Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names

A   E   G   I   K   N   R  

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Adadiḫegal: See Edadiḫegal.


Eanna (more accurately Eana): 133 7, 16, 30; 134 5, 9, 11; 135 5, 9, 11; 136 5; 137 11; 138 3; 139 2, 9; 1010 Left edge 1.

Ebaradurgara: 128 3, 15, 22.

Edadiḫegal (Adadiḫegal): 53 13'.

Edimgalkalama: 128 10; 129 19; 130 15; 133 20.

Edurgina: 1001 ii' 5'.

Egaltura: 93 22.

Egašankalama: 54 rev. 16; 77 8; 78 8; 79 8; 93 4.

Egišḫurankia: 48 93; 51 iv 11.

Eḫiliana: 135 5, 11; 136 11.

Eḫulḫul: 56 3'.

Eḫursaggalkurkura: 45 iv 9'; 48 98; 60 37', 42'.

Eḫursaggula: 57 v 39.

Ekarzagina: 52 11'; 60 47'.

Ekur: 104 iv 19; 105 v 48; 128 8; 129 15, 29; 130 11; 131 12.

Emašmaš: 10 6; 54 rev. 5; 1005 8'; 2005 1.

Enamtaggadua: 48 92.

Eniggidrukalamasuma: 113 20, 24.

Enirgalana: 133 6; 134 5, 11.

Esabad: 51 iv 10.

Esagil: 1 ii 22; 10 3; 17 6'; 43 9; 45 iv 1', 7'; 48 36, 58, 92, 99; 49 5'; 51 iv 12; 60 34'; 64 3; 65 4; 74 5; 75 9; 77 5; 78 5; 79 5; 84 4; 85 4; 86 4; 93 3; 98 rev. 3; 99 10; 104 i 29, ii 32, 43, iii 16, 39, 47, vi 3; 105 i 31, iii 7, 22, iv 6, 34, v 2, 20, vi 5, 11, viii 8; 106 i 14, 21, ii 17, 27, iii 38, iv 11, 36, v 41; 109 ii 16'; 110 ii' 7'; 111 i 6'; 112 v 15; 113 9, 18; 114 i 14, iii 23, iv 16; 116 5', rev. 6, 10, 15; 118 A 4; 119 8; 120 6; 121 2; 122 6; 123 7; 128 8, 9; 129 15, 18; 130 11, 14; 133 16, 19; 134 8; 135 8; 136 4; 1004 i' 5'.

Ešarra (more accurately Ešara): 45 iv 6'; 48 35, 87; 51 iv 1; 57 v 31, vi 25, vii 29; 76 5, 7, 14; 104 iii 49; 105 v 4; 111 v 1'; 1015 v 11; 2006 rev. 1.

Ešeriga: 54 rev. 41.

Ešgalšiddudua: 1 vi 42; 2 vi 7.

Etemenanki: 105 vi 27; 110 i' 7'; 116 rev. 20; 121 3; 122 7; 123 8; 124 6; 125 2; 126 10.

Eumuša: 48 91; 51 iv 9.

Ezida: 54 rev. 10; 134 8; 135 8.


Gate of the Path of the Enlil-Stars: 60 31'.


Imgur-Enlil: 60 34'; 105 vi 33; 106 iv 22; 114 iv 19; 116 rev. 17; 1001 i' 7'.


Kaḫilisu: 1015 vi 2.

Kamsu-Igīgū Gate: 60 33'.


Nēmed-Enlil: 60 34'; 104 v 6; 105 vi 41; 106 iv 24; 114 iv 20.


Royal Gate: 60 32'.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names', RINAP 4: Esarhaddon, The RINAP 4 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [,Palace,andTempleNames/]

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