Nebuchadnezzar II 034

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) Nebuchadnezzar (II), king of Babylon, the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, am I.

i 22

za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

i 33


i 44

é-sag-íl az-nu-un

(i 4) I provided for Esagil, completed Ezida, (and) made the sanctuaries of the great god(s) shine like daylight.

i 55

é-zi-da ú-ša-ak-li-il

i 66

e--re-e-ti DINGIR GAL.GAL

i 77

ú-na-am-mi-ir ki-ma u₄-um

i 88

i-na u₄-mi-šu su-le-e ba-bi-lam.KI

(i 8) At the time, the broad streets of Babylon, whose interior(s) had become too low (with regard to) Nabû-dayyān-nišīšu, the street of the Uraš Gate, and Ištar-lamassi-ummānīša, the street of the Ištar Gate, I filled (them) in with six cubits of infill for the procession(s) of the great lord, the god Marduk and the god Nabû, the triumphant heir, the son beloved by him, and beautified (their) accessway(s) using bitumen and baked brick.

i 99


i 1010

ša -ta-ap--lu -re-eb-šu-un

i 1111


i 1212

su-ú-qu .GAL-duraš

i 1313

ù d-tar-dLAMMA-um-ma-ni-ša

i 1414

su-ú-qu .GAL-d-tar

i 1515

a-na ma--da-ḫa

i 1616

be- ra--im dAMAR.UTU

i 1717

ù dAG IBILA ši-it-lu-ṭu

i 1818

DUMU na-ra-mi-šu

i 1919

6 KÙŠ ta-am-la-a ú-ma-al-li-ma

i 2020


i 2121


i 2222

ú-ba-an-na-a ta-al-la-ak-tim

i 2323

a-ša-ni-ma e-li ma-aḫ-ra-a

(i 23) For a second time, (and) more than before, I filled (them) in with eighteen cubits of infill and improved (their) accessway(s) using bitumen and baked brick.

i 2424

18 KÙŠ ta-am-la-a ú-ma-al-li-ma

i 2525

i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A2

i 2626


i 2727

ú-da-am-mi-iq ta-al-la-ak-tim

Column ii
ii 1ii 1


(ii 1) For a third time, I filled in Ištar-lamassi-ummānīša with a large seventeen-cubit infill.

ii 22


ii 33

17 KÙŠ ta-am-la-a ra-ba-a

ii 44


ii 55

41 KÙŠ ta-am-la-a za-aq-ru

(ii 5) (In total) I filled Ištar-lamassi-ummānīša with a high forty-one-cubit infill and broadened (its) accessway.

ii 66

d-tar-dLAMMA-um-ma-ni-ša ú-ma-al-li-ma

ii 77

ú-ša-an-di-il ta-al-la-ak-tim

ii 88

dAMAR.UTU be- ṣi-i-ri

(ii 8) O Marduk, exalted lord, wisest of the gods, competent one, look upon my handiwork with favor and pleasure and grant me a long life (and) the attainment of very old age.

ii 99

IGI.GÁL ì- te-le-ʾu-um

ii 1010

li--it -ti-ia

ii 1111

a-na da-mi-iq-tim

ii 1212

ḫa-di- na-ap-li-is-ma

ii 1313

ba-la-ṭam da--a

ii 1414

še--e li-it-tu-ú-tim

ii 1515

a-na ši-ri-ik-ti

ii 1616


ii 1717

ì- ra--ù-tim

(ii 17) O great gods who go in procession on the way to the akītu(-house) on Ay-ibūr-šabû with the god Marduk, king of heaven and earth, say good thing(s) about me in the presence of the god Marduk, the great lord.

ii 1818

ša it-ti dAMAR.UTU

ii 1919

LUGAL ša--e ù er-ṣé-tim

ii 2020

i-na a-a-i-bu-úr-ša-bu-um

ii 2121

i-ša-ad-di-ḫu ú-ru-uḫ a-ki-ti

ii 2222

i-na ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU

ii 2323

be- ra--um

ii 2424

-ba-a-am du-um--ú-a

1For further information on Nabû-dayyān-nišīšu and Ištar-lamassi-ummānīša (also called Ay-ibūr-šabû), respectively the processional streets of the god Nabû and the god Marduk, see p. 6 (with nn. 28–31) and the on-page note to Nbk. 2 (East India House) v 38–53.

2On ex. 2, col. ii begins with this line.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as