
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 018


  • Q005489
  • Nebuchadnezzar II 018
  • GMTR 4 C29



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Babylon
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nebuchadnezzar II


GMTR 4 C29


  [EX001] BE 27457

  [EX002] MNK C 2 1652

Nebuchadnezzar II 018

Column i
i 1i 1

dna-bi-um-NÍG.DU-ú-ṣu-úr LUGAL .DINGIR.RA.[KI]1

(i 1) Nebuchadnezzar (II), king of Babylo[n], the one who provides for Esagil [and Ezida], son of Nabopolassar, [king of Babylon, am I].

i 22

za-ni-in é-sag-íl [ù é-zi-da]

i 33

DUMU dna-bi-um-IBILA-ú-ṣu-úr LUGAL [.DINGIR.RA.KI a-na-ku]

i 44

é-sag-íl [az-nu]-un-ma

(i 4) [I provi]ded for Esagil and decorated (it) as beautifully as the stars (lit. “writings”) of the heavens.

i 55

ki-ma ši-ṭè-er-ti ša-ma-mi ú-ba-an-nim

i 66

é-zi-da ú-ša-ak-li-il-ma

(i 6) I completed Ezida and [made] (it) radiant like the sun.

i 77

ú-[ša]-an--iṭ ša--ša-an-ni-

i 88

[e]--re-e-ti ì- ra--ù-tim

(i 8) I made the sanctuaries of the great gods shine like daylight.

i 99

ú-na-am-mi-ir ki-ma u₄-um

i 1010

i-na u₄-mi-šu i-na a-ma-at dAMAR.UTU be- ra--im

(i 10) At that time, by the command of the god Marduk, the great lord, the one who loves my royal majesty, and the god Nabû, the exalted heir, the one who prolongs the day(s) of my life, the great gods whose temples I provide for rejoiced (and) were happy about the renovation of their sanctuaries. Their minds brightened and they commanded (me) to build a palace, the residence of my royal majesty, in Babylon.

i 1111

na-ra-am šar-ru₄-ti-ia

i 1212

ù dAG IBILA ṣi-i-ri

i 1313

mu-ša-ri-ki u₄-um ba-la-ṭi-ia

i 1414

DINGIR GAL.GAL ša az-nu-nu e--re-e-ti-šu-un

i 1515

a-na te-di--ti e--re-e-ti-šu-nu

i 1616

i-ri-šu i-iḫ-du-ù

i 1717

ka-ab-ta-at-su-nu im-mi-ir-ma

i 1818

ša É.GAL mu-ša-ab šar-ru₄-ti-ia

i 1919

i-na .DINGIR.RA.KI e--šu iq--ù

i 2020

É.GAL É ta-ab-ra-at ni-ši-im

(i 20) In the Ka-dingirra district, which is in Babylon, I built a palace, a building (that is) an object of wonder for the people, the bond of the land, a kummu-building, (and) the abode of my royal majesty. That which no king among the (former) king(s) had built, (I did): I secured its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld, at the level of the water table, and raised it as high as a mountain using bitumen and baked brick.

i 2121

ma-ar-ka-às MA.DA

i 2222

ku-um-mu e-el-lu at-ma-an šar-ru₄-ti-ia

i 2323

i-na er-ṣé-et -dingir-ra.KI

i 2424

ša -re-eb ba-bi-lam.KI e--

i 2525

ša ma-na-a-ma šar-ri i-na LUGAL.LUGAL la ib-nu-ù

i 2626

i-ši-id-sa i-na i-ra-at ki-gal-lim -eḫ-ra-at me-e2

i 2727


i 2828


i 2929

ú-za-aq--ir-ša ḫu-úr-sa-ni-

i 3030

-tu ti-a-am-tim e-li-tim

(i 30) From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, (in) all of the lands that the god Marduk, my lord, gave me to shepherd, (with regard to) the people living inside them: I looked after the loyal (and) kept the insubmissive in check. I bent their necks to the palace, the residence of my royal majesty, and made them carry [bask]ets (of earth). For controlling (the people of) [widespre]ad lan[ds], I recorded their names and ass[igned them (tasks)].

i 3131

a-di ti-a-am-tim ša-ap-li-tim

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

MA.DA.MA.DA -la-ši-na

ii 22

ša dAMAR.UTU be- re-é-ú-si-na ia-ti -ru-kam

ii 33

[ni]-šim a-ši-ib li-ib-bi-ši-na4

ii 44

ki-i-num -te-te-ši-ir la ma-gi-ri a-lu-uṭ

ii 55

a-na É.GAL mu-ša-ab šar-ru₄-ti-ia

ii 66

ki-ša-ad-su-nu ú-ka-an-ni--ma

ii 77

ú-ša--ša-a [tu-up]-ši-kam

ii 88

ša re-di-i MA.DA.MA.[DA ra-ap-ša-a]-ti

ii 99

šu-ma-an-šu-un -ṭú-úr-ma -[ku-un-šu-nu-ti]5

ii 1010

GIŠ.EREN.GIŠ.EREN da-[nu₄-tim]

(ii 10) [I brought] (beams of) h[ard] cedar from Lebanon, the hol[y] forest, [(and) had (them) stretched (over it)] for its roof. I plated i[mmense] doors of cedar with bronze and fi[xed] (them) wherever there were gates, (in) all of them. I ca[st] silver and copper threshold(s) and nukuššû-fitting[s].

ii 1111

-tu la-ab-na-nim GIŠ.TIR e-el-le-[tim lu ú-bi-lam]

ii 1212

a-na ṣú-lu-li-ša [ú-ša-at-ri-iṣ]

ii 1313

GIŠ.IG.GIŠ.IG e-re-nim ṣi-[ra-a-ti]6

ii 1414

ZABAR ú-ḫa-al-[li-ip-ma]

ii 1515

e-ma . -la-ši-na e-er-[te-et-ti]

ii 1616


ii 1717

ša ka-às-pa ù e-ra-a ap-[ti-iq]

ii 1818

a-na dAMAR.UTU i-li [ba-ni-ia]

(ii 18) I prayed to the god Marduk, the god [who created me] and raised up my hand(s): “By your exalted command, [which cannot be altered, may I be sated with] the luxuriousness of the house that I built. May I [reac]h the prime of (my) li[fe] (and) attain very old age inside it. May a good šēdu-spirit who protects (life) and a god who preserves well-being always be inside it. May I receive inside it the substantial tribute of kings of the (four) quarters (of the world and) all of the people who sit of throne(s), wear crowns, (and) assume the position of king. Inside it, may my descendants rule over the black-headed (people) forever.”

ii 1919

ut--en-ma -[ti -ši]

ii 2020

i-na -bi-ti-ka ṣi-ir-tim [ša la na-ka-ri]

ii 2121

É e--šu la-la-ša [lu--bi-im]

ii 2222

i-na -er-bi-ša ši-bu-tim [lu-uk-šu]-ud

ii 2323

lu--ba-a li-tu-ú-tim še-e-di -um- na-ṣi-ri

ii 2424

ù i-li mu-ša-al-li-mu

ii 2525

lu ka-a-a-an -re-eb-ša

ii 2626

ša LUGAL.LUGAL ki-ib-ra-a-tim ša ka-la te-ne-še-e-tim

ii 2727

a-ši-ib ka-ar-ri ša ap-ru a-ga-a-am

ii 2828

le-e--ú šar-ru-ú-tim

ii 2929

bi-la-su-nu ka-bi-it-ti

ii 3030

lu-um-ḫu-úr -re-eb-ša

ii 3131

pe-er-ʾi-ia i-na -re-bi-ša

ii 3232

a-na da-ra-a-tim ṣa-al-ma-at --dam li--e-lu

1Compare Nebuchadnezzar II’s titles and epithets in Nbk. 19 (C34) i 1–7 and Nbk. 20 (C011) i 1–12. The brief set of titulary in the present inscription could point to this text being composed earlier than Nbk. 20.

2This passage closely parallels Nbk. 20 (C011) i 1´–4´. In lieu of i-ši-id-sa i-na i-ra-at ki-gal-lim -eḫ-ra-<at> me-e ú-ša-ar-ši-id-ma, “I secured its foundation on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the netherworld, at the level of the water table,” Nbk. 20 (C011) i 1´–3´ have [i]-na ki-gal-lu re--[ti-im -eḫ-ra-at me-e i]-na i-ra-at er-ṣé-tim ra-pa-áš-tim [te]-me-en-ša ú-ša-ar-ši-id-ma, “I secured its [fou]ndation [o]n the primor[dial] netherworld, [at the level of the water table, o]n the surface (lit. “breast”) of the broad netherworld.” Compare Nbk. 19 (C34) iii 32–35, which have in ki-gal-lam re--ti-im in i-ra-at er₄-ṣé-tim ra-pa-áš-tim in ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA ú-ša-ar-ši-id te-me-en-ša, “Using bitumen and baked brick, I secured its foundation on the primordial netherworld, on the surface (lit. “breast”) of the broad netherworld.”

3This description of the construction of the South Palace’s superstructure is also attested in Nbk. 11 (Prism) v 1´–2´; and Nbk. 20 (C011) i 4´. It is not, however, used in Nbk. 19 (C34).

4On ex. 1, col. i probably ended with this line.

5šu-ma-an-šu-un -ṭú-úr-ma -[ku-un-šu-nu-ti] “I recorded their names and ass[igned them (tasks)]”: The names of some of these individuals are preserved in Nbk. 11 (Prism) v 35´–vii 29´.

6GIŠ.IG.GIŠ.IG e-re-nim ṣi-[ra-a-ti] ZABAR ú-ḫa-al-[li-ip-ma] e-ma . -la-ši-na e-er-[te-et-ti] KUN₄.KUN₄ ù NU.KÚŠ.Ù.[NU.KÚŠ.Ù] ša ka-às-pa ù e-ra-a ap-[ti-iq] “I plated i[mmense] doors of cedar with bronze and fi[xed] (them) wherever there were gates, (in) all of them. I ca[st] silver and copper threshold(s) and nukuššû-fitting[s]”: Compare Nbk. 19 (C34) iii 38–40, which have BÀD da-num in ESIR.UD.DU.A ù SIG₄.AL.ÙR.RA ú-ša-às-ḫi-ir-šu, “I surrounded (it) with a fortified wall using bitumen and baked brick”; this passage is also attested in Nbk. 11 (Prism) v 5´–6´.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-24, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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