Ashurbanipal 013
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
i 1i 1 | (i 1) I, Ashurbanipal, great king, [strong king], king of the world, king of Assyria, king of [the four quarters (of the world)], creation of the hands of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu; one who was chose[n by the gods Sîn, Šamaš, (and) Adad]; beloved of the god Marduk (and) the goddess Z[arpanītu]; (i 5) favorite of the god Nabû (and) [the goddess Ta]šmēt[u]; pious prince, [ca]pable govern[or], true shepherd, leade[r of a] widespre[ad population], one who prays piously [without ceas]ing; who (i 10) extols for [everlas]ting days the praise(s) of the gods Aššur, Mull[issu, Bēl (Marduk)], (and) Nabû; son of Esarhaddon, ki[ng of the world, king of Assyria]; (grand)son of Sennacherib, kin[g of the world, king of As]syria; descendant of Sargon (II), ki[ng of the world, king of Assyria], governor of Babylon, king of [the land of Sumer and] Akkad, | |
i 22 | ||
i 33 | ||
i 44 | ||
i 55 | ||
i 66 | ||
i 77 | ||
i 88 | ||
i 99 | ||
i 1010 | ||
i 1111 | ||
i 1212 | ||
i 1313 | ||
i 1414 | ||
i 1515 | (i 15) provider of cult centers, one who c[ompletes shrine]s, one who (re)confirms inter[rupted] sattukku- (and) nindabû-offerings [...], one who reveres the deities Aššur, Mullissu, [Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, Mar]duk, Zarpanītu, Nabû, Tašmē[tu, Ištar of Nineveh], Ištar of Bīt-Kidmuri, [Ištar of Arb]ela, (i 20) Ninurta, Nergal, (and) Nusku; who constantly followed them from [his] ch[ildhood until he became an adult] and who continu[ally] re[vered] their [di]vinity. [I] cons[tantly knelt do]wn at their feet in supplication and prayer. While (I was still) in the womb of my mother, the great gods [nominated] me to [be king]; they spread their benevolent protection over [me; ...] th[ey] r[equired] my [priestly servic]es. | |
i 1616 | mu-kin sat-tuk-ki NIDBA.MEŠ baṭ-[lu-ti? ...] ⸢ŠÚ?⸣ | |
i 1717 | ||
i 1818 | ||
i 1919 | ||
i 2020 | ||
i 2121 | ⸢EGIR⸣-šú-nu it-tal-lak-ú-ma ip-⸢tal⸣-[la-ḫu] ⸢DINGIR⸣-us-sún | |
i 2222 | ||
i 2323 | ⸢DINGIR.MEŠ GAL⸣.MEŠ ina ŠÀ AMA-ia a-na [LUGAL-ti? ib-bu?]-⸢in⸣-ni | |
i 2424 | ||
i 2525 | [x (x)] x x-ú ⸢iḫ⸣-[šu-ḫu? SANGA?]-⸢ti?⸣ | |
i 2626 | [...].MEŠ-ia [...] | (i 26) [...] my [...]s [...] with pleasure [...] to/... [...]. |
i 2727 | [...] ḫa-diš [...] | |
i 2828 | [...] ⸢MEŠ⸣ [...] | |
i 2929 | x [...] | |
i 3030 | a-na-[...] | |
i 3131 | dun-[nu? ...] | |
i 3232 | LUGAL.MEŠ x [...] x [x (x)] | (i 32) Kings [...] g[reat] rulers [from (both) east and we]st [are] anxious for me to be [their] al[ly]. The deities Aššur, [...] granted me a broad mind (and) [allowed] my mind [to lea]rn all of [the scribal arts]. They made [the mention of] my [na]me great [in the assembly of princes (lit. “stags”). In] my [st]ead, they stand in, [...] my enemies, [...] my foes, [...] ... [...] ... |
i 3333 | ||
i 3434 | ||
i 3535 | AN.ŠÁR ⸢d⸣[...] | |
i 3636 | ||
i 3737 | ||
i 3838 | ||
i 3939 | ||
i 4040 | [...] LÚ.KÚR.⸢MEŠ⸣-ia | |
i 4141 | [...]-⸢tu? ga⸣-re-ia | |
i 4242 | [...]-⸢ka⸣-ru | |
i 4343 | [...]-⸢ru-ti⸣ | |
Lacuna | ||
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | (ii 1') the one who overwhelms [my enemies, I gave (the chariot) as a gift]. | |
ii 2'2' | (ii 2') [I skillfully made] a bed of mus[ukkannu-wood, a durable wood, studded with] precious [stones], as a [pleasure] be[d for the god Bēl (Marduk) (and) the goddess Bēltīya (Zarpanītu)] to carry out the weddin[g (and) to make love]. I placed (it) in Kaḫili[su, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanīt]u, which [is laden with] sexual charm. | |
ii 3'3' | ||
ii 4'4' | ||
ii 5'5' | ||
ii 6'6' | ||
ii 7'7' | ||
ii 8'8' | GIŠ.NÁ GIŠ.ESI iṣ-⸢ṣi?⸣ [dà-re-e šá KÙ.GI] ⸢ḪUŠ⸣.A lit-bu-šat5 | (ii 8') I presented the god Marduk, the one who lo[ves] my [reign], with a bed of ebony, a [durable] woo[d, (and) which] is clad [with red]dish [gold]. |
ii 9'9' | ||
ii 10'10' | ú-na-at KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.⸢GI⸣ [NA₄.MEŠ ni]-⸢siq⸣-ti URUDU AN.BAR6 | (ii 10') I had utensils of silver, gol[d, pre]cious [stones], copper, (and) iron made for every type of te[mple] service, and had (them) deposited in Esagi[l, the palace of the g]ods. |
ii 11'11' | ||
ii 12'12' | ||
ii 13'13' | (ii 13') [I built (and) co]mpleted Esabad, the temple of the goddess G[ula that is insid]e Babylon, [from] its foundation(s) to [its crenellations]. | |
ii 14'14' | [ul-tu] ⸢UŠ₈?⸣-šú a-⸢di⸣ [gaba-dib-bi-šú ar-ṣip ú]-⸢šak⸣-lil | |
ii 15'15' | ⸢6⸣ [AM.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR ek-du-ti na-ṣi-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-ti]-⸢ia⸣8 | (ii 15') [I stationed] six [fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of m]y [royal path], in the Lu[guduene] Gate, [the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate], in Ezi[da, which is inside Borsippa]. |
ii 16'16' | ||
ii 17'17' | ||
ii 18'18' | (ii 18') [I ...] a threshold of reddi[sh] gold, [whose weight is fifty minas], to ascend [to a high place ...], in Emešarra, the se[at of ...] as a mountain. | |
ii 19'19' | ||
ii 20'20' | ⸢ina é?-me-šár-ra šu⸣-[bat? ...] | |
ii 21'21' | ⸢ú-ḫum-miš⸣ [...] | |
ii 22'22' | (ii 22') [I cast] Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nūru, [with eighty-three talents of] shiny zaḫalû-metal [and], to make (it) shine (like) [a bra]zier, I had the app[urtenance(s) of Ezida] expertly fashio[n]ed. | |
ii 23'23' | ||
ii 24'24' | ||
ii 25'25' | (ii 25'b) In (the gates) Kamaḫ and Kanamtila, for [the processional way of his exalted rulership], I heaped up like mountain(s) two [shiny silver] pirkus, whose [weight] is six talents each, (and) I constructed ... [...] ... [...] ... [...] | |
ii 26'26' | ⸢ša? AŠ₄? GUN.TA⸣.ÀM [KI.LÁ-šu-nu] | |
ii 27'27' | ⸢ina ká-maḫ u ká-nam-ti-la a-na?⸣ [tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-šú ṣir-ti] | |
ii 28'28' | ⸢ḫur?-šá⸣-niš ⸢áš-pu-uk ak?-ṣur? DU?⸣ x [...]11 | |
ii 29'29' | [...] ⸢BU? ŠU⸣ [x (x)] ⸢ŠU?⸣ x (x) [...] | |
ii 30'30' | [...] x x [x] x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Lacuna | |
iii 1'1' | [(x)] x [...]12 | (iii 1') [I constricted (and) cut short their] lives. I [made them (the people of Tyre) bow down] to [m]y y[oke]. |
iii 2'2' | ||
iii 3'3' | ||
iii 4'4' | (iii 4') [He brought before me] his daughter and [the daughters of his brothers] to serve as housekeep[ers], together with [his substantial] payme[nt]. He sent at the same time Yāḫi-Milki, his son, who had n[ever crossed the sea], t[o do obeisance to me]. | |
iii 5'5' | ||
iii 6'6' | ||
iii 7'7' | mia-⸢a⸣-ḫi-mil-ki DUMU-šú ša ⸢ma⸣-[te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra]13 | |
iii 8'8' | ||
iii 9'9' | mia-⸢ki-in-lu⸣-u LUGAL KUR.a-ru-⸢ad⸣-[da a-šib MURUB₄ tam-tim] | (iii 9') Yakīn-Lû, the king of the land Arw[ad, who resides in the middle of the sea], who [had not bowed down] to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down [to my yoke. He brought] his [daughter], with a [substantial] dowry, to Nineveh [to serve as a housekeep]er. |
iii 10'10' | ||
iii 11'11' | ⸢ik⸣-nu-šá [...] x x [...]14 | |
iii 12'12' | ||
iii 13'13' | ||
Lacuna | ||
iii 1''1'' | m⸢ú⸣-[al-li-i? ...] | (iii 1'') U[allî ... incited] a rebellion against him (Aḫšēri) [...] Afterwards, Uall[î, his son, sat on his throne. He saw] the might of the deities Aššur, Mull[issu, ...], Ištar of Nineveh, [...], the great gods, [my] lords, [and bowed down to my yoke]. For the preservation of his (own) life, [he opened up his] han[ds to me (and) made an appeal to my lordly majesty. He sent] Erisinni, [his] heir desig[nate, to Nineveh and ...] ... [...] |
iii 2''2'' | si-ḫu UGU-⸢šú ú⸣-[šab-šú-u ...] | |
iii 3''3'' | ||
iii 4''4'' | ||
iii 5''5'' | ||
iii 6''6'' | DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.⸢MEŠ⸣-[ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-šá a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia] | |
iii 7''7'' | áš-šú ba-laṭ ZI-tì-šú up-⸢na⸣-[a-šú ip-ta-a ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-ti] | |
iii 8''8'' | ||
iii 9''9'' | [x x] x x (x) [x] x x [...]15 | |
Lacuna | ||
Column vii | ||
viivii | Lacuna | |
vii 1'1' | [...] x ⸢KÙ?⸣ [...] | (vii 1') (No translation possible) |
vii 2'2' | [...] x ⸢RI?⸣ [...] | |
vii 3'3' | [...] x ⸢Ú?⸣ [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column viii | ||
viii 1viii 1 | (viii 1) [...] a remo[te] road [...] the[y] took [and ...] they came b[efore me]. Th[ey] in[quired about the well-being of my royal majesty, kissed my feet (and)] made appeals to [my] lor[dly majesty]. | |
viii 22 | [...] iṣ-ba-⸢tu?⸣-[ma ...] | |
viii 33 | [...] ⸢il⸣-lik-ú-ni a-⸢di⸣ [maḫ-ri-ia] | |
viii 44 | ||
viii 55 | ||
viii 66 | [... mtug-dam-mu?]-⸢ú⸣ NUMUN ḫal-⸢ga⸣-[te-e]17 | (viii 6) [... Tugdamm]î, a noma[d, ...] who does [n]ot bring [...] he t[rusted in] his own [streng]th, [... like an inva]sion of a swa[rm] of locusts [...] (viii 10) he muster[ed ... and to wage battle and war, he s]et up [his] camp [on the territory of Assyria. ...] ... [... The deities ... Ištar o]f Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, [...] became furious [at] his provocative [spe]ech (lit. “[mo]uth”) and [it sickened them. (viii 15) By the command of their g]reat [divinity], where [they] had been situat[ed, ... fir]e fell from the sky and burned [him, his troops, (and) his camp. Tugdammî became frightened and] distressed. [...] ... to the city ḪARṣallê. [...] they carried him. |
viii 77 | ||
viii 88 | ||
viii 99 | [... ki-ma] ⸢ZI⸣-ut BURU₅.ḪI.A ma-⸢aʾ⸣-[di ...] | |
viii 1010 | ||
viii 1111 | ||
viii 1212 | [... im?]-⸢da⸣-TAR-ma LU MU RA DA x [...] | |
viii 1313 | ||
viii 1414 | [... a-na?] ⸢pi⸣-i-šú er-ḫi e-zi-⸢zu⸣-ma [im-ta-ra-aṣ? UGU-šú-un?]18 | |
viii 1515 | [i-na? a-mat? DINGIR-ti-šú-nu] ⸢GAL⸣-ti a-šar šit-ku-[nu ...] | |
viii 1616 | [... dGIŠ].⸢BAR⸣ TA AN-e im-⸢qu-ta⸣-ma | |
viii 1717 | ||
viii 1818 | ||
viii 1919 | [...] x x a-na URU.ḪAR-ṣa-al-le-e | |
viii 2020 | [...] x [...] ⸢iš⸣-šu-šu | |
viii 2121 | (viii 21) [... the people of] his land rebelled against him. [...] he laid down (his) life. He resided in a place of mourning and [...]. He was speaking about [the prai]se of my gods in the midst of his troops [...] their [...]. Fear of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, (viii 25) [... Ištar of Nin]eveh, Ištar of Arbela, [the great gods, m]y [lords], who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and [he sent his envoys (with messages) of go]odwill and peace. He sent me his [...] together with horses, [...] horses of his lordly vehicle, [...] equipment, (and) implements of war, [his substant]ial [payment], and he kissed m[y] feet. | |
viii 2222 | ||
viii 2323 | [... ta-nit?]-⸢ti⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ-ia ina UKKIN ERIM.ḪI.A-šú i-dab-bu-ub | |
viii 2424 | ||
viii 2525 | ||
viii 2626 | [DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ]-⸢ia⸣ šá ú-tak-kil-<u>-in-ni is-ḫup-šu-ma | |
viii 2727 | ||
viii 2828 | [...]-⸢ti⸣-šú it-ti ANŠE.KUR.RA.⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
viii 2929 | [...] x ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ru-kub EN-ti-⸢šú⸣ | |
viii 3030 | [...] ⸢GIŠ⸣.til-li ú-nu-tu MÈ | |
viii 3131 | [man-da-at-ta-šú] ⸢DUGUD⸣-tu ú-še-bi-lam-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣ | |
viii 3232 | [a-na la ḫa-ṭe]-⸢e⸣ mi-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI niš DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ | (viii 32) I made him swear oath(s sworn) by the great gods, [my lords, not to infrin]ge on the territory of Assyria and I reinforced (them) with him. [I estab]lished the treaty. He broke the oath(s sworn) by the great gods, my lords; (viii 35) he transgressed [the lim]its (set) by them and plotted evil (deeds) against the territory of Assyria. [Where] flax [gr]ows, he sinned, by establishing himself on the territory of Assyria. [The awe-inspiring brilliance of the w]eapons of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him; [he we]nt [into a frenzy] and (tried) biting off his hands during a loss of (all) reason. |
viii 3333 | ||
viii 3434 | [áš-ta]-⸢kan ma⸣-mitu šu-ú ma-mit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ip-ru-uṣ-ma | |
viii 3535 | [i]-⸢ta⸣-šùn e-tiq-⸢ma?⸣ a-na mi-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ú-ṣa-mir ⸢MUNUS.ḪUL⸣ | |
viii 3636 | [a-šar ti]-⸢ib⸣ GADA iḫ-ṭi a-na mi-ṣir KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI a-na šá-ka-ni-šu | |
viii 3737 | ||
viii 3838 | [maḫ-ḫu-tíš il]-⸢lik-am⸣-ma ina mì-qit ṭè-e-me ú-na-áš-šak rit-ti-šú | |
viii 3939 | (viii 39) [...] he became hostile and I imposed upon him his gre[a]t punishment. [Half (of) his body was stricken with p]alsy and a piercing pain was lodged in his heart. [...] his [...] did not exist, his troops [... His tongue wa]s scratched and he became impotent. His life [en]ded [through dissolving and melting (like a wax figurine), (saying) “Woe! Alas!” ...] ... [...] | |
viii 4040 | [mut-ta-as-su im-ma]-⸢šid-ma⸣ si-iḫ-lu iš-šá-kin ina lìb-bi-šú | |
viii 4141 | [...]-⸢ti⸣-šú la ba-še-e ERIM.ḪI.A-šú | |
viii 4242 | ||
viii 4343 | [ina? za-a-bi? u? ḫa-a-li? u₈-a? a-a? iq]-⸢ta-ti na-piš⸣-tuš20 | |
viii 4444 | [...] x ⸢KI?⸣21 | |
viii 4545 | [...] x | |
Slight overlap or short lacuna | ||
viii 1'1' | x [...] | (viii 1') [...] fea[r of ...] Th[ey] were si[nging praise ...] thei[r] mounted messenger(s) [...] my horses [...]. They conquered with the furious weapons of your divinity the rest of the enemies who had not bowed down [...]. At the mere mention of my name, they became afraid (and) [they were requesting to be my] serva[nt(s)]. |
viii 2'2' | pu-⸢luḫ⸣-[ti ...]22 | |
viii 3'3' | i-⸢dal⸣-[la-lu ...] | |
viii 4'4' | LÚ.rak-bu-šú-⸢nu?⸣ [...] | |
viii 5'5' | ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-ia [...] | |
viii 6'6' | si-it-ti na-ki-ri ⸢la? kan-šú-ti⸣ x [...] | |
viii 7'7' | GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ DINGIR-ti-ka ez-zu-ti ik-šu-du x [...] | |
viii 8'8' | ||
viii 9'9' | (viii 9') [I] paid careful attention to and humbled myse[lf] at the might of the deities Aššur, Mullissu, Marduk, Zarp[anītu], Nabû, (and) Tašmētu, [my] lords. | |
viii 10'10' | ||
viii 11'11' | ||
viii 12'12' | (viii 12') [(As for) the] akītu-[house] of your divine supremacy, [your] inner sanct[um, ...], the seat of [your] decre[es, ..., which] had become [ol]d [and ... who]se [foun]dation was not [...] ... [...] | |
viii 13'13' | [x x] x šu-bat te-re-e-[ti-ka?] | |
viii 14'14' | ||
viii 15'15' | [... tem]-⸢me⸣-en-šá la i?-[...] | |
viii 16'16' | [...] x IGI [...] | |
viii 17'17' | [...] x [...] | |
Lacuna |
1There is sufficient space (2.4 cm) to restore d30 dUTU dIŠKUR (“the gods Sîn, Šamaš, and Adad”) at the end of the line. The proposed restoration is based on text no. 2 (Prism E₂) i 6.
2There is sufficient space (3.3 cm) for the proposed restoration.
3For the rest of the passage concerning the refurbishment and rededication of this ceremonial chariot, see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 39–45 and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 47–48a.
4There does not appear to be enough space to restore šá pa-šal-lu lit-bu-šat (“that is clad with pašallu-gold”) before NA₄.MEŠ ni-⸢siq-ti⸣ (“precious stones”); compare, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 47–48.
5This description of the fashioning of a second bed for Marduk is also attested in text no. 12 (Prism H) i 2´b–3´, text no. 22 i 2´, and text no. 23 (IIT) line 51b. aq-⸢qiš⸣ “I presented”: This text and text no. 23 (IIT) have an anomalous form of the G stem, with a doubling of the first radical. The parallel passage in text no. 12 (Prism H) has the expected a-qiš.
6This report of the fashioning and dedication of cult utensils for Esagil does not appear in the prologues of earlier inscriptions (for example, text no. 12 [Prism H]). The passage does appear in text no. 23 (IIT) line 52; note that that inscription has ZABAR (“bronze”) instead of URUDU (“copper”).
7The mention of the rebuilding of Gula’s temple at Babylon (Esabad) also appears in text no. 23 (IIT) line 53. This passage may have been borrowed directly from the building report of text no. 12 (Prism H) or have been a modified version of that account of construction.
8See the on-page note to text no. 12 (Prism H) i 4´–6´.
9This report of the creation of a gold plated threshold does not appear in the prologues of earlier inscriptions (for example, text no. 12 [Prism H]). This passage appears in text no. 23 (IIT) lines 56–57a.
10Reports of the lavish decoration of Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nūru, also appear in text no. 12 (Prism H) i 7´–9´, text no. 22 i 9´–10´, and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 57b–58. Note that there is not sufficient room at the end of line 24´ to restore šu-bat DINGIR-ti-šú GAL-ti “the seat of his great divinity”; compare text no. 12 (Prism H) i 9´.
11⸢ḫur?-šá⸣-niš ⸢áš-pu-uk⸣ “I heaped up like mountain(s)”: Compare text no. 12 (Prism H) i 10´–13´a and text no. 22 i 6´b, which have ú-ḫum-meš SUḪUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ú-kin “I made their foundations as firm as a mountain.”
12Possibly restore text no. 12 (Prism H) ii 1´–18´ immediately before iii 2´.
13mia-⸢a⸣-ḫi-mil-ki “Yāḫi-Milki”: The name of this prince of Tyre also appears in text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 58.
14The translation assumes that ana nīrīya (“to my yoke”) appears after iknuša (“he bowed down”).
15Possibly restore text no. 12 (Prism H) iii 4´´b–22´´.
16This passage may refer to the voluntary submission and sending of gifts to Assyria by Šīlum of the land Ḫazmāni; compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 136b–139a.
17For a slightly different version of Ashurbanipal’s dealings with the tribal chieftain Tugdammî, see text no. 23 (IIT) lines 146b–159a. The meaning of zēr ḫalgātê (“nomads”) tentatively follows the CDA (p. 103 sub ḫalqu). For a short discussion (with references to earlier literature), see Fuchs, Interkulturalität pp. 423–424.
18Lines 2 and 3 of ex. 1 have [...]-ia and [...] ⸢UGU?⸣-šú-un, respectively, before the [...] ⸢pi⸣-i-šú of line 4 and the [... e-zi]-⸢zu⸣-ma of line 5. However, the placement of those lines is uncertain.
19⸢na-piš⸣-tú iš-kun “he laid down (his) life”: The expression generally means “to die,” but this is not the case here since Tugdammî is clearly still alive. It precise meaning in this inscription is uncertain.
20A. Fuchs (Interkulturalität p. 417) explains this bizarre passage as follows: “In diesem Falle nun wird der Erfolg ausnahmsweise nicht den Gebeten des Königs, sondern der Arbeit einer Expertenkommission zugeschrieben. Da heißt es, das Leben des Dugdamme habe sein verdientes, jammervolles Ende „unter Zergehen und Zerfließen“ (ina zâbi u ḫâli) gefunden. Dieser terminus technicus gehört in den Bereich der Magie und wenn er hier Verwendung findet, so schrieb man Krankheit und Tod des Feindes dem Wirken jener Experten für Magie und Zauberei zu, die sich Assurbanipal für solche und ähnliche Zwecke an seinem Hofe hielt. Die Aufgabe dieser Spezialisten bestand in erster Linie darin, den König vor magischen Angriffen zu schützen, doch konnten sie genau so gut zur Offensive übergehen, denn das zugrunde liegende Prinzip war bei Angriff wie Verteidigung das gleiche. Wer in dieser Kunst bewandert war, der verstand es, in ungemein zeitraubenden Ritualen den Zorn eines oder mehrerer Götter gegen Missliebige zu richten. Und einer der Höhepunkte einer solchen magischen Prozedur bestand darin, eine Wachspuppe, die das vorgesehene Opfer darstellte, über dem Feuer „zergehen und zerfließen“ zu lassen.”
21It is uncertain if there is a slight overlap between viii 44–45 and viii 1´–2´ or if there is a very small lacuna (one or possibly two lines) between the two fragments. Compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 158b–160.
22Compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 159b–161.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as