Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names

E   G   I   N  

Click here [] to access the RINAP 2 online glossary of Temple Names.


Eanna (more accurately Eana): 125 i 18, 32, 34, ii 37; 126 9; 127 3, 13; 128 10.

Egalgabarinutukua: 2 473; 7 159.

Eḫulḫul: 84 6´.

Eḫursaggalkurkurra (more accurately Eḫursaggalkur-kura): 2 469, 489; 7 156, 175; 65 1, 2, 316; 67 3; 69 5; 70 5; 74 i 26; 84 3´, 9´; 89 obv. 11; 111 12.

Esagil: 1 375; 2 357; 16 5; 123 3; 123 8.

Ešaḫula: 2008 3.

Ešarra (more accurately Ešara): 16 5; 89 rev. 37.

Ezida: 1 375; 2 357; 123 9.


"The God Adad Is the One Who Establishes My Prosperity": 8 42; 9 83.

"The God Adad Is the One Who Maintains Its Prosperity": 43 67.

"The God Anu Is the One Who Makes My Undertakings Successful": 8 45; 9 86; 43 69.

"The God Aššur Is the One Who Prolongs the Reign of Its Royal Builder (and) Protects His Troops": 8 47; 9 90; 43 71.

"The God Ea Is the One Who Keeps Its Spring(s) in Good Order": 8 46; 9 88; 43 70.

"The God Enlil Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation Of My City": 8 43; 9 84; 43 68.

"The God Ninurta Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of His City for (All) Days to Come": 8 48; 9 91.

"The God Ninurta Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of the Wall for (All) Days to Come": 43 71.

"The God Šamaš Is the One Who Makes Me Triumph": 8 42; 9 83; 43 67.

"The Goddess Bēlet-Ilī Is the One Who Increases Its (Animals') Offspring": 8 46; 9 89; 43 70.

"The Goddess Ištar Is the One Who Makes Its People Flourish": 8 45; 9 87; 43 69.

"The Goddess Mullissu Is the One Who Restores Abundance": 8 44; 9 85; 43 68.


Imgur-Enlil: 123 10, 17; 124 12.


Nēmet-Enlil: 123 18; 124 13.

Grant Frame

Grant Frame, 'Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names', RINAP 2: Sargon II, Sargon II, The RINAP 2 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2021 [,Palace,andTempleNames/]

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The RINAP 2 sub-project of the University of Pennsylvania-based RINAP Project, 2020-. The contents of RINAP 2 were prepared by Grant Frame for the University-of-Pennsylvania-based and National-Endowment-for-the-Humanities-funded Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, with the assistance of Joshua Jeffers and the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-21.
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