
  • Sargon II 063


  • Q006544



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Qalat Sherqat (Assur)
  • Royal Inscription

Sargon II 063

The initial column(s) of the prism are not preserved.

The initial column(s) of the prism are not preserved.

Column i


i' 1'1'

[...] x

(i' 1') [... in order to sav]e his life [he came flying like a bird and] grasped hold of [my feet. ( ) Horses trained to the yoke], oxen, [...] the treasure of his palace [... he brought me] as his gift. [I set Ullusunu] over the land Mannea; [the people of the city I]zirtu whom I had carried off as booty [I returned to their (former) places an]d [I imposed] upon him (the same) payment(s) as [his father Iranzi (had paid)].

i' 2'2'


i' 3'3'

[... a-na šu-zu]-ub ZI-šú1

i' 4'4'

[iṣ-ṣu-riš? ip-par-šam-ma? GÌR.II.(MEŠ)-ia] iṣ-bat

i' 5'5'

[ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ? ṣi-in-da-at? ni]-ri? GU₄.NÍTA.MEŠ

i' 6'6'

[...] ni-ṣir-te É.GAL-šú2

i' 7'7'

[...] x x DA kàd-ra-a-šú

i' 8'8'

[ú-šá-bi-la? mul-lu-su-nu?] UGU

i' 9'9'

[áš-kun-ma? UN.MEŠ? URU.i]-zi-ir-ti ša áš-lu-la

i' 10'10'

[a-na? áš-ri-šú-nu? ú-ter]-ma? ma-da-at- ki-i ša

i' 11'11'

[mir-an-zi? AD-šú? e-mid]-su i-na u₄-me-šú-ma m-šur-ZU

(i' 11'b) At that time, Aššur-lēʾi [of the city Karalla] (and) Ittî of the city Paddira [became hostile to] me. [He took to] a high mountain peak. [...] ... he plotted evil. ( 15´) [With the support of] the god Aššur, my lord, I inflicted a defeat on him. [In the midst of my camp, I thr]ew [Aššur-lēʾi of the city Kar]alla (and) Ittî of the city Paddira in iron fetters. [I removed/deported ...] and [brought th]em to Assyria. The city Karalla, together with its district, ( 20´) I added [to the province of the land L]ullumê and I (thereby) expanded [the territory of Assyria]. I appointed Bēl-aplu-iddina [to] the position of [] over the city Paddira and

i' 12'12'

[URU.kar-al-la-a-a] mi-ti-i URU.pad-dir-a-a

i' 13'13'

[ik-ki-ru? it-ti]-ia ŠU.SI KUR-i šá--ti4

i' 14'14'

[iṣ-bat? ...] A ṢI ik-pu-ud ḪUL-5

i' 15'15'

[i-na tu-kul-ti] da-šur₄ EN-ia BAD₅.BAD₅-šú am-ḫaṣ6

i' 16'16'

[m-šur-ZU URU.kar]-al-la-a-a mi-ti-i URU.pad-dir-a-a7

i' 17'17'

[ina -reb -ma-ni-ia ad]-di-šú-nu bi-re- AN.BAR

i' 18'18'

[... as-su]-ḫa?-ma a-na -reb KUR -šur.KI

i' 19'19'

[ub-la-áš-šú]-nu?-ti URU.kar-al-lu a-di na-gi-i-šú8

i' 20'20'

[UGU pi-ḫa-at KUR].lul-lu-mi-i ú-rad-di-ma

i' 21'21'

[mi-ṣir? KUR -šur].KI? ú-rap-piš mdEN-IBILA-SUM.NA9

i' 22'22'

[...]-ú-ti UGU URU.pad-di-ri áš-kun-ma10

Column ii
ii'ii Lacuna


ii' 1'1'

a-di x (x) [...]

(ii' 1') together with [...] and sheep and [goats ... I deported] from the la[nd ... and] I sett[led (them) in the land that/of [...] (ii´ ) on the border of the city of the Brook of Eg[ypt, a district which is on the shore of the] Western [Sea. I assigned them to the authority of a qīpu-official of mine], the sheikh of the city Laban.

ii' 2'2'

ù US₅.UDU.[ḪI.A ...]

ii' 3'3'

ul-tu -reb KUR?.[... as-suḫ-ma?]

ii' 4'4'

i-na ma-a-ti ša [...]11

ii' 5'5'

ša pat-ti URU na-ḫal mu-uṣ?-[ri na-gi-i? ša? a-ḫi? tam-tim?]

ii' 6'6'

ša šùl-mu dUTU-ši ú-šá-aṣ-bit? [i-na ŠU.II .-pi-ia?]12

ii' 7'7'

.na-si-ku ša [am-nu-šu-nu-ti]

ii' 8'8'

mši-il-kan-ni LUGALṣ-ri ša a-[šar-šú? ru-ú-qu?]13

(ii' 8') (As for) Šilkanni, king of Egypt, whose lo[cation is far away (and whom) fear of the brilliance of the god Aššur, my lord, [had overwhelmed], he brought me as his audience gift twelve large horses from Egypt whose like did not exist in (my) land.

ii' 9'9'

pu-luḫ-tu me-lam-me ša da-šur₄ EN-ia [is-ḫu-pu-šu-ma]

ii' 10'10'

12 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šaṣ-ri ša i-na ma-a-ti

ii' 11'11'

la ib-šú-ú tam-šil-šú-un -šá-a ta-mar-tuš

ii' 12'12'

i-na 6 BALA-ia mur-sa-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a14

(ii' 12') In my sixth regnal year, Ursâ (Rusâ), the Urarṭian who did not respect the oath (sworn) by the great gods; who overturned the decision of the god Šamaš; whom, during the course of my previous campaign against Ullusunu, the Mannean, (ii´ 15´) I had subjugated to the yoke of the god Aššur, (and) upon whom I had imposed (my) yoke took away from him (Ullusunu) twelve of his strong fortresses that were situated as guard posts on (the border with) the lands Urarṭu, Andia, (and) Naʾiri, and (thus) reduced (the size of) his land. He stationed fighting men inside them as his garrison troops (ii´ 20´) and reinforced their defenses (lit.: “structures”). In order to avenge Ullusunu, the Mannean, I mustered the numerous troops of the god Aššur and set out to conquer these forts. I conque[red] these forts [(and)] carried off booty from them. I stationed inside th[em] my troops, together with those of Ullusunu, the Mannean.

ii' 13'13'

la a-dir ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-bi-ku de-en dšà-máš

ii' 14'14'

ša ina a-lak ger-ri-ia maḫ-ri-i a-na mul-lu-su-ni15

ii' 15'15' a-na ni-ir da-šur₄ ú-šak-ni-šú-šú-ma

ii' 16'16'

e-mid-du- ab-šá-a-nu 12 URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ-šú dan-na-a-ti16

ii' 17'17'

ša UGU KUR.ur-ar-ṭiʾi-i-ri

ii' 18'18'

a-na ka-a-di na-da-a e-kim-šú-ma ú-ṣa-ḫir KUR-su

ii' 19'19'

.mun-daḫ-ṣe .ERIM.MEŠ šu-lu-ti-šú -reb-šin

ii' 20'20'

ú-še-rib-ma ú-dan-ni-na rík?-si-šin a-na tu-ur gi-mil-li

ii' 21'21'

mul-lu-su-ni um-ma-na-at da-šur₄

ii' 22'22'

gap-šá-a-ti ad-ke-e-ma a-na ka-šad URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ ša-ti-na

ii' 23'23'

áš-ta-kan pa-ni-ia URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ ša-ti-na ak-šu-[ud]

ii' 24'24'

áš-lu-la šal-la-si-in .ERIM.MEŠ-ia a-di ša mul-lu-su-ni?

ii' 25'25' ú-še-ri-ba -reb-šin

Column iii
iii'iii Lacuna


iii' 1'1'

4? d?[ṣa]-lam? [URUDU Ì.DU₈.GAL-li ma-ṣar .MEŠ-šu šá 4 KÙŠ]17

(iii' 1') 4 divine [stat]ue(s) [of copper, the chief doorkeepers, guardians of his (Ḫaldi’s) gates, (each of) who]se height [is four cubits], toge[ther with their bases, cast in copper];

iii' 2'2'

mu-la-šú-nu a-[di KI.TUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu URUDU.ḪI.A šap-ku]

iii' 3'3'

1 ṣa-lam un-ni-ni [man-za-az LUGAL-ti ša md15-BÀD]

(iii' 3') 1 statue [(depicting) Ištar-dūrī (Sarduri)], son of Išpue[ni, king of the land Urarṭu], praying [(and) in a royal pose, (together with) its base], cast [in bronze];

iii' 4'4'

DUMU m-pu-e-[ni LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi KI.TUŠ-šú ZABAR]

iii' 5'5'

ši-ip-ku 1 GU₄ [1 GU₄.ÁB a-di GU₄.AMAR-šá ša md15-BÀD]

(iii' 5'b) 1 bull [(and) 1 cow, together with her bull calf, dedicated by (lit.: “of”) Ištar-dūrī (Sarduri)], son of Išpu[eni, ...];

iii' 6'6'

DUMU m-pu-[e-ni ...]18

iii' 7'7'

1 ṣa-lam mir-gi-[-ti LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi]19

(iii' 7') 1 statue of Irg[išti (Argišti), king of the land Urarṭu, wearing] a crown (decorated) with stars, [(an attribute) of divine rank, and with his right hand in a gesture of blessing], together with its casing, [which weighs] six[ty talents of copper];

iii' 8'8'

ša AGA MUL-ti [DINGIR-ti ap-ru-ma ŠU ZAG-šú ka-ri-bat]

iii' 9'9'

a-di É-šú 40+[20 GUN URUDU.ḪI.A KI. 1 ṣa-lam mur-sa-a]20

(iii' 9'b) [1 statue of Ursâ (Rusâ)] with two [of his cavalry] ho[rses (and) his groom, together with their base], ca[st] in copper

iii' 10'10'

it-ti 2 ANŠE.[KUR.RA.MEŠ pét-ḫal--šú .GIŠ.GIGIR-šu a-di KI.TUŠ-šú-nu]

iii' 11'11'

URUDU.ḪI.A ši-ip-[ku šal-la-tu ka-bit-tu]21

(iii' 11'b) I carried off (all these things) as [substantial] booty [(and) brought (them) to the land of Assyria].

iii' 12'12'

áš-lu-la [a-na KUR -šur.KI ub-la]

iii' 13'13'

i-na 8 BALA-[ia ša i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia maḫ-ri]

(iii' 13') In [my] eighth reg[nal year, that which in the course of my previous campaign] against Aššur-[lēʾi, king of the land Karalla ...]

iii' 14'14'

ša m-šur-[ZU LUGAL KUR.kar-al-li ...]

iii' 15'15'

x x [...]

(iii' 15') No translation possible.

iii' 16'16'

x (x) [...]

iii' 17'17'

x [...]

iii' 18'18'


The remaining column(s) of the prism are not preserved.

The remaining column(s) of the prism are not preserved.

1For the restorations, see text no. 1 line 88, text no. 7 line 50, and text no. 117 ii 30.

2Based on text no. 1 line 74, A. Fuchs (SAAS 8 p. 24) suggests restoring it-ti before niṣirte (“[... together with] the treasure ...”).

3Cf. text no. 1 lines 88–89.

4Or [ú-šá-an-ki-ir/ú-šam-kir it-ti]-ia, “Aššur-leʾi [of the city Karalla] incited Ittî of the city Paddira [to rebel against] me”; see Fuchs, SAAS 8 p. 24 and n. 23.

5The tenative restoration is based on Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 31 Tiglath-pileser III no. 7 line 2.

6Or [i-na -bit] da-šur₄, “[At the command of] the god Aššur” (Fuchs, SAAS 8 p. 24).

7For duplicate or similar passages useful for restoration, see in particular text no. 117 ii 31–33. For i´ 16´–17´, cf. text no. 34.

8For the restoration, see text no. 74 v 66.

9For the restoration, cf. text no. 73 line 9.

10A. Fuchs (SAAS 8 p. 25 n. 30) suggests [a-na .-pu]-ú-ti (“I appointed Bēl-aplu-iddina [to the position of qīpu-off]icial”); cf. Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 112 Tiglath-pileser no. 44 line 16´ and Naʾaman, NABU 1997 p. 139 no. 150. Fuchs believes that it is hardly likely that Allabria/Paddira was made into a province and thus that the passage should probably not be restored [a-na .EN.NAM]-ú-ti.

11Possibly restore in ii´ 4´ i-na ma-a-ti ša [a-šar-ša? la? i-du-ú? i-na? URU? ...], “in a land whose [location they had never known (before), in the city ...],” and at the end of ii´ 6´ a personal name instead of .-pi-ia?, “a qīpu-official of mine.” See Naʾaman, Tel Aviv 6 (1979) p. 71 and n. 6 and AfO 46–47 (1999–2000) p. 363. For the restoration in ii´ 5´, see text no. 1 line 145.

12For a duplicate passage, see text no. 82 iii 1´´´–8´´´.

13For the restoration, see text no. 73 line 8. Šilkanni may be Osorkon IV; see Weidner, AfO 14 (1941–44) pp. 44–46; Kitchen, Third Intermediate Period2 pp. 376 and 551–552; and Schwemer, PNA 3/2 pp. 1421–1422 sub Usilkanu 1.

14The restorations are based upon text no. 82 iii 9´´´–16´´´.

15In the previous campaign it was actually the Mannean Ullusunu who was defeated, not the Urarṭian king Rusâ; see Fuchs, SAAS 8 pp. 57–58 n. 26 with regard to a possible rewording of the passage to deal with this problem.

16Note the reference to twenty-two strongholds lost (or given) by Ullusunu to the Urarṭian ruler in text no. 1 line 101, text no. 2 line 96, and text no. 7 line 39, and see also Fuchs, SAAS 8 p. 58 n. 27.

17For restorations and similar passages, see text no. 65 lines 399–405 and text no. 82 v 1–8.

18There does not appear to be sufficient room to restore all that is found at this point in text no. 65 line 401: ... m-pu-e-ni URUDU.ḪI.<A> É dḫal-di-a a-na e-qi ú-ter-ru-ma -ṭur ṣe-ru--šú-un, “... son of Išpueni, (made of) copper (and) belonging to the temple of the god Ḫaldi, (which Ištar-dūrī) had made as a votive offering and upon which he had inscribed (a record of his action).”

19E. Weidner’s copy has mur-gi-[...] (read by him Iur-gi-[-ti], AfO 14 [1941–44] p. 48), while A. Fuchs’ copy has mir-gi-[...] (read by him as IIr-gi-[-ti], SAAS 8 p. 35). The sign is somewhat unclear, but Fuchs’ reading IR, as opposed to UR, is followed here; this matches text no. 82 v 1 which has [m]ir-gi--ti as opposed to text no. 65 line 402 which has mar-giš-ti.

20See the on-page note to text no. 65 lines 403–404.

21ši-ip-[ku]: Text no. 65 line 403 has šap-ku here and both E. Weidner and A. Fuchs read šap-[ku], although their copies and the original have ši-x [...], where x would fit the beginning of IB. The beginning of the Babylonian ŠAB can at times look somewhat like ŠI, but this text is written in Neo-Assyrian script. Cf. iii´ 4´b–5´a [ZABAR] ši-ip-ku.

Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.

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