RIMB 2 Index of Gate, Palace, Temple, and Wall Names

A   B   E   G   I   K   N   S      U   Z   Broken Names


Akītu: B.6.15.2001 4, 9, 11, 14, 18; S.0.1002.1 4, 6; 2 iv 2', 5'; 6 iii 4', 8'; 8 rev. 14, 17; 9 ii 19; 11 14, 17; 12 5'.

AM (reading uncertain): S.0.0.1001 rev. 1.


Badullisâ ("Wall Named in Ancient Times"): B.6.33.1 23.


E-ibbi-Anum ("House the God Anum Named"): B.6.35.3 1, 2.

Eadgigi ("House, Counselor"): B.6.32.2008 6.

Eankikuga ("House of the Pure Heaven and Netherworld"): B.6.32.2007 6.

Eanna ("House of Heaven"): B.3.1.1 ex. 1 30; B.6.21.1 3, 23, 24, 39; 2 8; 3 9; B.6.22.3 i 18, 32, 34, ii 37; 4 9; 5 3, 13; 6 10; B.6.31.15 7, 16, 30; 16 5, 9, 11; 17 5, 9, 11; 18 5; 19 11; 20 3; 21 2, 9; 1001 Left Edge 1; B.6.32.19 6, 22.

Eanšar ("House, All Heaven"): B.6.32.2011 6.

Eašanamar (or Etillamaḫ; exact reading and meaning uncertain): B.6.32.2013 6.

Ebabbar ("Shining House"): B.2.4.10 Akk. 8; B.2.8.9 8; B.6.32.12 16; B.6.33.2 13.

Ebaradurgara ("House, Dais of the Throne"): B.6.31.11 3, 15, 22.

Edimgalkalama ("House, Great Mast of the Land"): B.6.31.11 10; 12 19; 15 20.

Eešbanda ("House, Little Chamber"): B.6.32.2006 6.

Eešerke (House, Shrine of Weeping"): B.6.35.2 6, 15.

Egalmaḫ ("Exalted Palace"): B.2.8.7 10.

Eganunmaḫ ("House, Exalted Storehouse"): B.2.6.1 9.

Egigunû ("High House"): B.6.32.15 15, 21; 17 10.

Egišnugal: See Ekišnugal.

Eguidigina ("House, Bank of the Tigris River"): E3/ 8.

Eḫiliana ("House, Luxuriance of Heaven"): B.6.31.17 5, 11; 18 11.

Eḫursaggalama ("House, Skillfully Built Mountain"): B.6.32.18 11.

Ekarzagina ("House, Pure Quay" or "House, Quay of Lapis Lazuli"): B.6.32.2 65.

Ekišibgalekura (exact reading and meaning uncertain; possibly "House, Keeper of the Seal of Ekur"): B.6.32.2009 6.

Ekišnugal (Egišnugal): B.2.6.1 8; B.2.8.10 8; 11 10; B.6.32.2001 9; 2003 8; 2014 2; 2016 iv 33.

Ekitušḫegaltila ("House, Abode of Life-Giving Abundance"): B.2.4.1 Sum. i 11, Sum. iv 11.

Ekur ("House, Mountain"): B.3.1.1 6, 11, 22; B.6.31.11 8; 12 15, 29; 13 12; B.6.32.15 5; 16 8; B.6.33.1 20; B.6.35.4 7, 10.

Ekurigigal ("House, Mountain Endowed with Sight"): B.3.1.1 6, 9.

Ekurnizu ("House, Fearsome Mountain"): B.6.21.2001 1.

Elugalgalgasisa ("House, King of Righteous Counsel"): B.6.32.2003 10; 2004 7.

Emaḫ ("Exalted House"): B.6.32.5 13.

Emeteursaga ("House Worthy of the Hero"): B.2.8.4 4.

Enamḫe ("House of Plenty"): B.2.4.1 i 11; S.0.1002.11 8.

Enirgalana ("House, Prince of Heaven"): B.6.31.15 6; 16 5, 11; B.6.32.19 6.

Enun: B.6.32.2014 15.

Esagila ("House Whose Top Is High"): B.2.4.5 obv. 10; 7 obv. 8, rev. 9; B.2.7.2 5; B.2.8.3 3; B.6.7.1 3; B.6.14.1 i 14, iii 34', 36'; 2001 i 8; B.6.21.1 35; B.6.22.1 3, 8; B.6.26.1 32'; B.6.31.1 Inscription A 4; 2 8; 3 6; 4 2; 5 6; 6 7; 11 8, 9; 12 15, 18; 15 16, 19; 16 8; 17 8; 18 4; B.6.32.1 2, 5, 11, 15, 19; 2 13, 24, 46, 56, 66; 3 7, 9; 4 8, 9; 5 8, 9; 6 11, 16, 19; 7 6; 12 5, 9, 10, 12, 13; 13 9, 14, 18; 14 8, 17, 28; 19 14, 17, 19, 20; 23 2; B.6.33.1 Sum. 17, Akk. 17; 3 7, 8, 22; 4 14, 16, 17; 5 25; 6 3', 4'; B.6.35.1 9; B.6.0.2002 2.

Ešaduga ("House that Pleases the Heart"): B.6.32.2012 6.

Ešaḫula ("House of the Happy Heart"): B.6.32.22 2, 9.

Ešuziana ("House, True Hand of Heaven"): S.0.1002.10 8.

Etemenanki ("House, Foundation of Heaven and Netherworld): B.6.31.4 3; 5 7; 6 8; 7 6; 8 2; 9 10; B.6.32.7 7; 8 8; 9 4; 10 3; 11 2.

Etemennigurru ("House, Foundation Clad in Awe-Inspiring Radiance"): B.6.32.2001 10; 2002 11.

Etenten ("House which Soothes"): B.6.26.1 17'.

Etillamaḫ: See Eašanamar.

Eturkalama ("House, Cattle-Pen of the Land"): B.6.32.4 13.

Eumuša ("House of Counsel"): B.6.32.1 16; 12 14; 13 18; 19 21.

Eušumgalana ("House, Dragon of Heaven"): B.6.32.2005 6.

Ezida ("True House"): B.2.7.2 6, 8, 13; B.2.8.5 4; B.6.14.1 ii 7, 17; 2001 i 22', ii 3, 21', 22', 33'; B.6.22.1 9; B.6.31.16 8; 17 8; B.6.32.13 6, 20; 14 33; B.6.33.3 13; 4 10, 14, 27; 5 13, 28.

E...gakuga: B.6.32.2010 6.


Gate-of-Well-Being: B.6.7.2 obv. 8'.

Gate ...[...]: B.6.7.2 obv. 16'.

Gipāru: B.6.32.2014 7.


Imgur-Enlil ("The God Enlil Showed Favor"): B.2.7.1 ii 7'; B.2.8.1 3; 1001 ii 7; B.6.22.1 10, 17; 2 12; B.6.32.1 17, 24.


Kasulim ("Gate of Radiance"): B.2.4.9 19, 20.


Nēmet-Enlil ("Bulwark of the God Enlil"): B.6.22.1 18; 2 13; B.6.32.1 17, 20, 24.

Nēmet-Marduk ("Bulwark of the God Marduk"): B.2.8.6 5.


Seat of Life: B.6.33.1 Akk. 14.

Ṭābi-supūršu ("Its Fold Is Pleasant"): B.6.32.13 19, 21, 24.


Unumaḫ ("Great Abode"): B.2.4.2 8.

Uzu-mú-a: B.6.31.11 1.


Zababa Gate: B.6.14.1 iii 12'. See also god Zababa.

Broken Names

... (wall): B.2.7.1 ii 8'.

[...]... (temple): B.6.22.3 i 12.

Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny

Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny, 'RIMB 2 Index of Gate, Palace, Temple, and Wall Names', The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, The RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/NamesIndex/RIMB2IndexofGate,Palace,Temple,andWallNames/]

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