
  • Ashurbanipal 010


  • Q003709
  • Ashurbanipal 010



  • prism
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 010

Column i
i 1i 1

a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A LUGAL GAL-u1

(i 1) I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria

i 22


i 33

LUGAL kib-rat LÍMMU-tim

i 44


i 55


i 66


i 77


i 88


i 99


(i 9) The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny as my lot (and) they glorified the mention of my name (and) made my lordship greater than (those of all other) kings who sit on (royal) daises.

i 1010

ši-mat SIG₅-tim i-ši-mu šim-ti

i 1111

e-li LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib pa-rak-ki

i 1212

zi-kir MU-ia ú-šar-ri-ḫu

i 1313

ú-šar-bu-ú be-lu-ú-ti3

i 1414


(i 14) I completed Eḫursaggalkurkurra, the temple of (the god) Aššur, my lord, (and) I clad its walls with gold (and) silver. I fastened band(s) of silver on tall columns (and) I erected (them) at the Gate of the Abundance of the Lands. I made (the god) Aššur enter into Eḫursaggula and made (him) reside on (his) eternal dais.

i 1515

É AN.ŠÁR EN-ia ú-šak-lil

i 1616

É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú ú-šal-bi-šá .GI .BABBAR

i 1717

GIŠ.tim-me MAḪ.MEŠ me-ser .BABBAR ú-rak-kis

i 1818

ina ḫi-ṣib KUR.KUR az-qu-up

i 1919

AN.ŠÁR ina é-ḫur-sag-gu-la ú-še-rib-ma

i 2020

ú-šar-ma-a BÁRA da-ra-a-ti

i 2121

é-sag-íl É.GAL DINGIR.MEŠ -

(i 21) I (re)built Esagil, the palace of the gods, (and) completed its designs. I brought the deities Bēl (Marduk), Bēltīya (Zarpanītu), the Lady of Babylon, Ea, (and) Mandānu out o[f] Ešarra (and) made (them) en[te]r into Šuanna (Babylon).

i 2222

ú-šak-li-la GIŠ.ḪUR.MEŠ-šú

i 2323


i 2424

dé-a dDI.KU₅ ul-tu -[reb] é-šár-ra

i 2525

ú-bil ú-še-rib

i 2626

-reb šu-an-na.KI

i 2727

BÁRA.MAḪ-ḫu šu-[bat] DINGIR-ti-šú ṣir-ti

(i 27) (As for) the throne-dais, the se[at of] his (Marduk’s) exalted divinity, [I] cast fifty talents of shiny zaḫ[al]û-silver in[to bricks] and (thereby) en[la]rged it.

i 2828

50 GUN za-ḫa-lu-ú eb-bu

i 2929

a-[na a-gúr-ri] ap-ti-iq-ma

i 3030

ú-rab-ba-a EDIN--šú

i 3131

ú-še-piš-ma GIŠ.er-me a-nu GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA

(i 31) I had a c[a]nopy, which rivals the heavens, made from musukkannu-wood, a durable wood. I clad its pe[rim]eter with thirty-four talents (and) twenty minas of reddish gold (and thereby) reinforced its bonds. I stretched out its covering over the god Ma[r]duk, the great lord, and (thus) secured its roof.

i 3232

iṣ-ṣi da-re-e šá šit-nu-nu šá-ma-me-

i 3333


i 3434

kip-pat-su ú-šal-biš

i 3535

ú-dan-ni-na rik-se-e-šú

i 3636


i 3737

ṣu-lul-šú at-ru-uṣ-ma

i 3838

ú-kin ta-ra-an-šú

i 3939

[GIŠ.GIGIR] ṣir-tu ru-kub dAMAR.UTU

(i 39) (As for) the exalted [chariot], the vehicle of the god Marduk, [the pre-emin]ent one among the gods, the lord of lords, [I com]pleted its feature(s) [with g]old, silver, (and) precious stones. I gave (it) [as a g]ift [to] the god Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, [the one who overwhe]lms my enemies.

i 4040

[e]-tel-li DINGIR.MEŠ EN EN.EN

i 4141

[ina] .GI .BABBAR NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-ti

i 4242

[ag]-mu-ra nab-nit-sa

i 4343

[a-na] dAMAR.UTU LUGAL kiš-šat AN-e u KI-tim

i 4444

[sa]-pi-in .KÚR.MEŠ-ia

i 4545

[a-na] ši-rik-ti áš-ruk

i 4646

GIŠ.[] GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA iṣ-ṣi da-re-e

(i 46) I skillfully made a [bed of] musukkannu-[woo]d, a durable wood, that is clad with pa[ša]llu-gold (and) studded with [pre]cious stones, as a pleasure bed for the god Bēl (Marduk) (and) the goddess Bēltīya (Zarpanītu) to carry out the wedding (and) to make love. I placed (it) in Ka[ḫil]isu, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanītu, which is laden with sexual charm.

i 4747

ša pa-šal-lu lit-bu-šat

i 4848

NA₄.MEŠ [ni]-siq-ti za--na-at

i 4949

a-na ma-a-a-al tak--e dEN dGAŠAN-MU

i 5050

šá-kan ḫa-šá-di e-peš ru-ʾa-a-me

i 5151

nak-liš e-pu-

i 5252

ina -[ḫi]-li- maš-tak dzar-pa-ni-tum

i 5353

ša ku-uz-bu sa-al-ḫu

i 5454


Column ii
ii 1ii 1

4 AM.MEŠ .BABBAR ek-du-u-ti

(ii 1) I stationed four fierce wild bulls of silver, protectors of my royal path, in the Gate of the Rising Sun (and) in the Gate of Lamma-RA.BI, in gateway(s) of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa.

ii 22

na-ṣi-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-u-ti-ia

ii 33

ina ṣi-it dUTU-ši

ii 44


ii 55

ina é-zi-da šá -reb

ii 66

bár-sipa.KI ul-ziz

ii 77

é-maš-maš é-gašan-kalam-ma .BABBAR .GI

(ii 7) I decorated Emašmaš (and) Egašankalama with silver (and) gold, (and) filled (them) with splendor.

ii 88

ú-za-ʾi-in lu-le-e ú-mal-li

ii 99

dšar-rat-kid-mu-ri šá ina ug-gat lìb-bi-šá

(ii 9) The goddess Šarrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had abandoned her inner sanctum (and) had taken up residence in a place not befitting her, relented during the favorable reign (lit. “my favorable reign”) that (the god) Aššur had granted me. To complete (the emblem of) her exalted divinity (and) to glorify her precious cultic rites, she constantly kept sending me (instructions) through dream(s and) message(s) from ecstatics.

ii 1010

at-man-šá e-zi-bu

ii 1111

ú-ši-bu a-šar la si-ma-a-ti-šá

ii 1212

ina BALA-ia dam- šá AN.ŠÁR -ru-ka

ii 1313

tar-šá-a sa-li-mu

ii 1414

a-na šuk-lul DINGIR-ti-šá ṣir-ti

ii 1515

šur-ru-ḫu mi-se-e-šá šu-qu-ru-ti

ii 1616

ina MÁŠ.GI₆ ši-pir maḫ-ḫe-e

ii 1717

-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na

ii 1818

dUTU ù dIŠKUR áš-al-ma

(ii 18) I asked the gods Šamaš and Adad and they answered me with a firm “yes.” I refurbished the emblem of her great divinity (and) made her sit upon a throne-dais as (her) eternal abode. I firmly (re)-established her precious cultic ordinances and properly carried out her cultic rites.

ii 1919

e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu

ii 2020

si-mat DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-ti ú-šar-ri-iḫ

ii 2121

ú-še-šib-ši ina BÁRA.MAḪ-ḫi

ii 2222

šu-bat da-ra-a-ti

ii 2323

par-ṣe-e-šá šu-qu-ru-ti ú-kin-ma

ii 2424

ú-šal-li-ma mi-se-e-šá

ii 2525

dIM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ GIŠ.šu-ri-in-ni5

(ii 25) For the preservation of my life, [I] set up lion-headed eagles (and) divine emblems in the gateway(s) of Egallamme[s], the temple of the god Nergal of the city Tarbiṣu.

ii 2626

a-na TI.LA ZI.MEŠ-ia

ii 2727

ina é-galam-mes

ii 2828

É dU.GUR šá URU.tar-bi-ṣi az-qu-up

ii 2929

a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la-du

(ii 29) Before my father was born (and) my birth-mother was created in her mother’s wo[mb], the god Sîn, who created me to be king, named me to (re)build Eḫulḫul, saying: “Ashurbanipal will (re)b[uild] that temple [and] (ii 35) make me dwell therein upon [an e]ternal [dais.” The word of the god S]în, which [he had spoken] in distant days, [he n]ow reve[aled to the peo]ple of a later generation. He allowed [the temple of the god Sîn which] Shalmaneser (III), [son of Ashurnasirpal (II)], a king of the past (who had come) before [m]e, [had b]ui[lt] to become old and he entrusted (its renovation) to me.

ii 3030

um- a-lit-ti la ba-na-at ina lìb-[bi] AMA-šá

ii 3131

a-na e-peš é-ḫúl-ḫúl iz-kur ni-bit MU-ia

ii 3232

d30 šá ib-na-an-ni a-na LUGAL-u-ti

ii 3333

um-ma mAN.ŠÁR--A É.KUR šú-a-tu

ii 3434

ip-[pu--ma] -reb-šú

ii 3535

ú-šar-man-ni [pa-rak] da-ra-a-ti

ii 3636

[a-mat d]30 šá ul-tu UD.MEŠ .MEŠ

ii 3737

[iq-bu-u e]-nen-na [ú]-kal-[lim]

ii 3838


ii 3939

[É d30 šá md]sál-ma-nu-MAŠ

ii 4040

[A m-šur-PAP-IBILA] LUGAL pa-ni

ii 4141

maḫ-ri-ia [e]-pu-šu

ii 4242

la-ba-riš ú-šá-lik-ma

ii 4343

ú-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a

ii 4444

ina a-mat d30 dnusku an-ḫu-us-su6

(ii 44) I removed its dilapidated section(s) by the command of the gods Sîn (and) Nusku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built (and) completed (it) from its foundation(s) to its crenellations. Inside it, I built Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past (who had come) before me had built. I roofed [them] with long beams of cedar. I faste[ned] band(s) of silver on doors of white ceda[r] (and) I fixed (them) in their gateways.

ii 4545

ad-ke e-li ša u₄-me pa-ni

ii 4646

šu-bat-su ú-rap-piš

ii 4747

ul-tu UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib--e-šú

ii 4848

ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil

ii 4949

é-me-lám-an-na É dnusku SUKKAL MAḪ7

ii 5050

ša LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia la e-pu-šú

ii 5151

ab-na-a -reb-šú

ii 5252


Column iii
iii 1iii 1

ú-šat-ri-ṣa e-li-[šú-un]

iii 22

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.li-ia-a-ri8

iii 33

me-ser .BABBAR ú-rak-[kis]

iii 44

ú-rat-ta-a .MEŠ-šú-un

iii 55

2 AM.MEŠ .BABBAR mu-nak-ki-[pu]

(iii 5) In the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, I stationed two wild bulls of silver, which gor[e] my foes (to death). In a gateway of Eḫulḫul, I (also) stationed two long-haired heroes of ešma[r]û-metal, which gra[sp] divine emblems, keep safe my [r]oyal path, (and) bring in the yield of mountain and sea.

iii 66

ga-re-ia ina at-man d30

iii 77

EN-ia ul-ziz 2 dlàḫ-me

iii 88

-ma-re-e šá ti-iṣ-bu-[]

iii 99


iii 1010

mu-šal-li-mu kib-si LUGAL-ti-ia

iii 1111

mu-še-ri-bu ḫi-ṣib KUR-i u tam-tim

iii 1212

ina é-ḫúl-ḫúl ul-ziz

iii 1313

ŠU.II d30 dnusku aṣ-bat

(iii 13) I took the gods Sîn (and) Nusku by the hand, made (them) enter into (their respective temples), (and) made (them) sit on (their) eternal dais(es).

iii 1414

ú-še-rib ú-še-šib ina BÁRA da-ra-a-ti

iii 1515

é-dim-gal-kalam-ma É AN.GAL9

(iii 15) In its entire[t]y, I built (and) completed Edimgalkalama, the temple of Great Anu that is inside (the city) Dēr.

iii 1616

šá -reb BÀD.AN.KI

iii 1717

a-na si-ḫi-ir-ti-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil

iii 1818

É d30 dnin-gal dUTU da-a10

(iii 18) The temple of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Šamaš, (and) Aya that is inside Nineveh (and) which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old that temple had become dilapidated and its walls had buckled. I built (and) completed that temple in its entirety (and) I raised up its superstructure. (iii 25) I roofed it with long beams of cypress (and) fixed doors of white cedar, whose fragrance is sweet, in its gateways. After I had thoroughly completed that temple (and) finished its construction, I brought the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Šamaš, and Aya, [the god]s who support me, inside it and ma[de] (them) dwell (on their) eternal dais(es).

iii 1919

ša -reb NINA.KI ša mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-

iii 2020

MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI AD -ia e-pu-šú

iii 2121

il-li-ku la-ba-riš É.KUR šú-a-

iii 2222

e-na-aḫ-ma i-qu-pa É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú

iii 2323

É.KUR šu-a- a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú

iii 2424

ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul-la-a re-ši-šú

iii 2525


iii 2626

ú-šat-ri-ṣa ta-ra-an-šú

iii 2727

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.li-ia-a-ri

iii 2828

ša e-re-si-na DÙG.GA

iii 2929

ú-rat-ta-a .MEŠ-šú

iii 3030

ul-tu É.KUR šú-a- ú-šak-li-lu

iii 3131

ú-qat-tu-u ag-mu-ra ši-pir-šú

iii 3232

[d]30 dnin-gal dnusku dUTU u da-a

iii 3333

[DINGIR].MEŠ tik-le-ia ina qer-bi-šú

iii 3434

ú-še-rib-ma ú-šar-me

iii 3535

BÁRA da-ra-a-ti -re-e-ti

(iii 35b) I built (and) completed the sanctuaries of Assyria (and) the land Akkad in their en[ti]rety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is from silver (and) gold, (and) I a[d]ded (them) to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them (and) presented (them) with my gif[ts]. I made regular offerings (and) contributions more plenti[ful] than those of distant [day]s.

iii 3636

KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI KUR URI.KI ana si-ḫir-te-ši-na

iii 3737

ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil11

iii 3838

mim-ma si-mat É.KUR ma-la GÁL-u

iii 3939

ša .BABBAR .GI e-pu-

iii 4040

e-li ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

iii 4141


iii 4242

tik-le-ia ina at-ma-na-a-te-šú-nu

iii 4343

ṣi-ra-a-te ú-še-šib-šú-nu-ti

iii 4444

UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ taš-ri-iḫ-ti

iii 4545

ma-ḫar-šu-un aq-

iii 4646

ú-šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-[a]-a

iii 4747

sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-ú e-li ša [u₄]-me

iii 4848

ul-lu-ti ú-šá-tir-ma

iii 4949

ar-ku-us ALAM LUGAL-[ti]-ia

(iii 49b) I had statue(s) of [m]y royal maje[sty] skillfully ma[de] from silver, gold, (and) [shi]ny copper through the craft of the deities Ninagal, [Kusibanda], (and) Ninkurra, [and], as constant petitioners for my [l]ife, I installed (them) in their positions before the gods who support me. From my childhood until I became an adult, I was assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the grea[t] gods. Th[ey] required my priestly services (and) they (now) enjoy m[y] giving (them) food offerings.

iii 5050

ša .BABBAR .GI URUDU nam-ri

iii 5151

ina ši-pir dnin-á-gal d[-si₂₂-bàn-da]

iii 5252

dnin-kur-ra nak-liš ú-še-[piš-ma]

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

a-na mu-ter-ri-ši TI.LA-ia

iv 22

ma-ḫar DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia

iv 33

ú-kin na-an-za-sún

iv 44

ul-tu ṣe-ḫe-ri-ia a-di ra--ia

iv 55

áš-te-ʾa-a áš-rat DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

iv 66

.šá-an-gu-ti iḫ-šu-ḫu

iv 77

i-ram-mu na-dan zi-bi-ia

iv 88

dIŠKUR ŠÈG.MEŠ-šú ú-maš-ši-ra12

(iv 8) The god Adad released his rains (and) the god Ea opened up his springs. Year after year, I shepherded the subjects of the god Enl[il] in prosperity (and) with justic[e].

iv 99

dé-a ú-paṭ-ṭi-ra IDIM.MEŠ-šú

iv 1010

šat-ti-šam-ma ina ṭuḫ-di mi-šá-ri

iv 1111

ar-te-ʾa-a ba-ʾu-lat dEN.LÍL

iv 1212

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá ap-tal-la-ḫu DINGIR-us-su-[un]

(iv 12) The great gods, who[se] divinity I constantly revered, generously gr<ant>ed me power, virili[ty], (and) outstandi[ng] strength. They placed lands that had not bowed down to m[e] into my hands (and) allowed me to achieve [my] heart’s desire. I marched from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, where the kings, my ancestors, had regularly traveled. [At a] distance of one month (and) twenty days (journey) into the midst of the sea and on dry la[nd], (iv 25) I added territory to that of the kings, [my] ance[stors], and [ruled (it)]. I made the people living in those lands bow down to my yoke (and) [imp]osed upon them annual tribute payment. By the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu, the kings who sit upon (royal) daises kiss my feet (and) great rulers from (both) east and west are anxious for me to be their ally.

iv 1313

dun-nu zik-ru-ú-[tu]

iv 1414

e-mu- ṣi-ra-a-ti

iv 1515


iv 1616

KUR.KUR la ma-gi-re-ia

iv 1717

ina ŠU.II-ia im-nu-ú

iv 1818

ú-šam-ṣu-in-ni ma-la lìb-bi-[ia]

iv 1919

ul-tu tam-tim e-liti

iv 2020

a-di tam-tim šap-liti

iv 2121


iv 2222

ir-te-ed-du-ú a-na-ku lu-u ar-de

iv 2323

ma-lak ITI UD.20.KÁM

iv 2424

ina MURUB₄ tam-tim u na-ba-[li]

iv 2525

mi-iṣ-ru e-li ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.[MEŠ-ia]

iv 2626

ú-rad-di-ma a-[bel]

iv 2727

UN.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti KUR.KUR šá-a-ti-na

iv 2828

ú-šak-ni-šá a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia

iv 2929

GUN man-da-at- šat-ti-šam-ma

iv 3030

ú-kin EDIN--šú-un

iv 3131

ina -bit AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL

iv 3232

LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib pa-rak-ki

iv 3333

ú-na-áš-šá-qu GÌR.II-ia

iv 3434

ma-al-ki GAL.MEŠ šá ṣi-taš u ši-la-an

iv 3535

a-na kit-ri-šú-nu ú-pa-qu-u-ni

iv 3636

ina tukul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ [GAL].MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia13

(iv 36) With the support of the [great] gods, my lords, I entered the land Ela[m], brought about their (the Elamites’) defeat countless (times), (and) marched about triumphantly. Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III) became frightened by the assault of my mighty battle array, fled naked, and took to the mountain(s).

iv 3737

-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI e-ru-ub

iv 3838

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu ina la -ni

iv 3939

áš-kun at-tal-lak šal-ṭiš

iv 4040

mum-man-al-da-si ti-ib

iv 4141

-ia dan-ni e-dur-ma

iv 4242

me-ra-nu--šú in-na-bit-ma

iv 4343

iṣ-ba-ta šá-da-a

iv 4444

14 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti mu-šab LUGAL-ti-šú

(iv 44) I conquered fourteen fortified cities, his royal residence(s), and small(er) settlements, which were without number, together with twenty villages, in the district of the city Ḫunn[ir], (which is) on the border of the city Ḫidalu. I destroyed (and) demolished the city Bašimu and the villages in its environs.

iv 4545

ù URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ šá ni-i-ba la i-šu-ú14

iv 4646

a-di 20.ÀM URU.MEŠ

iv 4747

ina na-ge-e šá URU.ḫu-un-nir

iv 4848

ina UGU -iṣ-ri šá URU.ḫi-da-lu

iv 4949


iv 5050

ù URU.MEŠ šá li-me-ti-šú

iv 5151

ap-pul aq-qur šá UN.MEŠ a-šib

(iv 51b) As for the people living inside them, I annihilated them. I smashed their gods (and thus) placated the mood of the lord of lords. I carried off to Assyria its gods, its goddesses, its possessions, (and) its property, (as well as) people, young and old. I devastated an area of sixty leagues inside the land Elam (and) scattered salt (and) cress over them.

iv 5252

lìb-bi-šú-un ka-mar-šú-nu áš-kun

Column v
v 1v 1

ú-šab-bir DINGIR.MEŠ-šú-un

v 22

ú-šap-ši-iḫ ka-bat-ti EN EN.EN

v 33

DINGIR.MEŠ-šú d15.MEŠ-šú NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú

v 44

UN.MEŠ TUR u GAL áš-lu-la ana KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI

v 55

60 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru

v 66

-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ú-šaḫ-rib

v 77


v 88

ú-sap-pi-ḫa EDIN--šú-un

v 99

dna-na-<a> ša 1 LIM 6 ME 30.ÀM 515

(v 9) (As for) the goddess Nanā<ya>, who 1,635 years (ago) became angry and we[nt] to live [in the land El]am, a place [not befit]ting her, then, at that time (when) she and the gods, her fathers, nominated me for ruling over the lands, she entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: “Ashurbanipal will bring me out of the land Elam and make me enter Eanna (again).”

v 1010

MU.AN.NA.MEŠ ta-as-bu-su-ma

v 1111

tal-li-[ku] tu-ši-bu

v 1212

[-reb KUR].ELAM.MA.KI a-šar

v 1313

[la si]-ma-a-te₉-e-šá

v 1414

ù ina u₄-me-šú-ma ši-i

v 1515


v 1616

ib-bu-u šu- ana be-lut KUR.KUR

v 1717

ta-a-a-rat EN-u-ti-šá

v 1818

tu-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a

v 1919

um-ma mAN.ŠÁR--A

v 2020

ul- -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

v 2121


v 2222


v 2323

-reb é-an-na

v 2424

a-mat -bit DINGIR-ti-šú-un

(v 24) The word(s) of their divine command that they had spoken in distant days, they now disclosed to the people of a later generation. I grasped the hand of her great divinity. She took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter into Uruk and made her dwell on (her) eternal dais in Eḫiliana, which she loves.

v 2525

ša ul- UD.MEŠ .MEŠ iq-bu-u

v 2626

e-nen-na ú-kal-li-mu UN.MEŠ EGIR.MEŠ

v 2727

ŠU.II DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-ti at-mu-uḫ

v 2828

ḫar-ra-nu i-šir-tu šá ul-lu-uṣ

v 2929

lìb-bi ta-aṣ-ba-ta a-na é-an-na

v 3030

ina -reb UNUG.KI ú-še-rib-ši-ma

v 3131

ina é-ḫi-li-an-na šá ta-ram-mu

v 3232

ú-šar-me-ši pa-rak da-ra-a-ti16

v 3333

ina u₄-me-šú É á-ki-it d15 GAŠAN-ia17

(v 33) At that time, the akītu-house of the goddess Ištar, my lady, that is inside Nineveh (the goddess) who rai[s]ed me like (my own) birth-mother, ki[ll]ed my enemies, (and) made all of the rulers bow down at my feet (and) which Sargon (II) the grandfather of the father who had engendered me, descendant of [l]-bāni, son of Adāsi, whose ultimate place of [or]igin is Baltil (Aššur) had built, had become o[l]d.

v 3434

ša -reb NINA.KI

v 3535

ša ki-ma AMA a-lit-ti tu-rab-ba-an-ni18

v 3636

.KÚR.MEŠ-ia i-na-ru

v 3737

gi-mir ma-al-ki ú-šak-ni-šá

v 3838

a-na GÌR.II-ia ša mLUGAL-GI.NA

v 3939

AD AD AD -ia

v 4040

ŠÀ.BAL.BAL mEN-ba-ni DUMU ma-da-si

v 4141

ša du-ru-ug-šú bal-til.KI

v 4242

e-pu-šú la-ba-riš il-lik

v 4343

mi-qit-[ta]-šá ad-ke

(v 43) I removed its collapsed sec[tion(s)]. In a favorable month, (on) an auspicious day, I (re)laid its foundation(s). In its entirety, I built (and) completed that akītu-house with baked bricks (colored with) obsidian (and) lapis lazuli. I filled (it) with splendor.

v 4444

ina ITI šal-me u₄-me še-me-e

v 4545

at-ta-ad-di tem-me-en-šá

v 4646

ina a-gúr-ri NA₄. NA₄.ZA.GÌN

v 4747

É á-ki-it šú-a-tu

v 4848

a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá ar-ṣip

v 4949

ú-šak-lil lu-le-e ú-mal-li

v 5050


(v 50) I made (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me (and) fulfill my heart’s desire, enter inside and mad[e] (them) celebrate an akītu-festival. I offered sumptuous offerings before them (and) presented (them) with my gifts. (The god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu, who raised me from childhood (and) protected my kingship, will enter that akītu-house and celebrate joyous festivals.

v 5151

mu-šam-ṣu-ú ma-la lìb-bi-ia

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

-reb-šá ú-še-rib-ma

vi 22

ú-še-pi-šá i-sin-ni É á-ki-it

vi 33

UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ taš-ri-iḫ-ti

vi 44

ma-ḫar-šu-un aq-

vi 55

ú-šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-a-a

vi 66


vi 77

ša ul-tu ṣe-ḫe-ri-ia

vi 88


vi 99

iṣ-ṣu-ru LUGAL-u-ti

vi 1010

-reb É á-ki-it šú-a- ir-ru-bu-ma

vi 1111

ip-pu-šú i-sin-ni ḪÚL.MEŠ

vi 1212

ina bu-un-ni-šú-nu nam-ru-ti

(vi 12) With their radiant faces (and) the gaze of their favorable eyes, which watch over the (four) quarters (of the world), [may] they [l]ook [with] pleasu[re] upon (me), Ashur[banipal], the king who is the favorite of their hearts, the builde[r of] this [akītu-house. May] they lengthen [my] day[s] (so that) I may [be fully satisfied with (my) g]ood fortune. (vi 20) May they make the foundation(s) of m[y royal throne] endure (and) make my reign last for a lo[ng time. May] they kill [my] enemies, (and) cut dow[n] my foes. With their great support, may I rule wherever I desire (lit. “I say”) (and) achieve whatever (lit. “the place”) I strive for.

vi 1313

ina ni- IGI.II.MEŠ-šú-nu SIG₅.MEŠ

vi 1414

šá i-bar-ra-a kib-ra-a-ti

vi 1515

mAN.ŠÁR-[-A] LUGAL mi-gir lìb-bi-šú-nu

vi 1616

e-piš [É á-ki-it] šu-a-tu

vi 1717

ḫa-diš [lit]-tap-la-su

vi 1818

UD.[MEŠ-ia li]-šá-ri-ku

vi 1919

lu-[-bi] bu-ʾa-a-ru

vi 2020

SUḪUŠ GIŠ.[GU.ZA LUGAL-ti]-ia lu-kin-nu

vi 2121

lu-šal-bi-[ru] BALA.MEŠ-ia

vi 2222

.KÚR.MEŠ-[ia li]--e-ru

vi 2323

li-šam--tu ga-re-ia

vi 2424

ina tukul-ti-šú-nu ra-bi-ti

vi 2525

e-ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el

vi 2626

a-šar ú-ṣar-ra-mu

vi 2727

lik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

vi 2828


(vi 28) In the future, may (one of) the sons, grandsons, (great grand)sons, or (great, great grand)sons, one of the kings, my descendants, whom (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu choose and nomi[na]te for ruling over the land and [peo]ple, renovate its dilapidated section(s) when [t]his akī[tu]-house becomes old and d[il]apidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint (it) with oil, ma[ke] an offering, (and) re[turn] (it) to its place. May the great gods, as many as [are recorded] on th[is] inscribed object, constantly bl[es]s your kingship (and) protect [your] re[ign].

vi 2929


vi 3030


vi 3131

šá AN.ŠÁR u dNIN.LÍL ut-tu-šu-ma

vi 3232

a-na be-lut KUR u UN.MEŠ

vi 3333

i-nam-bu-ú zi-kir-šú

vi 3434

e-nu-ma É á-ki-it šu-a-

vi 3535

i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-ḫu

vi 3636

an-ḫu-us-su lu-ud-diš

vi 3737

MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir MU-ia

vi 3838

li-mur-ma Ì.GIŠ lip-šu-

vi 3939


vi 4040

a-na áš-ri-šú lu-ter

vi 4141

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ma-la ina MU.SAR-e an--[e šá-aṭ-ru]

vi 4242

LUGAL-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu

vi 4343

li-iṣ-ṣu-ru BALA.[MEŠ-ka]

vi 4444

ša MU?.SAR?-[u ši]-ṭir [MU-ia ib-ba-]

(vi 44) (As for) the one who [destroys] an i[nscribed] obj[ect bear]ing [my name], makes (it) disap[pear] by some [c]raft[y] de[vice], (or) does not place (it) with an inscribed obj[ect] bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship (and) make his name (and) seed disappear from the land.

vi 4545

ina mim-ma ši-[pir] ni-kil-ti ú-ḫal-la-[qu]

vi 4646

it-ti MU.SAR-[e]

vi 4747

ši-ṭir MU-šú la i-šak-ka-nu

vi 4848


vi 4949

ša AN-e ù KI-tim

vi 5050

LUGAL-us-su lis-ki-pu

vi 5151

MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR lu-ḫal-li-qu

Date ex. 1Date ex. 1
vi 52A52A


(vi 52A) Ulūlu (VI), the twenty-four[th] day, eponymy of Nabû-šar-aḫḫēšu, [governor of] the land Samari[a] (645).

vi 53A53A

lim-me mdMUATI-MAN-PAP.MEŠ-šú .[NAM]

vi 54A54A[na]

Date ex. 2Date ex. 2
vi 52B52B


(vi 52B) Abu (V), the sixth day, eponymy of Nabû-šar-aḫḫēšu, governor of the land Samaria (645).

vi 53B53B

lim-me mdMUATI-MAN-PAP.MEŠ-šú

vi 54B54B


1The prologue of this text is similar to those of text nos. 5 (Prism I), 6 (Prism C), 7 (Prism Kh), and 8 (Prism G); compare respectively i 1–iv 8, i 1´–ii 3´, i 1–101´, and i 1´–34´ of those inscriptions. The major differences between this inscription and those four earlier texts are noted in the on-page notes below. For other details, see the on-page notes to text no. 5 (Prism I) i 1–iv 8 and text no. 6 (Prism C) i 1´–ii 3´.

2This inscription does not include uz-nu ra-pa-áš-tum -ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat ṭup-šar-ru-ti ú-šá-ḫi-zu ka-ra-ši “they granted me a broad mind (and) allowed my mind to learn all of the scribal arts.” Compare text no. 5 (Prism I) i 10–12 and text no. 6 (Prism C) i 1´.

3Unlike earlier texts, this inscription does not include in its prologue -re-e-ti KUR -šur.KI KUR URI.KI ša mAN.ŠÁR-PAP- LUGAL KUR -šur.KI AD ba-ni-ia tem-me-en-šú-un id-du-ú la ig-mu-ru ši-pir-šú-un e-nen-na a-na-ku ina -bit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia ag-mu-ra ši-pir-šun “(As for) the sanctuaries of Assyria (and) the land Akkad whose foundation(s) Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had laid, but whose construction he had not finished, I myself now completed their work by the command of the great gods, my lords.” Compare text no. 6 (Prism C) i 5´–10´.

4ina “in”: Text no. 6 (Prism C) i 46´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 16´ have u “and.”

5dIM.DUGUD.MUŠEN.MEŠ “lion-headed eagles”: Ex. 1 lacks MEŠ.

6Text no. 5 (Prism I) ii 15´, text no. 6 (Prism C) i 76´, and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 50´ add É.KUR šu-a- šá la-ba-riš il-li-ku (“(As for) that temple, which had become o]ld”) before ina a-mat d30 dnusku (“by the command of the gods Sîn (and) Nusku”).

7See the on-page note to text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 55´.

8Ex. 13 adds [ša e-re-si-na] ṭa-a-bu, “[whose fragrance] is pleasant,” after GIŠ.li-a-a-ri (“white cedar”).

9This passage does not appear in the prologues of earlier inscriptions. For a study of Ashurbanipal’s building activities at Dēr, see Frahm, Studies Parpola pp. 51–64.

10This passage was borrowed directly from the building report of text no. 5 (Prism I); see iv 9–27 of that inscription. The incorporation of the report of the rebuilding of the Sîn-Šamaš temple at Nineveh into the prologue of this text may suggest that construction on that temple had come to an end before this inscription was composed.

11Earlier inscriptions have only ú-šak-lil “I completed”; compare text no. 6 (Prism C) i 95´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 67´.

12Compare the longer “topos of abundance” reports in text no. 5 (Prism I) iii 9´–23´, text no. 6 (Prism C) i 1´´–8´´, text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 81´–88´, and text no. 8 (Prism G) i 21´–34´.

13Compare the much longer version of the second war against the Elamite king Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III) in text no. 9 (Prism F) iv 17–vi 21 and text no. 11 (Prism A) v 63–vii 81.

14i-šu-ú “were”: Ex. 1 has [i]-šú?-u. The master text follows ex. 3.

15See the on-page note to text no. 9 (Prism F) v 72.

16ú-šar-me-ši “made her dwell”: Ex. 1 has ú-šar-me-UD. The master text follows ex. 18.

17For details on this akītu-house at Nineveh, see the introduction, as well as Frahm, NABU 2000 pp. 75–79 no. 66 and Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/1 p. 22.

18In lieu of these lines, ex. 18 has [ša? mLUGAL-GI.NA?] MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI [AD? AD? AD? -ia?] e-pu-šú, “[which Sargon (II)], king of Assyria, [the grandfather of the father who engendered me], had built.”

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-18. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2015–16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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