
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 037


  • Q005508
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 037
  • GMTR 4 C027



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Babylon
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nebuchadnezzar II


GMTR 4 C027

Nebuchadnezzar II 037

Column i


i' 1'1'

[...] x

(i' 1') [... Mard]uk [...] ... [...]

i' 2'2'

[... d]AMAR.UTU?

i' 3'3'

[...] x DU

i' 4'4'


i' 5'5'

[...] x

i' 6'6'

[...] x

i' 7'7'

[...] x

Five lines missing

Five lines missing

i' 13'13'

[...] x

(i' 13') [...]



i' 1''1''

[...] x

(i' 1'') (No translation possible)

i' 2''2''

[...] x

i' 3''3''

[...] x

i' 4''4''

[...] x



Column ii
ii' 1ii 1

i-si-iḫ nu-ú-nu ap-si-i iṣ-ṣu-úr ša--e NUNUZ lu-úr-mu

(ii' 1) string(s) of fish from the apsû, bird(s) of the heavens, egg(s), pomegranate(s), fish, ... (with) bright breasts, ušummu-rodent(s), egg(s) the best thing(s) from the marshes bountiful vegetables the delights of gardens red-gold fruits the bounty of orchards dates, Dilmun dates, dried fig(s), raisin(s), the finest beer wort, white honey, ghee, confectioneries, milk, the finest oil, sweet beer (and) wine, as well as p[ure] wine, red-gold abundance, a cornucopia of produce, the best of all l[ands], beer libations without number, (and) wine [as if (it were)] wat[er], in abundance and prosperity, I joyfully ... [in] the heart(s) of the god Marduk, the great lord, the god who created me, and the god Nabû, his true heir, the one who loves my royal majesty, inside the gra[nd] akītu(-house), and (thereby) made the organized assembly of the great gods (more) abundant (therein).

ii' 22

nu-ú-nu x x x DAM MI NIŠ ir-ti el-le-tim

ii' 33

ú-šu-um-mu pe-lu-ú -ma-at ap-pa-ri

ii' 44

ar- de-šu-ti la-la-a mu-sa-re-e

ii' 55

in-bi ru--šu-ti šu-mu-úḫ ṣi-ip-pa-a-tim

ii' 66

.LUM.MA as--e ú-ri-ib-ti mu-un-zi-

ii' 77

bi-il-la-at da-mi-iq-ti LÀL BABBAR Ì.NUN.NA mu-ut-ta-

ii' 88

ši-iz-bi ú-lu ša-am-nim

ii' 99

da--pa si-ra--ši ka-ar-ra-[nam] ù? ka-ra-nam el?-[lu?]

ii' 1010

ṭù-úḫ-dam ru--ša-a ḪÉ.GÁL-lam su-ul-lu-nim du-mu-uq ma-ti-[ta-an]

ii' 1111

ti-bi-ik si-ra- la ni-bi ma-miš i-na ka-ra-na

ii' 1212

i-na nu-úḫ-ši ù ḪÉ.GÁL-lam <i-na>

ii' 1313

li-ib-bi dAMAR.UTU EN ra-bi-ù i-lu ba-ni-ia

ii' 1414

ù dna-bi-um IBILA-šu ki-i-nim na-ra-am šar-ru-ti-ia

ii' 1515

i-na -re-eb á-ki-it GAL-[ú?] ri-ši- -pa-ar-ki-ma

ii' 1616

pu-úḫ-ri ša-ak-nam ša DINGIR GAL.GAL -pa-ar-zi-iḫ-ma

ii' 1717

É i-na É da-ke ḪÉ.GÁL-[lam?] ú-ša-al-li-im-ma

(ii' 17) (With regard to that) temple, the temple ... of abund[ance], I completed (it) and (thereby) ... the hearts of the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods with joy. The great gods, the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods, ... who take up residence inside the akītu(-house) [...] who received [...] ..., the king of heaven and earth, and [...] they rejoiced ... [...] they rejoiced [...] eternity, ... [...] ... they constantly blessed me being king [...] ... good thing(s) about me.

ii' 1818

li-ib-bi di-gi₄-gi₄ ù d[a]-nun-na-ki <a>-na ḫi-da-a-ti at-ta-al-lu

ii' 1919

DINGIR GAL.GAL di-gi₄-gi₄ ù da-nun-na-ki

ii' 2020

x x ti? x x x x x x x x x x MA? ir-mu-ú -re-eb á-ki-it

ii' 2121

[...] x x x x x x-ru LUGAL ša AN KI-tim im-ḫu-ru-ú-ma

ii' 2222

[...] i-ri-šu da-a-tim

ii' 2323

[...] da--a-tim i-ri-šu x-du-ú-x

ii' 2424

[...] x ik?-ta-na-ar?-ra-bu a-na šar-ru-ti-ia

ii' 2525

[x x x] ta x x x ri x šu-a-ti du-um--ia

ii' 2626

dAMAR.UTU EN IGI.GÁL DINGIR.DINGIR ru-bu-ù mu--ta-ar-ḫa

(ii' 26) O Marduk, (my) lord, wisest of the gods, proud prince, when you joyfully enter [...] ... of the temple of your joy, your dwelling of rest, steadfastly look upon my handiwork with pleasure and gran[t me] a long life, the attainment of very old age, the cutting down of [my] foes, [the conque]st of the land(s) of my enemies, a firmly-secured throne, and a long-lasting reign!

ii' 2727

a-na x [x x] x-x-ú-ti ša É ḫi-da-a-ti-ka

ii' 2828

šu-ba-at ta-ap-šu-úḫ-ti-ka ḫa-di- i-na e-re-bi-ka

ii' 2929

li--it -ti-ia a-na da-mi-iq-ti ki-ni- na-ap-li-is-ma

ii' 3030

ba-la-ṭam da--a še--e li-it-tu-ú-ti

ii' 3131

šu-um-qu-ut za-ʾi-i-ri-[ia ka?-ša?]-ad? MA.DA a-a-bi

ii' 3232

ku-un GIŠ.GU.ZA ù la-ba-ar pa-le-e a-na ši-ri-ik-ti šu-úr-[kam]

ii' 3333

[i]-na zag*-mu-ku re- ša-at-tim i--ni₇ ta-ar-ba-a-ti-ka

(ii' 33) [Du]ring the New Year’s festival, (at) the beginning of the year, your magnificent festival, in the akītu(-house), the temple of your great banquets, when the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods (assemble) at your command, during banquets, during assembled gathering(s) of the great gods, bless me, Nebuchadnezzar (II), the prince who is obedient to you, with a blessing of good word(s) so that I may grow old, until the attainment of very old age, walking in your presence during banquets (in the) akītu(-house). May I be the governor who grasps your holy hem for eternity.

ii' 3434

i-na á-ki-it É -re-e-ti-ka ra-ba-a-ti

ii' 3535

e-nu-ma di-gi₄-gi₄ ù da-nun-na-ki ina pu-ka i-na -re-e-ti

ii' 3636

i-na pu-uḫ-ru ša-ak-nam ša DINGIR GAL.GAL

ii' 3737

a-na ia-ti dAG-ku-dúr-ri-ú-ṣu-úr ru-bu-ù ma-gi-ri-ka

ii' 3838

ik-ri-bi da-mi-iq-tim ku-úr-bu

ii' 3939

i-na -re-e-ti á-ki-it a-ta-al-lu-ku ma-ḫa-ri-ka

ii' 4040

lu-la-ab-bi-ir a-di še--e li-it-tu-ú-ti

ii' 4141

a-na-ku lu-ú GÌR.NÍTA ṣa-bi-it si-is-si-ik-ti-ka el-le-tim

ii' 4242

a-na u₄-um da-ru-ú-tim

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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