
  • Sargon II 082


  • Q006563



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription

Sargon II 082

Column i
iRm 2,92 i´

Rm 2,92 i´

i 11

[...] LUGAL GAL-ú šad-la kar-ši1

(i 1) [...] great [ki]ng, (one with) broad understanding, [... I requested] his [firm] approval [and ...] his venerable word [...] ... (i 5) [... who dw]ells in the far-off heavens, [...] ... [... the god Nud]immud (Ea), the creator, [...] ...

i 22

[...] x-li an-na-šu2

i 33

[...]-ú zi-kir-šu kab-tu

i 44

[...] x GI PI IR d[x]3

i 55

[... a]-šib AN-e ne--ú-te

i 66

[...] KA LIŠ ŠU GI x

i 77

[... dnu]-dím-mud mu-um-mu

i 88

[...] x ŠA NE ME [x]4

i 99

[...] KU NA x [(x)]

(i 9) Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

i 1010

[...] x A x [x]

i 1111

[...] x MA x [x]

i 1212

[...] x [x x]



K 4818 ii´

K 4818 ii´

i 1'1'

x [...]

(i 1') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

i 2'2'

i-na [...]

Column ii
iiii Rm 2,92 ii´

Rm 2,92 ii´

ii 11


(ii 1) Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

ii 22


ii 33


ii 44

x [...]

ii 55

x [...]

ii 66

x [...]

ii 77


ii 88

x [...]



K 1673 i´

K 1673 i´

ii 1'1'

[...] x5

(ii 1') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

ii 2'2'

[...] x ŠÁ

ii 3'3'

[...] x-ma

ii 4'4'

[...] x (x) x

ii 5'5'

[...] x ŠÁ? LA?

ii 6'6'

[...] x [(x)] x

ii 7'7'

[...] x x x

ii 8'8'

[...] x x x

ii 9'9'

[...] x (x) x x x

ii 10'10'

[...] x x (x) x x ŠU

ii 11'11'

[...] x x (x) x-nu-ti-ma

ii 12'12'

[...] x x LA? x x (x) [x]

ii 13'13'

[...] x x [x x]6



Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


K 1669

K 1669

iii 1'1'

[x x x (x x)] LUGAL?.MEŠ-šú EN ḪI? x x [...]7

(iii 1') [...] his/its kings ... [...] his property (and) his possessions to/for [... with ...]s, horses, mul[es, ... (and) everything valuable], royal [trea]sure, [I brought out] from [the city Kišesim] (iii ) and [I] re[organized (the administration of)] that city. [I] (re)nam[ed] it Kār-Nergal. [I had the weapons of the deities Aššur], Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, (and) I[štar, my lords, who go before me, m]ade and I in[stalled (them)] there. I [settled/caused to enter] there [people whom] I [had cap]tured (and) (iii 10´) I considered th[em as people of] Assyria. [...] ... [...] ... [...] the cities Kilambāti (and) Armang[u ... (iii 15´) ... I added] to the province of the city Kišesim. [I set a] eunuch of mine as provincial governor [over them]. I ma[de] a ro[yal] image of myself, [inscrib]ed [upon it the victorious deeds of the god Ašš]ur, my lord, that I had [acc]omplished in [the lands Mannea and] Media, (iii 20´) and ere[cted (it)] (to stand) forever in the temple of the god ..., [my lord].

iii 2'2'

[x x x (x x)] NU NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú a-na [...]8

iii 3'3'

[it-ti x (x)].MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.[MEŠ ...]9

iii 4'4'

[mim-ma? aq-ru? ni]-ṣir-ti LUGAL-ti ul- -[rebše-si-im?]10

iii 5'5'

[ú-še-ṣa-am]-ma URU šu-a- a-na -šu-ti [aṣ-bat]

iii 6'6'

[x x x (x)] URU.kar-dMAŠ.MAŠ MU-šú [ab-bi GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ša]11

iii 7'7'

[da-šur₄ d]EN.ZU dšà-máš dIŠKUR d-[tar EN.MEŠ-ia a-li-kut]

iii 8'8'

[pa-ni-ia ú-še]-piš-ma i-na lìb-bi ú-šar-[me]

iii 9'9'

[UN.MEŠ ki]-šit-ti qa-ti-ia i-na lìb-bi ú-[še-šib/rib]

iii 10'10'

[it-ti UN.MEŠ] KUR -šur.KI am-nu-šu-nu-[ti]

iii 11'11'

[...] x ša x x [...]12

iii 12'12'

[...] x [...]

iii 13'13'

[...] x x x [x] x x x [...]

iii 14'14'

[URU].ki-lam-ba-a-ti [...]

iii 15'15'

[x x] x-ti UGU pi-ḫatše-si-im [ú-rad-di]

iii 16'16'

[].šu-ut SAG-ia a-na .EN.NAM-ú-[ti UGU-šu-nu]

iii 17'17'

[áš-kun] ṣa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia --ma [ep-še-et NÍG.È]13

iii 18'18'

[da]-šur₄ be--ia ša i-na -reb []

iii 19'19'

[ù? KUR].ma-da-a-a e-te-ep-pu-šu [UGU-šú]

iii 20'20'

[áš]-ṭur-ma i-na É dx x x [EN?-ia?]14

iii 21'21'

[x (x) a]-na da-ra-a-ti ul-[ziz]

iii 22'22'

[ša? .EN].URU.MEŠ-ni ša[ra]

(iii 22') [(As for) the cit]y [ruler]s of the city Kimi[rra, ...], the land Bīt-...angi[...], Bīt-Zualzaš, (and) [..., I received horse]s (and) mul[es (as their tribute)].

iii 23'23'

[x (x) x] KUR.É-x-(x)-x-an-gi-[(x-x) ...]15

iii 24'24'

[x (x) URU].É-zu-al-za-áš x [...]

iii 25'25'

[ANŠE.KUR.RA].MEŠ ANŠ[e (ma-da-ta-šú-nu) am-ḫur]16

iii 26'26'

[URU?.ḫa-ar-ḫa-ra?]-ía ?.[EN?.URU-šú-nu? ir-du-du-ma?]17

(iii 26') [The peo]ple [of the city Ḫarḫar drove out their city ruler and elevated over them Daltâ of the land] Ell[ipi. ...] hors[es, ...] sheep and goats, ... [...] (iii 30´) his/its [...] I destroyed [...] ... [... ho]rses [...] ... [...] its (city) wall [...] ... [...]

iii 27'27'

[mda-al-ta-a KUR].el-li-[ba-a-a ú-rab-bu-ú? UGU-šú-un?]

iii 28'28'

[...] ANŠE?.KUR.RA.[MEŠ ...]

iii 29'29'

[...] US₅.UDU.ḪI.A x x [...]

iii 30'30'

[...]-šu ap-pul [...]18

iii 31'31'

[...] E? x LA SA [...]19

iii 32'32'

[... ANŠE].KUR.RA.MEŠ [...]20

iii 33'33'

[...] x a-šab-šu-[...]21

iii 34'34'

[...] BÀD-šú [...]22

iii 35'35'

[...] TU MAḪ [...]



K 1673 ii´

K 1673 ii´

iii 1''1''

URU.kar-mLUGAL-[GI.NA MU-šú ab-bi ...]23

(iii 1'') [I (re)named it] Kār-Ša[rrukīn ... I built anew] the temple, the abode of the [great] god[s (and) restored] the gods who dwelt [in the city Ḫarḫar to their places]. I [...-ed the ...] of the deities Aššur, [Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, (and) Ištar, the deities who go before me] (iii 5´´) ... (of) gold (and) sil[ver ...] of their district. I [settled/caused to enter] there [people from the lands that] I [had conquered. I set a eunuch of mine] as provincial governor [over them and considered them] as people of A[ssyria. They (now) pull my yoke. (iii 10´´) Six strong districts [... the upper river(land)] of the land Arazia[š (Aranzêšu) ...] ... [...]

iii 2''2''

É.KUR šu-bat DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ -šiš e-pu-]24

iii 3''3''

DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut [URU.ḫar-ḫa-ar a-na áš-ri-šú-nu ú-ter]

iii 4''4''

ša da-šur₄ d[30 dšà-máš dIŠKUR d-tar DINGIR.MEŠ? a-li-kut? pa-ni-ia?]

iii 5''5''

x x NI .GI .[BABBAR ...]25

iii 6''6''

na-gi-šu-nu ú-[... UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-ti]

iii 7''7''

ŠU.II-ia i-na ŠÀ ú-[še-šib/rib .šu-ut SAG-ia]

iii 8''8''

a-na .EN.NAM-ú-[ti UGU-šu-nu áš-kun-ma]

iii 9''9''

it-ti UN.MEŠ KUR -[šur am-nu-šu-nu-ti i-šu-ṭu ab-šá-a-ni]

iii 10''10''

6 na-ge-e dan-nu-ti [... ÍD-tu e-li-tum]26

iii 11''11''

ša KUR.a-ra-zi-áš [...]

iii 12''12''

[x x x (x)] x x [...]27



79-7-8,14 i´

79-7-8,14 i´

iii 1'''1'''

[ša šùl-mu dUTU-ši ú-šá-aṣ]-bit? i-na [ŠU.II]28

(iii 1''') [I settle]d [(them) in ... which is on the shore of the Western Sea]. I assigned t[hem] to [the authority of a qīpu-official of mine, the sheikh of the city Laban].

iii 2'''2'''

[.-pi-ia? .na-si-ku ša] am-nu-šu-[nu-ti]

iii 3'''3'''

[mši-il-kan-ni LUGAL]-uṣ-[ri]

(iii 3''') [(As for) Šilkanni, king of E]gy[pt, whose location is far away (and whom) fea]r of the brilliance [of the god Aššur, my lord, had ove]rwhelmed, [he brought me] as his audience gift [twelve large horses from] Egypt [whose like] did not exist [in (my) land].

iii 4'''4'''

[ša a-šar-šú ru-ú-qu pu-luḫ]-tu me-lam-me

iii 5'''5'''

[ša da-šur₄ EN-ia is]-ḫu-pu-šu-ma

iii 6'''6'''


iii 7'''7'''

[ša i-na ma-a-ti] la ib-šu-ú

iii 8'''8'''

[tam-šil-šú-un -šá-a] ta-mar-tuš

iii 9'''9'''

[i-na 6 BALA-ia mur-sa-a] KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a

(iii 9''') [In my sixth regnal year, Ursâ (Rusâ)], the Urarṭian [who did not respect the oath (sworn) by the great gods; who over]turned the decision of the god Šamaš; [whom, during the course of my] previous [campaign against Ullusunu], the Mannean, I had subjugated [to the yoke of the god Aššur]; and [upon whom I had imposed (my) y]oke [took away from him (Ullusunu) twelve of his strong fortresses that] were situated [as guard] posts on (the border with) the lands Urarṭu, [Andia, (and) Naʾiri, and (thus) reduced (the size of) his land. ...]

iii 10'''10'''

[la a-dir ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-bi]-ku* de-en dšà-máš29

iii 11'''11'''

[ša ina a-lak ger-ri-ia] maḫ-ri-i30

iii 12'''12'''

[a-na mul-lu-su-ni KUR].ma-an-na-a-a

iii 13'''13'''

[a-na ni-ir da-šur₄] ú-šak-ni-šu-šu-ma

iii 14'''14'''

[e-mid-du- ab]-šá-a-nu

iii 15'''15'''

[12 URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ-šú dan-na-a-ti ša] UGU KUR.ur-ar-ṭi

iii 16'''16'''

[ʾi-i-ri a-na ka]-a-di na-da-[a]

iii 17'''17'''

[e-kim-šú-ma ú-ṣa-ḫir KUR-su ...]31



Column iv
iviv Sm 2021 + 82-5-22,8 i´

Sm 2021 + 82-5-22,8 i´

iv 11

[...] A? x x x x x [x]32

(iv 1) [...] ... [...] I marched against the land Urarṭu. [...] Ursâ (Rusâ), the Urarṭian, mustered his [...] and (iv 5) went up [onto] Mount Uauš, [who]se su[mmit] reaches (up) [among] the cloud(s). [His] large [army], together with the troops of his all[ies ...] ... [...] I set and I ...

iv 22

[...] x a-na KUR.ur-ar-ṭi al?-lik?

iv 33

[...] mur-sa-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a

iv 44

[...] x-su id-ka-am-ma

iv 55

[UGU KUR].ú-a- šad-di-i e-li?33

iv 66

[ša it-ti] ši-kin DUNGU um-mu-da* SAG-šú34

iv 77

[um-ma-an]-šu ma--du a-di ERIM re-[ṣe-(e)]-šu

iv 88

[x x (x)] x KÀD? IB ŠÌTA KUR? [(x)] x [x]35

iv 99

[x x (x)] x áš-kun-ma ú-x x x [x]

iv 1010

[um-ma]-na-at da-šur₄ [dal]-pa?-[a-ti]36

(iv 10) [The exh]aus[ted troo]ps of the god Aššur, [who] had (already) co[me a] long [jou]rney, had cro[ssed rem]ote [mountains, and were (thus) in poor condition (lit.: “their appearance had changed”). I] nei[ther allowed them (time) to recover from] their fatigue [n]or gave (them) [water] to drink [for (their) thirst. I] neit[her set up] camp [n]or organized [a walled (military) encampment. I did not give any orders to my] w[arriors].

iv 1111

[ša ḫar]-ra-an ru-uq-te il-[li-ka-nim-ma]

iv 1212

[KUR.MEŠ-e ]-ru-ú-ti e-te-ti-[qa-a-ma]

iv 1313

[ik-ki-ra zi-mu]-šin an-ḫu-us-si-na ul [ú-šap-ši-iḫ-ma]

iv 1414

[A.MEŠ ṣu-mi] ul áš- -man-nu ul [áš-kun-ma]

iv 1515

[BÀD] KARAŠ ul? ak?-ṣur? .qu-[ra-di-ia ul ú-ma-ʾe-er]

iv 1616

[it-ti] GIŠ.GIGIR GÌR.II-ia e-[de-ni-ti]

(iv 16) [With] o[nly] my personal chariot [and the caval]ry that go [at my side (and)] never l[eave] my [side in either] hostile [or friendly territo]ry, [...]

iv 1717

[ù ANŠE.KUR].RA?.[MEŠ] a-li-kut [i-di-ia]

iv 1818

[ša a]-šar nak-ri [ù sa-al-me]

iv 1919

[i-da]-a-a la? ip?-[par-ku-ú]

iv 2020

[...] x x [...]37



K 1668a + K 1671 i´

K 1668a + K 1671 i´

iv 1'1'

[... .zu-uk GÌR].II-ia38

(iv 1') [... I mobilized (...)] my [foot soldiers, bowmen, (and) shield (and) spear (bearers)], my [fierce] warriors [who were experienced in battle. [Then, with (only)] my [single] personal chariot (iv ) [and one thousand of my ferocious cavalry], I took the road [to the city Muṣaṣir, a difficult path]; I proceeded [over favorable terrain on] horse[back and over difficult (terrain) on foot].

iv 2'2'

[ṣa-ab GIŠ.PAN ka-ba-bi az-ma-ri-i ].qu-ra-di-ia

iv 3'3'

[ek-du-ti mu-du-ut ta-ḫa-zi ú-zak-ki-ma] ḫar-ra-an

iv 4'4'

[ṣa-ṣir ur-uḫ mar-ṣa-ti it-ti 1-et] GIŠ.GIGIR GÌR.II-ia

iv 5'5'

[ù 1 LIM pet-ḫal--ia šit-mur-ti] aṣ-bat-ma

iv 6'6'

[A.ŠÀ DÙG.GA i-na tar-kub]-ti ANŠE.KUR.RA

iv 7'7'

[ù mar-ṣa i-na GÌR].II lu-ú ar-de

iv 8'8'

[a-naṣa-ṣir šu-bat dḫal-di]-a šal-ṭiš lu e-ru-ub39

(iv 8') I entered triumphantly [into the city Muṣaṣir, the abode of the god Ḫaldi], (and) in a lordly manner, I occupied [the palace, the residence of Urzana]. I broke open [the seals of their treasure caches].

iv 9'9'

[i-na É.GAL mu-šab mur-za-na] e-tel-liš lu?-u ú-šib

iv 10'10'

[ki-in-gi ni-ṣir-te-šu-nu] ap-te-e-ma

iv 11'11'

[34 GUN 18 MA.NA] .GI

(iv 11') [(With regard to) 34 talents and 18 minas of] gold, [167 talents and 2 1/2 minas of] silver, [shining copper, t]in, [carnelian], lapis lazuli, [banded agate, (and other) precious stones i]n large numbers;

iv 12'12'

[1 ME 67 GUN 2 1/2 MA.NA] .BABBAR

iv 13'13'


iv 14'14'

[NA₄.BABBAR.DILI ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ a]-na ma--[de]-e?40

iv 15'15'

[x x x AM.SI] GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.tas-ka-rin-[ni]

(iv 15') [x (items): ... of elephant ivory], ebony, (and) boxwood;

iv 16'16'


(iv 16') [x (items)]: staves of elephant ivory, [ebony, (and) boxwood, to]gether with their wooden caskets, [whose mountings are ma]de of bronze and silver;

iv 17'17'

[GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG a]-di GIŠ.NA₅.MEŠ-ši-na

iv 18'18'

[ša iḫ-zu-ši-na šu]-pu-šu ZABAR ù .BABBAR41

iv 19'19'


(iv 19') [x (items): tables] of elephant ivory, [ebony, (and) boxwo]od, (tables) fit for a king;

iv 20'20'

[GIŠ.ESI GIŠ].TÚG si-mat LUGAL-ú-ti

iv 21'21'

[8? GIŠ.maḫ-ri]-ṣi dan-nu-ti

(iv 21') [8 (items)]: sturdy [maḫraṣu-objects of elephant ivory, ebony], (and) boxwood, a stand, a potstand, [a folding screen], a chair, and a cupbearer’s (pot)stand [(made) of elephant ivory], ebony, (and) boxwood, [whose mountings] are made of [br]onze and silver;

iv 22'22'

[ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ].TÚG GIŠ.kan-ni GIŠ.kán-kán-ni42

iv 23'23'


iv 24'24'

[ AM.SI GIŠ].ESI GIŠ.tas-ka-rin-ni

iv 25'25'

[ša iḫ-zu-šu-nu] šu-pu?-šu ZABAR? ù .BABBAR

iv 26'26'

[6 GÍR.MEŠ] .GI te-rin-na-at .GI

(iv 26') [6 (items)]: gold [knives] with gold (handles in the shape of) cones, [a gold dagger], a gold fly whisk, (and) an alabaster [offering-bowl] inlaid with stones (and) gold;

iv 27'27'

[GÍR.TUR .GI] ša zu-um-bi .GI

iv 28'28'

[NA₄.pur-si-it NA₄].GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL tam-lit NA₄.MEŠ .GI

iv 29'29'

[11 kap-pi .BABBAR] mur-sa-a a-di nak-ta-me-šú-nu

(iv 29') [11 (items): silver kappu-bowls] belonging to Ursâ (Rusâ), together with their lids, [kappu-bowls from the land T]abal with lug-handles of gold, [hauberks with silv]er (scales), (and) silver arrows with gold inlays;

iv 30'30'

[kap-pi ša KUR].ta-bal GEŠTU.II.MEŠ .GI

iv 31'31'

[qur-pi-si ].BABBAR šil-ta-ḫi .BABBAR -eḫ-si .GI43

iv 32'32'

[34 kap-pi ].BABBAR ŠU.SI.MEŠ dan-na-a-ti

(iv 32') [34 (items): silv]er [kappu-bowls] with deep, [shallow], (and) narrow fluting (lit.: “fingers”), luṭṭu-bowls, [and susānu-vessels] of silver;

iv 33'33'

[qa-al-la-a]-te qa-at-ta-na-a-te luṭ-ṭi

iv 34'34'

[ù su-sa-ni] .BABBAR 55 kap-pi .BABBAR ṣu-up-pu-te44

(iv 34'b) 55 (items): silver-plated kappu-bowls, [together with (their) li]ds, cups (decorated with) [cone-shaped ornaments (and) crescent-shaped ornament]s, (and) silver rings;

iv 35'35'

[...]-ma-a-ni .ZI.MEŠ45

iv 36'36'

[ṣip-ra-a-te U₄.SAKAR].MEŠ ù ḪAR.MEŠ .BABBAR

iv 37'37'

[5 a-za-na-at ].BABBAR qa-bu-a-ti .BABBAR46

(iv 37') [5 (items): azannu-stands of sil]ver, qabūtu-cups of silver, [mukarrisu-dishes], (and) nablu-vessels, (altogether forming) ce[nsers from the land Tabal, and silver incense burners];

iv 38'38'

[mu-kar-ri-si] nab-li NÍG.[NA.MEŠ]

iv 39'39'

[KUR.ta-ba-li ù mu-qa-te-rat .BABBAR]

iv 40'40'

[13 ki-ú-ri URUDU tap-ḫa-a-ni URUDU nàr-ma]-ka-a-[te URUDU]

(iv 40') [13 (items): copper basins, copper cauldrons, copper wa]shbas[ins, copper asallu-bowls], copper [diqāru-pot]s, [(and) copper qulliu-bowls];

iv 41'41'

[a-sa-al-la-te URUDU ÚTUL].MEŠ URUDU

iv 42'42'

[qu-li-a-te URUDU 24 kan-ni] URUDU ki-ùr URUDU

(iv 42'b) [24 (items): coppe]r [stands] (for) copper basins, [copper ḫuruppu-bowls, coppe]r [kurkurru-vessels], copper qullu-clasps, [copper nasru-hooks], (and) copper [lam]ps;

iv 43'43'

[ḫu-ru-pa-a-te URUDU kur-ku-ri] URUDU qu-ul-li URUDU

iv 44'44'

[na-as-ri URUDU É bu-ṣi]-in-ni URUDU

iv 45'45'

[1? ME 20 ú-de-e URUDU dan-nu]-ti qa-al-lu-ti

(iv 45') [120 (items): copper objects, (both) heavy (ones and)] light (ones), [the work of their land, (objects), the pronun]ciation of [who]se name(s) [are not easy] to write down;

iv 46'46'

[e-piš-ti KUR-šú-nu ša ni]-bit MU-šú-nu a-na šá-ṭa-ri

iv 47'47'

[la ṭa-a-bu x ka-nu-nu] AN.BAR ne-se-pi AN.BAR

(iv 47'b) [x (items): an] iron [brazier], iron shovel(s), [iron nasru-hooks], iron [arutḫ]u-objects, (and) iron lamps;

iv 48'48'

[na-as-ri AN.BAR a-ru-ut]-ḫi AN.BAR É bu-ṣi-in-ni AN.BAR

iv 49'49'

[1? ME 30 lu-bul-ti bir-me] TÚG.GADA SÍG.ta-kil-ti ar-ga-man-ni47

(iv 49') [130 (items): garments with multi-colored trim] (and) linen (garments), (garments of) blue-purple wool (and) red-purple wool, [(and) garments of red wool] from the lands Urarṭu [and Ḫabḫu]

iv 50'50'

[lu-bul-ti ta-bar-ri] ša KUR.ur-ar-ṭi

iv 51'51'

[ù KUR.ḫab-ḫi a-di] bu-še-e É.GAL-šu

(iv 51'b) [I carried off (all these things) as booty, together with] the (remaining) property of his palace, [and I heape]d up his possessions.

iv 52'52'

[áš-lu-lam-ma ak]-mu-ra NÍG.GA-šú .šu-ut SAG-ia

(iv 52'b) I sent a eunuch of mine [(and) my officials t]o the temple of the god Ḫaldi.

iv 53'53'

[.re-di-ia a]-na É dḫal-di-a áš-pur-ma

iv 54'54'

[dḫal-di-a DINGIR-šu] ù dba-ag-bar- d-tar-šú

(iv 54') [His god Ḫaldi] and his goddess Bagbartu, [together with the] numerous [possessions] of his [temp]le, as much as there were (of them):

iv 55'55'

[a-di NÍG.GA é]-kur-ri-šú ma-ʾa-at-ti ma-la ba-šu-ú

iv 56'56'

[x+4 GUN 3] MA.NA .GI 6 a-ri-at .GI

(iv 56') [x+4 talents and 3] minas of gold, 6 gold shields, [162 talen]ts and 20 minas of silver, less one sixth (of a mina of silver);

iv 57'57'

[1 ME 62] GUN 20 MA.NA 6-su LAL .BABBAR

iv 58'58'

[1? áš-kut]-ti -šú ša 2 GUN .GI KI.

(iv 58') [1 locking ba]r for its door which weighs 2 talents of gold; [1 gold door bolt]; 1 gold peg; (and) 1 silver key [(in the shape of) a divine protectress (who wears) a crown (and)] holds the rod and ring [these (last) four (things) comprised the] door [faste]ning, one befitting the shrine, [whose] weight was [2 talents and 12 min]as of gold;

iv 59'59'

[1 SAG.KUL .GI] 1 sik-kàt .GI 1 nam-za-qu .BABBAR48

iv 60'60'

[dLAMMA-at a-ge-e] na-šá-at GIŠ.miṭ-ṭi ù GIŠ.kip-pa-ti49

iv 61'61'

[er-bet-ta-šu-nu mar]-kas ú-su-um É pa-pa-ḫi

iv 62'62'

[ša 2 GUN 12 MA].NA .GI KI.-šú-nu

iv 63'63'

[1 GÍR .GI GAL-ú ša 10]+16 MA.NA 3-su .GI KI.

(iv 63') [1 large gold sword which] weighs [2]6 and 1/3 minas of gold;

iv 64'64'

[96 šu-kur-ri .BABBAR qur]-pi-is .BABBAR GIŠ.PAN [.BABBAR]

(iv 64') [96 (items): silver spears, a hau]berk with silver (scales), [silver] bow(s), [(and) silver arrows, with in]lays and mountings [of gold];

iv 65'65'

[šil-ta-ḫi .BABBAR ša ]-eḫ-si ù iḫ-zi [.GI]

iv 66'66'

[12 a-ri-at .BABBAR] ša SAG.DU a-[bu-bi]

(iv 66') [12 silver shields whose bosses are decorated with] the head(s) of De[luge (monsters), lion(s), and wild bull(s)];

iv 67'67'

[UR.MAḪ ù AM bu-un-nu-ú ni-ip-ḫi-ši-in]50



79-7-8,14 ii´

79-7-8,14 ii´

iv 1''1''

[GÍR GÍR.TUR.MEŠ GIŠ.ESI ša iḫ-zu-ši-na .GI]51

(iv 1'') i[vory ..., ivory knive(s), (and) daggers of ivory (and) ebony, whose mountings are of gold];

iv 2''2''


(iv 2'') 10 (items): t[ables of boxwood, maḫraṣu-objects of boxwood, (and) chairs of ebony (and) boxwood], who[se] mo[untings are of gold (and) silver];

iv 3''3''

ša iḫ-[zu-šu-nu .GI ù .BABBAR 2 GI.DU₈ 14 NA₄.MEŠ]

(iv 3''b) [2 portable altars (and) 14] assor[ted stones, jewelry of the god Ḫaldi and the goddess Bagbartu, his wife];

iv 4''4''

sa-maḫ-[ḫu-te šu-ka-ni dḫal-di-a ù dba-ag-bar-ti DAM-šú]52

iv 5''5''

20 LIM 5 <ME> 12 [a-ri-at URUDU dan-na-a-te]53

(iv 5'') 20,512 (items): [heavy (and)] light [copper shields, cone-shaped helmets of copper, hauberks with copper (scales)], and sk[ull-shaped helmets of copper];

iv 6''6''

qa-al-la-[a-te ṣip-rat URUDU qur-pi-si URUDU]

iv 7''7''

ù gul-[gul-lat URUDU 1 LIM 5 ME 14 šu-kur-ri URUDU]

(iv 7''b) [1,514 (items)]: hea[vy (and) light copper spears, ...]

iv 8''8''

dan-nu-[ti qa-al-lu-te ...]54



Column v
vSm 2021 + 82-5-22,8 ii´

Sm 2021 + 82-5-22,8 ii´

v 11

1 ṣa-lam [m]ir-gi--ti [LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi]55

(v 1) 1 statue of Irgišti (Argišti), [king of the land Urarṭu, wearing] a crown (decorated) with stars, (an attribute) of divine rank, [and] with his right hand in a gesture of adoration, together with its casing, [which weighs 60 talents of copper];

v 22

ša AGA MUL-ti DINGIR-ti [ap-ru-ma]

v 33

ŠU ZAG-šú ka-ri-bat a-di* É-šú [60 GUN URUDU.ḪI.A KI.]56

v 44

1 ṣa-lam mur-sa-a it-ti 2 ANŠE.KUR.[RA.MEŠ pét-ḫal-li-šú ?]57

(v 4) 1 statue of Ursâ (Rusâ) with two of [his cavalry] hors[es (and)] his chariot[eer], together with their base, [cast in] copper, [(...)]

v 55

GIŠ.GIGIR-šu a-di KI.TUŠ-šú-nu URUDU.ḪI.[A ši-ip-ku (...)]

v 66

šal-la-tu ka-bit-tu áš-lu-la a-na [KUR -šur ub-la]

(v 6) I carried off (all these things) as substantial booty (and) [brought (them)] to [Assyria].

v 77

i-na 8 BALA-ia ša i-na a-lak ger-ri-[ia maḫ-ri]

(v 7) In my eighth regnal year, that which in the course of [my previous] campaign [against] Aššur-lēʾi, king of the land Karalla, [...] ... the god Aššur ... [...] ... in servit[ude ...]

v 88

[ša] m-šur-ZU LUGAL KUR.kar-al-li a-[...]

v 99

[x (x)] x ŠU x da-šur₄ x x [...]58

v 1010

[x (x)] x- i-na ARAD-ú?-[ti? ...]

v 1111

[x (x) x] x [...]



K 1668a + K 1671 ii´ (+) K 1668b + DT 6 i´

K 1668a + K 1671 ii´ (+) K 1668b + DT 6 i´

v 1'1'

[...] x

(v 1') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

v 2'2'

[...] RU

v 3'3'

[...] x MA

v 4'4'

[...] x ZA

v 5'5'

[...] x A KAL

v 6'6'

[...] x-ú

v 7'7'

x [x (x)] x IGI x [...] x LA

v 8'8'

ip-laḫ-ma a-na šu-zu-[ub ZI-šú KUR].šur-da59

(v 8') He (Amitašši) became afraid and crossed Mount [Š]urda in order to sav[e his life]. Deceit(fully), they sent to [Adâ of the land Šurd]a a mendacious message intended [to make (him) ho]stile t[o me].

v 9'9'

KUR-ú ib-bal-kit a-na m[a-da-a KUR.šur]-da-a-a

v 10'10'

da-bab la kit-ti ša it-[ti-ia a-na šum]-ku-ri

v 11'11'

-pu-ru e-li- ma-da-[a KUR.šur]-da-a-a

(v 11'b) Fear of my brilliance ov[erwhelmed] Adâ [of the land Šurd]a and (as a result) [he put] him (Amitašši) to [the sword], together with his men. He did [not] spare (even) one of them to praise the god ... [... He brought to me] alive (v 15´) Atkayadug (and) Atkaya-..., the children of his (Amitašši’s) own body, with the (severed) head of Amita[šši, their father], (as well as) horses, pr[operty ...] as (his) audience gift. (v 20´) Because ... [...] ... to allow [to live] in peace ... [...] like a [...] I listened to his supplication(s) [...] I pu[t] gold [bracelets] upon his wrists [(and)] (v 25´) ... and I imposed upon him labor duty of [...]. I assigned [them] to the authority of a [eunuch of mine, the provinc]ial [gove]rnor of the land Lullumê. I a[dded] the [land] K[arall]a to its full extent t[o the province of the land] Lullumê. [I established] regular offerings for the god Aššur fore[ver].

v 12'12'

pu-luḫ-ti -lam-me-ia is-[ḫup]-šu-ma

v 13'13'

šá-a-šu ga-du .ERIM.MEŠ-šú i-na GIŠ.[TUKUL x] x-ma60

v 14'14'

1-en i-na lìb-bi-šú-nu a-na da-lil dx [(x) ul] e-zib

v 15'15'

mat-ka-a-a-DUG mat-ka-a-[a]-x

v 16'16'

DUMU.MEŠ nab-nit lìb-bi-šú bal-ṭu-[us-su-un]

v 17'17'

it-ti qaq-qád ma-mi-taš-[ši AD-šu-un?]

v 18'18'


v 19'19'

ki-ma ta-mar-ti [...] x [...]

v 20'20'

áš-šu x [x] x x x LA x [...]

v 21'21'

GIŠ? [x] x KI.TUŠ ne-eḫ- šu-[šu-bu]62

v 22'22'

[x] x-un--e KI KID [...]63

v 23'23'

[x x]-la-niš ut-nen-šu áš-ma-a x [...]

v 24'24'

[ḪAR.MEŠ] .GI rit-te₉-e-šu ú-rak-[kis-(ma)]

v 25'25'

[x] x x x-ma za-bíl ku-dúr-ri ša [x x x]

v 26'26'

[x x] x e-mid-su i-na ŠU.II .[šu-ut SAG-ia]

v 27'27'

[].EN.NAM am-ta-nu-[šu-(nu-ti)]

v 28'28'

[KUR].kar?-[al]-li? a-na paṭ gim-ri-šú UGU [pi-ḫa-at]

v 29'29'

[KUR].lu-lu-mi-i ú-rad-[di]

v 30'30'

gi--e da-šur₄ a-na du-ur [da-ri ú-ki-in]

v 31'31'

i-na u₄-me-šu-ma UN.MEŠ KUR.ḫab-ḫi ša [i-na bi-rit]

(v 31') At that time the people of the land Ḫabḫu whi[ch is (located) between] the lands Karalla and Namri in [...] inac[cessible] mountain wilderness heard of the harsh deeds that I had carried out in the land Kar[alla] and sent [me] a messenger to do obeisance (to me). I assigned t[hem] to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the [provincial governor] of the land Lullumê. [I imposed] the yoke of the god Aššur upon them.

v 32'32'

KUR.kar-al-li ù KUR.nam-ri i-na [x x x x]

v 33'33'

ḫu-ur?-ba-ti ša KUR-i áš-ṭu?-[ti?]64

v 34'34'

ep-šet ma-ru--ti ša i-na KUR.kar-[al-li]

v 35'35'

e-te-pu-šu -mu-ma .DUMU šip-ri-[šú-nu]

v 36'36'

ša e-peš ar-du-ti -pu-ru-[nim-ma]

v 37'37'

i-na ŠU.II .šu-ut SAG-ia .[EN.NAM]

v 38'38' am-nu-šu-[nu-ti]

v 39'39'

ni-ir da-šur₄ UGU-šú-nu ú-[ki-in]

v 40'40'

i-na -bit da-šur₄ EN-ia [x x x]

(v 40') At the command of the god Aššur, my lord, [...] who/which since the (first) day of my reign [...] like deer (or) ibexes ... [...] I made them have courage. Distant [kings] from the shore of the sea [and the desert] of the east ... [...] ... [...]

v 41'41'

ša ul-tu u₄-me be-lu-ti-ia x [x x x]

v 42'42'

ki-ma a-a-li tu-ra-ḫi Ú LAM [x x x]65

v 43'43'

ú-šar-ši-šu-nu-ti lib-bu [LUGAL.MEŠ-ni?]66

v 44'44'

ru-qu-ti ša a-ḫi tam-tim [ù mad-ba-ri?]67

v 45'45'

ša ṣi-it dUTU-ši maḫ-x [x x x x]

v 46'46'

[x] x x MA AG x x [x x x x]

v 47'47'

[mul-lu-su-nu? (...)]

(v 47') [Ullusunu, the Mannean, (...)] ... [...] whose royal prede[cessors] had never ... without (even exchanging) hostages, (v 50´) at the command of the god Aššur, my lord, who makes my fame great, impetuously left his royal city Izirtu, a distance of six leagues (away), and came before me in the land Lārue[te], which is (part) of the land Allabria. I received (v 55´) horses, ox[en], and sheep and goats as his substantial tribute, and he kissed my feet. I clothed him in a linen garment with multi-colored trim. I fastened inlaid bracelets on his two wrists, [whereupon] he joyfully returned to his (own) land.

v 48'48'

ŠA x [x x x x] x šá LUGAL.MEŠ?-ni? [a-li-kut]

v 49'49'

maḫ-ri-šu ba-la li-ṭi la LI x x x x [x]

v 50'50'

i-na zi-kir da-šur₄ be--ia

v 51'51'

mu-šar-bu-ú MU-ia 6 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-[ru]

v 52'52'

ul-tu URU.i-zi-ir-ti URU LUGAL-ti-šu

v 53'53'

šit-mu-riš uṣ-ṣa-am-ma i-na[te]

v 54'54'

ša a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-kam?-[ma]

v 55'55'

ma-da-at-ta-šu ka-bit-tu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GU₄.NÍTA.[MEŠ]

v 56'56'

ù US₅.UDU.ḪI.A am-ḫur-ma it-ta-šíq GÌR.II-ia

v 57'57'

lu-bul-ti bir-me GADA ú-lab-bi-su

v 58'58'

ḪAR.MEŠ tam-le-e -li-ma-nu- ar-kus-[ma]

v 59'59'

i-na ḫi-du-ut pa-ni i-tur KUR--šu

v 60'60'

el-la-mu-u₈-a mdal-ta-a KUR.el-li-pa-a-a

(v 60') Before my time, the anger of the great gods was (directed) against Daltâ of the land Ellipi a submissive subject who pulled the yoke of the god Aššur, my lord, (and) had brought tribute and audience gift(s) to the kings, my ancestors who had preceded (me) (an anger which would lead) to the destruction of his land (and) the decimation of [his] people. (v 65´) The people became bewildered and spoke treachery. His entire land was united in defying him; they held him in contempt. Moreover, that (man), Daltâ, the king, their ruler, took fright at their defiance; [he became disturb]ed and distressed [on account of their] crime(s).

v 61'61'

ARAD kan-še šá-di-id ni-ir da-šur₄ be--ia

v 62'62'

na-še-e bil-ti ù ta-mar-ti ša LUGAL.MEŠ-ni

v 63'63'

AD.MEŠ-ia a-li-kut maḫ-ri ug-gat DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

v 64'64'

ša ḫe-pe-e KUR-šú ṣu-uḫ-ḫur UN.MEŠ-[šú]

v 65'65'

UGU-šu ib-ši-ma UN.MEŠ in--šá-a-ma

v 66'66'

i-da-bu-ba ṣa-lip-tu kul-lat KUR-šú mit-ḫa-riš

v 67'67'

-nu-nu-šu-ma il-qu-ú še-ṭu-su

v 68'68'

ù šu-ú mdal-ta-a LUGAL ma-lik-šú-nu

v 69'69'

ša-na-an-šú-nu e-dúr-ma68

v 70'70'

[áš-šú] gul-lul-ti-[šu-nu dul-lu]-uḫ ù -šu-69



Column vi
vivi Lacuna


Sm 2022 i´

Sm 2022 i´

vi 1'1'

[...] x NU NI x [x x x (x)]

(vi 1') [...] ... [...] ... [...] a mountain rainbow [...] ... the city Ul-...-ti (vi ) [...] ... [...] ... inhabitants of [...] I carried off as booty and

vi 2'2'

[...] x KUR NAB TU [x] x [(x)] NA70

vi 3'3'

[...] ma-an-za-at KUR-i x [(x) x]

vi 4'4'

[...] x IGI URU.ul-x-x-x-ti

vi 5'5'

[...] (x) x x KUR TU x x

vi 6'6'

[...] x AB UD? a-ši-bu-ut

vi 7'7'

[...] x áš-lu-lam?-ma

vi 8'8'

[...] x x x x [x x (x)]

(vi 8') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

vi 9'9'

[...] x x [(x)] x x (x) x

vi 10'10'

[...] x [x]



K 1668b + DT 6 ii´

K 1668b + DT 6 ii´

vi 1''1''

[x x (x)] URU.MEŠ TA -reb [...]

(vi 1'') [(With regard to) ...] cities, [I brought] him/it [out] from inside [...]; like a net, [...] overwhelmed the people of the cities Bu[..., ...]ba, Alīna, ..., [...]tāya-..., (and) Andab..., (vi 5´´) fortified [cities] of the land Ḫaldiniše. [I made the blood] of their people [fl]ow down the gorges of the outflows of the mountains. I brought down from the [mountains] the remainder of them who had [fle]d from my weapons (and) had taken to the hills, and I counted them as booty.

vi 2''2''

[ú-še-ṣa-áš?]-šu-ma UN.MEŠ URU.bu-[x ...]71

vi 3''3''

[URU.x-(x)]-x-ba URU.a-li-i-na URU.x-x-x-x

vi 4''4''


vi 5''5''

[URU.MEŠ]-ni dan-nu-ti ša KUR.ḫal-di-ni-še

vi 6''6''

[x (x) x] x GIM sa-par-ri is-ḫup-šú-nu-ti73

vi 7''7''

[ÚŠ.MEŠ] UN.MEŠ-šú-nu ḫur-ri na-at-bak KUR-i74

vi 8''8''

[ú-šar]-di si-ta-ti-šú-nu ša la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

vi 9''9''

[ip-par-ši]-du iṣ-ba-tu KUR-ú ul-tu -reb

vi 10''10''

[KUR-i] ú-še-ri-dam-ma a-na šal-la-ti am-nu-šú-nu-te

vi 11''11''

[lìb-bi m]da-al-ta-a ma-li-ki-šu-nu ú-ṭib-ma75

(vi 11'') (Thus), I made [the heart of D]altâ, their ruler, happy and [allowed the people of the land] Ellipi, to its full extent, [to l]ive in peace.

vi 12''12''

[UN.MEŠ KUR].el-li- a-na paṭ gim-ri-šá

vi 13''13''

[ú-še]-ši-ba šu-bat -eḫ-ti

vi 14''14''


(vi 14'') ...-parnua of the city Sikris,

vi 15''15''

mšu/ku-tir-na ša URU.x-[(x)]-sa-na-a

(vi 15'') Šutirna/Kutirna of the city ...-sanâ,

vi 16''16''

mup-pa-am-ma-a ša URU.ḫa-[x]-ta-KA?/SAR?-na

(vi 16'') Uppammâ of the city Ḫa-...taKAna,

vi 17''17''

mma-áš-da-ku ša URU.a-ma-ak-ki

(vi 17'') Mašdakku of the city Amakki,

vi 18''18''

m-te-su-ku ša URU.-te-up-pu

(vi 18'') Ištesukka of the city Išteʾuppu,

vi 19''19''

mú-ar-za-an ša KUR.ú-qu-ut-ti

(vi 19'') Uarzan of the land Uqqutti,

vi 20''20''

máš-pa-ba-ra ša KUR.ka-ak-kam

(vi 20'') Ašpa-bara of the land Kakkam,

vi 21''21''

msa-tar-e-šu mpa?-ru-ra-su77

(vi 21'') Satarēšu (and) Parurasu, city rulers of the large districts of Bīt-Bāri (and) Bīt-Barbari,

vi 22''22''

.EN.URU.MEŠ ša KUR.É-ba-a-ri

vi 23''23''

KUR.É-bar-ba-ri na-gi-i dan-nu-ti

vi 24''24''

msa-tar-pa-nu ša KUR.up-pu-ri-a

(vi 24'') Satarpānu of the land Uppuria,

vi 25''25''

mpa-ar-ku-ku ša

(vi 25'') Parkuku (Partukku) of the land Andirpattianu,

vi 26''26''

ma-ri-ia ša KUR.bu--tu-us

(vi 26'') Aria of the land Buštu[s],

vi 27''27''

m-ra-a ša KUR.kan-za-ab-ka-nu

(vi 27'') Ušrâ of the land Ka[nz]abakanu,

vi 28''28''

mma-áš-tuk-ku ša KUR.a-rat-is-ta

(vi 28'') Maštukku of the land A[ra]tista,

vi 29''29''

mza-ar-duk-ka ša KUR.ḫa-ar-zi-a-nu

(vi 29'') Zardukka of the land Ḫarzianu,

vi 30''30''

m-te-su?-ku ma-ú-a-ri-is-ar-nu78

(vi 30'') Ištesuku (Ištesukka) (and) Auarisarnu, city rulers of the land Kayatanu,

vi 31''31''

.EN.URU.MEŠ ša KUR.ka-i-ta-nu

vi 32''32''

mar-ba-ku ša

(vi 32'') Arbaku of the land Arnasia,

vi 33''33''

[m]sar-ru-ti ša URU.kar-zi-nu-ú

(vi 33'') Sarruti of the city Karzinû,

vi 34''34''

[msa]-tar-pa-nu ša

(vi 34'') [Sata]rpānu of the [lan]d Barikānu,

vi 35''35''

[m...] ša

(vi 35'') [...] of [the lan]d Zazaknu,

vi 36''36''

[m... ša] KUR.qar-ka-si-a80

(vi 36'') [... of the lan]d Qarkasia,

vi 37''37''

[m... KUR].pa-ar-ta-ka-nu

(vi 37'') [...] Partakanu;

vi 38''38''

[...].RA?.MEŠ šá-qu-u-ti

(vi 38'') [...] high [...] of the bringing of [... m]ules [...] I received and [...]

vi 39''39''

[...]-nu ša bi-bil81

vi 40''40''


vi 41''41''

[...] x am-ḫur-ma

vi 42''42''




Sm 2049 i´

Sm 2049 i´

vi 1'''1'''

[...] x-ia

(vi 1''') [...] my [...]

vi 2'''2'''

[a-di a-na-ku ... KUR].el-li-82

(vi 2''') [While I was in the process of defeating ... the land] Ellipi [... the ci]ty Šaparda, [... (and) the land U]qqutti [(and) receiving] substantial tribute, (the following happened in the west):

vi 3'''3'''

[...] URU.šá-par-da

vi 4'''4'''

[... KUR].uq-qu-ti

vi 5'''5'''

[...] ka-bit- GUN

vi 6'''6'''

[NUN? a-lik? pa-ni-ia?] a-na mḫul-li-i83

(vi 6''') [My princely predecessor] had become angry with Ḫullî, [king of the land Bīt-Purutaš], and [... had commanded the dissolut]ion of his land. [He brought him (Ḫullî), together with his family, to] Assyria [(and) had considered (them) (there) as if (they were) membe]rs of the lower class. [(...)] I restored [Ḫullî to his position] and

vi 7'''7'''

[LUGAL? KUR?.É-pu-ru-ta-áš?] i-gu-ug-šu-ma84

vi 8'''8'''

[... sa-pa]-aḫ KUR-šú85

vi 9'''9'''

[šu-ú a-di kim-ti-šu a-na ]-reb KUR -šur.KI86

vi 10'''10'''

[ú-raš-šu-nu-ti im-ta-ni ki-i ṣa]-ab ḫup-ši

vi 11'''11'''

[(x x x) mḫul-li-i? a-na áš-ri-šu] ú-ter-ma



K 8536

K 8536

vi 1''''1''''

[...] x x x x [x] x [...]

(vi 1'''') [...] ... [...]ed him and in the land [... in order to take away (from me) the l]and Que (Cilicia) and plunder [my] la[nd ... he sent] his [vi]zier to U[rsâ (Rusâ), king of the land Urarṭu, (vi 5´´´´) ...] he sent a message qui[ckly ...]

vi 2''''2''''

[...]-ni-šu-ma a-na -reb KUR.[...]

vi 3''''3''''

[ša e-ke-me] KUR.qu-e ù šá-lal KUR-[ia? ...]87

vi 4''''4''''

[... ].SUKKAL-šú a-na mur-[sa-a LUGAL? KUR?.ur-ar-ṭi?]

vi 5''''5''''

[...] AZ ši-pìr- ur-ri-[ḫa ...]

vi 6''''6''''

[...] KIN BA x x [...]

(vi 6'''') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

vi 7''''7''''

[...] x x [...]



K 1672 i´

K 1672 i´

vi 1'''''1'''''

[...] x x [...]

(vi 1''''') [...] ... [... o]f the land Tab[al ...] eu­nuchs of mine, [the provincial governor(s) of the ci]ty Samʾal, (vi 5´´´´´) [the city Arpad, the city H]amath, the city Damascus, [...] together with my cavalry, [which] I had stationed [...] in the land Hamath [...] the numerous [troops of the god Aššu]r [... the land T]abal [...]

vi 2'''''2'''''

[...] ša? KUR.ta-bal

vi 3'''''3'''''

[...] .šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia88

vi 4'''''4'''''


vi 5'''''5'''''

[ KUR].ḫa-am-ma-tu URU.di-maš-qu

vi 6'''''6'''''

[...] a-di ANŠE.pét-ḫal-li-ia

vi 7'''''7'''''

[ša? ...] x i-na -reb KUR.ḫa-ma-at-ti

vi 8'''''8'''''

[...] -zi-zu

vi 9'''''9'''''

[um-ma-na-at da]-šur₄ gap-šá-a-[ti]

vi 10'''''10'''''

[... KUR?].ta?-bal? [x x x]



Column vii
viivii Lacuna


Sm 2022 ii´

Sm 2022 ii´

vii 1'1'

[...] x [...]89

(vii 1') [...] they put [iron] fe[tters] on their [hands and] feet and [...] as booty [...].

vii 2'2'

[x (x) ŠU u] GÌR.II bi-[re- AN.BAR]90

vii 3'3'

id-du-u?-šú-nu-ti-ma [...]

vii 4'4'

šal-la-ti- x [...]91

vii 5'5'

mkur-ti-i KUR.a-tu-na-a-a ša UGU m[mi-ta-a]

(vii 5') (When) Kurtî of the land Atuna, who had put his tru[st] in [Mitâ] of the land Musku, saw the capture of Amris (Ambaris) and the carrying off [of his people], his heart pounded. His (lit.: “their”) messenger, bearing the [happy] news, brought to me in the land Sikris which is (situated) in the land Med[ia] (a message indicating his willingness) to [bring (me)] an audience gift (and) [pull] the yoke of the god A[ššur]; he (thus) [made my heart rejoice].

vii 6'6' it-tak-[lu]

vii 7'7'

ki-šit-ti mam-ri-is ù šá-lal [UN.MEŠ-šú]92

vii 8'8'

e-mur-ma lìb-ba-šú ik-kud a-na [na-še-e]

vii 9'9'

ta-mar-ti a-na ni-ir da-[šur₄ šá-da-di]93

vii 10'10'

.DUMU šip-ri-šú-nu ša a-mat [MUNUS.SIG₅ na-šu-ú]

vii 11'11'

a-na KUR.sik-ri-is ša[a-a]

vii 12'12'

a-di maḫ-ri-ia ub-lam-ma ú-[šá-li-iṣ lìb-bi]

vii 13'13'

i-na 9 BALA-ia a-na [ ša a-ḫi]

(vii 13') In my ninth regnal year I marched to [the city Ashdod which is (situated) on the shore of the] great [s]ea. [... the city] Ashdod [...]

vii 14'14'

[ti]-amti GAL-ti a-lik [...]94

vii 15'15'

[(x) URU].as-du-di [...]

vii 16'16'

[...] x [...]



K 1668b + DT 6 iii´

K 1668b + DT 6 iii´

vii 1''1''

áš-šu [ḪUL-tu e-pu-šu ...]95

(vii 1'') Because of [the evil he (Azuri) had done ... I brought him out] from the city A[shdod], elevated Ahī-Mīti [...], his favorite brother, o[ver the people of the city Ashdod], (vii 5´´) and [set him on the throne of his father]. I established for him (the same) tribute, payment(s), [labor duty, (and) military service] as the kings, [my ancestors, had imposed].

vii 2''2''

-tu[du-di ú-še-ṣa-áš-šum-ma]96

vii 3''3''

ma-ḫi-me-ti [...]

vii 4''4''

a-ḫu ta-lim-šú UGU [UN.MEŠ?]97

vii 5''5''

ú-rab-bi-ma ú-[še-šib-šu i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA AD?-šu]98

vii 6''6''

bil-tu ma-da-at-tu [za-bíl ku-dúr-ri a-lik KASKAL]99

vii 7''7''

ki-i ša LUGAL.MEŠ-ni [AD.MEŠ-ia e-mid-du]

vii 8''8''

UGU-šú áš-kun ù? [šu-nu .ḫat-ti-i]100

(vii 8''b) However, [those] evil [Hittites] with/in ... [...] plotted evil [in their heart(s)] (so as) to no longer (have to) bring tribute (to me). [They made] an insurrection (and) up[rising against] their ruler, [and] drove him out [of the city Ashdod] as if he was one who had committed bloodshed. ... [... They made] king over them (vii 15´´) Iāmānī, a member of the low[er class who had no right to the throne], (and) they sat [him on the throne] of his lord. [...] their city ... [...] of batt[le ...] (vii 20´´) ... [...] ... [...] ... [... in] its environs [its/their] moats [... they dug] twenty cubits deep [until] (vii 25´´) they reached groundwater. <They sent> mendacious messages (and) malicious words to the ki[ngs] of the lands Philistia, Judah, Ed[om], (and) Moab, (as well as to) those who live on the sea(coast), (all) those who brought tribute [and] audience gift(s) to the god Aššur, my lord, (vii 30´´) in order to make (them) hostile to me. They took gift(s) to Pirʾû (Pharaoh), king of Egypt, a ruler who could not save them, and they repeatedly asked him for (military) aid.

vii 9''9''

lem-nu-ti i-na IGI x [...]

vii 10''10''

a-na la na-še₂₀-e bil-ti [ŠÀ-šú-nu]

vii 11''11''

kit-pu-da le-mut-tu [a-na UGU]

vii 12''12''

ma-li-ki-šú-nu si-ḫu bar-[tu e-pu-šu-ma]101

vii 13''13''

ki-i ta-bik da-me ul- [-reb]102

vii 14''14''

ú-še-ṣu-šu i-x x [...]

vii 15''15''

mia-ma-ni .ERIM.MEŠ ḫup-[ši la EN GIŠ.GU.ZA]103

vii 16''16''

a-na LUGAL-ti UGU-šú-nu -[ku-nu i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA]104

vii 17''17''

be--šu ú-še-ši-bu-[šu ...]

vii 18''18''

URU-šú-nu MA?/GAL? x [...]

vii 19''19''

ša mit-ḫu-[ṣi ...]105

vii 20''20''

x [x (x)] x [...]

vii 21''21''

[x x (x)] x x x [...]

vii 22''22''

[(x)] x ḪI x Ú BAD ḪAR [...]106

vii 23''23''

[i]-na li-me-ti-šú ḫi-ri-ṣa-ni?-[šu?-(nu?) ...]107

vii 24''24''

20 i-na 1.KÙŠ a-na šu-pa-li [...]108

vii 25''25''

ik-šud-du A.MEŠ nag-bi a-na LUGAL.[MEŠ-ni]

vii 26''26''

ša KUR.pi-liš-te KUR.ia-ú-di KUR.ú-du-[me?]109

vii 27''27'' a-ši-bu-ut tam-tim na-áš bil-ti [u]

vii 28''28''

ta-mar-ti ša da-šur₄ be--ia

vii 29''29''

da-bab sa-ar-ra-a-ti at-me-e nu-ul-la-a-te

vii 30''30''

ša it-ti-ia a-na šum-ku-ri <-pu-ru> UGU mpi-ir-ʾu-u110

vii 31''31''

LUGALṣ-ri mal-ku la mu-še-zi-bi-šú-nu

vii 32''32''

šul-man-na-šú-nu -šu-ú-ma e-ter-ri-šu-

vii 33''33''

ki-it-ra a-na-ku mLUGAL-GI.NA NUN ke-e-nu

(vii 33''b) I, Sargon, the just prince, who reveres oath(s) (sworn) by the gods Šamaš (and) Marduk (and) who obeys (vii 35´´) the commands of the god Aššur, had (my) troops cross the Tigris (and) Euphrates Rivers at the height of (their) flooding, (namely) at the spring inundation, (as easily) as if (they were) dry land. Moreover, that (man) Iāmānī, their king, who had put his trust in his own strength and had not su[bmitted] to any(one else’s) rule, (vii 40´´) heard from [af]ar of [the app]roach of my expeditionary force. Then, the [aw]esome splendor of the god [Aššur], my [lord], overwhelmed him and ... [his legs grew weak, like roots] on a river bank. [...] ... [Like fish, th]ey chose the depths of [far-off] waters (for their) hiding place. (vii 45´´) [...] far [...] he fled [... the city A]shdod [...] ...

vii 34''34''

pa-li-iḫ ma-mit dšà-máš dAMAR.UTU na-ṣi-ru

vii 35''35''

zik-ri da-šur₄ ÍD.IDIGNA ÍD.BURANUN.KI

vii 36''36''

i-na ILLU kiš-šá-ti e-du-ú IGI šat-ti ERIM?.ḪI?.A?111

vii 37''37''

na-pa-liš ú-še-tiq ù šu-ú mia-ma-ni

vii 38''38''

LUGAL-šú-nu ša i-na e-muq ra-man-i-šu112

vii 39''39''

it-tak-lu-ma ul ik-[nu]-šu a-na be-lu-ti

vii 40''40''

[a]-lik ger-ri-ia a-na [ru]-qa-a-ti -me-ma113

vii 41''41''

[na]-mur-rat d[a-šur₄ EN]-ia is-ḫup-šu-ma

vii 42''42''

[x x] x x [x ki-ma šur-še] ša kib-ri ÍD114

vii 43''43''

[ir-bu-ba SUḪUŠ-šú ...] x x šup-li A.MEŠ

vii 44''44''

[ru-qu-(ú)-ti ki-ma KU₆.MEŠ] iṣ-ba- pa-še-ru115

vii 45''45''

[...] x ru-qa-a-ti116

vii 46''46''

[...] UN in-na-bit

vii 47''47''

[... URU].as-du-di

vii 48''48''

[...] x AZ x [x]



Sm 2049 ii´

Sm 2049 ii´

vii 1'''1'''

[x x x] uz-ni? [...]

(vii 1''') [...] of understanding [... they st]ood and [...] the sound of a fl[ute ... his/their] helper(s) [...] (vi 5´´´) into the city Zaʾini, a [fortified] cit[y of the land Gurgum], he entered and [... Tarḫu-lara] became angry and Mut[allu ...] to one who goes ... [... si]gns of kingship [... (vii 10´´´) Q]umašši, son of his father, who [...] ... [...] they sent and ... [...] ferocious ... [...] as many as there were, [they divided up] into equal par[ts and ...] ... Tarhu-lara [...]

vii 2'''2'''

[iz/?]-zi-zu-ma x [...]

vii 3'''3'''

ri-ig-me ma-li-[li? ...]

vii 4'''4'''

[x]-ma ti-ik-le-[šú?-(nu?) ...]

vii 5'''5'''

a-na URU [dan-nu-ti? šá? KUR.gúr-gu-me?]117

vii 6'''6'''

e-ru-ub-ma x [... mtar-ḫu-la-ra?]

vii 7'''7'''

i-gu-ug-ma mmut-[tal-lum ...]

vii 8'''8'''

x a-na a-lik -e-x [...]

vii 9'''9'''

[i]-da-at LUGAL-te Á [...]

vii 10'''10'''

[m]qu?-maš-ši DUMU AD-šú šá x [...]118

vii 11'''11'''

[x] RU UB BU Ú RA [...]119

vii 12'''12'''

ú-ma-ʾe-ru-ma a-li? / tu?-[...]

vii 13'''13'''

šit-mu-ru UR NÍG AN?/TI? x [...]120

vii 14'''14'''

ma-la ba-šu-ú mal-ma-liš [i-zu-zu-ma ...]121

vii 15'''15'''

x (x) x mtar-ḫu-la-ra x [...]



Sm 2050 i´

Sm 2050 i´

vii 1''''1''''

[...] x [x (x)]

(vii 1'''') [...] his rule [... ca]mpaign [... the land] Gurgum [...]

vii 2''''2''''

[...] be-lut*-su122

vii 3''''3''''

[...] ger-ru

vii 4''''4''''

[... KUR].gúr-gu-me

vii 5''''5''''

[...] ŠU

(vii 5'''') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

vii 6''''6''''

[...] x



K 1672 ii´

K 1672 ii´

vii 1'''''1'''''

x [...]

(vii 1''''') [...] the land [... I covered] like a c[loud. I laid waste to its] meadowland(s) [...] (vii 5´´´´´) the noise of [my] weap[ons ...] took fright [and opened their gate ...]. They came out [and kissed my feet. I gave his] royal city [Melid, together with its surrounding district], to the king [of the land Kummuḫu ...]

vii 2'''''2'''''

KUR.x [...]123

vii 3'''''3'''''

ki-ma ur?-[pa-ti? ak-tùm? ú-nam-ma-a?]124

vii 4'''''4'''''

ta-mir-tuš [...]

vii 5'''''5'''''

ri-gim GIŠ.TUKUL.[MEŠ-ia ...]

vii 6'''''6'''''

e-du-ru-[ma ip-tu-ú -šu-un ...]125

vii 7'''''7'''''

uṣ-ṣu-[nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia]

vii 8'''''8'''''

URU LUGAL-ti-[šu a-di na-gi-i ša li-me-ti-šu]

vii 9'''''9'''''

[a]-na LUGAL [KUR.kúm-mu-ḫi ad-di-in ...]



Column viii
viiiviii Lacuna


K 1668b + DT 6 iv´

K 1668b + DT 6 iv´

viii 1'1'

x [...]

(viii 1') [...] the city [...] the city [...] more th[an previously ...] (viii ) their name(s) [... I had people whom I had captured enter] th[ere. I imposed upon them (the same state) service (and) corvée duty] as (there had been in the time) of [Gunzinānu. I strengthened the garrison(s of)] the cities Lu[ḫsu, Purṭir, Anmurru], K[iaka, (and) Anduarsalia] (viii 10´) against the land [Urarṭu. I erected] the cities U[si, Usian, (and) Uargin on the border] of the land Mus[ku and seized] the entrance ways (to that land) (lit.: “its gates”) [so that nothing (more) could come out (from that land to Assyria). I constructed the cities Ellibir (and) Šindarara] against the people [of the land Kasku]. In order not [...]

viii 2'2'

URU.x [...]

viii 3'3'

URU.x [...]

viii 4'4'

UGU ša? [maḫ-ri? ...]

viii 5'5'

MU-šú-nu [... UN.MEŠ ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia]126

viii 6'6'

i-na lìb-[bi ú-še-rib il-ku tup-šik-ku]

viii 7'7'

ki-i ša [mgu-un-zi-na-nu e-mid-su-nu-ti]

viii 8'8'ḫ-[su URU.pur-ṭir]

viii 9'9'[a?-ka?]

viii 10'10'

UGU KUR.[ur-ar-ṭi ú-dan-ni-na EN.NUN]

viii 11'11'

URU.ú-[si URU.ú-si-an URU.ú-ar-gi-in pa-a-ṭi]

viii 12'12'[ki ad-di-ma ša la mu-ṣe-e aṣ-ba-ta]

viii 13'13'

.MEŠ-šú [URU.el-li-bir URU.ši-in-da-ra-ra]

viii 14'14'

UGU UN.MEŠ [KUR.ka-as-ku ar-ku-us (x x x)]

viii 15'15'

áš-šu la x [...]127

viii 16'16'

i-na u₄-[me-šu-ma ka-tim-ti KUR.MEŠ-e ša KUR.ḫat-ti ip-pe-te]

(viii 16') At [that] ti[me, (everything) that was hidden in the mountains of the land Ḫatti was revealed (to me)]. Du[ring my reign ...]

viii 17'17'

i-na [u₄-me? BALA-ia? ...]

viii 18'18'


(viii 18') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

viii 19'19'

x [...]



Sm 2050 ii´

Sm 2050 ii´

viii 1''1''

MA [...]

(viii 1'') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

viii 2''2''

NI [...]

viii 3''3''

x [...]

viii 4''4''

NU [...]

viii 5''5''

x [...]



K 4818 i´

K 4818 i´

viii 1'''1'''

[...] (x) [...]

(viii 1''') Too poorly preserved to allow translation.

viii 2'''2'''

[...] NA x [...]

viii 3'''3'''

[...] x IA NI [...]

viii 4'''4'''

[...] x a-na ar-[kàt u₄-me NUN]128

(viii 4'''b) In [days to come, wh]en [this] ziggu[rrat becomes old and] dilapidated, [may a future prince renovate] its dilapidated sections. [May he return my inscribed object and (any) insc]ribed object(s) of the kings, my ancestors, to the[ir] place(s). The gods [Ašš]ur (and) Adad will (then) listen to his prayers.

viii 5'''5'''

[ar-ku-ú e]-nu-ma É ziq-qur-[ra-tu ši-i]

viii 6'''6'''

[i-lab-bi-ru-ma] e-na-ḫu an-ḫu-us-sa [lu-ud-diš]129

viii 7'''7'''

[MU.SAR-a-a u] MU.SAR-e LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia a-na KI-šú-[un]

viii 8'''8'''

[lu-ter da]-šur₄ dIŠKUR ik-ri-bi-šu i-šem-mu-ú

viii 9'''9'''

[ša ep-šet ŠU.II]-ia - áš-ri-šú ú-nak-ka-ru130

(viii 9''') [(As for) the one who] removes [the work of] my [hands] from its (current) location, may the gods Aššur (and) A]dad, the great gods, [curse him] angrily [and] make [his name (and)] his [des]cendant(s) disappear from the land.

viii 10'''10'''

[da-šur₄ d]IŠKUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ez-zi-

viii 11'''11'''

[li-ru-ru-šu-ma MU-šú] NUMUN-šú i-na KUR li-ḫal-li-qu

Lower edge

Lower edge

viii 12'''12'''


(viii 12''') [... (of)] Sargon, king of Assyria.

1The beginning of the text appears to be different from the opening sections of all other inscriptions of Sargon II. Furthermore, the first line follows a line ruling and the copy by H. Tadmor (JCS 11 [1957] p. 97) indicates traces of signs from one or two lines above that line ruling; he assumes three lines in this area (ibid. p. 98). The copy by A. Fuchs (SAAS 8 pl. 1) also indicates some marks/damage above the line ruling, but he states “Das Fragment enthält über der ersten Zeile des eigentlichen Textes noch weitere unleserliche Kratzer, die zunächst an Zeichenspuren denken lassen. Nach mehrfacher Prüfung des Originals bin ich zu der Überzeugung gelangt, dass es sicht hierbei wohl doch nur um Risse und Löcher handelt, die Zeichenresten nur ähnlich sehen” (ibid. p. 21). It is most unusual not to have begun the inscription at the very top of the column and one would wonder if there had not originally been something written in this area. However, Sm 2021, which also preserves the top of its columns (iv and v of the master text), seems to indicate that the text does begin a bit lower down from the top of the prism than is usual.

2The tentative translation assumes ... an-na-šu [ke-e-na a-šá-al-ma ...]; see Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 54 line 5. Or possibly ... an-na-šu [ke-e-nu (la muš-pe-lu) at-ta-kil-ma ...], “[I trusted in] his [firm (and unalterable)] approval]”; see Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 107 no. 48 line 79.

3Possibly [...] ša?-ge-pi-ir DINGIR.[MEŠ], “most majestic of the god[s]”?

4Possibly ša ne-me-[], “of wisd[om]” or ša ne-me-[eq-šú], “who[se] wisd[om].”

5If the inscription of text no. 102 was also found on the Nineveh Prism, it would likely have been slightly before or after this section of K 1673.

6The contents of text no. 63 i´ may have been found on the Nineveh Prism, and if so, probably at some point after this section of K 1673.

7These lines apparently describe events for what the inscription would have referred to as the king’s fifth regnal year.

8Cf. text no. 117 ii 38–39. Possibly a-na [šal-la-ti am-nu], “[I counted] as [booty],” or a-na [la ma-ni], “[countless].”

9Naʾaman, AfO 46–47 (1999–2000) p. 363 suggests restoring [it-ti GU₄].MEŠ, “[together with oxen].”

10The restoration at the beginning of the line is based on such passages as text no. 2 line 493. At the end of the line possibly restore URU-šú, “his city,” instead ofše-si-im, “the city Kišesim.”

11For the restorations, cf. text no. 4 line 40´ and text no. 117 ii 38–39.

12Cf. text no. 1 lines 95–96, text no. 2 lines 87–88, and text no. 4 lines 41´–42´? The traces would not support the reading expected in 11´ from text no. 117 ii 40: “The land Bīt-Sagabi, which is in the Fortress of the Bab[ylonian(s)].”

13These lines describe the creation and installation of a stele, likely the one found at Najafabad (text no. 117 and cf. ibid. ii 70–71 and possibly text no. 72 Side A 4´–6´a).

14A. Fuchs (SAAS 8 p. 26 and n. 43) suggests i-na É da?-šur₄ (LÁL?.S[AR?]) , “in the temple of the god Aššur,” but, as noted by E. Frahm (KAL p. 73), such temples are rare outside of the city Aššur. In a possibly similar passage in text no. 72, we have [... i?]-na? É dAMAR.UTU é-kur-ri-šú-nu a-na da-ra-ti / [ul-ziz? ...], “[... i]n the temple of the god Marduk, their temple, for all time [I erected ...]” (Side A 5´–6´a).

15We might expect KUR.É-sa-an-gi-[bu-ti] in iii 23´, but the traces do not seem to support this. Possibly (iii 23´) [ša] KUR.É-ma?/ba?-al-x-an-gi (iii 24´) [ù ša URU].É-zu-al-za-áš GU₄.[MEŠ]; see Naʾaman, AfO 46–47 (1999–2000) pp. 362–363. In Sargon’s eighth campaign (714), the ruler of the city Bīt-Zualzaš was Ḫumbê (text no. 65 line 46).

16For the restoration, see for example text no. 1 lines 124–125.

17The tentative restorations are based upon the sense of text no. 2 line 89 and text no. 4 lines 42´–43´. A writing URU.ḫa-ar-ḫa-ra-ía would be otherwise unattested. Possibly e-ba-ku-ma, “drove off” (see text no. 117 ii 42) instead of ir-du-du-ma, “drove out.”

18Possibly [URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti]-šu ap-pul [aq-qur ina IZI -ru-up], “I destroyed, [demolished, (and) burned down with fire the settlements in] its [environs].”

19Possibly la sa-[an-qu ...]?

20Cf. text no. 117 ii 42?

21Possibly [... a]-na a-šab šu-[bat ne-eḫ-ti], “[... in order] to dwell [in peace]”?

22Possibly -[šiš] plus a form of the verb epēšu, or the number 30 [...]. The passage likely has to do with the strengthening of the defences of the city Ḫarḫar; cf. for example vii 24´–25 and text no. 117 ii 42.

23For the restoration, see text no. 1 line 100 and text no. 2 line 93; possibly az-kur rather than ab-bi (see text no. 7 line 63).

24The restoration of these lines is based on text no. 117 ii 44. Possibly restore DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia, “the great deities, my lords” at the end of iii 4´ rather than DINGIR.MEŠ a-li-kut pa-ni-ia, “the deities who go before me.”

25For the restorations, cf. iii 10´ and 6´–17´, text no. 1 lines 97–98 and 262, text no. 2 lines 90–91 and 286–287, text no. 3 lines 12´–13´, text no. 4 lines 44´–45´, and text no. 7 lines 62 and 108–9.

26For the restoration of this passage and following lines, cf. text no. 1 lines 98–99 and text no. 2 lines 92–93; note also text no. 117 ii 45.

27The text at the end of this gap was likely similar to or a duplicate of text no. 63 ii´ 1–5´.

28N. Naʾaman (AfO 46–47 [1999–2000] p. 363) suggests there was a personal name at the end of iii 1´´´, possibly Ilu-biʾdī ([... ŠU].II mi-x-[...]). See Naʾaman, Tel Aviv 6 (1979) p. 71 n. 6 for a different restoration of these two lines.

29-ku*: See the copy in the minor variants section.

30See the on-page note to text no. 63 ii´ 14´–16´.

31The text at the beginning of this gap was likely similar to or a duplicate of text no. 63 ii´ 18´–25´.

32These lines describe events which the inscription would have assigned to the king’s seventh regnal year. The section for that year would have begun in the gap at the end of col. iii.

33Cf. text no. 65 lines 82, 96, and 103.

34-da*: See the copy in the minor variants section.

35Possibly eb-rat KUR-[i], literally “staircase step of a mountain”; cf. ša si-mil-lat KUR-e, text no. 43 line 32.

36For restorations, cf. text no.  65 lines 127–130 and 132.

37Perhaps see text no. 65 line 133 for restorations.

38For restorations, cf. text no. 1 lines 150–152 and text no. 65 lines 320–321 and 331.

39For restorations and detailed commentary, cf. text no. 65 lines 350–379.

40This line is not found in the list of booty in text no. 65.

41Text no. 65 line 353 has .GI, “gold,” instead of ZABAR, “bronze.”

42Possibly “... stands, potstands ....” In text no. 65 line 356 they must be singular in view of the total number of objects listed there, but the passage in text no. 82 is not an exact copy of that text.

43See the on-page note to text no. 65 line 358.

44Text no. 65 line 360 has 54 not 55.

45Text no. 65 line 360 has <a-di> nak-te-mi-[šu-nu] .ZI.MEŠ.

46See the on-page note to text no. 65 line 361.

47Text no. 65 line 366 has ù SÍG.MEŠ, “and (plain) wool,” instead of ar-ga-man-ni, “(and) red-purple wool.”

48Text no. 65 line 375 has 2 nam-za-qi .GI, “2 gold keys.”

49With regard to the “rod and ring,” see the note to text no. 65 line 375.

50The text in this gap was likely similar to or a duplicate of text no. 65 lines 380–389.

51For restorations and detailed commentary, cf. text no. 65 lines 389–393.

52It is unlikely there was sufficient room to include the ti-iq-ni DINGIR-ti, “adornments (fit) for gods,” found in text no. 65 line 391.

53The tentative interpretation of the number assumes that ME was omitted: 20 LIM 5 <ME> 12, which would be at variance with text no. 65 line 392, which has 25 LIM 2 ME 12, “25,212,” at this point.

54The text in this gap was likely similar to or a duplicate of text no. 63 iii´ 1´–6´ and/or text no. 65 lines 393–401.

55For restorations and detailed commentary, cf. text no. 63 iii´ 7´–12´ and text no. 65 lines 402–403.

56-di*: H. Winckler’s copy shows the sign as complete, while A. Fuchs’ copy has the sign missing the first vertical wedge.

57.GIŠ.GIGIR-šú: Note that the determinative is at the end of v 4, while the rest of word is at the beginning of v 5; compare text no. 65 line 403 and text no. 63 iii´ 10´ (restored).

58D.D. Luckenbill (ARAB 2 p. 107 §202) translates “not(?) submissive (pl.), Assur ...” and thus presumably read here la kan-šu-te da-šur₄. Perhaps ša instead of ŠU x.

59Or “the [Š]urda mountains.”

60We expect ušamqitma or urassibma at the end of the line, but there does not appear to be sufficient room for either unless a logographic writing was used instead of a syllabic one (e.g., ŠUB?-ma).

61NÍG.[GA? ...]prop[erty ...]”: Or šá [...], “of/which [...].”

62Cf. text no. 2 line 466.

63Possibly [nu]-du-un--e, “dowry”? Possibly -reb?, “inside,” for KI KID?

64Or possibly áš-bu-[ú], i.e., “ wh[o] dwe[ll between] the lands Karalla and Namri in [...] mountain wilderness” rather than “whi[ch is (located) between] the lands Karalla and Namri in [...] inac[cessible] mountain wilderness.”

65Cf. Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 91 Tiglath-pileser III no. 37 line 20. Possibly ú-lam-[mi-id-ma], “I/he tau[ght and]”?

66Or possibly šu-tap-pu, “partner,” instead of lib-bu, “courage.”

67The eastern sea might refer here to that of Lake Urmia or the Caspian Sea instead of the Persian Gulf; see Fuchs, SAAS 8 p. 66 n. 74. For the restoration at the end of v 44´, see text no. 1 line 124.

68Or da-na-an-šu-nu, “their strength,” instead of ša-na-an-šu-nu, “their defiance.”

69Or [i-na] instead of [áš-šú]. The restoration in the middle of the line is that proposed in CAD A/2 p. 424.

70Possibly or mun?-nab-tu?

71The tentative restoration is based on text no. 7 line 81. Or [as-suḫ]-šu-ma, “[I removed] him and” (see text no. 8 line 10).


73There does not appear to be sufficient room at the beginning of the line to restore the expected subject of the verb “overwhelmed,” namely “the fear of the god Aššur, my lord” (see for example vii 41´´).

74The restorations are based on text no. 65 line 135.

75The restoration is based on text no. 1 line 183 and text no. 2 line 218.

76Cf. a similar list of rulers in text no. 65 lines 42–49. Possibly [m]ta-pa-ar-nu-a or [m]-pa-ar-nu-a in vi 14´´.

77Based on text no. 65 line 42, which mentions a mdu-re-si immediately before a msa-tar-e-šú, we might expect mdu-ru-ra-su here.

78Cf. text no. 117 ii 62 m-te-su-uk-ka? [(šá)] URU?.ka-ia-ta-ni.

79For the restoration at the beginning of the line, see text no. 65 line 49 and text no. 117 ii 61.

80In the sixth regnal year of Sargon II, the ruler of Qarkasia was Šummušrâ, according to text no. 117 ii 69.

81Possibly ... bi-bil [lìb-bi-ia ...], thus “[my heart’s] desire.”

82For the restoration and understanding of the passage cf. text no. 1 lines 444b–451a and text no. 7 lines 149–150.

83The restoration is based on text no. 1 lines 194. Or possibly restore da-šur₄, “the god Aššur,” as subject of the verb?

84Or possibly restore [LUGAL KUR.ta-bal], “[king of the land Tabal]”; cf. text no. 1 line 194 and text no. 2 line 226.

85For the restoration, cf. v 63–65 and text no. 4 line 27´.

86The restorations and understanding of the passage are based on text no. 1 line 195, text no. 2 line 227, and text no. 89 line 33.

87The restoration is made on the lines of text no. 1 line 200, text no. 2 line 232, text no. 7 line 31, and text no. 74 v 20–24.

88N. Naʾaman suggests restoring the passage to read: “my eunuchs, [the governors] of the cities of Samʾal, [of Ṣubat??], of Hamath, of Damascus, [of Ḫatarikka??], with my cavalry [which m]y [commanders] stationed in the lands Hamath [and Ḫatarikka??]” (UF 31 [1999] pp. 426–427 and AfO 46–47 [1999–2000] p. 363). The passage cited by him (Fales and Postgate, SAA 11 no. 1 rev. i 12´) is not sufficient reason to restore Ṣubat (Ṣupāt) in vi 5´´´´´ instead of Arpad. The restorations would mean that most of the governors who are about to go and fight in the north (Tabal) would have come from central or southern Syria. Cf. Landsberger, Samʾal p. 73 with regard to the restorations in vi 4´´´´´–5´´´´´.

89The section before what is found in vi 2´–3´ might have referred to something along the lines of “Am(ba)ris, king of the land Bīt-Purutaš, together with the (other) offspring of his father’s house (and) the nobles of his land”; see text no. 1 line 201, text no. 2 line 233, and text no. 74 v 25–26, and cf. text no. 7 line 31.

90The restoration is based on text no. 8 line 14.

91The traces do not support reading im-[nu-šu-nu-ti] and we would not expect am-[nu-šu-nu-ti] since the passage is in the third person plural.

92For restoration and understanding of these lines, compare text no. 1 lines 451–456, text no. 2 lines 431–435, and text no. 7 lines 152–153.

93H. Winckler’s copy appears to show the šur₄ of line 9´ and the MUNUS of line 10´ to be completely or partially preserved; collation indicates that there appears to be a new break at this spot on the fragment.

94G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 146) reads the line as [ti-a]-mat GAL-ti šá e-[rib dUTU-ši x x x x x x x x], but collation indicates that the copy by A. Fuchs is correct — i.e., -amti(GÉME) not -mat —, no šá after -ti, and a- not e-.

95The restoration is based on text no. 1 line 251, text no. 3 line 7´, and text no. 7 line 92.

96For the restoration, cf. text no. 7 line 81. G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) reads -tu LUGAL-[ti-šú UGU KUR-šú ú-nak-kir], “[I did away] with [his] ru[lership over his land],” based on text no. 7 line 93, but the traces fit -tu[du-di] better.

97G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) restores just UGU-[šú-nu], “ov[er them],” at the end of the line based on text no. 3 line 8´ and text no. 7 line 94, but we would expect several more signs in the line.

98Or restore ŠEŠ-šu, “his brother,” instead of AD-šu, “his father.” G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs pp. 145 and 148) reads ú-rab-bi šu-ú [a-na ni-ri-ia -du-ud], “I raised. He [pulled my yoke]”; however the fourth sign is MA, not ŠU.

99For the restorations, see text no. 105 ii´ 9–12 and note v 25´–26´ of this text. For line 7´´ G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) reads ki-ma ša LUGAL.MEŠ-ni [maḫ-ru-ti AD.MEŠ-ni], “like the [previous] kings, [(my) ancestors]”; however, the second sign is clearly I, not MA.

100For the restorations of the line, cf. text no. 1 lines 198–199 and 253, text no. 3 line 8´, and text no. 7 lines 94–95, and see Fuchs, SAAS 8 p. 45 n. 140.

101Or restore ú-šab-šu-ma instead of i-pu-šu-ma; see Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 188 A.0.103.1 iv 40.

102Or restore ul- [-reb/lìb-bi URU-šu], “out [of his city].”

103One does not expect MEŠ after .ERIM if it refers to Iāmānī. For the restoration of the end of the line, cf. text no. 7 lines 33 and 95, text no. 1 line 254, and text no. 3 line 9´.

104For the restorations, cf. text no. 1 lines 252–253, text no. 3 line 8´, and text no. 7 line 39.

105The word mitḫuṣi appears in text no. 2 line 380.

106Or mit-ḫur-[ti/tu]?

107Cf. text no. 65 line 190 for the tentative reading of the end of the line. At the end of the line, G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) reads ḫi-ri-ṣa [iḫ-ru-u], “[they dug] a moat.”

108At the end of the line, G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) restores [iḫ-ru-uadi], “[they dug until].”

109At the end of the line, G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 145) reads KUR.ú-[du-me KUR.É-am-ma-na-a u],” Ed[om, Ammon, and],” but there is not sufficient room to restore more than one sign after -du.

110The verb -pu-ru appears to have been omitted after šum-ki-ri; cf. v 10´–11´.

111The height of flooding of the Tigris is in April and that of the Euphrates in May (Redman, Rise of Civilization p. 35).

112For the end of the line, G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 146) reads i-na e-[mu-qi-šú], “in [his] str[ength],” but collation does not support this reading.

113We would expect [a]-lak rather than [a]-lik; see text no. 7 line 101 and note the variant a-lik in ex. 5.

114The restorations are based on text no. 65 line 174.

115Cf. Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 246 no. 11 v 20 (ki-ma KU₆.MEŠ iṣ-bat šu-pul A.MEŠ ru-qu-u-ti) and text no. 6 line 6´a (ú-šá-aṣ-bi-ta pa-ši-ru).

116G. Vera Chamaza (Rolle Moabs p. 146) restores these lines as [... a-na] ru-qa-a-ti / [a-naṣ]-ri in-na-bit / [ù la in-na-mir a-šar-šú URU].as-du-di / [ ù URU].as-du-[di-im-mu], “[...] he fled [(...)] far off, [to Egyp]t; [his (present) whereabouts have not been discovered. The cities] Ashdod, [Gath, (and)] Ashd[od-Yam],” based on text no. 7 lines 103–104. The traces before in-na-bit in line 46´´, however, would not fit the end of a RI, while they are fully consistent with UN, and the traces after the AZ in 48´´ are not particularly good for DU, although such a reading can not be excluded.

117Instead of URU [dan-nu-ti], “[fortified] city,” other possible restorations include URU [LUGAL-ti], “[royal] city,” and URU.[ḪAL.ṢU], “fo[rtress].”

118Assuming that there was a name at the beginning of the line, other possible readings include [m]qu-bar-ši, [m]bi-maš-ši, and [m]bi-bar-ši.

119Possibly [šu]-ru-up-pu-ú, “[ch]ills”? Cf. Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 132 no. 6 ix 7´.

120Possibly ur-ša-an, “hero”?

121For the restoration, cf. for example text no. 7 line 118 and text no. 8 line 19.

122-lut*-: The copy has -E-U-.

123Possibly KUR.ḫat-[ti], “land Ḫat[ti],” or KUR-ú?/i? “mountain.”

124For the tentative restorations, see text no. 1 line 211 and text no. 65 line 266. Or possibly ar-bu-ti- ú-šá-li-ka, “I turned into a desolate land,” instead of ú-nam-ma-a, “I laid waste to”; see text no. 65 line 275.

125For restorations, cf. text no. 1 lines 211 and 220–221.

126For restorations, cf. text no. 1 lines 214–223 and text no. 2 lines 256–260.

127Tadmor, JCS 12 (1958) p. 91 n. 300 suggests áš-šu la n[a-pa-ar-ka-a ..... ad-di-in], referring to text no. 1 lines 220–221.

128For restorations, cf. text no. 8 lines 82–87 and such other places as Grayson, RIMA 1 p. 274 A.0.78.23 lines 119–120, text no. 43 line 76, text no. 103 iv 64–69, and text no. 117 ii 75.

129Or [ú-šal-ba-ru-ma]; see for example Grayson, RIMA 1 p. 186 A.0.77.1 line 159 and CAD L p. 16.

130Or [ša šiṭ-ri MU]-ia, “my [inscribed name]”; see text no. 103 ii 64.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.

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