ru zaq-tu ša e-peš ta-ḫa-zi

v 8''8''

[ma-ḫar-šá] ta-zi-iz ši-i ki-ma AMA

v 9''9''

[a-lit-ti] i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka

v 10''10''

[il-si-ka d15 šá]-qu-ut DINGIR.MEŠ i-šak-kan-ka ṭè-e-mu

v 11''11''

[um-ma ta-na-aṭ]-ṭa-la a-na e-peš šá-áš-mi

v 12''12''

[a-šar pa-nu-u-a] šak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku

v 13''13''

[at-ta ta-qab]-bi-ši um-ma a-šar tal-la-ki

v 14''14''

[it-ti-ki] lul-lik be-let GAŠAN.MEŠ

v 15''15''

ši-i [tu-šá-an-nak]-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na

v 16''16''

lu-u áš-ba-ta a-šar maš-kán-i-ka

v 17''17''

a-kul a-ka-lu ši-ti ku-ru-un-nu

v 18''18''

nin-gu- šu-kun nu-ʾi-id DINGIR-ú-ti

v 19''19''

a-di al-la-ku šip-ru šu-a- ep-pu-šú

v 20''20''

ú-šak-šá-du ṣu-um-me-rat lìb-bi-ka

v 21''21''

pa-nu-u-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nàr-ru-ṭa GÌR.II-ka

v 22''22''

ul ta-šam-maṭ zu-ut-ka ina MURUB₄ tam-ḫa-ri

v 23''23''

ina ki-rim-mi-šá DÙG.GA taḫ-ṣi-in-ka-ma

v 24''24''

taḫ-te-na gi-mir la-a-ni-ka

v 25''25''

pa-nu--šá dGIŠ.BAR in-na-pi-iḫ

v 26''26''

[šam]-riš ta-at-ta-ṣi a-na a-ḫa-a-ti

v 27''27''

[e]-li? mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

v 28''28''

[ša] ug-gu-ga-at pa-nu--šá taš-kun

v 29''29''

ina ITI.KIN ši-pir d15.MEŠ i-sin-ni AN.ŠÁR MAḪ

(v 29'') In the month Ulūlu (VI), “the work of the goddesses,” the festival of the exalted (god) Aššur, the month of the god Sîn, the light of heaven and netherworld, I trusted in the decision of the bright divine light (Sîn) and the message of the goddess Ištar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, warriors (v 35´´) who dart about in the thick of battle by the command of the deities Aššur, Sîn, and Ištar. I set out on the path against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the direct road.

v 30''30''

ITI d30 dna-an-nàr AN-e u KI-tim

v 31''31''

at-kil a-na .BAR dŠEŠ.KI-ri nam-ri

v 32''32''

ù ši-pir d15 GAŠAN-ia ša la in--nu-u

v 33''33''

ad-ke ERIM.MEŠ -ia mun-daḫ-ṣe

v 34''34''

ša ina -bit AN.ŠÁR d30 u d15

v 35''35''

it-ta-na-áš-ra-bi-ṭu ina qa-bal tam-ḫa-ri

v 36''36''

e-li mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ur-ḫu aṣ-bat-ma

v 37''37''

-te-ši-ra ḫar-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a [m]te-um-man

(v 37''b) Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, set up camp in the city Bīt-Imbî. He heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Dēr and (v 40´´b) [fea]r took hold of him. Teumman became frightened, turned a[round], (and) entered the city S[u]sa. In order to save his (own) [lif]e, he distributed silver (and) gold to the people of his land. (v 45´´) He redeployed his allies, who ma[rch at] his [side], to his front an[d] amassed (them) before me. He established [the Ulāya River] as his defensive position (and) [kept] (me from) the watering places.

v 38''38''

LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ina É-mim-bi-i na-di mad-dak-

v 39''39''

e-reb LUGAL-ti-ia šá -reb URU.BÀD.AN.KI

v 40''40''

-me-e-ma iṣ-bat-su [ḫat]-tu

v 41''41''

mte-um-man ip-làḫ-ma a-na EGIR-[šú] i-tur

v 42''42''

e-ru-ub -reb URU.šu-šá-an

v 43''43''

.BABBAR .GI a-na šu-zu-ub [ZI]--šú

v 44''44''

ú-za-ʾi-iz a-na UN.MEŠ KUR-šú

v 45''45''

re-ṣe-e-šú a-lik [Á.II]-šú pa-nu--šú ú-ter-ram-ma

v 46''46''

ug-dáp-pi-šá a-na maḫ-ri-ia

v 47''47''

[ÍD.ú-la-a-a] a-na dan-nu-ti-šú -kun

v 48''48''

[iṣ-bat] pa-an maš--e

v 49''49''

[ina -bit AN.ŠÁR d]AMAR.UTU šá ú-tak-kil-ú-in-ni13

(v 49'') [By the command of the gods Aššur (and) Ma]rduk, who had encouraged me through [auspicious] om[ens, dream(s), e]girrû-oracle(s), (and) message(s) from ecstatics, I brought abo[ut their defeat] inside the city T[īl-Tūba. I blocked up the Ulāya] River with their corpses (and) filled the plain of the city S[usa] with their bodies like ba[ltu]-plant(s) [and ašāgu-plant(s)]. (v 55´´) By the command of the gods Aššur (and) Marduk, the great gods, my lords, in the midst of [his] troops, I cut off the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. The brilliance of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar overwhelmed the land Elam and they (the Elamites) bowed down to m[y] yoke.

v 50''50''

ina GIŠKIM.[MEŠ SIG₅.MEŠ MÁŠ.GI₆] INIM.GAR ši-pir maḫ-ḫe-e

v 51''51''

-reb URU.DU₆-[tu-ba BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu] áš-kun

v 52''52''

ina ADDA.MEŠ-šú-nu ÍD.[ú-la-a-a as-ki-ir]

v 53''53''

šal-ma-a-te-šú-nu ki-ma GIŠ.DÌḪ [u GIŠ.KIŠI₁₆]

v 54''54''

ú-ma-al-la-a ta-mar-ti URU.šu-[šá-an]

v 55''55''


v 56''56''


v 57''57''

-lam-me AN.ŠÁR u d15 KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

v 58''58''

is-ḫu-up-ma ik-nu-šú a-na ni-ri-ia

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

[mum-man]-i-gaš šá in-nab-[tu]

(vi 1) I [placed Umman]igaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), who had f[led to me (and) had grasped] my [feet], on his (Teumman’s) throne. [I installed Tammarītu], his thi[rd] brother, [as k]in[g in the city Ḫidalu. (vi 5) (With) the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken (steeds), (and) equipment suited for war that] I captured between the city Susa (and) the Ulāya River [with the support of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Ištar, the great gods, my lords, by the command of] (the god) Aššur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully cam[e out o]f the land Elam and salvation was established for m[y entire army].

vi 22

[iṣ-ba-tu GÌR.II]-ia ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ú-[še-šib]

vi 33

[mtam-ma-ri-tu] ŠEŠ-šú šal-šá-[a-a]

vi 44

[ina URU.ḫi-da-lu a-na] MAN-ú-[ti áš-kun]

vi 55


vi 66

[ṣi-mit-ti ni-i-ri GIŠ.til-li si-mat ]

vi 77

[šá ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR d15 DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia]

vi 88

bi-ri-it URU.šu-šá-an ÍD.ú-la-a-a

vi 99

ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

vi 1010


vi 1111

[ul-tu ]-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ḫa-diš ú-ṣa-am-ma

vi 1212

[a-na gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A]-ia šá-lim-tu šak-na-at

vi 1313

[ina 8-e ger-ri-ia UGU mdu-na-nu DUMU] mEN-BA-šá

(vi 13) [On my eighth campaign], I marched [against Dunānu, son of] Bēl-iqīša, [to the land] Gambulu, [which] had put its trust [in] the king of the land Elam (and) [had not b]owed down to my yoke. [With] my mighty [battle array], I covered the land (lit. “people”) Gambulu in its entirety [like a fog]. I conquered the city Ša-pī-Bēl, his fortified city, [who]se location is situated [between river]s.

vi 1414

[a-na KUR].gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik

vi 1515

[šá a-na] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI it-tak-lu

vi 1616

[la ik]-nu-šú a-na ni-ri-ia

vi 1717

[ta-ḫa]-zi dan-nu .gam-bu-lu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú

vi 1818

[ki-ma MURU₉] ak-tùm URU.šá-pi-EN URU dan-nu-ti-šú

vi 1919

[ša -reb ÍD].MEŠ na-da-at šu-bat-su ak-šu-ud

vi 2020

[mdu-na-nu ŠEŠ.MEŠ]-šú ul- -reb URU šu-a-tu

(vi 20) I brought [Dunānu (and)] his [brothers] out of that city [alive]. I brought out [his wife], his [sons], his daughters, his (palace) women, [male singers, (and) female singers] and I counted (them) as booty. (vi 25) [I b]rought out [silver, gol]d, property, (and) the treasures of his palace and I counted (them) as booty. I brought out [eun]uchs, his attendants, engineers, (and) his [food pre]parers and I counted (them) as booty. [I brought ou]t [all of (his) arti]sans, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe, and I counted (them) as booty. (vi 30) [I brought out oxen, sheep and goats], horses, (and) mules, which were without number, [an]d I counted (them) as booty. I did not leave a single [person of his land mal]e (and) female, young and old (and) [I brought (them) out an]d counted (them) as booty.

vi 2121

[bal-ṭu-su-un] ú-še-ṣa-a

vi 2222

[DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ]-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú MUNUS.sek-re-ti-šú

vi 2323

[.NAR.MEŠ MUNUS.NAR.MEŠ] ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 2424

[.BABBAR ].GI NÍG.ŠU na-kám-ti É.GAL.MEŠ-šú

vi 2525

[ú]-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 2626

[.šu-ut] SAG.MEŠ .man-za-az pa-ni-šú .kit-ki-tu-u

vi 2727

[mu-šá]-ki-le-šú ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 2828

[gi-mir um]-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-šu-u

vi 2929

mar-kas URU u EDIN [ú-še-ṣa]-am-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 3030


vi 3131

šá ni-ba la i-šú-u [ú-še-ṣa-am]-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 3232

[UN.MEŠ KUR-šú zi]-kir? sin-niš TUR u GAL

vi 3333

e-du ul e-zib [ú-še-ṣa-am]-ma šal-la-tiš am-nu

vi 3434

mmas-si-ra-[a .GAL GIŠ.PAN] ša mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(vi 34) I captured alive Massir[â, the chief archer] of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed ins[ide the city Ša-pī-Bēl] to provide support to the la[nd Gambulu] (and) to guard Dunānu. [I cut off his head (and) beat (it)] against the face of Dunānu, the ally who could not save him.

vi 3535

ša a-na kit-ri KUR.[gam-bu-li] ma-ṣar- mdu-na-nu

vi 3636

áš-bu -[reb URU.šá-pi-i-dEN] bal-ṭu-us-su ina qa-ti aṣ-bat

vi 3737

[SAG.DU-su ak-kís] it-ti pa-ni mdu-na-nu kit-ri la mu-še-zib-i-šú

vi 3838

[ar-pi-is] URU šu-a-tu ap-pul [aq]-qur ina A.MEŠ -ḫar-miṭ

(vi 38b) (As for) that city, I destroyed, [demolish]ed, (and) dissolved (it) with water; [I annihi]lated (it). [I laid waste] that district [(and) cu]t off the clamor of humans from it. With the support of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), (and) Nabû, the great go[ds], my lords, I kil[led] my enemies (and) returned safely to Nineveh.

vi 3939

a-di la ba-še-e [ú-šá-lik] na-gu-ú šu-a-tu

vi 4040

[ú-šaḫ-rib] ri-gim a-me-lu-ti [ap]-ru-us-sa EDIN--šú

vi 4141

ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN dAG DINGIR.[MEŠ] GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia

vi 4242

.KÚR.MEŠ-ia a-ni-[ir]

vi 4343

šal-meš a-tu-ra a-na NINA.KI

vi 4444


(vi 44) I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, around the neck of Dunānu. With the spoils of the land Elam (and) the booty of the land Gambulu, which I captured by the command of (the god) Aššur, with singers performing music, I entered Nineveh in (the midst of) celebration.

vi 4545

ina mdu-na-nu a-lul

vi 4646

it-ti ki-šit-ti KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šal-la-ti KUR.gam-bu-li

vi 4747

ša ina -bit AN.ŠÁR ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

vi 4848

it-ti .NAR.MEŠ e-piš nin-gu-ti

vi 4949

a-na NINA.KI e-ru-ub ina ḪÚL.MEŠ

vi 5050

mum-ba-da-ra-a mdMUATI-SIG₅-iq

(vi 50) (As for) Umbadarâ (and) Nabû-damiq, the envoys of Teumman the king of the land Elam by whose hands Teumman sent insolent message(s), whom I had detained before me by making (them) wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his (own) beard and Nabû-damiq stabbed himself in the stomach with his iron belt-dagger.

vi 5151


vi 5252

ša mte-um-man ina ŠU.II-šú-nu -pu-ra ši-pir me-re-eḫ- šá ina maḫ-ri-ia

vi 5353

ak-lu-u ú-qa-ʾu-u pa-an ši-kin ṭè-e-me-ia

vi 5454

ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man EN-šú-nu

vi 5555

-reb NINA.KI e-mu-ru-ma

vi 5656

šá--e ṭè-e-me iṣ-bat-su-nu-ti

vi 5757

mum-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-šú

vi 5858

mdMUATI-SIG₅-iq ina GÍR AN.BAR šib-bi-šú

vi 5959

is-ḫu-la ka-ra-as-su

vi 6060

ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man ina GABA .GAL MURUB₄ URU

(vi 60) (As for) the decapitated head of Teumman, I displayed (it) opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh as a spectacle in order to show the people the might of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, my lords the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

vi 6161

ša NINA.KI ú-maḫ-ḫi-ra maḫ-ḫu-riš

vi 6262

áš-šú da-na-an AN.ŠÁR u d15 EN.MEŠ-ia UN.MEŠ kul-lu-me

vi 6363

ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vi 6464


(vi 64) (As for) Aplāya, son of Nabû-salim, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me after I had installed Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) as king in the land Elam, he (Ummanigaš) seized Aplāya, son of Nabû-salim, (and) sent (him) before me.

vi 6565

ša la-pa-an AD AD ba-ni-ia AD-šú in-nab-tu

vi 6666

a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ul-tu mum-man-i-gaš

vi 6767

-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI áš-ku-nu a-na LUGAL-u-ti

vi 6868

mIBILA-a-a DUMU mdMUATI-sa-lim

vi 6969

iṣ-bat ú-še-bi-la a-di maḫ-ri-ia

vi 7070

mdu-na-nu msa-am-gu-nu

(vi 70) (As for) Dunānu (and) Samgunu, sons of Bēl-iqīša Gambulians whose ancestors had harassed the kings, m[y] ancestors, and, moreover, (who) them[selves] disturbed [m]y exercising the ki[ngship] I brought them inside Baltil (Aššur) and the city Arbela to praise (me) in the future.

vi 7171

DUMU.MEŠ mEN-BA-šá KUR.gam-bu-la-a-a

vi 7272

šá AD.MEŠ-šú-un a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

vi 7373

ú-dal-li-pu-ma ù šu-[nu]

vi 7474

ú-nàr-ri-ṭa e-peš LUGAL-[ti]-ia

vi 7575

-reb bal-til.KI ù URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR

vi 7676

a-na da-lál aḫ-ra-a-te? ú-bil-šu-nu-ti

vi 7777

ša mman-nu-ki-PAP.MEŠ [.2-u šá] mdu-na-nu

(vi 77) As for Mannu-kī-aḫḫ[ē, the deputy of] Dunānu, and Nabû-uṣalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had uttered grievous blasphem(ies) aga[inst] my gods, I ripped out their tongue(s and) flayed them inside the city Arbela.

vi 7878

ù mdMUATI-ú-ṣal-li .šá UGU URU KUR.gam-bu-li

vi 7979

ša UGU DINGIR.MEŠ-ia iq-bu-u šil-la-tu GAL-

vi 8080

-reb URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR EME-šú-un áš-lu-up

vi 8181

áš-ḫu-uṭ KUŠ-šú-un mdu-na-nu -reb NINA.KI

(vi 81b) (As for) Dunānu, they laid him on a slaughtering block inside Nineveh and slaughtered him like a lamb.

vi 8282

UGU GIŠ.ma-ka-a-ṣi id-du-šum-ma

vi 8383

iṭ-bu-ḫu- as-liš

vi 8484

si-it-ti ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú šá mdu-na-nu

(vi 84) (As for) the rest of the brothers of Dunānu and Aplāya, I killed (them), chopped up th<eir> flesh, (and) sent (them) out to be a spectacle in all of the lands.

vi 8585

ù mIBILA-a-a a-ni-ir UZU.MEŠ-šú-<nu> ú-nak-kis

vi 8686

ú-še-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan

vi 8787

[m]dMUATI-I mEN-KAR-ir

(vi 87) [(As for) N]abû-naʾid (and) Bēl-ēṭir, [sons of Na]bû-šuma-ēreš, the šandabakku (governor of Nippur), [whose father, the one who had engendered them], had stirred up Urtaku (vi 90) [to fight with the land Akkad the bones of Nabû-šuma-ēreš, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria], I made them (lit. “his sons”) crush thos[e] bones opposite the Citadel Gate of Nineveh.

vi 8888


vi 8989

[šá AD ba-nu-šú-un] mur-ta-ki id-ka-a

vi 9090

[a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi KUR URI.KI]

vi 9191

[GÌR.PAD.DA.MEŠ mdMUATI-MU-KAM- šá ul-tu -reb KUR.gam-bu-li]

vi 9292

[il-qu-u-ni a-na KUR -šur.KI]

vi 9393

GÌR.PAD.DA.MEŠ šá-a-ti-na

vi 9494


vi 9595

ú-šaḫ-ši-la DUMU.MEŠ-šú

vi 9696

mum-man-i-gaš šá ṭa-ab- ma--as-su e-pu-šú-

(vi 96) (As for) Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), for whom I performed many act(s) of kindness (and) whom I installed as king of the land Elam, (and) who forgot my favor(s), did not honor the treaty sworn by the great gods, (vii 1) (and) accepted bribe(s) from the hands of the messengers of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn (my) unfaithful brother, my enemy he sent his forces with them to fi<gh>t with my troops, my battle troops who were marching about in Karduniaš (Babylonia) (and) subduing Chaldea.

vi 9797

áš-ku-nu- a-na LUGAL-ut KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vi 9898

ša SIG₅- la ḫa-as-su

vi 9999

la iṣ-ṣu-ru a-de-e ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

Column vii
vii 1vii 1


vii 22

ŠEŠ la ke-nu .KÚR-ia im-ḫu-ru ṭa-a-

vii 33

e-mu-qi-šú it-ti-šú-un -pu-ra a-na mit-<ḫu>-ṣi ERIM.ḪI.A-ia

vii 44

ERIM.MEŠ -ia šá ina KUR.kár-ddun-ía-àš

vii 55

it-ta-na-al-la-ku ú-kab-ba-su KUR.kal-du

vii 66

ina la i-de ṣe-er mun-da-si

(vii 6) Secretly, he (Ummanigaš) dispatched them to Undasu, a son of Teumman a (former) king of the land Elam and Zazaz, the city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, the city ruler of the land Ḫilmu, Atta-metu, the chief archer, (and) Nēšu, a leader of the troops of the land Elam, to fight with the troops of Assyria (and) he gave them order(s). Ummanigaš said to Undasu as follows, (vii 15) saying: “Go, exact revenge from Assyria for the father who had engendered you.” Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, (and) Nēšu, [to]gether with the messengers of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) hostile brother, set out [en rout]e and took the direct road.

vii 77


vii 88

ù mza-za-az .EN.URU KUR.pil-la-ti

vii 99

mpa-ru-ú .EN.URU KUR.ḫi-il-mu

vii 1010

mat-ta-me- .GAL GIŠ.PAN

vii 1111

m-e-šú a-lik pa-ni ERIM.ḪI.A šá KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 1212

a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi it-ti ERIM.ḪI.A KUR -šur.KI

vii 1313

ú-ma-ʾe-er-šú-nu-ti áš-kun-šú-nu-ti ṭè-e-mu

vii 1414

mum-man-i-gaš a-na mun-da-si ki-a-am iq-bi

vii 1515

um-ma a-lik TA KUR -šur.KI ter-ra

vii 1616

tuk-te₉-e AD ba-ni-ka

vii 1717

mun-da-su mza-za-az mpa-ru-u mat-ta-me- m-e-šú

vii 1818

it-ti .A KIN.MEŠ mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ nak-ri

vii 1919

[ur]-ḫu iṣ-bat-u-nim-ma -te-še-ra ḫar-ra-nu14

vii 2020

[ERIM.MEŠ ]-ia ina šá -reb [URU].su-man-dir

(vii 20) My [battle troops] (who were stationed) in the city Mangisi which is inside (the territory of) [the city S]umandir came up [against t]hem and brought ab[out] their [defea]t. They [cut] off [the heads of Und]asu, a son of Teumman [a (former) king of] the land Elam [Zazaz], Parrû, (and) Atta-metu an[d] they brought (them) before me.

vii 2121

[EDIN-]-šú-un e-lu-nim-ma -ku-[nu taḫ]-ta-šú-un

vii 2222

[ša mun]-da-si DUMU mte-um-man [LUGAL] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 2323

[ša mza-za-az] mpar-ru-u mat-ta-me-

vii 2424

[SAG.DU.MEŠ-šú-nu ik]-ki-su-nim-ma

vii 2525

ú-bil-u-ni a-di IGI-ia

vii 2626

[šu-ut a-ma-a-ti] an-na-a-te

(vii 26) [I dispatched] my messenger [t]o Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) [regarding t]hese [matters]. He detained [the eunuch of mine whom I had sen]t (Marduk-šarru-uṣur) and did not gi[ve a repl]y to my word(s).

vii 2727

.A KIN-ia [ú-ma-ʾe-er ṣe]-er mum-man-i-gaš

vii 2828

[.šu-ut SAG-ia šá áš-pu]-ra ik-la-ma

vii 2929

la ú-ter-[ra tur]-ti a-mat-ia

vii 3030


(vii 30) The gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) Nergal, the gods who support me, rendered a just verdict for me conce[rni]ng Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II). Tammarītu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. (vii 35) Tammarītu, who was (even) more insolent than him (Ummanigaš), sat on the throne of the land Elam.

vii 3131

DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti

vii 3232

it-ti mum-man-i-gaš i-di-nu-in-ni

vii 3333

mtam-ma-ri-tu EDIN--šú ib-bal-kit-ma

vii 3434

šá-a-šú ga-a-du kim-ti-šú ú-ra-sib ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

vii 3535

mtam-ma-ri-tu šá e-la šá-a-šú ek-ṣu

vii 3636


vii 3737

ki-ma šá-a-šú-ma ṭa-ʾa-a- im-ḫur

(vii 37) Just like him (Ummanigaš), he (Tammarītu) accepted bribes, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, (vii 40) went to the aid of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) unfaithful brother, and hastily sent his weapons to fight with my troops. As a result of the supplications that I had addressed to (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, they accepted my sighs (and) listened to the utterance(s) of my lip(s). His servants rebelled against him and (vii 45) together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne.

vii 3838

ul -al šu-lum LUGAL-ti-ia

vii 3939

a-na kit-ri mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA

vii 4040

ŠEŠ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma

vii 4141

a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ur-ri-ḫa GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú

vii 4242

ina su-up-pe-e šá AN.ŠÁR u d15 ú-sap-pu-u

vii 4343

ta--ḫi-ia im-ḫu-ru -mu-u zi-kir NUNDUM-ia

vii 4444

ARAD.MEŠ-šú EDIN--šú ib-bal-ki-tu-ma

vii 4545

a-ḫa-meš ú-ra-si-bu EN ḪUL--ia15

vii 4646

min-da-bi-bi ARAD-su ša si-ḫu

vii 4747

UGU-šú ú-šab-šu-ú ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú

vii 4848

mtam-ma-ri-tu LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(vii 48) (As for) Tammarītu, the king of the land Elam who had spoken insolent word(s) on account of the cutting off of the head of Teumman which a low-ranking soldier of my army had cut off and his brothers, his family, (and) the seed of his father’s house, together with eighty-five nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had flown away from the weapons of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar (vii 55) to praise their great divinity, they crawled naked on their bellies, together with Marduk-šarru-uṣur, a eunuch of mine whom they had taken away (with them) by force, and they grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

vii 4949

šá me-re-eḫ- iq-bu-u

vii 5050

UGU ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man

vii 5151

šá ik-ki-su a-ḫu-ru-u ERIM.ḪI.A-ia

vii 5252

ù ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú qin-nu-šú NUMUN É AD-šú

vii 5353

it-ti 85 NUN.MEŠ šá KUR.ELAM.MA.KI a-li-kut Á.MEŠ-šú

vii 5454

šá la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ AN.ŠÁR u d15 ip-par-šu-nim-ma

vii 5555

a-na da-lál DINGIR-ti-šú-nu GAL-ti it-ti mdAMAR.UTU-MAN-PAP .šu-ut SAG-ia

vii 5656

ša ib-ši-mu-šú ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu--šú-un ina UGU lìb-bi-šú-nu

vii 5757

ip-ši-lu-nim-ma iṣ-ba-tu GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia

vii 5858

mtam-ma-ri- a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia ra-man-šú im-nu-ma

(vii 58) Tammarītu handed himself over to do obeisance to me and made an appeal to my lordly majesty to be his ally. For just one eunuch of mine, the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), (and) Nabû, the gods who support me, compensated me a thousand fold. I allowed Tammarītu (and) as many people as (there were) with him to stay in my palace.

vii 5959

a-na kàt-a-ri-šú ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-ti

vii 6060

šu-ut 1-en šu-ut SAG-ia AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG

vii 6161

DINGIR.MEŠ tik-le-ia 1 LIM-A.A ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u-ni

vii 6262

mtam-ma-ri-tu UN.MEŠ ma-la it-ti-šú

vii 6363

-reb É.GAL-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti

vii 6464

min-da-bi-bi šá EGIR mtam-ma-ri-tu

(vii 64) Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammarītu, knew about the might of my weapons that had prevailed over the land Elam and (as for) the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bēl-šumāti, (vii 70) son of Marduk-apla-iddi[na] (II) (Merodach-baladan), with [wh]om th[ey use]d to ma[rch] ab[out] protecting his land [like a friend and] ally (and) whom Nabû-bēl-šum[āti] had seized [by] guile [during the night (and) confined] in prison, Indabi[bi, the k]ing of the land Elam, (vii 75) released them from prison. So that (they) would intercede (with me), say good thing(s) about him, (and) in order to prevent (me) from doing harm to the territory of his land, he sent (them) before me by the hands of his messenger (with messages) of goodwill and peace.

vii 6565

ú-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 6666

da-na-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia i-de-e-ma

vii 6767

ša ú-šam-ri-ru UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 6868

DUMU.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI šá áš-pu-ru

vii 6969

a-na kit-ri mdMUATI-EN-MU.MEŠ

vii 7070

DUMU mdAMAR.UTU-A-SUM.[NA ša GIM ib-ri u] tap--e

vii 7171

na-ṣar KUR-šú it-ta-[na-al-la-ku] it-ti-šú

vii 7272

šá mdMUATI-EN-MU.[MEŠ ina] pi-ir-ṣa-a-ti [ina šat mu-ši]

vii 7373

uṣ-ṣab-bi-tu [ik-lu]-ú ina ki-li

vii 7474

min-da-bi-[bi] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

vii 7575

ul-tu É ṣi-bit-ti ú-še-ṣa-áš-šú-nu-ti

vii 7676

ki-i ṣa-bat ab-bu-ut-ti qa--e MUNUS.SIG₅-ti-šú

vii 7777

la ḫa-ṭe-e mi-ṣir KUR-šú

vii 7878

ina ŠU.II .A KIN-šú šá ṭu-ú-bi u su-lum-me-e

vii 7979

ú-še-bi-la a-di maḫ-ri-ia

vii 8080

[mia-u-ta]- DUMU mḫa-za-DINGIR

(vii 80) [Iaut], son of Hazael, [the king of the land Qedar who does] obeisance to me, [appro]ached me [about his gods] and [implored] my [royal maj]esty. [I made] him [swea]r [an oath by the great gods] and (vii 85) (then) I gave [the god Atar-samayin back] to him. [Afterwards, he] sinned [against my treaty, did not] respect [my kindness], and [cast off the yoke of] my [lor]dship. He refrained [from inquiring about my well-being] and (vii 90) [withheld audience gift(s) from me. He incited the people of the lan]d of the Arabs [to re]bel [with him] and [they were repeatedly plundering the land Amurru].

vii 8181

[LUGAL e-piš] ARAD-ti-ia

vii 8282

[áš-šú DINGIR.MEŠ-šú im]-ḫur-an-ni-ma

vii 8383

[ú-ṣal-la-a LUGAL]-ú-ti

vii 8484

[MU DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ú-šá-az]-kír-šú-ma

vii 8585

[da-tar-sa-ma-in ú-ter-ma] a-din-šú

vii 8686

[EGIR-nu ina a-de-ia] iḫ-ṭi-ma

vii 8787

[MUN la] iṣ-ṣur-ma

vii 8888

[iṣ-la-a GIŠ.ŠUDUN] EN-ti-ia

vii 8989

[a-na šá-ʾa-al šul--ia GÌR.II]-šú ip-ru-us-ma

vii 9090

[ik-la-a ta-mar-ti UN.MEŠ] KUR.a-ri-bi

vii 9191

[it-ti-šú ú-šá]-bal-kit-ma

Column viii
viii 1viii 1

[iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ḫu-bu-ut KUR MAR.TU.KI]

viii 22

[ERIM.ḪI.A-ia šá ina mi-ṣir KUR-šú áš-bu]

(viii 2) [I sent troops of mine who were stationed on the border of his land against him] (and) they (lit. “I”) brought about their defeat. They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, (and) set fire to pavilion(s and) tents, their abodes, (and thus) consigned (them) to the god Gīra.

viii 33

[ú-ma-ʾe-e-ra ṣe-ru--šú]

viii 44

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-un áš-kun UN.ḪI.A KUR.a-ri-bi16

viii 55

ma-la it-bu-u-ni ú-ra-si-bu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

viii 66

É EDIN kul-ta-ri <<BI>> mu-šá-bi-šú-nu17

viii 77

IZI ú-šá-ḫi-zu ip--du a-na dGIŠ.BAR

viii 88


(viii 8) Th[ey] carr[ied off without num]ber oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, (and) people. They filled (with them) the [wh]o[le] extent of the land, [in] its [e]ntirety, to all of its border(s). I apportioned camels like sheep and goats (and) divided (them) among the people of Assyria (viii 15) (so that) within my country they (the Assyrians) could purchase a camel for one shekel (or even) a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug (of beer), (and) the gardener for (his) bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camels and slaves.

viii 99

a-me-lu- -lu-[lu-u-ni ina la ]-ni

viii 1010

se-ḫe-ep KUR [ka]-la-[mu a-na] si-ḫir-ti-šá

viii 1111

un-da-al-lu-u? a-na paṭ gim-ri-šá18

viii 1212

ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ ki-ma ṣe-e-ni ú-par-ri-is

viii 1313

ú-za-ʾi-iz a-na UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI

viii 1414

qa-bal-ti KUR-ia ANŠE.GAM.MAL ina GÍN ina 1/2 GÍN kas-pi

viii 1515

i-šam-mu ina ma-ḫi-ri

viii 1616

MUNUS.áš-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni .LÚNGA ina DUG.ḫa--e

viii 1717

.NU.GIŠ.KIRI₆ ina ki-i-si im-da-na-ḫa-ru

viii 1818

ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ ù a-me-lu-ti

viii 1919

si-it-ti .a-ri-bi šá la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

(viii 19) (As for) the rest of the Arabs who had fled from (my) weapons, the heroic god Erra struck (them) down. Famine broke out among them and they ate the flesh of their children on account of their hunger. The deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk) and Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, decreed curses, as many as were written in their treaties, accordingly upon them.

viii 2020

ip-par-ši-du ú-šam-qit dèr-ra qar-du

viii 2121

su-un-qu ina bi-ri-šú-un -šá-kin-ma

viii 2222

a-na bu-ri-šú-nu e-ku-lu UZU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-šú-un

viii 2323

ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-šú-un šaṭ-ru

viii 2424

ina pi-it-ti i-šim-šú-nu-ti AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU19

viii 2525


viii 2626


viii 2727

mia-u-ta- ma-ru-- im-ḫur-šú-ma

(viii 27) (As for) Iautaʾ, hardship befell him and he fled alone.

viii 2828

e-diš-ši-šú in-na-bit

viii 2929

ma-bi-ia-te- DUMU mte--ri

(viii 29) Abī-Yateʾ, son of Tēʾri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. I installed him as king in place of Iautaʾ. I imposed upon him gold, eyestones, pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, (and) prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

viii 3030

a-na URU.NINA.KI il-li-kam-ma ú-na-šiq GÌR.II-ía

viii 3131

a-de-e a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia it-ti-šú áš-kun

viii 3232

ku-um mia-u-ta- áš-kun-šú a-na LUGAL-u-ti

viii 3333


viii 3434

ANŠE.NÍTA.MEŠ bit-ru-ti man-da-at-ti šat-ti-šam-ma

viii 3535

ú-kin ṣe-ru--šú

viii 3636

mam-mu-la-di-in LUGAL šá ki-ma šá-a-šú ik-ki-ru

(viii 36) (As for) Ammi-ladīn the king of the land Qedar, who, like him (Iautaʾ), had turned hostile (and) repeatedly plundered the land Amurru (viii 40) Kamās-ḫaltâ, the king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me who had brought about his defeat in battle by invoking my name which the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela had made great captured Ammi-ladī(n and) the rest of his people who had escaped the slaughter. (viii 45) He placed (their) hands and feet in iron fetters and sent (them) to Nineveh, before me.

viii 3737

iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ḫu-bu-ut KUR MAR.TU.KI

viii 3838

ina zi-kir MU-ia šá AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG

viii 3939

d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI ú-šar-bu-ú

viii 4040

mka-ma-as-ḫal-ta-a LUGALʾa-a-bi

viii 4141

ARAD da-gíl pa-ni-ia

viii 4242

ina -ku-nu BAD₅.BAD₅-šú

viii 4343

mam-mu-la-di si-it-ti UN.MEŠ-šú

viii 4444

šá la-pa-an da-a-ki i-ši-tu-u-ni ú-ṣab-bit ina ŠU.II

viii 4545

ŠU.II u GÌR.II bi-re- AN.BAR id-di-ma

viii 4646

a-na URU.NINA.KI a-di maḫ-ri-ia ú-še-bi-la

viii 4747

mna-at-nu LUGAL ša a-šar-šú ru-u-qu

(viii 47) Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote heard about the might of the gods Aššur (and) Marduk, who had encouraged me. The one who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, (and) (viii 50) had never inquired about the well-being of their royal majesties, he now sent to me his messenger with greetings and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty (and) peace agreement, (and) to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and turned my benevolent face towards him. I imposed upon him annual tribute payment.

viii 4848

-ma-a da-na-an AN.ŠÁR dAMAR.UTU šá ú-tak-kil-u-in-ni

viii 4949

ša ma-ti-ma a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia .A KIN-šú la -pu-ra

viii 5050

la -a-lu₄ šu-lum LUGAL-ti-šú-un

viii 5151

e-nen-na ia-ti .A KIN-šú šá šul-me

viii 5252

-pu-ram-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia

viii 5353

a-na šá-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-peš ARAD-ti-ia

viii 5454

ú-ṣa-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti

viii 5555

a-na-ku ḫa-diš ap-pa-lis-šu-ma

viii 5656

pa-ni-ia SIG₅.MEŠ UGU-šú áš-kun

viii 5757

GUN man-da-at-tu šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin EDIN--šú

viii 5858

ina u₄-me-šú-ma BÀD MURUB₄ URU ša NINA.KI

(viii 58) At that time, the wall of the citadel of Nineveh, which Sennacherib king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me had built, (and, which) on account of abundant waters (and) heavy downpours that the god Adad had regularly brought yearly to my land during my reign, its foundation(s) had become weak and its superstructure had buckled. I removed the collapsed section(s) of that wall, which had become old (and) whose foundation(s) had become weak; I reached its lowest course. (viii 65) I strengthened its foundation(s) with massive (blocks of) mountain stone. I made that wall thicker than the previous one (and) I heaped (it) up like a mountain. I built (and) completed (it) from its foundation(s) to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundation(s) more than previously.

viii 5959

ša md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU MAN KUR -šur.KI AD AD ba-ni-ia -šú

viii 6060

ina A.MEŠ ṭaḫ-TU-ti ra-a-di gap-šu-ti20

viii 6161

ša šat-ti-šam-ma ina BALA-ia dIŠKUR ú-sad-di-ra ina KUR-ia

viii 6262

tem-me-en-šú ir-bu-ub-ma i-qu-pa re-šá-a-šú

viii 6363

BÀD šu-a- ša la-ba-riš DU-ku e-na-ḫu UŠ₈-šú

viii 6464

mi-qit-ta-šú ad-ke ak-šu-da a-sur-ru-šú

viii 6565

ina - NA₄ KUR-i tem-me-en-šú ú-dan-nin21

viii 6666

e-li ša maḫ-ri BÀD šu-a-

viii 6767

ú-kab-bir áš-pu-ka šad-du-ìš

viii 6868

ul-tu UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib--e-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil

viii 6969

UGU ša u₄-me pa-ni ú-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-šú

viii 7070

MU.SAR-u ši-ṭir MU-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ía

(viii 70) I wrote out an inscribed object bearing my name and the praise of my heroism with which through the support of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal, I constantly marched through the lands (and) established mighty victories and I deposited (it) for future days.

viii 7171

ša ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG

viii 7272

d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR

viii 7373

ina KUR.KUR at-tal-la-ku áš-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-

viii 7474

áš-ṭur-ma a-na aḫ-rat u₄-me e-zib

viii 7575

a-na EGIR u₄-me ina LUGAL.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-ia22

(viii 75) In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated section(s) when this wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and (then) anoint (it) with oil, make an offering, (and) return (it) to its place.

viii 7676

ša AN.ŠÁR u d15 a-na be-lut KUR u UN.MEŠ i-nam-bu-ú zi-kir-šú

viii 7777

e-nu-ma BÀD šu-a- i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-ḫu

viii 7878

an-ḫu-us-su lu-ud-diš MU.SAR-u ši-ṭir MU-ia

viii 7979

li-mur-ma Ì.MEŠ lip-šu- UDU.SISKUR liq-

viii 8080

a-na áš-ri-šú lu-ter23

viii 8181

[ki-i ša a-na-ku] MU.SAR-u ši-ṭir šu-me md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU ab AD -ia24

(viii 81) [Just as I found] an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, anointed (it) [with oil], made an offering, (and) placed (it) [with an inscribed object] bearing my name, you should be just like [me], find an inscribed object of mine and (then) anoint (it) with oil, make [an o]ffering (and) (viii 85) place (it) with an inscribed object bearing your name. May the great gods, as many as are recorded on this inscribed object, constantly bless your kingship (and) protect your reign.

viii 8282

[a-mu-ru Ì.MEŠ] ap-šu-šú UDU.SISKUR aq-qu-u [it-ti MU.SAR-e]

viii 8383

ši?-ṭir? MU-ia áš-ku-nu at-ta ki-i [ia-a-ti-ma]

viii 8484

MU.SAR-a-a a-mur-ma Ì.MEŠ pu-šu- [UDU].SISKUR BAL-

viii 8585

it-ti MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-ka šu-kun

viii 8686

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ma-la ina MU.SAR-e an--e šaṭ-ru

viii 8787

LUGAL-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-iṣ-ṣu-ru BALA.MEŠ-ka25

viii 8888

ša MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia u šu-me AD AD -ia26

(viii 88) (As for) the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name or the name of the father of the father who had engendered me, makes (it) disappear by some crafty device, (or) does not place (it) with an inscribed object [bear]ing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship (and) make his name (and) seed disappear from the land.

viii 8989

ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti ú-ḫal-la-qu27

viii 9090

it-ti MU.SAR-e [ši]-ṭir MU-šú la i-šak-ka-nu28

viii 9191


viii 9292

LUGAL-us-su lis-ki-pu30

viii 9393

MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR lu-ḫal-li-qu

Date ex. 1Date ex. 1
viii 94A94A

ITI.ŠU.GAR.NUMUN.NA lim-mu mEN-šu-nu

(viii 94A) Duʾūzu (IV), eponymy of Bēlšunu, governor of the city Ḫindānu (648).

viii 95A95A

.GAR.KUR URU.ḫi-in-da-na

Date ex. 5Date ex. 5
viii 94B94B

ITI.SIG₄ UD.22.KAM lim-mu mEN-šu-nu

(viii 94B) Simānu (III), the twenty-second day, eponymy of Bēlšunu, [governor of the city Ḫindā]nu (648).

viii 95B95B

[.GAR.KUR URU.ḫi-in-da]-na

Date ex. 9Date ex. 9
viii 94C94C

[...] UD.8.KÁM

(viii 94C) [...], the eighth day, [eponymy of Bēl]šunu, [governor of the city Ḫi]ndān[u] (648).

viii 95C95C

[lim-mu mEN]-šu-nu

viii 96C96C

[.GAR.KUR URU.ḫi]-in-da-na

1The prologue and military narration generally duplicate text no. 3 (Prism B) i 1–viii 55 apart from minor variants and the very occasional textual variant; see the on-page notes of that inscription for comments.

2The translation assumes that this line ended with (1) GÍN kas-[pi] “(one) shekel of sil[ver].” The extant traces on ex. 2 cannot be checked against the original in the Iraq Museum (Baghdad) to confirm the reading of the signs.

3R. Borger (BIWA p. 94) tentatively reads the end of the line as a!?-b[el? x(ma?)] (“I rul[ed over]”) on the basis of text no. 10 (Prism T) iv 20–26.

4For the now-missing contents, see text no. 3 (Prism B) ii 14–22.

5DUMU.MUNUS “(his) daughter”: See the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) ii 50.

6DINGIR ba-nu-u-a “the god who created me”: Ex. 5 omits DINGIR.

7dEN?.[ZU?] “the god S[în]”: The first sign of the deity’s name is heavily damaged, but the traces seem to favor EN. This same passage in text no. 3 (Prism B) iii 10 has dAG (“the god Nabû),” but two exmplars there (exs. 6 and 92*) also apparently have the variant dEN.ZU.

8The translation assumes that the now-missing iii 65 contained áš-lu-la ana KUR -šur.KI “I carried off to Assyria.” The gap in the inscription corresponds to text no. 3 (Prism B) iii 73b–78.

9This mostly destroyed line and the now-missing text that followed would have duplicated text no. 3 (Prism B) iv 20–33.

10The translation assumes that this mostly destroyed line contained a-ma-ti šá-a-ti-na ša ti-bu-ut “this news of the assault of” from text no. 3 (Prism B) iv 34a.

11For the now-missing contents of this gap, see text no. 3 (Prism B) v 5b–21a.

12This break in the report of the war against Teumman corresponds to text no. 3 (Prism B) v 28b–48.

13Text no. 3 (Prism B) v 87 adds DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ía “the great gods, my lords.”

14-te-še-ra ḫar-ra-nu “took the direct road”: As R. Borger (BIWA p. 110) points out, the writing of the verb in ex. 2 is possibly an error for uš-te-še-ru-u-ni. The only other exemplar (ex. 3) preserving part of this line has [-te-še-ru]-u-ni ḫar-ra-nu.

15EN ḪUL--ia “my adversary”: Ex. 3 mistakenly has EN SIG₅--ia “my friend.”

16áš-kun “I brought about”: One expects here iš-ku-nu “they brought about”; see text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 1.

17<<BI>>: For this extraneous sign, see the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 3.

18un-da-al-lu-u? “they filled”: See the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 8.

19i-šim-šú-nu-ti “he decreed upon them”: This is possibly an error for i-ši-mu-šú-nu-ti.

20A.MEŠ “waters”: Exs. 3 and 7 have ŠÈG (“rain”) and ŠÈG.MEŠ (“rains”), respectively.

21These lines of the building report appear in exs. 3, 7–8, 11, and 15; they are not included in exs. 2, 10, and 16–17.

22Before ina LUGAL.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-ia “one of the kings, my descendants,” exs. 8 and 14 add [ina DUMU].DUMU DUMU DUMU.DUMU ù DUMU.MEŠ “[one of the so]ns, grandsons, or (great grand)sons.” Compare text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 70b–71a, text no. 5 (Prism I) v 3b–4a, and text no. 10 (Prism T) vi 28b–29.

23The master text follows ex. 14. Exs. 5 and 6 instead conclude lines 75–79 with it-ti MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-šú ù šu-me md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU AD AD-ia liš-ṭur-ma? liš-kun “may he write out and place (it) with an inscribed object bearing his name and the name of Sennacherib, my grandfather” (though ex. 5 lacks the possible ma in liš-ṭur-ma? of ex. 6). Cf. the placement of this variant line in the building report of exs. 3 and 6 of text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 84.

24These lines appear in exs. 1, 8, 12, and 14; they are not included in exs. 5–6.

25The master text is based on exs. 1, 12, and 14. Exs. 5 and 6 have ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma liš-ru-ku- (ex. 6 mistakenly has liš-ku-ru-) da-na-nu li-i- “may they (the gods) grant him mighty victories just like me.” See also the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 86.

26Exs. 5, 6, and probably 9 omit u šu-me AD AD-ia -ia “or the name of the father of the father who had engendered me.” See also the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 88.

27Exs. 5, 6, and 9 omit ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti ú-ḫal-la-qu “makes (it) disappear by some crafty device.” See also the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 89.

28it-ti MU.SAR-e [ši]-ṭir MU-šú “with an inscribed object [bear]ing his name”: Exs. 5, 6, and probably 9 instead only have it-ti MU.SAR-i-šú “with his inscribed object.”

29DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá “the great gods of”: Exs. 5, 6, and probably 9 have DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti “the gods who reside in.” See also the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 91.

30Before LUGAL-us-su lis-ki-pu (“may they overthrow his kingship”), exs. 5, 6, and 9 have ag-giš li-ru-ru-šú “may they (the gods) curse him angrily.” See also the on-page note to text no. 3 (Prism B) viii 91.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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