Nebuchadnezzar II 024

Column i


i' 1'1'

[...] x x x x [...]

(i' 1') [... ]tar-sākipat-tēbîša, ... [...] (both) Imgur-Enlil and Nēmetti-Enlil, [...] the entrance [ga]te to the place where the gods are checked, the exit (and) entry [of the Igīgū and Anu]nnakū gods, the broad gate of Babylon, [...] he had created their structure(s) with (sundried) brick(s) [...] baked brick(s), I constantly sought out for them.

i' 2'2'

[... d]-tár-sa-ki-pa-at-te-e-bi-ša? x x x x x x x [(x)]

i' 3'3'

[...] im-gu-úr-dEN.LÍL ù --et-ti-dEN.LÍL

i' 4'4'

[... ].GAL -re-bi ma-às-na-aq-ti DINGIR?.DINGIR mu-ṣe-e -re-bi

i' 5'5'

[ša? di-gi₄-gi₄? ù? d?a?]-nun?-na-ki .GAL .DINGIR.RA.KI ša-di-il-tim

i' 6'6'

[x x x x x i-na] SIG₄.ḪI.A ib-ši-mu ši-ki-in-ši-na

i' 7'7'

[...] SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA -te-ʾe-ši-na-ši-im?

i' 8'8'

[...] x x ni? x x [...]

(i' 8') (No translation possible)

i' 9'9'

[...] x [...]

i' 10'10'

[...] x [...]

i' 11'11'


i' 12'12'

[...] SIG₄? [...]

i' 13'13'

[i-na?] e--[šu? ...] x ši [...] SIG₄.ḪI.A x x x MEŠ?

(i' 13') [While] buil[ding, ...] ... [...] I discovered a ... [of] my father who engendered me inside i[t]. I opened up ... and reached the water table. I set their foundation(s) firmly in place using bitumen and baked brick and (thereby) secured its foundation.

i' 14'14'

[ša] a-bi a-li?-di?-ia? ap-pa-li-is -re-bu--[šu?]1

i' 15'15'

[x]-x-ri ap-te-e-ma šu--ul -e ak-šu-ud

i' 16'16'

[i-ši]-id--in i-na ku-up-ru ù a-gur-ri e-er₄-te-e-ma

i' 17'17'

ú-ša-ar-ši-id te-me-en-ši-in

i' 18'18'

[NA₄.ZA].GÌN el-le-tim ša ri-i-mu ù MUŠ.ḪUŠ ba-nu-ú -re-bu--šu

(i' 18') Using (baked bricks colored with) shining blue glaze that have (representations of) wild bulls (and) mušḫuššu-dragon(s) fashioned upon them (lit. “it”) (and) [wild bulls] (whose) bod(ies are made) of copper, I made (them) appear resplendently for them. I had them skillfully surrounded with [... of my fat]her who engendered me, that [...] inside them [...] ... [...]

i' 19'19'

[AM.AM] URUDU la-an na-am-ri- ú-še--ši-na-ši-im

i' 20'20'

[...] x na-ak-li- ú-ša-às-ḫi-ir-ši-na x

i' 21'21'

[ša a]-bi a-li-di-ia ša i-na -er-bi-ši-na x [...]

i' 22'22'

[...] x x ú (erasure?) na? ir [...]



1References to Nabopolassar working on the Ištar Gate and Nebuchadnezzar II’s workmen finding foundation documents (presumably clay cylinders) in that gate’s structure are also mentioned in Nbk. 41 (B 43) i´ 4´ and Nbk. 43 (VA Bab 618) i´ 6´. At this time, no inscription of Nabopolassar specifically recording his work on Ištar-sākipat-tēbîša is known.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as