Ashurbanipal 002

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) [I, Ashurbanip]al, great king, [strong king, k]ing of the world, king of Assyria, [kin]g of the four qu[art]ers (of the world), [the cr]eation of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu, the one to whom the god Ea and the goddess Bēlet-ilī have stretched out (their) hands, one who was chosen by the gods Sîn, Šamaš, (and) Adad, beloved of the god Marduk (and) the goddess Zarpanītu, the one required by the deities Nabû, Tašmētu, (and) N[anāya], wise (and) capa[ble], (i 10) true shepherd, favorite of the [great] g[ods]; son of Esarhaddon, [great king], strong king, kin[g of the world, king of Assyria], governor of Ba[bylon], king of the land of Sum[er and Akkad],

i 22


i 33

LUGAL kib-rat LÍMMU-tim

i 44

bi-nu-ut AN.ŠÁR u dNIN.LÍL

i 55

ti-ri-iṣ ŠU.II dé-a u DINGIR.MAḪ

i 66

ni-bit d30 dUTU dIŠKUR

i 77

na-ram dAMAR.UTU dzar-pa-ni-tum

i 88

ḫi-ši-iḫ-ti dAG dPAPNUN dna?-[na-a?]

i 99

ḫa-as-su le-ʾu-[u]

i 1010

SIPA ke-e-nu mi-gir DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ?]

i 1111


i 1212


i 1313


i 1414




i 1'1'

iq-bu-ú [...]2

(i 1') they (the gods) commanded [...]. In order to pro[tect my (position as) heir designate] and af[terwards (my) exercising the kingship of Assyria], he (Esarhaddon) ass[embled the people of Assyria] (and) the land of Sum[er and Akkad, ...].

i 2'2'

áš-šú na-[ṣir DUMU LUGAL-ti-ia]3

i 3'3'

ù EGIR?-[nu LUGAL-ut KUR -šur.KI e-pe-še]

i 4'4'

ú-pa?-[ḫir UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI]

i 5'5'


i 6'6'


Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[ina IGI DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá AN-e u KI-tim

(ii 1) [In front of the] great [god]s of heaven and netherworld, [wh]ose command(s) [cannot be ch]anged, [he] reinforced, wrote out, (and) established [trea]ties for future days. [In the month Ayyāru (II), the mon]th of the god Ea the lord of humankind, [the one who fashioned the physi]que of my royal majesty [I entered] the House of Succession, [a sophisticated place, the bo]nd of kingshi[p. ...]

ii 22

[šá la in]-nen-nu-u qi-bi-su-un

ii 33

[ú]-dan-nin -ṭur -kun

ii 44

[a]-de-e a-na u₄-me ṣa-a-ti

ii 55

[ina ITI.GU₄] ITI dé-a EN te--še-e-te

ii 66

[pa-ti-qu nab]-nit LUGAL-ti-ia

ii 77

[e-ru-um-ma ina] É ri-du-u-ti

ii 88

[áš-ru nak-lu? mar]-kás? LUGAL-u-ti5

ii 99

[...] x [(x)]6



ii 1'1'

[ina -bi-ti-šú]-nu ṣi-ir-ti

(ii 1') [By the]ir (the great gods’) exalted [command, I sat gladly on] the throne of the father who had engendered me. [Nobles (and) e]unuchs required [my lordship; they loved] my [exercising the kingshi]p. [Being happy at the mention of my vener]ated [name, the fou]r [quarters (of the world) rejoiced].

ii 2'2'

[ú-šib ṭa-a-biš ina] GIŠ.GU.ZA AD -ia

ii 3'3'

[ru--e ].šu-ut SAG.MEŠ

ii 4'4'

[EN-u-ti] iḫ-šu-ḫu

ii 5'5'

[i-ra-mu e-peš LUGAL]-ti-ia

ii 6'6'

[ina zi-kir MU-ia kab]-ti

ii 7'7'

[ḫa-du-ú i-ri-šú kib-rat LÍMMU]-tim7



Column iii
iii 1iii 1

ma-ḫar-šú-un aq-qi-ma8

(iii 1) [I] made [offerings] before them (the gods) and presented (them) with [m]y gift[s]. Those gods accepted my prayers and (then) flattened my e[n]emies (and) [destr]oyed my foes.

iii 22

ú-šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-[a]-a

iii 33

DINGIR.MEŠ šá-tu-nu ni- ŠU.II-ía im-ḫur-u-ma

iii 44

na-ki-ri-ia is-pu-nu

iii 55

[ú-ḫal]-li-qu ga-re-ia

iii 66

[... áš]-ru ru-u-qu9

(iii 6) [... a] remote [plac]e, [...] its way, [wherein Esar]haddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, [went do]wn and marched inside it. He brought about [the de]feat of Taharqa, the king of Kush, and scattered his forces. He conquered [E]gypt (and) Kush and (then) carried off its booty [with]out number. He ruled over [t]hat [land] in its entirety and (iii 15) made (it) part of the territory of Assyria. He changed the former names of the cities and gave them new names. He appointed his servants therein as king(s), governor(s), (and) official(s). He imposed upon them [annual tribu]te [pay]ment (in recognition) of his overlordship.

iii 77

[...] a-lak-tuš

iii 88

[šá? mAN.ŠÁR]-ŠEŠ-SUM.NA LUGAL KUR -šur.KI AD ba-nu-u-a

iii 99

[x x]-du-ma il-li-ku -reb-šá10

iii 1010

[BAD₅].BAD₅ mtar-qu-u LUGAL KUR.ku-ú-si -ku-nu-ma

iii 1111

ú-par-ri-ru el-lat-su

iii 1212

[KUR].mu-ṣur KUR.ku-ú-su ik-šu-du-ma

iii 1313

[ina] la mi-ni -lu-la šal-la-as-su

iii 1414

[KUR?] šu-a-tu ina si-ḫir-ti-šá i-be-el-ma

iii 1515

a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter

iii 1616

MU.MEŠ URU.MEŠ-ni maḫ-ru-ú-ti ú-nak-kir-ma

iii 1717

a-na -šu-ú-te -ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un11

iii 1818

[].ARAD.MEŠ-šú a-na LUGAL-ti .NAM-ú-ti

iii 1919

.GAR-nu-ú-te ú-pa--da ina lìb-bi

iii 2020

GUN? [man]-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-šú

iii 2121

[šat-ti-šam-ma] ú-kin ṣe-ru--šú-un

iii 2222

[...] x áš-li qaq-qu-ru

(iii 22) [...] ... territory [...] the city Memphis

iii 2323

[...] x URU.-em-pi



iii 1'1'

[...] x x [...]12

(iii 1') [... he (Taharqa) entere]d [the city Memphis. He tu]rned th[at] city over to [him]sel[f. Against the A]ssyrians who were insid[e Egypt, servant]s who belong[ed to me, whom Es]arhaddon king of Assyria, [the father who had engendered me had appointed a]s king(s) [there, to] kill (them) [...]

iii 2'2'

[e-ru]-ub URU šu-[a-tu]

iii 3'3'

[ú]-ter ra-ma-[nu-]

iii 4'4'

[e-li] UN.MEŠ KUR -šur šá -reb [ṣur]

iii 5'5'

[ARAD].MEŠ da-gíl pa-[ni-ia]

iii 6'6'

[ša m]-šur-PAP- MAN KUR -šur [AD -u-a]

iii 7'7'

[a]-na LUGAL-ti [ip--du ina lìb-bi]

iii 8'8'

[a-na] da-a-ki [...]13

iii 9'9'

[...] x [...]



iii 1''1''

šá-a-šú ḫat-tum u pu-luḫ- im-qut-su-ma

(iii 1'') (As for) him (Taharqa), terror and fear fell upon him and he went into a frenzy. He escaped from the city M[em]phis, the city (and) place upon which he [relie]d and, in ord[er to save] his (own) [l]ife, [he boar]ded a shi[p], abandoned his camp, [f]led [alone], and [enter]ed the city Theb[es].

iii 2''2''

il-li-ka maḫ-ḫu-tíš

iii 3''3''


iii 4''4''

URU a-šar [tu-kul]-ti-šú

iii 5''5''

uṣ-ṣi-ma a-[na šu-zu-ub] na-piš-te-šú

iii 6''6''

-reb GIŠ. [ir]-kab-ma

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

KARAŠ-su ú-maš-šir-ma [e-diš ip]-par-šid-ma

iv 22

-reb [e-ru]-ub

iv 33

GIŠ..MEŠ qa-ra-bi [ma-la it]-ti-šú

(iv 3) Th[ey (my army) captur]ed [as many] warships [as there were wit]h him, as well as his combat troops. A messenger to[ld m]e the [goo]d new[s] that I had been waiting for. To banish Tahar[qa f]rom Egypt (and) K[ush, I added to] my form[er fo]rces the chief eunuch, the [governor]s, and [al]l of the kings of Across the River (Syria-Palestine), together with their forces (and) their [boats], (as well as) the kings of Eg[y]pt, [servants who belonged to] me, together with their boats (and) [the]ir for[ces, and] I sent (them) to [the city Thebes, ...]

iv 44

ù ERIM.MEŠ -šú ú-[ṣab-bi- ina] ŠU.II

iv 55

.A KIN pu-su-rat [ḫa]-de-e

iv 66

ša a-tam-ra iq-[ba-a ia]-a-ši

iv 77


iv 88

ù LUGAL.MEŠ e-ber ÍD [ka]-li-šú-un

iv 99

a-di e-mu-qi-šú-nu GIŠ.[.MEŠ]-šú-nu

iv 1010


iv 1111

[ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni]-ia

iv 1212

a-di GIŠ..MEŠ-šú-nu e-mu-[qi-šú]-un

iv 1313

a-na ḫul-lu-uq mtar-qu-[ú]

iv 1414

ul-tu -rebṣur KUR.ku-[u-si]

iv 1515

[UGU e]-mu-qi-ia maḫ-ra-[a-ti]

iv 1616

[ú-rad-di-ma] áš-pur a-na []

iv 1717

[...] x [...]14



iv 1'1'

ša a-tam-ra [...]

(iv 1') [th]at I had been waiting for, [...].

iv 2'2'

ar-ka-a-nu mni-ku-ú [mLUGAL-lu--ri]

(iv 2') Afterwards, Necho, [Šarru-lū-dāri], (and) Pa-qruru, kings wh[om the father who had engendered] me had installed [in Egypt], (iv ) transgressed the treaty (sworn) by (the god) Aššur and the great gods, my [lord]s, and (then) bro[k]e their oath(s). They forgot the kindness of the father who had engendered me, and their heart(s) plotted evil (deeds). They spoke word(s) of treachery and (iv 10´) decided (among) themselves on a profitless decision, saying: “If they remove Taharqa from Egypt, how then [can] we (ourselves) st[ay]?” (iv 15´) To establish treaties and [pe]ace, they dispatched their [mounted messenger(s)] to Taharqa, the kin[g of] Kush, saying: “Let peace be established [between u]s so that we can c[ome to a mu]tual [agreement. (Let) us divide] the land among ourselves so that (iv 20´) no [other lord] comes betwe[en u]s.” With regard to the n[umerous] troops of (the god) Aššur, [the might of my lordly majesty], they constantly sought out [evil plan(s); they plotted] to cut (their) throa[t(s and) strove to completely] destroy (them).

iv 3'3'

mpa-aq-ru-ru LUGAL.MEŠ ša [-rebṣur]

iv 4'4'

-ku-nu [AD ba-nu-u]-a

iv 5'5'


iv 6'6'

e-ti-qu-ú-ma ip-ru-ṣu ma-mit-sún

iv 7'7'

ṭa-ab-ti AD ba-ni-ia im-šu-ma

iv 8'8'

lìb-ba-šú-nu ik-pu-du le-mut-

iv 9'9'

da-bab-ti sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma

iv 10'10'

mi-lik la ku-širi₄ im-li-ku ra-man-šú-un

iv 11'11'

um-ma mtar-qu-ú ul-tu -rebṣur

iv 12'12'

i-na-saḫ-ú-ma at-tu-ni

iv 13'13'

a-šá-[ba-ni] mi-i-nu

iv 14'14'

e-li mtar-qu-u LUGAL KUR.ku-ú-si

iv 15'15'

a-na šá-kan a-de-e u [sa]-li-me

iv 16'16'

-pu-ru .[rak--e]-šú-un

iv 17'17'

um-ma su-lum-mu-ú [ina bi-ri]-ni liš-šá-kin-ma

iv 18'18'

ni-in-[dag-ga-ra a]-ḫa-meš

iv 19'19'

KUR a-ḫe-en-na-a [ni-zu-uz]-ma

iv 20'20'

a-a ib-ba-ši ina bi-ri-ni [šá-nu-um-ma be-lum]

iv 21'21'

ša um-ma-nat AN.ŠÁR gap?-[šá-a-ti e-muq EN-ti-ia]

iv 22'22'

-te--ʾu-ú [a-mat ḪUL-tim]

iv 23'23'

a-na na-kas na-piš-[ti ik-pu-du iṣ-ri-mu]

iv 24'24'

ḫul-lu-qu [a-di la ba-še-e]

iv 25'25'

.šu-ut SAG-ia [a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti]

(iv 25') A eunuch of mi[ne] heard [these words; ...]. He seized the[ir] mounted messenger(s) [along with their messages] that (they had sent) to [Taharqa, the king of Kush], to establish tre[aties and peace], and he saw their [deceit]ful [acts. They seized Šarru-lū-dār]i (and) Necho [and clamped] (their) hands and feet [in fe]tters (and) handcuffs. (iv 35´) The oath (sworn) by the god Aššur, the king of the gods, defeated them and my kindness, which I had done for them as a favor, called to account those who had sinned against [the great treaties].

iv 26'26'

--e-ma x [...]15

iv 27'27'

.rak--e-šú-[un ...]

iv 28'28'

ša e-li [mtar-qu-u LUGAL KUR.ku-ú-si]16

iv 29'29'

a-na šá-kan a-[de-e u sa-li-me]

iv 30'30'

iṣ-ba-ta-am-ma e-mu-ur

iv 31'31'

[ep-šet sur-ra-a?]-te-šú-un

iv 32'32'

[mLUGAL-lu-]-ri mni-ku-ú17

iv 33'33'

[iṣ-ba-tu-ma? ina bi]-re-te -qa-te

iv 34'34'

[ú-tam-me-ḫu?] ŠU.II u GÌR.II

iv 35'35'

ma-mit d-šur MAN DINGIR.MEŠ ik-šu-su-nu-ti-ma

iv 36'36'

ša iḫ-ṭu-ú ina lìb-bi

iv 37'37'

[a-de-e GAL.MEŠ] MUN qa-tu--šú-un ú-ba-ʾi-i-ma

iv 38'38'

ša e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu

iv 39'39'

ù UN.MEŠ URU.MEŠ ma-al it-ti-šú-nu

(iv 39') Moreover, they (my troops) cut down with the sword the people of the cities, as many as h[ad sided] with them (and) plotted evil plan(s), young and old, and they did not spare a single person among them. Furthermore, they brought them (Necho and Šarru-lū-dāri) to Nineveh, my capital city, before me.

iv 40'40'

-[šak-nu] ik-pu-du a-mat ḪUL-tim

Column v
v 1v 1

TUR u GAL ina GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit-ú-ma

v 22

e-du la e-zi-bu ina lìb-bi

v 33

ù šá-a-šú-un a-di NINA.KI

v 44

URU EN-ti-ia ina maḫ-ri-ia ub-lu-u-ni

v 55

ù a-na-ku m-šur--A MAN KUR -šur.KI

(v 5) Moreover, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the magnanimous one who performs acts of kindness (and) repays good deeds, had mercy on Necho, a servant who belonged to me, and forgave his crime(s). [I made the treaty swo]rn by the gods [more stringent] than the previous one [and] I established (it) [with] him.

v 66

lib-bu rap-šú e-piš ṭa-ab-te

v 77

sa-ḫi-ru dam-qa-a-te

v 88

a-na mni-ku-ú ARAD da-gíl IGI-ia

v 99

re-e-mu ar-ši-šu-ma

v 1010

ú-kab-bi-sa ḫi-ṭi-is-su

v 1111

[a-de-e ni]- DINGIR.MEŠ UGU šá maḫ-ri

v 1212

[ú-šá-tir-ma it-ti]-šú áš-kun18



v 1'1'

UN.[MEŠ a-šib ŠÀ-šú UGU KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu]19

(v 1') The peo[ple living in it (the city Qirbit) trusted in their] rug[ged mountains and did] not [respect the dominion of Assyria]. (As for) Tan[dāya their city ruler who], to the kings, [my ancestors, had never bowed down to (their) yoke] (his) heart was prou[d, ...]. They spoke [... and] th[ey were constantly] pl[undering ...] donkeys, oxen, [...] in the steppe. (v 10´) They laid waste to [its] pa[sture land]. Th[ey ...] the district of Yamutbal (and) flattened all of [its] settlem[ents]. With regard to thes[e] deeds, the citizens of Dēr appealed to me (and) beseeched my lordly majesty.

v 2'2'

mar-[ṣu-ú-ti tak-lu-ma]

v 3'3'

la [pit-lu-ḫu be-lut KUR -šur]

v 4'4'

mta-an-[da-a-a .EN.URU-šú-nu šá]

v 5'5'

a-na LUGAL.MEŠ [AD.MEŠ-ia la kit-nu-šú a-na ni-i-ri]

v 6'6'

ŠÀ ig-pu- [...]20

v 7'7'

id?-bu?-bu?-ú-[ma ...]

v 8'8'


v 9'9'

i-na ṣe-e-ri iḫ-[ta-nab-ba-tu]

v 10'10'

ú-šaḫ-ri-ru na-[me-e-šú]

v 11'11'

na-gu-u KUR.ia-mut-ba-la ú?-[...]

v 12'12'

is-pu-nu gi-mir da-ád-[me-šú]

v 13'13'

UGU ep-še-e-te an-na-a-ti

v 14'14'

DUMU.MEŠ BÀD.AN.KI im-ḫur-ú-in-ni

v 15'15'

ú-ṣal-lu-ú be-lu-ti

v 16'16'

.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia .NAM.MEŠ

(v 16') I sent my eunuchs (and) governors [w]ho(se provinces are) on the borders of their land(s) against them. They ascended Ḫalēḫasta, a rugged mountain, and surrounded the city Qirbit, his fortified city. [By having] (siege) ramps [trod]den down (and) the assault of battering rams, they conquered that city and flattened (it) like the Deluge.

v 17'17'

ša pa-a-ṭi KUR-šú-un

v 18'18'

ú-ma-ʾe-er ṣe-ru--šú-un

v 19'19'

KUR.ḫa-le-e-ḫa-as-ta KUR-ú mar-ṣu e-lu-ma

v 20'20'

il-mu-u URU.qir-bi-it URU dan-nu-ti-šú

v 21'21'

[ina šuk]-bu-us a-ram-me mi-ḫi-iṣ GIŠ.šu-pe-e

v 22'22'

URU šú-a- ik-šu-du-ma is-pu-nu a-bu-biš

v 23'23'


(v 23') (As for) the cities ...meš, Zarzāta, Šanḫara, Sissil, Adumānu, Ḫallāya, Šeliḫiram, Šaḫarasiʾ, GubBAD, Matuḫanzaḫ, Taziʾ, Lušanda, LULbasta, (and) Babsaḫ, they covered those cities like a fog and overwhelmed (them) like a bird snare. They killed Tandāya, (their) city lord, and struck down his warriors with the sword. Th[ey] carr[ied off into Assyria] people, [(...) oxen], (and) sheep an[d goats, his substantial booty].

v 24'24'


v 25'25'

URU.a-du-ma-nu URU.ḫal-la-a-a

v 26'26'

URU.še-li-iḫ-i-ra-am URU.šá-ḫa-ra-si-

v 27'27'ḫa-an-za-aḫ

v 28'28'


v 29'29'


v 30'30'

URU.MEŠ šú-nu-ti

v 31'31'

im-ba-riš ik-tu-mu-ma

v 32'32'

is-ḫu-pu ḫu-ḫa-riš

v 33'33'

mta-an-da-a-a .EN.URU i-du-ku-ma

v 34'34'

.qu-ra-di-šú ú-ra-si-bu ina GIŠ.TUKUL

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

UN.MEŠ [(...) GU₄.MEŠ]

vi 22

ṣe-e-[ni šal-la-su ka-bit-tu]

vi 33

-lu-[lu-u-ni a-na -reb KUR -šur.KI]

vi 44

ma-ku-da-[a-a .NÍMGIR-šú-nu]

(vi 4) [They captured] alive Akkud[āya, their herald], (and) brought (him) b[efore me]. I forcibly remov[ed] the people livin[g in those cities, took (them) and settled (them)] in Egyp[t. I made the people], whom [my bow] plundered in a[nother] land, [live] in the cit[y Qirbit] and its villages.

vi 55

bal-ṭu-us-su [ina qa-ti iṣ-ba-tu-ni]

vi 66

ub-lu-u-ni a-[di maḫ-ri-ia]

vi 77

UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-[ut URU.MEŠ-ni šú-nu-ti]

vi 88

as-su-uḫ [ú-bil-ma]

vi 99

-rebṣur [ú-šá-aṣ-bit UN.MEŠ]

vi 1010

ḫu-bu-ut [GIŠ.PAN-ia]

vi 1111

ša KUR šá-[ni-tim-ma]

vi 1212

-reb URU.[qir-bi-it]

vi 1313

ù URU.MEŠ-šú [ú-še-šib]

vi 1414

[m]gu-ug-[gu] MAN[di]21

(vi 14) Gyg[es], the king of the land Lyd[ia a] remote [place that ...] ... Assyria, [whose ... are not o]pen, whose ci[t]y is far away, (and) [the m]ention of whose name [none of the kings who ca]me before, my ancestors, [had (ever) heard ...] was wide and [...] was complete, [...] forces, [which the Cimme]rians, a dangerous enemy, [...] in battle [...] th[ey] cu[t him down].

vi 1515

[áš-ru] ru-ú-qu

vi 1616

[ša? ...]-pa-an KUR -šur.KI

vi 1717

[... la] pe-tu-ú -su-u URU-šú

vi 1818

[ša LUGAL.MEŠ a]-li-kut maḫ-ri AD.MEŠ-ia

vi 1919

[la -mu-ú] zi-kir MU-šú

vi 2020

[...] ME? rap-šá-tu-ma

vi 2121

[...] x šuk-lu-lu

vi 2222

[...] x e-mu-qi

vi 2323

[ša? .gi]-mir-ra-a-a .KÚR ak-ṣu

vi 2424

[...]-ú? ina tam-ḫa-ri

vi 2525

[...] ú-šam--[tu-šú?]



vi 1'1'

x [...]

(vi 1') (No translation possible)

vi 2'2'

x [...]

vi 3'3'

KA x [...]

vi 4'4'

ṣe-er x [...]

(vi 4') against [...] to [its/their] ful[l] extent. [...] Ashurbani[pal ...] was brilliant like lig[ht ...] and ... [...] He reported [...] and [...]. During the night [...] thus [...] saying: “As for Ashurba[nipal, ...], the one who is required by (the god) Aššur, [...] feet ... [...] to ... [...]

vi 5'5'

a-na paṭ gim-[ri-...]

vi 6'6'

md-šur--[A ...]

vi 7'7'

ki-ma nu-ú-[ri ...]

vi 8'8'

šu-pu-ma KU-x-[...]

vi 9'9'

ú-šá-an-ni-ma x [...]

vi 10'10'

ina šat mu-ši [...]

vi 11'11'

ki-a-am x [...]

vi 12'12'

um-ma šá m-šur--[A ...]

vi 13'13'

ḫi-ši-iḫ-te -šur [...]

vi 14'14'

GÌR.II x x x [...]

vi 15'15'

a-na x x [...]

Slight overlap?

Slight overlap?

vi 1''1''

[...] x [...]

(vi 1'') (No translation possible)

vi 2''2''

[...] x x [...]

vi 3''3''

[...] x x [...]

vi 4''4''

[...] EN? NA? [...]

vi 5''5''

[... ar]-ḫi?- ṣu-ul-li-[x]

(vi 5'') [... qu]ickly [...] supplica[tion, ...] let them come, [...] pra[yer, ...] that you did and [...] ... made you see.”

vi 6''6''

[...] x lil-li-ku su-pu?-[u?]

vi 7''7''

[...]-e? te-tep-šu-ma

vi 8''8''

[...] ú?-šab-ru-ka tul₅-ta-li

Column vii
vii 1vii 1

[...] x na-ki-ri-ka

(vii 1) [...] your enemy, [...] I will make [...] bow down and [... wil]l strike down with the sword.” I saw [...], became frightened, and (then) fulfilled [the ... of] my god. [(Now) I am rep]orting [...] to the king [...] that [d]ay (onward), I carry a [su]bstantial tribute, yearly, [wit]hout ceasing. [...] against his foes [...] I myself run. I received [the ... that he h]ad sent to me.

vii 22

[...] ú-šak-ma-as-ma

vii 33

[... ú]-ra?-sa-ba ina GIŠ.TUKUL

vii 44

[...] aṭ-ṭu-la ap-làḫ-ma

vii 55

[...] DINGIR?-ia ú-šal-li-ma

vii 66

[... ú-šá?]-an-na-a a-na LUGAL

vii 77

[... u₄]-me an--e

vii 88

šat-ti-šam la na-par-ka-a

vii 99

na-šá-ku ka-bit- GUN

vii 1010

[...] x ṣe-er .KÚR.MEŠ-šú

vii 1111

[...] a-na-ku la-as-ma-ku

vii 1212

[... ú]-še-bi-la am-ḫur

vii 1313

[...] x-a-te

(vii 13) (No translation possible)

vii 1414

[...] x-šú

vii 1515

[...] x

Slight overlap or short lacuna

Slight overlap or short lacuna

vii 1'1'


(vii 1') [...] mess[enger ...] to see [...].

vii 2'2'

.A KIN-[...]

vii 3'3'

a-na a-mar [...]

vii 4'4'

ina u₄-me-šu-ma [BÀD MURUB₄ URU ša NINA.KI]22

(vii 4') At that time, [the wall of the citadel of Nineveh] which Sennac[herib king of Assyria], the father of the father who had engende[red me had built], that wall [became] o[ld and] its foundation(s) [gave way and]

vii 5'5'

ša md30-PAP.[MEŠ-SU MAN KUR -šur.KI]

vii 6'6'

AD AD ba-ni-[ia e-pu-šú]

vii 7'7'

BÀD šu-a- la-[ba-riš il-lik-am-ma]

vii 8'8'

tem-me-en-šú [ir-bu-ub-ma]23



1For the (conjectured) now-missing contents of this gap, see K 2694 + K 3050 i 7–41 (L4; Novotny, SAACT 10 pp. 77–78 no. 18).

2Compare text no. 9 (Prism F) i 11–16a and text no. 11 (Prism A) i 13–22.

3áš-šú na-[ṣir] “In order to pro[tect]”: For the writing of the infinitive construct as parīs, see GAG p. 114 §87k. Other examples of this writing are na-ṣir in text no. 3 (Prism B) v 31, text no. 9 (Prism F) i 13, and text no. 11 (Prism A) i 20; and the variant a-lik for a-lak in text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 28 and text. no. 11 (Prism A) iv 32.

4Following E. Weissert and H.-U. Onasch (Orientalia NS 61 [1992] p. 68) an estimated gap of one line is tentatively assumed here between i 5´ and ii 1.

5The conjectured restoration at the beginning of the line is based on text no. 9 (Prism F) i 17 and text no. 11 (Prism A) i 24. Compare K 2694 + K 3050 ii 4´ (L4; Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 78 no. 18), which has a-šar ṭè-e-me u mil-[ki] “a place of instruction and coun[sel].”

6For the (conjectured) now-missing contents of this lacuna, see K 2694 + K 3050 ii 5´–10´ (L4; Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 78 no. 18).

7The beginning of the lacuna likely duplicated K 2694 + K 3050 ii 14´–25´ (L4; Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 78 no. 18).

8The translation assumes that the now-missing line immediately before iii 1 contained UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ “offerings.”

9Compare the comments of R. Borger (BIWA p. 177).

10Following R. Borger (BIWA p. 177), possibly restore [ú?-ri?]-du-ma (“[went do]wn and”).

11-ku-na “gave”: Ex. 3* has instead iz-ku-ra “named.”

12Probably restore the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription obv. 6´–9´a (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 81 no. 20) immediately before iii 2´. The translation assumes that the badly damaged line iii 1´ contained “the city Memphis.”

13For the now-missing contents, see the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription obv. 12´b–22´ (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 81 no. 20).

14This now-missing section of the text is partially duplicated by the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription obv. 34´b–36´ (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 82 no. 20). Note that iv 1´–2´a do not appear in the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription.

15This inscription deviates from the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription; compare obv. 47´b–48´ of that text (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 82 no. 20).

16The restorations, following R. Borger (BIWA p. 179), are based on iv 14´–15´.

17The order of the names is the same as the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription; see obv. 49´ of that text. Ex. 1* places Šarru-lū-dāri after Necho.

18áš-kun “I established”: The Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription (obv. 58´) has áš-pur “I ordered”; text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 9 also has áš-kun.

19For the (conjectured) now-missing contents of this lacuna, see the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription obv. 59´–69´ and rev. 12 (Novotny, SAACT 10 pp. 82–83 no. 20). It is possible that only two lines are missing from the beginning of the account of the Qirbit campaign. Based on the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription rev. 12, this passage may have begun with URU.qir-bít ša -reb URU.ḫa-le-e-ḫa-as-ta na-da-ta šu-bat-su “(As for) the city Qirbit, whose location is situated inside (Mount) Ḫarê-ḫasta (lit. “the city Ḫarê-ḫasta”).”

20These lines are not included in the Large Egyptian Tablets Inscription (Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 83 no. 20); compare rev. 15 of that text.

21The report about Gyges of Lydia in this inscription differs significantly from text no. 1 (Prism E₁); compare vi 11–31´ of that inscription. Compare also, for example, the later and significantly shorter accounts concerning Lydia in text no. 3 (Prism B) ii 86b–iii 4 and text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 95–125.

22Compare text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 58–62a.

23For the conjectured end of the inscription, see text no. 1 (Prism E₁) vii 9´–25´ and text no. 4 (Prism D) viii 62b–67.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as