Sargon II 092
Obverse | ||
11 | mLUGAL-GI.NA ⸢LUGAL?⸣ [...] x NU.ÈŠ da-šur1 | (1) Sargon (II), k[ing ...], nešakku-priest of the god Aššur, [just] shepherd [...] king [...], governor (appointed) by the gods Nabû and Marduk, whom [(...)] the great gods appointed to [...] ... and [...] ..., I — |
22 | SIPA [ke-e-nu? ...] ⸢UŠ?⸣ MAN [...] GÌR.NÍTA dAG ù dAMAR.UTU2 | |
33 | ša a-na x [...]-⸢e⸣-ti ⸢ù?⸣ [...] x-⸢a/e?⸣-ti ib-bu-ú-šú DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-na-ku-ma3 | |
44 | É dAG dAMAR.UTU šá ina tar-ṣi KÁ.GAL GIBIL-ti ma-ḫi-rat IM.SI.SÁ i-na pa-na ep-šú e-na-aḫ-ma4 | (4) The temple of the gods Nabû (and) Marduk that had previously been built opposite the new gate facing north, became dilapidated and Adad-nārārī (III), son of Šamšī-Adad (V), king of Assyria [(...), a prince who pr]eceded me, (re)built (it). The foundations of this temple were not made strong and its foundation wall was not fixed like bedrock. Seventy-five years elapsed and it became old and dilapidated (lit.: “dilapidated and old”). In order not to change its location (and) to build (it) beside the temple of the goddess Ištar of Nineveh, I requested the command of the god Na[bû (...)], my lord, and by means of the diviner’s bowl he answered me with (his) firm approval not to change its location. Then, from its foundations to its crenellations, I completely (re)constructed the temple of the gods Nabû and Marduk, my lords, (that) had been built beside the temple of the goddess Ištar of Nineveh, and I set my clay sikkatu-cones (in place). |
55 | mdIŠKUR-né-ra-ri DUMU mdUTU-ši-dIŠKUR LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI [(...) NUN? a]-lik pa-ni-ia e-pu-uš | |
66 | ša É šá-a-tu šur-šú-šú ul dun-nu-nu-ma SUḪUŠ-su ki-i ki-ṣir KUR-i ul re-ti 75.ÀM MU.AN.NA.MEŠ im-la-a-ma an-ḫu-ta ù la-bi-ru-ta il-lik-ma5 | |
77 | áš-šú NU KÚR KI.TUŠ-šú i-na ṭe-eḫ É dINANNA ša URU.NINA.KI e-pe-šú pi-i d⸢AG?⸣ [(...)] ⸢be⸣-lí-ia a-šal-ma an-nu-um ke-nu-um ša NU KÚR KI.TUŠ-šú i-na ma-kal-ti LÚ.ḪAL-ti i-pu-la-an-ni-ma6 | |
88 | É dAG ù dAMAR.UTU EN.MEŠ-ia i-na ṭe-eḫ É dINANNA ša URU.NINA.KI e-pu-šu ul-tu uš-še-e-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú ar-ṣi-ip ú-šak-lil ù DUG.sí-ka₄-a-ti áš-kun7 | |
99 | a-na TI.LA-ia šùl-mu NUMUN-ia sà-kap LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ-ia SI.SÁ BURU₁₄ KUR aš-šur.KI šùl-⸢mu⸣ KUR aš-šur.KI [(...)] e-pu-uš8 | (9) For the sake of my life, the well-being of my offspring, the overthrow of my enemies, the success of the harvest of Assyria, (and) the well-being of Assyria [(...)] I (re)built (this temple). |
1Exs. 2, 17, and 28 have [...] x KUR aš-šur.KI GÌR.NÍTA d⸢EN/AG?⸣ [...] (“[...] Assyria, viceroy for the god B[ēl/N[abû ...]”), [...] ⸢KUR⸣ aš-šur.KI GÌR.NÍTA dEN u dAMAR.UTU (“[...] Assyria, viceroy for the gods Bēl and Marduk”), and [...] ⸢SIPA*⸣(?; text: [...]x-IB) KUR aš-šur.KI GÌR.NÍTA dMUATI ù dAMAR.UTU (“[... she]pherd of Assyria, viceroy for the gods Nabû and Marduk”) respectively. This may represent all of master line 2 and possibly the end of master line 1.
2The exact placement of ⸢UŠ?⸣ MAN [...], which is found only on ex. 12, is not certain.
3Ex. 26 has i-na for a-na. For the fourth sign of the line, see the copies from exs. 1 and 26 in the minor variants section. Ex. 29 has [...] (x) TI ⸢SI SA? KU⸣ UN x [...]. Moreover, it is not clear if [...]-⸢e⸣-ti ⸢ù?⸣ [...] should go here or in line 2. This reading is based upon ex. 7, where the traces of the Ù are ⸢ŠI⸣ [...]; ex. 14 has [...]-ti ⸢ŠI⸣ [...]. As for [...] x-⸢a/e?⸣-ti, it comes from ex. 1, where the x is simply the head of a vertical wedge. Ex. 23 has [...]-⸢a?/e?⸣-ti.
4Ex. 4 inserts u, “and,” after dAG, “Nabû.” Ex. 17 has GIŠ for ma-ḫi-rat. Exs. 17 and 28 insert šá and ša respectively before i-na; ex. 26 replaces i-na with ⸢ša⸣.
5For the translation of this line, cf. text no. 73 line 14. Ex. 4 has lu-u for the first ul, thus “The foundation of this temple was indeed made strong ...”
6Or less likely ... an-nu-um ki-nu-um ša NU KÚR KI.TUŠ-⸢šú⸣ [...] x-šú, “firm approval not to change its site [or ...] its [...].”
7Thompson, AAA 19 (1932) p. 103 has e-pu-uš, “I built,” after arṣip ušaklil u, “I completely (re)constructed ... and,” but no known exemplar appears to have this.
8For a similar passage, see for example Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/2 p. 300 no. 214 line 2. Or less likely ... sà-kap LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ-[ia ...]-ia SI.SÁ BURU₁₄ ..., “... the overthrow of [my] enemies, [the ...] of my [...], the success of the harvest ...” šùl-⸢mu⸣: Or SILIM.⸢MU⸣ following CAD Š/1 p. 207.
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.