Sargon II 003
Continued from several unpreserved slabs | ||
1'1' | [...] AD ša [m†mut†]-⸢tal-lu IBILA⸣-šú i-na GIŠ.TUKUL ú-ra-si-bu-šu-ma e-ki-[mu x x]1 2 | (1') [In my eleventh regnal year, (...) Tarḫu-lara of the land Gurgum ...] whose [he]ir [Mu]tallu had cut (him) down with the sword and tak[en away ...] my [...] in ... in order to avenge him (Tarḫu-lara) [... Tarḫu-l]ara, his heir Mut[al]lu, in/with ... of the body before the god Šam[aš ... Because of] his [... that] he had done, I/he burned his hands (and) showed [(...)]. I cou[nted] as boo[ty] his heir Mutallu, together with the (royal) family of the land [Bīt-Paʾalla, as many as] the[re were (of them), (along) with gold, silver, (and)] countless [property from] his [pala]ce. I [reorganized (the administration of)] the people of the land Gurgum to [its] full extent, set [a eunuch of mine as] provincial governor over them, (and) considered th[em] a[s people] of Assyria. |
2'2' | [...]-li-ia i-⸢na?⸣ IGI? TE? a-na tur-ri gi-mil-li-šú x [x x x x x x x x]3 | |
3'3' | [... mtar-ḫu]-⸢la⸣-ra mmut-[tal]-lu IBILA-šú i-na x-ti zu-um-ri ma-ḫar d⸢UTU?⸣ [x x x (x)] Ú [x x x x x x x x]4 | |
4'4' | [...] x-šú e-pu-⸢šu?⸣ ŠU.II.MEŠ-šú ú-qam-me ú-kal-li-ma [x (x)] mmut-tal-lu IBILA-šú a-di kim-ti KUR.[É-mpa-ʾa-al-la mal] ba-[šu-ú]5 | |
5'5' | [it-ti KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR NÍG.ŠU É].⸢GAL⸣-šú šá ni-ba† ⸢la⸣ i-šu-⸢ú⸣ a-na šal-la-[ti] am†-[nu]-šú UN.MEŠ KUR.gúr†-gu-me a-na paṭ gim-ri-[šá a-na eš-šu]-ti a-[šur-ma]6 | |
6'6' | [LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia LÚ].EN.NAM UGU-šú-nu áš-⸢kun it-ti†⸣ [UN].MEŠ [KUR†] aš-šur.KI am-nu-šu-[nu]-ti ⸢m⸣a-⸢zu⸣-ri LUGAL URU.[as]-du-di a-na la na-še-e bíl-te7 | (6'b) A[z]ūri, king of the city [Ash]dod, [plott]ed ... (so as) to no longer (have to) deliver tribute (to me) and sent (messages) [host]ile to Assyria to the kings in his environs. Thus, be[cau]se of the [ev]il [that he had do]ne, I [did] aw[ay] with his lordship over the people of his land [and] set his favorite brother Aḫī-Mīti [a]s king over them. The Hittites, [who (always) speak] treachery, hated his rule and elevated over them Iadna (Iāmānī), who had no rig[ht to the] throne (and) who, like them, did not know how to respect (any) authority. |
7'7' | x ⸢TU?⸣ [(x) ik-pu]-⸢ud⸣-ma a-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni† li-me-ti-šu† [ze-ra]-a-ti KUR aš-šur.KI iš-pur-ma† ⸢áš-šu ḪUL⸣-tu [e]-⸢pu⸣-šú UGU UN.MEŠ KUR-šú be-lu-su8 | |
8'8' | ⸢ú-nak⸣-[kir-ma m†]a-ḫi-mi-ti ŠEŠ ta-lim-šú [a]-na LUGAL-ti UGU†-šú-nu áš-kun LÚ.ḫat-ti-i ⸢da⸣-[bi-ib] ṣa-lip-ti be-lu-su i-ze-ru-ma mia-ad-na [(x)]9 | |
9'9' | la ⸢EN† GIŠ†⸣.GU†.ZA ša GIM šá-šú-nu pa-laḫ be-lu-tim la i-du-ú ú-rab-bu-ú UGU-šú-un i-[na ug]-gat† lìb-bi-ia it-ti GIŠ.GIGIR GÌR.II-ia u ANŠE.pét-⸢ḫal⸣-[lu₄-ia]10 | (9'b) [An]grily, with (only) my personal chariot and [my] cava[lry] (10´) who never leave my side (even) in friendly territory, [I] qu[ic]kly [marched] to his royal city Ashdod. I then surro[unded (and) conqu]ered the cities Ashdod, Gath, (and) Ashdo[d-Yam]. I consi[dered] as booty (both) the gods who dwelt in them (and) that (man) (Iāmāni), together with the people of his land, gold, silver, (and) the posses[sions] of [his] palace. I reor[ganized] (the administration of) their cities (and) settled there [peo]ple from the lands that I had conquered. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over [them] and conside[red them] as people [of Assy]ria. They (now) pull my y[ok]e. |
10'10' | ša a-šar sa-al-me i-da-a-a la ip-par-ku-ú a-na URU LUGAL-ti-šú ḫi-⸢it-mu⸣-ṭiš [al-lik]-⸢ma?⸣ú[di-im-mu]11 | |
11'11' | al-[me ak-šu]-ud DINGIR.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut lìb-bi-šú-un šá-a-šú a-di UN.MEŠ KUR-šú KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR ⸢NÍG⸣.[GA] É.GAL-[šú] ⸢a⸣-na šal-la-ti ⸢am⸣-[nu-šú] ⸢URU⸣.MEŠ-šú-nu a-na ⸢eš⸣-[šu†-ti†]12 | |
12'12' | aṣ-[bat] ⸢UN⸣.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-⸢ti⸣ ŠU.II-ia i-na lìb-bi [ú†]-še-šib LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia LÚ.EN.NAM ⸢UGU⸣-[šú-nu] ⸢áš⸣-kun-ma it-ti UN.[MEŠ† KUR† aš†]-⸢šur⸣.KI am-⸢nu⸣-[šu-nu-ti] | |
13'13' | i-šu-ṭu ⸢ab⸣-[šá-a]-⸢ni⸣ i-na ⸢12⸣ BALA†-ia mdAMAR.UTU-⸢A⸣-SUM.NA DUMU mia-ki-ni LUGAL KUR.kal-di [a-šib] ki-šad tam-tim la ⸢a-dir zik?-ri?⸣ DINGIR.[MEŠ (x)]13 | (13'b) In my twelfth regnal year, Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-Baladan), descendant of Yakīn, king of Chaldea, [who dwelt] on the shore of the sea, who did not f[e]ar the w[or]d[s] of the [great] gods ... [...] put [his trust] in the sea and (its) surging waves. He then broke (lit.: “overturned”) the treaty [sworn by the] great [god]s [and] withheld his audience gift. He turned to Ḫum[baniga]š (Ḫumban-nikaš I), the Elamite, for aid, [made] the Ruʾuʾa (tribe), [the Ḫin]daru (tribe), the land Yadburu, [the Puqudu (tribe), (and) all the Sutians, the people of the steppe, hostile to me, and prepared for battle against me]. |
14'14' | [GAL?].⸢MEŠ? KU⸣ BU x [x (x)] TAG? [x (x)] ⸢UGU⸣ ÍD.mar-ra-ti ù gu-pu-uš e-de-e it-ta-[kil]-⸢ma⸣ a-de-e [ma-mit DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ e-bu-⸢uk⸣-[ma]14 | |
15'15' | ik-la-a ta-mar-tuš mḫum-[ba-ni†-ga]-áš LÚ.ELAM†.MA.KI a-na re-ṣu-ti is-ḫur-ma LÚ.ru-u₈-a [LÚ.ḫi-in]-da-ru KUR.ia-ad-⸢bu-ri⸣15 | |
Lines 16´-30´ not preserved | ||
31'31' | [...] GIŠ [...]16 | (31') [... They raised their (city) wall higher than before, cut a channel f]rom [the Surap]pu [River, and surrounded its environs with cresting flood (waters)]. I surrounded (and) conquered [that city before] the day had proceeded [half] a double-hour. I carried off as booty [18,430 people, together with their] property, [hor]s[es, mules], donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats. |
32'32' | [UGU šá pa-na ú-zaq-qí-ru-ma] ⸢ul⸣-tu† ⸢qé⸣-[reb Í]-⸢pi⸣ [bu-tuq-tu ib-tú/tu-qu-nim-ma ILLU kiš-šá-ti ik-pu-pu li-me-es-su]17 | |
33'33' | [URU šú-a-tu a-di 1/2] KASKAL†.GÍD u₄-mu <<NA/TAR>> la šá-qe-e al†-me ak-šud[ud† 16†+2 LIM 4 ME 30 UN.MEŠ a-di] mar-ši†-⸢ti⸣-[šú-nu ANŠE.KUR].RA.[MEŠ]18 | |
34'34' | [ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ] ANŠE.MEŠ ANŠE.A.AB.BA†.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ù ṣe-e-ni ᚆ-lu-la† m⸢ba†⸣-[x x x x mḫa]-za-DINGIR mḫa-am-da-nu mza-bi-⸢du†⸣19 | (34'b) B[a..., Ḫa]zā-il, Hamdanu, Zabīd[u, Ammai(...), ..., Aḫḫē]-iddina, (and) Aya-Sammu, (a total of) eight sheikh[s of the Gambu]lu (tribe) who dwell (along) the Uqnû River, [heard of the conquest of that city and] (as a result) their [hea]rts [pounded]. From the Uqnû River, [they broug]ht me [oxen, and] sheep and goats as their subs[tantial audience g]ift(s) an[d gra]s[ped hold of] my [feet]. Because ... that land, [I disregarded their] crime(s) [and stopped their] dep[ortation. I s]et [a eunuch of mine as provincial gove]rno[r over them]. I imposed [upon th]em the annual payment [of one] talent thirty [minas of] sil[ver, two thousand <gur> of barley, on]e ox [out of (every) twenty oxen (that they had), (and) one sheep] out of [(every) twenty sheep (that they had). I (also) imposed] the annual ṣibtu-tax [on the]ir [oxen] (and) their sheep and goats f[or the god(s) Bēl (Marduk) (and) Son of Bēl (Nabû)]. I mustered [those soldiers] and (40´) to[ok] on[e] soldier of [th]eirs out of [(every) three soldier]s (for my own army). I resettled (them) in the city [Dūr]-Abi-ḫāra, chan[ged] its (the city’s) name, (and) [(re)na]med it [Dūr]-Nabû. [I incorporated (lit.: “led away”) int]o the territory of Ass[yria] the lands [Ḫub]aqānu, Tarbugāti, [Timassunu (Timassina)], Pašur, [Ḫirūtu, (and) Ḫilmu], (a total of) six districts o[f] the land [Gambulu, together with forty]-four [fort]ified settlements that are in [them]. |
35'35' | [mam-ma-i-x x (x) x x mŠEŠ].MEŠ-SUM.NA ma-a-sa-am-mu 8 [LÚ].na-si-ka-[a-te ša LÚ.gam-bu]-li a-ši-bu-te ÍD.uq-né-[e] | |
36'36' | [ka-šad URU šá-a-tu iš-mu-ma it-ru-ku lib]-bu-šú-un ul-tu qé-reb ÍD.uq†-né-[e GU₄.MEŠ ù] ṣe-⸢e⸣-ni [ta]-⸢mar-ta⸣-šú-nu ⸢ka-bit⸣-[tu†] | |
37'37' | [iš]-⸢šu⸣-nim-⸢ma†⸣ [iṣ]-⸢ba†⸣-[tu GÌR.II]-ia ᚆ-šu AŠ [(x)] IR [(x)] KUR ⸢šu⸣-a-tú gíl-la-[sún a-miš-ma ú-šab-ṭi-la] na-[sa-aḫ-šú-un LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia] | |
38'38' | [LÚ.EN].⸢NAM⸣ [UGU-šú-nu áš]-kun [1] GUN† 30 [MA.NA] KÙ.[BABBAR 2 LIM ŠE.BAR i-na UGU 20 GU₄.MEŠ 1]-⸢en†⸣ GU₄† i-na UGU [20 UDU.MEŠ 1-en UDU] na-dan MU.AN.NA20 | |
39'39' | [UGU-šú]-nu uk†-tin ṣi-⸢bit⸣ [GU₄.MEŠ-šú]-nu ⸢ṣe⸣-e-ni-šú-nu a-[na dEN dDUMU EN ú-ki-in] šat-ti†-⸢šam⸣ [LÚ.ERIM.MEŠ šá-a-tu-nu] a-šur-ma ⸢i-na⸣ UGU | |
40'40' | [3 ERIM].MEŠ 1†-⸢en†⸣ ERIM†-[šú]-nu aṣ†-[bat] URU.[BÀD-m]AD-ḫa-ra a-na eš†-šu-⸢ti⸣ ú†-še†-šib MU-šú ú-nak-[kir URU].BÀD-dAG ⸢MU⸣-šú ⸢am⸣-bi21 | |
41'41' | [KUR†.ḫu]-⸢ba-qa?⸣-nu KUR.tar-bu-⸢ga?⸣-ti [KUR.ti-mas-su-nu] KUR.⸢pa⸣-šur [KUR.ḫi-ru-tú KUR.ḫi-il-mu] 6 na-gi-i ⸢ša⸣ KUR.[gam-bu-li a-di 40†]+4 URU.MEŠ-ni22 | |
42'42' | [dan]-nu-ti ša qer-⸢bi⸣-[šú-un a]-⸢na⸣ ku-dúr-ri† [KUR†] aš-⸢šur⸣.KI [a-bu-uk LÚ.ru]-u₈†-a LÚ.ḫi-in-da-⸢ru LÚ.ia-ad⸣-[bu†]-ru LÚ.pu†-qu-du | (42'b) (When) the [Ru]ʾuʾa, Ḫindaru, Ya[dbu]ru, (and) Puqudu (tribes) [heard of (my) conqu]est of the Gambulu (tribe), they fled [during the course of the nig]ht an[d] took (themselves to) [the Uqnû River, which was difficult (to ford). I dammed up] the Ṭupliya[š Riv]er, [a river] upon which they relied, [with pile(s) of] dirt and reed[s. I erected two] fortress[ses, side] by si[de, and star]ved them out. (45´) [They] then [came o]ut from the Uqnû River an[d] grasped hold [of my feet. Iannuqu], the [sheikh of the city Zāmê, Nabû-uṣalla of the c]ity Abūrê, Paššunu [(and) Ḫaukānu] of the c[ity Nu]ḫānu, (and) Saʾ[īlu of] the city Ibūli, (a total of) five [she]ik[hs] of the Puqudu (tribe); [Abi-ḫa]tâ of the Ruʾuʾa (tribe); (and) [Ḫu]nīnu, Sāmeʾ, Sabḫarru, (and) [Rāpiʾ] of the Ḫin[da]ru (tribe) [brought] horses, oxen, and s[heep and goats] as their sub[stan]tial audience gift(s) to the cit[y Dūr-Abi-ḫāra and] kissed my [fe]et. I [t]ook hostages from them (and) [imposed upon the]m (the same state) service (and) corvée duty as [(was imposed upon) the Gambulu (tribe). I assigned th]em to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the [governor] of the [Gam]bu[lu (tribe)]. |
43'43' | [ki]-⸢šit⸣-ti LÚ.gam-bu-li [iš-mu-ma i-na šat mu]-ši ip-par-šu-⸢ma⸣ [ÍD.uq-nu-ú mar-ṣu] iṣ-⸢ba-tu? ÍD⸣.tup-li-ia-⸢ᚆ⸣ [ÍD†] tuk-la-ti-šú-nu23 | |
44'44' | [i-na ši-pik] SAḪAR.MEŠ ù GI.[MEŠ ak-si-ir 2] ⸢URU⸣.ḪAL.⸢ṢU⸣.[MEŠ† a-ḫu] a-⸢na⸣ a-[ḫi ad-di-ma lap-lap]-⸢tu⸣ ú-šá-aṣ-bi-su-nu-ti-ma ul-tu qé-reb ÍD.uq-né-e24 | |
45'45' | [uṣ]-⸢ṣu⸣-nim-⸢ma iṣ⸣-ba-tu [GÌR.II-ia mia-nu-qu] LÚ.[na-sik-ku ša mdMUATI-ú-ṣal-la ša] ⸢URU†⸣.a-bu-re-[e m†]pa-áš-šu-nu25 | |
46'46' | [mḫa-ú-ka-nu] ša ⸢URU⸣.[nu]-ḫa-⸢a⸣-ni† msa-⸢ʾi⸣-[lu] ša URU.i-bu-li 5 [LÚ.na-si]-ka-[a-ti]26 | |
47'47' | ša LÚ.pu-⸢qu⸣-di [m†ab-ḫa]-ta-a ša LÚ.ru-u₈†-⸢a⸣ [mḫu]-ni-nu msa-me-eʾ m⸢sab⸣-ḫar-ru m†[ra†-pi-iʾ]27 | |
48'48' | ša LÚ.ḫi-in-[da]-ru† ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ⸢GU₄⸣.MEŠ ù ⸢ṣe⸣-[e-ni] ta-mar-ta-šú-nu ka†-[bit†]-tu a-na ⸢URU†⸣.[BÀD-mAD-ḫa-ra]28 | |
49'49' | [iš-šu-nim-ma] ú-na-ᚆ-ši-⸢qu GÌR⸣.II-ia li-ṭi-šú-nu ⸢aṣ⸣-bat il-ku tup-šik-ku ki-i [ša LÚ.gam-bu-li] | |
50'50' | [e-mid-su†-nu†]-ti i-na ŠU.II LÚ.šu-ut ⸢SAG⸣-ia LÚ.[GAR.KUR] LÚ.[gam†]-bu-[li am-nu-šú†]-nu-ti si†-it-ta-[te-šú-nu]29 | (50'b) (As for) the res[t of those] who had paid [attention] (lit.: “inclined th[eir cheek]”) to Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-Baladan) and Šu[tur-N]aḫūndi and had taken (themselves) to the [Uqnû] Ri[ver], I overwhelmed their settlem[ents] like the Deluge. [I] fed my army (the food in) the[ir granari]es (and) chopped down the date palm(s) upon which they relied (and) [the orchards] that were the pride of their district. I se[nt] my warriors to the U[qnû] River, th[eir hi]ding place, [and] they (my warriors) inflicted a defeat on them. [Th]ey (my warriors) [carried off as booty] (those) people, together with [their property]. |
51'51' | ša UGU ⸢m⸣dAMAR.UTU-A-SUM.NA ù mšu-[túr†-d]⸢na⸣-ḫu-un-di [TE†]-⸢su⸣-[nu†] id-⸢du⸣-ma ⸢iṣ⸣-ba-tu ⸢ÍD⸣.[uq-nu-ú] | |
52'52' | da-ád†-[me†]-šú-nu a-bu-biš as-pu-⸢un⸣ [qí-ra-a]-ti-šú-[nu] um†-ma-ni† [ú†]-šá†-kil [GIŠ†].⸢GIŠIMMAR⸣ tuk-lat-su-nu [GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ] | |
53'53' | bal-ti na-gi-šú-nu ak-šiṭ a-na ÍD.⸢uq⸣-[né-e] ⸢a-šar⸣ [tap]-⸢ze⸣-er-te†-šú-[nu†] LÚ.qu-ra-di-ia ú-ma-⸢ʾe⸣-[er-ma] | |
54'54' | BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu im-ḫa-ṣu UN.MEŠ a-di [mar-ši†-ti†-šú-nu iš-lul]-ú-⸢ni†⸣ [URU†].za-a-me-e URU.a-bu-[re-e] | (54'b) (The people of) the cities Zāmê, Abū[rê], Yaptiru, Maḫīṣu, [Ḫilipanu, KAL-KAL], Patti[ānu], Ḫa[ya]mā[nu, Gadiyāti], Amate, Nuḫānu, A[mâ, Ḫiuru], (and) Saḫilu (Saʾīlu), (a total of) fourteen fortified cities, (and) fo[ur hundred settlements] in their environs, (located) along [the Euphr]ates [River], who(se people) had taken fright at the onslaught of my weapons and whose district I had [laid waste], came to me from the [Uqnû] River, [a far]away [place], and grasped hold of my [f]eet. [I had] that district [dwell] as in meadowland (in greater security) than previously [and] assig[ned] (them) to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the gove[rnor] of the Gambulu (tribe). |
55'55' | URU.ia-ap-ti-ruḫi-ṣu URU.[ḫi-li-pa-nu URU.KAL-KAL] URU.pat-ti-[a†-nu†] ⸢URU†⸣.ḫa-[a-a]-ma-[nu† URU†.ga-di-ia-ti] | |
56'56' | URU.a-ma-teḫa-a-nu URU.a-[ma†-a URU.ḫi-ú-ru] ⸢URU⸣.sa-ḫi-lu 14 URU.MEŠ-ni dan-nu-ti ⸢2?⸣+[2? ME† URU.MEŠ-ni]30 | |
57'57' | ša li-me-ti-šú-nu ša šid-di [ÍD.pu?]-⸢rat?⸣-ti ša ti-bu-ut† GIŠ.⸢TUKUL⸣.MEŠ-ia e-du-ru-ma ú-⸢šaḫ⸣-[ri-bu]31 | |
58'58' | na-gu-šú-un TA qé-reb ÍD.[uq-ni-i a-šar ru]-qi il-li-ku-nim-ma iṣ†-ba-tu ⸢GÌR⸣.II-ia na-gu-ú32 | |
59'59' | ⸢šu⸣-a-tu UGU šá maḫ-ri par-⸢ga⸣-niš [ú-šar-bi-iṣ-ma] i-na ŠU.II LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia LÚ.GAR.[KUR†] LÚ.gam-bu-li am-⸢nu⸣33 | |
60'60' | [URU†].sa-am-ʾu-ú-na URU.KÁ-⸢BÀD⸣ [URU.ḪAL.ṢU].⸢MEŠ⸣ ša mšu-túr-[(d)na-ḫu]-un-di [LÚ].ELAM.[MA.KI]34 | (60') [Like the onslaught of a storm, I overwhelmed] the cit[ies] Samʾūna (and) Bāb-dūr[i, fortress]es that Šutur-[Naḫ]ūndi, [the] Elam[ite, had constructed facing (lit.: “above”) the land Yadburu] |
Continued on several unpreserved slabs |
1= lines 1´–15´ = XIII,4:1–15. See Winckler, Sar. Annals lines 209–232; Lie, Sar. pp. 38–39 lines 1–5 and lines 248–266; and Fuchs, Khorsabad Annals lines 235–255, 255a–b, and 256–258. Cf. text no. 1 lines 248–266a and text no. 2 lines 267b–292.
2Cf. text no. 7 lines 83b–89. Line 1´: The translation assumes that in the previous line, or possibly at the beginning of this line, was i-na 11 BALA-ia (see text no. 1 line 234 and text no. 2 line 267 [restored]). AD: Not seen by H. Winckler or currently on the squeeze, but copied by P.E. Botta. For the tentative restoration “Tarḫu-lara of the land Gurgum,” see text no. 7 lines 83–84. Possibly [... mtar-ḫu-la]-ra*(copy: AD) at the beginning of the line.
3i-⸢na?⸣ IGI? TE?: P.E. Botta has RA? [(x)] IGI TE; H. Winckler has i-⸢na⸣ IGI? TE?; and the squeeze has ⸢i-na?⸣ x x.
4H. Winckler (Sar. 1 p. 36 line 211) and, tentatively, A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 131 line 237) read the damaged sign in x-ti as LI, but the traces on the squeeze are most uncertain. d⸢UTU?⸣: P.E. Botta’s and Winckler’s copies have no trace of the UTU; the reading is based on the squeeze; Fuchs (ibid.) had d⸢UTU!?⸣.
5-⸢šu?⸣: P.E. Botta’s copy has DIŠ, while H. Winckler’s copy has two vertical wedges which he suggests in a note may be the remains of a RA sign and which A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 131 line 238 n. 1) suggests may be the end of an UŠ; the squeeze just has a vertical wedge preceded by damage. -qam-: Botta’s copy has -qam-, but Winckler’s copy has KUR or ŠE; not currently preserved on the squeeze. As is often the case, it is not clear from Winckler’s copy and edition if he saw KUR.[É-pa-ʾa-al-la mal] ba-[šu-ú] or KUR.É-[pa-ʾa-al-la] mal ba-[šu-ú] or even KUR.É-[pa-ʾa-al-la] mal ba-šu-ú.
6šal-la-[ti]: P.E. Botta’s copy would have -<ti> and H. Winckler’s copy has -[ti]; the squeeze is not currently helpful as to which is correct.
7Line 6´: [KUR†] and -[nu]-: P.E. Botta’s copy would indicate -<KUR> and -<nu>-, while H. Winckler’s copy has KUR and -[nu]; the squeeze is not currently helpful as to which is correct. Lines 6´b–13´a: Cf. text no. 7 lines 90–109a.
8x ⸢TU?⸣: The reading follows P.E. Botta’s copy, which is reproduced by H. Winckler in a manner indicating that he had not seen it on the squeeze; see also text no. 2 line 274. We expect ŠÀ-šu ik-pu-ud-ma at the beginning of the line; see text no. 7 line 91. ⸢áš-šu⸣: The reading follows Botta’s copy, although ⸢áš-šú⸣ is also possible; Winckler’s copy has áš-[šú] and the squeeze is not helpful as to which is correct.
9[a]-na: This follows H. Winckler’s copy and the squeeze; P.E. Botta’s copy has <a>-na. Text no. 7 line 95 has mia-ma-ni, “Iāmānī,” rather than mia-ad-na, “Iadna.”
10⸢EN† GIŠ†⸣.GU†.ZA: This follows P.E. Botta’s copy; H. Wincklers’s copy has EN GIŠ.GU.ZA; the squeeze has [x x x (x)].⸢ZA⸣.
11[al-lik]-⸢ma?⸣: Or [al]-⸢lik⸣. All that is visible on P.E. Botta’s copy and the squeeze is a vertical wedge; H. Winckler’s copy has [al]-lik, but the spacing on Botta’s copy and the squeeze might suggest the proposed reading.
12[ak-šu]-ud: H. Winckler’s copy has [ak-šud]ud and the parallel passages in text no. 1 lines 259 and text no. 2 line 283 have ⸢KUR⸣-ud and KUR-ud respectively; the proposed restoration is based upon the spacing on P.E. Botta’s copy. ⸢eš⸣-[šu†-ti†]: The reading follows Botta; Winckler’s copy has eš-šu-ti, but nothing is currently visible on the squeeze.
13Line 13´: For the restoration [a-šib], “[who dwelt]”, see text no. 8 line 18. ⸢zik?-ri?⸣: P.E. Botta’s copy has ⸢zik?⸣-[x] and H. Winckler’s copy has ⸢zik?-ri*⸣(copy: ⸢IZ⸣[); in both cases the traces of the first sign are similar to DÙ followed by damage. The squeeze currently seems to suggest that in the damaged area following the ‘DÙ’ are two small Winkelhaken. Cf. text no. 7 line 122, which has la pa-li-ḫu zi-kir EN EN.EN, “who does not fear the word of the lord of lords (Marduk).” Lines 13´b–14´a: Cf. J. Nougayrol (RA 54 [1960] p. 206) who suggested [ša] ki-šad tam-tim la a-⸢dir⸣ kak?-[ki?-e?] ⸢DINGIR⸣.[MEŠ a-na mi-lik?] ⸢la?⸣ ku-šír ⸢uš?⸣-[ta?-am?]-ṣi? and translated “qui est au bord de la mer, ne re[dout]ant pas les ar[mes?] di[vines,] [pri]t? [un parti i]nfortuné.” Lines 13´b–15´: Cf. text no. 7 lines 121b–123a.
14The reading of the first part of the line is problematic. Before ÍD.mar-ra-ti, P.E. Botta has [x] KU BU x [x x] AD [x x] and H. Winckler [x] KU BU x [x] AD UGU. Based on his examination of the squeeze, A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 136 line 255b) read [GAL.MEŠ x] ŠÚ!? KU BU x [x] x TAG!? [x (x)] UGU, with the restoration GAL.MEŠ partially following A.T.E. Olmstead, who suggested [GAL.MEŠ šu-bat]-⸢šu na-da⸣-at for the beginning of the line (AJSL 47 [1930–31] p. 270 sub lines 263f.). Based on the squeeze and AO 19892, the author prefers [GAL?].⸢MEŠ? KU⸣ BU x [x (x)] TAG? [x (x)] ⸢UGU⸣, although it is not clear that there is actually sufficient room to read [GAL].⸢MEŠ⸣ at the beginning of the line.
15The translation assumes that at the beginning of the following line was: LÚ.pu-qu-du gi-mir LÚ.su-te-e/su-ti-i ÉRIM.MEŠ EDIN it-ti-ia ú-šam-ki-ma ik-ṣu-ra ta-ḫa-zu; see text no. 2 lines 293–294a and cf. text no. 1 line 266.
16Section 2´ = lines 16´–30´ = XIII,5:1–15. Cf. text no. 1 lines 266b–276/277 and text no. 2 lines 293–309/310. Section 3´ = lines 31´–45´ = XIII,6:1–15. See Winckler, Sar. Annals lines 250–268; Lie, Sar. lines 276/277–280, p. 45 n. 9, and p. 48 lines 1–5; and Fuchs, Khorsabad Annals lines 269–271, 271a, 272, 272a–e, and 275–285. Cf. text no. 1 lines 276/277–323a and text no. 2 lines 309/310–328a.
17The translation assumes that the preceding line ended with BÀD-šú-nu; see text no. 1 line 277 and text no. 2 line 310 for what may have been in line 31´. ⸢ul⸣-tu†: P.E. Botta’s copy has [...] ⸢ul⸣-tu*(copy: LA) and H. Winckler’s copy has ul?-tu?; the squeeze is not helpful at this point.
18<<NA/TAR>>: P.E. Botta’s copy has NA while H. Winckler’s copy has TAR; the sign is not currently visible on the squeeze. Winckler restored 4 ME 90, rather than 4 ME 30; the former is how he read the number in text no. 1 line 279 (Sar. 2 pl. 15 no. 31 line 6), although the squeeze has [x] ⸢ME⸣ 30 in that place.
19The text follows text no. 2 lines 314–318 rather than text no. 1 lines 280–283.
20[1]: P.E. Botta’s copy has <1>, while H. Winckler’s copy has [1]; the squeeze is not helpful at this point.
211†-⸢en†⸣: Both P.E. Botta’s and H. Winckler’s copies have x [...] or GIŠ [...], which is assumed here to represent the first part of the ligature 1+en. Text no. 1 line 286 has ú-ṣab-bit, rather than aṣ-bat, and this is followed by a list of numerous cities (text no. 1 lines 286b–299), presumably the forty-four places mentioned in line 41´. Botta’s copy has a-<<x>>-na, but Winckler’s copy has just a-na. ⸢MU⸣-šú ⸢am⸣-bi: The squeeze has ⸢MU⸣-šú ⸢am⸣-[(x)], while Botta’s copy has ⸢MU*⸣(copy: ]ḪI)-šú*(copy: DIŠ) <am>-bi and Winckler’s copy has [MU-šú] aq-bi.
22[KUR†.ḫu]-⸢ba-qa?⸣-nu: P.E. Botta’s copy has [...]-⸢ba⸣-qa†/x-nu, while H. Winckler’s copy has KUR.[(x)]-⸢MAŠ-SI?⸣-nu. -ga?-ti: Botta’s copy has -ga†/x-ti, while Winckler’s copy has -⸢ga?⸣-ti. For the restoration KUR.ti-mas-su-nu (or KUR.ti-bar-su-nu), see text no. 2 line 323; the copies by both Botta and Winckler would suggest that there was room to restore only three or four signs. [40†]+4: Winckler’s copy has [...] 44, but Botta’s copy and the squeeze have [...]+4; see also text no. 2 line 324. The forty-four fortified settlements are listed by name in text no. 1 lines 286–299.
23iṣ-⸢ba-tu?⸣: P.E. Botta’s copy has iṣ-[x (x)]; H. Winckler’s copy has iṣ-ba-tu; and the squeeze has iṣ-⸢ba⸣-x.
24[a-ḫu] a-⸢na⸣ a-[ḫi] “[side] by si[de]”: As noted by A. Fuchs (Khorsabad p. 329), this likely refers to two forts on opposite sides of the river or dam, across from one another.
25-re-[e m†]pa-: P.E. Botta’s copy has -re-<e m>pa-, while H. Winckler’s copy has -re-<e> mpa-; the squeeze currently has -[x x] ⸢pa⸣-.
26= lines 46´–60´ = XIII,7:1–15. See Winckler, Sar. Annals lines 268–278; Lie, Sar. pp. 48–49 lines 5–6, line 326, p. 49 n. 5, and pp. 50–53 lines 10–15; and Fuchs, Khorsabad Annals lines 285–295. Cf. text no. 1 lines 323b–340+ and text no. 2 lines 328b–338a.
27The reading [mḫu]-ni-nu follows text no. 1 line 326 and text no. 2 line 329.
28⸢URU†⸣.[BÀD-mAD-ḫa-ra]: H. Winckler’s copy has ⸢URU⸣.[BÀD-mAD-ḫa-ra], but P.E. Botta’s copy has ⸢URU*⸣.(copy: DÙ)[x (x)], which would suggest that there was not sufficient room for Winckler’s restoration; it is not clear from the squeeze whether there was room or not.
29P.E. Botta’s copy has LÚ.<gam>-bu-, while H. Winckler’s copy has LÚ.gam-[bu-...]; the squeeze is not currently helpful as to the presence or absence of GAM and BU.
30⸢2?⸣+[2? ME† URU.MEŠ-ni]: H. Winckler’s copy has 4 ⸢ME⸣ [URU.MEŠ-ni], while P.E. Botta’s copy has 1+[...] and the squeeze ⸢2?⸣+[...]. Text no. 2 line 335 has a-di URU.MEŠ-ni, and Botta’s copy, and possibly the squeeze, would allow ⸢a⸣-[di URU.MEŠ-ni] instead of the proposed reading that follows Winckler.
31[ÍD.pu?]-⸢rat?⸣-ti “[Euphr]ates [River].” P.E. Botta’s copy has [x x x x x]-ti, while H. Winckler’s copy restores [ÍD.uq-né-e] and omits the TI, following text no. 2 line 336, which has ÍD.uq-⸢né⸣-[e†]. The squeeze has [x x x (x)]-⸢rat?⸣-ti, where the trace before TI is the end of a horizontal wedge in the middle of the line.
32H. Winckler’s copy restores uq-né-e, but text no. 2 line 336 has uq-ni-i.
33[ú-šar-bi-iṣ-ma]: P.E. Botta’s copy indicates there was not sufficient room for this restoration, but the squeeze indicates that there is room. LÚ.GAR.[KUR†]: Botta’s copy has LÚ.GAR.<KUR>; H. Winckler’s copy has LÚ.GAR.KUR; and the squeeze LÚ.⸢GAR⸣.[KUR].
34The spacing on P.E. Botta’s copy and the squeeze might suggest that the divine determinative was omitted before [na-ḫu]-un-di; H. Winckler’s copy includes it in his restoration of the passage. Winckler restored [LÚ].ELAM.[MA.KI-i] at the end of the line, and the spacing on Botta’s copy and the squeeze would allow room for -i, but text no. 2 line 338 does not have -i here. The translation assumes that the following line began with UGU KUR.ia-ad-bu-ri ir-ku-su ki-ma ti-ib me-ḫe-e as-ḫup-ma; see text no. 2 lines 338–339.
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.