
  • Nabonidus 34


  • Q005431
  • Nabonidus 34



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Ur
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabonidus


  [EX001] YBC 02182

Nabonidus 34

Column i
i 1i 1

ì-nu dŠEŠ.KI-ri i-ri-šu NIN.DINGIR.RA

(i 1) When the god Nannāru desired an ēntu-priestess, the son of the prince (the god Marduk) revealed his sign to the world (and) the god Namra-Ṣīt made his firm decision manifest.

i 22

DUMU ru--e gi-is-ki-im-ma-šu ú-kal-li-im ad-na-a-tim

i 33

dnam-ra-ṣi-it ú-ša-pi pu-ru-us-sa-šu ki-i-nu

i 44

a-na dna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

(i 4) The god Nannāru, the lord of the crown who bears portent(s) for settlements, made his sign regarding (his) desire for an ēntu-priestess known to Nabonidus, king of Babylon, the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the reverent shepherd who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods.

i 55

re-é-a-am pa-al-ḫu mu--te--ú -ra-a-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

i 66

dŠEŠ.KI-ri EN a-gi-i na-áš ṣa-ad-du a-na da-ad-mi

i 77

ú-ad-di it-ta-šu -šum e-re- NIN.DINGIR.RA

i 88


(i 8) “The Fruit” (the god Sîn) became eclipsed in the month Ulūlu (VI), (on) the thirteenth day (of) the month of “the work of the goddesses” and set while he was eclipsed. “The god Sîn desired an ēntu-priestess,” such was his sign and his decision.

i 99

din-bi in-na-di-ir-ma i-na na--du-ri-šu ir-bi1

i 1010

dEN.ZU NIN.DINGIR.RA i-ri- ki-a-am it-ta-šu ù pu-ru-us-su-šú

i 1111

a-na-ku mdna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id re-é-a-am pa-li-iḫ i-lu-ti-šú

(i 11) I, Nabonidus, the shepherd who reveres his divinity, was frightened by his firm command. I was attentive, but was worried about (his) desire for an ēntu-priestess.

i 1212

-bi-it-su ki-it-tim ap-la-aḫ at-ta-ʾi-id-ma

i 1313

-šum e-re- NIN.DINGIR.RA ra-ša-ku ni--it-

i 1414

-ra-a-ti dUTU ù dIŠKUR EN.MEŠ bi-ri -te--e-ma

(i 14) I frequently visited the shrines of the gods Šamaš and Adad, the lords of divination, and the gods Šamaš and Adad answered me with a firm ‘yes.’ In my divination, they wrote out an auspicious omen, an omen indicating the desire for nadītu-priestesses, the desire of the gods to a man.

i 1515

dUTU ù dIŠKUR an-na ki-i-nu i-tap-pa-lu-in-ni

i 1616

i-na bi-ri-ia -ṭu-ru UZU da-mi-iq-tum

i 1717

UZU e-ri--ti na-da-a-ti e-ri--ti DINGIR.MEŠ a-na

i 1818

áš-ni-ma te-er-tum ap--id-ma UZU SIG₅ e-li šá maḫ-ri i-tap-pa-lu-ni2

(i 18) I repeated and checked the extispicy and they answered me with an omen more auspicious than the previous one.

i 1919

áš-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ki-im-ti-ia te-er-tum e---ma ul-la i-tap-pa-lu-ni

(i 19) I performed an extispicy (to ask) about (the suitability of) a daughter from my extended family, but they answered me ‘no.’

i 2020

áš-lu--ma áš-šú DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lib-bi-ia

(i 20) I performed an extispicy a third time (to ask) about (the suitability of my) daughter, my own offspring, and they answered me (this time) with an auspicious omen.

i 2121

te-er-tum e---ma UZU SIG₅ i-tap-pa-lu-in-ni

i 2222

a-ma-at dEN.ZU EN šu-ur-bu-ú DINGIR ba-a-ni-ia

(i 22) I was attentive towards the word of the god Sîn, the supreme lord, the god who created me, (and) the command(s) of the gods Šamaš and Adad, the lords of divination, and elevated (my) daughter, my own offspring, to the office of ēntu-priestess and (then) I named (her) En-nigaldi-Nanna, as her (new, official) name.

i 2323

-bi-it dUTU ù dIŠKUR EN.MEŠ bi-ri at-ta-ʾi-id-ma

i 2424

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lib-bi-ia a-na e-nu-ti áš-ši-ma

i 2525

en-níg-al-di-dnanna šu-um-šá am-bi

i 2626

áš-šú -tu UD.MEŠ ru-qu-tim pa-ra-aṣ en-ti ma-šu-ú-ma

(i 26) Because the rite(s) of the ēntu-priestess had been forgotten since distant days and its (the Egipar’s) structure was no (longer) known, I deliberated (these matters) daily.

i 2727

la ud-du-ú ši-ki-in-šu u₄-mi-ša-am -ta-ad-da-an

i 2828

a-da-an-nu ik-šu-da-am-ma up-ta-at-ta-a-ni .MEŠ

(i 28) The appointed time arrived and the gates were opened for me: I discovered an ancient foundation inscription of Nebuchadnezzar (I), son of Ninurta-nādin-šumi, a previous, former king, that had an image of an ēntu-priestess depicted on it, whose appurtenances, attire, and insignia he had also written down, and (that) he had had brought into Egipar.

i 2929

ap-pa-li-is-ma NA₄.NA..A la-bi-ri ša dna-bi-um-ku-dúr-ri-ú-ṣur

i 3030

DUMU mdnin-urta-na-din-šu-mi LUGAL pa-na ma-aḫ-ra-a

i 3131

ša ṣa-lam NIN.DINGIR.RA ba-áš-mu ṣe-ru--šu

i 3232

si-ma-a-ti-šu lu-ub--ta-šu ù ti-iq-ni-šu

i 3333

it-ti-i -ṭu-ru-ma a-na é-gi₆-pàr ú-še-ri-bu

i 3434

ṭup-pa-nu ù GIŠ.LE.U₅.UM.MEŠ LIBIR.RA.MEŠ at-ta-aṭ*-ṭa-al-ma3

(i 34) I carefully inspected the ancient tablets and writing boards and made (it) as (it had been) in ancient times.

i 3535

ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma e--

i 3636

NA₄.NA..A si-ma-ti-šu ù ú-na-a-at É-šu

(i 36) I created anew a foundation inscription (recording) her appurtenances and the utensils of her house, wrote down (this information) on it, and firmly established (it) before the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, my lords.

i 3737

e--ši- ab-ni ṣe-ru--šu áš-ṭu-ur-ma

i 3838

ma-ḫa-ar dEN.ZU ù dnin-gal EN.MEŠ-e-a ú-ki-in

i 3939

i-nu-šu é-gi₆-pàr ku-um-mi el-lu a-šar pa-ra-aṣ e-nu-tim -tak-la-lu -re-eb-šu

(i 39) At that time, (with regard to) Egipar, the pure cella, the site wherein the rite(s) of the ēntu-priestess are performed to perfection, its site was in ruins and had turned into rubble. Date palms and fruit orchards were growing inside it.

i 4040

a-šar-šu na-di-ma e-mi kar-mi-

i 4141

GIŠ.a-la-mi-it- in-bi ṣi-ip-pa-a-tim a-ṣu-ú qer-bu--šu

i 4242

ak-ši-iṭ-ma iṣ-ṣi e-pe-ri ka-ar-mi-šu as-su-uḫ

(i 42) I cut down the trees and cleared away the rubble from its ruin(s). I (then) discovered (that) temple and (clearly) identified its foundation(s).

i 4343

É ap-pa-li-is-ma ud-da-a te-me-en-šu

i 4444

ši-ṭi-ir šu-mi ša LUGAL.MEŠ maḫ-ri la-bi-ru-tim ap-pa-li-is qer-bu--šú

(i 44) I discovered inside it inscription(s) of ancient kings of the past. I (also) discovered an ancient inscribed object of Enanedu, ēntu-priestess of Ur, daughter of Kudur-mabuk, sister of Rīm-Sîn, king of Ur, who had renewed Egipar and restored it (“lit. “returned (it) to place”), (and who) surrounded the burial ground of the ancient ēntu-priestesses near the boundary of Egipar with a wall. Then, I built Egipar anew as (it had been) in ancient times.

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

MU.SAR-ú la-bi-ri šá en-an-e-du₇ NIN.DINGIR.RA úri.KI

ii 22

DUMU.MUNUS ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk a-ḫa-at ri-im-dEN.ZU LUGAL úri.KI

ii 33

ša é-gi₆-pàr -ši-šu-ma a-na áš-ri-šu ú-te-er-ru

ii 44

a-na i-te-e é-gi₆-pàr BÀD e-li ma-a-a-al NIN.DINGIR.RA.MEŠ LIBIR.RA.MEŠ il-mu-ú

ii 55

ap-pa-li-is-ma é-gi₆-pàr ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma e--ši- e--

ii 66

BÁRA.MEŠ-šu ù GIŠ.ḪUR.MEŠ-šu ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma e--ši- ab-ni

(ii 6) I built its daises and ground plans anew as (they had been) in ancient times. Near the boundary of Egipar I built anew the house of En-nigaldi-Nanna, my daughter, the ēntu-priestess of the god Sîn.

ii 77

a-na i-te-e é-gi₆-pàr É en-níg-al-di-dnanna DUMU.MUNUS-ia NIN.DINGIR.RA d30 e--ši- e--

ii 88

DUMU.MUNUS ul-li-il-ma a-na d30 ù dnin-gal EN.MEŠ-e-a áš-ru-uk

(ii 8) I purified (my) daughter and (then) dedicated (her) to the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal. I purified it with an exorcistic ritual and had (her) enter into Egipar.

ii 99

i-na ši--ir ka--gál-ú-tim i-ši-ip-pu-ut-su e---ma a-na é-gi₆-pàr ú-še-ri-ib

ii 1010

sa-at-tuk-ki é-gi₆-pàr ú-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-id

(ii 10) I made the sattukku-offering(s) of Egipar abundant. I copiously supplied it with fields, orchards, domestic staff, cattle, and sheep and goats.

ii 1111


ii 1212


(ii 12) As (it had been) in the (distant) past, I surrounded the burial ground of the ancient ēntu-priestesses anew with a wall. (As for) that temple, I established it as a strong fortress.

ii 1313

ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma e--ši- al-mi

ii 1414

É šu-a-ti a-na ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-tim dan-na-tim -ku-un-šu

ii 1515

ì-nu-šu ša dEN.ZU ù dnin-gal EN.MEŠ-e-a

(ii 15) At that time, with regard to the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, my lords, I made their sattukku-offerings more abundant than (they were) in the past. I made everything there is copious in Ekišnugal. Per day, I indeed established for the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, my lords, three sheep above the original ginû-offering of a (single) sheep. I made possessions (and) property copious inside Ekišnugal.

ii 1616

sa-at-tuk-ki-šu-nu e-li ša pa-na ú-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-id

ii 1717

mi-im-ma šum-šu in é-kiš-nu-gál ú-da--ši

ii 1818

ša u₄-mi 3 UDU.NÍTA e-le-en UDU.NÍTA gi-na-a la-bi-ri (erasure) a-na d30 ù dnin-gal EN-e-a lu ú-ki-in

ii 1919

bu-ša-a ma-ak-ku-ru -re-eb é-kiš-nu-gál ú-da--ši

ii 2020

-šum bur-sag-ge-e ul-lu-li-im-ma ḫi-ṭi-ti la ra-še-e

(ii 20) In order to keep the bursaggû-offerings pure and to avoid cultic mistake(s), I released the ramku-priests of Ekišnugal and the temples of the (other) gods (at Ur), (as well as) the ēnu-priest, the purification priest, the zabarbaddu-official, the brewer, the cook, the miller, the rab-banî-official, the builder, the courtyard sweeper, the head doorkeeper, the tīru-official of the house, the lagaru-priest who performs the taqribtu-ritual, the singers who please the heart(s) of the gods, the lower-ranking priesthood who are named (here) by their title(s), from their corvée labor and established their freedom from service obligations. I cleared them (of legal claims) and set them free for the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, my lords.

ii 2121

ra-am-ku-ut é-kiš-nu-gál ù É.MEŠ DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 2222

e-nu i-šip- ZABAR.DAB.BA .KUL.LUM .en-gi-su

ii 2323

.a-ri-ru .GAL- .ŠITIM .KISAL.LUḪ-ḫa (erasure) Ì.DU₈.GAL-lum

ii 2424

.ti-ir É .la-ga-ru šá-ki-nu taq-ri-ib-ti

ii 2525

.NAR.MEŠ mu-ḫa-ad-du-ú lìb-bi DINGIR.MEŠ

ii 2626

.ki-ni--tum šu-ut na-bu-ú šu-ma-an-šu-un

ii 2727

i-li-ik-šu-nu ap-ṭu-ur-ma ŠU.BAR.RA-šu-nu -ku-un (erasure) ub-bi-ib-šu-nu-ti-ma

ii 2828

a-na dEN.ZU ù dnin-gal EN.MEŠ-e-a ú-zak-ki-šu-nu-ti

ii 2929

dEN.ZU DINGIR el-lu EN a-gi-i nu-úr te--še-e-ti

(ii 29) May the god Sîn, the bright god, the lord of the crown, the light of the people, the supreme god who(se) command is firm, be happy with my deeds so that he loves my royal majesty. May he grant me a long life (and) the attainment of very old age.

ii 3030

DINGIR šu-ur-bu-ú šá -bi-it ki-na-at

ii 3131

a-na e-ep-še-ti-ia li-iḫ-du-ma li-ir-a-am šar-ru-ti

ii 3232

ba-la-ṭa₄ da--a še--e li-it-tu-tu a-na ši-ri-ik-tim liš-ru-kam

ii 3333

a-a ú-ša-ab-šá-a šá-ni-nu ma-ḫi-ri a-a ar-ši

(ii 33) May he not bring a rival into existence for me (so that) I do not have opponents.

ii 3434

e-ma ITI liš-tap-pa-a i-da-a-ti du-um--ia

(ii 34) Each month, may he make signs of my well-being manifest. May he firmly establish on my head the crown of my royal majesty forever. Make the throne of my lordly person secure in the days to come.

ii 3535

a-ge-e šar-ru-ti-ia a-na da--a-tim lu-ki-in ra-šu-ú-a

ii 3636

GIŠ.GU.ZA be-lu-ti-ia šu-úr-ši-id a-na aḫ-ra-a-tu UD.MEŠ

ii 3737

e-ma ITI i-na i-te-ed-du-ši-ka

(ii 37) Every month, when you renew yourself, may I always behold your auspicious sign(s).

ii 3838

ṣa-ad-da-ka da-mi-iq-tim gi-na-a lu-ut-tap-la-as

ii 3939

dnin-gal GAŠAN šur-bu-tum ma-ḫa-ar-ki li-ta-ma-a SIG₅-

(ii 39) May the goddess Ningal, the supreme lady, say good things about me in your presence.

ii 4040

en-níg-al-di-dnanna DUMU.MUNUS na-ra-am-ti lib-bi-ia

(ii 40) May En-nigaldi-Nanna, the beloved daughter of my heart, remain in good health in your presence and may her command(s) be firm. May her deeds be pleasing to you (and) may she avoid cultic mistake(s).

ii 4141

ma-ḫa-ar-ku-nu li-bur-ma li-kun -bi-is-su

ii 4242

e-ep-še-tu-šu li-ṭi-ba el*-ku-un4

ii 4343

a-a ir-šá-a ḫi-ṭi-ti

1din-bi “The Fruit”: This epithet of the moon-god is used here instead of the name of the god Sîn. It is also found in inscriptions of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal and in Babylonian hemerologies. See, for example, CAD I–J p. 146 sub inbu 1.d; Linssen, Cults of Uruk and Babylon p. 4 n. 7 (with references to earlier scholarly literature); and Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 68 Ashurbanipal 2 (Prism B) v 10.

2e-li šá maḫ-ri “than the previous one”: For a study of the Akkadian expressions eli maḫrê and eli ša maḫri, see Worthington, Textual Criticism pp. 151–152 §3.5.6.

3at-ta-aṭ*-ṭa-al-ma “I carefully inspected and”: The scribe wrote at-ta-ṢI-ṭa-al-ma.

4el*-ku-un “to you (pl.)”: Here, the plural “you” (-kun) refers to the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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