Nebuchadnezzar II 031

Column i
i 1i 1

dna-bi-um-ku-dúr-ri-ú-ṣu-úr šar ba-bi-lam.KI

(i 1) Nebuchadnezzar (II), king of Babylon, pious prince, favorite of the god Marduk, the exalted ruler who is the beloved of the god Nabû, the indefatigable governor who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who is always submissive to the gods Nabû and Marduk, his lords, and who acts as their servant, the pious (and) devout one selected by the steadfast heart(s) of the great gods, foremost heir of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, am I.

i 22

[ru]-ba-a-am na-a-dam mi-gi-ir₄ dAMAR.UTU

i 33

-ša-ak-ku ṣi-i-ri na-ra-am dna-bi-um

i 44

ša-ak-ka-na-ku la a-ne-ḫa

i 55

za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

i 66

ša a-na dna-bi-um ù dAMAR.UTU EN.MEŠ-šu

i 77

ki-it-nu-šu-ma ip-pu-šu re-e-šu-su-un

i 88

na-a-dam mu--te-mi-qu i-tu-ti ku-un ŠÀ DINGIR GAL.GAL

i 99

IBILA a-ša-re-du ša dAG-IBILA-ú-ṣu-úr

i 1010

šar ba-bi-lam.KI a-na-ku

i 1111

ì-nu-um dAMAR.UTU EN ra--ù ki-ni- ib-ba-an-ni-ma

(i 11) When the god Marduk, the great lord, steadfastly named me and magnificently commissioned me to keep the land in good order, shepherd the people, provide for the cult centers, (and) renovate sanctuaries, I paid reverent attention to the god Marduk, my lord.

i 1212

MA.DA šu-te-šu-ru ni-šim re-e-a-am

i 1313

za-na-an ma-ḫa-zi ud-du-šu -re-e-tim

i 1414

ra-bi- ú-ma-ʾe-er-an-ni

i 1515

a-na-ku a-na dAMAR.UTU EN-ia pa-al-ḫi- ú-ta-qu

i 1616

ba-bi-lam.KI ma-ḫa-za-šu ṣi-i-ri URU.KI ta-na-da-a-tu-šu

(i 16) (With regard to) Babylon, his (Marduk’s) exalted cult center, a city worthy of his praise, I completed Imgur-Enlil (and) Nēmetti-Enlil, its great walls. I stationed fierce wild bulls of copper and raging mušḫuššu-dragons in the door-jambs of its gates. (I did something) that no king of the past had done: my father who engendered me twice surrounded the city with moat embankment(s) using bitumen and baked brick,

i 1717

im-gu-úr-dEN.LÍL --et-ti-dEN.LÍL

i 1818

BÀD.BÀD-šu GAL.GAL ú-ša-ak-li-il

i 1919

a-na -ip-pe .GAL..GAL-šu

i 2020

AM.AM URUDU e-ek-du-ú-tim

i 2121

ù MUŠ.ḪUŠ.MUŠ.ḪUŠ še-zu-zu-ú-tim

i 2222


i 2323

ša šar ma-aḫ-ri-im la i--šu

i 2424

ka-a-ri ḫi-ri-ti-šu

i 2525


i 2626

a- ši-ni-šu a-ba-am a-li- URU.KI ú-ša-al-<ma>-am

i 2727

ia-ti ka-a-ri da-núm a- še-la-ši-šu

(i 27) (but), as for me, using bitumen and baked brick, I built a strong embankment three times, (each) one alongside the other, and I adjoined (them) to the embankments that my father had constructed. I secured their (lit. “its”) foundation(s) on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld and raised their (lit. “its”) superstructures as high as mountain(s).

i 2828

-te₉-en i-ti ša-ni-i

i 2929

i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA ab-ni-ma

i 3030

it-ti ka-a-ri a-ba-am ik-ṣú-ru e--ni-iq-ma

i 3131

i-ši-su i-na i-ra-at KI.GAL ú-ša-ar-ši-id-ma

i 3232

re-ši-šu ša-da-ni- ú-za-aq--ir₄

i 3333


(i 33) On the western bank, I surrounded the wall of Babylon with an embankment of baked bricks. (With regard to) the embankment of the Araḫtu (River) that my father who had engendered (me) had built using bitumen and baked brick and constructed piers of baked brick on the other side of the Euphrates River, but he did not complete the rest,

i 3434

BÀD ba-bi-lam.KI ú-ša-al-ma-am

i 3535

ka-a-ri a-ra-aḫ-tim

i 3636


i 3737

a-ba-am a-li- ik-ṣú-úr-ma

i 3838

ma-ka-a-at SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA

i 3939

a-ba-ar-ti ÍD.BURANUN.KI ú-ra-ak-ki-is-ma

i 4040

la ú-ša-ak-li-il -it-ta-a-tim

i 4141

ia-ti a--il-šu re-e--ta-a-am

(i 41) as for me, his first-born son, the beloved of his heart, I built the embankment of the Araḫtu (River) using bitumen and baked bricks and reinforced (it) with the embankment that (my) father had constructed.

i 4242

na-ra-am li-ib-bi-šu

i 4343

ka-a-ri a-ra-aḫ-tim

i 4444

i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.<AL>.ÙR.RA ab-ni-ma

i 4545

it-ti ka-a-ri a-ba-am ik-ṣú-úr-ru ú-da-an-ni-in

i 4646

i-na é-sag-íl ki-iṣ-ṣí ra--ba-am

(i 46) In Esagil, the awe-inspiring shrine, the palace of heaven and earth, the residence of festiveness, I clad Eumuša, the cella of the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, Kaḫilisu, the residence of the goddess Zarpanītu, (and) Ezida, the residence of the god Lugaldimmerankia, with bright gold and made (them) shine like daylight.

i 4747

É.GAL ša--e ù er-ṣé-tim šu-ba-at ta-ši-la-a-tim

i 4848

é-umuš-a pa-pa-ḫa dEN.LÍL DINGIR.DINGIR dAMAR.UTU

i 4949

-ḫi-li- šu-ba-at dzar-pa-ni-tum

i 5050

é-zi-da šu-ba-at dlugal-dìm-me-er-an-ki-a

i 5151

.GI na-am-ru ú-ša-al-bi--ma

i 5252

ú-na-am-mi-ir₄ ki-ma u₄-um

i 5353

é-temen-an-ki zi--ra-at ba-bi-lam.KI

(i 53) (With regard to) Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Babylon, I built (it) anew.

i 5454

e--še-eš₁₅ e--

i 5555

é-zi-da É ki-i-nim na-ra-am dna-bi-um

(i 55) (With regard to) Ezida, the true house, the beloved of the god Nabû, I built (it) anew in Borsippa and with gold and precious stones I decorated (it) as beautifully as the stars (lit. “writings”) of the heavens. I clad (beams of) hard cedar with gold and (then) I had (them) stretched out as the roof of Emaḫtila, the cella of the god Nabû, over the three of them.

i 5656

i-na ba-ar--.KI e--še-eš₁₅ ab-ni-ma

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

i-na .GI ù ni--iq- NA₄.NA₄

ii 22

ki-ma ši-ṭe-er₄-ti ša-ma-mi ú-ba-an-nim

ii 33

e-re-nim da-nu₄-tim .GI ú-ša-al-bi--ma

ii 44

a-na ṣu-lu-ul é-maḫ-til-la pa-pa-ḫa dna-bi-um1

ii 55

pa-nim še-lal-ti-šu-nu ú-ša-at-ri-iṣ

ii 66

é-maḫ É dnin-ḫur-sag-ga lìb-ba -dingir-ra.KI2

(ii 6) (With regard to) Emaḫ, the temple of the goddess Ninḫursag (that is) inside Ka-dingirra, Eniggidrukalamasuma, the temple of the god Nabû of the ḫarû, Enamḫe, the temple of the god Adad inside Kumar, (and) Ekitušgarza, the temple of the goddess Bēlet-Eanna in a corner of the city wall, I built (them) anew in Babylon and raised their superstructure(s).

ii 77

é-níg-gidru-kalam-ma-sum-ma É dna-bi-um ša ḫa-re-e

ii 88

é-nam-ḫé É dIŠKUR lìb-ba ku-ma-ri.KI

ii 99

é-ki-tuš-garza É dNIN-é-an-na ša tu-ub--at BÀD

ii 1010

i-na ba-bi-lam.KI e--še-eš₁₅ ab-ni-ma

ii 1111

ú-ul-la-a-am re-e-ša-ši-in

ii 1212

ša ma-na-ma šar ma-aḫ-ri la i--šu

(ii 12) (I did something) that no king of the past had done: 4,000 cubits distance outside the city, far away, (too far away) to approach (lit. “not to approach”), I surrounded the eastern bank of Babylon with a fortified wall.

ii 1313

4 LIM KÙŠ --ra-am i-ta-a-at URU.KI

ii 1414

-- la ṭa-ḫe-e

ii 1515

BÀD da-núm BAL.RI dUTU.È ba-bi-lam.KI

ii 1616


ii 1717

ḫi-ri-su aḫ-re-e-ma šu-pu-ul -e ak-šu-ud

(ii 17) I dug out its moat and reached the water table. I built its embankment(s) using bitumen (and) baked brick and (then) I adjoined (it) to the embankments that (my) father had constructed. On its embankment, I built a fortified wall like a mountain using bitumen and baked brick.

ii 1818

ki-bi-ir-šu i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA ab-ni-ma

ii 1919

it-ti ka-a-ri a-ba-am ik-ṣú-úr-ru e--ni-iq-ma

ii 2020

BÀD da-núm i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA

ii 2121

i-na ki-ša-di-ša ša-da-ni- ab-nim

ii 2222

ṭa-a-bi-su-pu-úr-šu BÀD ba-ar--.KI

(ii 22) (With regard to) Ṭābi-supūršu, the wall of Borsippa, I built (it) anew. (With regard to) its moat embankment(s), I surrounded the city on the outside using bitumen and baked brick.

ii 2323

e--še-eš₁₅ e--

ii 2424

ka-a-ri ḫi-ri-ti-šu i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA

ii 2525

URU.KI a-na ki-da-nim ú-ša-às-ḫi-ir

ii 2626

a-na dDUMU-É EN mu-ša-ab-bi-ir GIŠ.TUKUL <<x>> na-ki-ri-ia3

(ii 26) For the god Mār-bīti, the lord who breaks the weapon(s) of my enemies, I built his temple anew in Borsippa.

ii 2727

É-su i-na ba-ar--.KI e--še-eš₁₅ e--

ii 2828

é-babbar-ra É dUTU ša ZIMBIR.KI4

(ii 28) (With regard to) Ebabbar, the temple of the god Šamaš of Sippar, Edurgina, the temple of the god Bēl-ṣarbi of Bāṣ, E-ibbi-Anum, the temple of the god Uraš of Dilbat, Eanna, the temple of the goddess Ištar of Uruk, Ebabbar, the temple of the god Šamaš of Larsa, (and) Ekišnugal, the temple of the god Sîn of Ur, the sanctuaries of the great gods, I built (them) anew and completed their structure(s).

ii 2929

é-dúr-gi-na É dLUGAL-GIŠ.ÁSAL

ii 3030


ii 3131

é-i--da-num É duraš

ii 3232

ša dil-bat.KI

ii 3333

é-an-na É d-tar ša UNUG.KI

ii 3434

é-babbar-ra É dUTU ša larsa.KI

ii 3535

é-kiš-nu-gál É dEN.ZU ša úri.KI

ii 3636

e--re-e-ti DINGIR GAL.GAL

ii 3737

e--še-eš₁₅ e---ma

ii 3838

ú-ša-ak-li-il ši--ir-ši-in

ii 3939

zi-in-na-a-at é-sag-íl é-zi-da

(ii 39) I did the utmost regarding the provisioning of Esagil and Ezida (and) the renovation of Babylon (and) Borsippa, which I had done to surpass (all) that (had been done) in the past. (With regard to) providing for the sanctuaries of the great gods, more than the kings, my ancestors, had written about, I wrote down all of my splendid deeds on foundation document(s) and I deposited (them) for ever after. May the learned repeatedly read all of the deeds that I had had written down on foundation document(s) and always remember the praise of the gods.

ii 4040

te-di--ti ba-bi-lam.KI ba-ar--.KI

ii 4141

ša e-li ša ma-aḫ-ri-im

ii 4242


ii 4343

-ku-nim a-na re-e--e-tim

ii 4444

ka-la e-ép-še-e-ti-ia šu-qu-ra-a-tim

ii 4545

za-na-an e--re-e-ti DINGIR GAL.GAL

ii 4646

ša e-li LUGAL.LUGAL a--e-a ú-ša-ṭì-ru

ii 4747

i-na NA₄.NA..A -ṭú-úr-ma

ii 4848

ú-ki-in aḫ-ra-ta-

ii 4949

ka-la e-ép-še-e-ti-ia

ii 5050

ša i-na NA₄.NA..A -ṭú-ru

ii 5151

mu-da-a-am li-ta-am-ma-ar-ma

ii 5252

ta-ni-it-ti ì-

ii 5353


ii 5454

e--šu ma-ḫa-zi DINGIR.DINGIR ù d.TAR

(ii 54) (With regard to) the construction in the cult centers of the gods and goddesses that the great lord, the god Marduk, had commissioned to me and (my) heart prompted me (to do), I reverently worked on it without interruption (and) I completed its work.

ii 5555

ša EN ra--ù dAMAR.UTU

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

ia-ti ú-ma-ra-an-ni-ma

iii 22

ú-ša-ad-ka-an-ni li-ib-ba-am

iii 33

pa-al-ḫi- la a-ba-aṭ-ṭi-il-šu

iii 44

ú-ša-al-la-am ši--ir-ša

iii 55

ì-nu-mi-šu a-na dnin-kar-ra-ak-a

(iii 5) At that time, for the goddess Ninkarrak, the lady who loves me, safeguards my life, (and) preserves the well-being of my descendants, (with regard to) Eḫursagsikila, her temple that is inside of Babylon that had turned into ruins in the past, (I did something) that no king of the past had done:

iii 66

be-el-ti ra--im-ti-ia

iii 77

na-ṣi-ra-at na---ti-ia

iii 88

mu-ša-al-li-ma-at --ʾi-ia

iii 99

é-ḫur-sag-sikil-la É-sa ša -re-eb ba-bi-lam.KI

iii 1010

ša -tu pa-nim in-na-mu-ma

iii 1111

la i--šu šar ma-aḫ-ri-im

iii 1212

te-me-en-šu la--ri a-ḫi-iṭ ab-re-e-ma5

(iii 12) I examined (and) checked the original foundation(s) and (then) I discovered three small (layers of) bricks of one cubit by three fingers the measurement(s) of (all) three of them rising out of its foundation, and I became anxious (and) afraid because the structure of the temple was not suitable to be the residence of the goddess Ninkarrak, my lady.

iii 1313

3 SIG₄.ḪI.A ṣa-ḫi-ir₄-tim 1.KÙŠ 3 ŠU.SI

iii 1414

mi-in-da-a- še-lal-ti-ši-na ni- -še-šu?

iii 1515

ap-pa-li-is-ma ak-ku-ud ap-la-aḫ-ma6

iii 1616

É a-na a-ša-ba dnin-kar-ra-ak-a be-el-ti-ia

iii 1717

la ú-us-su-um ši-ki-in-ša

iii 1818

i-ga-ar É šu-a-ti a-na du-un-nu-nim

(iii 18) I strove to reinforce the wall of that temple, to build (it) using bitumen and baked bri[ck], (and) to make (that) temple suitable as a residence of the goddess Ninkarrak. On the (very) day that I asked through divination (about) [m]aking three (layers of) baked bric[k], each measuring sixteen fingers, (and) half (a layer) of baked bri[ck] (as) a tubal[û]-structure, (and) building (it) using bitumen and baked bri[ck], the gods Šamaš and Adad had a firm ‘yes’ placed in my extispicy.

iii 1919

e--šu ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.[RA]

iii 2020

É ša a-na a-ša-ba dnin-kar-ra-ak-[a]

iii 2121

ú-us-su-um -te--ú

iii 2222

i-na u₄-um ša-ʾa-al à-ar-ka-tim7

iii 2323

e--šu 3 SIG₄.AL.ÙR.[RA]

iii 2424

ša 16 ŠU.SI.TA.ÀM mi-in-da-a-tim

iii 2525

mi-ši-il SIG₄.AL.ÙR.[RA]

iii 2626


iii 2727

e--šu ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.[ÙR.RA]

iii 2828


iii 2929

an-na ki-i-num

iii 3030

ú-ša--ki-nim i-na te-er₄-ti-ia

iii 3131


(iii 31) On its foundation, I firmly placed three (layers of) baked brick, each measuring sixteen fingers, and half (a layer) of baked brick (as) a tubal[û]-structure. I built (that) temple like a mountain using bitumen and baked brick.

iii 3232

ša 16 ŠU.SI.TA.ÀM

iii 3333

ù mi-ši-il SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA

iii 3434


iii 3535

e-li te-me-en-ni-šu ú-ki-in-ma

iii 3636


iii 3737

ša-da-ni- e-er₄-ti

iii 3838

dnin-kar-ra-ak-a be-el-ti ṣi-ir-ti

(iii 38) O Ninkarrak, exalted lady, when you enter Eḫursagsikila, the temple of your joy, with pleasure, may good things about me be placed on your lips. Prolong my days (and) increase my years. May a long life (and) the attainment of very old age be placed in your mouth.

iii 3939

a-na é-ḫur-sag-sikil-la É ḫi-da-ti-ki

iii 4040

ḫa-di- i-na e-re-bi-ki

iii 4141


iii 4242

li--ša-ak-na ša-ap-tu-uk-ki

iii 4343

ú-ri-ki u₄-um-ú-a šu-mi-di ša-na-tu-ú-a

iii 4444

ba-la-ṭam à-ar-ka še--e li-it-tu-ti-ia9

iii 4545

li--ša-ki-in i-na pi-ki

iii 4646

šu-ul-li-im na---ti ṭi-ib-bi UZU.UR₅.[ÚŠ-ia]

(iii 46) Preserve the well-being for my life, make [my] extis[pic(ies)] favorable, protect my body, (and) firmly establish my descendants. In the presence of the god Marduk, king of heaven and earth, you should constantly speak about cutting down my enemies and flattening the land(s) of my enem(ies).

iii 4747

ú-ṣu-úr še-e-ri-ia ki-in-ni -er-ʾi-ia

iii 4848

lu?-u? šu-um--tu na-ki-ri-ia

iii 4949

ù sa-pa-ni₇ MA.DA a-a-bi-ia

iii 5050

i-na ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU LUGAL ša--e ù er-ṣé-tim

iii 5151


iii 5252


1Emaḫtila, the cella of the god Nabû, the most important part of Ezida, is also mentioned in Nbk. 32 (C36) i 44–46; C32 ii 8–9; C37 i 41–42; C38 i 45b–50a; WBA vi 21–50; and WBC 10´*–33´*. During his work on Ezida, Nebuchadnezzar II roofed and decorated Emaḫtila. This part of the temple is described as having six rooms. If that was indeed the case, then Ezida’s most-sacred rooms might be identified as Rooms A₁–A₃, the three cellas excavated in 1901–02 by R. Koldewey immediately to the southwest of the main courtyard (Court A); Ešidduannaki, the principal room of the Emaḫtila cella complex was the main cella (Room A₃) in which Nabû’s brick throne-platform was erected. For further details on this part of Ezida, see, for example, Koldewey, Tempel pp. 50–59; Unger, RLA 1/6 (1932) pp. 410–411 §§54–55a; and George, House Most High p. 121 no. 734.

2The exact same list of temples is mentioned in the C32 text (ii 10–15). Compare Nbk. 32 (C36) ii 41–44, which not only mentions that Nebuchadnezzar II rebuilt Emaḫ, Eniggidrukalamasuma, Enamḫe, and Ekitušgarza, but also Eḫursagsikila (the temple whose rebuilding is recorded in the main building report of this inscription [iii 5–37]), Egišnugal (the temple of the god Sîn) and Edikukalama (the temple of the god Šamaš); that longer list of temples is also included in the prologues of C37 (i 43–53) and C38 (ii 32–39a). This list is one of the pieces of evidence indicating that this text is earlier in date than Nbk. 32 (C36), as well as the C37 and C38 inscriptions. In the case of Nbk. 32, this is clear from the longer description of the king’s work on the Ezida temple at Borsippa (compare i 55–ii 5 to Nbk. 32 i 36–ii 19) and the list of temples built elsewhere in Babylonia (see the on-page note to ii 28–38).

3Compare Nbk. 32 (C36) ii 61–68, which also record that Nebuchadnezzar II renovated the Gula/Ninkarrak temples Etila, Egula, and Ezibatila. Those temples are also mentioned in the prologues of the C37 (ii 41–51) and C38 (ii 58b–74) inscriptions.

4The exact same list of temples is mentioned in the C32 text (ii 33–46). Nbk. 19 (C34) ii 40–59 mentions these same six temples, but each temple’s rebuilding is recorded separately; that text and Nbk. 11 (Prism), another inscription commemorating work on the (old) South Palace, are earlier in date than the present text. Compare Nbk. 32 (C36) iii 5–14, which not only mentions that Nebuchadnezzar II rebuilt Ebabbar (at Sippar and Larsa), Edurgina, E-ibbi-Anum, Eanna, and Ekišnugal, but also Eulla (the temple of the goddess Ninkarrak at Sippar), and Eigikalama (the temple of the god Lugal-Marda at Marad); that longer list of temples is also included in the prologues of C37 (ii 59–71 [but with the omission of Eulla, since it is the subject of the main building report]) and C38 (iii 4–25). The longer list in Nbk. 32 helps confirm that it is later in date than the present text. The same might be said of the C37 and C38 inscriptions.

5a-ḫi-iṭ ab-re-e-ma “I examined (and) checked”: This two-word combination is attested eleven other times in the Nebuchadnezzar II corpus. It is attested once in Nabopolassar’s inscriptions, once in Neriglissar’s texts, and twice in Nabonidus’ inscriptions.

6ak-ku-ud ap-la-aḫ-ma “I became anxious (and) afraid”: This is the only occurrence of this expression in the known inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar II. In texts of Nabonidus, this appears as ap-la-aḫ ak-ku-ud na-qut-ti ar-še-e-ma dul-lu-ḫu pa-nu-ú-a “I became frightened, worried, (and) anxious, and my face was haggard”; for example, see Weiershäuser and Novotny, RINBE 2 p. 147 Nbn. 28 (Eḫulḫul Cylinder) i 32. Compare also Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 125 Esar. 57 (Aššur A) iii 43–44, which have ak-ku-ud ap-làḫ ar-šá-a ni-id a-ḫi, “I was worried, afraid, (and) hesitant”; and p. 197 Esar. 104 (Babylon A) iii 8, which has áš-ḫu-ut ak-kud, “I was afraid (and) worried.”

7à-ar-ka-tim “divination”: Or possibly wa-ar-ka-tim. Following the edition of Npl. 6 (C31) in Da Riva, SANER 3 pp. 77–92, the PI sign is transliterated as à, rather than as wa. For the use of the PI at the beginning of words in Neo-Babylonian inscriptions, see the on-page note to Npl. 6 (C31) i 6, as well as Da Riva, GMTR 4 p. 87.

8The mention of the gods having a “firm ‘yes’” placed in the king’s extispicy appears in two other inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar II: C31 ii 16–20 (Šamaš, Adad, and Marduk) and WBC vii 62–64 (only Šamaš). This topos appears also in inscriptions of Esarhaddon and Nabonidus. For example, Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 197 Esar. 104 (Babylon A) iii 9–16; and Weiershäuser and Novotny, RINBE 2 pp. 127–129 Nbn. 25 (Tiara Cylinder) ii 2–31.

9à-ar-ka “long”: See the on-page note to Nbk. 19 (C34) iii 5.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as