
  • Nabonidus 2001


  • Q005471
  • Nabonidus 2001



  • stele
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Harran
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabonidus


Nabonidus 2001

Column i
i 1i 1

a-na-ku fdIŠKUR-gu-up-pi- AMA

(i 1) I am Hadad-ḥappī (Adad-guppi), mother of Nabonidus king of Babylon the one who reveres the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna, my gods, whose divinity I have constantly sought out since my childhood. Because in the sixteenth year of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, the god Sîn, king of the gods, became angry with his city and his temple (and) went up to heaven, the city and the people (living) inside it fell into ruins.

i 22

mdna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI

i 33

pa-li-iḫ-tu d30 dnin-gal dnusku

i 44

ù dsa-dàr-nun-na DINGIR.MEŠ-e-a

i 55

šá ul-tu -eṣ-ḫe-ru-ti-ia áš-te--u

i 66

DINGIR-ú-ut-su-un šá ina MU.16.KAM dMUATI-A-ÙRU

i 77


i 88

ù É-šú iz-nu-ú i-lu-ú šá-ma-míš URU ù

i 99

UN.MEŠ šá ina lìb-bi-šú il-li-ku* kar*-mu-ti

i 1010

ina lìb-bi šá -ra-a- d30 dnin-gal dnusku

(i 10) On account of the fact that I have constantly sought out the sanctuaries of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna, worshipping their great divinity, I grasped the hem of the god Sîn, king of the gods, and constantly sought out his great divinity, night and day. Daily, without ceasing, I was the one who reveres the deities Sîn, Šamaš, Ištar, and Adad, as long as I was alive, in heaven and (on) earth.

i 1111

u dsa-dàr-nun-na áš-te--u pal-ḫa-ku DINGIR-ut-su-un

i 1212

šá d30 LUGAL DINGIR TÚG.SÍG-šú aṣ-bat-ma mu-ši u ur-ra

i 1313

áš-te---a DINGIR-ut-su GAL-ti u₄-mi-šam la na-par-ka-a

i 1414

šá d30 dUTU d15 u dIŠKUR ma-la bal-ṭa-ku

i 1515

ina AN-e u KI-tim pa-li-ḫa-at-su-nu ana-ku mim-mu-u-a

(i 15b) All of my good things that they (the gods of Ḫarrān) had given me, I gave them (back) day and night, month and year. I grasped the hem of the god Sîn, king of the gods, and my eyes were on him night and day. In prayer and (with) expressions of humility (lit. “stroking the nose”), I knelt down before them, saying: “May your return to your city happen so that the people, the black-headed, revere your great divinity.”

i 1616

dam-qa šá id-di-nu-nu u₄-mu u mu-ši ITI u MU ad-din-šú-nu-

i 1717

TÚG.SÍG d30 LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ aṣ-bat-ma mu-ši u ur-ra

i 1818

IGI.II-ia it-ti-šú ba-šá-a ina su-pe-e u la-ban ap-pi

i 1919

ku-um-mu-sak ina maḫ-ri-šú-un um-ma ta-a-a-ru-tu-ku

i 2020

a-na URU-ka lib-šá-ma ni-ši ṣal-mat qaq-qa-du

i 2121

lip-la-ḫu DINGIR-ú-ut-ka GAL-ti a-na nu-uḫ-ḫu

(i 21b) To appease the heart(s) of my god (Sîn) and my goddess (Ningal), I did not allow a garment of fine wool, jewelry of silver or gold, new clothing, aromatics (perfume), and aromatic oil to touch (lit. “come near”) my body, (but) dressed myself in a torn garment; my muṣû-garment was (made of) sackcloth.

i 2222

ŠÀ DINGIR-ia u d15-ia lu-bu-šú SÍG SAG šu-kut-ti

i 2323

.BABBAR u .GI ṣu-ba-a-ti -šú ŠIM.ḪI.A u Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA

i 2424

la ú-ṭaḫ-ḫa a-na zu-um-ri-ía ṣu-bat nak-su

i 2525

la-ab-šá-ku-ma mu-ṣe-e-a saq-qu-um-mu a-dal-lal

(i 25b) I sung their praise(s). Praise for my city(-god) and my goddess was placed in my heart and (therefore) I (continued) to serve them. I did not leave behind any of my good things and I brought (all of it) into their presence.

i 2626

da-li-li-šú-un ta-nit- URU-ía u d.TAR-ía

i 2727

ina lìb-bi-ia -šá-kin-ma EN.NUN--šú-nu aṣ-ṣur1

i 2828

mim-mu-ú-a dam-qa la e-zib-ma na-šá-ku ma-ḫar-šú-un

i 2929

ul-tu MU.20.KAM AN.ŠÁR--A LUGAL KUR--šur šá al-da-ku

(i 29) From the twentieth year of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, (during) which I was born, until the forty-second year of Ashurbanipal, the third year of Aššur-etel-ilāni, his son, the twenty-first year of Nabopolassar, the forty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar (II), the second year of Amēl-Marduk, (and) the fourth year of Neriglissar, after (these) ninety-five years, (when) the god Sîn, king of the gods of heaven and earth, the sanctuaries of whose great divinity I constantly sought out, looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and (then) heeded my prayers (and) accepted my request(s), (when) the wrath of his heart was appeased, and (when) he became reconciled towards Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god Sîn which is inside the city Ḫarrān, the residence of his happiness

i 3030

a-di MU.42.KAM AN.ŠÁR--A MU.3.KAM AN.ŠÁR-e-tel-lu-DINGIR

i 3131


i 3232


i 3333

ina 95 MU.MEŠ d30 LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ šá AN-e u KI-tim

i 3434

šá áš-ra-a-ti DINGIR-ú-ti-šú GAL-ti áš-te--u

i 3535

ép-še-ti-ía SIG₅.MEŠ ḫa-diš ip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma

i 3636

su-pe-e-a -mu-u im-gu-ru -bi-ta₅ ug-ga-ti

i 3737

lìb-bi-šú i-nu-uḫ-ma a-na é-ḫúl-ḫúl É d30

i 3838

šá -reb URU.KASKAL šu-bat ṭu-ub lìb-bi-šú is-li-mu ir-šu-u

i 3939

ta-a-a-ri d30 LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ ip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma

(i 39b) (at that time,) the god Sîn, king of the gods, looked upon me and called Nabonidus, (my) only son, my own offspring, to be king and placed the kingship of the lands of Sumer and Akkad (and of) all of the lands from the border(s) of Egypt (and) the Upper to the Lower Sea in his hands.

i 4040

mdMUATI-I DUMU e-du ṣi-it ŠÀ-ía a-na LUGAL-u-

i 4141

im--e-ma LUGAL-ú-ti KUR-šu-me-ri u KUR-URI.KI

i 4242

ul-tu pa-ṭu KUR.mi-ṣir tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim

i 4343

šap-li-ti nap-ḫar KUR.KUR ú-mál-la-a

i 4444

ŠU.II--šú qa-ta-a-a -ši-ma a-na d30 LUGAL DINGIR

(i 44b) I raised up my hands to the god Sîn, king of the gods, and, reverently, [...] through prayer(s) [..., my own of]fsp[ring, ..., (saying)]: “You called him (Nabonidus) to be king and mentioned (him) by his name. By the command of your great divinity, may the great gods march at his side (and) cut down his enemies. Do not forget Eḫulḫul. Carry out its perfect cultic rites fully.”

i 4545

pal-ḫiš ina te-me-qa [...]

i 4646

[... ṣi]-it [lìb-bi-ía ...]

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

at-ta a-na LUGAL-u-ti tam-bi-šu-ma taz-ku-ru zi-kir-šú

ii 22

ina -bit DINGIR-ú-ti-ka GAL-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

ii 33

i-da-a-šú lil-li-ku li-šam-- ga-ri-šú

ii 44

e tam-šú é-ḫúl-ḫúl ù šuk-lu-lu- GARZA-šú šul-lim

ii 55

qa-ta-a-šú ina MÁŠ.GI₆-ia ki-i -šak-nu d30 LUGAL DINGIR.[MEŠ]

(ii 5) When his hands were placed in my dream, the god Sîn, king of the gods, said to me, saying: “The return of the gods is your responsibility. I will place (responsibility for my) residence in Ḫarrān into the hands of Nabonidus, your son. He will (re)build Eḫulḫul and complete its construction. He will make the city Ḫarrān more perfect than before and he will return (it) to its place. He will take the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna by the hand and will have (them) enter Eḫulḫul.”

ii 66

i-qab-ba-a um-ma it-ti-ka ta-a-a-ra- DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 77

šu-bat URU.KASKAL ina ŠU.II mdMUATI-I DUMU-ka a-šak-kan

ii 88

é-ḫúl-ḫúl ip-pu--ma ú-šak-lal ši-pir-šú URU.KASKAL

ii 99

UGU šá ma-ḫar ú-šak-lal-ma a-na áš-ri-šú ú-ta-ri

ii 1010

ŠU.II d30 dnin-gal dnusku u dsa-dàr-nun-na

ii 1111

i-ṣab-bat-ma a-na é-ḫúl-ḫúl ú-še-reb a-mat d30

(ii 11b) I was attentive to the word(s) that the god Sîn, king of the gods, had spoken to me and I personally saw (these things happen).

ii 1212

LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ iq-ba-a at-ta-ʾi-id-ma a-mur a-na-ku

ii 1313

mdMUATI-.TUKU DUMU e-du ṣi-it lìb-bi-ía par-ṣi

(ii 13) Nabonidus, (my) only son, my own offspring, carried out the forgotten cultic rites of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna to perfection. He built Eḫulḫul anew and completed its construction. He made the city Ḫarrān more perfect than before and returned (it) to its place. He took the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna by the hand, (leading them out) of Šuanna (Babylon), the city of his royal majesty, and had (them) reside inside in the city Ḫarrān, in Eḫulḫul, the residence of their happiness, during joyous celebrations.

ii 1414

ma-šu-ti šá d30 dnin-gal dnusku ù

ii 1515

dsa-dàr-nun-na ú-šak-lil é-ḫúl-ḫúl

ii 1616

-šiš i-pu--ma ú-šak-lil ši-pir-šú URU.KASKAL e-li

ii 1717

šá ma-ḫar ú-šak-lil-ma a-na áš-ri-šú ú-ter qa-ti

ii 1818

d30 dnin-gal dnusku u dsa-dàr-nun-na ul-tu

ii 1919

šu-an-na URU LUGAL-ú-ti-šú iṣ-bat-ma ina -reb URU.KASKAL

ii 2020

ina é-ḫúl-ḫúl šu-bat ṭu-ub lìb-bi-šú-nu ina ḫi-da-a-

ii 2121

u ri-šá-a- ú-še-šib šá ul-tu pa-na-ma d30 LUGAL DINGIR

(ii 21b) That which from the (distant) past the god Sîn, king of the gods, had not done nor given to anyone: out of (his) love for me, I who revered his divinity and grasped his hem, the god Sîn, king of the gods, elevated me (lit. “raised up my head”) and (then) he established a good reputation for me in the land (and) added long days (and) years of happiness to my (life). From the time of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, until the ninth year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon, (my) son, my own offspring, he (Sîn) kept me alive for 104 good years on account of the reverence that the god Sîn, king of the gods, had placed in my heart.

ii 2222

la i-pu-šú-ma a-na mam-ma la id-di-nu ina na-ra-mi-ia

ii 2323

šá DINGIR-ut-su pal-ḫa-ku TÚG.SÍG-šú aṣ-ba-ti d30 LUGAL DINGIR2

ii 2424

re-ši-ia ul-li-ma MU DÙG.GA ina KUR -ku-na-an-ni

ii 2525

u₄-me ár-ku-ti MU.AN.NA.MEŠ ṭu-ub ŠÀ uṣ-ṣi-pa-am-ma

ii 2626

ul-tu pa-ni mAN.ŠÁR--A LUGAL KUR--šur.KI a-di MU.9.KAM

ii 2727


ii 2828

1 ME 4 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ SIG₅.MEŠ ina pu-luḫ-ti šá d30 LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 2929

ina lìb-bi-ia -ku-nu ú-bal-liṭ-an-ni ía-a-ti ni-ṭi-il IGI

(ii 29b) (As for) me, my eyesight was (still) sharp (lit. “bright”), my hearing/mental faculties was/were (still) surpassing, my hands and feet were (still) intact, my words were (still) well-chosen, food and drink were (still) agreeable to me, my body was (still) healthy, and my spirit was (still) joyful. I saw my children’s children’s children’s children alive up to the fourth generation and (therefore) I attained a very old age. You, Sîn, king of the gods, looked at me with favor and made my days long.

ii 3030

na-mir-ma šu-tu-rak ḫa-si-si qa-ti u GÌR.II šá-li-im-ma3

ii 3131

nu-us-su-qa a-ma-tu-u-a ma-ka-le-e u maš--ti

ii 3232

šu-lu-ku UGU-ia UZU.MEŠ-u-a ṭa-bu-ma ul-lu-ṣi lìb-bi

ii 3333

DUMU DUMU DUMU DUMU.MEŠ-ia* a-di 4 li-pi-ia bal-ṭu-ut-su-nu

ii 3434

a-mur-ma áš-ba-a lit-tu-tu d30 LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ a-na SIG₅-ti

ii 3535

tap-pa-al-sa-an-ni-ma u₄-mi-ía tu-ri-ki dMUATI-I LUGAL ERIDU.KI

(ii 35b) I entrusted Nabonidus, king of Babylon, my son, to the god Sîn, my lord. For his entire life, he will not sin against you. Entrust to him the good šēdu (and) the good lamassu that you had entrusted to me and who had helped me reach a very old age and save him from sinning (lit. “the hand of sin”) against your great divinity so that he reveres your great divinity.

ii 3636

DUMU-ú-a a-na d30 EN-ia ap-qid a-di bal-ṭu

ii 3737

la i-ḫa-aṭ-<ṭa>-ak-ka dALAD dum- dLAMMA dum- šá it-ti-ía

ii 3838

tap--du-ma ú-šak-ši-dan-nu a-na lit-tu-tu it-ti-šú

ii 3939

pi-qid-ma ina qa?-ti ḫi-ṭi šá DINGIR-ú-ti-ka ra-bi-ti

ii 4040

e-ṭir-šu-ma DINGIR-ú-ut-ka GAL-ti li-ip-làḫ ina 21 MU.MEŠ

(ii 40b) During the twenty-one years of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, the forty-three years of Nebuchadnezzar (II), son of Nabopolassar, and the four years of Neriglissar, king of Babylon, (when) th(ose three kings) exercised kingship, I whole heartedly revered them (the gods of Ḫarrān) for sixty-eight years, (continued to) serve them, [and] pressed Nabonidus, (my) son, my own offspring, into the service of Nebuchadnezzar (II), son of Nabopolassar, and Neriglissar, king of Babylon. He served them day and night and constantly did what was pleasing to them.

ii 4141


ii 4242


ii 4343

LUGAL-ú-ti i-te-ep-pu-šu- 68 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ

ii 4444

ina gab-bi lìb-bi-ia ap-làḫ-šú-nu-ti EN.NUN--šú-nu aṣ-ṣur-[ma]

ii 4545

mdMUATI-I DUMU ṣi-it lìb-bi-ía ana IGI mdMUATI-NÍG.GUB-ú-ṣur

ii 4646


ii 4747

ur-ri u mu-ši EN.NUN--šú-nu iṣ-ṣur-ma

ii 4848

šá e-li-šú-nu ṭa-a-bi i-te--ep-pu-šú ka-a-a-na

ii 4949

MU-a bab-ba-nu-ú ina pa-ni-šú-nu -ku-un ki-ma

(ii 49) He (Sîn) established my excellent name before them. Like a daughter, their own offspring, they elevated me (lit. “raised up my head”). Afterwards, fate carried them off. Not one of their descendants and not one of [their] people or their eunuchs, whom they had made richer in possessions and property when they elevated th[em] (lit. “raised up [their] heads”), set out incense(-offerings) for th[em].

ii 5050

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú-nu ul-lu-ú re-ši-ia

ii 5151

ár-ka-niš šim-ti ú-bil-šú-nu-ti

ii 5252

ma-na-ma ina DUMU.MEŠ-šú-nu u mam-ma ni-šì-[šú-nu]

ii 5353

u .GAL.MEŠ-šú-nu šá i-nu-ma re-ši-[šú-nu]

ii 5454

ul-lu-ú ina bu-šu-ú ù NÍG.GA

ii 5555

ú-at-ter-šú-nu- la -tak-kan-šú-nu-[]

ii 5656

qut-rin-nu ia-a- ITI-šam-ma la na-par-ka-[a]

(ii 56b) (But as for) me, monthly, without ceasing, (and dressed) in my (most) beautiful garments, I presented them with oxen, fattened sheep, bread, beer, wine, oil, honey, and fruit(s) of the orchard, all of this, as a funerary offering and I made an abundance of strewn offerings (with) a sweet scent permanent for them (and) placed (them) before them (forever after).

ii 5757

ina lu-bu-ši-ia dam-qu-ú- GU₄.MEŠ

ii 5858


ii 5959

Ì.GIŠ LÀL u GURUN GIŠ.KIRI₆ ka-la-ma ki-is-pi

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

a-kàs-sip₄-šú-nu-ti-ma sur-qin-nu

iii 22

ṭaḫ-du- i-ri-ši ṭa-a-bi

iii 33

a-na gi-na-a ú-kin-šú-nu-ti-ma

iii 44

áš-tak-kan ina maḫ-ri-šu-un

iii 55

ina MU.9.KAM mdMUATI-I

(iii 5) During the ninth year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon, fate carried her off, and Nabonidus, king of Bab[ylon], (her) son, her own offspring, the beloved of his mother, prepared her corpse for burial, [... (her)] with a beautiful garment, bright linen, an ālu-ornament of gold, bright ..., good quality stone(s), a choice stone, precious stone(s), [...], an[ointed] her corpse with aromatic oil, [and] placed (it) in a secluded place.

iii 66


iii 77

ra-man-ni-šú ú-bil-šu-ma

iii 88


iii 99

DUMU ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú na-ra-am AMA-šú

iii 1010

ADDA-su ú-kam-mis-ma lu-bu-šú

iii 1111

SIG₅-ti ki-tu-u na-am-ri a-lu4

iii 1212

.GI x x nam-ru-

iii 1313

NA₄ SIG₅-u-ti NA₄ ni-siq-

iii 1414

NA₄ šu-qu-ru-ti [...]5

iii 1515

Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA ADDA-su ú-[pa-ši--ma]

iii 1616

-ku-nu ina ni-ṣir-ti GU₄.MEŠ

(iii 16b) He (Nabonidus) slaughte[red] oxen and fattened sheep. In her presence, he gathered the people of Babylon and Borsippa, rul[ers] who reside in remote mountains, [nobles] and governors from [the border(s) of] Egypt (and) the Upp[er] Sea to the Lower Sea, and (then) he [made (them) rise up, and ...] lamentations and [...]. Th[ey] wept bitterly [and] uttered their laments. For seven da[ys] and seven nights, they let (their) lou[d cries] sound forth shrilly. [Their] garme[nts] were covered [with dust].

iii 1717

UDU.NÍTA.MEŠ ma-ru- ú-ṭa-ab-bi-[iḫ]

iii 1818

ma-ḫar-šú ú-pa-ḫir-ma

iii 1919

TIN.TIR.KI u bar-sip.KI ma-al-[ki]

iii 2020

a-šib na-gi-i -su- [NUN.MEŠ]

iii 2121

u GÌR.NÍTA.MEŠ ul-tu [pa-aṭ]

iii 2222

KUR.mi-ṣir tam-tim e-li-[ti]

iii 2323

ana tam-tim šap-li-ti ú-[šat-ba-am-ma]

iii 2424

si-pi-it-ti u [...]

iii 2525

bi-ki-ti ṣar-piš -[ku-nu-ma]

iii 2626

id-du-u ri-gim-šú-un 7 ur-[ri]

iii 2727

ù 7 mu-šá-a-ti ma-[li-ti]6

iii 2828

uḫ-tal-li-lu lu-bu-[ši-šú-nu SAḪAR]

iii 2929

sa-aḫ-pu ina 7-i u₄-mu [ina ka-šá-du]

(iii 29b) When the seventh day [arrived, the pe]ople of the land shaved off all of (their) ha[ir] and [...] their [ga]rments ... They pla[ced their] ... and their jewelry [and] entered into [...]. With food, [...], filtered oil, he (Nabonidus) heaped [up ...]. He poured aromatic oil onto the[ir] head(s), made [their he]arts rejoice, and ma[de] their [f]aces [light up]. He made them take the road (back) to their (own) [land(s) and] they retur[ned] to their places.

iii 3030

UN.MEŠ KUR ka-la-ma pe-re-[ti]

iii 3131

ú-gal-li-bu-ma [...]

iii 3232

[lu]-bu-ši-šú-nu TA x x

iii 3333

IS SU US UN x BU ŠI x [x x]

iii 3434

u šu-ka-ni-šú-nu -ku-[nu-ma]

iii 3535

i-ru-bu-ni a-na [...]

iii 3636

ina ma-ka-le-e [...]

iii 3737

ŠIM ḫal-ṣa ú-kam-mir [x x]

iii 3838

Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA a-na SAG-šú-[nu]

iii 3939

ú-šap-pi-ik lìb-[ba-šú-nu]

iii 4040

ú-šá-li-iṣ-ma ú-[nam-mir]

iii 4141

zi-mi-šú-un ú-ru-uḫ [KUR]--

iii 4242

šú-nu? ú-šá-aṣ-bit-šú-nu-ti-[ma]

iii 4343

a-na a-šar-šú-nu i-tu-[ru man-nu]

(iii 43b) [Whoever] you are, whether king or rul[er ...] ..., night and d[ay], revere the great divinity of the god Sîn, ki[ng of the gods], lord of the gods of heaven and e[arth], the deities Šamaš, Adad, and Ištar, lord(s) [of heaven and] earth, who ... [... (and) who re]side in Esagil and E[ḫulḫul, p]ray to them in heaven and [(on) earth] and [...] the pro[noun]cement(s) of the god Sîn ... [...] ... [...] your seed [...] ... [...]

iii 4444

at-ta lu-ú LUGAL lu-u NUN [x x]

iii 4545

x x TI x BE d30 LUGAL [DINGIR]

iii 4646

EN DINGIR.MEŠ šá AN-e u KI-[tim]

iii 4747

DINGIR-ut-su GAL-ti mu-ši u ur-[ra]

iii 4848

dUTU dIŠKUR u d15 EN? [AN-e u]

iii 4949

KI-tim šá x ma x x [x x]

iii 5050

[a]-šib é-sag-íl u é-[ḫúl-ḫúl]

iii 5151

[pi]-làḫ-ma ina AN-e u [KI-tim]

iii 5252

su-up-pi-šú-nu-ti-ma ṣi?-[it]

iii 5353

pi-i šá d30 DINGIR x [x x]

iii 5454

[x x] (traces) [...]

iii 5555

[x x]-ma NUMUN-ka x [x x]

iii 5656

[x x] ri x x x [x x]

1EN.NUN--šú-nu “I (continued) to serve them”: See the on-page note to text no. 47 (Ḫarrān Stele) i 30.

2pal-ḫa-ku “I who revered”: Ex. 2 has ap-la-ḫu “that I revered.”

3šu-tu-rak ḫa-si-si “my hearing/mental faculties was/were (still) surpassing”: Because hasīsu has the meaning of both “ear” and “wisdom, comprehension,” it is uncertain if Adad-guppi is referring to her hearing or her mental faculties. Therefore, both possibilities are offered in the translation. One could tentatively lean towards “hearing” as the primary meaning of hasīsī if nu-us-su-qa a-ma-tu-u-a (“my words were (still) well-chosen”) is a statement about her mental faculties, that is, Adad-guppi’s mind was still sharp enough to speak clearly. Moreover, because šūturāk hasīsī appears between niṭil īnī namirma (“my eyesight was (still) sharp”) and qātī u šēpī šalimma (“my hands and feet were (still) intact”), hasīsu may refer to hearing since Adad-guppi is describing her physical abilities.

4a-lu “an ālu-ornament”: For the interpretation of ālu as an ornament, see CAD A/1 pp. 374–375 sub alu A 2b and alu B, as well as CDA p. 13 sub ālu II. H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 508 n. 742) proposed that the word is connected to ālu (“city”) and tentatively suggests translating the word as “mural crown” (Mauerkrone), a royal headdress worn by Neo-Assyrian queens in artistic representations of them.

5The mention of various stones here may have had a two-fold purpose: they were chosen for their beauty, as well as their for their magical powers; see Schuster-Brandis, AOAT 46.

6ma-[li-ti]lou[d cries]”: Or possibly ma-[li-li]ree[d pipes].” Both malītu and malīlu are each only known from a handful of attestations; see CAD M/1 pp. 164–165. H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 509) restores ma-[li-li], rather than ma-[li-ti].

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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