Be Alert!: A.0.33.1 19.
Be Strong!: A.0.33.1 18.
Drinker of the blood of the enemies of Šamšī-Adad by the command of the goddess Ištar: A.0.39.2002 2–6.
Lion who [...], angry demon, unrivalled attack, who overwhelms the insubmissive, who brings success: A.0.104.2010 21–22.
O goddess Ištar, to you my ear (is directed)!: A.0.83.2001 12.
Protective Goddess: A.0.33.1 17.
Sealer of the enemy of Šamšī-Adad by the command of the goddess Ištar: A.0.39.2001 3–7.
Who charges through battle, who flattens the enemy land, who expels criminals and brings in good people: A.0.104.2010 23–24.
Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny
Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny, 'RIMA 1-3 Index of Object Names', The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, The RINAP Project, 2019 []