Esarhaddon 033
Obverse | ||
(Tab.1) | ||
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
o? io? i | Completely missing | |
Column ii | ||
o? ii 1o? ii 1 | [... la] ⸢na⸣-ṣir zik-ri AN.ŠÁR LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ la pa-lìḫ EN-ti-ia | (o? ii 1) [... who did not] keep the oath of the god Aššur, king of the gods, who did not fear my lordship, [...] ..., robbers, thieves, or those who had sinned, those who had shed blood, [... offi]cials, governors, overseers, leaders, (and) soldiers who fled to the land Šubria [...] thus I wrote to him, (saying): “Have a herald summon these people in your land and (ii 5) [...] gather them and do not release a single man; [...] have them brought before the goddess Piriggal, the great lady, in the temple; [...] ... a message concerning the preservation of their lives [...] ... let them take the road to Assyria with my messenger.” |
o? ii 22 | [...] x ḫab-ba-tú šar-ra-qu lu šá ḫi-ṭu iḫ-ṭu-u da-mi it-bu-ku | |
o? ii 33 | [... LÚ].⸢SAG?⸣ LÚ.NAM ak-li šá-pi-ru re-du-u a-na KUR.šub-ri-a iḫ-li-qu | |
o? ii 44 | [...] ⸢an⸣-nu-u ki-i-am áš-pur-šu-ma LÚ.MEŠ an-nu-ti LÚ.NÍMGIR ina KUR-ka šul-si-ma | |
o? ii 55 | [...]-⸢ti?⸣ pu-uḫ-ḫi-ra-šú-nu-ti-ma eṭ-lu e-du la tu-maš-šar-ma | |
o? ii 66 | ||
o? ii 77 | [...]-ti ši-pir-tu šá bul-lu-ṭu ZI-tì-šú-nu | |
o? ii 88 | [...] x BU it-ti LÚ.A KIN-ia URU.KASKAL KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI li-iṣ-bat-<u?>-nim-⸢ma⸣ | |
o? ii 99 | [...] ⸢KU?⸣ dam-qu šá ba-laṭ ZI-tì-šú in-ši-[ma] | (o? ii 9) [...] he forgot the good [...] that saved his life [...]s of Assyria, my servants, before him ... [...] ... together with a standard in the hands of the messenger o[f ...]. He repeated to [me] whatever they answered him. [... my mood] became angry [...] ... [...] ... [...] |
o? ii 1010 | [...] x.MEŠ KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ARAD.MEŠ-ia pa-nu-uš-šú e-[...] | |
o? ii 1111 | ||
o? ii 1212 | [...] u mim?-mu-u i-pu-lu-uš ú-šá-an-⸢na⸣-[a ...] | |
o? ii 1313 | [...] x i-ṣa-ri-⸢iḫ⸣ [ka-bat-ti (...)] | |
o? ii 1414 | [...]-ú-ti i-⸢BAL⸣ [...] | |
o? ii 1515 | [...] x x x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
r?r? | Completely missing | |
(Tab.2) | ||
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
o i 1o i 1 | šu-ú na-áš-par-ti LUGAL-ti-ia šá ki-ma nab-li i-qam-mu-u a-a-bi iš-me-ma | (i 1) He heard my royal message, which burns my enemy like a flame, and he doubled over at the hips; his heart stopped and his knees trembled. He tore off his royal garment and clothed his body with sackcloth, the garment of a sinner. His appearance became miserable and he became like a slave and counted himself among his servants. With entreaty, prayer, expressions of humility, kneeling against the wall of his city, he was bitterly crying ‘woe,’ beseeching my lordship with open hands, (and) saying ‘Aḫulap!’ again and again to the heroic Aššur, my lord, and the praise of my heroism. |
o i 22 | qa-bal-šú im-qut-su-ma lìb-ba-šú ṣa-bit-ma i-tar-ru-ra iš-da-a-šú | |
o i 33 | lu-bul-ti MAN-ti-šú iš-ḫu-uṭ-ma ba-šá-mu ṣu-bat EN ar-ni e-di-qa zu-mur-šú | |
o i 44 | zi-mu-šú ú-lam-mì-in-ma re-e-šiš e-me-ma it-ti ARAD.MEŠ-šú im-nu-u ra-man-uš | |
o i 55 | ina te-me-qí ṣu-ul-le-e la-ban ap-pi ka-mì-is e-li BÀD URU-šú | |
o i 66 | u₈-a a-a ṣar-piš i-bak-ki-ma pe-ta-a up-na-a-šú ú-ṣal-la-a be-lu-ti | |
o i 77 | qur-di daš-šur EN-ía u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ía iq-ṭa-nab-ba-a a-ḫu-lap1 | |
o i 88 | ki-a-am iš-pur-am-ma um-ma LUGAL šá an-zil-li la kit-tú ḫa-ba-lu šá-ga-šú ⸢ik-kib⸣-[šú] | (i 8) Thus he wrote to me, (saying): “O, king, to whom abomination, untruth, plundering, (and) murdering are taboo; trustworthy shepherd, who keeps safe his camp, the strength of his army, whose attack can not be with[stood], knowledgeable in battle, war, (and) combat, capable in [all] deeds, for whom the god Aššur made mighty his weapons and whom he made greater than the kings, his ancestors — let the land Šubria, the land that sinned against you, serve you in its entirety. Place your official over them and let them pull your yoke! Lay tribute (and) payment upon them, yearly, without ceasing! I am a thief (and) for the sin I have committed I will restore the losses fifty-fold. |
o i 99 | re-ʾu-u tak-lu mu-šal-lim KARAŠ-šú e-mu-qí ERIM.ḪI.A-šú šá ti-bu-šú la im-da-[ḫa-ru] | |
o i 1010 | mu-ud-du-u qab-li šá-áš-me ta-ḫa-zi le-ʾu-u ep-šet ka-[la-ma] | |
o i 1111 | ša daš-šur GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú ú-dan-nin-ni-ma UGU LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-šú ú-šá-ti-[ru] | |
o i 1212 | um-ma KUR.šub-ri-a KUR iḫ-ṭu-ka ana si-ḫi-ir-ti-šá lid-gu-la pa-nu-ka | |
o i 1313 | ||
o i 1414 | GUN man-da-at-tú šat-ti-šam-ma la na-par-ka-a ki-in ṣe-ru-uš-šú-un | |
o i 1515 | ||
o i 1616 | áš-šú 1-en ḫal-qu mun-nab-tú DUMU KUR aš-šur 1 ME-a-a ri-bi-šú lu-ri-ib | (i 16) “For each runaway Assyrian fugitive, let me replace him one hundred-fold. Let me live so that I may proclaim the fame of the god Aššur (and) praise your heroism. May the one who is neglectful of the god Aššur, king of the gods, the one who does not listen to the word of Esarhaddon, king of the world, his lord, (and) the one who does not return runaway Assyrian fugitives to his owner, learn from my example. (i 20) (I said) thus: ‘The nobles, my advisors, spoke unwholesome lies to me. (Consequently) I committed a great sin against the god Aššur and (thus) I did not listen to the word of the king, my lord, did not return to you the citizens of Assyria, your servants, nor did I do myself (any) good. (Now) the oath of the great gods, which I transgressed, (and) the word of your kingship, which I despised, have caught up with me. May the anger of your heart be appeased. Have mercy on me and remove my punishment!’” |
o i 1717 | a-na nap-šá-a-ti muš-šir-an-ni-ma ta-nit-ti AN.ŠÁR lu-šá-pa-a lad-lu-la qur-di-ka | |
o i 1818 | šá a-na daš-šur MAN DINGIR.MEŠ e-gu-u a-mat maš-šur-PAP-AŠ MAN ŠÚ EN-šú la i-šem-mu-u | |
o i 1919 | ḫal-qu mun-nab-tú šá KUR aš-šur a-na EN-šú la ú-ta-ru ina ŠU.II-ia le-e-mur | |
o i 2020 | um-ma ru-bé-e ma-li-ki-ia sur-ra-a-ti la šal-ma-a-ti id-bu-bu it-ti-ia | |
o i 2121 | ḫi-iṭ-ṭu dan-nu a-na daš-šur aḫ-ṭi-ma a-mat LUGAL EN-ia ul áš-me | |
o i 2222 | DUMU.MEŠ KUR aš-šur ARAD.MEŠ-ka ul ú-ter-ra-kam-ma MUN ana rama-ni-ía ul e-pu-uš | |
o i 2323 | ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá e-ti-qu a-mat LUGAL-ti-ka šá a-me-šú ik-šu-dan-ni ia-a-ti | |
o i 2424 | ag-gu lìb-ba-ka li-nu-ḫa-am-ma re-e-mu ri-šá-an-ni-ma pu-ṭur en-nit-ti | |
o i 2525 | ana-ku maš-šur-PAP-AŠ MAN dan-nu šá qí-bit-su la BAL-u la uš-tam-sa-ku a-mat ru-bu-ti-šú | (i 25) I, Esarhaddon, mighty king, whose word is immutable, whose princely command cannot be annulled, [who] does not turn back from unsheathed weapons and the onslaught of fierce battle, whose battle none of the kings among all of (his) enemies ever sought a second time (and) before whom no ruler, his opponent, (ever) stood in the place of battle, |
o i 2626 | [šá ma]-ḫar GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ pe-tu-ti ù ti-ib MÈ dan-ni a-na EGIR-šú la i-tu-ru | |
o i 2727 | šá ma-ti-ma ina LUGAL.MEŠ kul-lat na-ki-ri la is-ḫu-ru la iš-nu-u qa-bal-šú mam-ma-an | |
o i 2828 | [la] iz-zi-zu maḫ-ru-uš-šú a-a-um-ma mal-ku ga-ab-ra-šú a-šar ta-ḫa-zi | |
o i 2929 | [ki]-a-am aq-bi-šú-ma um-ma im-ma-te-ma-a tal-te-me a-mat LUGAL dan-ni a-di 2-šú | (i 29) thus I said to him, (saying): “Did you ever hear a mighty king (give his) order twice? But I am an almighty king (and) I have written to you three times (and) you have not listened to the words of my lips! You had no fear of deceiving me and you paid no attention to my message(s). You began war and battle against me and (by so doing) you called up the fierce weapons of the god Aššur from their sheaths.” |
o i 3030 | ù a-na-ku LUGAL dan-dan-nu a-di 3-šú áš-pur-kam-ma la taš-ma-a zi-kir šap-ti-ía | |
o i 3131 | [ana] pi-i-gi na-piš-ti-ía la tap-làḫ-u-ma a-na ši-pir-ti-ia la ta-da-a le-et-ka | |
o i 3232 | MURUB₄ u MÈ tu-šá-ra-an-ni-ma GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ AN.ŠÁR ez-zu-ti ta-ad-ka-a ina šub-ti-šú-un | |
o i 3333 | ṣu-ul-le-e-šú ul áš-me un-ni-ni-šú ul al-qé ul am-ḫu-ra su-up-pi-šú | (i 33) I did not listen to his prayer, did not accept his plea, did not admit his entreaty, (and) did not turn back my anger from him. My fury did not relent towards him; my angry heart was not appeased. I had no pity for him and did not say ‘Aḫulap!’ to him. |
o i 3434 | šab-su ki-šá-di ul ú-ter-raš-šum-ma ul ip-šaḫ-šú ez-ze-tú ka-bat-ti | |
o i 3535 | ag-gu lìb-bi ul i-nu-uḫ-ma re-e-mu ul ar-ši-šú-ma ul aq-bi-šú a-ḫu-lap2 | |
o i 3636 | ù URU.up-pu-me URU MAN-ti-šú šá ṣe-er KUR-i dan-ni GIM DUNGU šit-ku-na-at [šu-bat-su] | (i 36) Moreover, against the city Uppume, his royal city, [which] is situated like a cloud atop a mighty mountain, [I had soldiers construct], laboriously (and) with great difficulty, a ramp by piling up dirt, wood, and stones. I made (it) taboo for him (to stand) atop the wall of his city. [...] |
o i 3737 | a-ram-mu ina ši-pik ep-ri GIŠ.MEŠ u NA₄.MEŠ mar-ṣi-iš pa-áš-qí-iš [...] | |
o i 3838 | ||
Lacuna of about 40 lines | ||
Column ii | ||
o ii 1o ii 1 | a-di a-na-ku ina qé-reb na-ge-e šú-a-tú at-ta-al-la-ku šal-ṭa-niš | (ii 1) While I was marching about victoriously in the midst of that district, in Ululu (VI), the twenty-first day, an evil day, a bad day, the birth(day) of the asakku-demon, in the dead of night, they sprinkled with naphtha the ramp that I constructed against Uppume, his royal city, and set fire (to it). (ii 5) By the command of the god Marduk, king of the gods, the north wind, the sweet breeze of the lord of the gods, blew and turned the tongue(s) of roaring flame back on the city Uppume. (The fire) did not se[ize] the ramp [...] it burned its wall and turned (it) into ashes. [...] (my troops) crossed over the siege wall to do battle and combat; [...] they attacked them like a [...] and established their defeat. (ii 10) [...] ... them and they built towers of their skulls; they hung [th]eir [... on stakes] and completely surrounded their city (with them). [After] I achieved my [vi]ctory and did everything I pleased, I took [...] and set up my camp by the city Uppume. |
o ii 22 | ||
o ii 33 | ina ITI.KIN UD.21.KAM U₄.ḪUL.GÁL.E u₄-mu lem-nu i-lit-ti a-sak-ki | |
o ii 44 | ina qul-ti mu-ši a-ram-mu [šú]-a-tú nap-ṭu is-luḫ-u-ma id-du-u IZI | |
o ii 55 | ina qí-bit dAMAR.UTU MAN DINGIR.MEŠ i-zi-qam-ma IM.SI.SÁ ma-nit EN DINGIR.MEŠ ṭa-a-bu | |
o ii 66 | ||
o ii 77 | ||
o ii 88 | [...] e-peš MURUB₄ u MÈ da-a-a-i-qu ib-bal-kit-u-ni | |
o ii 99 | [...]-iš it-bu-šú-nu-ma iš-ku-nu taḫ-ta-šú-un | |
o ii 1010 | [...] x-šú-nu-ma gul-gul-li-šú-nu ir-ṣi-pu di-ma-ti-iš | |
o ii 1111 | [...]-nu e-lu-lu-ma il-mu-u si-ḫi-ir-ti URU-šú-un | |
o ii 1212 | ||
o ii 1313 | ||
o ii 1414 | ki [...] a-ram-mu šá UGU-šú ú-šak-bi-su e-mur-ma | (ii 14) ... [...] he saw the ramp that I had constructed against him and (he), the one who had given (himself) the [unfortunate] advice, who had endangered his (own) life, who had turned to his ... [...], who caused the destruction of his inhabited settlements, and [...] and who had dissipated (his) well-organized army, [he] made a statue of [...] and clothed (it) with sackcloth. He placed it in [...] fet[ters], as befitted slavery, (ii 20) made it hold a grindstone for milling [in] its [...]. (Like) a replica of skin, he applied a skin of red gold [...] and placed (the statue) in the hands of Šēr-[... (and) ...]gi-Teššup, his sons, and sent (it) out before [me] to (make me) have pi[ty (on him and) to save] his life. |
o ii 1515 | šá mi-⸢lik⸣ [la ku-UZU?] ⸢im⸣-li-ku-ma ú-ḫal-li-qu nap-šat-su3 | |
o ii 1616 | a-na a-[...]-šú i-tu-ru-ma ú-šaḫ-ri-bu da-ad-me-šú | |
o ii 1717 | ù [...] x-ma ú-par-ri-ru ka-ṣir-tú el-lat-su | |
o ii 1818 | ||
o ii 1919 | ||
o ii 2020 | e-ru-u [...]-šú ú-šá-aṣ-bit-ma šá e-peš ḪAR-x-x-x4 | |
o ii 2121 | ||
o ii 2222 | ina ŠU.II mše-er-x [...] x-gi-te-šu-up DUMU.MEŠ-šú iš-kun-ma | |
o ii 2323 | áš-šú ra-še-e re-[e-me šu-zu]-⸢ub⸣ na-piš-ti-šú ú-še-ṣu-ni ina maḫ-ri-[ia] | |
o ii 2424 | ki-a-am iq-bu-nim-[ma um-ma ...] x ḫi-bil-ti la a-ma-ta ana GABA a-sak-ki šu-uk-[na] | (ii 24) Thus they said to me: “Pu[t the ...] ... crimes (and) disobedience on the asakku-demon. Let me come [to sing your] praises. Let me a[lone ...] ... all of the arro[gant] enemies. Let the unsubmissive ... [...] (and) let the disrespectful honor your lordship.” |
o ii 2525 | ||
o ii 2626 | ia-a-ti li-[...] x kul-lat na-ki-ri mul-tar-[ḫi] | |
o ii 2727 | ||
o ii 2828 | ki-a-am áš-pur-šú [um-ma ...] an-nu-ti lu ina maḫ-ri-ma UDU.SISKUR ina kit ⸢x x⸣ | (ii 28) Thus I wrote him (the king of Šubria), (saying): “These [...] ... before an offering. Like an idi[ot ...] ... you bathe after your offerings! Like ... [...] ... you put in drain pipes after the rain! Thus [...] the highest divine orders have been spoken twice. [Your] days [have elapsed]! Your [...] has arrived! Your appointed time is here! Let [...] be [...]. At the command of the gods of heaven (and) netherworld [...] ... came forth for the destruction of your land. (ii 35) [...] ... the carrying off of your people was decreed. [...] ... is firmly fixed and its place cannot be changed. [...] who appeases the heart of the god [..., ...] ... did not turn back [...] ... their utterances.” [...] I did not say ‘Aḫulap!’ to him [...] my [an]gry mood |
o ii 2929 | ||
o ii 3030 | ||
o ii 3131 | ||
o ii 3232 | UD.MEŠ-[ka im-lu-u ...]-ka ik-šu-dam-ma uk-ki-ba a-dan-ka | |
o ii 3333 | ||
o ii 3434 | [...] x it-ta-ṣa-a sa-pa-aḫ KUR-ka | |
o ii 3535 | ||
o ii 3636 | [...]-e kun-nat-ma a-šar-šá ul en-ni | |
o ii 3737 | ||
o ii 3838 | ||
o ii 3939 | ||
o ii 4040 | ||
o ii 4141 | ||
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
Column iii | ||
r iiir iii | Lacuna | |
r iii 1'1' | [...] GAR | (iii 1') [...] ... [...] ... [... he plun]dered it [...] they brought [...] before me. |
r iii 2'2' | [...] | |
r iii 3'3' | [...] LU [x] | |
r iii 4'4' | [...] ⸢iḫ⸣-bu-ta ḫu-bu-us-su | |
r iii 5'5' | [...] a-di maḫ-ri-ía ú-bil-u-ni | |
r iii 6'6' | (blank) | |
r iii 7'7' | (blank) | |
r iii 8'8' | (iii 8') I carried off to Assyria [...], which was more numerous than locusts, [...] from the midst of the land Šubria. I gave [...] ... as a gift to the gods Aššur, Mullissu, Šerua, [...], Ninurta, Gula, Nergal, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, (and) Nusku, [...] who march at my [side] and kill my enemies, ... [...] of my [...], who allow me attain everything I want. | |
r iii 9'9' | ||
r iii 10'10' | [...] x a-na daš-šur dNIN.LÍL dše-ru-u-a | |
r iii 11'11' | [...] dMAŠ dgu-la dU.GUR dINANNA šá NINA.KI dINANNA šá ⸢LÍMMU⸣-DINGIR dnusku | |
r iii 12'12' | ||
r iii 13'13' | ||
r iii 14'14' | ra-[...]-ti mun-daḫ-ṣi e-piš MURUB₄ u ta-ḫa-zi | (iii 14') [I examin]ed (and) selected ... [...] ..., soldiers, skilled in battle and combat, (iii 15′) from [...] and I attached (them) to my royal guard. With regard to ... [...], a group of charioteers, a group of cavalry, commanders of ..., officials, [engin]eers, troops, light troops, shield bearers, scouts, farmers, shepherds, (and) orchard keepers — [I add]ed (them) in great numbers to the massive fo[rc]es of the god Aššur and to the guard of the former kings, my ancestors, and I filled Assyria in its entirety like a quiver. I distributed the re[st of them] like sheep and goats among my palaces, my nobles, the entourage of my palace, and [the citizens of Ninev]eh, Calah, Kalzu, (and) Arbela. |
r iii 15'15' | ||
r iii 16'16' | ina UGU ⸢LÚ⸣.[...] GIŠ.GIGIR qur-ub-te LÚ.pét-ḫal qur-ub-te LÚ.GAR-nu-te ma-ʾa-si | |
r iii 17'17' | ||
r iii 18'18' | ||
r iii 19'19' | e-li e-⸢mu-qí⸣ daš-šur gap-šá-a-te u ki-ṣir MAN.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ía maḫ-ru-te | |
r iii 20'20' | ma-aʾ-diš [ú-rad]-⸢di⸣-ma KUR aš-šur a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá GIM iš-pa-ti ú-mal-li | |
r iii 21'21' | si-it-[tu-ti-šú-nu] a-na É.GAL.MEŠ-ía LÚ.GAL.MEŠ-ía li-bit É.GAL-ía | |
r iii 22'22' | ù [DUMU.MEŠ] ⸢NINA⸣.KI URU.kal-ḫa URU.kàl-zu URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR GIM ṣe-e-ni ú-za-ʾi-iz | |
r iii 23'23' | ḫal-⸢qu⸣ [mun-nab-tú ma]-⸢la⸣ EN.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-maš-šìr-u-ma ana KUR.šub-ri-a in-nab-tú | (iii 23') (As for) all of the [runaway] fugitives who had abandoned their owners and fled to the land Šubria, ... [...] I cut off [th]eir [hands] (and) removed their noses, eyes, (and) ears. (iii 25′) [(As for) ...] who had not run away to another country, I punished (them). I returned every [...] ... to their (text: “his”) land and to their owners. [...] and they celebrated, rejoiced (and) blessed my kingship. |
r iii 24'24' | ik-[... ŠU.II-šu]-nu ú-kar-rit ap-pu e-nu uz-nu e-kim-šú-nu-ti | |
r iii 25'25' | [...] ana KUR šá-ni-tim-ma la in-na-bi-tù e-mid-su-nu-ti ḫi-ṭu | |
r iii 26'26' | [...]-tu-nu man-nu-me-e ana KUR-šú u EN.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-ter-šú-nu-ti | |
r iii 27'27' | [...]-ma iḫ-du-u i-ri-šú ik-tar-ra-bu LUGAL-u-ti | |
r iii 28'28' | [...].MEŠ-te ina UGU KUR.URI-a-a šá ul-tú qé-reb KUR.URI ana KUR.šub-ri-a in-nab-tú | (iii 28') [...] ... concerning the Urarṭians who had fled from Urarṭu to the land Šubria [and about whom Ur]sa, king of Urarṭu, wrote, he (the king of Šubria) did not listen to his command, (iii 30′) did not agree to give (them back), wrote to him (Ursa) in anger, and replied with hostility. After I captured the land Šubria with the help of the god Aššur, my lord, and counted his people as booty, [in] order to keep the treaty and because of the truth and justice the great gods gave to me, I inquired, questioned, investigated, (and) denounced those people. I did not hold back a single Urarṭian fugitive (and) not one escaped. I returned them to their land. |
r iii 29'29' | [mur]-sa-a-a MAN KUR.URI ina muḫ-ḫi iš-pur-u-ma la iš-mu-u qí-bit-su | |
r iii 30'30' | [a]-na na-da-ni ul im-gúr ek-ṣi-iš iš-pur-šú-ma e-tap-pa-lu ze-ra-a-te | |
r iii 31'31' | [ul]-tu KUR.šub-ri-a ina tukul-ti daš-šur EN-ía ak-šu-du-ma UN.MEŠ-šú am-nu-u šal-la-tiš | |
r iii 32'32' | [áš]-šú a-de-e na-ṣa-rim-ma ki-tú u mi-šá-ri iš-ruk-in-ni DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ | |
r iii 33'33' | [ina] muḫ-ḫi UN.MEŠ šú-a-tu-nu áš-al ú-ṣi-iṣ a-ḫi-iṭ a-bi-ir-ma | |
r iii 34'34' | [x] mun-nab-tú KUR.URI-a-a 1-en ul ak-la e-du ul e-zib ana KUR-šú-nu ú-ter-šú-nu-ti | |
r iii 35'35' | [US₅].⸢UDU⸣.ḪI.A GU₄.MEŠ UDU.MEŠ ana UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ía u nap-tan MAN-ti-ía ina KUR aš-šur ri-i-tú ṭa-ab-tú | (iii 35') I put out to fine pasture [sheep and] goats, oxen, (and) cattle destined for offerings to my lords and for the royal table in Assyria. |
r iii 36'36' | ||
Column iv | ||
r ivr iv | Lacuna | |
r iv 1'1' | bu-un-nu-u du-um-[mu-qu ...] | (iv 1') very good (and) beau[tiful ...]. Those cities which [I ....], demolished, destroyed, burn[ed] with fire, [...] through the strength of the god Aš[šur, my lord], I returned by the command of the god Aššur, my lord, and ... [... I built (and) completed] those cities from their foundations to [their] parapets. |
r iv 2'2' | ||
r iv 3'3' | ||
r iv 4'4' | ||
r iv 5'5' | URU.MEŠ šá-tu-nu ul-tu UŠ₈.MEŠ-šú-nu a-di gaba-dib-bi-[šú-nu ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil]9 | |
r iv 6'6' | ša URU.kul-im-me-ri URU.mar-ku-ḫa URU.kàl-zu URU.[...] | (iv 6') I changed the former names of the cities Kullimeri, Markuḫa, Kalzu, ... [...] and called [them] by new names. I set[tled] the people plundered by my bow from the Upper Sea (to the) Lower (Sea) in (them). I divided that land, in its entirety, in two and placed two of my officials over them as governors. |
(3 lines blank) | ||
r iv 7'7' | MU-šú-nu maḫ-ra-a ú-nak-kír-ma a-na eš-šu-ti az-ku-ra ni-bit-[su-un] | |
r iv 8'8' | UN.MEŠ ḫu-bu-ut GIŠ.PAN-ía šá tam-tim e-li-ti šap-li-ti ina lìb-bi ú-šá-aṣ-[bit] | |
r iv 9'9' | ||
r iv 10'10' | ||
Blank space | ||
r iv 11'11' | (iv 11') I am sending the best report to the god Aššur, my lord, by so-and-so. One charioteer, two cavalrymen, (and) three scouts are dead. | |
r iv 12'12' | ||
r iv 13'13' | 1-en LÚ.EN GIŠ.GIGIR 2 LÚ.šá pét-ḫal 3 LÚ.KAL.LAP.MEŠ de-e-ku | |
r iv 14'14' | (iv 14') Their list (gloss): the cities Aššur-māssu-utēr, Mannu-šānin-Aššur, Aššur-mannu-išannan, Abāt-Aššur-lā-tēni, Abāt-šarri-lā-tēni, Mannu-lišissu, Kunuš-lā-kanšu, Litēr-ay-imṭi, Āmiršu-liglud, Mušakšid-nakirī, Kāšissu-lilbur, Ṣābissu-likūn, Lilbur-munīḫ-libbi-Aššur, Dūr-Esarhaddon, Šānini-ay-irši, (iv 20′) Šipir-šulmi-amāt-šarrīšu, Pilaḫma-mātka-šallim, Lā-iplaḫ-māssu-iḫpi, Aššur-inār-garûʾa, Aššur-nīršu-urappiš, (and) Aššur-nīrka-(u)rappiš. | |
One line blank | ||
r iv 15'15' | URU.aš-šur-KUR-su-GURšá-nin-aš-šur URU.aš-šur-man-nu-i-šá-na-an | |
r iv 16'16' | URU.a-bat-aš-šur-la-te-ni URU.a-bat-MAN-la-te-niši-su | |
r iv 17'17' | URU.ku-nu-uš-la-kan-šúṭi URU.a-mir-šú-li-ig-lud | |
r iv 18'18' |šak-šid-na-ki-ri URU.ka-šid-su-lil-bur URU.ṣa-bit-su-li-kun | |
r iv 19'19' | URU.lil-bur-mu-ni-iḫ-ŠÀ-AN.ŠÁR URU.BÀD-maš-šur-PAP-AŠ URU.šá-ni-ni-a-a-ir-ši | |
r iv 20'20' | URU.ši-⸢pir⸣-šu-ul-mi-a-mat-MAN-šú URU.pi-làḫ-ma-mat-ka-šal-lim | |
r iv 21'21' | ||
r iv 22'22' | ||
Left | ||
l.e. 1l.e. 1 | [...] ina su-qé-e-šú ḫa-du-ú ul i-ba-aʾ e-piš ni-gu-te ul ip-pa-rik | (l.e. 1) [...] no happy person was walking its streets, no merrymaker was encountered; I cut off the traffic of [...] from the meeting place of the fortified city; [...] in their frightened cities, the fox and hyena made dens; [...] I drove out [...], rebellion, disorder, (and) ... [...] good, ... [...]; that diviner will gather ... [...]; ... I/he will send [...] ... to them. |
l.e. 22 | ||
l.e. 33 | [...] i-na ⸢URU⸣.MEŠ-šú-nu pal-ḫu-u-ti še-la-bu u bu-ṣu iq-nu-nu qí-in-nu | |
l.e. 44 | [...] ⸢si-ḫi⸣ e-ša x x-te at-ta-rad ṭa-a-bi x-lu?-uk-ku-šú ⸢ŠAB⸣ x [...] | |
l.e. 55 | [...] MÁŠ.ŠU.GÍD.GÍD šá-a-ti ú-pa-ḫar NE [...] | |
l.e. 66 | [...] x x x x x x x niš-šin x RI ú-šá-par?-šú-nu-ti11 |
1Here aḫulap is used as an exclamation requesting compassion or mercy, for which a precise translation is not yet possible. Some dictionaries translate this word as “(it is) enough!,” an interpretation that fits well in this context; of course, other translations, such as “Spare me!” or “Have mercy!,” are also plausible based on this passage. The expression aḫulap can also be used as an exclamation expressing compassion, as it is in Tablet 2 i 35 and ii 40 below, as well as in text no. 2 (Nineveh B), passages in which Esarhaddon says or claims not to have said this to a foreign ruler begging for mercy.
2The exclamation aḫulap is used in the same manner as in Tablet 2 ii 40 of this text and text no. 2 (Nineveh B) iii 30. Compare its usage above, in Tablet 2 i 7.
3The restoration follows Borger, Asarh. p. 105.
4The traces on the tablet do not support the reading of the last three signs as ÀR-u?-ti? or ÀR-ru?-ti?, as suggested by Bauer (ZA 40 [1931] p. 242) and Borger (Asarh. p. 105) respectively.
5These lines could be questions rather than statements and could be translated as “Like an idi[ot ...] ... do you bathe after your offerings? Like ... [...] ... do you put in drain pipes after the rain?”
6The exclamation aḫulap is used in the same manner as in Tablet 2 i 35 of this text and text no. 2 (Nineveh B) iii 30.
7-lu*: The tablet has KU.
8Based on text no. 1 (Nineveh A) iii 53, one could tentatively restore al-mu ak-šu-du áš-lu-lu šal-lat-sún, “which I surrounded, conquered, plundered,” or something similar.
9The restoration is based on Borger (Asarh. p. 107); ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil, “I built (and) completed” usually follows the phrase ul-tu UŠ₈.MEŠ-šú-nu a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú-nu, “from their foundations to their parapets.”
10The interpretation of li-šá-a-nu re-še-e-ti (“best report”) differs widely in scholarly literature. Some recent translations include “best informant” (Talon, AOS 88 pp. 104–105; Hurowitz, Studies Ephʿal p. 107), “first-class orator” (Hurowitz, Studies Ephʿal p. 106), “best orator” (CAD R p. 273), and “reporter (who reports) the good news” (Pongratz-Leisten, SAAS 10 p. 261). For further details on this term, see Levine, Eretz-Israel 27 (2003) pp. 111*–119*.
11The PAR sign is not clear on the tablet. Note that the D-stem of the verb šapāru (“to send”) is otherwise unattested and therefore the interpretation is not certain.
Created by Erle Leichty, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011, 2017. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, and updated by him, 2017, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as