Sargon II 084




[ša ZIMBIR.KI NIBRU.KI .DINGIR.RA.KI ù bár-sipa.KI za-nin-us-su-un e-tep]-pu-šá <ša> .ERIM.MEŠ ki-din-ni mal [ba-šu-ú ḫi-bil-ta-šú-nu a-rib-ma]

(1') [I continually ac]ted [as provider for (the cities) Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, and Borsippa (and) I made restitution for the wrongful damage suffered by] the people of privileged status, as many [as there were (of them); I restored the exemption (from obligations) of (the city) Baltil (Aššur) and the city Ḫarrān, which] had fallen into oblivion [in the distant past], and their privileged status that had la[psed].


[za-kut bal-til.KI ù URU.ḫar-ra-ni šá ul-tu u₄-me ma--du-ti] im-ma-šu-ma ki-din-nu-us-su-un ba-[ṭil-ta ú-ter áš-ru--šá]1


[...] za-ḫa-lu-ú eb-bu a-na ši-pir é-ḫur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra at-man d-šur x [...]2

(3') [...] (with) pure zaḫalû-silver for the work on Eḫursaggalkurkurra (“House, the Great Mountain of the Lands”), the sanctuary of the god Aššur [...] ... the goddesses Queen of Nineveh and Lady of Arbela, the work [...] () the arrangement of the firmament (of the heavens) [...] seven and a half minas of pure silver for the work of Eḫulḫul (“House which Gives Joy”), the abode of the god Sîn who dwells in the city Ḫarrān [... mi]nas of pure silver (and) countless precious stones which from the beginning of my reign until (my) fifteenth year to/for the gods who dwe[ll ...].


[...] x SU Ú TAR DA? dšar-rat-NINA.KI ù dbe-let-URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR ši-pir x [...]


[...] x ṣi-in-di bu-ru-mi [...]3


[...] x [x] 7 1/2 MA.NA .BABBAR eb-bu a-na ši-pir é-ḫúl-ḫúl maš-tak d30 a-šib URU.ḫar-ra-an [...]


[... MA].NA .BABBAR eb-bu ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ la ni-bi ša ul-tu SAG LUGAL-ti-ia a-di MU.15.KÁM a-na DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-[ut ...]


[i-na GÌR.IIṣ-ri KUR-i e-le]-na? URU.NINA.KI i-na bi-bil lib-bi-ia URU --ma URU.BÀD-mLUGAL-GI.NA az-ku-ra [ni-bit-su]

(8') In accordance with my heart’s desire, I built a city [at the foot of Mount Muṣri, a mountain upstre]am from the city Nineveh, and named [it] Dūr-Šarrukīn. I had [the gods Ea, Sîn, Šamaš, Nabû, Adad, Ninurta, and] their great [spous]es created inside Eḫursaggalkurkurra and I installed (them) inside it (Dūr-Šarrukīn) on (their) [eternal] d[ais(es)]. (10´) I built inside it [palatial halls using (lit.: “of”) elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, ce]dar, cypress, daprānu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth to be my royal residence [and ...] I had enemy [people] whom I had captured dwell inside it (as safely) as in meadowland and I considered i[t] as (one of) the cul[tic center]s of Assyria.


[dé-a d30 dUTU dAG dIŠKUR dnin-urta ù ḫi-ra]-ti-šú-nu GAL.MEŠ i-na -reb é-ḫur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra ú-šá--lid-ma i-na qer-bi-šu ú-šar-ma-a pa-[rak da-ra-(a)-ti]


[É.GAL.MEŠ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.mu-šuk-ka-ni] GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN GIŠ.dup-ra-ni ŠIM.LI ù GIŠ.bu-uṭ-ni a-na mu-šab LUGAL-ti-ia qer-bu--šu ab-ni-[ma]


[... ba-ḫu-la]-ti na-ki-ri ki-šit-ti qa-ti-ia i-na qer-bi-šu par-ga-niš ú-šar-bi-iṣ-ma it-ti ma-[ḫa]-zi KUR -šur.KI am-nu-šu4


[(...) i-na tukul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ (lu) at-tal-lak-ma UN].MEŠ ÍD.mar-ra-ti AN.TA a-di ÍD.mar-ra-ti KI.TA ki-i -te₉-<en> a-bel-ma KUR.MEŠ la ma-gi-ri ḫur-[šá]-a-ni la kan-šu-ti ú-šak-ni-šá še?-pu?-[u₈-a]

(12') [(...) With the support of the great gods, I advanced and] ruled [the people] (from) the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea as if (they were) one (people). I made uncompliant lands (and) insubmissive mountain regions bow down at [my] feet. [I dispersed the forces of Ḫumbanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), the Elamite]. I destroyed the lands Karalla, Šurda, (and) Kišesim (and) the city Ḫarḫar; I did not leave any offspring of the land Media as far as the border of Mount Bikni and the land Ellipi. [I] settled [in their midst people of the land Ḫatti (Syria) that I had conquered]. I set eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them and had (them) pull my yoke. (15´) [I subjugated the lands Mannea, Andia, (and) Zikirtu]. I counted as booty [Ur]zana, king of the city Muṣaṣir, together with the people of his land (and) his deities Ḫaldi (and) Bagbartu. [I had (the people of) the land Urarṭu, to its full extent, wield razor(s)], ... and flint blades (in order to slash themselves in mourning), and I imposed for the future lamenation and dirge (singing) upon the people who lived there. I brought about [the defeat of Ursâ (Rusâ), the Urarṭian, at Mount] Uauš, a rugged mountain. He then took fri[ght] at (engaging in) fierce battle with me [and by] his own [hands], he brought an end to his life with the iron dagger from his belt.


[ú-par-ri-ir el-lat mdḫum-ba-ni-ga-áš .ELAM.MA.KI] ú-ab-bit KUR.kar-al-lu KUR.šur-daši-si-im URU.ḫar-ḫar šá a-di pa-aṭ u? KUR.el-li-pi la e-zi-ba pér-ḫi-šú-un


[UN.MEŠ KUR.ḫat-ti ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia -reb-šun ú]-še-ši-ba .šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia .EN pa-ḫa-a-ti UGU-šú-nu áš-tak-kan-ma ú-šal-di-da ab-šá-a-ni


[ú-šak-niš KUR.zi-kir-tu mur]-za-na LUGALṣa-ṣi-ri a-di UN.MEŠ KUR-šú dḫal-di-a dba-ag-bar-tu DINGIR.MEŠ-šú a-na šal-la-ti am-nu-šu


[KUR.ur-ar-ṭu a-na paṭ gim-ri-šá ú-šá-áš-šá-a nag-la-ba (x) x]-at-te ù ṣur-ri ù UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb-bi-šá a-[na ar]-kàt? u₄-me e--da si-pit-tu ù ṣer-ḫa5


[di-ik-ti mur-sa-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a i-na KUR].ú-a- KUR-i mar-ṣi áš-kun-ma ta-ḫa-zi dan-nu e-du-ur-[ma ina ŠU.II] rama-ni-šu ina GÍR.AN.BAR šib-bi-šú na-piš-ta-šú ú-qat-ti


[KUR.a-ma-at-tu a-na paṭ gim-ri-šá a-bu-biš as-pu-un mdia]-ú-bi--di LUGAL-šú-nu a-di kim-ti-šu mun-daḫ-[ṣe-šú šal-lat KUR]-šú ka-mu-us-su a-na KUR -šur.KI ub-la

(18') [Like the Deluge, I overwhelmed the land Hamath to its full extent]. I brought their king [Ia]ū-biʾdī (Ilu-biʾdī) to Assyria in bondage, together with his family, [his] figh[ting men, (and) the booty of] his [land]. I conscripted from among them (a contingent of) [300 chariots, 600 cavalry, (and) shield (and)] spear [bearers], and [(...)] I added (them) to my royal contingent. I settled [6,300 Assyrian criminal(s) (...) in] the land Hamath. I set a eun[uch of mine as] provincial [gov]ernor over them and I imposed upon them (the delivery of) tribute (and) payment(s).


[3 ME GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 6 ME ANŠE.pét-ḫal-lum na-áš GIŠ.ka-ba-bi GIŠ].az-ma-re-e ina lìb-bi-šú-nu ak-ṣur-ma [(x x x)] UGU ki-ṣir LUGAL-ti-ia ú-rad-di6


[6 LIM 3 ME .-šur-a-a EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭi (...) ina] -reb KUR.ḫa-ma-ti ú-še-šib .šu-ut SAG-[ia ].EN.NAM UGU-šú-nu áš-kun-ma bil-tu man-da-at-tu ú-kin UGU-šú-un


[mmut-tal-lum .kúm-mu-ḫa-a-a UGU mar-giš-ti LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi it-ta-kil-ma] bil-tu man-da-at-tu na-dan [MU.AN].NA?-šu ú-šab-ṭil-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-tuš

(21') [Mutallu of the land Kummuḫu put his trust in Argišti, king of the land Urarṭu], stopped his [annual] delivery of tribute (and) payment(s), and withheld his audience gift. [Angrily], I quickly advanced [with (only) my personal chariot and my cavalry wh]o never leave my [side] (even) in friendly territory in the land [... He saw the cloud of dust (kicked up) by my expeditionary force], abandoned [...], and [fl]ed away by [him]self; [his where]abouts have never been discovered. [(...) I carried off as booty ... (his) property (and) posse]ssions, the treasure of his palace, (along) with the people [of his land and ...] I settled [there ... I set] a eunuch of mine as [provincial] gove[rnor over them (25´) ...] I conscripted [... from am]ong them and [I made (them) subject to him (the new governor) ...] ... [...]


[i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia it-ti GIŠ.GIGIR GÌR.II-ia ù ANŠE.pét-ḫal-li-ia] ša? a-šar sa-al-me i-na -reb KUR [x x Á].II-a-a la ip-par-ku-ú ḫi-it-mu-ṭiš [(x x)] a?-lik-ma? [(x)]7


[a-ka-mu? ger-ri-ia? e-mur-ma? ...] e?-zib-ma e?-den?-nu-?-[šú? ip]-par-šid-ma la in-na-mir [a]-šar-[šú]


[... NÍG.ŠU NÍG].GA ni-ṣir-ti É.GAL-šú it-ti UN.MEŠ [KUR-šú áš-lu-lam-ma]


[... ina lìb-bi] ú-še-šib .šu-ut SAG-ia .EN.[NAM UGU-šú-nu]


[áš-kun ... i-na] lib-bi-šú-nu ak-ṣur-ma [ú-šad-gi-la? pa-nu--šú?]8


[...] x x MU É [...]



1Possibly restore ru-qu-ú-ti or ul-lu-ú-ti instead of ma--du-ti; see text no. 8 line 5, text no. 14 line 10, and text no. 103 ii 19.

2For clay cone and brick inscriptions of Sargon II recording his work on Eḫursaggalkurkurra, see text nos. 67–69. See text no. 74 i 25–28 for possible restorations.

3There is a large gap without any writing after bu-ru-mi and before the left end of the cylinder fragment.

4Or restore tenēšēti instead of baḫulāti; see text no. 8 line 27 and text no. 2 line 467. For the end of the line, see text no. 111 line 14.

5R. Campbell Thompson (Iraq 7 [1940] p. 87 and n. 14) suggests [... pa]-at-te and translates “tinder (??),” though acknowledging that he has no philological support for this. He was presumably connecting [pa]-at-te with pēmtu/pēntu, meaning “charcoal.”

6Or restore [2 ME ...], “[200 ...],” instead of [3 ME ...], “[300 ...]”; see text no. 105 ii´ 1.

7Cf. ša a-šar nak-ri ù sa-al-mi la ip-pa-rak-ku-ú (text no. 65 line 132) and ša a-šar sal-me Á.II-a-a la ip-par-ku-ú (text no. 7 line 85).

8The restoration at the end of the line follows text no. 7 line 117. Another possible restoration is UGU ki-ṣir LUGAL-ti-ia ú-rad-di, “I added (them) to my royal contingent”; see text no. 74 iv 12.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.