
  • Sargon II 117


  • Q006596



  • stele
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Najafabad (Kišesim)
  • Royal Inscription

Sargon II 117

Column i
i 1i 1

d?a?-x (x) x GAL?-u LUGAL KIŠ d[NUN.GAL? u?]

(i 1) The god Aššur, great lord, king of all the [Igīgū] god[s and] Anunnakū gods, lord of the lan[ds] ... [...], Aššur ... [...]; (i 5) the god Marduk, lord of all, who provides all [people] with food (and) grants [...]; the god Sîn, lord of heaven and [netherworld], exalted one, divine li[gh]t [of the gods]; the god Šamaš, bright ... [...] (i 10) ... the fo[e ...] ... [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... [...]

i 22

x x x x x x EN KUR?.KUR? [...]

i 33

AN? x x (x) x BU x [...]

i 44

AN?.ŠÁR? x x x E x [...]

i 55

dAMAR.UTU EN TIL e-pir? kiš-šat [UN.MEŠ?]

i 66

šá?-ri-ku DA? x [x]1

i 77

d30 e?-tel? AN-e ù? [KI-tim]

i 88

šá?-qu-ú dŠEŠ?.[KI? DINGIR.MEŠ?]

i 99

dUTU x x nam?-ru KUL/MU? ŠÁ [...]

i 1010

[x] x ŠÁ [(x)] BI? za-ma-[ni ...]

i 1111

[x (x)] x x (x) x MA ŠÈG? [...]

i 1212

[...] ŠÁ x [...]

i 1313

[...] NU? MA (x) [...]2

i 1414

[...] x ÁŠ [...]

i 1515

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL].MEŠ mu-[ut-tab-bi-lu-ut]

(i 15) [Great god]s, ma[nagers of heaven and netherworld, who]se [attack means] battle and [strife, who nam]ed Sargon (II), ki[ng ...] ... [in accordance with] your heart’s desire:

i 1616

[AN-e ù KI-tim]

i 1717

[šá ti-bu-šú]-nu (x) GIŠ. u [šá-áš-mu]

i 1818

[na-bu-ú?] šu?-um? (x) mMAN-GI.NA LUGAL [...]

i 1919

[...] x BI (x) [(x)] bi?-ib-lat lìb-bi-ku?-un? mMAN-GI.NA šá-[ak-ni dEN.LÍL]3

(i 19b) Sargon (II), app[ointee of the god Enlil, (...) nešakku-priest (and)] desired object of (the god) Aššur, chosen of the gods Anu [(and) Dagān, (...) great king, strong king], king of the [world], king of Assyria, king of the f[our] quarters (of the world), [(...) favorite of the] great [god]s;

i 2020

[(x x) NU.ÈŠ] ba-ʾi-it AN.ŠÁR ni-šit e-ni? da-nim [(u)] d[da-gan (x x)]

i 2121

[MAN GAL-(u) MAN KAL-(nu)] MAN KIŠ MAN KUR -šur.KI (x x) MAN kib-rat ar-[ba-ʾi (x x)]

i 2222

[mi-gir DINGIR.MEŠ] GAL.MEŠ? RE.É.x ke?-e-nu ša AN.ŠÁR u d[AMAR.UTU]

(i 22b) just shepherd, (one) to whom the gods Aššur and [Marduk] granted [a reign without eq]ua[l] and whose reputation (these gods) [exalt/exalted to the heights];

i 2323

[LUGAL-ut la šá]-na-[an] ú-šat-li-mu-šu-ma zi-kir-šu ú-[še-(eṣ)-ṣu-ú]

i 2424

[a-na re-še-e]-te šá-ki-in šu-ba?-re-e ZIMBIR.KI [NIBRU.KI]

(i 24b) who (re)-established the šubarrû-privileges of (the cities) Sippar, [Nippur, (and) Babylon, (and) made resti]tution for the wrongful damage suffered by them; who (re)-established [...] ... the god Enlil ... [... who abolished] corvée duty for (the city) Dēr ... who [gave relief to their people ...] the city Ḫarrān ... his people ... [...] ... to strike down [... (i 30) who from the (first) da]y of his [reign] has had no rul[er] who could equal him [... from ea]st to we[st ...] the subjects [of the god Enlil ...] ... [...] ... [...]

i 2525

[.DINGIR.RA.KI mu]-šal-li-mu ḫi-bil-ti-šu-un šá-ki-in x [...]

i 2626

[...] (x) x IK? x dEN.LÍL (x) ŠU x (x) x A x (x) x [...]

i 2727

[mu-šá-áš-ši-ik] tup-šik-[ki] BÀD.AN.KI x [(x x) x]-šu-nu mu-šap?-[ši-ḫu UN.MEŠ-šu-un?]

i 2828

[...] URU.KASKAL x x x UN.MEŠ-šu x x (x) ú?-še-[...]

i 2929

[...] ZA [x (x)] MA? x x x (x) šá a-na? šum-qut? (x) [...]

i 3030

[šá ul-tu u₄?]-me [be-lu]-ti?-šú? mal?-[ku?] gaba?-ra-a?-šú la ib-šu-[ma? ...]

i 3131

[...] x [...] d?šam?-ši a-di šá-la-am [dšam-ši ...]

i 3232

[...] (x) ba-ʾu-lat x [...]

i 3333

[...] x [...] x A (x) MA x [...]

i 3434

[...] TU? x [...]

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

[...] (traces) [...]

(ii 1) Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

ii 22

[(x x)] x x x x LU x x NU? KID/Ú? x x x x x x x x (x x) [...]

ii 33

(x x) x x x x x SA x x x KI? x ḪI IM? MA/ŠU? x x x x x x [...]

ii 44

(x x) x x [m]ia-ú-bi--di .KUR.ḫa-am-ma-ta-a-a x x x x x (x) [...]

(ii 4) ... Iaū-biʾdī (Ilu-biʾdī) of the land Hamath ... [...] (ii 5) ... spears he abandoned [...] ... he assembled (his) troops and [transgressed against] the oath (sworn) by the great gods [...] he brought (them) to his side and put his trust in his (own) forces. [I mustered] the numer[ous] troops of (the god) Aššur [and ...] ... he/they rose up. Chariotry, cavalry, (and) horses in the city AB[...] ... their ... I dyed (both) the river (Orontes) (and) the dry land as red as red wool ... [...] (ii 10) ... with a mighty battering ram I smas[hed] his (city) wall like a pot [and ... the city Qarqar] I burned down [with] fire. I took him, together with his family (and) his fighting men, to my city Aššur. [I flayed the skin from him] in front of the (city) gate [...] ... I set eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them. The [people of the] land Hamath [...] ...

ii 55

[(x)] (x x) x x x x x x x x x x GIŠ?.az?-ma-ru?-ú ú?-maš?-x x x (x) [...]4

ii 66

(x) x A x (x) x x TI? x (x) NU .ERIM.MEŠ ú-pa-ḫir-ma ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ (x) [...]5

ii 77

(x) x DI x ú-ter?-ma a-na e-mu-qi-šú it-ta-kil um-ma-na-at AN.ŠÁR gap-šá-[a-ti ad-ke-e-ma? ...]6

ii 88

x (x) I? DI? GI IB ŠU? x (x) x it-ba-a GIŠ.GIGIR pet-ḫal-lu ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ ina URU.AB-x-[x-x ...]7

ii 99

[(x)] MA? BU? x (x) RI? ÁŠ DI? x x (x) x-šú-nu ÍD na-ba-lu na-ba-si- aṣ-ru-up A x x [...]8

ii 1010

(x) ID? É/DAN? URU? UD/ŠÚ? x (x) UN/A? TU/LI? (x) x x KAN? ina GIŠ.a-ši-bi dan-ni BÀD-šú kar?-pa-ti- ú-pa-ri-[ir-ma? ... URU.qar-qa-ru?]9

ii 1111

[(ina)] dGIBIL₆ aq-mu šá-a-šú a-di kim-ti-šú .mun-daḫ-ṣe-šú a-na URU-ia? -šur.KI ub-la ina IGI .GAL [(...) ma-šak-šú? a-ku-uṣ? (...)]10

ii 1212

(x) x x x šu-ut .SAG.MEŠ-ia a-na .EN.NAM-ú-ti UGU-šú-nu áš-kun KUR.ḫa-am-ma-ta-[a-a? ...]11

ii 1313

(x x) x ID? KU/KI x (x) ina 3 BALA-ia URU.šu-un-da?-ḫu?-ul URU.du-ur-du-uk?-ka URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti É BÀD?.[MEŠ ...]12

(ii 13b) In my third regnal year, the cities Šundaḫul (and) Durdukka, strong, w[alled] cities [...] disregarded (their) position as vassal to Iranzi, the Mannean, their lord, (and) held him in contempt [...] I took the lead (in front) of the troops of Aššur and I marched to the land Mannea in order to conquer those cities. [I inflicted] a ma[jor] defeat upon it [...] ... I caused to pour forth like hailstones. [I carried off as booty] the people, together with [their] property [...].

ii 1414

i?-mi?-šú? ar-(x)-du-ú-tu šá mir-an-zi .EN-šú-nu il-qu-u še-ṭu-us-su A x [...]13

ii 1515

meḫ?-ret? um-ma-na-at AN.ŠÁR aṣ-bat-ma a-na ka-šad URU.MEŠ šu-a-tu-nu a-na a-lik di-ik-ta-šú ma-at-[tu a-duk ...]14

ii 1616

IZ/? x x Ú/DAN? PI? x MA x x x x (x) x NU x ḪI RU? BÀD ki-i NA₄ AN-e ú-šá-za-nin UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-[šú-nu ...]

ii 1717

ina 4 BALA-ia a-na KUR.ta-ba-li al?-lik URU.ši-nu-uḫ- URU dan-nu-ti-šú šá mki-ak-ki KUR-ud šá-a-šú ga-di kim-[ti-šú ...]15

(ii 17) In my fourth regnal year, I marched to the land Tabal. I conquered the city Šinuḫtu, Kiakki’s fortified city. That (individual), together with [his] fam[ily, ...] elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, garments with multi-colored trim (and) linen garments, equipment, battle gear ... [...], their sheep and goats, herds of horses, (and) donkeys, I carried off as booty in countless numbers. [I received] tribute from the kings of the land of Tabal [...].

ii 1818

KUŠ AM.SI AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG lu-bul-ti bir-me TÚG.GADA GIŠ.til-li ú-nu-ut ta-ḫa-zi IZ? KI? x NU? [...]

ii 1919

ṣe-ni-šú-nu su-gúl-lat ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ ANŠE.MEŠ a-na la ma-ni áš-lu-la ma-da-at-tu ša MAN.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ta-ba-li [am-ḫur? ...]16

ii 2020

ina 5 BALA-ia URU.kar-ga-miš ša ÍD.pu-rat-ti ak-šu-ud mpi-si-i-ri MAN-šú a-di mšem-tar-ru Ú [...]17

(ii 20) In my fifth regnal year, I conquered the city Carchemish which is (located) on the bank of the Euphrates River. Pisīri(s), its king, together with Šemtarru [...] (along) with the possessions of his palace, every valuable object, his royal treasure, I carried off as booty and brought to my city Aššur. I imposed upon the people of the city Car[chemish ... (the same) tribute (and) payment(s)] as if (it were part of) Assyria. [I presented] to the gods Aššur (and) Marduk, ... gods [(...)] the gold (and) silver that I had personally seized at the city Carchemish [(...)].

ii 2121

it-ti NÍG.GA É.GAL-šú mim-ma x x ni-ṣir-ti šar-ru-ti-šú áš-lu-lam-ma a-na URU-ia -šur.KI ub-la UN.MEŠ URU.kar-[ga-miš ... bíl-tu? ma-da-at-?]18

ii 2222

ki-i KUR -šur.KI e-mid-su-nu .GI .BABBAR ša URU.kar*-ga-miš qa-ti ik-šu-du a-na AN.ŠÁR dAMAR?.UTU A? x DINGIR.MEŠ? [... ina 6 BALA-ia mul-lu-su-nu? (...)]19

(ii 22b) [In my sixth regnal year], the wrath of Aššur was directed against [Ullusunu, the Mannean, (...)] (ordaining) the dissolution of the land Mannea, the destruction of (his) people, (and) the demolition of his (city) wall. [He (Ullusunu)] then [put his trust] in Rusâ of the city [...]. He caused [Aššur-lēʾi of the land Karalla (and) Ittî of the land Allabria] to rebel against me and made (them) act in unison. He threw off the yoke of (the god) Aššur and took [...] ... He withheld his tribute and [... (who) (...)] transgressed, did not respect his mighty oath, and forgot his sworn agreement ... [...]

ii 2323

šib-sa-at AN.ŠÁR šá sa-paḫ u <<u>> ḫul-lu-uq UN.MEŠ na?-qar BÀD-šú UGU-šú ib-ši-ma a-<na> m?ru-sa-a URU.[x (x)] x [(...) it-ta-kil? m-šur-ZU? KUR.kar-al-la-a-a? mit-ti-i?]20

ii 2424

it-ti-ia ú-šá-bal-kit-ma pa-a e-da ú-šá-áš-kín ni-ir AN.ŠÁR iṣ-li-ma x [x x (x)] ŠÁ/ŠUR? KI il-qe ma-da-ta-šú ik-la-ma [... (šá) (...)]

ii 2525

e-te-qu ni-is-su kab-tu la ip-la-ḫu-ma in-šu-ú ma-mit-su [x (x)] a-ma-ti šu-a-ti U BAL UD UL x TAR MA KU? (x) [...]

ii 2626

lib-ba ar-ḫu-uṣ-ma e-te-li-iṣ ka-bat-ti um-ma-na-at AN?.[ŠÁR?] rap?-šá-a-ti ad-ke-e-ma a-na a-lik [...]

(ii 26) I became confident and my mood became jo[yf]ul. I mustered the [exte]nsive troops of (the god) [šur] and ma[rched] to the land Mannea. [...] ... be[fore] the day had proceeded two double-hours, I [had smashed] his (city) wall as if (it were) a potter’s vessel [(and) ...] I personally captured. In front of his (city) gate I considered his people, together with their property, as if (they were) a number of sheep and goats. [His] for[tified] city Izirtu [...] ... they saw the smoke of the conflagration of the city Izirtu and vomited gall. They came down to kis[s my feet ... (ii 30) In] order to save his life he grasped hold of my feet. I received horses, oxen, (and) sheep and goats as his tribute. [...] I captured Aššur-lēʾi of the city Karalla, an evil-doer. In the midst of my camp, I threw him, together with his soldiers, in [iron] fetters. [... I re]moved and brought to my city Aššur (lit.: “Assyria”). I added the city Karalla, together with its district, to the province of the city Lullumê. [...] I elevated [Bēl-aplu-iddina (...)] over the city Paddira. I imposed upon him more (state) service (and) corvée duty than before.

ii 2727

Ú? x ŠAR? MA x GÍD DA KA MA TI? x ŠU A x x ME x a-di 2 KASKAL.GÍD u₄-me la šá-qe-e BÀD-šú ki-ma kar-pat pa-ḫa-ri ú-pa-[ri-ir-(ma) ...]

ii 2828

ina qa?-ti ú-ṣab-bit UN.MEŠ-šú a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu ina? IGI? ?.GAL?-šú? ki-ma mi-nu-ut ṣe-e-ni am-nu URU.i-zi-ir-tu URU dan-[nu-ti-šú ...]21

ii 2929

[x (x)] x MA? KAR? qu-tur na-aq-mu-te URU.i-zi-ir- e-mu-ru-ma i-ma?-ʾu-ú mar-tu ur-du-nim-ma ú-na-šá-qu? [GÌR.II.MEŠ-ia? ...]

ii 3030

[a]-na (x) šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú GÌR.II.MEŠ-ia iṣ-bat ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni ma-da-ta-šú am-ḫur (x) [...]

ii 3131

x (x) x m-šur-ZU URU.kar-al-la-a-a e-piš lem--e-ti šá-a-šú ga-di .ERIM.MEŠ-šú ina -reb -ma-ni-ia ad-di-šú-nu bi-re-e?- [AN.BAR? ...]

ii 3232

[as]-su-uḫ-ma a-na URU-ia KUR -šur ú-bil URU.kar-al-la a-dišú UGU pi-ḫa-at ú-rad-di A (x) [... mdEN-IBILA-SUM.NA (...)]22

ii 3333

UGU URU.pad-dir ú-rab-bi-šú? il-ku tup-šik-ku UGU šá maḫ-ri e-mid-su TA URU.pad-dir at*-tu-muš a-na URU?.ni-iq?-qar x [...]23

(ii 33b) Moving on from the city Paddir(a), [I came] to the city Niqqar [...] the city Kinaḫri, of the city Šurgadia, fortified [citi]es of the land of the Gutians, those who do no work, who daily [...] the expeditionary force of the people [...] I carried off as booty [(...)] their people, together with their property, their horses, their oxen, (and) their sheep and goats. Šēp-šarri ... the city ruler [...].

ii 3434ḫ-ri? šá URU.šur-ga-di-a URU.MEŠ-ni dan-nu-ti la ba-bil šip-ri šá u₄-me-šam-ma a-ṣi-it UN.MEŠ [...]24

ii 3535

UN.MEŠ-šú-nu a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu ṣe-ni-šú-nu áš-lu-la mGÌR.II-MAN MAN KA LU? LI .EN.URU (x) [... TA? ... at-tu-muš?]

(ii 35b) [Moving on from ...], I came to the city Ḫundir. Bēl-šarru-uṣur of the city Kišesim spoke mendaciously to the city rulers of [his] en[virons ...] He brought before me in the city Ḫundir as his tribute horses, oxen (and), sheep and goats. I received them inside my camp. [...] I counted (them) [as] booty.

ii 3636

a-na URU.ḫu?-un-dir aq-ṭé-rib mEN-x-ú-ṣurše-sa-a-a? da-ba-ab la kit-ti id-bu-ub a-na .EN.URU?.MEŠ-ni šá li-[me-ti-šú ...]25

ii 3737

ma-da-ta-šú ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni a-na URU.ḫu-un-dír a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-qa-a ina -reb -ma-ni-ia am?-ḫur?-šú?-nu?-ti? [...]

ii 3838

[a]-na šal?-la-ti am-nu ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ LAL*-at* ni-i-ri NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú .GI .BABBAR lu-bul-ti bir-me TÚG.GADA GIŠ.til-li a-nu-ut ta-ḫa-zi x [(...) a-na? KUR -šur.KI? ú-ra-a? (...) GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ? ša? AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU]26

(ii 38b) [I brought to Assyria] horses trained to the yoke, property, possessions, gold, silver, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, equipment, (and) battle gear [(...)] I had [the weapons of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš], Adad, (and) Ištar, my lords, who go before me, made [and] I installed (them) there. [I had] the people of the city Kišesim (and) its district [dwell (as safely) as in] a meado[w and ...] (ii 40) I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over [them]. [I ...] the land Bīt-Sagabi (Bīt-Sagbat), which is in the Fortress of the Bab[yonian(s) ...] I imposed upon them (state) ser[vice], corvée duty, (and) labor duty for (the god) Aššur, my lord.

ii 3939

dIŠKUR d-tar EN.MEŠ-ia a-li-kut pa-ni-ia ú-še-piš-ma ina qer-bi-šú ú-šar-me UN.MEŠše-si-imšu a-bur-riš? [ú-šar-bi-iṣ-ma ...]

ii 4040

.šu-ut SAG-ia a-na .EN.NAM-ú-ti UGU-[šú-nu] áš-kun KUR.É-sa-ga-bi šá -reb dan-ni-ti ša DUMU .[DINGIR.RA.KI ...]27

ii 4141

il-[ku] tup-šik-ku za-bal ku-du-ri ša AN.ŠÁR EN-ia e-mid-su-nu ina u₄-me-šú-ma URU.ḫar-ḫa-ar-a-a kan-šu-tu AN.ŠÁR za-bil tup-šik-ki x (x x) [...]

(ii 41b) At that time, the people of the city Ḫarḫar who are submissive to Aššur (and) perform labor service [...] They drove off [Kibab]a, their city ruler, and withheld the horses (which were) to be given yearly as their tribute. They strengthened their (city) wall and repeatedly as[ked for (military) aid ...] before the day had proceeded [x double-hours] I brought about their defeat; I inflicted a major defeat on them. I impaled their fighting men on stakes [...] I completely [(re)con]str[ucted]. I built its temple anew (and) restored its gods to their places. [I ...-ed the ...] of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, (and) Ištar, the deities [who go before me. (...)] I poured out innumerable offerings at its festival. The upper river(land) of the land Arazišu (Aranzêšu), the lower river(land) of Bīt-Ramatua [...] I had them perform [(...) labor duty] as if (they were) Assyrians.

ii 4242

[mki-ba]-ba .EN.URU-šú-nu e-ba-ku-ma ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ ni-dan MU.AN.NA ma-da-ta-šú-nu ik-lu-ú BÀD-šú-nu ú-dan-ni-nu-ma e-ter-ri?-[šu? ki-it-ra? ...]28

ii 4343

[x (x)] x x u₄-me la šá-qe-e BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-un am-ḫa-aṣ di-ik-ta-šú-nu ma-at-tu a-duk .mun-daḫ-ṣe-šú-nu a-na tim-me ú-še-li [...]29

ii 4444

ar?-ṣip? ú-šak-lil É.KUR-šú -šiš e-pu- DINGIR.MEŠ-šú a-na áš-ri-šú-nu ú-ti-ir šá AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dIŠKUR d-tar DINGIR.MEŠ [a-li-kut? pa-ni-ia? ...]

ii 4545

x KUR x.MEŠ a-na la mi-ni ina -re-ti-šú at-bu-uk ÍD-tu e-lit-tu šá KUR.a-ra-zi-šú ÍD-tu šap-lit-tu šá É-mra-ma-ti-ia x [... ku-du-ri?]30

ii 4646

ki-i šá áš-šu-ri ú-šá-za-bil-šú-nu TA URU.ḫar-ḫar at-tu-muš ÍD A.MEŠ ka-ṣu-ti e-te-bir a-na URU.zak-ru-ti aq-ṭé-rib (x) ŠA? x (x) TU/LI? [(x)] x x [...]

(ii 46b) Moving on from the city Ḫarḫar, I crossed a river with cold water (and) came to the city Zakrute. ... [...]

ii 4747

TA URU.zak-ru-ti at-tu-muš a-na URU.ku-ur-ab-li aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-at- ša mda-i-ku ša URU.šá-pár-da-a-a šá m-AN/TI? x x (x) x x x (x) šá? x x x (x) [... am-ḫur ...]

(ii 47) Moving on from the city Zakrute, I came to the city Kurabli. [I received] as tribute from Daīku of the city Šaparda (and) from ... [... Moving on from the city Kurabli, ...] the land of ..., the land Igali, the land Sikris, (and) the land Bīt-Uargi, distant regions whose name(s) the kings who preceded me had never heard, [... Fe]ar of (my) brilliance overwhelmed them and they abandoned their cities. They gathered their people (and) their property and [...] the land Abrau ... for their support [...] I struck down with the sword and carried off the remainder of them as booty, (namely) people, horses, mules, oxen, sheep, (and) donkeys. ... to/for ... [...] I destroyed, demolished, (and) burned down with fire.

ii 4848

[(x)] x KUR x x BA? A KUR.i-gal-i KUR.É-ú-ar-gi ru-qu-ú-te šá MAN.MEŠ-ni a-li-ku-ti pa-ni-ia zi?-kir?-šú-nu x MU? x x x (x) [x x x] (x) [...]

ii 4949

[pul]-ḫi me-lam-me ik-tùm-šu-nu-ti-ma URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu ú-maš-še-ru UN.MEŠ-šú-nu mar-ši-su-nu ú-paḫ-ḫi-ru-ma KUR.ab-ra-ú x [x (x)] a-na tuk-la-ti?-šú?-nu? x x [...]

ii 5050

[x x x] x x ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ú-šam-qit-ma si-ta-te-šú-nu UN.MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ UDU.MEŠ ANŠE.MEŠ áš-lu*-la x [x] x x x a-na KI [x] (x) x (x) [...]31

ii 5151

[...] ap-pul aq-qur ina IZI GÍBIL TA at-tu-muš a-na KUR.a-ru-us-sa aq-ṭé-rib na-gu-ú šá-a-šú a-di? x (x) x NE? x [...]

(ii 51b) Moving on from the land Sikris, I came to the land Arussa. That region, together with ... [...]

ii 5252

(x) x x x [x x x] AB? QA? Í ÍD-tu e-te-bir a-na KUR.ú-ku-ta aq-ṭé-rib UN.MEŠ šu-a-ti? x x x x x (x x) [...]32

(ii 52) ... I crossed the Pattaus River (and) came to the land Ukuta. The people of th[at] region ... [... who/which] I set on fire like a torch, I fed my troops their grain crop in large quantities. My warriors in order to plunder ... [...] they carried off as booty.

ii 5353

ki-ma di-pa-ri a-qu-du-ma ŠE e-bur-šú-nu a-na mu-ʾu-de-e um-ma-na-ti-ia ú-šá-a-kil .qu-ra-di-ia a-na šá-lal x x KA? x [x x] x [...]

ii 5454

(x) -lu-lu-ni TA KUR.ú-ku-ta at-tu-muš KUR.a-ru-sa-ka KUR-ú dan-nu pi-is-nu-uq-qiš at-ta-ab-bal-kat* (x) aq-ṭé-rib x [x] x (x x) [...]33

(ii 54b) Moving on from the land Ukuta, I crossed over Mount Arusaka, a mighty mountain, with great difficulty (and) came to the land Anzaknê ... [...] ... I made flare up like a star. Karakku of the land Uriakku saw the smoke of the conflagration of the cities of the land Anzaknê ... [...].

ii 5555

QI? MU/QAB? LI kak?-ka-biš ú-šá-ṣa-ri-iḫ mka-ra-ak-ka KUR.ú-ri-ia-ka-a-a qu-tur na?-aq-mu-ut URU.MEŠ šá x x x (x) x x x x x x x (x) [...]

ii 5656

TA at-tu-muš ina -re-bi šá KUR.ú-pur-ia ina bi-ritáš-šu-un KUR.da-ru-ú-e KUR.MEŠ-e šá-qu-ti e-tar?-ba ina GÌR.II KUR.ú-a-ab?-x-šu?-x KUR?-[e? ak-ṣu-ra? -man-ni? (...)]34

(ii 56) Moving on from the land Anzaknê, I entered the pass of the land Uppuria in between Mount Pattaššun (and) Mount Darūe, high mountains. [I set up camp] at the foot of Mount Uab...šu.... [(...)] I sent [(...)] cavalry (and) bowmen against the settlements of the city Bustus in order to take booty from the steppe. The soldiers of the steppe ... [...] I received [as tribute from ...] of the land Uppuria (and) from Mašdakku of the land Aratišta. Razištu of the land Bustus (and) Ušrâ of the land Kan[za]bakanu [came before me] in the land Uppuria [and kissed my feet. (...)] Razidatu (Razištu), the city ruler of the city Bustus, spoke mendaciously, abandoned his land, and fled far away. I destroyed his cities, [leveling (them) down to] the ground [(...)].

ii 5757

ANŠE.pét-ḫal-lum .ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.PAN a-na ḫu-bu-ut EDIN a-na URU.MEŠ-ni šá URU.bu-us-tu-us ši-li-pu ú-ma-áʾ-er .ṣa-ab EDIN x NU? x DU? ŠU x MA Ú? x x MEŠ? [x (x)] x [... ma-da-at-? šá? ...]35

ii 5858

šá KUR.ú-pur-ia šá mma-áš-dàk-ka šá KUR.a-ra-ti-?-ta am-ḫur mra-zi--tu šá KUR.bu-us-tu-us m-ra-a šá KUR.ka-an-[za]-ab-ka-ni a-na KUR.ú-pur-ia? (x) x [...]36

ii 5959

mra-zi-da-tu .EN.URU šá URU.bu*-us-tu-us da-ba-ab la kit-ti id-bu-ub-ma KUR-su u-maš-še-er-ma ru-ú-qiš in?-na-a-bit URU.MEŠ-šú ap-púl-ma qaq?-qa?-riš? [... TA KUR.ú-pur-ia at-tu-muš]37

(ii 59b) [Moving on from the land Uppuria], I came to the land Datumbu. I received horses as tribute from Ušrâ of the city Ka(n)zabakanu.

ii 6060

a-na KUR.da-tu-um-bu aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-at-tu šá m-ra-a ša URU.ka-za-ba-ka-ni ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ am-ḫur TA KUR*.da-tu-um-bu at-tu-muš a-na URU.kar-zi-nu aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-at-tu ša? [...]38

(ii 60b) Moving [on] from the land Datumbu, I came to the city Karzinû. I received [(...)] horses as tribute from [...]. Moving on from the city Karzinû, I came to the land Birnakan. [I received ... as tribute] from Satarpānu of the city Barikānu, from Uppa[...] of the city ..., from ... [...].

ii 6161

ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ am-ḫur* TA URU.kar-zi-nu at-tu-muš a-na KUR.bir-na?-ka-an aq-ṭé-rib ša msa-tar-ba-nu šá*-ri-ka-nu šá mup-pa-[x-x] šá URU.x KI? x TI? x x LA x šá x x (x) [... am-ḫur TA KUR.bir-na?-ka-an]39

(ii 61b) Moving on [from the land Birnakan], I came to the land Sakâ. [I received] (...) horses ... as tribute from Zardukka of the city Ḫarzianu, from Ištesukk[a of the ci]ty Kayatani, (and) from Kir...-ni of the city ... [(...)].

ii 6262

at-tu-muš a-na aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-at-tu šá mza-ar-du-ka-a šá URU.ḫa-ar-zi-a-ni šá m-te-su-uk-ka? [(šá)] URU?.ka-ia-ta-ni šá mki-ir?-x-[(x)]-ni x x x x x ANŠE?.KUR.MEŠ x x x x x x x x [... am-ḫur (...) TA]40

(ii 62b) Moving on [from the land Sakâ], I crossed the Darūe River (and) came to the land Rāmanda. Šitaqupa, the city ruler of the city [...] ... from the cities ... [...]

ii 6363

at-tu-muš ÍD.da-ru-e ÍD-tu e-te-bir a-na KUR.ra-ma-an-da aq-ṭé-rib mši-ta-qu-pa .EN.URU šá URU.[x x (x)] x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x TA? URU.MEŠ x x x x x x x x [...]41

ii 6464

TA KUR.ra-ma-an-da at-tu-muš a-na aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-at-tu šá mši-dir-áš-šu-ra-a šá šá mba-at?-[(x)]-ti?-gur? šá URU.ḪU?-x x x x x x x x x x x x x a-na? KUR?.x x x DU? x x x [...]

(ii 64) Moving on from the land Rāmanda, I came to the land Irnisa. I received [...] as tribute from Šidiraššurâ of the land Irnisa (and) from Battigur of the city Ḫu... to/for the land ... [...]. Uardatti of the city Ṣibar who had neither stretched out his hand to (any of) the previous kings (of Assyria) (nor) inquired about their health ... [...] district of the land Ayalaya ... of the (military) camp which covered the sky for a distance of one league, the river Na... large horses trained to the yoke ... [... At the command of the god ...], who makes (me) triumph, and of the god Nergal, my protection, the tireless one, fit for battle, [he (Uardatti) came to me], to the land Irnisa, in order to save his land (and) allow (his) people to live in peace ... [...] he grasped hold of my f[eet] and submitted (himself) to the yoke of (the god) Aššur, my lord.

ii 6565

am-ḫur mú-ar-da-at-ti [(x)] URU.ṣi-bar-a-a šá a-na MAN.MEŠ-ni maḫ-ru-ti ŠU-su la it-ru-ṣu nap-šá-ti-šu-un la i-ŠU? x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NA? x x x x x x [...]

ii 6666

na-ge-e šá KUR.a-a-la-ia ŠU UD/PI GI?/MÁŠ? E? BA AḪ KARAŠ šá a-na 1 KASKAL.GÍD.ÀM pa-an AN-e ṣab-tu Í IM? x x (x) x MU? x MU UR? x ANŠE.KUR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ṣi?-in?-da?-at? ni-i?-ri? x x x šá? x [...]

ii 6767

[(x)] mu-šak-ši-du er-nit-ti ù? ša dU.GUR? ki?-din-ia la-ni-ḫi si-mat ta-ḫa-zi KUR-su [(x)] a-na šu-zu-ub? (x) x MEŠ (x) -ḫi- ana? šu-šu-bi? a-na x x (x) x x IA? x [...]42

ii 6868

GÌR?.[II]-ia iṣ-bat-ma a-na -šur EN-ia ik-nu-šá a-na? ni-i-ri TA at-tu-muš a-na? KUR.ú-ra-ta-as aq-ṭé-rib ma-da-tu šá ma-za-ma-da šá URU.ú-x-x-(x)-a-ta? šá? mTAK?-x-x [...]

(ii 68b) Moving on from the city Irnisa, I came to the land Uratas. I received [(...) horses] trained to the yoke as tribute from Azamada of the city U..., from TAK... [..., from ...] of the city Ḫagabtâ (Ecbatana), from Burbuasu of the land Uratista, (from) Šummušrâ of the city Qarkasia, [(from)] Burbuazu of the city Ginkir, (and) from Bu...bartanu of the land Rur[... (...)].

ii 6969

ša? URU?.ḫa?-gab-ta-a šá mbur-bu-a-su? šá KUR.ú-rat-is-ta? mšum-mu--ra-a šá (x) URU.qar-ka-si-a [(šá)] mbur?-bu-a-zu šá šá mbu?-x-x-bar?-ta?-nu šá x [... ANŠE?.KUR?.MEŠ?]43

ii 7070

ṣi-<in>-da-at ni-ri am-ḫur ina u₄-me-šú-ma NA₄.NA..A -ma ṣa-lam DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia mu*-šak-ši?-du er-nit-ti-ia šá x NI MA LI KI ŠU UM šá x x x NU (x) NI x x [... e-si-qa? (...)]44

(ii 70b) At that time, I had a stele made and [I engraved upon it] image(s) of the great gods, my lords, who make me triumph ... [...]. I inscribed upon it [(...)] the victorious deeds of (the god) Aššur, my conquests that I made over the four quarters (of the world), (and) everything that I had done in the city Kišesim. [I erected (it)] for all time in the city Kišesim that I had personally con[quered], for ... [...].

ii 7171

ep-še-et NÍG.È AN.ŠÁR ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia šá UGU kib-rat LÍMMU-i áš-ku-nu (x) mim-mu-u ina e-pu-? UGU-šú áš-ṭur ina ša ŠU.II ik-šu-da a-na mu-x [... ul?-ziz? (...)]45

ii 7272

aḫ-ra-taš NUN EGIR-ú šá AN.ŠÁR MAN kiš-šat dí-- i-na-bu?-ma a-na be-lu-ti KUR (x) -šur.KI i-zak-ka-ru MU-šú NA₄.NA..A šu-a- lil-ta-(x)-si-(x)-ma Ì.GIŠ? lip*-šu-[ (...)]46

(ii 72b) May a future prince (one) whom (the god) Aššur, king of all the Igīgū gods, will summon and nominate for the lordship of Assyria read this stele and ano[int (it)] with o[il. (...)] May he offer a sacrifice. May he praise the good deeds of (the god) Aššur and have future generations learn to revere him (Aššur).

ii 7373

UDU.SISKUR liq- ep-še-et AN.ŠÁR SIG₅.MEŠ lit-ta-id-ma pul-ḫat-su (x) li-šal--da ár-ku-u?-ti šá NA₄.NA..A UR₅- x x LI? MUT TU IA UB? RU? šu-bat-su ú-nak?-kar?-ú x x x x x MA x [(...)]

(ii 73b) (As for) the one who ... this stele, ... changes its resting place ... [...], secretly stores (it) away, or throws (it) into a river (lit.: “rivers”), or [buries] (it) in the ground, (or) destroys (it) by fire, or places (it) ..., or mutilates (it), or ... [...], may the great gods who dwell in heaven (and) netherworld curse him angrily. May they make his name (and) his descendant(s) disappear from the land.

ii 7474

pa-az-re- i-nak-ki-mu-ni ù ÍD.MEŠ i-šal-lu-ma i-[tam?-me?-ru?] ep-re- ina? dGIBIL₆? i-qam-mu-u-ma x ? BU UL (x) x i-šak-ka-nu-ma ú*-saḫ-ḫu-ú*-ma x x x x MU? x x x [...]47

ii 7575

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti AN-e KI-ti ag-gi- li-ru-ru-šú MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR [(x)] li-ḫal-li-qu

1Possibly ša-am-[mi]; see text no. 103 i 14.

2Cf. text no. 103 i 22–23 and text no. 116 line 8. Possibly [dIMIN.BI a-li]-kut? ma-[ḫar DINGIR.MEŠ] / [šá a-šar] šá?-áš-[mi ...]?

3Possibly simply [...] x bi-ib-lat at the beginning of the line.

4The passage is likely to be similar to text no. 81 line 7: [... na-áš GIŠ.ka]-ba-bu GIŠ.az-ma-[ru]-ú ú-maš-šir-ma, “[..., shi]eld (and) spe[a]r [bearers], he abandoned [(...)] and.”

5Cf. text no. 81 line 9.

6The translation “he brought (them) to his side and” assumes a reading a-na i-di-šú ú-ter-ma; see text no. 89 line 20.

7Possibly gi-ip-šu?, “massed” (i.e., a massed body of troops). For URU AB x [...], E. Frahm (Last Days p. 65) suggests reading URU.ab-tam-[ma-ku ...] and identifying it with a city of Hamath that is mentioned in an inscription of Shalmaneser III (Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 76 A.0.102.16 line 75´).

8While one expects “with their blood,” “with the blood of their warriors,” or something similar, the traces do not seem to favor any obvious reading. “I dyed (both) the river (Orontes) (and) the dry land as red as red wool” or “I dyed the Nabalu River (Í as red as red wool.”

9For the reading of middle of the line, see text no. 1 lines 63–64; for the tentative restoration “city Qarqar” at the end of the line, see text no. 7 line 35.

10ma-šak-šú? a-ku-uṣ?, “I flayed the skin from him.” The restoration is based on text no. 7 line 35; as noted by E. Frahm (Last Days p. 65), the a-ku-uṣ may be at the beginning of line 12. Otherwise, the passage may refer to the slaughtering of the enemy in front of the city gate (see text no. 65 line 302 and cf. ii 28).

11The traces at the beginning of the line do not fit either ú-še-rib or ú-še-šib, which are often found before the statement about the appointment of new governors (e.g., text no. 1 line 98 and text no. 7 line 32). For a possible translation “a eunuch of mine as provincial governor” instead of “eunuchs of mine as provincial governors,” taking the sign sequence SAG.MEŠ as “a late echo of the dual-based Middle Assyrian term for eunuch, ša–rēšēn,” see Frahm, Last Days p. 66, who also compares the passage to text no. 84 line 20´ and text no. 103 ii 63.

12Cf. text no. 1 lines 58–64.

13For the tentative reading imīšū, “disregarded,” see text no. 65 lines 80 and 346 and text no. 7 line 73.

14aṣ-bat-ma: Or az-ziz-ma; see the note to text no. 65 line 25.

15The published copy has a-lik, but the squeeze suggests that AL is more likely than A.

16Or possibly ma-da-at-tu ša MAN.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ta-ba-li [UGU ša pa-na ut-tir-ma UGU-šú áš-kun (...)], “[I imposed upon him] (the payment of) tribute that [was higher than] kings of the land Tabal [(had paid) previously (...)],” following, Renger, CRRA 32 p. 114 and based on text no. 1 line 71 and text no. 4 line 12´.

17mšem-tar-ru: The name was originally read mbi--tar-ru, but see Groß, PNA 3/2 p. 1256. The PNA only mentions the occurrence of this name in this text, but see also ND 2084 line 2 mšem-tar-i (Parker, Iraq 23 [1961] p. 18 and pl. IX).

18One expects mim-ma aq-ru (see for example text no. 65 line 340), but the traces would not seem to support this reading. With regard to the tentative restoration at the end of line 21, compare for example text no. 41 lines 12–13.

19For the tentative restorations at the end of lines 22 and 23, see text no. 1 lines 84–85 and text no. 4 lines 27´–28´. Line 22: kar*-: The squeeze has ŠE-A-.

20One expects KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a or KUR.TILLA-a-a, “the Urarṭian,” after Rusâ. Parpola, Toponyms pp. 370–373 lists only one case (a Babylonian chronicle) when Urarṭu is preceded by URU rather than KUR, but note also Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 20 A.0.102.2 ii 48.

21The end of the line likely mentioned the burning of city (cf. text no. 1 lines 86–87 and text no. 7 lines 41–42).

22For the restoration at the end of ii 32, see text no. 63 col. i´ 21´.

23at*-: The squeeze has MA-.

24For Šēp-šarri, the ruler of Šurgadia, see also text no. 1 lines 92–93, text no. 4 line 38´, and text no. 7 line 58.

25For the reading Bēl-šarru-uṣur, see for example text no. 1 line 93 and text no. 7 line 59.

26LAL*-at*: The squeeze has ME-ṢI. For the tentative restoration at the end of line 38, cf. text no. 1 line 94, text no. 4 lines 39´–40´, text no. 82 iii 6´–7´, and the present text ii 44.

27For the Fortress of the Babylonian(s), see Tadmor, Tiglath-pileser III pp. 72–73, commentary to Ann. 15 line 11. H. Tadmor states that similar references in the inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III “point to the existence of Babylonian colonies in western Media” and that their origin “should be sought in the late Kassite period.”

28For the restoration Kibaba, see text no. 7 line 61. ni-dan MU.AN.NA “(which were) to be given yearly”: Although the orignal publisher of the stele, L.D. Levine, read er-bet MU.AN.NA and translated the passage as “for four years” (Stelae pp. 40–41 and 71), the squeeze clearly indicates that the stele had ni-dan rather than er-bet; the form ni-dan is, however, unexpected. For the tentative reading e-ter-ri?-[šu? ki-it-ra? ...], “repeatedly as[ked for (military) aid ...],” cf. text no. 82 vii 32´´b–33´´a e-ter-ri-šu- ki-it-ra. The end of the line might have referred to Daltâ of the land of Ellipi (see text no. 1 lines 96–97).

29At the beginning of the line one expects a-di x KASKAL.GÍD u₄-me la šá-qe-e, “Before the day had proceeded x double-hours” (see ii 27), but the trace before u₄-me does not fit the end of KASKAL.GÍD. The trace looks like: [...] LIŠ or the end of the DA sign.

30One expects SÍSKUR.MEŠ (or UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ) at the beginning of the line, but the traces do not seem to favor this reading. Ém has five vertical wedges, with the last two apparently connected to the first three by a horizontal line. With regards to “the upper river(land)” and “the lower river(land),” see the on-page note to text no. 1 line 98. For further possible restorations at the end of the line, cf. text no. 1 lines 98–99.

31-lu*-: The squeeze has -IB-.

32Í Not Í as in the copy in Levine, Stelae p. 72.

33-kat*: The squeeze has -. Based on the writings in lines ii 55 and 56, we would expect before aqṭerib; however, there does not appear to be room for the -e and it is not clear that there is actually a trace of a sign between the - and the aq-.

34The reading RU in e-ru?-ba is particularly uncertain. For the restoration at the end of the line, cf. text no. 65 line 27.

35ši-li-pu “”: See the note to text no. 1 line 447.

36Text no. 65 line 49 has URU.a-rat-is-ti and text no. 82 vi 28´´ has KUR.a-rat-is-ta. The translation assumes a restoration a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma ú-na--ši-qu GÌR.II-ia at the end of the line.

37Razidatu is the same person as Razištu in ii 58; see Baker and Schmitt, PNA 3/1 pp. 1036–1037. bu*-: The squeeze has KUR--. A writing in-na-a-bit for innabit would be unique and thus questionable.

38KUR*: The squeeze has ŠE.

39-ḫur*: The squeeze has -ḪI-MA. ba*-: The squeeze has ZU-. For the reading Barikānu, rather than Zurikanu, see text no. 82 vi 34´´ and text no. 65 line 49.

40Text no. 82 vi 29´´ mentions mza-ar-duk-ka ša KUR.ḫa-ar-zi-a-nu and vi 30´´–31´´ mention m-te-su?-ku ma-ú-a-ri-is-ar-nu .EN.URU.MEŠ ša URU.ka-i-ta-nu. For the end of the line, one might think of ANŠE?.KUR.MEŠ ma?-da?-ta?-šú?-nu? am?-ḫur? x x [...].

41For a connection of Rāmanda with modern Rāmend, see Zadok, NABU 2000 p. 9 no. 5. With regard to Šitaqupa, cf. mšá-ta-qu-pi šá URU.ú?-pa-ri-a in Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 86 Tiglath-pileser III no. 35 ii 35´.

42One might expect something like a-di maḫ-ri-ia after KUR ir-ni-sa, but the traces do not seem to favor this.

43Ḫagabtâ can be identified with Ecbatana, modern Hamadan (A. Fuchs). For the city of Qarkasia, see also text no. 82 vi 36´´. It is not clear if Burburazu, the Median ruler of Bīt-Ištar appearing in Sargon’s eighth campaign in 714 (text no. 65 line 46), should be identified with either Burbuasu of Uratista or Burbuazu of Ginkir; see Schmitt, Iranische Personnamen pp. 71–72.

44mu*-: The squeeze has -KUR-. Or restore e-ṣi-ir instead of e-si-qa; see text no. 103 iv 45 and the on-page note to that line.

45Sargon is known to have erected a monument depicting himself at Kišesim during this campaign (see text no. 1 lines 93–95, text no. 2 lines 86–87a, text no. 7 lines 59–60, and text no. 82 iii 1´–21´). The writing for Kišesim is also found in Luukko, SAA 19 no. 91 line 12. Too little is preserved of the two signs following the first in the line to propose any reading for that city, but we might assume that the same place was indicated.

46With regard to the reading of these lines, see text no. 103 iv 58–62, text no. 105 ii´ 13–16, and text no. 106 iii 10´–13´. lip*-: The copy has ŠU-PA-. Possibly le-mut-tu, “evil,” in line 73.

47Cf. Grayson, RIMA 2 p. 30 A.0.87.1 viii 68. ú*-: See the copy in the minor variants section. -ḫu-ú*-: The stele appears to have -U₅- (see the copy in the minor variants section), but this is surely an error for -ḫu-ú-.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.

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The pager reported status as:

Internal Data Structure State (Isp *ip)

oracc=/home/oracc from=list data=dcat show=rcat project=rinap/rinap2 projdir=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2 list_name=outlined.lst op_nlevels=0 dors=0 perm=1 zoom=1 page=5 psiz=25 srch=(null) glos=(null) item=Q006596 item_replace=(null) bkmk=(null) ceid=xmd cemd=ccat lang=en xhmd=html part=(null) form=(null) what=pager wrap=(null) uimd=(null) pack=asis host=(null) aapi=rest host_path=(null) sig=(null) tmp_dir=(null) err=(null) errx=(null) pui=p4html.xml nowhat=0 force=0 olev=0 debug=0 hdr_done=1 noheader=0 pub_output=0 verbose=0 web=1 zlev=1 argc=4 referer=(null) tmpdir=(null)

struct isp_cache ip->cache

sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap2 sub=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap2/outlined.lst/1 list=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap2/outlined.lst/1/1-z1-p5.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/rinap2/outlined.lst/1/1-z1.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap2/Q006/Q006596 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap2/Q006/Q006596 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap2/Q006/Q006596/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/rinap/rinap2/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=ruler sort_labels=ruler head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,popular_name,provenience,object_type cat_links=(null) cat_widths=35,35,15,15

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=en nlangs=1 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=Q006596 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=rinap/rinap2 htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap2/Q006/Q006596/Q006596.html dotted=(null) index=117 page=5 pindex=17 zoom=1 zpag=5 zindex=17 prev=Q006597 next=Q006598 tmax=(null) xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap2/Q006/Q006596/Q006596.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/rinap/rinap2/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=151


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