Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names

E   G   P  

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Emeslam: 24 6.

Esagil: 24 6.

Ezida: 24 6.


"Gates of Justice Which Give the Correct Judgment for the Rulers of the Four Quarters (of the World), Which Offer the Yield of the Mountains and the Seas, (and) Which Admit the Produce of Mankind Before the King Their Lord" (gates of Tiglath-pileser III's palace): 47 rev. 35'–36'.


"Palatial Halls of Joy Which Bear Abundance, Which Bless the King, (and) Which Make Their Builder Long-Lived" (a room in Tiglath-pileser III's palace): 47 rev. 34'.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'Index of Gate, Palace, and Temple Names', RINAP 1: Tiglath-pileser III and Shalmaneser V, The RINAP 1 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [,Palace,andTempleNames/]

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