A | 1) Asiatic collection of the Oriental Institute, Chicago |
2) Aššur collection of the Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul | |
AH | Abu Habba collection of the British Museum, London |
Ass | Prefix of excavation numbers from the German excavations at Aššur |
BM | British Museum, London |
Bu | E.A.W. Budge collection of the British Museum, London |
DT | Daily Telegraph collection of the British Museum, London |
EHE | Signature of objects in the collection of the École Pratique des Hautes Études, IVe Section, Paris |
EŞ | Eşki Şark Eserleri Müzesi of the Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul |
I2b | Signature of objects in the collection of the Pushkin Museum, Moscow |
IM | Iraq Museum, Baghdad |
K | Kuyunjik collection of the British Museum, London |
Ki | L.W. King collection of the British Museum, London |
MMA | Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York |
NBC | James B. Nies collection of the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven |
ND | Prefix of excavation numbers from the British excavations at Nimrud |
NIN | Prefix of excavation numbers from the University of California excavations at Nineveh |
PA | Signature of Neo-Assyrian historical prisms from the collection of the late A.C. Piepkorn, now in the Asiatic collection of the Oriental Institute, Chicago |
R | H.J. Ross collection of the British Museum, London |
Rm | H. Rassam collection of the British Museum, London |
Sm | G. Smith collection of the British Museum, London |
SM | Signature of objects in the collection of the Sulaimaniya Museum, Sulaimaniya |
Th | R.C. Thompson collection of the British Museum, London |
TM | Prefix of excavation numbers from the British excavations at Nineveh |
VA | Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin |
VA Ass | Aššur collection of the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin |
VAT | Tablets in the collection of the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin |
YBC | Babylonian collection of the Yale University Library, New Haven |
A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny
A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Object Signatures', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap3/RINAP31FrontMatter/ObjectSignatures/]