Sargon II 064




[... DUMU.MEŠ ZIMBIR].KI? NIBRU?.[KI .DINGIR.RA.KI u bár-sipa.KI ša i-na la an-ni-šú-nu i-na qer-bi-šú ka-mu-ú ṣi-bit-ta-šú-nu a-bu-ut-ma ú-kal-lim-šú-nu-ti nu-ru]

(1') [... (As for) the citizens of (the cities) Sippar], N[ippur, Babylon, and Borsippa who through no fault of their own had been held captive in it (Dūr-Yakīn), I put an end to their imprisonment and let them see the light (of day). (With regard to) their fields, which long ag]o, whi[le the land was in disorder, the Sutians had taken away and appropriated for their own], I stru[ck down (those) Sutians, the people] of the steppe, with the sword. [I (re)assigned to them (the citizens) their territories, (whose boundaries) had been forgotten (and) fallen into disuse during the troubled period in the land. I (re)-established the freedom (from obligations) of (the cities) U]r, Uruk, Eridu, Larsa, Kullaba, K[issik, (and) Nēmed-Laguda. Moreover, I returned] their [god]s that had been carried off as booty to [their] cult centers [and I restored their regular offerings that had been discontinued].


[A.ŠÀ.MEŠ-šú-nu ša ul-tu u₄-me ul]-lu-ti i-na [i-ši-ti ma-a-ti .su-ti-i e-ki-mu-ú-ma ra-ma-nu--šú-un ú-ter-ru]


[.su-ti-i ERIM].MEŠ? EDIN i-na GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-[qit ki-sur-ri-šú-nu ma-šu-ú-ti ša ina di-li-iḫ KUR ib-baṭ-lu ú-šad-gi-la pa-nu--šú-un]


[ša] ÚRI.KI UNUG.KI eridu.KI ARARMA.KI kul-aba₄.KI ki-[sik.KI URU.-med-dla-gu-da áš-ku-na an-du-ra-ar-šú-un]


[ù DINGIR].MEŠ-šú-nu šal-lu-ti a-na ma-ḫa-zi-[šú-nu ú-ter-ma sat-tuk-ki-šú-nu ba-aṭ-lu-ú-ti ú-ter áš-ru--šú-un]


[KUR.É-m]ia-ki-ni ú-ter-ma a-na -šu-ti [aṣ-bat UN.MEŠ KUR.kúm-mu-ḫi ki-šit-ti qa-ti-ia -reb-šú ú-šar-me-ma ú-še-ši-ba ni-du-us-su]1

(6') I restored [the land Bīt-Y]akīn and re[organized (its administration). I settled there people from the land Kummuḫu that I had conquered and I had (them) occupy its (Bīt-Yakīn’s) abandoned regions]. I divided up [th]at [land] into equal parts and [assigned (them)] to the auth[ority] of a [eunuch of mine, the governor of Babylon, and a(nother) eunuch of mine, the governor of the Gambulu (tribe)].


[(x) KUR šu]-a- mal?-ma?-liš? a-zu-uz-ma i-na ŠU.[II] .[šu-ut SAG-ia .GAR.KUR .DINGIR.RA.KI ù .šu-ut SAG-ia .GAR.KUR .gam-bu-li am-nu]


[a-na .DINGIR].RA.KI ma-ḫa-zi dEN.LÍL. DINGIR.MEŠ i-na [e-le-eṣ lib-bi nu-um-mur pa-ni ḫa-diš e-ru-um-ma ŠU.II EN GAL-i dAMAR.UTU aṣ-bat-ma ú-šal-li-ma ú-ru-uḫ É á-ki-ti]

(8') [Happily], with [a joyful heart (and) a radiant face, I entered Babylo]n, the cult center of the Enlil of the gods (Marduk); [I grasped hold of the hands of the great lord, the god Marduk, and brought (him) safely along the road to the akītu-house. (With regard to) 154 talen]ts, 26 minas, (and) 10 shekels of red gold, 1,804 talen[ts (and) 20 minas of pure silver, copper, (and) iron in immeasurable quantities, (10´) obsidian], lapis-lazuli, banded agate, blue turquoise, [green turquoise, ... of banded agate (and) muššaru-stone in large quantities, (...) blue-purple wool], red-purple [woo]l, garments with multi-colored trim and [linen garments, boxwood, cedar, cypress, (and) every kind of aromatic, the products of Mount Amanus, whose scent(s) are pleasant from the beginning of my reign until (my) third year, I presented (these things) as gifts to the deities Bēl, Zarpanīt]u, Nabû, Tašmētu, and the (other) gods [who dwell in the cult centers of the land of Sumer and Akkad].


[1 ME 54] GUN 26 MA.NA 10 GÍN .GI ḫuš-šu-ú 1 LIM 8 ME 4 GUN [20 MA.NA .BABBAR eb-bu URUDU.ḪI.A par-zil-la ša ni-ba la i-šu-ú]


[NA₄.] NA₄.ZA.GÌN.MEŠ NA₄.BABBAR.DILI.MEŠ NA₄....MEŠ [NA₄.UGU... di-gi-li NA₄.BABBAR.DILI NA₄.MUŠ.GÍR a-na mu-ʾu-de-e (...)]2


[SÍG.ta-kil-] SÍ lu-bul-ti bir-me ù [TÚG.GADA GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN ka-la ri-iq- bi-ib-lat KUR.ḫa-ma-a-ni ša e-ri-su-un ṭa-a-bu]


[a-na dEN dzar-pa-ni]-tum dAG dtaš-me-tum ù DINGIR.MEŠ [a-ši-bu-ut ma-ḫa-zi KUR šu-me-ri ù URI.KI ul-tu SAG LUGAL-ti-ia a-di MU.3.KÁM ú-qa-i-šá -šá-a-ti]3


[mú-pe-e-ri LUGAL dil-mun.KI] ša ma-lak 30 KASKAL.GÍD ina MURUB₄ tam-[tim ni-pi-iḫ dUTU-ši ki-ma nu-ú-ni šit-ku-nu nar-ba-ṣu da-na-an d-šur dAG dAMAR.UTU -me-ma ú-šá-bi-la? kàd-ra-a-šú?]4

(13') [Upēri, king of Dilmun, wh]o(se) [lair is situated] at a distance of thirty leagues in the middle of the [Eastern] Se[a, like (that of) a fish, heard of the might of the gods Aššur, Nabû, (and) Marduk and brought me his gift].


[ù 7 LUGAL.MEŠ-ni ša KUR].ia- na-ge-e ša KUR.ia-ad-[na-na ša ma-lak 7 u₄-me i-na MURUB₄ tam-tim e-reb dUTU-ši šit-ku-nu-ma -es-sa-at šu-bat-su-un]

(14') [Moreover, seven kings of the land Y]āʾ, a region of the land Yad[nana (Cyprus) whose abode(s) are situated far away, at a distance of seven days (journey) in the middle of the Western Sea (15´) (and) the name of whose land, from the dist]ant [past] until now, [none] o[f the kings, my ancestors, neither in Assyria nor in the land Karduniaš (Babylonia), had ever heard heard from afar, in the middle of the sea, of the deeds] I had been doi[ng in Chaldea] and the land Ḫatti (Syria). [Their hearts then pounded and fear fell upon them. They brought before me in Babylon gold, silver, (and) utensils of ebony] (and) boxwood, product(s) of [their] lan[d, and they kissed my feet].


[ša ul-tu u₄-me ru]-qu-ti a-di <i>-dnanna i-na [LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia ša KUR -šur.KI u KUR.kar-ddu-ni-áš ma-nam-ma la -mu-ú zi-kir KUR-šú-un]5


[ep-šet i-na -reb KUR.kal-di] ù KUR.ḫat-ti e-tep-pu-šu [i-na MURUB₄ tam-tim ru-qiš -mu-ma lib-bu-šú-un it-ru-ku-ma im-qut-su-nu-ti ḫat-tu]


[.GI .BABBAR ú-nu-ut GIŠ.ESI] GIŠ.TÚG -peš-ti KUR-[šú-un a-na -reb .DINGIR.RA.KI a-di maḫ-ri-ia ú-bi-lu-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia]


[... a-ši-bu?]-tu bal-til.KI a-na [...]

(18') [... the inhabitan]ts of (the city) Baltil (Aššur) to [...]


[...]-ni i-na qer-bi-[...]

(19') [...] inside [...]


[...] x x x -ru-[ka? ...]

(20') [...] ... he gran[ted me ...]


[... d-šur? EN?] GAL? LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ [...]

(21') [... the god Aššur, the] great [lord], king of the gods [...]



1[KUR.É-m]ia-ki-ni ú-ter-ma a-na -šu-ti [aṣ-bat] “I restored [the land Bīt-Y]akīn and re[organized (its administration)]”: Possibly translate instead “I again reorga[nized the land Bīt-Y]akīn”; see also text nos. 74 vi 80 and 113 line 23´, as well as text nos. 86 line 15´ (restored) and 87 line 10´ (restored); note also text nos. 7 line 65 and 74 iv 2. Possibly restore AN.ŠÁR EN-ia, “(the god) Aššur, my lord,” somewhere at the end of the line, following text no. 74 vi 82 and Frahm, KAL 3 p. 76. E. Frahm tentatively restores ana before KUR, and translates “Ich kehrte [in das Land Bīt]-Jakin züruck,” but this translation assumes a G-stem rather than a D-stem of târu.

2Several metals may be mentioned at the end of the line, as in text no. 74 vii 10–11.

3MU.3.KÁM, “(my) third year”: This should refer to Sargon’s third year on the throne of Babylon (707). Or MU.4.KÁM, “(my) fourth year,” following text no. 74 vii 19.

4Text no. 74 vii 20 refers to Aḫundāra as king of Dilmun here rather than Upēri; the former may have been the latter’s successor. Text no. 7 line 144 has simply 30 KASKAL.GÍD, “(at a distance of) thirty leagues,” rather than ma-lak 30 KASKAL.GÍD, “at a distance of thirty leagues.” As noted by E. Frahm (KAL 3 p. 76), possibly restore at the end of the line -šá-a man-da-tuš, “brought me his tribute” (following text no. 74 vii 24), or -pu-ra ar-du-, “sent (a message to do) obeisance (to me)” (following text no. 103 iv 27), instead of ú-šá-bi-la kàd-ra-šu, “brought me his gift” (following text no. 7 line 145).

5Or a-di-dnanna, a sandhi-writing; see already Frahm, KAL 3 p. 76.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.