Nabonidus 46



Column i


i' 1'1'

[ALAM] d30 dnin-gal dnusku [u dsa-dàr-nun-na]

(i' 1') [(As for) the statue(s) of] the deities Sîn, Ningal (Nikkal), Nusku, [and Sadarnunna, who had come out] of [it (Eḫulḫul/Ḫarrān) with the (other) g]ods of the city Ḫarrān, I will [renovate them as] you (Marduk) have commanded and [...].

i' 2'2'

[šá it-ti] DINGIR.MEŠ šu-ut URU.KASKAL ina qer*-[bi-šú ú-ṣu-ú]

i' 3'3'

[ud-du--su-un šá] taq-bu-ú ép-pu--ma x [...]

i' 4'4'

[x x a-na] -bi*-ti-ka ṣir- ul e-eg?-[gi ul a-še-et]1

(i' 4') [...] I will not be la[zy, negligent, (or) careless with regard to] your exalted command. [According to] your decree, I will renovate the statue(s) of the deities Sîn, Ni[ngal (Nikkal), Nusku], Sadarnunna, and the (other) gods of the city Ḫar[rān, ...], and complete their work.

i' 5'5'

[a-ḫi ul a-nam-di ki-ma] ṣi-it pi-i-ka ALAM d30 dnin-[gal]

i' 6'6'

[dnusku] dsa-dàr-nun-na u DINGIR.MEŠ šu-ut URU.KASKAL [(x)]

i' 7'7'

[...] ud-da-áš-ma ú-šak-la-lu ši-pir-šú-un* é-ḫúl-ḫúl

(i' 7'b) (The god Marduk said to me:) [Quickly] (re)build Eḫulḫul and have (them) take up residence in their dwelling place(s) inside it.”

i' 8'8'

[ḫa-an-ṭiš] e*-pu--ma ina qer*-bi-šú šu-úr*?-ma-a šu-bat--un2

i' 9'9'

[pal]-ḫi*?- a-ta-ma-a a-na dEN.LÍL DINGIR.MEŠ* dAMAR.UTU3

(i' 9') I spoke [rever]ently to the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk, (saying): [O Lord] of lords, merciful Marduk, now, as for the city and that temple [who]se (re)building you have commanded, (whose renovation) has issued from (lit. “be placed in”) your mouth [a barbarian hor]de (the Medes) is all around it and its forces are powerful. [...] and it has no rivals.”

i' 10'10'

[EN] EN.EN reme*-nu-ú dAMAR.UTU um*-ma URU u É* šú-a-4

i' 11'11'

[šá e]-peš-su taq-bu-ú -šak-nu ina pi-i-ka*

i' 12'12'

[ERIM-man]-da sa-ḫir-šum-ma pu-ug-gu-lu e-mu-qa-a-šú

i' 13'13'

[...] x-ma šá-ni-ni ul i-ši ki-ki-i

(i' 13'b) “How then [...]? Will [A]styages (Ištumegu), king of a barbarian horde (the Medes), (re)build th(at) temple (and) allow [the gods of the city Ḫa]rrān to dwell ins[ide it? ... w]ith me, force(s) of [...].

i' 14'14'

[... m]-tu-me-gi LUGAL ERIM*-man-da íp-pu-šú É

i' 15'15'

[DINGIR.MEŠ šu-ut URU].ḫar-ra-nu ú-šeš*-še-bu -reb-[šú]

i' 16'16'

[...] it?-ti*-ía e-muq? [...]

i' 17'17'

[...] x [...]



Column ii
ii'ii Lacuna


ii' 1'1'

[a-na] si-mat DINGIR-ti-[šú ...]

(ii' 1') [... as] an appropriate symbol of [his] divinity [...] like the god Šamaš, whose work [...] I joyously renovated [...] and [...].

ii' 2'2'

ki-ma dUTU-ši šip-ri-šú a-[...]5

ii' 3'3'

el-ṣi- ud-diš-ma [...]

ii' 4'4'

ina -bit dAMAR.UTU [...]

(ii' 4') By the command of the god Marduk [...] the best of ever[ything good ...] ... [...] ... [...]

ii' 5'5'

re- mi?-[im-ma-a-a dam-qa ...]

ii' 6'6'

ra-x [...]

ii' 7'7'

i-x [...]



1-bi*-ti-ka “your command”: The copy has -MA-ti-ka. H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 473 n. 652) tentatively suggests reading the signs as a!-ma-ti-kayour [w]ord.”

2šu-úr*?-ma-a “have (them) take up residence”: The copy looks more like šu-TU-ma-a.

3This passage also appears in text no. 28 (Eḫulḫul Cylinder) i 21–23.

4reme*-nu-ú “merciful”: The copy has ŠU-nu-ú. um*-ma “now”: For the use of umma in this passage not being used to introduce direct speech, but rather in the sense of Assyrian accentuating (“now”), see Schaudig, Inschriften Nabonids p. 276 §V.9.4 (with references to the relevant grammatical studies).

5šip-ri-šúwhose work”: Or possibly me-re-šúwhose wisdom.” It is not certain how the signs are to be read here, as already pointed out by H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 473).

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as