
  • Ashurbanipal 012


  • Q003711
  • Ashurbanipal 012



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Babylon (Bābili)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 012

Column i


i 1'1'

[...] x x x [...]1

(i 1') I placed (the bed) [...] ... [... which] is laden [with sexual charm].

i 2'2'

sa-al-ḫu ad-di [GIŠ]. GIŠ.ESI iṣ-ṣi -[re-e]2

(i 2'b) I presented the god Marduk, the one who loves my reign, with [a b]ed of ebony, a dur[able] wood, (and) which is clad with reddish gold.

i 3'3'

šá .GI ḪUŠ.A lit-bu-šat a-na dAMAR.UTU ra--im BALA-ia a-qiš3

i 4'4'

6 AM.MEŠ .BABBAR ek-du-ti na-ṣi-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-ti-ia4

(i 4') I stationed six fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Luguduene Gate, the Gate of the Rising Sun, and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate, in the gateway(s) of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

i 5'5'

ina ---e-ne ṣi-it dUTU-ši u dLAMMA-RA.BI

i 6'6'

ina é-zi-da šá -reb bár-sipa.<KI> ul-ziz

i 7'7'

ki-zálag-ga šu-bat dIZI.GAR 83 GUN za-ḫa-lu-ú eb-bu ap-tiq-ma5

(i 7') I cast Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nūru, with eighty-three talents of shiny zaḫalû-metal and, to make (it) shine (like) a brazier, I had the appurtenance(s) of Ezida, the seat of his great divinity, expertly fashioned.

i 8'8'

a-na nu-um-mur KI.NE si-mat é-zi-da

i 9'9'

šu-bat DINGIR-ti-šú GAL-ti nak-liš ú-še-piš

i 10'10'

2 per-ku .BABBAR eb-ba ša AŠ₄ GUN.TA.ÀM KI.-šu-nu6

(i 10') In (the gates) Kamaḫ and Kanamtila, for the processional way of his exalted rulership, I made the foundations of two shiny silver pirkus, whose weight is six talents each, as firm as a mountain.

i 11'11'

ina -maḫ u -nam-ti-la

i 12'12'

a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-šú ṣir-ti ú-ḫum-meš SUḪUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu

i 13'13'

ú-kin é-mes-lam É dU.GUR šá -reb .DU₈.A.KI7

(i 13'b) (As for) Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I renovated its collapsed section(s and) removed the portion(s) of it that had collapsed. In brick mold(s) of ebony (and) musukkannu-wood, I made its bricks with crushed pieces of aromatics. I made (people) take up hoe(s) and had its foundation(s) put (back) into alignment. In an auspicious month, (on) a propitious day, I laid its foundation(s) with perfumed oil, good quality oil, silver, (and) gold. Moreover, I secured its door bolt(s).

i 14'14'

šá i-na-ḫu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-riš

i 15'15'

an-ḫu-us-su ud-diš mi-qit-ta-šú ad-ke

i 16'16'


i 17'17'

ḫi-biš-ti ŠIM.ḪI.A SIG₅.ḪI.A-šú al-bi-in

i 18'18'

al-lu ú-šat-rik-ma -te--ši-ra UŠ₈-šú

i 19'19'

ina ITI DÙG.GA u₄-me še--i

i 20'20'

ina ì-gu-la-a Ì DÙG.GA .BABBAR .GI ad-di tem-me-en-šú

i 21'21'

ù ad-da-a ši-gar-šú8

i 22'22'


(i 22') I adorned its structure [with] musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, ebony, boxwood, ḫilēpu-wood, and UMBIN-wood and built (and) completed (it) [fr]om its foundation(s) to its crenellations with the craft of the god Ku[l]la. I raised its superstructure.

i 23'23'

[GIŠ?].KÌM? u GIŠ.UMBIN us-si-ma ši-kit-ti-šu?

i 24'24'

[ul]-tu UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib-bi-šú ina ši-pir dkulla

i 25'25'

ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul-la-a re-ši-šu9

Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'

x (x) x x [x] x [...]

(ii 1') ... [...] I established therein [...]. The great gods, my lords, whom I constantly revered, looked steadfastly upon me and stood in for me. At their exalted command, I constantly marched about through all the lands and had no rival (lit. “there was no one to rival me”).

ii 2'2'

ú-kin -reb? x [x x x]

ii 3'3'

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia šá ap-tal-la-ḫu-šú-nu-ti10

ii 4'4'

ke-niš ip-pal-su-ú-in-ni-ma i-tap-pa-lu

ii 5'5'

Á.II-a-a ina -bi-ti-šú-nu ṣir-ti ina kul-lat

ii 6'6'

KUR.KUR at-tal-lak-ma ma-ḫi-ri ul i-ši

ii 7'7' URU LUGAL-ú-tiṣur11

(ii 7') I conquered the city Thebes, a royal city of Egypt and Kush. I carried off large horses, garment(s) with multi-colored trim, linen garments, silver, gold, (and) its people without number. I rem[o]ved from their places two magnificent obelisks cast with shiny zaḫalû-metal, (which) stood at a temple gate (and) whose weight was 2,500 talents, and I brought (them) to Assyria.

ii 8'8'

ù KUR.ku-ši ak-šu-ud

ii 9'9'


ii 10'10'

.BABBAR .GI UN.MEŠ-šú a-na la -ni áš-lu-la

ii 11'11'

2 tim-me MAḪ.MEŠ pi-ti-iq za-ḫa-le-e eb-bi12

ii 12'12'

man-za-az É.KUR ša 2 LIM 5 ME GUN KI.-šú-nu

ii 13'13'

ul-tu man-zal-ti-šú-nu as-suḫ-ma ú-ra-a

ii 14'14'

a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI mba-ʾa-lu LUGAL KUR.ṣur-ri13

(ii 14'b) (As for) Baʾalu, the king of the land Tyre who did not honor my royal command(s and) who did not obey the pronouncement(s) from my lip(s), I set up outposts against him. By sea and dry land, I took control of (all of) his routes (and thus) constricted (and) cut short their lives. I made them (the people of Tyre) bow down to my yoke.

ii 15'15'

šá a-mat LUGAL-ti-ia la iṣ-ṣu-ru la -mu*-ú14

ii 16'16'


ii 17'17'

ú-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li

ii 18'18'

ger-re-ti-šú ú-ṣab-bit

ii 19'19'

nap-šat-su-nu ú-si-iq ú-kar-ri

ii 20'20'

a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia ú-šak-nis-su-nu-ti

ii 21'21'


(ii 21') He brought before me his daughter and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers, together with his substantial payment.

ii 22'22'

it-ti man-da-at-ti-šú DUGUD-ti

ii 23'23'

a-na e-peš MUNUS.AGRIG-ú-ti

ii 24'24'

ú-bi-la a-di maḫ-ri-ia

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'


(iii 1') (No translation possible)

iii 2'2'

[...] x



iii 1''1''

áš-šu ba-[laṭ ZI--šú up-na-a-šú]16

(iii 1'') For the pre[servation of his (own) life], he (Uallî) opened up [his hands] to me (and) made an appe[al to my lordly majesty]. He sent Erisinni, [his] heir design[ate], to Nineveh and he [kissed] my feet. He sent befor[e me] (his) daughter, his own offspring, <to> serv[e as a housekeeper], together with his su[bstantial] payment. I added thirty horses to [his] former paymen[t] and im[posed (it) upon him].

iii 2''2''

ip-ta-a ú-ṣal-la-[a EN-ú-ti]

iii 3''3''

me-ri-si-in-ni DUMU ri-du-[ti-šú]

iii 4''4''

ana NINA.KI -pu-ram-ma ú-[na-áš-ši-qa]

iii 5''5''

GÌR.II-ia DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it ŠÀ-šú <ana> e-peš [MUNUS.AGRIG-u-ti]

iii 6''6''

it-ti man-da-at-ti-šú ka-[bit-ti]

iii 7''7''

ú-še-bi-la a-di maḫ-ri-[ia]

iii 8''8''

30 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ UGU man-da-at-ti-[šú]

iii 9''9''

maḫ-ri- ú-rad-di-ma e-[mid-su]

iii 10''10''

mur-ta-gi LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI EN MUN [AD -ia?]17

(iii 10'') I did not abandon Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, an all[y of the father who had engendered me. My eyes] were firmly fixed on him (and) [I showed] favor. During his time, in the land Elam, [...] he brought about famine (and) starvation [...]; there was hunger. (iii 15´´) I sent to him gra[in, (which) sustains] the live(s) of people, and (thus) held [him by the hand]. (As for) his people, who had fled on account of hunger (and) starvat[ion] and settled i[n Assyria], I app[eased] their hunger [and] (thereby) brought them back to life. [I took them] by the han[d]. (iii 20´´) Through the good planning of (the god) Aššur and the goddess [Mullissu], the gods who support me, [... The al]ly of the father who had engendered me, who had work[ed] with him, [...]

iii 11''11''

ul ú-maš-šìr it-ti-šú šit-ku-na [IGI.II-a-a? ar-ši?]

iii 12''12''

sa-li-mu a-na tar-ṣi-šú -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI ...]

iii 13''13''

su-un-qu ḫu-šaḫ-ḫu -kun-[...]

iii 14''14''

ib-ba-ši -eb-re-ti dnisaba [ba-laṭ]

iii 15''15''

ZI-tim UN.MEŠ ú-še-bil-šu-ma aṣ-bat [ŠU.II-su]

iii 16''16''

UN.MEŠ-šú šá la-pa-an un-ṣi bu-bu-[ti]

iii 17''17''

in-nab-tu-nim-ma ú-ši-bu -[reb KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI?]

iii 18''18''

bi-ru-su-nu ú-šab-bi-[i-ma?]

iii 19''19''

ú-bal-liṭ nap-šat-su-nu qa-ti-[šú-nu aṣ-bat?]

iii 20''20''

ina ṭè-e-me SIG₅ šá AN.ŠÁR u d[NIN.LÍL?]

iii 21''21''

DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia ú?-[... EN]

iii 22''22''

MUN AD -ia šá it-ti-šú i-pu-[šu ...]

Column iv
iviv Lacuna


iv 1'1'

[a]-na na-ra-ru-tu DINGIR.MEŠ KUR URI.KI18

(iv 1') [T]o support the gods of the land Akkad, I mustered my battle troops and took the road. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to h[is] (own) land. I w[ent a]fter him (and) bro[ught about] his [def]eat. [I drove h]im [away] as far as the bord[er of his land].

iv 2'2'

.ERIM.MEŠ ta-ḫa-zi-ía ad-ke-e-ma

iv 3'3'

aṣ-ba-tu ḫar-ra-nu

iv 4'4'


iv 5'5'

a-la-ka ger-ri-ia -me-e-ma

iv 6'6'

ḫa-at-ta is-ḫu-up-šu-ma

iv 7'7'

i-tu-ur a-na KUR-šú?

iv 8'8'

ar-ki-i-šú aṣ-[bat]

iv 9'9'

[a-bi]-ik-ta-šú áš-[kun]

iv 10'10'

[aṭ-ru-us]-su a-di mi-ṣir [KUR-šú]

iv 11'11'

[mur-ta-ku? šá? la? iṣ]-ṣu?-ru? ib-ru-ú-[ti]

(iv 11') [(As for) Urtaku, who had not ho]nored [my] friendsh[ip, ...] ... [...]

iv 12'12'

[...] x x [...]



Column v
v 1v 1

mta-am-ri-ti ŠEŠ-šú šal-šá-a-a19

(v 1) I installed Ta[mm]arītu, his third bro­ther, as king in the city Ḫidalu. With the suppo[r]t of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), and Nabû, I [return]ed safely to Assyria with much bo[oty] from the land Elam.

v 22

ina URU.ḫi-da-lu a-na LUGAL- áš-kun

v 33

ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN u dAG

v 44

it-ti šal?-[lat] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ma-at-ti

v 55

šal?-meš a-[tu]-ra a-na KUR -šur.KI

v 66

[ina me]-ti-iq ge-er-ri-ía20

(v 6) [In the cou]rse of my campaign, I march[ed against Dun]ānu, the son of Bēl-iqīša, [to the land Gambul]u. I conquer[ed the city Ša-pī-Bēl, his] fortified city, [...]. I brough[t Dunānu] (and) his [brothers] out of [that] city [alive. ...] ... [...]

v 77

[UGU mdu]-na-nu DUMU mdEN-BA-šá

v 88

[ana KUR.gam-bu]-lu lu-ú al-lik

v 99

[URU.šá-pi-i-dEN] URU dan-nu-ti-[šú]

v 1010

[...] ak-šu-[ud]

v 1111

[mdu-na-nu ŠEŠ.MEŠ]-šú ul-tu -reb URU [šu-a-tu?]

v 1212

[bal-ṭu-su-un] ú-še-ṣa-[a]

v 1313

[...] x (x) [...]



v 1'1'

[...] x

(v 1') (No translation possible)

v 2'2'

[...] x

v 3'3'

[...] x

v 4'4'

[...] x

v 5'5'

[...] x

v 6'6'

[...] x

v 7'7'

[...] x

v 8'8'

[...] x

v 9'9'


v 10'10'


v 11'11'

[...] x

v 12'12'

[...] x

v 13'13'

[...] x

v 14'14'

[...] x

v 15'15'


v 16'16'


v 17'17'

[...] x

v 18'18'


v 19'19'

[...] x

v 20'20'


v 21'21'

[...] x

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

x [...]

vi 22

x [...]



vi 1'1'

[...] x x x x (x x) [x x] x [...]21

(vi 1') [...] ... [... Fe]ar of my royal majesty overwhelmed them and they sent before m[e their] mounted messenger(s with messages) of goodwill and peace, together with thei[r] substantial audience gift(s). They asked about the well being of my royal majesty, kissed my feet, (and) made appeals to my lordly majesty.

vi 2'2'

[pu]-luḫ- LUGAL-ú-ti-ía is-ḫúp-šú-nu-ti-ma .RA.GABA-[šú-nu]

vi 3'3'

šá ṭu-ú-bu u su-lum-me-e it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú-nu

vi 4'4'

ka-bit-ti ú-še-bi-lu-ni a-di maḫ-ri-ia

vi 5'5'

šu-lum LUGAL-ú-ti-ia -ʾa-a-lu

vi 6'6'

ú-na-áš-ši-qu še-pi-ia ú-ṣal-lu-ú be-lu-ti

vi 7'7'

mku-ra-áš LUGAL KUR.par-su-ma-áš li-i-ti u da-na-na22

(vi 7') Cyrus, the king of the land Parsumaš, heard about the might[y] victories that, with the support of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), and Nabû the great gods, my lords I had achieved over the land Elam (and that) I had flattened the land Elam, all of it, like the Deluge, and he sent to Nineveh, my capital city, Arukku, his eldest son, with his payment, to do obeisance, and he made an appeal to my lordly majesty.

vi 8'8'

šá ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN u dAG DINGIR.ME GAL.ME EN.MEŠ-e-a

vi 9'9'

UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI áš-ku-nu KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-la-šú

vi 10'10'

a-bu-ba-niš as-pu-nu --e-ma

vi 11'11'

ma-ru-uk-ku DUMU-šú GAL-ú it-ti man-da-at-ti-šú

vi 12'12'

a-na e-peš ARAD-ú-tu a-na ni--a

vi 13'13'

URU be-lu-ti-ía -pur-am-ma ú-ṣal-la-a EN-ú-ti

vi 14'14'

mpi-is-lu--e LUGAL KUR.ḫu-di-mi-ri

(vi 14') Pislumê, the king of the land Ḫudimiri whose location is remote (and) which is situated on the far side of the land Elam, which from distant days, in (the time of) the kings, my ancestors, it had not sent its mounted messenger(s and) did not inquire about the well-being of their royal majesties now (vi 20´) heard about the mighty victories that, with the support of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), and Nabû the great gods, my lords I had achieved over the land Elam [and] fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed [him and he sent] to Nineveh, my capital city, his mounted messenger (with a message) of peace, with [his substantial audience gift(s), and] he made an appeal to [my lordly majesty].

vi 15'15'

šá a-šar-šú ru-ú-qu šá ina a-ḫi KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ul-li- áš-bu

vi 16'16'

šá ul-tu UD.MEŠ ru-qu-ti ina LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-e-a

vi 17'17'

.RA.GABA-ú-šú la -pu-ru

vi 18''18''

la -a-lu šu-lum LUGAL-ú-ti-šú-un

vi 19'19'

i-na-an-na li-i-ti u da-na-na

vi 20'20'

šá ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN u dAG DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

vi 21'21'

EN.MEŠ-ú-a UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI áš-ku-nu --e-[ma]

vi 22'22'

pu-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ú-ti-ia is-ḫúp-[šú-ma]23

vi 23'23'

.RA.GABA-ú-šú šá šul-mi it-ti [ta-mar-ti-šú ka-bit-ti?]

vi 24'24'

a-na ni--a URU be-lu-ti-ía [-pur-am-ma]

vi 25'25'

ú-ṣal-la-a [EN-ú-ti]

Column vii
viivii Lacuna


vii 1'1'

x [...]

(vii 1') (No translation possible)

vii 2'2'

x [...]

vii 3'3'

a-x [...]

vii 4'4'


vii 5'5'

x [...]



Column viii
viiiviii Lacuna


viii 1'1'

[...] x (x) [x x x]24

(viii 1') [...] ... [... one of] the kings, my descendants, [whom ...] name and [...] he should renovate [...] (and) should not re[m]ove an inscribed object [bearing my name f]rom its place. [M]ay he return (it) [to its place].

viii 2'2'

[... ina] LUGAL.MEŠ DUMU.ME-e-a

viii 3'3'

[...] i-nam-bu-šu-ma

viii 4'4'

[...] ud-da-šú MU.SAR-ú

viii 5'5'

[ši-ṭir MU-ia] ul-tu áš-ri-šú la ú-nak-kar

viii 6'6'

[a-na áš-ri-šú] li-ter šá MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir

(viii 6b') Whoever alters an inscribed object bearing [my name] and does [not] place (it) with an inscription (bearing) [his name], may the goddess Gula, the great lady, make persistent [le]sions, which never heal, appear [on] his body; may he constantly bathe in blood (and) pus [a]s if (they) were water; may his life come to an end from a prolonged sickness; (and) may she curse him angrily and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

viii 7'7'

[MU-ia] ú-nak-kar-ru-ú-ma it-ti ši-ṭir

viii 8'8'

[MU-šú la] i-šak-ka-nu dgu-la GAŠAN GAL-ti

viii 9'9'

[si]-im-mu la-az-zu šá la ba-la-ṭu

viii 10'10'

[ina] zu-um-ri-šú li-šab-ši ÚŠ.MEŠ LUGUD

viii 11'11'

GIM A.MEŠ li-ir-tam-muk ina GIG taz-bil-ti

viii 12'12'

na-piš-ta-šú liq-ti ag-giš li-ru-ur-šú-ma

viii 13'13'

MU-šú u NUMUN-šú ina KUR li-ḫal-liq

Date ex. 1Date ex. 1
viii 14'14'


(viii 14') Ayyāru (II), the sixth day, the thirtieth year of Ashurbanipal, [ki]ng of As[syria].

viii 15'15'


viii 16'16'


1Based on parallels, the translation assumes that the end of line 1´ contained ša ku-uz-bu “which with sexual charm” (see, for example, text no. 13 [Prism J] ii 7´).

2For the rest of the contents of the passage concerning the refurbishment and return of this ceremonial bed, see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 46–52 and text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 2´–7´.

3This description of the fashioning of a second bed for Marduk is also attested in text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 8´–9´, text no. 22 i 2´, and text no. 23 (IIT) line 51b.

4This passage is also known from text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 15´–17´, text no. 22 i 7´–8´, and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 54–55. Earlier inscriptions record only the construction of the pairs of wild bulls stationed in the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Lamma-RA.BI Gate; compare, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 1–6.

5Reports of the lavish decoration of Kizalaga, the seat of the god Nūru, also appear in text no. 13 (Prism J) ii 22´–25´a, text no. 22 i 9´–10´, and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 57b–58.

6An account of the construction of two silver pirkus (meaning uncertain) is included in the prologues of text nos. 13 (Prism J), 22, and 23 (IIT); see respectively ii 25´b–28´, i 5´, and line 59 of those three inscriptions.

7A report about the rebuilding of Emeslam at Cutha also appears in the prologues of text nos. 22 and 23; see respectively i 14´b–21 and lines 61b–63 of those inscriptions.

8ù ad-da-a “Moreover, I secured”: The parallel passage in text no. 22 i 17´ has ú ad-da-a. R. Borger (BIWA pp. 189 and 210) reads these four signs together as a single word, interpreting it as a D stem of edû (u’addâ) with a translation of “Ich bestimmte sein Türschloss.” Based on that reading, Borger suggests rendering the line here as ù-ad-da-a ši-gar-šú. On the contrary, it seems more likely that the reading in text no. 22 — which is the earlier text — is corrupt (see the on-page note there), and that the scribe of this inscription corrected the orthography (cf. the comments in Worthington, Textual Criticism p. 100).

9The traces after -ši- appear to be -šu, not -šú.

10Compare text no. 21 lines 15´–17´a and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 78b–81.

11Compare text no. 21 line 17´b and text no. 23 (IIT) line 82.

12Compare, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) ii 30–32 and text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 41–43.

13Compare, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) iii 38b–ii 51 and text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 49b–ii 57. Moreover, lines 19´–24´ duplicate text no. 13 (Prism J) iii 2´–6´.

14MU is written defectively as ŠE; the sign does not appear to be damaged.

15Probably restore text no. 13 (Prism J) iii 7´–13´.

16Restore text no. 13 (Prism J) iii 1´´–6´´ in the lacuna before iii 1´´. Lines 1´´–4´´a duplicate text no. 13 (Prism J) iii 7´´–8´´.

17Compare, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) iv 15b–23. The restorations in lines 10´´–11´´ follow Borger, BIWA p. 190.

18Compare, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) iv 43b–49.

19Compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 96b–97a.

20Compare text, for example, no. 9 (Prism F) ii 74–76, text no. 11 (Prism A) iii 52–54, and text no. 23 (IIT) lines 101–103.

21This passage may refer to the voluntary submission and the sending of gifts to Assyria by ...raBADte of the land ...uppi and Padê of the land Qadê. Compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 133–136a. Another possibility is that this passage records information about Ḫundāru of Dilmun or Šīlum of the land Ḫazmāni; see text no. 23 (IIT) lines 131b–132 and 136b–139a.

22Compare text no. 23 (IIT) lines 114b–117, which combines the receipt of messengers and audience gifts from Cyrus of the land Parsumaš and Pislumê of the land Ḫudimiri into a single passage.

23pu-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ú-ti-ia is-ḫúp-[šú-ma] “fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed [him and]”: Text no. 23 (IIT) line 116 has pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR d[NIN].LÍL ù d15 a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR is-ḫup-šú-nu-ti-ma ir-šu-u na-kut- “fear of the deities Aššur, [Mul]lissu, and the Ištar who r[es]ides in the city Arbela, overwhelmed them and they became distressed.”

24This line probably contained the last line of the building report, which would have recorded the construction of Gula’s temple at Babylon (Esabad).

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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