Click here [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/rinap3/cbd/qpn-x-temple/E.html] to access the RINAP 3 online glossary of Temple Names.
Adad Gate: See "The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land."
Armory Gate: See "The One Who Regulates Everything."
Aššur Gate: See "May the Vice-Regent of the God Aššur Endure" and "May the Vice-Regent of the God Aššur Stay in Good Health."
Badnigalbilukurašušu ("Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies"): 8 11'; 15 vii 21; 16 vii 29–30; 17 vii 65–66; 18 vii 1'.
Badnigerimḫuluḫa ("Wall, Terrorizer of Enemies"): 8 12'; 15 vii 24'; 16 vii 70; 17 viii 6–7; 18 vii 41'.
"The Bearer of the Produce of the Mountains": 15 vii 7'; 16 vii 51; 17 vii 83; 18 vii 22'.
Bīt-Kidmuri: 2 44; 3 44; 4 71; 10 4; 11 3; 12 3; 13 3; 15 v 51; 16 v 76.
"The Choicest of Grain and Flocks Are Constantly Inside It": 15 vii 5'–6'; 16 vii 49–50; 17 viii 81; 18 vii 21'.
Citadel Gate: 4 90; 7 4'; 8 16'; 15 viii 0'; 16 viii 85; 35 obv. 15.
Desert Gate: See "The Presents of the People of Sumuʾel and Tēma Enter Through It" and "The Presents of the People of Tēma and Sumuʾel Enter Through It."
"The Divine Nannāru Is the One Who Makes Firm My Lordly Crown" (Sîn Gate): 18 vii 28'–29'.
"The Divine Nannāru Is the One Who Protects My Lordly Crown" (Sîn Gate): 17 vii 91.
Egalzagdinutukua (Egalzagdunutukua; "Palace With-out a Rival"): 1 79; 2 56; 3 56; 4 84; 15 vi 45; 16 vi 56; 17 vii 51.
Emašmaš: 11 5; 12 5; 13 4.
Esagil: 22 v 31; 23 v 23; 35 rev. 33'.
Ešaḫulezenzagmukam ("The House of Joy and Gladness for the Festival of the Beginning of the Year"): 37 rev. 4'.
Ešarra (more accurately Ešara): 11 4; 12 4; 13 4.
Gate of the Gardens: 38 23. See also "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish."
"The God Adad Is the Provider of Prosperity to the Land" (Adad Gate): 15 vii 11'–12'; 16 vii 55–56; 17 vii 87–88; 18 vii 25–26.
"The God Anu is the Protector of My Life": 18 vii 35'–36'.
"The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Regulates (Water Flow into) My Cisterns" (Mašqû Gate): 15 vii 19'; 16 vii 63–64; 17 vii 94; 18 vii 29'–30'.
"The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down (My) Enemies" (Nergal Gate): 15 vii 13'–14'; 16 vii 57–58; 18 vii 26'–27'. See also Nergal Gate.
"The God Erra Is the One Who Slaughters Those Hostile to Me" (Nergal Gate): 17 vii 89. See also Nergal Gate.
"The God Enlil Is the One Who Makes My Reign Firm" (Šamaš Gate): 16 vii 44–45; 17 vii 77; 18 vii 17'.
"The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish" (Step Gate of the Gardens): 15 vii 15'–16'; 16 vii 59–60; 18 vii 31'–32'.
"The God Šarur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy" (Ḫandūru Gate): 15 vii 29; 16 vii 38; 17 viii 3; 18 vii 13'.
Ḫandūru Gate: See "The God Šarur Is the One Who Cuts Down the King's Enemy."
"House of Joy and Gladness for the Festival of the Beginning of the Year": See Ešaḫulezenzagmukam.
"Make Sennacherib's Reign as Firm as the Position of the Wagon Constellation" (Mullissu Gate): 17 viii 79; 18 viii 19'.
Mašqû Gate: See "The God Ea Is the One Who Properly Regulates (Water Flow into) My Cisterns."
"May Its Builder Endure" (Step Gate of the Palace): 18 vii 31'.
"May Its Builder Live Forever" (Step Gate of the Armory): 18 vii 34'–35'.
"May the Vice-Regent of the God Aššur Endure" (Aššur Gate): 15 vii 31–32; 16 vii 40–41; 18 viii 14'–15'.
"May the Vice-Regent of the God Aššur Stay in Good Health" (Aššur Gate): 17 viii 74.
Mullissu Gate: See "Make Sennacherib's Reign as Firm as the Position of the Wagon Constellation" and "O Ištar Bless Your Provider."
Nergal Gate: 37 rev. 2'. See also "The God Erra Is the One Who Slaughters Those Hostile to Me" and "The God Erra Is the One Who Cuts Down (My) Enemies."
"O Ištar Bless Your Provider" (Mullissu Gate): 15 vii 2'–3'; 16 vii 46–47.
"The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements" (Quay Gate): 15 vii 20'; 16 vii 65–66; 17 vii 95; 18 vii 33'–34'.
"The One Who Exorcises Asakku-Demon(s)" (Step Gate): 15 vii 4'; 16 vii 48; 17 vii 80; 18 vii 20'.
"The One Who Flattens All Enemies" (Sennacherib Gate): 16 vii 42–43; 17 vii 75–76; 18 vii 15'–16'.
"The One Who Regulates Everything" (Armory Gate): 15 vii 21'; 16 vii 66–67; 17 viii 2.
"Palace Without a Rival": See Egalzagdinutukua.
"The Presents of the People of Sumuʾel and Tēma Enter Through It" (Desert Gate): 17 vii 96–viii 1.
"The Presents of the People of Tēma and Sumuʾel Enter Through It" (Desert Gate): 18 vii 37'–38'.
Quay Gate: See "The One Who Brings in Income from the Settlements."
Rear Palace: 22 vi 39; 23 vi 31; 34 55; 35 rev. 10''.
Sennacherib Gate: See "The One Who Flattens All Enemies."
Sîn Gate: See "The Divine Nannāru Is the One Who Makes Firm My Lordly Crown" and "The Divine Nannāru Is the One Who Protects My Lordly Crown."
Step Gate: See "The One Who Exorcises Asakku-Demon(s)."
Step Gate of the Armory: See "May Its Builder Live Forever."
Step Gate of the Gardens: See "The God Igisigsig Is the One Who Makes Orchards Flourish."
Step Gate of the Palace: See "May Its Builder Endure."
Šamaš Gate: See "The God Enlil Is the One Who Makes My Reign Firm."
"Wall, Terrorizer of Enemies": See Badnigerimḫuluḫa.
"Wall Whose Brilliance Overwhelms Enemies": See Badnigalbilukurašušu.
Zababa Gate: 1 21.
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap3/RINAP31BackMatter/IndexofNames/Gate,Palace,andTempleNames/]