
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 032


  • Q005503
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 032
  • GMTR 4 C36



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Babylon
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nebuchadnezzar II


GMTR 4 C36

Nebuchadnezzar II 032

Column i
i 1i 1

dna-bi-um-ku-du-úr-ri-ú-ṣu-úr šar ba-bi-i-li.KI1

(i 1) Nebuchadnezzar (II), king of Babylon, true shepherd, favorite of the god Marduk, the exalted ruler who is the beloved of the god Nabû, the prince who is very attentive to the will of the gods Šamaš and Adad and who travels the road to well-being, the exalted leader who is always submissive to the god Erra the majestic one and (thus) cuts down his opponent(s), the one who knows good judgment, the one who constantly seeks out the sanctuaries of the god Zababa and the goddess Ištar, the pious (and) devout one selected by the steadfast heart(s) of the great gods,

i 22

RE.É.UM ki-i-nim mi-gi-ir₄ dAMAR.UTU

i 33

-ša-ak-ka ṣi-i-ri na-ra-am dna-bi-um

i 44

ru-bu-um ša a-na ṭè-e-mu dUTU ù dIŠKUR pi-tu-qu-ma il-la-ka ú-ru-uḫ šu-ul-mi

i 55

mas-su-um ṣi-i-ri ša a-na dèr-ra ša-ga-pu-ru ki-it-nu-šu-ma ú-ša-am-qa-tu ga-ri-ša

i 66

mu-du-um ta-šim-tim mu--te--ù áš-ra-a- dza-ba₄-ba₄ ù d-tar

i 77

na-a-dam mu--te-mi-qu i-tu-ut ku-un lìb-bi DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL

i 88

GÌR.NÍTA la a-ne-ḫa-am za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

(i 8) the indefatigable governor who provides for Esagil and Ezida, (the one who) with generously providing hands brings great gifts into Esagil, the valiant canal inspector who irrigates the fields, the true farmer who heaps up enormous piles of grain, the powerful (and) capable one who lavishly provides for the sanctuaries of the gods (and) firmly establishes sattukku-offering(s), the king who with broad counsel regularly ascends distant mountains and crosses high mountainous terrain, foremost heir of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, am I.

i 99

i-da-an za-ni-na-a-tim ba-bi-il i-gi-se-e ra--ù-tim a-na é-sag-íl

i 1010

.GAL-lam -ar-dam mu-ma-ak-ki-ri-im -ar-ba-a-tim

i 1111

ik-ka-ru ki-i-nim mu--ri-ni₇ ka-re-e bi-it-ru-ù-tim

i 1212

le--um it-pe-šu mu-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-da₄ e--re-e-ti DINGIR.DINGIR mu-ki-ni₇ sa-at-tu-uk-ka

i 1313

LUGAL ša i-na mi-il-ki ša-ad-li i-te-el-lu-ù ša-di-i-im -ru-ù-tim it-ta-ba-la-ak-ka-tu ḫur-sa-a-ni za-aq-ru-ù-tim

i 1414

IBILA a-ša-re-du ša dna-bi-um-IBILA-ú-ṣu-úr šar ba-bi-i-li.KI a-na-ku

i 1515

ì-nu-um dAMAR.UTU be-lam ra--ù dEN.LÍL DINGIR.DINGIR ša-qu-um muš-tar-ḫa

(i 15) When the god Marduk, the great lord, the Enlil of the gods, the (most) exalted (and) proud one, steadfastly named me and magnificently commissioned me to shepherd a widespread people, provide for the cult centers, (and) renovate sanctuaries, and the god Nabû, overseer of the totality of heaven and earth, his (Marduk’s) first-born son, the beloved of his heart, the one who loves my royal majesty (and) makes my reign firm, made his mighty weapons, which cannot be withstood, march at my side in order to cut down my enemies and to conquer my foes, I marched through the vast extent of mountains and lands from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and reckoned all of the lands as my own.

i 1616

ki-ni- ib-ba-an-ni-ma a-na re-é-ú- ni-šim ra-ap-ša-a-tim

i 1717

za-na-na₇ ma-ḫa-zi ù ud-du-šu e--re-e-ti ra-bi- ú-ma-ʾe-er-an-ni

i 1818

ù dna-bi-um pa--id ki--ša- ša--e ù er-ṣe-tim

i 1919

IBILA-šu re--ta-am na-ra-am li-ib-bi-ša

i 2020

ra--im šar-ru-ú-ti-ia mu-ki-ni₇ pa-le-e-a

i 2121

GIŠ.TUKUL.GIŠ.TUKUL-šu da-nu₄-tim ša la im-ma-aḫ-ḫa-ru a-na šu-um--tu a-a-bi-ia

i 2222

ù ka-ša-da₄ za-ʾi-i-ri-ia ú-ša-li-ka i-da-a-a

i 2323

-tu ti-a-am-tim e-li-tim a-di ti-a-am-tim ša-ap-li-tim

i 2424

se-ḫe-ep ša-di-i-im ù ma-ti-ta-an at-ta-al-la-ak-ma MA.DA.MA.DA ka-la-ši-na a-na i-di-ia am-na-am

i 2525

.GI .BABBAR ni--iq- NA₄.NA₄ šu-qu-ru-ù-tim GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN pa-ag-lu-tu

(i 25) I brought gold, silver, precious (and) valuable stone(s), thick (beams of) cedar, substantial tribute, lavish gifts, produce of all of the lands, (and) yield of the all of the inhabited settlements into the presence of the god Marduk, the great lord, the god who created me, and the god Nabû, his exalted heir, the one who loves my royal majesty, and I made (all of this) enter Esagil and Ezida.

i 2626

bi-il-tim ka-bi-it-tim i-gi-se-e šu-um-mu-ḫu bi-ši-im- ma-ti-ta-an ḫi-ṣi-ib ka-al da-ád-mi

i 2727

a-na ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU be-lam ra--ù i-li ba-nu-ú-a

i 2828

ù dna-bi-um IBILA-šu ṣi-i-ri na-ra-am šar-ru-ú-ti-ia

i 2929

ú-bi-lam-ma a-na é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da ú-še-ri-ba-am

i 3030

i-na é-sag-íl ki-ma ṣe-ra-áš-še É.GAL ša--e ù er-ṣe-tim at-ma-ni₇ šar-ru-ù-tim

(i 30) In Esagil, like ..., the palace of heaven and earth, the inner sanctum of kingship, I clad Eumuša, the cella of the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, Kaḫilisu, the cella of the goddess Zarpanītu, (and) Ezida, the residence of the god Lugaldimmerankia (and) the cella of the god Nabû of the forecourt, with bright gold as if (it was) šallaru-plaster and made (them) shine like daylight.

i 3131

é-umuš-a pa-pa-ḫi dEN.LÍL DINGIR.DINGIR dAMAR.UTU

i 3232

-ḫi-li- pa-pa-ḫi dzar-pa-ni-tum

i 3333

é-zi-da šu-ba-at dlugal-dìm-me-er-an-ki-a pa-pa-ḫi dna-bi-um ša ki-sa-al-lam

i 3434

.GI ša-al-la-ri- ú-ša-al-bi--ma ú-ša-an-bi-ṭu ki-ma u₄-um

i 3535

é-temen-an-ki zi-iq-<qu>-ra- ba-bi-i-li.KI e-li ša a-bi i--šu-um e--ši- e--

(i 35) (With regard to) Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon, I built (it) anew, more than my father had built.

i 3636

é-zi-da É ki-i-nim na-ra-am dAMAR.UTU a-na dna-bi-um IBILA ti-iz-qa-ru i-na ba-ar--.KI e--ši- e--

(i 36) (With regard to) Ezida, the true house, the beloved of the god Marduk, I built (it) anew in Borsippa for the god Nabû, the august heir. I plated tall cedars with bronze and installed (them) as its šīpus. I installed musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, thick cedars, (and) bright copper, more than can be gazed upon, inside its foundation(s).

i 3737

GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN ši-ḫu-ù-tim ZABAR ú-ḫa-al-li-ip-ma a-na ši-pi-i-ša à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an2

i 3838

GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA iṣ-ṣi da-ra-a GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN pa-ag-lu-ù-tim e-ra-am na-am-ra

i 3939

e-li ša in-na-aṭ-ṭa-lu à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an -er-ba -šu-šu

i 4040

a-na GIŠ.GAN.DU₇-šu GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN el-lu-ù-tim ú-ša-ar-ši-id-ma

(i 40) I secured bright cedars for its architrave(s) and reinforced their structure with reddish bronze. I clad thick (beams of) cedar that I had cut down with my pure hands in Lebanon, their forest, with reddish gold, decorated (them) with precious stone(s), and had (them) stretched out as the roof of Emaḫtila, the cella of the god Nabû, over the three of them. Above those (beams of) cedar, I put bright copper as if (it was) šallaru-plaster. Above the copper, I put wax over them as a (protective) casing.

i 4141

i-na ZABAR ḫu--ša-am ú-da-an-ni-nim ri-ik-si-šu-un

i 4242

GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN pa-ag-lu-ù-tim ša i-na --ti-šu-nu

i 4343

i-na qa-ti-ia el-le-e-tim ak-ki-sa-am .GI ru--ša-am ú-ša-al-bi--ma NA₄.NA₄ ni--iq-tim ú-za-ʾi-in-ma

i 4444

a-na ṣu-lu-lu é-maḫ-ti-la pa-pa-ḫi dna-bi-um pa-ni še-la-al-ti-šu-nu ú-ša-at-ri-iṣ

i 4545

e-la-nim GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN šu-nu-tim e-ra-am nam-ra ša-al-la-ri- à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an

i 4646

e-la-nim e-ri-i DUḪ.LÀL ki-ma up-pi ú-ki-in ṣe-ru--šu-un

i 4747

áš-šu-um zu-un-nim ù ra-a-du ti-ik AN-e e-li-šu-nu la šu-ub-ši-i

(i 47) In order to prevent (damage caused by) rain and downpour(s), shower(s) of rain above them, for a second time, I built a roof above them with hard cedar. I decorated the roof cedar(s) of six rooms (and) dalbānus of the cella of the god Nabû with shiny silver. I had thick (beams of) cedar stretched out as the roof of all of those rooms. I plated musukkannu-wood with bronze and set (them) up as stairs for its ascent.

i 4848

áš-ni-ma i-na GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN da-nu₄-tim e-li-šu-nu ṣu-lu-lu ab-nim

i 4949

ša 6 bi-ta-a- da-al-ba-na-a- pa-pa-ḫi dna-bi-um GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN ṣu-lu-lu-ši-na .BABBAR eb-bi ú-za-ʾi-in

i 5050

a-na ṣu-lu-lu bi-ta-a-tim ka-la-ši-na GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN pa-ag-lu-ù-tim ú-ša-at-ri-iṣ

i 5151

GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA ZABAR ú-ḫa-al-li-ip-ma a-na GIŠ.KUN₄.MEŠ -li-šu ú-ki-in

i 5252

AM.AM ek-du-tim -ti-iq URUDU.ḪI.A e-ep-ti-iq-ma

(i 52) I fashioned fierce wild bulls with cast copper, clad (them) with an overlay of gold, decorated (them) with precious stone(s), and stationed (them) at the door-jamb(s) of the gate of the cella. I clad the door-jamb(s), door bolt(s), bolt(s), door(s), crossbeam(s), architrave(s), (and) giššakanakkus of the gate of the cella with reddish gold.

i 5353

ti-i-ru .GI ú-la-ab-bi--ma NA₄.NA₄ ni--iq-tim ú-za-ʾi-in-ma i-na si-ip--e pa-pa-ḫi -zi-iz

i 5454

ZAG.DU₈ ši-ga-ri -de-lu GIŠ.IG GIŠ.IG GIŠ.tal-lu GIŠ.GAN.DU₇ giš-šà--na-ku ša pa-pa-ḫi .GI ḫu--ša-am ú-ša-al-bi-

i 5555

i-na à-gu-úr-ru .BABBAR eb-bi ta-al-la-ak- pa-pa-ḫi ù ma-la-ak É ú-nam-mir3

(i 55) Using bricks of shiny silver, I made the accessway to the cella and the course to the temple shine. I inlaid doors of musukkannu-wood and cedar with shiny silver. I installed bright alabaster as their pivot-stones and fixed (them) in all of their gates.

Column ii
ii 1ii 1


ii 22

NA₄.GIŠ.NU₁₁.GAL-lum na-am-ru-ù-tim a-na bur-ṣi-ma-a--ši-na à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an-ma e-ma . ka-la-ši-na ú-ra-at-ta

ii 33

du-ú-um BÁRA.BÁRA as-ku-up-pa-a-tim ù nu-ku--še-e i-na za-ḫa-le-e el-lam ab-ni-ma ki-sa-al-la₄ é-zi-da ki-ma u₄-um ú-na-am-mi-ir

(ii 3) I made throne platform(s), daises, threshold(s), and nukuššû-fittings with shiny zaḫalû-metal and made the forecourt of Ezida shine like daylight.

ii 44

GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN ṣu-lu-lu -umuš-a mu-ṣe-e -re-bu ma-ru be-lam DINGIR.DINGIR .BABBAR eb-bi ú-ša-al-bi-

(ii 4) I clad the roof cedar(s) of Kaumuša, the exit (and) entry of the son of the lord of the gods, with shiny silver. I clad its door-jamb(s), door bolt(s), crossbeam(s), architrave(s), giššakanakkus, arch(es), and vaults with shiny silver and stationed fierce wild bulls of silver at its door-jamb(s). I made that gate, (which is used) as the exit (and) entry of the son of the lord of the gods, the god Nabû, who goes in procession to the interior of Šuanna (Babylon), shine like daylight.

ii 55

ZAG.DU₈.MEŠ-šu ši-ga-ru-šu GIŠ.tal-lu GIŠ.GAN.DU₇ giš-šà--na-ku si-il-lu ù SIG₇.IGI.

ii 66

.BABBAR eb-bi ú-ša-al-bi--ma AM.AM .BABBAR ek-du-tim i-na si-ip--e-šu -zi-iz

ii 77

šu-a-tim a-na a-ṣe-e ù e-re-bu ša ma-ru be-lam DINGIR.DINGIR dna-bi-um

ii 88

ša i-ša-ad-di-ḫu-um a-na -er-bu-um šu-an-na.KI ú-na-am-mi-ir ki-ma u₄-um

ii 99

BÁRA ši-ma-a-tim šu-ba-at dna-bi-um qar-du ma-ru ru--e ša i-na ZAG.MUK re- ša-at?-[tim?] UD.5.KAM UD.11.KAM i-na a-la-ku ù ta-a-ru ša ba-bi-i-li.[KI]

(ii 9) (With regard to) the Dais of Destinies, the seat of the god Nabû, the valiant son of the prince, on which the god Nabû the triumphant heir takes up residence during the New Year’s festival, (at) the beginning of the year, (on) the fifth day (and on) the eleventh day, when going to and returning from Babylon, I fashioned (it) with a casting of shiny silver and had it fir[ml]y placed in front of that gate (Kaumuša). I installed (it) as decoration.

ii 1010

dna-bi-um IBILA šit-lu-ṭu i-ra-am-mu-ú ṣe-ru--[šu]

ii 1111

-ti-iq .BABBAR eb-bi e-ep-ti-iq-ma i-na -ḫe-er₄ šu-a-tim ú-ki-[in]-šu à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an a-na si-ma-a-tim

ii 1212

AM.AM .BABBAR nam-ru-ù-tu i-na si-ip--e . é-zi-da -zi-iz

(ii 12) I stationed bright wild bulls of silver in the door-jamb(s) of the gates of Ezida. With all of my faithful heart, I constantly sought out the inscription(s) of that temple and I decorated its structure with gold, silver, precious stone(s), copper, musukkannu-wood and cedar. I decorated the structure of Ezida as beautifully as the stars (lit. “writings”) of the [hea]vens. None of the kings of the past had made its structure radiant as me. I magnificently did something for the god Nabû, my lord, that no king among the (former) king(s) had built. During joyous celebrations, I made the god Nabû and the goddess Nanāya, my lords, reside inside it (on) a seat of happiness.

ii 1313

i-na gi-mi-ir li-ib-bi-ia ki-i-nim ši-ṭè-er₄ É šu-a-tim áš-te--e-ma

ii 1414

i-na .GI .BABBAR NA₄.NA₄ ni--iq-tim e-ra-am GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA ù GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN ú-za-ʾi-in ši-ki-in-ša

ii 1515

ši-ki-it- é-zi-da ki-ma ši-ṭe-er- [ša]-ma-mi ú-ba-an-ni-ma

ii 1616

ma-na-ma LUGAL ša ma-aḫ-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma la ú-šá-an-bi-ṭu ši-ki-in-ša

ii 1717

ša ma-na-ma LUGAL i-na LUGAL la ib-nu-ù a-na dAG be-li-ia ra-bi- e--

ii 1818

dna-bi-um ù dna-na-a be-le-e-a i-na ḫi-da-a-tim ù ri-ša-a-tim

ii 1919

šu-ba-at ṭu-ub li-ib-bi -er-ba-šu ú-še-ši-ib

ii 2020

dna-bi-um-ku-du-úr-ri-ú-ṣu-úr šar ba-bi-i-li.KI

(ii 20) Nebuchadnezzar (II), king of Babylon, the one who constantly seeks out the sanctuaries of the gods Nabû and Marduk, am I.

ii 2121

mu--te--ù áš-ra-a- dna-bi-um ù dAMAR.UTU be-le-e-a a-na-ku

ii 2222

ba-bi-i-li.KI ma-ḫa-zi be-lam ra--ù dAMAR.UTU im-gu-úr-d50 ù --et--d50 BÀD.BÀD-šu ra--ù-tim

(ii 22) (With regard to) Babylon, the cult center of the great lord, the god Marduk: (As for) Imgur-Enlil and Nēmetti-Enlil, its great walls, whose foundations Nabopolassar, the king of Babylon, my father who engendered me, had built, which he had surrounded twice with embankment(s) of bitumen and baked brick, but whose construction he had not finished, as for me, his first-born son, the beloved of his heart, I raised the superstructures of those walls and completed their construction. I stationed fierce wild bulls of copper and raging mušḫuššu-dragons at their door-jamb(s).

ii 2323

ša dna-bi-um-IBILA-ú-ṣu-úr šar ba-bi-i-li.KI a-bi ba-nu-ù-a ib-nu-ù -šu-šu-un

ii 2424

ka-a-ru ESIR.UD.<DU>.A ù à-gu-úr-ru a-di ši-ni-ša ú-ša-al-mi-šu-nu-ti-ma la ú-ša-ak-li-lam ši-pi₅-ir₄-šu-un?

ii 2525

ia-a-tim IBILA-šu re--ta-am na-ra-am li-ib-bi-ša BÀD.BÀD šu-nu-tim ú-ša-aq-qa-am re-ša-a-šú-un ú-ša-ak-li-lam ši-pi₅-ir₄-šu-un

ii 2626

i-na ZAG.DU₈.MEŠ .GAL.MEŠ-ša AM.AM URUDU.ḪI.A ek-du-tim ù muš-ḫuš-šu še-zu-zu-ù-tim -zi-iz

ii 2727

ab-ni-ma ka-a-ru ša-al-šu di-ma-a-tim a-ṣa-a-tim e-li te-me-en-nim ma-aḫ-ra-am4

(ii 27) I built a third embankment with towers (and) piers. I went lower than the ancient foundation(s) and firmly placed its foundation(s) on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld. I adjoined that embankment to the embankment that my father had constructed and I raised its superstructure as high as a mountain.

ii 2828

ú-ša-ap--il-ma i-na i-ra- ki-gal-lam ú-ki-in -šu-šu-um

ii 2929

ka-a-ru šu-a-tim it-ti ka-a-ru a-bi i--šu à-sa-ni-iq-ma re-ši-šu ša-da-ni- ú-za-aq--ir

ii 3030

ka-a-ru a-ra-aḫ-tim BAL.RI dUTU.È.A -tu .GAL-d-tar a-di .GAL-<d>ú-ra-áš

(ii 30) (With regard to) the embankment of the Araḫtu (River) on the eastern bank from the gate of the goddess Ištar to the gate of the <god> Uraš, the piers of baked brick on the other side of the Euphrates (River), and outer moat embankment on the western bank that my father who had engendered me had built and installed as protection, I built the embankment of the Araḫtu (River) on the eastern bank and the moat embankment on the western bank and I adjoined (them) to the embankment(s) that my father had constructed. I installed their foundation(s) on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld and raised their superstructure(s) as high as mountain(s).

ii 3131

ma-ka-a-tim a-gur-ru e--er- pu-ra-at-tim ù ka-a-ru ḫi-ri-tim ki-da-nim BAL.RI dUTU.ŠÚ.A ša a-bi ba-nu-ù-a i--šu-ma -ku-num a-na ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-tim

ii 3232

ú-še---ma ka-a-ru a-ra-aḫ-tim BAL.RI dUTU.È.A ù ka-a-ru ḫi-ri-tim ki-da-nim BAL.RI dUTU.ŠÚ.A

ii 3333

it-ti ka-a-ru a-bi i--šu à-sa-ni-iq-ma i-ši-id-su-un i-na i-ra- er-ṣe-tim ú-ša-ar-mi-ma re-ša-a-šu-nu ki-ma ša-di-i-im lu ú-ul-la

ii 3434

GIŠ.-umuš-a e-lep dAMAR.UTU a-na ši-ta-ad-du-ḫi-im pu-ra-at-tim ù ú-ru-uḫ a-ki-tum

(ii 34) (With regard to) Maumuša, the barge of the god Marduk for going in procession (on) the Euphrates (River) and (on) the way to the akītu(-house), in which the prince, [the god Marduk], goes in procession at the beginning of the year, I cla[d] its rigging, fore and aft, with reddish gold and decorated it with precious stone(s).

ii 3535

ša i-na re- ša-at-tim i-na -er-bi-ša i-ša-ad-di-ḫa-am ru-bu-um [dAMAR.UTU?]

ii 3636

bi-na-tu-šu pa-na ù ár-ki-im .GI ru--ša-am ú-ša-al-bi--ma NA₄.NA₄ ni--iq-tim ú-za-ʾi-in-šu

ii 3737

GIŠ.-íd-da-ḫé-du₇ e-lep dna-bi-um i-na pa-ša-al-li na-am-ra

(ii 37) (With regard to) Maidḫedu, the barge of the god Nabû, I decorated the zāratu-feature(s) and both of its karûs with bright pašallu-gold and precious (and) bright stones. For going to Šuanna (Babylon) and returning to Borsippa (during the festival) of the New Year, I firmly established (it) for the son of the lord of the gods.

ii 3838

ù ni--iq- NA₄.NA₄ el-lu-ù-tim GIŠ.za-ra-tim ù GIŠ.GUR₇.MEŠ-šu ki-la-al-la-an ú-za-ʾi-in-ma

ii 3939

a-na a-la-ku šu-an-na.KI ù ta-a-ru bár-sipa.KI ša ZAG.MUK

ii 4040

a-na ma-ru be-lam DINGIR.DINGIR lu ú-ki-in

ii 4141

é-maḫ É dnin-maḫ é-GIŠ.níg-gidru-kalam-ma-sum-mu É dna-bi-um ša ḫa-re-e5

(ii 41) (With regard to) Emaḫ, the temple of the goddess Ninmaḫ, Eniggidrukalamasuma, the temple of the god Nabû of the ḫarû, Eḫursagsikila, the temple of the goddess Ninkarrak, Egišnugal, the temple of the god Sîn on the eastern bank, Enamḫe, the temple of the god Adad, Edikukalama, the temple of the god Šamaš, (and) Ekitušgarza, the temple of the goddess Bēlet-Eanna on the western bank, I built (them) anew in Babylon and raised up their superstructure(s).

ii 4242

é-ḫur-sag-sikil-la É dnin-kar-ra-ak-a é-giš-nu₁₁-gal É d30 BAL.RI dUTU.È.A

ii 4343

é-nam-ḫé É dIŠKUR é-di-ku₅-kalam-ma É dUTU é-ki-tuš-garza É dNIN-é-an-na BAL.RI dUTU.ŠÚ.A

ii 4444

i-na TIN.TIR.KI e--ši- ab-ni-ma ul-la-a-am re-ša-a-ši-in

ii 4545

a-na ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar- TIN.TIR.KI du-un-nu-nim ša ul-tu pa-nim ma-am-ma-an la i--šu-um

(ii 45) To strengthen the protection of Babylon, (I did something) that no one from the past had done: 4,000 cubits distance outside the city, I crea[ted] and built a fortified wall, and (then) I surrounded the eastern bank of Babylon (with it). I dug out its moat and reached the water table.

ii 4646

4 LIM KÙŠ --ru i-ta-a- a-lam ú-ša-az-zi-[iz]-ma

ii 4747

ab-ni-ma BÀD da-núm BAL.RI dUTU.È.A TIN.TIR.KI ú-ša-as-ḫi-ir₄

ii 4848

ḫi-ri-is-su aḫ-ru-uṣ-ma šu-pu-ul me-e ak-šu-ud

ii 4949

i-na ki-ib-ri-ša ka-a-ru pa-ag-lu-ù-tim i-na ku-up-ru ù a-gur-ru

(ii 49) (With regard to) the thick embankments that my father who had engendered (me) had built twice using bitumen and baked brick, but the rest (of which) he did not complete, as for me, using bitumen and baked brick, I built a strong embankment with towers (and) piers and I adjoined (it) to the embankment(s) that my father had built, thereby broadening (the width of) the embankments, (all) three of them, to twenty-five cubits. I heaped (them) up (with earthen mounds) like the base of a mountain and (then) raised up their superstructure(s).

ii 5050

ša a-di ši-ni-ša a-bi a-li-dam i--šu-ma la ú-ša-ak-li-lam si-it-ta-a-tim

ii 5151

ia-a-tim ka-a-ru da-núm di-ma-a-tim a-ṣa-a-tim i-na ku-up-ru ù a-gur-ru ab-ni-ma

ii 5252

it-ti ka-a-ru a-bi i--šu à-sa-ni-iq-ma ka-a-ru še-la-al-ti-šu-nu

ii 5353

24 KÙŠ ú-ša-an-di-il-ma ki-ma ši-pi-ik ša-di-i-im

ii 5454

à-áš-ta-ap-pa-ak-ma ú-ša-qa-am re-ša-a-šu-un

ii 5555

ṭa-a-bi-su--úr-šu BÀD ba-ar--.KI ša a-bi ba-nu-ù-a ú-ki-in-nim -šu-šu-um6

(ii 55) (With regard to) Ṭābi-supūršu, the wall of Borsippa, whose foundation(s) my father who engendered me had firmly established, which he had surrounded with an embankment of bitumen and baked brick, and whose structure he had reinforced, I raised the superstructure of that wall (and) completed its construction. I dug out its moat and had it surrounded with far-reaching water. I built the embankment(s) of the quay using bitumen and baked brick and (then) ... with the embankment that my father had built. I firmly placed its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld.

ii 5656

ka-a-ru ESIR.UD.<DU>.A ù à-gu-úr-ru ú-ša-al-mu-šu-ma ú-da-an-ni-nam ri-ik-su-šu

ii 5757

BÀD šu-a-tim ú-ša-qa-am re-ša-a-ša ú-ša-ak-li-lam ši-pi₅-ir₄-šu

ii 5858

ḫi-ri-is-su aḫ-ru-uṣ-ma me-e da-nu₄-tim ú-ša-al-mi-

ii 5959

ka-a-ru ki-ib-ri-ša i-na ku-up-ru ù à-gu-úr-ru ab-ni-ma

ii 6060

it-ti ka-a-ru a-bi i--šu ú-šá-la-ḫi-ma i-ši-id-su i-na i-ra- ki-gal-lam ú-ki-in te-me-en-ša

ii 6161

a-na dDUMU-É be-lam a-li-ku ma-aḫ-ri-ia mu-ša-ab-bi-ir ka-ak-ku na-ak-ri-ia7

(ii 61) For the god Mār-Bīti, the lord who marches before me, the one who breaks the weapon(s) of my enemies, I built his temple anew in Borsippa.

ii 6262

É-su i-na ba-ar--.KI e--ši- e--

ii 6363

a-na dnin-kar-ra-ak-a šu-e-ti ba-la-ṭu ga-mi-la-at na---ti-ia

(ii 63) For the goddess Ninkarrak, the lady of life who spares my life, the one who resides in Etila, I built Etila, her temple, anew in Borsippa.

ii 6464

a-ši-ba-at é-ti-la é-ti-la É-su i-na ba-ar--.KI e--ši- e--

ii 6565

a-na dnin-kar-ra-ak-a ru-ba-at ṣi-ir-tim mu-ša-ar-ba-ta zi-ik-ru šar-ru-ú-ti-ia

(ii 65) For the goddess Ninkarrak, the exalted princess who makes the mention of my royal majesty surpassing, the one who resides in Egula, I built Egula, her temple, anew in Borsippa.

ii 6666

a-ši-ba-at é-gu-la é-gu-la É-su i-na ba-ar--.KI e--ši- e--

ii 6767

a-na dnin-kar-ra-ak-a be-el-tim ra--tim mu-ba-al-li-ṭá-at na-piš-ti-ia

(ii 67) For the goddess Ninkarrak, the great lady who preserves my life, the one who resides in Ezibatila, I built Ezibatila, her temple, anew in Borsippa.

ii 6868

a-ši-ba-at é-zi-ba-ti-la é-zi-ba-ti-la É-su i-na ba-ar--.KI e--ši- e--

ii 6969

ša d.ERI₁₁.GAL be-lam ka-su-ú i-di za-ʾi-i-ri-ia GIŠ.IG.GIŠ.IG . É-šu é-mes-lam .BABBAR eb-bi ú-za-ʾi-in8

(ii 69) For the god Nergal, the lord who binds the arms of my enemies, I decorated the doors of the gates of his temple, Emeslam, with shiny silver. I fashioned the threshold(s), nukuššû-fittings, (and) lower doors with a casting of shiny silver [and] I installed [... for (its) r]oof. [To strengthen] the protection of Emes[lam], I built anew [the walls surround]ing Emeslam and its buildings, which are in front of [the forecourt], [as (it had been) in ancient tim]es.

ii 7070

as-ku-up-pi ù nu-ku--še-e GIŠ.IG.GIŠ.IG ša-ap-lu-ù-tim

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

-ti-iq .BABBAR eb-bi e-ep-ti-iq-[ma (...) a-na ṣu]-lu-li à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an

iii 22

ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar- é-mes-[lam a-na du-un-nu-nim i-ga-ri si-ḫi]-ir- é-mes-lam

iii 33

ù É.MEŠ-ša ša pa-ni KISAL [ki-ma la--ri-im]-ma e--ši- e--

iii 44

ka-a-ru ḫi-ri- .DU₈.A.KI [i-na ku-up]-ru ù à-gu-úr-ru a-lam a-na ki-da-nim [ú]-ša-as-ḫi-ir

(iii 4) (With regard to) the moat embankment(s) of Cutha, [I] had the city surrounded on the outside [using bitum]en and baked brick.

iii 55

é-babbar-ra É dUTU ša ZIMBIR.KI é-ul-la É dnin-[kar-ra]-ak-a ša ZIMBIR.[KI]9

(iii 5) (With regard to) Ebabbar, the temple of the god Šamaš of Sippar, Eulla, the temple of the goddess Nin[karr]ak of Sippar, Edurgina, the temple of [the god Bēl]-ṣarbi, which is in Bāṣ, E-ibbi-Anum, [the temple of the god Uraš] of Dilbat, [E]igikalama, the temple of the god Lugal-Marda of Marad, Ean[na], the temple of the goddess []tar of Uruk, Ebabbar, the temple of the god Šamaš of Larsa, (and) Egišnu[gal], the temple of the god Sîn of Ur, the sanctuaries of the great gods, I steadfastly sought (them) out.

iii 66

é-dúr-gi-na É [dLUGAL]-ÁSAL ša [i]-na ba-aṣ.KI

iii 77

é-i--da-nu [É duraš] ša dil-bat.KI [é]-igi-kalam-ma É dlugal-már-da ša már-da.KI

iii 88

é-an-[na] É d[-tar] ša [UNUG].KI é-babbar-ra É dUTU ša larsa.[KI]

iii 99

é-giš-nu₁₁-[gal] É d30 ša úri.[KI]

iii 1010

e--re-e-ti DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL ki-ni- à-áš-te--e-[ma]

iii 1111

pa-ni --ru ú-ša-ap--il-ma te-me-en-ši-na la--ri a-ḫi-iṭ [aḫ-re-e-ma]

(iii 11) I dug out the surface of the earth and (then) I examined (and) [checked] their original foundation(s). I completed th[eir] construction on their (original) foundation(s), which king(s) of the past had previously firmly established. During joyous celebrations, I made the great gods who reside inside them take up residence inside them, (in) their [exalted] seat(s).

iii 1212

e-li te-me-en-ni-ši-na ša LUGAL pa-nim ma-aḫ-ra-a ú-ki-in-[nu?] ú-ša-ak-li-lam ši-pi₅-ir₄-<<x>>-ši-[in]

iii 1313

DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL a-ši-ib li-ib-bi-ši-in i-na ḫi-da-a-tim ù [ri-ša]-a-tim

iii 1414

-er-ba-šu-un ú-ša-ar-ma-a šu-ba-at-su-un [ṣi-ir]-tim

iii 1515

a-na dAMAR.UTU be-li-ia pa-al-ḫi- ú-ta-qu [URU].URU GAL.GAL

(iii 15) I paid reverent attention to the god Marduk, my lord. (With regard to his) great cities, Babylon, a city worthy of his praise, and Borsippa, a city of his ..., I reinforced their foundation(s) and ... (to) strength[en the protec]tion of Esagil and Ezida. I made (them) bigger than before. I established (them) for the beginning of the year.

iii 1616

ba-bi-i-li.KI a-lam ta-na-da-a-ti-ša ù ba-ar--.KI a-lam x x x-ti-ša

iii 1717

ú-da-an-ni-in-ma SUḪUŠ?-šu du-un-nu-[nim] ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-

iii 1818

é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da x x x--ma

iii 1919

e-li ša u₄-um pa-nim ú-ša-ti-ru a-na re- šat?-tim à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an

iii 2020

zi-in-na-a- é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da te-di-- ba-bi-i-li.KI ù ba-ar-[]-.KI

(iii 20) I did the utmost regarding the provisioning of Esagil and Ezida (and) the renovation of Babylon and Bor[si]ppa, which [I had] done to surpass (all) that (had been done) in the past. (With regard to) providing for the sanctuaries of the great gods, more than the kings, my ancestors, had written about, I wrote down all of my splendid [d]eeds on [foundation docume]nt(s) and I deposited (them) for ever after.

iii 2121

ša e-li ša maḫ-ri [ú]-ša-ti-qu-ma áš-ku-nim a-na re-še-e-tim

iii 2222

za-na-an e--re-e- DINGIR.DINGIR ra--ú-<ti> ša LUGAL.MEŠ ab--e-a ú-ša-ṭì-ru

iii 2323

ka-la [e]-ep-še-tu-ú-a šu-qu-ra-a-tim i-na [NA₄]..A à-áš-ṭu-úr-ma

iii 2424

ú-ki-in aḫ-ra-ta-áš

iii 2525

ka-la e-ep-še-tu-ú-a ša i-na NA₄..A à-áš-ṭu-[ru]

(iii 25) (With regard to) all of my deeds that I had written do[wn] on foundation document(s), that ... of the god Marduk, my lord, and the god Nabû, his true heir, ... I always follow after them, the great gods acce[pted] them with pleasure [and ...] ... [...] ... By their [exalted] command, (with regard to) the far-off lands, my father who en[gendered me ...] ... [...] their [...]. May the learned [repeatedly re]ad (them) and always re[me]mber [the praise of the gods].

iii 2626

ša? x x x tim? dAMAR.UTU be-li-ia ù dna-bi-um IBILA-šu ki-[(i)]-nim

iii 2727

[x] AM? GU? MA? at-ta-al-la-ka-am à-ar-ki-šu-un

iii 2828

šu-nu-ma DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL ḫa-di- im-gu?-[ru-ma? x x] x ri? ik? ù na [x x] az? a-na [...] ḫu/ri šu un? [(x)]

iii 2929

i-na -bi-ti-šu-nu [ṣi-ir-ti MA.DA.MA].DA ru-qa-a-tim

iii 3030

a-bi ba-[nu-ú-a x x] x x x [...]-si-in

iii 3131

mu-da-am li-[ta-am-ma]-ar-ma [ta-nit-ti DINGIR.MEŠ] li-iḫ-ta-as-sa-as

iii 3232

e-pe-šu ma-ḫa-zi DINGIR.DINGIR ù d.TAR [ša] EN [ra-]-ù dAMAR.UTU

(iii 32) (With regard to) the construction in the cult centers of the gods and goddesses [that the gr]eat [lord], the god Marduk, had [comm]issioned to me and (my) heart prompted me (to do), [I] reverent[ly worked on it without inte]rr[u]ption (and) I comple[ted] its [wor]k.

iii 3333

ú-[ma]-a-ar-an-ni-ma ú-ša-ad-ka-an-nim li-ib-ba-am

iii 3434

pa-al-ḫi-[ la a-ba]-aṭ-ṭi-il-šu ú-ša-al-la-[am ši]-pi₅-ir₄-šu

iii 3535

ì-nu-mi-šu [i?]-na? li?-mi- x x [(x)] x É [dAG?] ša? ki-sa-al-lam

(iii 35) At that time, [... i]n the vicinity of ..., the temple of [the god Nabû] of the forecourt, [...] ... inside it, which a king of the p[as]t [...] its [foundati]on(s) had buckled, the awning that [...] had become old, I [str]ove [to stre]ngthen [its] protect[ion] and ... [...] its wall(s) [...] its wall(s) I set (my mind) and I restored its dilapidated walls and ... its walls. I deposited (my foundation documents therein) [for ever] af[ter].

iii 3636

[...] x x x [x x] na an an i-na -er-bi?-ša

iii 3737

ša LUGAL ma-[aḫ-ri ... te-me-en]-ni-ša i-qu-pu-um

iii 3838

si-ru ša [...] il-li-ki-im la-ba-ri-

iii 3939

ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-[ti-šu a-na du]-un-nu-nim à-[áš]-te--e-ma

iii 4040

i-ga-ru-ša mi?/di? ti [x x] x [... i]-ga-ru-ša? ub-la-am-ma

iii 4141

i-ga-ru-šu an-ḫu-tu ú--áš-ši-ḫu-ma x i-<<ga?>>-ga-ru-<<x>>-ša ú-bi-il-ma

iii 4242

ú-ki-in [aḫ-ra]-ta-[ ka]-la

(iii 42b) [I wrote] do[wn all] of my splendid deeds [on foundation document(s)] and for ... the god Muṣibbasâ [...] ... [...], the strong (and) magnificent one, the valiant one who [...] my splendid handiwork for [...] ... may everything that I have built endure and not ... so that I always walk in Esagil and Ezida in fav[or].

iii 4343

e-ep-še-tu-ú-a šu-qu-ra-a-tim [i-na NA₄.NA..A à-áš]-ṭu-[úr]-ma

iii 4444

a-na? x [x x] x dmu-ṣi-ib-ba-sa₄-[a ...] x x [...] x x x [(x)]

iii 4545

ga-áš-ru ši-it-ra-ḫu qar-du ša? à?-[...] x [x x]

iii 4646

li--it -ti-ia šu-qu-ru a-na da?-[x x] x [...] x ri?

iii 4747

mi-im--e e-te-ep-pu-ša li-ku-un-šu?-ma? la ma--tùm x (x) am?

iii 4848

i-na -re-eb é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

iii 4949

lu-ut-ta-al-la-ak i-na dam-qa-a-[tim?]

iii 5050

i-na GIŠ.LE.U₅.UM-ka ki-i-nim mu-ši-im ši-ma-a- DINGIR.DINGIR [GAL.GAL?]

(iii 50) Upon your reliable writing board, the one that determines the destinies of the [great] gods, grant me a life of long days, the attainment of very old age, years of happiness, a prosper[ous] reign, a firmly-secured throne, everlast[ing] kingship, (and) exercisi[ng] dominion over all of the black-headed (people) so that I may endure forever.

iii 5151

ba-la-ṭa₄ UD.MEŠ ru-qu-ú-tu še--e li-it-tu-ú-tu

iii 5252

MU.AN.NA.MEŠ ḫu-ud li-ib-bi pa-le-e bu-ʾa-a-[ri]

iii 5353

ku-un-ni₇ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ú-tu du-ra da-[ri]

iii 5454

be-lu-tu ṣa-al-ma-at --di ka-la-ši-na e-pe-[šu]

iii 5555

a-na ši-ri-ik-tim šu-úr-ka-am-ma lu-ku-un a-na du-úr UD.[MEŠ]

iii 5656

a-ma-at du-um- i-ša-ar-tim ša e-li-ka ṭa-a-bi šu-ub-ša-am? i-na li-ib-bi-[ia]

(iii 56) Make propitious (and) just words, which are pleasing to you, be present in [my] heart. Whatever you make appear in my heart, whenever [my] heart sings about (it), may my hands perform (it). In the presence of the god Marduk, the father who engendered you, and the goddess Erua, the queen, your birth mother, spe[ak] with favor about my precious deeds.

iii 5757

mi-im-mu-ú i-na li-ib-bi-ia tu-ša-ab-šu-ú e-ma li-ib?-bi-[x (x)] ú-za-am-ma-ru li-pu-ša qa-ta-a-a

iii 5858

i-na ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU a-bi ba-ni-ka

iii 5959

ù de₄-ru₆-ú-a šar-ra-tum um-ma a-li-it-ti-ka?

iii 6060

e-ep-še-tu-ú-a šu-qu-ra-a-tim a-na da-mi-iq-tim ti-iz-[ka-ar]

iii 6161

li-ri-ku UD.MEŠ-ú-a li-ku-nim pa-lu-ù-[a]

(iii 61) May my days be long and [my] reign stable so that I may shepherd the black-head[ed (people)] (and) rule over all of [the peo]ple.

iii 6262

lu-pu--ma re-é-ú- ṣa-al-ma-at --di-[im]

iii 6363

lu--lam ka-al [ni]-ši?

1Compare the similar prologue in the C38 text (i i–iii 70a), as well as the shorter, earlier prologues in Nbk. 31 (C33) i 1–iii 4, C32 i 1–iii 11, and C37 i 1–iii 12.

2à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an “I installed”: This unusual way of writing first common singular verbal forms is presently attested only in this inscription. à-áš-ta-ak-ka-an-(ma) is also used in i 39, 45, ii 2, 11, iii 1, and 19. Compare à-sa-ni-iq-ma in ii 29 and 52, à-áš-ta-ap-pa-ak-ma in ii 54, à-áš-te--e-ma in iii 10 and 39, and à-áš-ṭu-úr-ma in iii 23 and 43. This is not a common usage of the PI sign at the beginning of words in Neo-Babylonian inscriptions.

3à-gu-úr-ru “baked brick”: Writing agurru with à (PI), instead of the expected a is also attested in ii 24, 56, 59, and iii 4 of this text, as well as in Nbk. 14 (C213/200) i 17, and Nbk. 16 (C25) i 17 and 26.

4The prologue of the C38 text (i 96b–19) does not mention Nebuchadnezzar II constructing a third embankment around the walls of Babylon. The reference to this accomplishment in this inscription might indicate that the present text is later in date than the C38 inscription. Additional evidence might be found in the passage reporting the details of the king’s work on Ṭābi-supūršu (the city wall of Borsippa), together with its moat and embankment walls; compare ii 55–60 with C38 ii 53–55.

5The same list of temples is mentioned in the C37 (i 43–53) and C38 (ii 32–39a) texts. Compare the shorter lists in Nbk. 31 (C33) ii 6–11 and C32 ii 10–15; those inscriptions only mention Emaḫ, Eniggidrukalamasuma, Enamḫe, and Ekitušgarza. The inclusion of Emaḫ, Eniggidrukalamasuma, Eḫursagsikila, and Ekitušgarza in this text probably suggests that the present inscription was composed later than Nbk. 29 (C21), 30 (C39), 34 (C214), 46 (B 12), and 47 (B 4).

6See the on-page note to ii 27–29.

7The prologues of the C37 (ii 41–51) and C38 (ii 58b–74) inscriptions also mention that Nebuchadnezzar II worked on the unnamed Mār-Bīti temple and the three Gula/Ninkarrak temples (Etila, Egula, and Ezibatila). Nbk. 31 (C33) ii 26–27 and C32 ii 31–32 only mention the king’s rebuilding of the Mār-Bīti temple; both of those texts are earlier in date. The inclusion of Etila probably suggests that this text was composed after the C022 and C023 inscriptions.

8The prologue of the C38 text (ii 75–iii 3) also records Nebuchadnezzar II’s work at Cutha. Note that that inscription also records the rebuilding of Ešurugal, the temple of the goddess Ereškigal. That passage’s omission in the present text might have been due to space considerations.

9The exact same list of temples is mentioned in the C38 text (iii 4–25). A similar list is in C37 (ii 59–71); that text omits Eulla since the construction of that temple is the subject of the main building report. Compare the shorter list of temples in Nbk. 31 (C33) ii 28–38 and C32 ii 33–46. Those inscriptions do not mention Eulla at Sippar and Eigikalama at Marad. The inclusion of the two Ebabbars, Eulla, Eigikalama, and Eanna probably suggests that this inscription was composed after the C24, C211, C31, and C310 texts.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7 sub=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1 list=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1/1-z4-p2.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/ribo/babylon7/outlined.lst/1/1-z4.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005503 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005503 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005503/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/ribo/babylon7/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=subgenre sort_labels=subgenre head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,popular_name,language,provenience,object_type cat_links=(null) cat_widths=20,30,15,15,20

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=de en nlangs=2 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=Q005503 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=ribo/babylon7 htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005503/Q005503.html dotted=(null) index=126 page=6 pindex=1 zoom=4 zpag=2 zindex=32 prev=Q005502 next=Q005504 tmax=(null) xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/ribo/babylon7/Q005/Q005503/Q005503.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/ribo/babylon7/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=127


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