Translations of some relevant Babylonian King Lists are presented here for the convenience of the users of RIBo. The selection of texts is based on the current chronological scope of the project and, therefore, any known king list pertaining to rulers of the Second Dynasty of Isin (1157-1026 BC) and later is translated here. Click on the links to the left to view the translations of these ancient chronographic texts.
Rulers of the Second Dynasty of Isin [] (1157-1026 BC; "Babylon 2") appear in the following king lists:
The names of the kings of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand [] (1025-1005 BC; "Babylon 3") are preserved in the following chronographic texts:
The Bazi Dynasty [] (1004-985 BC; "Babylon 4") rulers are included in the following lists of rulers:
The sole ruler of the short-lived Elamite Dynasty [] (984-979 BC; "Babylon 5") is named in the following four king lists:
The numerous rulers of the period of the Uncertain Dynasties [] (978-626 BC; "Babylon 6") -- including the "E" Dynasty, the "Baltil" Dynasty, and the "Ḫanigalbat" Dynasty –- are listed in the following chronographic texts:
The six kings of the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty [] (625-539 BC; "Babylon 7") are preserved in the following chronographic texts:
The names of the Persian [] (538-330 BC; "Babylon 8"), Macedonian (330-307; "Babylon 9") and Seleucid [] (305-64; "Babylon 10") rulers who held dominion over Babylonia are included in the following two king lists:
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'Selected Babylonian King Lists', The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) Project, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2016 []