
  • Esarhaddon 001


  • Q003230
  • Esarhaddon 001



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 673, 672
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Esarhaddon

Esarhaddon 001

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) The palace of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, true shepherd, favorite of the great gods, (i 5) whom from his childhood the gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bēl, and Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela named for the kingship of Assyria

i 22


i 33


i 44

re-ʾu-um ke-e-nu mi-gir DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 55

ša ul-tu ṣe-ḫe-ri-šú d-šur dUTU dEN u dAG

i 66

d15 ša d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR

i 77

a-na LUGAL-ti KUR -šur.KI ib-bu-ú zi-kir-šú

i 88

ša ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia GAL.MEŠ ŠEŠ-šú-nu ṣe-eḫ-ru a-na-ku

(i 8) I am my older brothers’ youngest brother (and) by the command of the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl, and Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela, (my) father, who engendered me, elevated me firmly in the assembly of my brothers, saying: ‘This is the son who will succeed me.’ He questioned the gods Šamaš and Adad by divination, and they answered him with a firm ‘yes,’ saying: ‘He is your replacement.’ (i 15) He heeded their important word(s) and gathered together the people of Assyria, young (and) old, (and) my brothers, the seed of the house of my father.

i 99

ina -bit d-šur d30 dUTU dEN ù dAG

i 1010

d15 šá d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR AD ba-nu-u-a

i 1111

ina UKKIN ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia SAG.MEŠ-ia ke-niš ul-li-ma

i 1212

um-ma an-nu-ú ma-a-ru ri-du-ti-ia

i 1313

dUTU u dIŠKUR ina bi-ri i-šal-ma an-nu ke-e-nu

i 1414

i-pu-lu-šu-ma um-ma šu-ú te-nu-u-ka

i 1515

zi-kir-šú-nu kab-tu it-ta-ʾi-id-ma UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI TUR GAL

i 1616

ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia NUMUN É AD-ia -te-niš ú-pa-ḫir

i 1717

ma-ḫar d-šur d30 dUTU dAG dAMAR.UTU DINGIR.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI

(i 17) Before the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Nabû, (and) Marduk, the gods of Assyria, the gods who live in heaven and netherworld, he made them swear their solemn oath(s) concerning the safe-guarding of my succession. (i 20) In a favorable month, on a propitious day, in accordance with their sublime command, I joyfully entered the House of Succession, an awe-inspiring place within which the appointing to kingship (takes place).

i 1818

DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-te AN-e u KI-tim áš-šú na-ṣar ri-du-ti-ia

i 1919

zi-kir-šú-un kab-tu ú-šá-az-ki-ir-šu-nu-ti

i 2020

ina ITI šal-me u₄-me še-me-e ki-i -bi-ti-šu-nu ṣir-ti

i 2121

ina É ri-du-ú-ti áš-ri šug-lud-di ša ši-kìn LUGAL-ti1

i 2222

ina lìb-bi-šú ba-šu-ú ḫa-diš e-ru-um-ma

i 2323

ri-id-du -nu UGU ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia it-ta-bik-ma2

(i 23) Persecution (and) jealousy fell over my brothers and they forsook (the will) of the gods. They trusted in their arrogant deeds, and they were plotting evil. They started evil rumors, calumnies, (and) slander about me against the will of the gods, and they were constantly telling insincere lies, hostile things, behind my back. They alienated the well-meaning heart of my father from me, against the will of the gods, (but) deep down he was compassionate and his eyes were permanently fixed on my exercising kingship.

i 2424

ša DINGIR.MEŠ ú-maš-šir-u-ma a-na ep-še-ti-šú-nu šur-ru-ḫa-a-ti

i 2525

it-tak-lu-ma i-kap-pu-du le-mut-tu

i 2626

EME ḪUL-tim kar-ṣi taš-gir-ti ki-i la lìb-bi DINGIR.MEŠ

i 2727

UGU-ia ú-šab-šu-ma sur-ra-a-ti la šal-ma-a-ti

i 2828

EGIR-ia id-da-nab-bu-bu ze-ra-a-ti

i 2929

pa-áš-ru lìb-bi AD-ia šá la DINGIR.MEŠ ú-ze-en-nu-u KI-ia

i 3030

šap-la-a-nu lìb-ba-šu re-e-mu ra-ši-šu-ma

i 3131

a-na e-peš LUGAL-ti-ia šit-ku-na IGI.II-šu

i 3232

it-ti lìb-bi-ia a-tam-mu-ma -ta-bi-la ka-bat-ti

(i 32) I pondered and thought thus: ‘Their deeds are arrogant and they trust (only) in their (own) counsel. What will they (not) do against the will of the gods?’ (i 35) I prayed to the god Aššur, king of the gods, (and) the merciful god Marduk, to whom treacherous talk is an abomination, with benedictions, supplications, and expressions of humility, and they accepted my words. By the command of the great gods, my lords, they (the gods) settled me in a secret place away from the evil deeds, (i 40) stretched out their pleasant protection over me, and kept me safe for (exercising) kingship. Afterwards, my brothers went out of their minds and did everything that is displeasing to the gods and mankind, and they plotted evil, girt (their) weapons, and in Nineveh, without the gods, they butted each other like kids for (the right to) exercise kingship.

i 3333

um-ma ep-še-ti-šú-nu šur-ru-ḫa-a-ma a-na ṭè-e-me ra-ma-ni-šu-nu

i 3434

tak-lu-ma šá la DINGIR.MEŠ mi-na-a ip-pu-šu

i 3535

d-šur LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ réme-nu-u dAMAR.UTU šá nu-ul-la-a-ti ik-kib-šu-un

i 3636

i-na ik-ri-bi ut-nen-ni ù la-ban ap-pi

i 3737

ú-ṣal-li-šú-nu-ti-ma im-gu-ru --e-ti

i 3838

ki-i ṭè-em DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia la-pa-an ep-šet ḪUL-tim

i 3939

a-šar ni-ṣir-ti ú-še-ši-bu-ni-ma ṣu-lul-šú-nu DÙG.GA

i 4040

UGU-ia it-ru-ṣu-ma iṣ-ṣu-ru-in-ni a-na LUGAL-u-ti

i 4141

ar-ka-a-nu ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia im-ma-ḫu-ma mim-ma ša UGU DINGIR.MEŠ

i 4242

ù a-me-lu-ti la DÙG.GA e-pu-šu-ma ik-pu-du le-mut-

i 4343

is-se-ḫu-ma GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ina -reb NINA.KI ba-lu DINGIR.MEŠ

i 4444

a-na e-peš LUGAL-u-ti it-ti a-ḫa-meš it-tak-ki-pu la-la-ʾi-

i 4545

d-šur d30 dUTU dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR

(i 45) The gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl, Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela saw the deeds of the usurpers which had been done wrongly against the will of the gods and they did not support them. They changed their strength to weakness and forced them to bow down to me. (i 50) The people of Assyria, who swore by oil and water to the treaty, an oath bound by the great gods, to protect my (right to exercise) kingship, did not come to their aid.

i 4646

ep-šet .ḫa-am-ma-ʾe-e šá ki-i la lìb-bi DINGIR.MEŠ in--ep-šú

i 4747

lem-niš it-ta-aṭ-lu-ma i-da-šu-un ul i-zi-zu

i 4848

e-mu-qa-šu-un lil-lu-ta ú-šá-lik-ú-ma

i 4949

šap-la-nu-ú-a ú-šak-me-su-šu-nu-ti

i 5050

UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI šá a-de-e ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 5151

a-na na-ṣar LUGAL-ti-ia ina A.MEŠ ù Ì.GIŠ it-mu-ú

i 5252

ul il-li-ku re-ṣu-us-su-un

i 5353

a-na-ku md-šur-PAP- ša ina tu-kul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-šú

(i 53) I, Esarhaddon, who with the help of the great gods, his lords, does not turn back in the heat of battle, quickly heard of their evil deeds. I said ‘Woe!’ and rent my princely garment. I cried out in mourning, I raged like a lion, and my mood became furious. In order to exercise kingship (over) the house of my father I beat my hands together. I prayed to the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl, Nabû, and Nergal, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela (i 60) and they accepted my word(s). With their firm ‘yes,’ they were sending me reliable omen(s), (saying): ‘Go! Do not hold back! We will go and kill your enemies.’

i 5454

ina -reb ta-ḫa-zi la i---ú i-rat-su

i 5555

ep-še-ti-šú-nu lem--e-ti ur-ru-ḫi- áš-me-e-ma

i 5656

u₈-a aq-bi-ma ṣu-bat ru-bu-ti-ia ú-šar-riṭ-ma

i 5757

ú-šá-aṣ-ri-ḫa si-pit-tu lab-biš an-na-dir-ma iṣ-ṣa-ri-iḫ ka-bat-ti

i 5858

áš-šú e-peš LUGAL-u-ti É AD-ia ar-pi-sa rit-ti-ia

i 5959

a-na d-šur d30 dUTU dEN dAG u dU.GUR d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR

i 6060

qa-ti áš-ši-ma im-gu-ru -bi-ti ina an-ni-šú-nu ke-nim

i 6161

UZU ta-kil-ti -tap-pa-ru-nim-ma a-lik la ka-la-a-ta

i 6262

i-da-a-ka ni-it-tal-lak-ma ni-na-a-ra ga-re-e-ka

i 6363

1-en u₄-me 2 u₄-me ul uq- pa-an ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ul ad-gul

(i 63) I did not hesitate one day (or) two days. I did not wait for my army. I did not look for my rear guard. I did not check the assignment of horses harnessed to the yoke (i 65) nor that of my battle equipment. I did not stock up travel provisions for my campaign. I was not afraid of the snow (and) cold of Šabāṭu (XI), the severest cold season. Like a flying eagle I spread my wings to drive back my enemies. With difficulty and haste, I followed the road to Nineveh and (i 70) before my (arrival) in the territory of the land Ḫanigalbat all of their crack troops blocked my advance; they were sharpening their weapons. Fear of the great gods, my lords, overwhelmed them, (and when) they saw my mighty battle array, they became like crazed women.

i 6464

ar-ka-a ul a-mur pi-qit-ti ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ṣi-mit-ti GIŠ.ŠUDUN

i 6565

ù ú-nu-ut -ia ul a-šu-ur ṣi-di-it ger-ri-ia ul áš-pu-uk

i 6666

šal-gu ku-uṣ-ṣu ITI.ZÍZ dan-na-at EN.TE.NA ul a-dur

i 6767

ki-ma u₅--in-ni mu-up-pa-ar-ši

i 6868

a-na sa-kap za-ʾi-ri-ia ap-ta-a i-da-a-a

i 6969

ḫar-ra-an NINA.KI pa-áš-- u ur-ru-ḫiš ar-de-e-ma

i 7070

el-la-mu-u-a ina KI-tim KUR.ḫal-ni-gal-bat gi-mir qu-ra-di-šú-un MAḪ.MEŠ

i 7171

pa-an ger-ri-ia ṣab-tu-ma ú-šá-ʾa-lu GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú-un

i 7272

pu-luḫ-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia is-ḫup-šú-nu-ti-ma

i 7373

ti-ib -ia dan-ni e-mu-ru-ma e-mu-ú maḫ-ḫu-tíš

i 7474

d-tar be-let MURUB₄ u ra--i-mat šá-an-gu-ti-ia

(i 74) The goddess Ištar, the lady of war and battle, who loves my priestly duties, stood at my side, broke their bows, (and) she split open their tight battle ranks. In their assembly, they said thus: ‘This is our king!’ Through her sublime command they began coming over to my side (and) marching behind me. They were gamboling like lambs (and) begging my sovereignty. (i 80) The people of Assyria, who had sworn by the treaty, an oath bound by the great gods, concerning me, came before me and kissed my feet. Moreover, those rebels, the ones engaged in revolt and rebellion, when they heard of the advance of my campaign, they deserted the army they relied on and fled to an unknown land. I reached the embankment of the Tigris River and (i 85) by the command of the gods Sîn (and) Šamaš, the divine lord(s) of the embankment, I made all of my troops hop over the wide Tigris River as if it were a small canal.

i 7575

i-da-a-a ta-zi-iz-ma GIŠ.PAN-su-nu taš-bir

i 7676

ta-ḫa-za-šú-nu ra-ak-su tap-ṭu-ur-ma

i 7777

ina UKKIN-šu-nu iq-bu-ú um-ma an-nu-u LUGAL-a-ni

i 7878

ina -bi-ti-šá ṣir-ti i-da-a-a it-ta-na-as-ḫa-ru ti-bu-u EGIR-a-a

i 7979

ka-lu-meš i-dak-ka-ku ú-ṣal-lu-u be-lu-ti

i 8080

UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI šá a-de-e MU DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ina muḫ-ḫi-ia iz-ku-ru

i 8181

a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia

i 8282

ù šu-nu .ḫa-am-ma-ʾe-e e-piš si-ḫi ù bar-ti

i 8383

ša a-lak ger-ri-ia -mu-u-ma .ERIM.MEŠ tuk-la-te-šú-nu e-zib-u-ma

i 8484

a-na KUR NU ZU-ú in-nab- ak-šu-dam-ma ina KAR ÍD.IDIGNA

i 8585

ina -bit d30 dUTU DINGIR.MEŠ EN ka-a-ri

i 8686

gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ÍD.IDIGNA DAGAL-tum a-tap-piš ú-šá-áš-ḫi-iṭ

i 8787

ina ITI.ŠE ITI mit-ga-ri UD.8.KÁM UD.ÈŠ.ÈŠ šá dAG

(i 87) In Addaru (XII), a favorable month, on the eighth day, the eššēšu-festival of the god Nabû, I joyfully entered Nineveh, my capital city, and I sat happily on the throne of my father. The south wind, the breeze of the god Ea, the wind whose blowing is favorable for exercising kingship, blew upon me. (ii 5) Favorable signs came in good time to me in heaven and on earth. They (the gods) continually and regularly encouraged me with oracles through ecstatics, the message(s) of the gods and goddess(es). I sought out every one of the guilty soldiers, who wrongly incited my brothers to exercise kingship over Assyria, and imposed a grievous punishment on them: I exterminated their offspring.

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ina -reb NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia ḫa-diš e-ru-um-ma

ii 22

ina GIŠ.GU.ZA AD-ia ṭa-biš ú-ši-ib

ii 33

i-zi-qam-ma IM.U₁₈.LU ma-nit dé-a

ii 44

šá-a-ru ša a-na e-peš LUGAL-ti za-aq-šú ṭa-a-ba

ii 55

uk-ki-pa-nim-ma i-da-at dum- ina šá-ma-me u qaq-qa-ri

ii 66

ši-pir maḫ-ḫe-e na-áš-par-ti DINGIR.MEŠ u d-tar

ii 77

ka-a-an ú-sad-di-ru-u-ni ú-šar-ḫi-ṣu-u-ni lìb-bu

ii 88

.ERIM.MEŠ EN ḫi-ṭi ša a-na e-peš LUGAL-ti KUR -šur.KI

ii 99

a-na ŠEŠ.MEŠ-ia ú-šak-pi-du le-mut-tu

ii 1010

pu-ḫur-šu-nu ki-ma -tén a-ḫi-iṭ-ma an-nu kab- e-mid-su-nu-ti-ma

ii 1111

ú-ḫal-li-qa NUMUN-šu-un

ii 1212

a-na-ku d-šur-ŠEŠ-SUM.NA LUGAL kiš-šá-ti LUGAL KUR -šur.KI

(ii 12) I am Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, valiant warrior, foremost of all rulers, son of Sennacherib, king of the world (and) king of Assyria, (ii 15) descendant of Sargon (II), king of the world (and) king of Assyria, creation of the god Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, beloved of the gods Sîn and Šamaš, chosen by the gods Nabû (and) Marduk, favorite of the goddess Ištar the queen desired by the great gods, capable, able, intelligent, learned, the one whom the great gods (ii 20) raised to be king in order to restore the great gods and to complete the shrines of all of the cult centers of the great gods; the one who (re)constructed the temple of the god Aššur, (re)built Esagil and Babylon, (and) restored the gods and goddess(es) who (live) in it; the one who returned the plundered gods of the lands from the city Aššur to their (proper) place and let (them) dwell in security

ii 1313

zi-ka-ru qar-du a-šá-red kal ma-al-ki

ii 1414


ii 1515


ii 1616

bi-nu-ut d-šur dNIN.LÍL na-ram d30 u dUTU

ii 1717

ni-šit dAG dAMAR.UTU mi-gir d-tar šar-ra-ti

ii 1818

ḫi-šiḫ-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ le-ʾu-um it-pe-šú

ii 1919

ḫa-as-su mu-du-ú ša a-na ud-du- DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

ii 2020

ù šuk-lul -re-e-ti ša kul-lat ma-ḫa-zi

ii 2121

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ -šu-u-šu a-na LUGAL-ti ba-nu-u É d-šur

ii 2222

e-piš é-sag-gíl u .DINGIR.RA.KI mu-ud-di- DINGIR.MEŠ u d-tar

ii 2323

šá -reb-e-šú ša DINGIR.MEŠ KUR.KUR šal-lu-u-ti ul-tu -reb URU.-šur

ii 2424

a-na áš-ri-šú-nu ú-ter-ru-ú-ma ú-še-ši-bu šub-tu ni-iḫ-tum

ii 2525

a-di É.KUR.RA.MEŠ ú-šak-lil-u-ma DINGIR.MEŠ i-na BÁRA-šu-nu

(ii 25) As soon as I had completed the temples (and) had installed (them) on their daises as (their) eternal dwelling(s), with their great help I marched triumphantly from the rising sun to the setting sun and I had no rival (therein). I made the rulers of the four quarters bow down at my feet (and) they (the gods) entrusted to me (any) land that had sinned against the god Aššur.

ii 2626

ú-šar-mu-ú šu-bat da-ra-a-ti ina tu-kul-ti-šú-nu GAL-ti

ii 2727

ul-tu ṣi-it dUTU-ši a-di e-reb dUTU-ši šal-ṭiš at-tal-lak-u-ma

ii 2828

ma-ḫi-ra ul i-ši ma-al-ki ša kib-rat LÍMMU-ti ú-šak-ni-šú še-pu-u-a

ii 2929

KUR a-na d-šur iḫ-ṭu-ú ú-ma-ʾe-ru-in-ni ia-a-ši

ii 3030

d-šur AD DINGIR.MEŠ šu-ud-du-ú ù šu-šu-bu

(ii 30) The god Aššur, the father of the gods, gave me (the power) to let (cities) fall into ruins and to (re)populate (them, and) to enlarge Assyrian territory; the god Sîn, lord of the crown, decreed heroic strength (and) robust force as my fate; the god Šamaš, the light of the gods, elevated my important name to the highest rank; the god Marduk, king of the gods, made the fear of my kingship (ii 35) sweep over the mountain regions like a dense fog; the god Nergal, mightiest of the gods, gave me fierceness, splendor, and terror as a gift; (and) the goddess Ištar, the lady of battle and war, gave me a mighty bow (and) a fierce arrow as a present.

ii 3131

mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ru-up-pu-šú ú-ma-al-la-a ŠU.II-u-a

ii 3232

d30 EN AGA du-un-ni zik-ru-u-ti ma-le-e ir-ti i-šim ši-ma-ti

ii 3333

dUTU ZÁLAG DINGIR.MEŠ ni-bit MU-ia kab-ti a-na re-še-e-ti ú-še-ṣi

ii 3434

dAMAR.UTU MAN DINGIR.MEŠ pu-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ti-ia ki-ma im-ba-ri kab-ti

ii 3535

ú-šá-as-ḫi-pu KUR.MEŠ-e kib-ra-a-ti

ii 3636

dU.GUR dan-dan-ni DINGIR.DINGIR uz-zu na-mur-ra-tum

ii 3737

ù šá-lum-ma-tum -ru-ka ši-rik-ti

ii 3838

d-tar be-let MURUB₄ u GIŠ.PAN dan-na-tum

ii 3939

GIŠ.šil-ta-ḫu šam-ru i-qi-šá-an-ni a-na qiš-ti

ii 4040

ina u₄-me-šu-ma mdAG-NUMUN-ZI-SI. DUMU mdAMAR.UTU-A- .GAR KUR tam-tim

(ii 40) At that time, Nabû-zēr-kitti-līšir, son of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), governor of the Sealand, who did not keep his treaty nor remember the agreement of Assyria, forgot the good relations of my father. During the disturbance(s) in Assyria, he mustered his army and his camp, besieged Ningal-iddin, the governor of Ur, a servant who was loyal to me, and (ii 45) cut off his escape route. After the gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bēl and Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela joyously seated me, Esarhaddon, on the throne of my father and handed over to me the lordship of the lands, he was not respectful, did not stop (his evil deeds), and would not leave my servant alone. Moreover, he did not send his messenger before me and did not ask after the well-being of my kingship.

ii 4141

la na-ṣir a-de-e la ḫa-si-is MUN ša KUR -šur.KI

ii 4242

ṭa-ab- AD-ia in-ši-ma ina da-li-iḫ-ti KUR -šur.KI

ii 4343

ERIM.ḪI.A-šú ù KARAŠ-su id-ke-e-ma a-na mdnin-gal-SUM.NA

ii 4444

.GAR.KUR ŠEŠ.UNUG.KI ARAD da-gíl pa-ni-ia ni-i-tu il-me-šu-ma

ii 4545

iṣ-ba-tu mu-ṣa-a-šú -tu d-šur dUTU dEN u dAG d15 šá NINA.KI

ii 4646

d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR ia-a-ti md-šur-PAP- i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA AD-ia

ii 4747

ṭa-biš ú-še-ši-bu-ni-ma be-lut KUR.KUR ú-šad-gi-lu pa-ni-ia

ii 4848

šu-ú ul ip-làḫ na-de-e a-ḫi ul ir-ši-ma ar-di ul ú-maš-šir

ii 4949

ù .rak-bu-šú a-di maḫ-ri-ia ul -pu-ram-ma

ii 5050

šul-mu LUGAL-ti-ia ul -al ep-še-te₉-e-šú lem--e-ti

(ii 50b) I heard of his evil deeds (while) in Nineveh; my heart became angry and my liver was inflamed. I sent my officials, the governors on the border of his land, against him. Furthermore, he, Nabû-zēr-kitti-līšir, the rebel, the traitor, heard of the approach of my army and (ii 55) fled like a fox to the land Elam. Because of the oath of the great gods which he had transgressed, the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl, and Nabû imposed a grievous punishment on him and they killed him with the sword in the midst of the land Elam. Naʾid-Marduk, his brother, saw the deeds that they had done to his brother in Elam, fled from the land Elam, (ii 60) came to Assyria to serve me, and beseeched my lordship. I made the entire Sealand, the domain of his brother, subject to him. (Now) he comes yearly, without ceasing, to Nineveh with his heavy audience gift and kisses my feet.

ii 5151

ina -reb NINA.KI áš-me-e-ma lìb-bi i-gug-ma iṣ-ṣa-ri-iḫ ka-bat-ti

ii 5252

.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia .NAM.MEŠ šá pa-a-ṭi KUR-šu4

ii 5353

ú-ma-ʾe-er ṣe-ru--šú ù šu-ú mdAG-NUMUN-ZI-SI.

ii 5454

ba-ra-nu-ú na-bal-kàt-ta-nu a-lak ERIM.ḪI.A-ia -me-e-ma

ii 5555

a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI še-la-biš in-na-bit áš-šú ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

ii 5656

ša e-ti-qu d-šur d30 dUTU dEN ù dAG

ii 5757

an-nu kab-tu e--du-šu-ma -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI i-na-ru- ina GIŠ.TUKUL

ii 5858

mna-ʾi-id-mar-duk ŠEŠ-šú ep-šet KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šá ana ŠEŠ-šú e-tep-pu-šú

ii 5959

e-mur-ma ul-tu KUR.ELAM.MA.KI in-nab-tam-ma

ii 6060

a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia a-na KUR -šur.KI il-lik-am-ma

ii 6161

ú-ṣal-la-a be-lu-ú-ti

ii 6262

KUR tam-tim a-na si-ḫi-ir-ti-šá ri-du-ut ŠEŠ-šú ú-šad-gíl pa-nu--šú

ii 6363

šat-ti-šam-ma la na-par-ka-a it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú ka-bit-tu

ii 6464

a-na NINA.KI il-lak-am-ma ú-na-áš-šá-qa GÌR.II-ia

ii 6565

mab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti LUGAL URU.ṣi-dun-ni

(ii 65) (As for) Abdi-Milkūti, king of Sidon, (who) did not fear my lordship (and) did not listen to the words of my lips, who trusted in the rolling sea and threw off the yoke of the god Aššur I leveled Sidon, his stronghold, which is situated in the midst of the sea, like a flood, tore out its wall(s) and its dwelling(s), and (ii 70) threw (them) into the sea; and I (even) made the site where it stood disappear. Abdi-Milkūti, its king, in the face of my weapons, fled into the midst of the sea. By the command of the god Aššur, my lord, I caught him like a fish from the midst of the sea and cut off his head. I carried off his wife, his sons, his daughters, (ii 75) his palace retainers, gold, silver, goods, property, precious stones, garments with trimming and linen(s), elephant hide(s), ivory, ebony, boxwood, everything of value from his palace in huge quantities, (and) took away his far-flung people who were beyond counting, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys in huge numbers (ii 80) to Assyria. I gathered the kings of Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine) and the seacoast, all of them, and had (them) build a city in another place, and I named it Kār-Esarhaddon.

ii 6666

la pa-lìḫ be-lu-ti-ia la še-mu-u zi-kir šap-ti-ia

ii 6767

ša UGU tam-tim gal-la-tim it-tak-lu-ma is-lu-u GIŠ.ŠUDUN d-šur5

ii 6868

URU.ṣi-du-un-nu URU tuk-la-a-ti-šú ša -reb tam-tim na-du-ú

ii 6969

a-bu-biš as-pu-un BÀD-šú u šu-bat-su as-suḫ-ma

ii 7070

-reb tam-tim ad-di-ma a-šar maš-kán-šú ú-ḫal-liq

ii 7171

mab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti LUGAL-šú la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

ii 7272

ina MURUB₄ tam-tim in-na-bit ina -bit d-šur EN-ia

ii 7373

ki-ma nu-u-ni ul-tu -reb tam-tim a-bar-šu-ma

ii 7474

ak-ki-sa SAG.DU-su DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú

ii 7575


ii 7676


ii 7777

mim-ma šum-šú ni-ṣir-ti É.GAL-šú a-na mu-ʾu-de-e áš-lu-la

ii 7878

UN.MEŠ-šú DAGAL.MEŠ-te ša ni-ba la i-šá-a

ii 7979

GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni ù ANŠE.NÍTA.MEŠ a-na mu-ʾu-de-e

ii 8080

a-bu-ka a-na -reb KUR -šur.KI ú-pa-ḫir-ma LUGAL.MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ti

ii 8181

ù a-ḫi tam-tim ka-li-šú-nu ina áš-ri šá-nim-ma URU ú-še-piš-ma

ii 8282

URU.KAR-md-šur-ŠEŠ-SUM.NA at-ta-bi ni-bit-su

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

URU.É-mṣu-pu-ri URU.sik-ku-ú

(iii 1) (The inhabitants of) the cities Bīt-Ṣupūri, Sikkû, Giʾ, Inimme, Ḫildūa, Qartimme, Biʾrû, Kilmê, Bitirume, Sagû, Ampa, (iii 5) Bīt-Gisimeya, Birgiʾ, Gambūlu, Dalaimme, (and) Isiḫimme, cities in the environs of Sidon, places of pasturing and watering for his stronghold, which I captured with the help of the god Aššur, my lord, I settled in it (iii 10) (together with) the people plundered by my bow from the eastern mountains and sea and I restored (the city) to Assyrian territory. I reorganized that province, placed my official as a governor over them, and increased and imposed upon it tribute and payment greater than before. (iii 15b) From among those cities of his I handed over the cities Maʾrubbu (and) Ṣarepta to Baʾalu, king of Tyre. I increased my lordly tribute beyond his earlier, annual giving and imposed (it) on him.

iii 22 URU.ḫi-il-du-u-a

iii 33


iii 44

iii 55


iii 66 URU.da-la-im-me URU.i-si-ḫi-im-me

iii 77

URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-et URU.ṣi-du-un-ni

iii 88

a-šar ri-i-ti u maš--ti É tuk-la-a-ti-šú

iii 99

ša ina tu-kul-ti d-šur EN-ia ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

iii 1010

UN.MEŠ ḫu-bu-ut GIŠ.PAN-ia ša KUR-i ù tam-tim

iii 1111

ṣi-it dUTU-ši ina lìb-bi ú-še-šib-ma

iii 1212

a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur ú-ter na-gu-ú šu-a-

iii 1313

a-na -šu-te aṣ-bat .šu-ut SAG-ia a-na .NAM-ti

iii 1414

UGU-šú-nu áš-kun-ma GUN ù man-da-at-

iii 1515

UGU šá maḫ-ri ut-tir-ma e-mid-su TA ŠÀ URU.MEŠ-šu

iii 1616

šá-tu-nu URU.ṣa-ri-ip-tu

iii 1717

ina ŠU.II mba-ʾa-li LUGAL URU.ṣur-ri am-nu

iii 1818

UGU GUN maḫ-ri-ti na-dan MU.AN.NA-šú

iii 1919

man-da-at- be-lu-ti-ia ú-rad-di-ma ú-kin ṣe-ru--šú

iii 2020

ù msa-an-du-ar-ri LUGAL URU.kun-di

(iii 20) Moreover, Sanda-uarri, king of the cities Kundu and Sissû, a dangerous enemy, who did not fear my lordship (and) abandoned the gods, trusted in the impregnable mountains. He (and) Abdi-Milkūti, king of Sidon, (iii 25) agreed to help one another, swore an oath by their gods with one another, and trusted in their own strength. I trusted in the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, (iii 30) besieged him, caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains, and cut off his head. “In Tašrītu (VII) the head of Abdi-Milkūti! In Addaru (XII) the head of Sanda-uarri!” I beheaded (both) in the same year: (iii 35) With the former I did not delay, with the latter I was quick. To show the people the might of the god Aššur, my lord, I hung (the heads) around the necks of their nobles and I paraded in the squares of Nineveh with singer(s) and lyre(s).

iii 2121

ùú .KÚR ak-ṣu

iii 2222

la pa-lìḫ be-lu-ti-ia ša DINGIR.MEŠ ú-maš-šir-u-ma

iii 2323

a-na KUR-i mar-ṣu-ti it-ta-kil

iii 2424

šu-ú mab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti LUGAL URU.ṣi-du-un-ni

iii 2525

a-na re-ṣu-ti a-ḫa-meš -šak-nu-u-ma

iii 2626

MU DINGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu it-ti a-ḫa-meš iz-kur-u-ma

iii 2727

a-na e-mu-qi ra-ma-ni-šú-nu it-tak-lu

iii 2828

a-na-ku a-na d-šur d30 dUTU dEN u dAG

iii 2929

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia at-ta-kil-ma

iii 3030

ni-i-tu al-me-šu-ma ki-ma iṣ-ṣu-ri ul-tu -reb KUR-i

iii 3131

a-bar-šu-ma ak-ki-sa SAG.DU-su

iii 3232

ina ITI.DU₆ SAG.DU mab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti7

iii 3333

ina ITI.ŠE SAG.DU msa-an-du-ar-ri

iii 3434

ina 1-et MU.AN.NA ú-nak-ki-is-ma

iii 3535

maḫ-ru-ú la ú-ḫi-ir-ma ú-šaḫ--ṭa EGIR-ú

iii 3636

áš-šú da-na-an d-šur EN-ia UN.MEŠ kul-lu--im-ma

iii 3737

ina ki-šá-di .GAL.MEŠ-šu-un a-lul-ma it-ti .NAR

iii 3838

ù GIŠ.. ina re-bet NINA.KI e-te-et-ti-iq

iii 3939 šá pa-a-ṭi na-ḫalṣur-ri

(iii 39) I plundered the city Arzâ, which is in the district of the Brook of Egypt, and threw Asuḫīli, its king, into fetters and brought (him) to Assyria. I seated him (text: “them”), bound, near the citadel gate of (the city of) Nineveh along with bear(s), dog(s), and pig(s).

iii 4040

áš-lu-lam-ma ma-su-ḫi-li LUGAL-šu bi-re- ad-di-ma

iii 4141

a-na KUR -šur.KI ú-ra-a ina ṭe-ḫi .GAL MURUB₄ URU šá

iii 4242

it-ti a-si UR.GI₇ u ŠAḪ ú-še-šib-šu-nu-ti ka--

iii 4343

ù mte--pa-a .gi-mir-ra-a-a

(iii 43) Moreover, I struck with the sword Teušpâ, a Cimmerian, a barbarian whose home is remote, together with his entire army, in the territory of the land Ḫubušnu.

iii 4444

ERIM.ḪI.A-man-da šá a-šar-šú ru-ú-qu

iii 4545

ina er-ṣe-et KUR.ḫu-bu--na a-di gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A-šú

iii 4646

ú-ra-as-si-ib ina GIŠ.TUKUL

iii 4747

ak-bu-us ki-šá-di UN.MEŠ KUR.ḫi-lak-ki

(iii 47) I trod on the necks of the people of Cilicia, mountain dwellers who live in inaccessible mountains in the neighborhood of the land Tabal, evil Hittites, (iii 50) who trusted in their mighty mountains and who from earliest days had not been submissive to the yoke. I surrounded, conquered, plundered, demolished, destroyed, (and) burned with fire twenty-one of their fortified cities and small cities in their environs. (As for) the rest of them, who were not guilty of (any) sin or crime, I imposed the heavy yoke of my lordship upon them.

iii 4848

šad-du-u-a a-ši-bu-te ḫur-šá-a-ni pa-áš-qu-u-ti

iii 4949

šá ṭe-ḫi KUR.ta-ba-la .ḫat-te-e lem-nu-ú-ti

iii 5050

ša UGU KUR.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu dan-nu-u-ti tak-lu-ú-ma

iii 5151

ul-tu u₄-me pa-ni la kit-nu-šú a-na ni-i-ri

iii 5252

21 URU.MEŠ-šú-nu dan-nu-ti ù URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ šá li-me-ti-šú-nu

iii 5353

al-me KUR-ud áš-lu-la šal-lat-sún ap-pul aq-qur ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu

iii 5454

si-it-tu-te-šú-nu šá ḫi-iṭ-ṭu ù gul-lul- la i-šú-ú

iii 5555

kab-tu ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-u-ti

iii 5656

ad- KUR.par-na-ka-a-a lem-nu-u-ti

(iii 56) I crushed the wicked Parnaki, who live in the land Tīl-Aššurri, which is called Pittānu in the language of the people of the land Meḫrānu.

iii 5757

a-ši-bu-te KUR.DU₆-a-šur-ri ša ina pi-i UN.MEŠ

iii 5858

KUR.mi-iḫ-ra-a-nu KUR.pi-ta-a-nu i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-šú-un

iii 5959

ú-sap-pi-iḫ UN.MEŠ qu-tu-u la sa-an-qu

(iii 59) I scattered the Mannean people, undisciplined Gutians, and its army; I put to the sword Išpakāia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself.

iii 6060

ù ERIM.ḪI.A-šú m-pa-ka-a-a

iii 6161

kit-ru la mu-še-zi-bi-šú a-na-ar ina GIŠ.TUKUL9

iii 6262

áš-lul KUR.É-mdak-ku-ri šá -reb KUR.kal-di a-a-ab .DINGIR.RA.KI

(iii 62) I plundered the land Bīt-Dakkūri, which is in Chaldea, an enemy of Babylon. I captured Šamaš-ibni, its king, a rogue (and) outlaw, who did not respect the oath of the lord of lords (and) who took away fields of the citizens of Babylon (iii 65) and Borsippa by force and turned (them) over to himself. Because I know the fear of the gods Bēl and Nabû, I returned those fields and entrusted (them) to the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. I placed Nabû-šallim, the son of Balāssu, on his throne and he (now) pulls my yoke.

iii 6363

ak-mu mdšá-maš-ib-ni LUGAL-šu is-ḫap-pu ḫa-bi-lum

iii 6464

la pa-li-ḫu zik-ri EN EN.EN šá A.ŠÀ.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ .DINGIR.ME

iii 6565

ù bár-sipa.KI ina pa-rik-te it-ba-lu-u-ma

iii 6666

ú-ter-ru ra-ma-nu- áš-šú ana-ku pu-luḫ-ti dEN u dAG

iii 6767

i-du-ú A.ŠÀ.MEŠ šá-ti-na ú-ter-ma

iii 6868

pa-an DUMU.MEŠ .DINGIR.RA.KI u bár-sipa.KI ú-šad-gíl

iii 6969

mdMUATI-šal-lim DUMU mba-la-si

iii 7070

ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ú-še-šib-ma i-šá-ṭa ab-šá-a-ni

iii 7171

mEN-BA-šá DUMU mbu-na-ni .gam-bu-la-a-a

(iii 71) (As for) Bēl-iqīša, son of Bunnannū, a Gambulian whose residence is located twelve leagues distance in water and canebrakes, by the command of the god Aššur, my lord, unprovoked fear fell upon him and (iii 75) of his own free will he took tribute and payment, uncastrated bulls, (and) teams of white mules from the land Elam and came to Nineveh, before me, and he kissed my feet. I had pity on him and encouraged him. (iii 80) I strengthened the city Ša-pī-Bēl, the city (which is) his strong fortress, and I put him together with his archers therein as a garrison and (thus) locked it (the fortress) up like a door against the land Elam.

iii 7272

ša ina 12 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru ina A.MEŠ

iii 7373

ù GI.AMBAR.MEŠ šit-ku-nu šu-ub-tu10

iii 7474

ina -bit d-šur EN-ia ḫat-tu ra-ma-ni-šú im-qut-su-ma

iii 7575

ki-i ṭè-me-šú-ma bil-tu u man-da-at-tu

iii 7676

GU₄.MAḪ-ḫi šuk-lu-lu-ti ṣa-ma-da-ni ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ BABBAR.MEŠ

iii 7777

ul-tu KUR.e-lam-ti il-qa-am-ma a-na NINA.KI

iii 7878

a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-lik-am-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia

iii 7979

re-e-mu ar-ši-šú-ma ú-šar-ḫi-is-su lìb-bu

iii 8080

URU.šá-pi-i-dEN URU dan-nu-ti-šú

iii 8181

dan-na-as-su ú-dan-nin-ma

iii 8282

šá-a-šú a-di .ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.PAN-šú ina lìb-bi ú-še-li-šú-ma

iii 8383

GIM GIŠ.IG ina IGI KUR.e-lam-ti e-dil-šu

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

URU.a-du-ma-tu URU dan-nu-tu .a-ri-bi

(iv 1) (As for) the city Adumutu, the fortress of the Arabs, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, (my) father, who engendered me, conquered and whose goods, possessions, (and) gods, together with Apkallatu, the queen of the Arabs, (iv 5) he plundered and brought to Assyria Hazael, the king of the Arabs, came to Nineveh, my capital city, with his heavy audience gift and kissed my feet. He implored me to give (back) his gods, and I had pity on him. (iv 10) I refurbished the gods Atar-samayin, Dāya, Nuḫāya, Ruldāwu, Abirillu, (and) Atar-qurumâ, the gods of the Arabs, and I inscribed the might of the god Aššur, my lord, and (an inscription) written in my name on them and gave (them) back to him. (iv 15) I placed the lady Tabūʾa, who was raised in the palace of my father, as ruler over them and returned her to her land with her gods.

iv 22

ša md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU LUGAL KUR -šur.KI AD ba-nu-u-a

iv 33

ik-šu-du-ma NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú DINGIR.MEŠ-šú

iv 44

a-di fap-kal-la- šar-rat .a-ri-bi

iv 55

-lu-lam-ma a-na KUR -šur.KI il-qa-a

iv 66

mḫa-za-DINGIR LUGAL .a-ri-bi it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú ka-bit-

iv 77

a-na NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia

iv 88

il-lik-am-ma ú-na-áš-ši-iq GÌR.II-ia

iv 99

áš-šú na-dan DINGIR.MEŠ-šú ú-ṣal-la-an-ni-ma re-e-mu ar-ší-šú-ma

iv 1010

da-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in dda-a-a dnu-ḫa-a-a

iv 1111

dru-ul-da-a-a-ú da-bi-ri-il-lu

iv 1212

da-tar-qu-ru-ma-a DINGIR.MEŠ šá .a-ri-bi

iv 1313

an-ḫu-su-nu ud-diš-ma da-na-an d-šur EN-ia

iv 1414

ù ši-ṭir MU-ia UGU-šú-nu áš-ṭur-ma ut-ter-ma ad-din-šú

iv 1515

fta-bu-u-a tar-bit É.GAL AD-ia a-na LUGAL-u-ti11

iv 1616

UGU-šú-nu áš-kun-ma it-ti DINGIR.MEŠ-šá a-na KUR-šá ú-ter-ši

iv 1717


(iv 17) I added sixty-five camels (and) ten donkeys to the previous tribute and imposed (it) on him. Hazael died and I placed Iataʾ, his son, (iv 20) on his throne. I added ten minas of gold, one thousand choice stones, fifty camels, (and) one hundred bags of aromatics to the tribute of his father and imposed (it) on him. Later, Uabu, to exercise kingship, incited all of the Arabs to rebel against Iataʾ.

iv 1818

maḫ-ri-ti ú-rad-di-ma ú-kin ṣe-ru--šú

iv 1919

mḫa-za-DINGIR šim-tu ú-bil-šú-ma mia-ta- DUMU-šú

iv 2020

ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ú-še-šib-ma 10 MA.NA .GI 1 LIM NA₄.MEŠ -ru-ti

iv 2121


iv 2222

UGU man-da-at-ti AD-šú ú-rad-di-ma e-mid-su

iv 2323

ar-ka mú-a-bu a-na e-peš LUGAL-ti

iv 2424

.a-ru-bu ka-li-šú UGU mia-ta- -bal-kit-ma

iv 2525

a-na-ku m-šur-PAP- LUGAL KUR -šur.KI LUGAL kib-rat LÍMMU-ti

(iv 25) I, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters, who loves loyalty and abhors treachery, sent my battle troops to the aid of Iataʾ, and they trampled all of the Arabs, threw Uabu, together with the soldiers who were with him, into fetters, and brought (them) to me. I placed them in neck stocks and tied them to the side of my gate.

iv 2626

šá kit-tu i-ram-mu-ma ṣa-lip- ik-kib-šú

iv 2727

.ERIM.MEŠ -ia a-na na-ra-ru-tu mia-ta-

iv 2828

áš-pur-ma .a-ru-bu ka-li-šú ik-bu-su-ma

iv 2929

mú-a-bu a-di .ERIM.MEŠ šá is-si-šú bi-re-tu id-du-u-ma

iv 3030

ú-bi-lu-nim-ma GIŠ.ši-ga-ru áš-kun-šú-nu-ti-ma

iv 3131

ina le-et .GAL-ia ar-ku-us-šú-nu-ti

iv 3232

mup-pi-is .EN.URU šáák-ka

(iv 32) (As for) Uppis, chieftain of the city Partakka, Zanasana, chieftain of the city Partukka, (and) Ramateia, chieftain of the city Urakazabarna, (iv 35) Medes whose country is remote (and) who had not crossed the boundary of Assyria nor trodden on its soil in (the time of) the kings, my ancestors the awesome fear of the god Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed them (and) they brought to Nineveh, my capital city, large thoroughbreds (and) blocks of lapis lazuli, hewn from its mountain, and they kissed my feet. (iv 40) Because of the chieftains who had threatened them, they implored my lordship and begged me for help. I sent my officials, the governors of the boundary areas of their land, with them and they trampled the people living in those cities and made (them) bow down at their feet. I imposed the tribute (and) payment of my lordship upon them.

iv 3333

mza-na-sa-na .EN.URU šá

iv 3434

mra-ma-te-ia .EN.URU šá URU.ú-ra-a-ka-za-bar-na

iv 3535 šá a-šar-šú-nu ru-u-qu ša ina LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

iv 3636

mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI la ib-bal-ki--nim-ma la ik-bu-su qaq-qar-šá

iv 3737

pu-ul-ḫi me-lam-me ša d-šur EN-ia is-ḫup-šu-nu-ti

iv 3838

ANŠE.mur-ni-is- GAL.MEŠ tak-kas NA₄.ZA.GÌN ḫi-ip šad-di-šú

iv 3939

a-na NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia -šu-nim-ma -ši-qu GÌR.II-ía

iv 4040

áš-šú .EN.URU.MEŠ-ni ša qa- id-ku-šú-nu-ti

iv 4141

be-lu-ti ú-ṣal-lu-ma e-ri-šu-in-ni kit-ru

iv 4242

.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia .NAM.MEŠ šá pa-a-ṭi KUR-šu-un

iv 4343

it-ti-šú-nu ú-ma-ʾe-er-ma UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-te URU.MEŠ

iv 4444

šá-tu-nu ik-bu-su-ma ú-šak-ni-šú GÌR.II--šú-un

iv 4545

GUN man-da-at- be-lu-ti-ia ú-kin ṣe-ru--šú-un12

iv 4646 na-gu-u ša i-te-e É.MUN

(iv 46) (As for) the land Patušarra, a district in the area of the salt desert, which is in the midst of the land of the distant Medes, borders Mount Bikni, the lapis lazuli mountain, (and) upon the soil of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had walked I carried off to Assyria Šidir-parna (and) E-parna, mighty chieftains, (iv 50) who were not submissive to (my) yoke, together with their people, their riding horses, oxen, sheep and goats, (and) Bactrian camels, their heavy plunder.

iv 4747

šá -reb ru-qu-u-te šá pa-a-ṭi KUR NA₄.ZA.GÌN

iv 4848

ša ina LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia mám-ma la ik-bu-su KI-tim KUR-šú-un

iv 4949

mši-dir-pa-ar-na me-pa-ar-na .EN.URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti

iv 5050

šá la kit-nu-šú a-na ni-i-ri šá-a-šú-nu a-di UN.MEŠ-šú-nu

iv 5151

ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ru-ku-bi-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni ANŠE.ú-du-ri

iv 5252

šal-lat-sún ka-bit-tu áš-lu-la ana -reb KUR -šur.KI

iv 5353 na-gu-ú šá a-šar-šú ru-u-qu13

(iv 53) (As for) the land Bāzu, a district in a remote place, a forgotten place of dry land, saline ground, a place of thirst, (iv 55) one hundred and twenty leagues of desert, thistles, and gazelle-tooth stones, where snakes and scorpions fill the plain like ants I left Mount Ḫazû, the mountain of saggilmud-stone, twenty leagues behind me and crossed over to that district to which (iv 60) no king before me had gone since earliest days. By the command of the god Aššur, my lord, I marched triumphantly in its midst. I defeated Kīsu, king of the city Ḫaldisu (Ḫandasu), Akbaru, king of the city Ilpiʾatu (Alpiyana), Mansāku, king of the city Magalānu, Iapaʾ, queen of the city Diḫrānu, (iv 65) Ḫabīsu, king of the city Qadabaʾ (Qatabuʾ), Niḫaru, king of the city Gaʾuani, Baslu, queen of the city Iḫilu, (and) Ḫabaziru, king of the city Pudaʾ (Padê), eight kings from that district (iv 70) (and) laid out the bodies of their warriors like (drying) malt. I carried off their gods, their goods, their possessions, and their people to Assyria. (As for) Laialê, king of the city Yadiʾ, who had fled before my weapons, unprovoked fear fell upon him, and he came to Nineveh, before me, and kissed my feet. I had pity on him and put that province of Bāzu under him.

iv 5454

mi-šit na-ba-li qaq-qar MUN a-šar ṣu-ma-a-me

iv 5555

1 ME 20 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qar ba-a-ṣi pu-qut-ti u NA₄..MAŠ.

iv 5656

a-šar MUŠ u GÍR.TAB ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu-u A.GÀR

iv 5757

20 KASKAL.GÍD KUR.ḫa-zu-ú šad-di NA₄.SAG.GIL.MUD

iv 5858

a-na EGIR-ia ú-maš-šir-ma e-ti₇-iq

iv 5959

na-gu-ú šu-a- ša ul-tu u₄-me ul-lu-ti

iv 6060

la il-li-ku LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia

iv 6161

ina -bit d-šur EN-ia ina -reb-e-šú šal-ṭa-niš at-tal-lak

iv 6262

mki-i-su LUGAL URU.ḫal-di-su mak-ba-ru LUGAL

iv 6363

mma-an-sa-ku LUGAL

iv 6464

fia-pa- šar-rat URU.di-iḫ-ra-a-ni

iv 6565

mḫa-bi-su LUGAL

iv 6666

mni-ḫa-ru LUGAL

iv 6767

fba-as-lu šar-rat URU.i-ḫi-lum

iv 6868

mḫa-ba-zi-ru LUGAL URU.pu-da-

iv 6969

8 LUGAL.MEŠ-ni ša -reb na-ge-e šu-a- a-duk

iv 7070

ki-ma MUNU₄ áš-ta-ṭi pa-gar .qu-ra-di-šú-un

iv 7171

DINGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu NÍG.ŠU-šú-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu ù UN.MEŠ-šú-nu

iv 7272

áš-lu-la a-na -reb KUR -šur.KI mla-a-a-le-e

iv 7373

LUGAL URU.ia-di- šá la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia in-nab-

iv 7474

ḫa-at-tu ra-ma-ni-šú im-qut-su-ma a-na

iv 7575

a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-lik-am-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia

iv 7676

re-e-mu ar-ši-šú-ma na-ge-e šu-a-tum15

iv 7777

ú-šad-gíl pa-nu--šú

iv 7878

ina e-muq d-šur d30 dUTU dAG dAMAR.UTU d15 šá NINA.KI

(iv 78) Through the strength of the gods Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Nabû, Marduk, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela, I conquered all of (my) arrogant enemies. (iv 80) At the words of their divinity the rulers, my enemies, trembled like reeds in a storm. The kings who live in the sea, whose (inner) walls are the sea and whose outer walls are the waves, who ride in boats instead of chariots, (and) who harness rowers instead of horses, were seized by fear; their hearts were pounding and (v 1) they were vomiting gall. There was no rival that my weapons could not face and there was no one among the rulers who came before me who could equal me. Those who used to ignore the kings, my ancestors, or answer (them) constantly with hostility, by the command of the god Aššur, my lord, were delivered into my hands. (v 5) I smashed their hard stone walls like a potter’s vessel (and) let the vultures eat the unburied bodies of their warriors. I carried off their heaped-up possessions to Assyria (and) counted the gods, their helpers, as booty. I led their prosperous people away like sheep and goats.

iv 7979

d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR ak-šu-ud kul-lat na-ki-ri mul-tar-ḫi

iv 8080

ina zik-ri DINGIR-u-ti-šú-nu ma-al-ki na-ki-ri-ia

iv 8181

ki-ma qa--e me-ḫe-e i-šu-ub-bu

iv 8282

LUGAL.MEŠ-ni a-ši-bu-te tam-tim ša BÀD.MEŠ-šú-nu tam-tim-ma

iv 8383

e-du-u šal-ḫu-šú-un ša ki-ma GIŠ.GIGIR GIŠ. rak-bu

iv 8484

ku-um ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-e ṣa-an-du par-ri-sa-ni

iv 8585

pal-ḫiš ul-ta-nap-šá-qu lìb-ba-šú-nu i-tar-rak-ma

Column v
v 1v 1

i-ma-ʾu mar- ul ib-ši šá-ni-ni ul im-maḫ-ḫa-ru GIŠ.TUKUL-u-a

v 22

ù ina ma-al-ki a-lik maḫ-ri-ia la im-šu-la a-a-ú-ma

v 33

ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia i-šu-ṭu-ma e-tap-pa-lu ze-ra-ti

v 44

ina -bit d-šur EN-ia ina ŠU.II-ia im-ma-nu-ú

v 55

pa-áš-qu-ti BÀD NA₄.MEŠ-šú-nu GIM kar-pat pa-ḫa-ri ú-par-ri-ir

v 66

pa-gar qu-ra-di-šú-un ina la qe--ri ú-šá-kil zi-i-bu

v 77

nak-mu NÍG.GA-šú-nu áš-lu-la a-na -reb KUR -šur.KI

v 88

DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-li-šú-nu šal-la-tiš am-nu

v 99

ki-ma ṣe-e-ni a-bu-ka UN.MEŠ-šú-un šam-ḫa-a-ti

v 1010

ša a-na šu-zu-ub na-piš-ti-šú -reb tam-tim in-nab-

(v 10) The one who fled into the sea to save his (own) life did not escape my net and did not save himself. The swift (runner) who took to the stepped ridges of remote mountains, I caught him like a bird from the midst of the mountains and bound his arms. I made their blood flow like floodwater in mountain gullies. I ripped out the roots of the Sutû, who live in tents in a remote place, like the onslaught of a raging storm. Neither he who made the sea his fortress nor he who made the mountain his stronghold escaped my net (or) succeeded in escaping. (v 20) I ordered the (re)settling of those of the sea to the mountains (and) those of the mountains to the sea. At the command of the god Aššur, my lord, who can rival me in kingship? Moreover, who among the kings, my ancestors, was there whose dominion was as great as mine? From the midst of the sea, my enemies spoke thus: ‘Where can the fox go to get away from the sun?’

v 1111

ina giš-par-ri-ia ul ip-par-šid-ma ul ú-še-ṣi nap-šat-su

v 1212

pe-tan bir-ki ša iṣ-ba-tu si-me-lat KUR-i ru-qu-u-ti

v 1313

ki-ma iṣ-ṣu-ri ul- -reb KUR-i a-bar-šú-ma ak-sa-a Á.MEŠ-šú

v 1414

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ki-ma bu-tuq-ti na-at-bak KUR-i ú-šar-di

v 1515

su-te-e a-ši-bu-te kul-ta-ri šá a-šar-šú-nu ru-u-qu

v 1616

ki-ma ez-zi ti-ib me-ḫe-e as-su-ḫa šu-ru-us-su-un

v 1717

ša tam-tum a-na dan-nu-ti-šú KUR-ú a-na e-mu-qi-šú -ku-nu

v 1818

ina sa-par-ri-ia a-a-um-ma ul ú-ṣi

v 1919

na-par-šu-du-um-ma ul ip-par-šid

v 2020

šá tam-ti a-na KUR-i ša KUR-i a-na tam-tim a-šab-šú-nu aq-bi

v 2121

ina -bit d-šur EN-ia man-nu šá it-ti-ia -šá-an-na-nu

v 2222

a-na LUGAL-u-ti ù ina LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia

v 2323

ša ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma šur-ba-ta be-lu-su

v 2424

ul-tu -reb tam-tim .KÚR.MEŠ-ia ki-a-am iq-bu-ni

v 2525

um-ma KA₅.A la-pa-an dUTU e-ki-a-am il-lak

v 2626

KUR.e-la-mu-ú KUR.qu-tu-u ma-al-ki šip-ṣu-u-ti

(v 26) The Elamites (and) Gutians, obstinate rulers, who used to answer the kings, my ancestors, with hostility, heard of what the might of the god Aššur, my lord, had done among all of (my) enemies, and fear and terror poured over them. So that there would be no trespassing on the borders of their countries they sent their messengers (with messages) of friendship and peace to Nineveh, before me, and they swore an oath by the great gods.

v 2727

ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia e-tap-pa-lu ze-ra-a-ti

v 2828

da-na-an d-šur EN-ia šá ina kul-lat na-ki-ri e-tep-pu-šú

v 2929

-mu-u-ma ḫat-tum u pu-luḫ-tum UGU-šú-nu it-ta-bik-ma

v 3030

áš-šú a-na mi-ṣir KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu la ḫa-ṭe-e

v 3131

.KIN.GI₄.A.MEŠ-šú-nu šá ṭu-bi u su-lum-me-e

v 3232

a-na NINA.KI a-di maḫ-ri-ia -pu-ru-nim-ma

v 3333

MU DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ iz-ku-ru ul-tu d-šur dUTU dEN dAG

(v 33b) After the gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bēl, Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, and Ištar of Arbela made me stand victoriously over my enemies and I attained everything I wanted, with the booty of the vast enemies which my hands had captured through the help of the great gods, my lords, I had the shrines of cult centers built in Assyria and Akkad; I decorated (them) with silver (and) gold and made (them) shine like daylight.

v 3434

d15 šá NINA.KI ù d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR UGU na-ki-ri-ia

v 3535

ina li-i-ti ú-šá-zi-zu-ni-ma am-ṣu-u ma-la lìb-bi-ía

v 3636

ina ki-šit-ti na-ki-ri šad-lu-ú-ti

v 3737

ša ina tu-kul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

v 3838

-ret ma-ḫa-zi ša KUR -šur.KI u KUR URI.KI ú-še-piš-ma

v 3939

.BABBAR .GI uḫ-ḫi-zu-ma ú-nam-me-ra ki-ma u₄-me

v 4040

ina u₄-me-šu-ma É.GAL ma-šar-ti ša NINA.KI

(v 40) At that time, the armory of Nineveh which the kings who came before (me), my ancestors, had built to maintain the camp (and) to keep thoroughbreds, mules, chariots, military equipment, implements of war, and the plunder of enemies, everything (v 45) that the god Aššur, king of the gods, gave me as my royal share that place had become too small for me to have horses show their mettle (and) to train with chariots. I made the people of the lands plundered by my bow take up hoe (and) basket, and they made bricks. I razed that small palace in its entirety, took a large area from the fields for an addition, and added (it) to it (the palace). I laid its foundations with limestone, strong stone from the mountains, and raised the terrace.

v 4141

ša LUGAL.MEŠ-ni a-lik maḫ-ri AD.MEŠ-ia ú-še-pi-šú

v 4242

a-na šu-te-šur KARAŠ pa-qa-a-di ANŠE.mur-ni-is-

v 4343


v 4444

ù šal-la-at na-ki-ri gi-mir mim-ma šum-šú

v 4545

ša d-šur LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ a-na - LUGAL-ti-ia -ru-ka

v 4646

a-na šit-mur ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ši-tam-du-uḫ GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ

v 4747

áš-ru šu-a- i-mi-ṣa-an-ni-ma UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR

v 4848

ḫu-bu-ut GIŠ.PAN-ia al-lu tup-šik-ku ú-šá-áš-ši-šú-nu-ti-ma

v 4949

il-bi-nu SIG₄ É.GAL.TUR.RA šu-a-

v 5050

a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá aq-qur-ma qaq-qa-ru ma--du

v 5151

ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma ul-tu lìb-bi A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ab-tuq-ma

v 5252

UGU-šú -rad-di ina NA₄.pi-i-li NA₄ KUR-i dan-ni

v 5353

-ši-šú ad-di-ma tam-la-a ú-mal-li

v 5454

ad-ke-e-ma LUGAL.MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ti u e-ber ÍD

(v 54) I summoned the kings of Ḫatti and Across the River (Syria-Palestine): (v 55) Baʾalu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qaʾuš-gabri, king of Edom, Muṣurī, king of Moab, Ṣil-Bēl, king of Gaza, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of Ekron, Milki-ašapa, king of Byblos, (v 60) Mattan-Baʾal, king of Arvad, Abī-Baʾal, king of Samsimurruna, Būdi-il, king of Bīt-Ammon, Aḫī-Milki, king of Ashdod twelve kings from the shore of the sea; Ekištūra, king of Idalion, Pilagurâ, king of Kitrusi, (v 65) Kīsu, king of Salamis, Itūandar, king of Paphos, Erēsu, king of Soloi, Damāsu, king of Curium, Admēsu, king of Tamassos, Damysos, king of Qarti-ḫadasti, (v 70) Unasagusu, king of Lidir, Buṣusu, king of Nuria ten kings of Yadnana (Cyprus) in the midst of the sea; in total, twenty-two kings of Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine), the seacoast, and the midst of the sea.

v 5555

mba-ʾa-lu LUGAL URU.ṣur-ri mme-na-si-i LUGAL URU.ia-ú-di

v 5656

mqa--gab-ri LUGAL URU.ú-du-me mmu-ṣur-i LUGALʾa-ab

v 5757

mṣil-EN LUGAL URU.ḫa-zi-ti mme-ti-in-ti MAN

v 5858

mi-ka-ú-su LUGAL

v 5959

mmil-ki-a-šá-pa LUGAL

v 6060

mma-ta-an-ba-ʾa-al LUGAL URU.a-ru-ad-da

v 6161

ma-bi-ba-ʾa-li LUGAL URU.sam-si-mur-ru-na

v 6262

mbu-du-DINGIR LUGAL URU.É-am-ma-na mPAP-mil-ki MAN

v 6363

12 LUGAL.MEŠ šá ki-šá-di tam-tim me-ki--tu-ra

v 6464

LUGAL URU.e-di-ʾi-il mpi-la-a-gu-ra-a MAN

v 6565

mki-i-su LUGAL₈-u-a

v 6666

mi-tu-u-an-da-ar LUGAL

v 6767

me-re-su LUGAL mda-ma-su MAN URU.ku-ri-i

v 6868

mád-me-e-su LUGAL URU.ta-me-si

v 6969

mda-mu-ú-si LUGAL URU.qar-ti-ḫa-da-as-ti

v 7070

mú-na-sa-gu-su LUGAL

v 7171

mbu-ṣu-su LUGAL URU.ZÁLAG-ia 10 LUGAL.MEŠ ša KUR.ia-ad-na-na

v 7272

MURUB₄ tam-tim ŠU.NIGIN 22 LUGAL.MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ti a-ḫi tam-tim

v 7373

ù MURUB₄ tam-tim ka-li-šú-nu ú-ma-ʾe-er-šú-nu-ti-ma

(v 73b) I sent orders to all of them for large beams, tall columns, (and) very long planks (v 75) of cedar (and) cypress, grown on Mount Sirāra and Mount Lebanon, which from early days grew thick and tall, (and) they had bull colossi (made of) pendû-stone, lamassu-statues, zebus, paving stones, slabs of marble, pendû-stone, breccia, colored marble, brownish limestone, (and) girimḫilibû-stone, (everything that was) needed for my palace, dragged with much trouble (and) effort from the midst of the mountains, the place of their origin, to Nineveh, my capital city.

v 7474

GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ tim-me MAḪ.MEŠ GIŠ.a-dáp-pi šu-ḫu-u-ti17

v 7575

ša GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN tar-bit u KUR.lab-na-na

v 7676

ša ul-tu u₄-me pa-ni ma-gal ik-bi-ru-ma i-ši-ḫu la-a-nu

v 7777


v 7878


v 7979


v 8080


v 8181

ul-tu -reb ḫur-šá-a-ni a-šar nab-ni-te-šú-nu

v 8282

a-na ḫi-šiḫ-ti É.GAL-ia GIG- pa-áš--

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

a-na NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia ú-šal-di-du-u-ni

vi 22

ina ITI ŠE.GA u₄-me mit-ga-ri UGU tam-le-e šu-a-tum

(vi 2) In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I built great palatial halls upon that terrace for my lordly residence. (vi 5) I built a royal house ninety-five large cubits long (and) thirty-one large cubits wide, something none of the kings, my ancestors, had done. I had its lower courses surrounded with limestone paving stones and I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams.

vi 33

É.GAL.MEŠ rab-ba-a-ti a-na mu-šab be-lu-ti-ia

vi 44

ab-ta-ni ṣe-ru--šu

vi 55

É LUGAL ša 95 ina 1.KÙŠ GAL-tim GÍD ša 31 ina 1.KÙŠ GAL-tim DAGAL

vi 66

ša ina LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia mám-ma la e-pu-šú ana-ku e-pu-

vi 77

NA₄.KUN₄.MEŠ NA₄.GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL a-sur-ru-šú ú-šá-as-ḫir-ma

vi 88


vi 99

É.GAL NA₄.pi-i-li pe-ṣi-i ù É.GAL.MEŠ AM.SI

(vi 9) I had a room of white alabaster and palatial halls of ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, (and) cypress skillfully built for my royal residence and my lordly leisure. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed (them) in their gates. (vi 15) I had placed to the right and left of their gate(s) bull colossi (and) zebus (made) of pendû-stone (and) whose appearance repels evil, large stone bull colossi, lions that are facing one another, (and) zebus that are facing one another, (and) twin lamassu-statues, that I cast in shining copper, and bull colossi (made) of white limestone.

vi 1010


vi 1111

a-na mu-šab LUGAL-ti-ia u mul-ta-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia

vi 1212

nak-liš ú-še-piš-ma GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN MAḪ.MEŠ ú-šat-ri-ṣa UGU-šú

vi 1313

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN šá e-re-si-na DÙG.GA me-ser .BABBAR

vi 1414

ù URUDU ú-rak-kis-ma ú-rat-ta-a .MEŠ-šin

vi 1515


vi 1616

ša ki-i šik-ni-šú-nu ir-ti lem-ni ú-tar-ru

vi 1717

NA₄.dALAD.dLAMMA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ur-maḫ-ḫi šu-ta-tu-u-ti

vi 1818

MUNUS.ÁB.ZA.ZA-a-ti šu-ta-ḫa-a-ti MUNUS.dLAMMA.MEŠ maš-šá-a-ti

vi 1919

ša URUDU nam-ri ap-ti-iq-ma

vi 2020

ù dALAD.dLAMMA.MEŠ ša pi-i-li pe-ṣe-e

vi 2121

ZAG u GÙB ú-šá-aṣ-bi-ta SI.GAR-ši-in18

vi 2222


(vi 22) I placed crossbeams on large copper columns (and) tall cedar columns, (thus forming) a cornice in their gates. I had the frieze(s) (and) coping(s) of the whole of that palace made of black and blue (glazed bricks) and I put (them) around (it) like a wreath. I surrounded all of the gates with an arch and a vault like a rainbow. I embedded nails of silver, gold, and shining copper in them. Through the craft of the sculptor, I depicted on it (the frieze of the palace) the might of the god Aššur, my lord, (and) the deeds that I had accomplished in enemy lands.

vi 2323

a-dáp-pi ku-lul .MEŠ-šin e-mid si-ḫi-ir-ti É.GAL šá-a-tu

vi 2424

--ḫu pa-áš-qu ša NA₄. NA₄.ZA.GÌN ú-še-piš-ma

vi 2525

ú-šal-ma-a ki-li-liš si-il-lu ù mat-gi-qu19

vi 2626

ki-ma dTIR.AN.NA ú-šá-as-ḫi-ra gi-mir .MEŠ-ni

vi 2727

sik-kàt .BABBAR .GI ù URUDU nam-ri ú-rat-ta-a -reb-šin

vi 2828

da-na-an -šur EN-ia ep-šet ina KUR.KUR nak-ra-a-ti e-tep-pu-šú

vi 2929

ina ši-pir .ur₅-ra-ku-ti e-si-qa -reb-šá

vi 3030

GIŠ.KIRI₆.MAḪ tam-šil KUR.ḫa-ma-nim šá ka-la ŠIM.ḪI.A

(vi 30) I planted alongside it (the palace) a botanical garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, with all kinds of aromatic plants and fruit trees. I greatly enlarged its courtyard and made its approach much wider. I led a canal into it (the park) as a watering place for horses and I made (it) murmur (with running water) like an irrigation ditch.

vi 3131

ù GURUN ḫur-ru-šú i-ta-a-ti-šá az-qu-up

vi 3232

ki-sal-la-šá ma-gal ú-rab-bi-ma tal-lak-ta-šá ma--diš

vi 3333

ú-rap-piš a-na maš-qit ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ina -reb-e-šá

vi 3434

pat-tu ú-še-še-ram-ma ú-šaḫ-bi-ba a-tap-piš

vi 3535

ul-tu É.GAL šu-a- ul-tu UŠ₈-šá a-di gaba-dib-e-šá

(vi 35) After I built (and) completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets (and) filled (it) with splendor, its mortar was mixed with fine beer, its kalakku-clay was mixed with wine. The bearers of the spade, the hoe, (and) the basket, the workers who carry baskets of brick(s), passed their time in joyous song, in rejoicing, with pleasure, (and) with radiant mien. I finished its work with rejoicing, jubilation, (and) melodious songs, and I named it Ešgalšiddudua, ‘The palace that administers everything.’

vi 3636

ar-ṣi-pu ú-šak-li-lu lu-le-e ú-mal-lu-u

vi 3737

šal-la-ru-šá ina KAŠ.SAG maḫ-ṣu ba-al-lu₄ ka-lak-ku-šá ina GEŠTIN

vi 3838

na-ši GIŠ.MAR al-li tup-šik-ki e-piš dul-li

vi 3939

za-bil ku-du-ur-ri ina e-le-li ul-ṣi ḫu-ud lìb-bi

vi 4040

nu-um-mur pa-ni ub-ba-lu₄ u₄-um-šú-un

vi 4141

ši-pir-šá ina ḫi-da-a-ti ri-šá-a-ti za-ma-ri tak-ni-i

vi 4242

ag-mur-ma èš-gal-šid---a

vi 4343

É.GAL pa-qi-da-at ka-la-mu az-ku-ra ni-bit-sa

vi 4444

d-šur dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR

(vi 44) I invited the gods Aššur, Bēl, Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, (and) Ištar of Arbela, (vi 45) the gods of Assyria, all of them, into it. I made sumptuous pure offerings before them and presented (them) with my gifts. Those gods, in their steadfast hearts, blessed my kingship. I seated all of the officials and people of my country in it (vi 50) at festive tables, ceremonial meals, and banquets, and I made their mood jubilant. I watered their insides with wine and kurunnu-wine. I had (my servants) drench their (the guests’) heads with fine oil (and) perfumed oil.

vi 4545

DINGIR.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI ka-li-šú-nu ina qer-bi-šá aq-re-ma

vi 4646

UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ taš-ri-iḫ-ti eb-bu-u-ti ma-ḫar-šú-un aq--ma

vi 4747

ú-šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-a-a DINGIR.MEŠ šá-tu-nu

vi 4848

ina ku-un-ni lìb-bi-šú-nu ik-tar-ra-bu LUGAL-u-ti

vi 4949

.GAL.MEŠ ù UN.MEŠ KUR-ia ka-li-šú-nu

vi 5050

ina GIŠ.BANŠUR ta-ši-la-a-ti ta-kul-ti u -re-e-ti

vi 5151

ina qer-bi-šá ú-še-šib-šú-nu-ti-ma ú-šá-li-ṣa nu-pa-ar-šú-un

vi 5252

GEŠTIN.MEŠ u ku-ru-un-nu am-ki-ra ṣur-ra-šú-un

vi 5353

Ì.SAG ì-gu-la-a muḫ-ḫa-šú-nu ú-šá-áš-

vi 5454

ina -bit d-šur LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ ù DINGIR.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI -šú-nu

(vi 54) By the command of the god Aššur, the king of the gods, and the gods of Assyria, all of them, (vi 55) let me dwell in it forever in good health, happiness, bright spirit(s), (and) with the satisfaction of growing old, and let me be sated with its splendor. At new year, in the first month, yearly, without ceasing, let me inspect in it all of the thoroughbreds, mules, camels, military equipment, implements of war, (and) (vi 60) all of the captured enemy soldiers. Let the good šēdu (and) the good lamassu, who guard my royal path (and) who make me happy, last forever and ever in that palace. May they never leave it.

vi 5555

ina ṭu-ub UZU.MEŠ ḫu-ud lìb-bi nu-um-mur ka-bat-ti

vi 5656

še--e lit-tu-ti -reb-šá da-riš

vi 5757

lu-ur-me-ma lu--ba-a la-la-a-šá

vi 5858

ina zag-muk-ki ITI reš-ti-i kul-lat ANŠE.mur-ni-is-

vi 5959


vi 6060

gi-mir ERIM.ḪI.A šal-la-at na-ki-ri šat-ti-šam-ma

vi 6161

la na-par-ka-a lu-up--da -reb-šá

vi 6262

-reb É.GAL šá-a-tu dALAD SIG₅ dLAMMA SIG₅

vi 6363

na-ṣir kib-si LUGAL-ti-ia mu-ḫa-du-u ka-bat-ti-ia

vi 6464

da-riš liš-tab-ru-u a-a ip-par-ku-u i-da-a-šá

vi 6565

a-na EGIR u₄-me ina LUGAL.MEŠ-ni DUMU.MEŠ-ia

(vi 65) In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Aššur and the goddess Ištar name to rule the land and people, renovate the dilapidated section(s) of that palace when it becomes old and dilapidated. Just as I placed an inscription written in the name of the king, (my) father, who engendered me, (vi 70) beside an inscription written in my name, so you (too) should be like me (and) read an inscription written in my name, anoint (it) with oil, make an offering, and place (it) beside an inscription written in your name. The god Aššur and the goddess Ištar will (then) hear your prayers.

vi 6666

ša d-šur u d-tar a-na be-lut KUR u UN.MEŠ

vi 6767

i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-šú e-nu-ma É.GAL šá-a-tu

vi 6868

i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-ḫu an-ḫu-us-sa lu-diš

vi 6969

ki-i šá a-na-ku MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir šu-me LUGAL AD ba-ni-ía

vi 7070

it-ti MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-ia áš-ku-nu-u-ma

vi 7171

at-ta ki-i ia-a-ti-ma MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia

vi 7272

a-mur-ma Ì.GIŠ pu-šu- UDU.SISKUR BAL-

vi 7373

it-ti MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-ka šu-kun

vi 7474

d-šur u d-tar ik-ri-bi-ka i-šem-mu-ú

Date ex. 1Date ex. 1
vi 75A75A

ITI.ŠE.KIN.KUD lim-mu ma-tar-DINGIR .EN.NAMḫi-ra

(vi 75A) Addaru (XII), eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Laḫīru (673 BC).

Date ex. 2Date ex. 2
vi 75B75B

ITI.BAD. lim-me ma-tar-DINGIR .EN.NAMḫi-ri20

(vi 75B) Month “Opening of the Door,” eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Laḫīru (673 BC).

Date ex. 6Date ex. 6
vi 75C75C

ITI.BAD. lim-mu ma-tar-DINGIR .GAR.KURḫi-ra

(vi 75C) Month “Opening of the Door,” eponymy of Atar-ili, governor of the land Laḫīru (673 BC).

Date ex. 7Date ex. 7
vi 75D75D

ITI DINGIR.MAḪ lim-[me ...] ina MU.AN.NA šá [...] šal-lat-su [...]21

(vi 75D) Month of the goddess Bēlet-ilī, epo[nymy of ...], in the year when [...] its booty.

Date ex. 16Date ex. 16
vi 75E75E

ITI.ŠE.KIN.KUD lim-mu mid-ri .EN.NAMḫi-ra

(vi 75E) Addaru (XII), eponymy of Idri (Atar-ili) governor of the land Laḫīru (673 BC).

Date ex. 26Date ex. 27
vi 75F75F

ITI.ŠE li-mu ma-tar-DINGIR .EN.[NAMḫi-ra]22

(vi 75F) Addaru (XII), eponymy of Atar-ili, gover[nor of the land Laḫīru (673 BC)].

Date ex. 29Date ex. 29
vi 75G75G


(vi 75G) Nisannu (I), eponymy of Nabû-bēlu-uṣur, [governor of Dūr-Šarrukku (672 BC)].

1E. Frahm (private communication) tentatively suggests that ši-kìn LUGAL-ti (“the appointing to kingship”) could be read as ši-mat LUGAL-ti (“the destiny of kingship”).

2The reading and interpretation of -nu follows Frahm (Studies Sima pp. 27–47), who convincingly and cleverly argues that this word, based on context, is related to the verb qenû (“to be jealous, envious”) and the noun qiʾu (“envious, jealous person”), and not kīnu (“legitimate”) as interpreted in previous editions and translations.

3has ME written over an erasure.

4ša/šūtrēši is often translated as “eunuch” in Neo-Assyrian sources. This interpretation is not followed here since contemporary evidence does not demand this meaning; note, however, that a few references, including the Middle Assyrian harem edicts, clearly show that men serving as courtiers were eunuchs.

5has GIŠ.ŠUDUN -šur.KI, “the yoke of Assyria.”

6omits NÍG.ŠU, “goods.”

7H. Tadmor (Studies Grayson pp. 269–272) suggests that iii 32–33 contain the exact wording of an Assyrian victory chant that was cried out when Esarhaddon paraded through the squares of Nineveh with the severed heads of Abdi-Milkūti of Sidon and Sanda-uarri of Kundu and Sissû, which were hung around the necks of their nobles and led by singers and lyres. The chant, which Tadmor suggests is the only one of its kind in Assyrian royal inscriptions, was introduced into this king’s inscriptions several years after the events and was quoted explicitly since the popularity of this rhythmic chant had grown considerably. Lines iii 34–35 represent an explicating statement and a comment, chiastically arranged.

8has .GAL NINA.[KI], “gate of Nineveh.”

9Compare text no. 2 (Nineveh B) ii 22–23, which reads šá um-ma-na-a-ti m-pa-ka-a-a KUR.áš-gu-za-a-a kit-ru la mu-še-zi-bi-šú i-na-ru ina GIŠ.TUKUL, “who put to the sword the army of Išpakāia, a Scythian, an ally who could not save himself.” The scribes of these two texts are not in agreement as to which army Esarhaddon put to the sword, the Mannean or the Scythian army.

10has u GI.AMBAR.MEŠ ki-ma nu-u-ni šit-ku-nu šu-ub-tu, “(whose) residence was located ... (in water) and swamps like (that of) a fish.” Ex. 26 omits the phrase ù GI.AMBAR.MEŠ altogether.

11have É.GAL-ia, “my palace.”

12have e-li-šú-un (ex. 14 e-li-šu-un) for ṣe-ru--šú-un.

13Bāzu is located ca. 1500 km from Nineveh, on the Arabian peninsula, on the Gulf coast, near the island of Bahrain. Mount Ḫazû is to be identified with modern Jebel Hasa. For further information, see Liverani, SAAB 13 (1999–2001) pp. 70–74 and fig. 10.

14Or read as m-i-su; cf. PNA 2/1 sub Iqīsu. The reading here follows PNA 2/1 p. 620 sub Kīsu.

15have, “the land Bāzu.”

16The reading of the name mbu-du-DINGIR follows PNA 1/2 p. 350 sub Būdi-il, where the name is understood as a Phoenician name meaning “in the hand of god.” It is possible, based on North-West Semitic names, that the name of this ruler of Bīt-Ammon is actually read mpu-du-DINGIR, where the first element represents a nominal form of pdy, “to ransom, redeem,” with ā becoming ō; compare PNA 3/1 p. 978 sub Padî and Padû-il and p. 998 sub Pūdî and Pūdītu.

17The interpretation of šuḫḫu follows the CAD (Š/3 p. 206); the meaning of the word in the CAD is derived from the context of this passage, which describes trees growing thick and tall, and which states that the other objects constructed with this wood were large and tall.

18Following the CAD (Š/2 p. 409), šigaru (“lock, bolt”) is used synecdochically for “gate.”

19Or read as kur-gi-gu; the exact reading of the KUR sign (mat or kur) is not certain.

20These exemplars of Nineveh A, like two inscriptions of Sennacherib, are dated by an Elamite month name, the month “Opening of the Door,” the third month in the Elamite year. For details on the Elamite calendar, see Reiner, AfO 24 (1973) pp. 97-102; and Cohen, The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East pp. 362–365. According to 5 R pl. 43:19 and other commentaries on the Elamite calendar, the month “Opening of the Door” corresponded to Duʾūzu (IV). It is recorded in texts describing the rebuilding of Esagil and Babylon (text nos. 48, 104–105, and 116) that Jupiter reached its hypsoma in the month “Opening of the Door,” an event, which is clear from these inscriptions, occurred after Simānu (III).

21E. Weissert (apud Tadmor, Studies Grayson p. 274) restores the date as ITI DINGIR.MAḪ lim-[me mka-nun-a-a] ina MU.AN.NA šá [ ṣab-tu-ni] šal-lat-su [šal-lat-ni], “Month of the goddess Bēlet-ilī, epo[nymy of Kanūnāyu], in the year when [Memphis was captured] (and) its booty [was ta]ken.” This exemplar is dated by an Elamite month name, Bēlet-ilī (probably pronounced Belili), which according to some scholars corresponds to Duʾūzu (IV). Weissert suggests that the scribe here followed a learned Babylonian tradition (5 R pl. 43:25) that equated ITI DINGIR.MAḪ with Ab (V), not Duʾūzu (IV).

22Or restore URU before la-ḫi-ra.

23Restored from the date of text no. 77 (Kalḫu A).

Created by Erle Leichty, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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