Esarhaddon has been a popular subject of study from the very beginning of Assyriology. There are numerous books, dissertations and articles devoted to him, his inscriptions and his reign. The first book on Esarhaddon was published by E.A.W. Budge and contained an edition of the then-known royal inscriptions (Budge, History of Esarhaddon, 1880); the only texts edited were the Esarhaddon texts published in 1 R and 3 R, volumes that did not always clearly indicate the sources used. This was followed by the dissertation of R.F. Harper (University of Leipzig, 1888) which treated two inscriptions of Esarhaddon labeled cylinders A (text no. 2 ex. 2) and C (text no. 3). In 1914, V. Scheil published a small monograph containing an edition of a prism of Esarhaddon (text no. 1 ex. 5) and several inscriptions of other Sargonid kings (Scheil, Prisme). Another dissertation on Esarhaddon was completed by H. Hirschberg at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität of Berlin in 1931 (Hirschberg, Studien zur Geschichte Esarhaddons). In 1956, R. Borger produced a text edition of Esarhaddon's inscriptions entitled Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Königs von Assyrien that was comprehensive for its time and this excellent work has served the field of Assyriology well for more than half a century. Esarhaddon's important vassal treaties have been published by D.J. Wiseman (Treaties, 1958), K. Watanabe (Bagh. Mitt. Beih. 3, 1987), and then S. Parpola and K. Watanabe (SAA 2, 1988). Most recently, in 1993, B.N. Porter attempted an in-depth study of Esarhaddon's reign in her book Images, Power, and Politics. In addition to the books and dissertations written about Esarhaddon, there have been dozens of articles published that deal with newly found fragments of his inscriptions, interesting facets of his reign, his military exploits or his building activities. The bibliographies in this volume contain references to many of these articles. Treatments of Esarhaddon and his reign are to be found in every general history of Assyria or Mesopotamia. Particularly useful are the biographical sketch by A.K. Grayson in CAH2 3/2 and the entry on Esarhaddon by B.N. Porter and K. Radner in PNA 1/1 pp. 145–152 sub Aššur-aḫu-iddina 7.
Erle Leichty
Erle Leichty, 'Overview of Previous Editions', RINAP 4: Esarhaddon, The RINAP 4 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []