Eponym Dates

In Assyria, each year was named after a high official, called a limmu or līmu in Akkadian, and lists of these officials (eponyms) were compiled by the Assyrian scribes. The following list of the eponym officials for the reign of Sennacherib is based upon Millard, SAAS 2 pp. 48–51, 60–61, and 71. Dated inscriptions that are included in the present volume are also noted below. A number of inscriptions whose dates may possibly be determined with some degree of confidence (e.g., instances with a clear terminus post quem for the inscription) are given in bold.

Year Regnal Year Eponym Dated Texts
705   Accession year   Nasḫur-Bēl, governor of Amedi     
704   1   Nabû-dēnī-ēpuš, governor of Nineveh     
703   2   Nuḫšāya, governor of Kilizi     
702   3   Nabû-lēʾi, governor of Arbela   1, 2–3, 36  
701   4   Ḫanānu, governor of Tīl-Barsip     
700   5   Mitūnu, governor of Isāna   4  
699   6   Bēl-šarrāni, governor of Kurbail   5, 6–7, 8  
698   7   Šulmu-šarri, governor of Ḫalzi-atbar   14  
697   8   Nabû-dūrī-uṣur, governor of Tamnunna   15  
696   9   Šulmu-Bēl, governor of Talmusi   16  
695   10   Aššur-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Šaḫuppa/Katmuḫu   16, 19  
694   11   Ilu-issīya, governor of Damascus   17  
693   12   Iddin-aḫḫē, governor of Dūr-Šarrukīn   20  
692   13   Zazāya, governor of Arpad     
691   14   Bēl-ēmuranni, governor of Carchemish   18, 22–23  
690   15   Nabû-kēnu-uṣur, governor of Samaria   35–36, 37  
689   16   Gaḫilu, governor of Ḫatarikka   22  
688   17   Iddin-aḫḫē, governor of Ṣimirra   24–25  
687   18   Sennacherib, king of Assyria   26  
686   19   Bēl-ēmuranni, commander of the right     
685   20   Aššur-daʾʾinanni of Que     
684   21   Manzernê, governor of Kullania     
683   22   Mannu-kī-Adad of Ṣupite     
682   23   Nabû-šarru-uṣur, governor of Marʾaš     
681   24   Nabû-aḫḫē-ēreš, governor of Samʾal     

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Eponym Dates', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap3/RINAP31Introduction/DatingandChronology/EponymDates/]

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