Tiglath-pileser III 15
Obverse | ||
Continued from text no. 14 | ||
11 | URU.kas-ka-a-a mú-as-sur-me KUR.ta-bal-a-a muš-ḫi-it-ti KUR.tu-na-a-a mur-pal-la-a KUR.tu-⸢ḫa-na⸣-a-a mtu-⸢ḫa-am⸣-[me URU.iš-tu-un-da-a-a]1 | (1) (Dadīlu) of the the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the land (A)tuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuḫana, Tuḫam[me of the city Ištunda], Urimmi of the city Ḫubišna (Ḫubušnu), (and) Zabibê, queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivo[ry], multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple (and) [red]-purple wool, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, li[ve] sheep [whose wool] is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen and she[ep and goats, camels], (5) she-camels, together with their young, I received (from them). |
22 | mú-ri-im-mì-i URU.ḫu-bi-iš-na-a-a fza-⸢bi-bé⸣-e šar-rat KUR.a-ri-bi KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR ⸢AN.NA AN.BAR⸣ KUŠ AM.SI ⸢ZÚ⸣ [AM.SI]2 | |
33 | lu-bul-ti bir-me TÚG.GADA SÍG.ta-⸢kil⸣-tu ⸢SÍG⸣.[ár]-ga-man-nu GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG mim-ma aq-ru ni-ṣir-ti ⸢LUGAL⸣-ú-ti UDU.NÍTA.MEŠ bal-⸢ṭu⸣-[ti ša SÍG.MEŠ-šú-nu]3 | |
44 | ar-ga-man-nu ṣar-pat iṣ-ṣur AN-e mut-tap-ri-šú-ti šá a-gap-pi-šú-nu a-na ta-kil-te ṣar-pu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ GU₄.NÍTA.MEŠ ⸢ù ṣe⸣-[e-ni ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ] | |
55 | MUNUS.ANŠE.a-na-qa-a-te a-di ANŠE.ba-⸢ak⸣-ka-ri-ši-na am-ḫur i-na 9 BALA.MEŠ-ia aš-šur be-lí ú-tak-kil-an-ni-⸢ma⸣ a-⸢na⸣ KUR.⸢É-kap⸣-[si KUR.É-sa-an-gi]4 | (5b) In my ninth palû, (the god) Aššur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched against the lands Bīt-Kap[si, Bīt-Sangi], Bīt-Urzakki, Media (lit. “land of the Medes”), Bīt-Zualzaš, Bīt-Matti, (and) Tupliyaš. I captured, plundered, destro[yed], devastated, (and) burned with fire the cities Bīt-Ištar, Kin[kangi, Kindigiasu], Kingialkasiš, Kubušḫatidiš, Upušu, Aḫsipuna, Girgirâ, (and) Kim[bazḫati, together with] citie[s] in their environs. |
66 | KUR.É-ur-zak-ki KUR.ma-da-a-a KUR.É-zu-al-za-áš KUR.É-ma-at-ti KUR.tup-li-ia-áš al-lik* URU.É-d15 URU.ki-⸢in⸣-[ka-an-gi URU.ki-in-di-gi-a-su]5 | |
77 | URU.ki-in-gi-al-ka-si-iš URU.ku-bu-uš-ḫa-ti-di-iš ⸢URU⸣.ú-pu-šú URU.aḫ-si-pu-na URU.gi-ir-gi-ra-a URU.ki-⸢im⸣-[ba-az-ḫa-ti a-di] ⸢URU⸣.MEŠ-[ni]6 | |
88 | ša li-me-te-šú-nu ak-šud šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la ap-[pul] ⸢aq⸣-qur ina IZI áš-ru-up ina u₄-me-šú-ma mul-mul-⸢lu⸣ [AN.BAR zaq-tú DÙ-uš li]-⸢ta-at⸣ aš-šur EN-ia7 | (8b) At that time, [I made a pointed iron] “arrow,” inscribed [the mig]hty deeds of (the god) Aššur, my lord, on it, (and) I set (it) up at the spring of the city Bīt-Ištar. Upaš of (the land Bīt)-Kapsi (lit. “son of Kapsi”) assembled his people and ascended [Mount Abirus]. (10) I pursued him, defeated him, (and) carried off his booty. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire his cities. |
99 | i-na muḫ-ḫi áš-ṭur ina UGU nam-ba-ʾi ša URU.É-d15 ú-kin mú-pa-áš DUMU mkap-si UN.MEŠ-šú ú-paḫ-ḫir-ma a-⸢na⸣ [KUR.a-bi-ru-us KUR-e] ⸢e⸣-li ar-ke-e-šú8 | |
1010 | ar-de-e-ma di-ik-ta-šú a-duk šal-la-su áš-lu-la URU.MEŠ-ni-šú ap-pul aq-qur ina IZI áš-ru-up mú-šu-ru [URU.x-(x)]-x-ru-ta mbur-da-da9 | (10b) Ušuru (Ušrû) of [the city ...]...ruta (and) Burdada (Bardada) of the city Nirutakta became frightened and took to the mountains. I went up after them, defeated them, (and) [carried] off their booty. I caught Burdada (Bardada), (then) I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire their cities. [I cap]tured (and) [plu]ndered the city Ṣibar, together with cities in its environs. Tanus, |
1111 | ša URU.ni-ru*-tak-ta* ip-la-ḫu-ma KUR-ú iṣ-ba-tu ar-ke-e-šú-nu e-li di-ik-ta-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-⸢nu⸣ [áš-lu]-⸢la⸣ mbur-da-da ina ⸢qa⸣-ti ⸢aṣ⸣-bat10 | |
1212 | URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu ap-pul aq-qur* ina IZI áš-ru-up URU.ṣi-bu-ur a-di URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti-⸢šu⸣ [ak]-⸢šud⸣ [šal]-⸢la⸣-su áš-lu-la mta-nu-us11 | |
Continued in text no. 16 |
1muš-ḫi-it-ti “Ušḫitti”: Cf. muš-ḫi-it-te in text no. 27 line 5 and text no. 32 line 6.
2mú-ri-im-mì-i “Urimmi”: Cf. mú-ri-im-me in text no. 32 line 7, and also mú-i-ri-mi in text no. 35 iii 14.
3[ár]-: The restoration is based on text no. 27 line 7; ar- in 3 R pl. 9 no. 3 must be a mistake. In a draft of the reconstructed tribute list for 3 R pl. 9 (reproduced in Tadmor, Tigl. III pl. XXVIII), G. Smith explicitly wrote “not ar,” and indeed the sign ar is crossed out and followed by ár-ga-man-nu (“red-purple”). mim-ma “all kinds”: Text no. 28 begins here. ni-ṣir-ti “treasure”: Text no. 28 line 1 omits -ti.
4MUNUS.ANŠE.a-na-qa-: Layard, MS A erroneously omits a-. ANŠE.ba-⸢ak⸣-ka-: Layard, MS A erroneously has ANŠE.ba-ka-ka-. A different, earlier version of the same campaign appears in text no. 35 ii 25´–44´.
5al-lik* “I marched”: Layard, MS A omits one of the vertical wedges of lik (the UR sign).
6URU.ki-⸢im⸣-: The damaged ⸢im⸣ looks like ⸢iḫ⸣ in Layard, MS A and Layard, ICC (p. 67 top). However, text no. 28 line 5 clearly has im.
7For a discussion of the cult at Bīt-Ištar and the location of that city (which is to be identified as mod. Ravānsar, located 57 km northwest of Kermanshah), see Radner, Continuity of Empire pp. 119–130; and Radner and Kroll, ZA 96 (2006) pp. 220–221.
8i-na: Text no. 28 line 6 has ina.
9áš-lu-la “I carried off”: Text no. 29, which is almost entirely lost, begins here. Burdada (Bardada) of Nirutakta: Cf. Bardada of Ṣibar (Ṣibur) in text no. 35 ii 34´.
10URU.ni-ru*-tak-ta* “the city Nirutakta”: Layard, MS A omits one vertical wedge in both the ru and ta signs.
11URU.ṣi-bu-ur “the city Ṣibar”: Text no. 35 ii 34´ has URU.ṣi-bar. mta-nu-us “Tanus”: Cf. Tunî of Sumurzu in text no. 8 line 4.
Created by Hayim Tadmor, Shigeo Yamada, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/rinap/Q003428/.