Sargon II 129
Obverse | ||
11 | [mLUGAL-GI.NA šá-ak-nu dEN.LÍL NU.ÈŠ ba-ʾi-it da-šur ni-šit IGI.II] ⸢d⸣a-nim u dda-gan | (1) [Sargon (II), appointee of the god Enlil, nešakku-priest (and) desired object of the god Aššur, chosen of] the gods Anu and Dagān, [great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), favorite of] the great gods; |
22 | [LUGAL GAL-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KIŠ LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI LUGAL kib-rat ar-ba-ʾi mi-gir] DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ | |
33 | [RE.É.UM ke-e-nu ša da-šur dAMAR.UTU LUGAL-ut la šá-na-an ú-šat-li-mu-šu-ma] ⸢zi⸣-kir MU-šú* ú-še-ṣu-ú a-na re-še-e-ti1 | (3) [just shepherd, (one) to whom the gods Aššur (and) Marduk granted a reign without equal and] whose reputation (these gods) exalted to the heights; |
44 | [šá-kin šu-ba-re-e ZIMBIR.KI NIBRU.KI KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ḫa-a-tin en-šu-te-šú-nu mu-šal]-⸢li⸣-mu ḫi-bil-ti-šu-un | (4) [who (re)-established the šubarrû-privileges of (the cities) Sippar, Nippur, (and) Babylon, protects the weak among them (lit.: “their weak ones”), (and) made rest]itution for the wrongful damage suffered by them; [who (re)-established the privileged status of (the city) Baltil (Aššur) that had lapsed, who abolished corvée duty for (the city) Dēr, (and who)] gave relief to their people; [(most) capable of all rulers, who extended his protection over the city Ḫarrān] and [recorded its exemption (from obligations)] as if (its people were) people of the gods Anu and [Dagān; the strong man who is clad in awesome splendor (and) whose weapons are raised] to strike down the land of (his) enemies; |
55 | [ka-ṣir ki-din-nu-tu bal-til.KI ba-ṭi-il-tu mu-šá-áš-ši-ik tup-šik-ki BÀD.AN.KI] ⸢mu⸣-šap-ši-ḫu UN.MEŠ-šu-un | |
66 | [le-ʾi DÙ mal-ki ša UGU URU.ḫar-ra-na AN.DÙL-la-šu it-ru-ṣu]-ma ki-i ṣa-ab da-nim ⸢ù⸣ | |
77 | [dda-gan iš-ṭu-ru za-kut-su zi-ka-ru dan-nu ḫa-lip na-mur-ra-ti ša] a-na šum-qu-ti KUR na-ki-ri2 | |
88 | [šu-ut-bu-ú GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu LUGAL ša ul-tu u₄-um be-lu-ti-šu mal-ku gaba-ra-a-šu] la ib-šu-ú i-na qab*-la3 | (8b) [the king who since the (first) day of his reign] has had no [ruler who could equal him (and) has met no one who could overpower (him)] in war [(or) battle; (who) sma]shed [all (enemy) lands as if (they were) pots] and (10) [put halters on] (all) rebels in the four (quarters of the world); (who) opened up innumerable [distant mountainous areas whose pass(es) are diff]icult and visited their [remotest region(s); (who)] traversed [inaccessible, difficult paths in] terrifying location(s) and [crossed every swamp]; |
99 | [(ù) ta-ḫa-zi la e-mu-ru mu-né-eḫ-ḫu KUR.KUR DÙ-ši-na ki-ma ḫaṣ-bat-ti ú-daq]-⸢qi?⸣-qu-ma ḫa-⸢am⸣-ma-ʾi šá* ar*-ba-ʾi4 | |
1010 | [id-du-ú ṣer-re-e-tu ḫur-šá-a-ni bé-ru-ú-ti ša né-reb-šú-nu áš]-ṭu la mi-na ip-tu-ma i-mu-ru*5 | |
1111 | [du-ru-ug-šu-un ṭu-da-at la aʾ-a-ri pa-áš-qa-a-ti ša] ⸢a⸣-šar-ši-na šug-lu-tú i-ta-at-ti-qu-ma | |
1212 | [e-te-eb-bi-ru na-gab be-ra-a-ti iš-tu KUR.ra-a-ši mi]-⸢ṣir⸣ KUR*.e-lam-ti LÚ.pu-qu-du LÚ.da-mu-nu6 | (12b) [(who) ruled from the land Rāši on the bord]er of the land Elam, the Puqudu (and) Damūnu (tribes), [the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu (and) Rapiqu, the entire desert] as far as the Brook of Egypt, the wide land Amurru, [(and) the land Ḫatti (Syria) in its entirety]; (who)se [great hand conquered (the area) from the land Ḫašmar to the cit]y Ṣibar — which borders on the distant Medes (15) [in the east — the lands Namri, Ellipi, Bīt-Ḫamban, Pa]rsumaš, Mannea, Urarṭu, [Kasku, (and) Tabal, as far as the land Musku; (who) set eunuchs of his as governors over them and imposed upon them (the same) tribute (and) payme]nt(s) [as if (they were) Assyrians]; |
1313 | [URU.BÀD-ku-ri-gal-zi URU.ra-pi-qu mad-bar DÙ.A.BI] a-di na-ḫalṣ-ri KUR a-mur-ri-i DAGAL-ti | |
1414 | [KUR.ḫat-ti a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá i-be-lu iš-tu KUR.ḫa-áš-mar a-di] ⸢URU.ṣi⸣-bar pat-ti ru-qu-ú-ti | |
1515 | [ša ṣi-it dUTU-ši KUR.nam-ri KUR.el-li-pí KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR].⸢par⸣-su-maš KUR.ú-ra-áš-ṭu | |
1616 | [KUR.kas-ku KUR.ta-ba-lum a-di ik-šu-du GAL-tum qa-as]-⸢su⸣ | |
1717 | [LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú šak-nu-ti UGU-šú-nu iš-tak-ka-nu-ma bil-tu ma-da]-⸢at⸣-ti | |
1818 | [ki-i ša áš-šu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti eṭ-lu qar-du ša i-na re-bit BÀD.AN.KI it-ti mdḫum-ba-ni]-⸢ga⸣-áš | (18b) [the valiant man who met Ḫumbanig]aš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), [king of the land Elam, (in battle) on the outskirts of (the city) Dēr and brought about his defeat; (...); who made] the [wide] land Bīt-Ḫumri (Israel) tremble, [brought about the defeat of Egypt at the city Raphia, and] brought [Ḫanūnu (Hanno), king of the city Gaza, to the city Aššur in bondag]e; [...] |
1919 | [LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti in-nam-ru-ma iš-ku-nu taḫ-ta-a-šu (...) mu]-ri-ib KUR.É-ḫu-um-ri7 | |
2020 | [rap-ši ša i-na URU.ra-pi-ḫi BAD₅.BAD₅-úṣ-ri GAR-nu-ma mḫa-a-nu-nu LUGAL URU.ḫa-zi-te ka-mu-us]-⸢su⸣ ú-še-ri-⸢bu⸣ | |
2121 | [URU.aš-šur ...] | |
Lacuna of ca. 75 lines | ||
1'1' |
1-šú*: The copy has -LAL.
2Text no. 43 line 7 just has a-na šum-qut na-ki-ri, “to strike down (his) enemies”; see also text no. 1 line 5.
3qab*-: The copy has ZI-.
4šá*: The copy has ZA. ar*-: The copy has ŠU-ḪU-.
5-ru*: The copy has -U-MA.
6KUR*: The copy has ŠE.
7This inscription appears to omit all or most of text no. 43 line 18: na-si-iḫ LÚ.KUR.te-sa-a-a mu-pal-li-ku gu-un-ni-šu šá-lil KUR.tu-ʾu-mu-na ša LÚ.na-sik-šú-nu i-pi-du-ma ur-ru-ú ma-ḫar LUGAL KUR.kal-di, “who deported the Tešian (king) (and) cut down his elite troops; who plundered the land Tuʾumuna, who(se people) had arrested their sheikh and brought (him) before the king of Chaldea.”
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.