Nebuchadnezzar II 022
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Lacuna | |
i 1'1' | (i 1') (No translation possible) | |
i 2'2' | [...] (traces) [...] | |
i 3'3' | [...] (traces) [...]3 | (i 3') [I p]rov[ided Esagil with silver, gold, precious (and) valuable stone(s), copper, musukkannu-wood, cedar, (and) an abundance of anything that is valuable, leaving nothing (else) to be desired, and made i]ts [sheen shine forth like the sun]. |
i 4'4' | [...] (traces) [...] | |
i 5'5' | [é-sag-íl az]-⸢nu-un-ma⸣ [ša-aš-ši-iš ú-ša-pa-a ša-ru-ru-ú]-⸢ša⸣ | |
i 6'6' | [é-zi-da ú-ša]-⸢ak-li-il⸣-[ma ki-ma ši-ṭe-er-tì ša-ma-mi ú]-⸢ba-an-nim⸣ | (i 6') [I com]plet[ed Ezida and de]corated (it) as beautifully [as the stars (lit. “writings”) of the heavens]. |
i 7'7' | [im-gu-úr-dEN.LÍL ù] ⸢né⸣-mé-et-⸢ti-d⸣[EN.LÍL BÀD GAL.GAL ša KÁ.DINGIR].⸢RA.KI⸣ | (i 7') [(With regard to) Imgur-Enlil and] Nēmetti-[Enlil, the great wall(s) of Babyl]on [that Nabopol]assar, the king of Babylon, my father who had engendered me, [had built an]d whose foundation(s) he had put in good order; (that) he had surrounded the city on the outside with [a fourteen-baked-brick(-thick)] embankment for its moat [using bitumen and baked brick]; (that) he built [the embankment of the Araḫtu River using bitu]men and baked brick [from the gate of the goddess Iš]tar to the gate of the god Uraš and constructed [piers of baked brick on the other side of the Euph]rates [River], but [he did not complete the] rest; |
i 8'8' | [ša dna-bi-um-IBILA]-ú-ṣu-úr šar KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI a-bi ba-nu-ú-a | |
i 9'9' | ||
i 10'10' | ||
i 11'11' | [i-na ku-up-ru ù a-gur]-⸢ri⸣ URU.KI a-na ki-da₄-a-nim ú-ša-al-mu-ú | |
i 12'12' | ||
i 13'13' | [ka-a-ri ÍD.a-ra-aḫ-tim i-na ku]-⸢up⸣-ri ù a-gur-ri ik-ṣú-ru-ma | |
i 14'14' | [ma-ka-a-ti a-gur-ri a-ba-ar-tì ÍD].⸢BURANUN⸣.KI ú-ra-ak-ki-is-ma | |
i 15'15' | ||
i 16'16' | (i 16') [that which in the distant past] no [king among] the (former) king(s) had built [(and) that which no king of the past] had done, (he did); [for the protection of] Babylon, [4,000 cubits distance ou]tside of Babylon, he surrounded [the eastern bank of] Babylon, [from the bank of the Euphrates River upstream of the city] to the bank of the Euphrates River downstream of the city, [with a fortified wall, dug its canal, and] built its embankment wall(s) [using bitumen] and baked brick — | |
i 17'17' | ||
i 18'18' | ||
i 19'19' | ||
i 20'20' | [ul-tu GÚ ÍD.BURANUN.KI e-la-an URU.KI] a-di GÚ ÍD.BURANUN.KI ša-ap-la-an URU.KI | |
i 21'21' | ||
i 22'22' | [ḫi-ri-su iḫ-ru-ú-ma i-na ku-up-ri] ù a-gur-ri ik-ṣú-ru ki-bi-ir-šu | |
i 23'23' | (i 23') [As for me, his first]-born [son], the beloved of his heart, [with the wisdom that the gods Ea and Marduk had gran]ted me, [to ... I ...] ... [everything that my father who had engendered me had done], and [I] completed [Imgur-Enlil and Nēmetti-Enlil, the walls ...]. | |
i 24'24' | ||
i 25'25' | [mi-im-mu-ù a-bi ba-nu-ú-a i-te-ep-pu-šu a-na ...]-eʾ-e-ma | |
i 26'26' | [im-gu-úr-dEN.LÍL ù né-mé-et-ti-dEN.LÍL BÀD.MEŠ? ... ú]-⸢ša⸣-ak-li-il | |
i 27'27' | [...]4 (traces) | (i 27') (No translation possible) |
i 28'28' | [...] x x-tim | |
i 29'29' | [...] x x x x | |
One or two lines missing or no lacuna | ||
i 1''1'' | (i 1'') At their door-jambs, I stationed fierce wild bulls of copper and raging mušḫuššu-dragons, ... [...] ... | |
i 2''2'' | x x x x x x x [...] x x x x x x i-na sì-ip-⸢pe-ši-na?⸣ uš-zi-iz | |
Column ii | ||
ii 1ii 1 | [a-na ki-da₄]-a-[nim im-gu-úr-dEN].⸢LÍL⸣ [i-ta-a-at] ka-a-ri a-bi ik-ṣú-ru | (ii 1) [On the outs]i[de of Imgur-En]lil, [alongside] the embankment that my father had constructed, I built a strong [twenty-one-baked-brick-(thick)] embankment using [b]itumen and baked brick and I adjoined (it) to the embankment that my father had constructed. I secured its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld and raised its superstructure as high as a mountain. |
ii 22 | [21? a-gur-ri] ka-a-ri da-núm i-⸢na⸣ [ku]-up-ri ù a-gur-ri ab-ni-ma | |
ii 33 | ||
ii 44 | ||
ii 55 | ||
ii 66 | ka-a-ri a-gur-ri BAL.RI dUTU.ŠÚ.A BÀD KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ú-ša-al-mu | (ii 6) On the western bank, I surrounded the wall of Babylon with an embankment of baked bricks. Alongside the embankment of the Araḫtu (River) that my father had built, I built a strong embankment like a mountain using bitumen and baked brick. |
ii 77 | ||
ii 88 | ||
ii 99 | (ii 9) [(With regard to) the wall that my father] who had engendered me had built along[side the wall] for the protection of [the city, but] whose construction [he had not] completed, I co[mp]leted (it) and [ra]ised its sup[er]structure. I dug out its moat and reached [the wa]ter table. I built [three] strong thirty-six-ba[ked-brick(-thick) emba]nkments and I a[djoined (it)] to the emb[ankment that (my) fat]her had co[nstructed]. | |
ii 1010 | ||
ii 1111 | ||
ii 1212 | ||
ii 1313 | ||
ii 1414 | ||
ii 1515 | ||
ii 1616 | ||
ii 1717 | ||
ii 1818 | (ii 18) [I built] a fortified wall using bitumen and baked brick [and] construc[ted] its broad gates. I fitted each of th[em] with doors (made) of cedar with a facing of bronze. | |
ii 1919 | ||
ii 2020 | GIŠ.IG.GIŠ.IG GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN ta-aḫ-lu-up-tì ZABAR e-er-te-et-ti-⸢ši⸣-[na-a-ti] | |
ii 2121 | ì-nu-mi-šu ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-tì KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ⸢du-un⸣-nu-nim aš-⸢te-eʾ-e⸣-[ma] | (ii 21) At that time, I constantly strove (to do things) to strengthen the protection of Babylon. (At) a distance of 360 cubits along the outsk[irts] of Nēmetti-Enlil, the outer wall of Babylon, from the bank of the Euphrates River up to the left door-jamb of the gate of the goddess Ištar, I built two strong embankments using bitumen and baked brick, wall(s that were) as (solid as) a mountain. |
ii 2222 | ||
ii 2323 | ||
ii 2424 | iš-tu GÚ ÍD.BURANUN.KI a-di sì-⸢ip⸣-pi šu-me-⸢lu⸣ ša KÁ.GAL-diš-ta-ar | |
ii 2525 | ||
ii 2626 | ||
ii 2727 | (ii 27) I fashioned a baked brick structure between them and, on top of it, I built to a great height a large kummu-building as the residence of my royal majesty using bitumen and baked brick. I added (it) to the palace <that> is inside the city and (thereby) made the seat of (my) lordly majesty resplendent. | |
ii 2828 | ||
ii 2929 | ||
ii 3030 | ||
ii 3131 | ||
ii 3232 | ||
ii 3333 | (ii 33) For a second time, from the [rig]ht door-jamb of the gate of the goddess Ištar to the lower corner of Nēmetti-Enlil, which faces east, 360 cubits from Nēmetti-Enlil on the outside, I bui[lt] a fortified wall like a mountain using bitumen and baked brick. | |
ii 3434 | a-di tu-úr-ri ša-ap-li-i ša né-mé-et-ti-dEN.LÍL ša ti-ib IM.KUR.RA | |
ii 3535 | 3 ME 60-šu am-ma-at pu-ú-tim iš-tu né-mé-et-ti-dEN.LÍL a-na ki-da-a-nim | |
ii 3636 | ||
ii 3737 | (ii 37) I skillfully strengthen (Babylon’s) protection an[d] established the city of Babylon as a fortress. | |
ii 3838 | ||
ii 3939 | dAMAR.UTU EN GAL li-pí-it qá-ti-ia a-na da-mi-iq-tim ḫa-di-iš na-ap-li-is-ma | (ii 39) O Marduk, great lord, look upon my handiwork with favor and pleasure and may good things about me be set upon your lips. By your holy command, which cannot be altered, proclaim the prolongation of my days (and) command my (attainment of) very old age. May everything that I have built endure and stay in good repair forever (and) I may be sated with its luxuriousness. By your true command, which cannot be overturned, may I not have enemies nor acquire (any) troublemaker(s). |
ii 4040 | ||
ii 4141 | ||
ii 4242 | ||
ii 4343 | ||
ii 4444 | ||
ii 4545 | ||
ii 4646 |
1There are probably ten lines missing from the beginning of the inscription. For their assumed contents, see Nbk. 21 (C013/C016/C025) i 1–10.
2Based on Nbk. 21 (C013/C016/C025) i 11–12, these two lines might have contained a-na-ku a-na dAMAR.UTU be-lí-ia ka-a-a-na-ak la ba-aṭ-la-ak ša e-li-šu ṭa-a-bu ud-da-ak-ku la na-pa-ar-ka-a i-ta-ma-am, “I myself am constantly present (and) unfailing towards the god Marduk, my lord, (and) all day, without ceasing, (my mind) pondered things that were pleasing to him.”
3Following Nbk. 21 (C013/C016/C025) i 13–14, the translation assumes that these two lines contained i-na KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI ni-sì-iq-tì NA₄.NA₄ šu-qú-ru-ú-tim e-ra-a GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.NA GIŠ.EREN mi-im-ma šu-um-šu šu-qú-ru šu-un-du-lam la ba-ša-a ḫi-ši-iḫ-tim, “with silver, gold, precious (and) valuable stone(s), copper, musukkannu-wood, cedar, (and) an abundance of anything that is valuable, leaving nothing (else) to be desired.”
4Following Nbk. 21 (C013/C016/C025) i 36–37, these lines might have contained diš₈-tár-sa-ki-pa-at-te-e-bi-ša ša im-gu-úr-dEN.LÍL ù né-mé-et-ti-dEN.LÍL KÁ.GAL né-re-bi ma-às-na-aq-ti DINGIR.DINGIR KÁ.GAL KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ša-di-il-tim, “Ištar-sākipat-tēbîša, (the gate) of (both) Imgur-Enlil and Nēmetti-Enlil, the entrance gate to the place where the gods are checked, the broad gate of Babylon.”
5On ex. 3, col. ii begins here.
6On ex. 1*, col. i ends here.
7Ex. 2 omits ú-ša-pa-a šu-ba-at ⸢bé⸣-e-lu-ti, “I made the seat of (my) lordly majesty resplendent.”
Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as