Part 7 (60-62)

060   061   062  

060 [/rinap/rinap2/Q006541/]

Three fragments of a clay bowl with a brief inscription in the Oriental Institute (Chicago) were found at Khorsabad. It is possible that these fragments are to be identified with Loud and Altman, Khorsabad 2 p. 105 no. 33, which Oriental Institute records indicate was found outside the northwest wall of the Nabû temple in March 1934 and which bears the field register number DŠ 101. Although the text does not mention Sargon, since it was found at Khorsabad and since Sargon did use the titles "strong king, king of the world," it has been assigned to him here.

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OI — (DŠ 32-24; DŠ 101?)


1938 Loud and Altman, Khorsabad 2 p. 105 no. 33? (study)

061 [/rinap/rinap2/Q006542/]

An eye-stone that likely comes from Khorsabad has a short dedicatory inscription of Sargon to the goddess Ningal.

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Louvre — (Nap. III 3400)


The eye-stone was acquired by V. Place, and thus may well come from his work at Khorsabad, although this cannot be considered certain. The piece is made of banded agate and is white, with a pink pupil. The eye-stone was originally mounted on a disk of blue glass which measured 3.3×3.2 cm and from which it has now become detached.

H. Winckler erroneously refers to the piece as being a "Siegelabdruck" (Sar. 1 p. 196). The copies published by Place and Winckler (the latter being based on the former) omit the ana of line 1 and all of line 4. Examination of the original in the Louvre shows that ana and line 4 are faint and written on the white outer part of the eye, in contrast to the rest of the inscription that is written on the pupil.


1867 Place, Ninive et l'Assyrie 3 pl. 76 no. 31 (copy)
1889 Winckler, Sar. 1 p. 196; and 2 pl. 49 no. 13 (copy, edition [erroneously referred to as being a "Siegelabdruck. Place, Nin. et l'Ass. vol. III, pl. 76, no. 21"])
1918 Pillet, Khorsabad p. 86 no. 18 (study; assignment here not certain)
1923 Delaporte, Louvre 2 p. 180 no. A.825 and pl. 93 fig. 13 (photo, edition)
1924 Pottier, Antiquités assyriennes no. 120 (study)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 p. 114 §230 (translation)
1969 Lambert, RA 63 pp. 69–70 (study)
1987 Galter, ARRIM 5 pp. 12, 14, and 21 no. 40 (edition, study)
1995 Tallon, Pierres p. 76 no. 119 (study)

062 [/rinap/rinap2/Q006645/]

A bronze macehead found at Khorsabad has two one-line inscriptions on it, one ascribing the object to the palace of Sargon — "Palace of Sargon, king of the world, king of Assyria" — and the other stating that it belonged to Sîn-aḫu-uṣur — "(Property) of Sîn-aḫu-uṣur, the grand vizier." Although the former inscription could have been edited here, it has been decided to present the two together at text no. 2003.

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Grant Frame

Grant Frame, 'Part 7 (60-62)', RINAP 2: Sargon II, Sargon II, The RINAP 2 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2023 []

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The RINAP 2 sub-project of the University of Pennsylvania-based RINAP Project, 2020-. The contents of RINAP 2 were prepared by Grant Frame for the University-of-Pennsylvania-based and National-Endowment-for-the-Humanities-funded Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, with the assistance of Joshua Jeffers and the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-21.
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