Sargon II 105

Column i


i' 1'1'

[...] x

(i' 1') [... who ... opened up innumerable distant mountainous areas whose pass(es)] are difficult [and visited their remotest region(s); who traversed inaccessible, diffic]ult [paths in terrifying location(s) (and) cross]ed [every swamp];

i' 2'2'

[... ḫur-šá-a-ni -ru-ú-ti ša -reb-šú-nu] áš-ṭu

i' 3'3'

[la-a mi-na ip-tu-ma e-mu-ru du-ru-ug-šu-un ṭu-da-at la -a-ri pa-áš]-qa?-ti

i' 4'4'

[ša a-šar-ši-na šug-lud-du e-ta-at-ti-qu-ma e-te-eb]-bi?-ru

i' 5'5'

[na-gab be-ra-a-ti -tu KUR.ra-a-ši mi-ṣir KUR.e]-lam?-ti

(i' 5'b) [(who) ruled from the land Rāši on the border of the land El]am, [the Puqudu (and) Damūnu (tribes), the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu (and) Rāp]iqu, [the entire desert as far as the Brook of Egypt, the wid]e [land Amurru, (and) the land Ḫatti (Syria) in its entirety; who]se [grea]t hand [conquered (the area) from the land Ḫaš]mar [to the land Ṣibar which borders on the distant Medes in the ea]st [( 10´) the lands Namri, Ellipi, Bīt-Ḫamban, Parsua(š), Mann]ea, [Urarṭu, Kasku, (and) Tabal, as far as the land Musku; who se]t [eunuchs of his as governors over them] and [imposed upon th]em [(the same) tribute (and) payment(s) as if (they were) Assyrians];

i' 6'6'

[.pu-qu-du .da-mu-nu URU.BÀD-ku-ri-gal-zi URU.ra]-pi?-qi

i' 7'7'

[mad-bar .A.BI a-di na-ḫalṣ-ri KUR a-mur-re-e ra-pa]-áš-tu

i' 8'8'

[KUR.ḫat-ti a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá i-be-lu -tu KUR.ḫa-áš]-mar

i' 9'9'

[a-di KUR.ṣi-bar pat-ti ru-qu-ti ša ṣi-it d]UTU-ši

i' 10'10'

[KUR.nam-ri KUR.el-li- KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR.par-su-a]-a-a

i' 11'11'

[KUR.ur-ar-ṭu KUR.kas-ku KUR.ta-ba-lum a-di ik-šu-du GAL]-tu ŠU-su

i' 12'12'

[.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú šak-nu-ti UGU-šú-nu -tak-ka]-nu-ma

i' 13'13'

[bil-tu ma-da-at-tu ki-i ša áš-šu-ri e-mid-su]-nu-ti

i' 14'14'

[eṭ-lu qar-du ša i-na re-bit BÀD.AN.KI it-ti mdḫum-ba-ni-ga-áš LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti in]-nam-ru-ma

(i' 14') [the valiant man who m]et [Ḫumbanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), king of the land Elam, (in battle) on the outskirts of (the city) Dēr] and [brought about his defeat; (...) who deported (the people of) the land Bīt-Purutaš, who]se king, [Ambari]s, [had forgotten the kindness (shown to him) by Sargon and] put his trust [in the king(s) of the lands Urarṭu and Musku; (the one with) powerful arms, who drove out Mitâ (Midas), king of the land M]usku, [brought back (to Assyrian control) the fortress(es) of the land Que (Cilicia) that had been taken away (by the enemy), (and) expanded] its [bord]ers;

i' 15'15'

[-ku-nu taḫ-ta-a-šu (...) mu--es-si KUR.É-pu-ru-ta-áš ša mam-ba-ri]-is ma-lik-šú-nu

i' 16'16'

[da-mi-iq-ti mLUGAL-GI.NA im-šu-ma UGU LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi u] it-tak-lu

i' 17'17'

[i-da-an pag-la-a-te ṭa-rid mmi-ta-a LUGAL]-us-ki

i' 18'18'

[mu-ter ḫal-ṣi KUR.qu-e ek-mu-te mu-rap-pi-šu pu-lu]-un-ge-šú

i' 19'19'

[na-pi- KUR.kam-ma-ni ša mgu-un-zi-na-nu ul-tu ]-reb?

(i' 19') [who plundered the land Kammanu, deported Gunzinānu from] the city Melid, [his (Gunzinānu’s) royal city, and ...] ...; [who did away with the kingship of Tarḫu-lara of the city Marqasa (and) made all of the land] Gurgum [(part of) the territory of Assyria; ... Iāmānī of the city Ash]dod [...] ...; [who subjugated seven kings of the land Yāʾ a region of the land Yadnana (Cyprus) whose abode is situated at a di]stance of seven days (journey) [in the middle of the sea];

i' 20'20'

[URU LUGAL-ti-šú is-su-ḫu-ma ...] e-sír

i' 21'21'

[mu-nak-kir LUGAL-ut mtar-ḫu-la-ra .URU.mar-qa-sa-a-a ša paṭ gi-mir KUR].gúr-gu-um-me

i' 22'22'

[a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-ru ... mia-ma-ni]-du-da-a-a

i' 23'23'

[...] BU MA

i' 24'24'

[mu-šak-niš 7 LUGAL.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ia- na-ge-e ša KUR.ia-ad-na-na ša] ma-lak 7 u₄-me

i' 25'25'

[i-na MURUB₄ tam-tim šit-ku-na-at šu-bat-su-un na-bi- KUR.gar-ga-miš KUR.ḫa-at-te]-e lem-ni

(i' 25'b) [who plundered the land Carchemish of the] evil [Ḫitti]te (king) (and) [who]se great [hand conquered Pisīri(s), their subject who (always) spoke treachery; ...]

i' 26'26'

[ša mpi-si-i-ri da-gíl pa-ni-šú-nu da-bi-ib ṣa-lip-te ik-šu-du] GAL-tu [ŠU]-su1

i' 27'27'

[...] x



Column ii
ii' 1ii 1

2 ME GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 6 ME ANŠE.pét-ḫal-lum2

(ii' 1) I conscripted from among them 200 chariots, 600 cavalry, (and) shield (and) spear (bearers), and I added (them) to my royal (military) contingent. I disregarded the crime(s) of (ii´ 5) 6,300 guilty Assyrians, had pity upon them, and settled them in the land Hamath. I imposed on them (the same) tribute, payment(s), labor duty, (and) (ii´ 10) military service as the kings, my ancestors, had imposed on Irḫulena of the land Hamath.

ii' 22

GIŠ.ka-ba-bu GIŠ.az-ma-ru-ú

ii' 33

i-na lìb-bi-šú-nu ak-ṣur-ma

ii' 44

ina UGU ki-ṣir MAN-ti-ia ú-rad-di

ii' 55

6 LIM 3 ME .-šur-a-a EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭi

ii' 66

gíl-la-su-nu a-mes-ma

ii' 77

re-e-ma ar-ši-šú-nu-ti-ma

ii' 88

ina -reb KUR.ḫa-mat-ti ú-še-šib-šú-nu-ti

ii' 99

GUN ma-da-tu za-bal ku-du-u-ri

ii' 1010

a-lak KASKAL ki-i šá MAN.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ía

ii' 1111

a-na mir-ḫu-le-na KUR.a-ma-ta-a-a3

ii' 1212

e-mid-du e-mid-su-nu-ti

ii' 1313

NUN EGIR-ú ep-šet AN.ŠÁR

(ii' 13) May (every) future ruler praise the good deeds of (the god) Aššur and have (people) in the future learn to revere him (the god Aššur)!

ii' 1414

dam-qa-a-ti lit-ta-ʾi-id-ma

ii' 1515

aḫ-ra-taš pul-ḫat-su

ii' 1616

li-šal-mi-da ar-ku-ti

ii' 1717

UN.MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ti ù KUR.a-ri-me

(ii' 17) The people of the lands Ḫatti and Aram who dwell in the lands Bīt-Agūsi and Unqi, to (their) full extent [...] ...

ii' 1818

a-ši-bu-tu KUR.É-ma-gu-si

ii' 1919

ù KUR.un-qi a-na paṭ gim-ri [(x)]

ii' 2020

[...] x [(x)] A x x [x (x)]



1With regard to whom the “their” in “their subject” refers, see the note to text no. 43 line 26.

2Text no. 103 ii 57 has 300 chariots.

3Irḫulena, king of Hamath, was part of the coalition opposing Shalmaneser III at Qarqar in 853. See for example Grayson, RIMA 3 pp. 23–24 A.0.102.2 ii 89–102; Hawkins in RLA 5/3–4 (1977) p. 162; and Van Buylaere, PNA 2/1 p. 564.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.