Sargon II 043
Obverse | ||
11 | mLUGAL-GI.NA šá-ak-nu dEN.LÍL NU.ÈŠ ba-ʾi-it da-šur ni-šit IGI.II da-nim ù dda-gan | (1) Sargon (II), appointee of the god Enlil, nešakku-priest (and) desired object of the god Aššur, chosen of the gods Anu and Dagān, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), favorite of the great gods; |
22 | LUGAL GAL-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KIŠ LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI LUGAL kib-rat ar-ba-ʾi mi-gir DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ | |
33 | RE.É.UM ke-e-nu ša da-šur dAMAR.UTU LUGAL-ut la šá-na-an ú-šat-li-mu-šu-ma zi-kir MU-šu ú-še-eṣ-ṣu-ú a-na re-še-e-te | (3) just shepherd, (one) to whom the gods Aššur (and) Marduk granted a reign without equal and whose reputation (these gods) exalt to the heights; |
44 | šá-kin šu-ba-re-e ZIMBIR.KI NIBRU.KI KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ḫa-a-tin en-šu-te-šú-nu mu-šal-li-mu ḫi-bil-ti-šu-un | (4) who (re)-established the šubarrû-privileges of (the cities) Sippar, Nippur, (and) Babylon, protects the weak among them (lit.: “their weak ones”), (and) made restitution for the wrongful damage suffered by them; who (re)-established the privileged status of (the city) Baltil (Aššur) that had lapsed, who abolished corvée duty for (the city) Dēr, (and) who gave relief to their people; (most) capable of all rulers, who extended his protection over the city Ḫarrān and recorded its exemption (from obligations) as if (its people were) people of the gods Anu and Dagān; |
55 | ka-ṣir ki-din-nu-tu bal-til.KI ba-ṭi-il-tu mu-šá-áš-ši-ik tup-šik-ki BÀD.AN.KI mu-šap-ši-ḫu UN.MEŠ-šu-un | |
66 | le-ʾi DÙ mal-ki ša UGU URU.ḫar-ra-na AN.DÙL-la-šu it-ru-ṣu-ma ki-i ṣa-ab da-nim u dda-gan iš-ṭu-ru za-kut-su | |
77 | zi-ka-ru dan-nu ḫa-lip na-mur-ra-ti ša a-na šum-qut na-ki-ri šu-ut-bu-ú GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu | (7) the strong man who is clad in awesome splendor (and) whose weapons are raised to strike down (his) enemies; the king who since the (first) day of his reign has had no ruler who could equal him and has met no one who could overpower (him) in war or battle; (who) smashed all (enemy) lands as if (they were) pots and put halters on (all) rebels in the four (quarters of the world); (10) (who) opened up innumerable distant mountainous areas whose pass(es) are difficult and visited their remotest region(s); (who) traversed inaccessible, difficult paths in terrifying location(s) and crossed every swamp; |
88 | LUGAL ša ul-tu u₄-um be-lu-ti-šu mal-ku gaba-ra-a-šu la ib-šu-ma i-na qab-li ù ta-ḫa-zi la e-mu-ru mu-né-eḫ-ḫu | |
99 | KUR.KUR DÙ-ši-na ki-ma ḫaṣ-bat-ti ú-daq-qi-qu-ma ḫa-am-ma-mi ša ar-ba-ʾi id-du-ú ṣer-re-e-tu | |
1010 | ḫur-šá-a-ni bé-ru-ú-ti ša né-reb-šú-nu áš-ṭu la-a mi-na ip-tu-ma e-mu-ru du-ru-ug-šu-un | |
1111 | ṭu-da-at la aʾ-a-ri pa-áš-qa-a-ti ša a-šar-ši-na šug-lud-du e-ta-at-ti-qu-ma e-te-eb-bi-ru na-gab be-ra-a-ti1 | |
1212 | iš-tu KUR.ra-a-ši mi-ṣir KUR.e-lam-ti LÚ.pu-qu-du LÚ.da-mu-nu URU.BÀD-ku-ri-gal-zi URU.ra-pi-qu | (12) (who) ruled from the land Rāši on the border of the land Elam, the Puqudu (and) Damūnu (tribes), the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu (and) Rapiqu, the entire desert as far as the Brook of Egypt, the wide land Amurru, (and) the land Ḫatti (Syria) in its entirety; (who)se great hand conquered (the area) from the land Ḫašmar to the land Ṣibar — which borders on the distant Medes in the east — the lands Namri, Ellipi, (15) Bīt-Ḫamban, Parsua(š), Mannea, Urarṭu, Kasku, (and) Tabal, as far as the land Musku; (who) set eunuchs of his as governors over them and imposed upon them (the same) tribute (and) payment(s) as if (they were) Assyrians; |
1313 | mad-bar DÙ.A.BI a-di na-ḫalṣ-ri KUR a-mur-re-e DAGAL-tum KUR.ḫat-ti a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá i-be-lu2 | |
1414 | iš-tu KUR.ḫa-áš-mar a-di KUR.ṣi-bar pat-ti ru-qu-ti ša ṣi-it dUTU-ši KUR.nam-ri KUR.el-li-pí3 | |
1515 | KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR.par-su-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭu KUR.kas-ku KUR.ta-ba-lum a-di ik-šu-du GAL-tum qa-a-su | |
1616 | LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú šak-nu-ti UGU-šú-nu iš-tak-ka-nu-ma bil-tu ma-da-at-tu ki-i ša áš-šu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti | |
1717 | eṭ-lu qar-du ša i-na re-bit BÀD.AN.KI it-ti mdḫum-ba-ni-ga-áš LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti in-nam-ru-ma iš-ku-nu taḫ-ta-a-šu | (17) the valiant man who met Ḫumbanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), king of the land Elam, (in battle) on the outskirts of (the city) Dēr and brought about his defeat; who deported the Tešian (king) (and) cut down his elite troops; who plundered the land Tuʾmūna, who(se people) had arrested their sheikh and brought (him) before the king of Chaldea; who made the wide land Bīt-Ḫumria (Israel) tremble, brought about the defeat of Egypt at the city Raphia, and brought Ḫanūnu (Hanno), king of the city Gaza, to the city Aššur in bondage; (20) who conquered the Tamudu, Ibādidi, Marsīmani, (and) Ḫayappa (tribes), whose remnants were transferred here and (whom) I (re)settled in the land Bīt-Ḫumria (Israel); skilled in war, who caught the Ionians in the middle of the sea like fish, as a fowler (does), and pacified the land Que (Cilicia) and the city Tyre; |
1818 | na-si-iḫ LÚ.KUR.te-sa-a-a mu-pal-li-ku gu-un-ni-šu šá-lil KUR.tu-uʾ-mu-na ša LÚ.na-sik-šú-nu i-pi-du-ma ur-ru-ú ma-ḫar LUGAL KUR.kal-di | |
1919 | mu-ri-ib KUR.É-ḫu-um-ri-a rap-ši ša i-na URU.ra-pi-ḫi BAD₅.BAD₅-úṣ-ri GAR-nu-ma mḫa-a-nu-nu LUGAL URU.ḫa-zi-te ka-mu-us-su ú-še-ri-ba URU.aš-šur | |
2020 | ka-šid LÚ.ta-mu-di LÚ.i-ba-di-di LÚ.mar-si-i-ma-ni LÚ.ḫa-ia-pa-a ša si-it-ta-šú-nu in-né-et-qa-am-ma ú-šar-mu-ú qé-reb KUR.É-ḫu-um-ri-a | |
2121 | le-ʾi tam-ḫa-ri ša i-na MURUB₄ tam-tim KUR.ia-am-na-a-a sa-an-da-niš ki-ma nu-ú-ni i-ba-ru-ma ú-šap-ši-ḫu KUR.qu-e ù URU.ṣur-ri | |
2222 | LUGAL da-pi-nu mu-par-ri-iʾ ar-ma-ḫi URU.ši-nu-uḫ-ti mu-nam-mi da-ád-mi-šá ša mki-ak-ki LUGAL-šú-nu ú-la-i-ṭu gi-iš-gi-ni-iš | (22) the heroic king who cut through the fruit trees of the city Šinuḫtu, laid waste its settlements, (and) kept Kiakki, their king, in check as if with a clamp; who deported (the people of) the land Bīt-Purutaš, whose king, Ambaris, had forgotten the kindness (shown to him) by Sargon and had put his trust in the king(s) of the lands Urarṭu and Musku; (the one with) powerful arms, who drove out Mitâ (Midas), king of the land Musku, brought back (to Assyrian control) the fortress(es) of the land Que (Cilicia) that had been taken away (by the enemy), (and) expanded their borders; |
2323 | mu-né-es-si KUR.É-pu-ru-ta-áš ša mam-ba-ri-is ma-lik-šú-nu da-mi-iq-ti mLUGAL-GI.NA im-šu-ma UGU LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi u it-tak-lu4 | |
2424 | i-da-an pag-la-a-te ṭa-rid mmi-ta-a LUGAL mu-ter ḫal-ṣi KUR.qu-e ek-mu-te mu-rap-pi-šu pu-lu-un-ge-šu-un5 | |
2525 | qit-ru-du la a-dir tuq-ma-te na-si-iḫ šur-uš KUR.a-ma-at-te ša ma-šak mi-lu-bi-iʾ-di ḫa-am-ma-ʾi-i iṣ-ru-pu na-ba-si-iš | (25) the brave one, fearless in battle, who eradicated the land Hamath (and) dyed the skin of the rebel Ilu-biʾdī as red as red wool; who plundered the land Carchemish of the evil Ḫittite (king) (and) whose great hand conquered Pisīri(s), their subject who (always) spoke treachery; |
2626 | na-bi-iʾ KUR.gar-ga-miš KUR.ḫa-at-te-e lem-ni ša mpi-si-i-ri da-gíl pa-ni-šú-nu da-bi-ib ṣa-lip-te ik-šu-du GAL-tum qa-a-su6 | |
2727 | mu-šaḫ-rib KUR.ur-ar-ṭi šá-lilṣa-ṣi-ri ša mur-sa-a LUGAL KUR.ur-ar-ṭi ina pu-luḫ-ti-šu GAL-ti ina GIŠ.TUKUL ra-ma-ni-šú ú-qa-ta-a na-piš-tuš7 | (27) who laid waste to the land Urarṭu (and) plundered the city Muṣaṣir; in great fear of whom Ursâ (Rusâ), king of the land Urarṭu, brought an end to his life with his own weapon; who (deported and) settled elsewhere (the people of) the cities Pāpa, Lalluknu, Sukkia, Bāla, (and) Abitikna who had conspired with the land Kakmê for the purpose of separating (from Assyria); who overwhelmed the lands Andia (and) Zikirtu, slaughtered all their people like sheep, and splattered all (his) enemies with deadly venom; |
2828 | mu-nak-kir šu-bat URU.suk-ki-a URU.a-bi-ti-ik-na ša a-na KUR.ka-ak-me-e id-bu-bu na-ba-di-iš | |
2929 | sa-pi-in KUR.zi-kir-te ša gi-mir ba-ḫu-la-te-šú-nu as-li-iš ú-ṭa-bi-ḫu-ma kul-lat na-ki-ri is-lu-ḫu i-mat mu-ú-ti | |
3030 | ma-a-ʾu ga-mir dun-ni ù a-ba-ri mu-šék-niš la kan-šu-te šá-a-giš UN.MEŠ KUR.ḫar-ḫar.KI mu-šar-bu-ú mi-ṣir KUR aš-šur.KI8 | (30) the victorious one who is perfect in strength and power (and) who subjugated the insubmissive Medes; who slaughtered the people of the land Ḫarḫar (and) enlarged the territory of Assyria; who gathered (back together) the scattered land Mannea (and) brought order to the disturbed land Ellipi; who established (his) kingship over both (these) lands and made his name glorious; who trampled down the land Ḫabḫu, (a land) of stepped mountains, a dangerous enemy; who ousted (lit.: “ousts”) the rebel Ittî of the land Allabria from his city; who destroyed the land Karalla, dyed the skin of Aššur-lēʾi, their city ruler, red like the illūru-plant, and imposed the yoke of (the god) Aššur upon Adâ of the land Šurda; |
3131 | mu-pa-ḫir sa-ap-ḫi mu-ta-qí-in KUR.el-li-pí dal-ḫi ša LUGAL-ut KUR.KUR ki-lal-la-an ú-kin-nu-ma ú-šar-ri-ḫu zi-kir-šu9 | |
3232 | da-a-iš KUR.ḫab-ḫi ša si-mil-lat KUR-e LÚ.KÚR ek-ṣi ša mit-ti-i ba-ra-a-nu-ú ú-še-eṣ-ṣu-ú URU-uš-šu | |
3333 | mu-ab-bit KUR.kar-al-la ša pa-a-ri mda-šur-le-ʾi LÚ.EN.URU-šú-nu il-lu-ri-iš ú-si-mu-ma ma-da-a KUR.šur-da-a-a e-mì-du ni-ri aš-šur10 | |
3434 | LUGAL it-pe-e-šu muš-ta-bil a-mat SIG₅-tim a-na šu-šu-ub na-me-e na-du-te ù pe-te-e ki-šub-bé-e za-qáp ṣip-pa-a-te iš-ku-nu ú-zu-un-šu11 | (34) the wise king who occupies himself with good matters, (who) turned his attention to (re)settling abandoned pasture lands, opening up unused land, (and) planting orchards; (35) (who) conceived the idea of raising crops on high mountain(-slopes) where no vegetation had ever sprouted; (who) was minded to provide with rows of furrows the waste land which had known no plow under previous kings, to have (the plowmen) sing the alālu-work song, to open up for watering place(s) the springs of a meadowland without wells, and to irrigate all around (lit.: “above and below”) with water as abundant as the surge at the (annual) inundation; |
3535 | ú-ḫu-um-mi zaq-ru-ti ša ul-tu ul-la-a i-na qer-bi-šu-un ur-qi-tu la šu-ṣa-at bil-tu šu-uš-še-e ṣur-ru-uš uš-ta-bil-ma | |
3636 | ki-gal-lum šu-uḫ-ru-ub-tu ša i-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni maḫ-ru-te GIŠ.APIN la i-du-ú šèr-ʾi šu-zu-zi-im-ma šul-se-e a-la-la lìb-ba-šú ub-lam-ma | |
3737 | in-ni ta-mir-ti la ku-up-pi ka-ra-at-tu pe-te-e-ma ki-i gi-piš e-di-i A.MEŠ nu-uḫ-ši šu-uš-qí-i e-liš ù šap-liš12 | |
3838 | LUGAL pi-it ḫa-si-si le-ʾi i-ni ka-la-ma šin-na-at ABGAL ša i-na mil-ki ù né-me-qi ir-bu-ma i-na ta-šim-ti i-še-e-ḫu13 | (38) the king, intelligent (and) skilled in every craft, equal to the sage (Adapa), who grew great in intelligence and wisdom and matured in understanding — |
3939 | ma-at aš-šur.KI ra-pa-áš-tum ti-ʾu-ú-tu neš-bé-e ù bu-luṭ lìb-bi ti-il-le-nu-ú si-mat LUGAL-ti su-un-nu-nu ra-ṭi-šu-un14 | (39) In order to provide the wide land of Assyria with fully sufficient nourishment, with well-being, (and) with tillenû befitting a king, (through) making their canals flow with water, (40) (and) to save humanity from famine (and) want, so that the destitute will not collapse at the bringing in of the grape (harvest), that there will be no interruption in what is desired by the sick, that oil — the pride of mankind that makes (tired) muscles relax — does not become expensive in my land, and that sesame might be purchased on the market as (cheaply as) barley, in order to provide lavish meal(s) fit for the table of god and king, to ... the land, (and) to make the fields around it reach (their) full value, day and night I planned to build this city. I ordered that a sanctuary be constructed within it for the god Šamaš, the great judge of the great gods, the one who makes me triumph. |
4040 | at-mu-ú re-še-e-te ša i-na su-un-qi ḫu-šaḫ-ḫi e-ṭe-ri-im-ma i-na za-bal GIŠ.GEŠTIN a-ku-ú la na-ḫar-šú-še u bi-bil lìb-bi mar-ṣi ba-ṭil-ta la ra-še-e15 | |
4141 | áš-šu Ì.MEŠ bal-ti a-me-lu-ti mu-pa-ši-iḫ šér-a-ni i-na KUR-ia la a-qa-ri-im-ma ŠE.GIŠ.Ì ki-i dnisaba i-na KI.LAM šá-a-mi | |
4242 | šu-ur-ru-uḫ nap-ta-ni si-mat GIŠ.BANŠUR DINGIR ù LUGAL ḫa-a-te-e un-na-te gi-mir ŠÁM ga-ni i-ta-te-e-šu šu-zu-zi16 | |
4343 | ur-ru ù mu-šu a-na e-peš URU šá-a-šu ak-pu-ud si-ma-ak dUTU DI.KU₅.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-šak-šid er-nit-ti-ia qer-bu-uš-šu šu-ub-nu-u aq-bi-ma | |
4444 | ša i-na GÌR.IIṣ-ri KUR-e i-na UGU nam-ba-ʾi ù re-bit ki-ma di-im-ti na-du-ú17 | (44) (With regard to) the town Maganubba, which is situated like a tower at the foot of Mount Muṣri, a mountain (rising) above the spring and (on) the outskirts of Nineveh, (45) not one of the three hundred and fifty previous rulers who had exercised lordship over Assyria before my time and had governed the subjects of the god Enlil had noted its (the city’s) site or come to know how to make it habitable; nor had one ordered the digging of a canal for it. With my broad knowledge that was abundantly provided with understanding and full of cleverness by the command of the divine “King of Deep (apsû)” (Ea), the lord of wisdom, and with my broad intelligence that the goddess Ninmenanna, the creator of the gods, had made greater than that of the kings, my ancestors, I planned earnestly day and night how to settle that city (and) how to erect (there) a great shrine — a cella for the great gods — and palatial halls to be my lordly abode; I ordered its construction. |
4545 | ša 3 ME 50.ÀM mal-ki la-bi-ru-te ša el-la-mu-u-a be-lu-ut KUR aš-šur.KI e-pu-šu-ma il-ta-nap-pa-ru ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL | |
4646 | a-a-um-ma i-na lìb-bi-šú-nu a-šar-šu ul ú-maš-ši-i-ma šu-šu-ub-šu ul i-de-ma ḫe-re-e ÍD-šu ul iz-ku-ur | |
4747 | i-na mé-re-ši-ia pal-ki ša i-na qí-bit dLUGAL ZU.AB EN né-me-qi ta-šim-ta su-un-nu-nu-ma ma-lu-ú nik-la-a-ti | |
4848 | ù ḫi-is-sa-at uz-ni-ia pal-ka-a-te ša UGU LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia dnin-men-an-na ba-nit DINGIR.MEŠ ú-šá-te-ru ḫa-si-si18 | |
4949 | a-na šu-šu-ub URU šá-a-šú zuq-qú-ur BÁRA.MAḪ-ḫi at-ma-an DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ù É.GAL.MEŠ šu-bat be-lu-ti-ia ur-ra u mu-šá ak-pu-ud aṣ-rim-ma e-pe-su aq-bi | |
5050 | ki-ma zi-kir šu-mi-ia ša a-na na-ṣar kit-ti ù mi-šá-ri šu-te-šur la le-ʾi-i la ḫa-bal en-ši im-bu-in-ni DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ19 | (50) In accordance with the saying of my name that the great gods had given to me — to protect truth and justice, to guide the powerless, (and) to prevent the harming of the weak — I reimbursed the owners (of the expropriated fields) with silver and bronze, the price for the (expropriated) fields of that town being in accordance with the (original) purchase documents (of those fields); in order that there should be no wrongdoing, I gave to those who did not want (to take) silver for (their) field(s), field(s) corresponding (in value) to (their own) field(s) (and located) wherever they chose. |
5151 | ka-sap A.ŠÀ.MEŠ URU šá-a-šú ki-i pi-i ṭup-pa-a-te ša-a-a-ma-nu-te KÙ.BABBAR ù ZABAR.MEŠ a-na EN.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-ter-ma | |
5252 | áš-šu ri-ga-a-te la šub-ši-i ša ka-sap A.ŠÀ la ṣe-bu-ú A.ŠÀ mi-ḫir A.ŠÀ a-šar pa-nu-šú-nu šak-nu ad-din-šú-nu-ti20 | |
5353 | al-šu ba-ni-i-šu mé-eḫ-ret PÌRIG ŠU.DU₇ a-na dsig₅-ga ù dlugal-dingir-ra da-i-nu-te te-né-še-te ta-li-ma-ni ina te-me-qi ú-šaq-qí-ma21 | (53) Facing east, I raised my two hands in entreaty to the gods Sigga (“Gracious One”) and Lugal-dingira (“King of the God(s)”), the judges of humanity, with regard to building it (the new city); to the west, I raised up my hand(s) (in supplication) to the goddess Šauška, the awe-inspiring one of Nineveh that in the future I might enter into it (Dūr-Šarrukīn) with happiness and in good health. (55) The just word(s) of my mouth were as pleasing as the finest oil to the august deities, my lords, and they commanded me to build the city (and) to dig a canal (for it). I put my trust in their command that cannot be changed, mustered my numerous people, and had (them) take up the hoe (and) the work basket. |
5454 | aḫ-ra-taš u₄-me i-na ṭu-ub lìb-bi ù bu-ʾa-a-ri qer-bu-uš-šu e-re-bi i-na SUG DIM.GAL KALAM.MA a-na dša-uš-ka ra-ši-bat NINA.KI at-ta-ši qa-ti22 | |
5555 | zík-ri pi-ia ke-e-nu-um ki-i ú-lu Ì UGU na-bi MAḪ.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ma-aʾ-diš i-ṭí-ib-ma e-peš URU ḫe-re-e ÍD iq-bu-u-ni | |
5656 | na-an-nu-uš-šu-un la muš-pe-e-lu at-ta-ki-il-ma ba-ḫu-la-te-ia gap-šá-a-te ad-ke-ma al-lu tup-šik-ku ú-šá-áš-ši | |
5757 | i-na ITI.ṣi-i-taš ITI bi-in dDÀR.GAL KUD-is EŠ.BAR-e mu-šak-lim ṣa-ad-di dŠEŠ.KI AN-e KI-tim qar-rad DINGIR.MEŠ dEN.ZU23 | (57) In the month Ṣītaš (III) — the month of the son of the god Daragal, the one who renders decisions (and) reveals (ominous) signs, the divine light of heaven and netherworld, the hero of the gods, the god Sîn — which by the decree of the gods Anu, Enlil, and prince Ea was called the month of the god Kulla, (the month appropriate) for making bricks (and) building citi(es) and house(s), on the day of an eššešu-festival for the son of the god Bēl — the exceedingly wise god Nabû, the scribe of all (the universe), who gives orders to all the gods — I had its brickwork made. I offered a sacrifice to the god Kulla, the lord of foundations (and) brickwork, and to the god Mušda, the master builder of the god Enlil. I strewed aromatic offerings, and recited a šuilakku-prayer. |
5858 | ša i-na ši-mat da-nim dEN.LÍL ù dé-a dnin-ši-kù a-na la-ba-an SIG₄.MEŠ e-peš URU ù É ITI dkulla na-bu-ú MU-šu24 | |
5959 | i-na UD.ÈŠ.ÈŠ ša DUMU dEN igi-gál-li pal-ke-e dAG DUB.SAR gim-ri mu-ma-ʾe-er kul-lat DINGIR.MEŠ ú-šal-bi-na lib-na-as-su | |
6060 | a-na dkulla EN uš-še li-bit-te ù dDÍM ŠITIM.GAL-lum ša dEN.LÍL UDU.SISKUR aq-qí sér-qu as-ru-qu-ma at-ta-ši ŠU.ÍL.KÁM25 | |
6161 | i-na ITI.NE.NE.GAR ITI a-rad dGIBIL₆ mu-uš-pel am-ba-te ra-ṭu-ub-te mu-kin te-me-en URU ù É uš-še-e-šú ad-di-ma ú-kin lib-na-su26 | (61) In the month Abu (V) — the month of the descent (from heaven) of the god Gibil, who dries out the moist field(s) (and) lays the foundation of citi(es) and house(s) — I laid its foundation and established its brickwork. |
6262 | pa-rak-ki ra-áš-du-ti ša ki-ma ki-ṣir ge-en-ni šur-šu-du a-na dé-a d30 ù dnin-gal dIŠKUR dUTU dMAŠ e-pu-šá qer-bu-uš-šú | (62) I built inside it for the deities Ea, Sîn and Ningal, Adad, Šamaš, (and) Ninurta firmly-founded daises which were made as firm as the mountains. |
6363 | É.GAL ZÚ AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.mu-suk-kan-ni GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN GIŠ.dáp-ra-ni ù GIŠ.bu-uṭ-ni ina qí-bi-ti-šú-nu ṣir-te a-na mu-šab LUGAL-ti-ia ab-ni-ma | (63) At their august command, I built a palace using (lit.: “of”) elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, daprānu-juniper, and terebinth to be my royal residence; I fashioned a bīt-ḫilāni, a replica of a Hittite palace, in front of their gates and roofed them with beams of cedar (and) cypress. |
6464 | É ḫi-la-an-ni ta-an-ši-il É.GAL KUR.ḫat-ti mé-eḫ-ret KÁ.MEŠ-šin ap-tiq-ma GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN ú-kin ṣe-ru-uš-šin27 | |
6565 | ŠÁR ŠÁR ŠÁR ŠÁR GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U 1 UŠ 3 qa-ni 2 KÙŠ ni-bit MU-ia mi-ši-iḫ-ti BÀD-šu áš-kun-ma UGU NA₄ KUR-e zaq-ri ú-šar-ši-da te-me-en-šu28 | (65) I made the length of its wall 16,280 cubits, (corresponding to) the rendering of my name, and I made its foundation secure upon (blocks of) massive mountain stone. In front and in back, on both sides, facing the eight winds, I opened eight gates (in the city wall). I named the gate of the god Šamaš and the gate of the god Adad that face the east “The God Šamaš Is the One Who Makes Me Triumph” (and) “The God Adad Is the One Who Maintains Its Prosperity” (respectively). I called the gate(s) of the god Enlil and the goddess Mullissu that face the north “The God Enlil Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of My City” (and) “The Goddess Mullissu Is the One Who Restores Abundance” (respectively). I made the name(s) of the gate(s) of the god Anu and the goddess Ištar that face the west “The God Anu Is the One Who Makes My Undertakings Successful” (and) “The Goddess Ištar Is the One Who Makes Its People Flourish” (respectively). (70) I pronounced the names of the gate of the god Ea and the gate of the goddess Bēlet-ilī that face the south (to be) “The God Ea Is the One Who Keeps Its Spring(s) in Good Order” (and) “The Goddess Bēlet-Ilī Is the One Who Increases Its (Animals’) Offspring” (respectively). Its (city) wall was (called) “The God Aššur Is the One Who Prolongs the Reign of Its Royal Builder (and) Protects His Offspring.” Its outer wall was (called) “The God Ninurta Is the One Who Establishes the Foundation of the Wall for (All) Days to Come.” |
6666 | i-na re-e-še ù ar-ka-a-te i-na ṣe-li ki-lal-la-an mé-eḫ-ret 8 IM.MEŠ 8 KÁ.GAL.MEŠ ap-te-e-ma | |
6767 | dUTU mu-šak-šid er-nit-ti-ia dIŠKUR mu-kil ḪÉ.GÁL-li-šu MU.MEŠ KÁ.GAL dUTU ù KÁ.GAL dIŠKUR šá IGI-et IM.KUR.RA az-ku-ur29 | |
6868 | dEN.LÍL mu-kin iš-di URU-ia dNIN.LÍL mu-diš-šá-at ḫi-iṣ-bi zík-ri KÁ.GAL dEN.LÍL ù dNIN.LÍL šá IGI-et IM.SI.SÁ am-bi30 | |
6969 | da-nu mu-šal-lim ep-šet qa-ti-ia diš-tar mu-šam-me-ḫat UN.MEŠ-šú ni-bit KÁ.GAL da-nim ù diš-tar šá IGI-et IM.MAR.TU áš-kun | |
7070 | dé-a mu-uš-te-šir nag-bi-šu dbe-let-DINGIR.MEŠ mu-rap-pi-šat ta-lit-ti-šú MU.MEŠ KÁ.GAL dé-a ù KÁ.GAL dbe-let-DINGIR.MEŠ šá IGI-et IM.U₁₉.LU aq-bi-ma | |
7171 | da-šur mu-lab-bir BALA.MEŠ LUGAL e-pi-ši-šu na-ṣir NUNUZ-šú BÀD-šu dnin-urta mu-kin te-me-en a-du-uš-ši a-na la-bar UD.MEŠ SÙ.MEŠ šal-ḫu-ú-šu31 | |
7272 | ba-ʾu-lat ar-ba-ʾi EME a-ḫi-tu at-mé-e la mit-ḫur-ti a-ši-bu-te KUR-e ù KUR mal ir-te-ʾu-ú ZÁLAG DINGIR.MEŠ EN gim-ri32 | (72) People from the four (quarters of the world), (speaking) foreign language(s) (and of) diverse speech, those who had dwelt in (both) mountain(s) and (low)land(s), as many as the “Light of the Gods” (Šamaš), the lord of all, shepherded, whom I had carried off as booty by the power of my staff at the command of the god Aššur, my lord, I made act in concert and (re)settled (them) inside it (Dūr-Šarrukīn). I commissioned native Assyrians, masters of every craft, as overseers (and) commanders to instruct (the settlers) in correct behavior (and how) to revere god and king. |
7373 | ša i-na zi-kir da-šur EN-ia i-na mé-tel ši-bir-ri-ia áš-lu-la pa-a 1-en ú-šá-áš-kin-ma ú-šar-ma-a qé-reb-šu33 | |
7474 | DUMU.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI mu-du-te i-ni ka-la-ma a-na šu-ḫu-uz ṣi-bit-te pa-laḫ DINGIR ù LUGAL LÚ.ak-li LÚ.šá-pi-ri ú-ma-ʾe-er-šú-nu-ti | |
7575 | DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-te AN-e KI-tim ù URU šá-a-šu qí-bi-ti im-gur-ú-ma e-peš URU ù šul-bur qer-bi-šú iš-ru-ku-in-ni a-na da-riš | (75) The gods who dwell in heaven (and) netherworld, and in this city, were amenable to my prayer and granted me the eternal (privilege of) building (this) city and growing old in it. |
7676 | ša ep-šet qa-ti-ia ú-nak-kar-ú-ma bu-un-na-ni-ia ú-saḫ-ḫu-ú ú-ṣu-rat eṣ-ṣi-ru ú-šam-sa-ku si-ma-te-ia ú-pa-šá-ṭu | (76) (As for) the one who alters the work of my hands, mutilates my features (on a relief), obliterates the reliefs that I have engraved (lit.: “engrave”), (or) effaces my own representation(s), may the gods Aššur, Šamaš, Adad, and the gods who dwell there remove his name (and) his descendant(s) from the land and make him live in bondage under his enemy. |
7777 | da-šur dUTU dIŠKUR ù DINGIR.MEŠ a-šib lìb-bi-šú MU-šu NUMUN-šu i-na KUR lil-qu-tu-ma i-na KI.TA LÚ.KÚR-šu li-še-ši-bu-šu ka-meš |
1be-ra-a-ti “swamp”: See the on-page note to text no. 7 line 15.
2The “Brook of Egypt” has been identified with Wadi el-Arish in the eastern Sinai Peninsula (e.g., Tadmor, JCS 12 [1958] p. 78 n. 194) or with Nahal Besor, a wadi in southern Palestine (Naʾaman, Tel Aviv 6 [1979] pp. 68–90 and in Liverani, Neo-Assyrian Geography pp. 111-112). See also Bagg, Rép. Géogr. 7/1 p. 291.
3Exs. 2–4, 10, 16–17, 39, 42, 48, and 58 have URU, “city,” instead of KUR, “land,” before ṣi-bar.
4It is not certain if idān paglāte, which is in the dual locative, should be taken by itself, as indicated in the above translation, or with what follows — i.e., “who with (his) powerful arms drove out Mitâ ...”; CAD P p. 11 takes this with the end of line 22 — “had relied on the king(s) of the lands Urarṭu and Musku with (their) powerful forces” — but this is unlikely since new lines tend to begin new ideas in this section of the inscription.
5Exs. 2–3, 5, 17–18, 25, 36, 40, and 47 have -šú for -šu-un; exs. 16, 19, 35, 42, and 57 -šu for -šu-un; thus “his/its borders” instead of “their borders.”
6na-bi-iʾ: Cf. na-pi-iʾ in text no. 13 line 23. Exs. 2–3, 7, 16–19, 45, 47–48, and 58 have URU, “city,” instead of KUR, “land,” before gar-ga-miš, “Carchemish.” da-gíl pa-ni-šú-nu: It is not clear to whom the “their” of “their subject” refers (see also text nos. 76 line 17´ and 105 i´ 26´). A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 291 n. 48) suggests that it may be an error for “his” and refer to Sargon.
7Exs. 2–4, 7, 16–19, 42, 48, and 57–58 have URU, “city,” for KUR, “land,” before mu-ṣa-ṣi-ri. With regard to the ‘suicide’ of Rusâ, see the on-page note to text no. 65 lines 411–413.
8ma-a-ʾu, “the victorious one”: The tentative transation follows Marchesi, JNES 78 (2019) pp. 16–17. Exs. 2–4, 16–19, 28, 42, 47–48, and 57–58 omit KUR, “land,” before ḫar-ḫar.KI; only exs. 1 and 45 have KUR.
9A. Baruchi-Unna and M. Cogan (IMSA 9 [2019–2019] pp. 44 and 47) suggest that an early, unattested draft of this inscription had omitted lines 31–33 (“who gathered (back together) ... the land Šurda”), as well as lines 34–43.
10Exs. 2–3, 5, 16, 18, 28, 35–36, 40, 42, 47, and 57–58 have da-šur, “the god Aššur,” for aš-šur, “(the god) Aššur.”
11These lines are omitted on those cylinders with the shorter (likely earlier) version of this inscription; see the catalogue and introduction to this text.
12All exemplars that preserved this part of the line (exs. 1, 19, and 45) have la following ta-mir-ti. The copies by D.G. Lyon (based on ex. 1) and H. Winckler both have ŠU, and CAD K p. 550 reads tamirtišu, “of this region,” although note the correct reading in CAD T p. 120. With regard to the uncertain meaning of the passage, and the uncertain word karattu, see most recently Bagg, Assyrische Wasserbauten pp. 151–154.
13Ex. 1 omits ù, “and” between mil-ki “intelligence” and né-me-qi “wisdom.”
14The meaning of tillenû is not known. A. Fuchs suggests it may refer to a type of beer (Khorsabad p. 292 n. 62).
15The translation “humanity” for atmû rēšēti follows CAD A/2 pp. 498–499; see also CDA p. 302 sub rēštu(m). na-ḫar-šú-še “collapse”: See Mayer, Orientalia NS 86 (2017) p. 31. bibil libbi, “what is desired by”: Or following CAD B p. 221 “the voluntary offering of.”
16The meaning of the end of the line remains uncertain. CAD S p. 146 sub sangāni reads sàn-ga-ni, but notes that the passage is difficult. A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 293) translates: “um das ganze ... seiner Grenzen aufzustellen” (or “zu errichten” in n. 74).
17Maganuba is only mentioned clearly in texts from the reigns of Sargon and Sennacherib; see Bagg, Rép. Géogr. 7/2 pp. 380–381. Ex. 7 omits GÌR.II, “foot” (lit.: “feet”).
18Exs. 3, 16–18, 28, 42, and 48 omit -an- in dnin-men-an-na.
19zi-kir šu-mi-ia, “saying of my name”: Perhaps better “meaning/wording of my name” in this context.
20With regard to Sargon’s providing new fields to the owners of expropriated fields, see also Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12 no. 19, dated to the eponymy of Aššur-bāni (713).
21For the understanding of these lines, see Cavigneaux, Orientalia NS 76 (2007) pp. 169–173. Sigga and Lugal-dingira refer to the gods Šamaš and Adad; see Lambert in RLA 7/1–2 (1987) p. 133. Šauška is the Hurrian name of the goddess Ištar. Ex. 11 has <<ba-ni>> ba-ni-i-šu. Exs. 2, 4, 17–18, and 48 omit ù, “and” between “Sigga” and “Lugal-dingira.”
22ra-ši-bat, “the awe-inspiring one,” might have been an error for a-ši-bat, “who dwells in”; see Beckman, JCS 50 (1998) p. 8.
23Ṣītaš was one name for the third month of the year (May-June). The god Daragal is Enlil.
24Ex. 11 inserts an unwanted u, “and,” between da-nim and dEN.LÍL.
25Kulla is the god of bricks (see Lambert, RLA 6/3–4 [1981] p. 305) and Mušda(m) is a builder god (see Krebernik, RLA 8/5–6 [1995] p. 453). Ex. 58 omits the divine determinative before EN.LÍL in both this line and line 68.
26Gibil is the god of fire. As noted by A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 41 line 61 nn. 1 and 2), there is no textual justification to emend mu-uš-pil/bil am-ba-te to mu-ub-bil qar-ba-te as proposed in CAD Q p. 212. Ex. 3 has ṣe-ru-uš-šin, “upon them,” for lib-na-su, “its brickwork.” The copyist may have written the end of line 64 here by mistake; see Fuchs, Khorsabad p. 41 line 61 n. 4.
27Ex. 17 omits ap-tiq-ma, “I fashioned ... and.”
28With regard to the number and the translation of nibīt šumiya as “(corresponding to) the rendering of my name,” see the Introduction to the volume, under the section “Name,” and the on-page note to text no. 9 lines 79–80.
29-mu-kil- “Maintains”: See the on-page note to text no. 9 line 83.
30Ex. 18 has zík-ri <<zík-ri>> . See also the on-page note to line 60.
31mu-lab-bir “Who Prolongs,” NUNUZ-šú “His Offspring,” and a-du-uš-ši “the Wall”: See the on-page notes to text no. 9 lines 90–91.
32See the note to text no. 9 line 94 with regard to Šamaš being the god referred to with the epithets “the ‘Light of the Gods,’ the lord of all.”
33mé-tel, “power,” (CAD M/2 p. 43) or mé-zez, “fury” (Fuchs, Khorsabad p. 43). K.L. Younger (JBL 117 [1998] p. 224) translates pa-a 1-en ú-šá-áš-kin literally as “I made them of one mouth” and takes this to mean that “the Assyrians instructed some deportees in Assyrian or some common language.” For the phrase pâ ištēn šuškunu meaning “to make act in concert,” see CAD Š/1 p. 141.
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.