Nabonidus 28
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
i 1i 1 | (i 1) I am Nabonidus, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Babylon, king of the four quarters (of the world), the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, whose fate the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal determined as a royal lot (while he was still) in his mother’s womb, son of Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, wise prince, the one who reveres the great gods, am I. | |
i 22 | LUGAL kiš-šá-ti LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI LUGAL kib-ra-a-ti er-bet-ti1 | |
i 33 | ||
i 44 | ||
i 55 | ||
i 66 | DUMU mdAG-TIN-su-iq-bi NUN e-em-qu pa-li-iḫ DINGIR GAL.GAL a-na-ku2 | |
i 77 | (i 7) (With regard to) Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god Sîn, which is inside the city Ḫarrān, in which the god Sîn, the great lord, has occupied the residence of his happiness since distant days: His (Sîn’s) heart became angry with the city and that temple and he raised up a barbarian horde (the Medes), and it destroyed that temple and turned it into ruins. | |
i 88 | ||
i 99 | ||
i 1010 | ||
i 1111 | ||
i 1212 | (i 12b) During my legitimate reign, the god Sîn, the great lord, out of love for my royal majesty, became reconciled towards the city and that temple (and) had mercy. At the beginning of my eternal kingship, he showed me a dream. The god Marduk, the great lord, and the god Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, were both standing (and) the god Marduk spoke with me, (saying): “Nabonidus, king of Babylon, carry bricks using the horse(s) of your (royal) vehicle, (re)build Eḫulḫul, and enable the god Sîn, the great lord, to take up residence in his dwelling place inside it.” | |
i 1313 | ||
i 1414 | ||
i 1515 | i-na re-eš LUGAL-ú-ti-ia da-rí-ti ú-šab-ru-ʾi-in-ni šu-ut-ti | |
i 1616 | ||
i 1717 | ||
i 1818 | ||
i 1919 | ||
i 2020 | ||
i 2121 | (i 21) I spoke reverently to the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk: “(As for) that temple whose (re)building you have commanded, a barbarian horde (the Medes) is all around it and its forces are powerful.” The god Marduk spoke with me, (saying): “(As for) the barbarian horde (the Medes) that you spoke of, it, its land, and the kings who march at its side will not exist.” | |
i 2222 | ||
i 2323 | ||
i 2424 | ||
i 2525 | ||
i 2626 | (i 26) When (my) third year arrived, they had Cyrus (II), king of the land Anšan, a young servant of his (Astyages’), rise up against him (Astyages), and he (Cyrus) scattered the extensive barbarian horde (the Medes) with his small body of troops. He seized Astyages (Ištumegu), king of the barbarian horde (the Medes), and took him to his land as a captive. | |
i 2727 | ú-šat-bu-niš-šum-ma mku-ra-áš LUGAL ARAD-su ṣa-aḫ-ri | |
i 2828 | i-na um-ma-ni-šu i-ṣu-tu LÚ.ERIM-man-da rap-šá-a-ti ú-sap-pi-iḫ6 | |
i 2929 | miš-tu-me-gu LUGAL LÚ.ERIM-man-da iṣ-bat-ma ka-mu-ut-su a-na KUR-šu il-qé | |
i 3030 | a-mat dEN GAL-ú dAMAR.UTU ù dEN.ZU na-an-na-ri AN-e ù KI-tim | (i 30) The word of the great divine lord, the god Marduk, and the god Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, whose command(s) cannot be changed — by their exalted command, I became frightened, worried, (and) anxious, and my face was haggard. |
i 3131 | ||
i 3232 | ||
i 3333 | (i 33) I was not lazy, negligent, (or) careless. I raised up my extensive troops from the land (of the city) Gaza (on) the border of Egypt (and) the Upper Sea on the other bank of the Euphrates River to the Lower Sea — kings, nobles, governors, and my extensive troops, whom the deities Sîn, Šamaš, and Ištar, my lords, had entrusted to me — to (re)build Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god Sîn, my lord, the one who marches at my side, which is inside the city Ḫarrān, which Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, a ruler who came before me, had built. | |
i 3434 | um-ma-ni-ia rap-šá-a-ti ul-tu KUR.ḫa-az-za-ti pa-aṭ KUR.mi-ṣir | |
i 3535 | tam-tim e-li-ti a-bar-ti ÍD.BURANUN.KI a-di tam-tim šap-li-ti | |
i 3636 | ||
i 3737 | ||
i 3838 | ||
i 3939 | ša qé-reb URU.ḫar-ra-nu šá mAN.ŠÁR-ba-an-IBILA LUGAL KUR-aš-šur.KI | |
i 4040 | DUMU mAN.ŠÁR-ŠEŠ-MU LUGAL KUR-aš-šur.KI NUN a-lik maḫ-ri-ia i-pú-šu | |
i 4141 | i-na ITI šá-al-mu i-na u₄-mu še-mi-i šá i-na bi-ri ú-ad-du-ni dUTU ù dIŠKUR | (i 41) In a favorable month, on an auspicious day that the gods Šamaš and Adad had revealed to me through divination, using the wisdom of the gods Ea and Asalluḫi, through the craft of the incantation priest, (and) with the craft of the god Kulla, the lord of foundation(s) and brickwork, during joyous celebrations, I laid its foundations in silver, gold, a selection of precious stones, (and) crushed pieces of wood (and) cedar aromatics, (precisely) on the foundation(s) of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, who had seen the foundation(s) of Shalmaneser (III), son of Ashurnasirpal (II), and (thereby) I secured its brickwork. |
i 4242 | ||
i 4343 | ||
Column ii | ||
ii 1ii 1 | i-na KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI NA₄ ni-siq-ti šu-qu-ru-tu ḫi-biš-ti GIŠ.TIR | |
ii 22 | ||
ii 33 | ||
ii 44 | ša te-me-en-na mšul-man-SAG.KAL DUMU mAN.ŠÁR-na-ṣir-IBILA i-mu-ru | |
ii 55 | uš-šu-šu ad-di-ma ú-kin lib-na-at-su i-na KAŠ GEŠTIN Ì.GIŠ LÀL8 | (ii 5b) I blended its šallaru-plaster with beer, wine, oil, (and) honey, and mixed (it into) its revetment. I made its structure stronger than that of the kings, my ancestors, and had its construction more expertly executed. I built that temple anew from its foundation(s) to its crenellations and completed its construction. |
ii 66 | ||
ii 77 | ||
ii 88 | ||
ii 99 | ||
ii 1010 | (ii 10) I had immense beams of cedar, (which were) grown on Mount Amanus, stretched out over it (for its roof). I had doors of cedar, whose scent is sweet, installed in its gates. I had its walls clad with silver and gold and made (them) radiate like the sun. | |
ii 1111 | ||
ii 1212 | ||
ii 1313 | KÙ.BABBAR ù KÙ.GI É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šu ú-šal-biš-ma ú-šá-an-bi-iṭ šá-áš-šá-ni-iš | |
ii 1414 | (ii 14) I stationed a wild bull of shiny zaḫalû-metal, which aggressively gores my foes (to death), in his (Sîn’s) inner sanctum. I firmly planted two long-haired heroes of ešmarû-metal, who overwhelm my enem(ies), in the Gate of the Rising Sun, (on) the right and left. | |
ii 1515 | ||
ii 1616 | ||
ii 1717 | ||
ii 1818 | (ii 18) I took the deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna, my lords, by the hand, (leading them out) of Šuanna (Babylon), the city of my royal majesty, and I had (them) reside inside the residence of (their) happiness during joyous celebrations. | |
ii 1919 | ||
ii 2020 | ||
ii 2121 | ||
ii 2222 | (ii 22) I offered pure, sumptuous offerings before them (and) presented (them) with my gifts. I filled Eḫulḫul with joy and (then) made the radiance of the city Ḫarrān, to its full extent, shine like the appearance of the moon. | |
ii 2323 | ||
ii 2424 | ||
ii 2525 | ||
ii 2626 | (ii 26) O Sîn, king of the gods of heaven and earth, without whom no city or land can be founded or restored (lit. “returned to its place”), when you enter Eḫulḫul, the temple (that is) the residence you desired, may good thing(s) about the city and that temple be placed on your lips. | |
ii 2727 | ||
ii 2828 | ||
ii 2929 | ||
ii 3030 | (ii 30) May the gods who reside in heaven and on earth constantly bless the temple of the god Sîn, the father who created them. | |
ii 3131 | ||
ii 3232 | (ii 32) (As for) me, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, the one who completed this temple, may the god Sîn, king of the gods of heaven and earth, look with pleasure upon me with his favorable glance and monthly, at sunrise and sunset, make my signs auspicious. May he lengthen my days, increase my years, (and) make my reign endure. May he conquer my enemies, cut down those hostile to me, (and) flatten my foes. | |
ii 3333 | dEN.ZU LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ šá AN-e ù KI-tim i-na ni-iš i-ni-šú SIG₅.MEŠ | |
ii 3434 | ḫa-di-iš lip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma ár-ḫi-šam-ma i-na ni-ip-ḫi ù ri-ba | |
ii 3535 | ||
ii 3636 | ||
ii 3737 | ||
ii 3838 | (ii 38b) May the goddess Ningal, mother of the great gods, speak laudatory word(s) about me in the presence of the god Sîn, her beloved. | |
ii 3939 | ||
ii 4040 | (ii 40) May the god Šamaš and the goddess Ištar, his bright offspring, say good thing(s) about me to the god Sîn, the father who created them. May the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, hear my prayers and intercede (on my behalf). | |
ii 4141 | ||
ii 4242 | ||
ii 4343 | (ii 43b) I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, and I did not change (its position). I anointed (it) with oil, made an offering, placed (it) with my (own) inscribed object, and returned (it) to its place. | |
ii 4444 | ||
ii 4545 | ||
ii 4646 | ||
ii 4747 | (ii 47) For the god Šamaš, judge of heaven and earth: (With regard to) Ebabbar, his temple that is inside Sippar, which Nebuchadnezzar (II), a king of the past had built and whose original foundation(s) he had sought out but did not find — he (Nebuchadnezzar) built (it anyway) and, in (only) forty-five years, the walls of that temple buckled. | |
ii 4848 | ||
ii 4949 | ||
ii 5050 | ||
ii 5151 | ||
ii 5252 | (ii 52b) I became worried, afraid, (and) anxious, and my face was haggard. While I had the god Šamaš brought out of it (Ebabbar and) had (him) reside in another temple, I removed that temple and sought out its original foundation(s). Then, I dug down eighteen cubits into the earth and the foundation(s) of Narām-Sîn, (grand)son of Sargon, which (for) 3,200 years none of the king(s) who came before me had found — the god Šamaš, the great lord, revealed to me (the original) Ebabbar, the temple (that is) the residence of his happiness. | |
ii 5353 | ||
ii 5454 | ||
ii 5555 | ||
ii 5656 | ||
ii 5757 | ||
ii 5858 | ša 3 LIM 2 ME MU.AN.NA.MEŠ ma-na-ma LUGAL a-lik maḫ-ri-ia la i-mu-ru | |
ii 5959 | ||
ii 6060 | ú-kal-lim-an-ni ia-a-ši i-na ITI.DU₆ i-na ITI šal-mu i-na UD ŠE.GA12 | (ii 60b) In the month Tašrītu (VII), in a favorable month, on an auspicious day that the gods Šamaš and Adad had revealed to me through divination, during joyous celebrations, I secured its brickwork in silver, gold, a selection of precious stones, (and) crushed pieces of wood (and) cedar aromatics, (precisely) on the foundation(s) of Narām-Sîn, (grand)son of Sargon, not (even) a fingerbreadth outside or inside (of them). |
ii 6161 | ||
ii 6262 | i-na KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI NA₄ ni-siq-ti šu-qu-ru-tu ḫi-biš-ti GIŠ.TIR | |
ii 6363 | ||
ii 6464 | ||
ii 6565 | ||
Column iii | ||
iii 1iii 1 | (iii 1) I had 5,000 strong cedar(s) stretched out for its roof. I installed immense doors of cedar, (threshold) slab(s), (and) nukuššû-fittings in its gates. | |
iii 22 | ||
iii 33 | ||
iii 44 | (iii 4) I built anew Ebabbar, together with Ekunankuga, its ziggurat, and completed its construction. I took the god Šamaš, my lord, by the hand and had (him) reside inside it, the residence of (his) happiness, during joyous celebrations. | |
iii 55 | ||
iii 66 | ||
iii 77 | ||
iii 88 | ši-ṭi-ir šu-um šá mna-ra-am-d30 DUMU mLUGAL-GI.NA a-mu-ur-ma | (iii 8) I found an inscription of Narām-Sîn, (grand)son of Sargon, and I did not change (its position). I anointed (it) with oil, made an offering, placed (it) with my (own) inscribed object, and returned (it) to its place. |
iii 99 | ||
iii 1010 | ||
iii 1111 | (iii 11) O Šamaš, great lord of heaven and earth, light of the gods, his fathers, offspring of the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal, when you enter Ebabbar, your beloved temple, (and) when you occupy your eternal dais — (as for) me, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, the prince who provides for you, the one who pleases your heart, the one who built your exalted cella — look with pleasure upon my good deeds and daily, at sunrise and sunset, make my signs auspicious in heaven and (on) earth. Receive my prayers (and) accept my petition(s) so that I may rule forever (with) the scepter and legitimate rod that you had let my hands grasp. | |
iii 1212 | ||
iii 1313 | ||
iii 1414 | ||
iii 1515 | ||
iii 1616 | ||
iii 1717 | ||
iii 1818 | ||
iii 1919 | ||
iii 2020 | ||
iii 2121 | ||
iii 2222 | (iii 22) For the goddess Anunītu, the lady of battle who carries bow and quiver, the one who fully carries out the command(s) of the god Enlil, her father, the one who overwhelms enem(ies and) destroys the wicked, the one who marches at front of the gods, (and) who make my signs auspicious at sunrise and sunset — | |
iii 2323 | ||
iii 2424 | ||
iii 2525 | ||
iii 2626 | ||
iii 2727 | é-ul-maš É-su šá i-na ZIMBIR.KI-da-nu-ni-tum šá 8 ME MU.AN.NA.MEŠ | (iii 27) (With regard to) Eulmaš, her temple that is in Sippar-Anunītu, which no king had built in 800 years, from the time of Šagarakti-Šuriaš, king of Babylon, son of Kudur-Enlil, I dug out its original foundation(s), examined (and) checked (them), and (then) I laid its foundations (precisely) on the foundation(s) of Šagarakti-Šuriaš, son of Kudur-Enlil, and (thereby) I secured its brickwork. I built that temple anew and completed its construction. |
iii 2828 | ||
iii 2929 | ||
iii 3030 | ||
iii 3131 | e-li te-me-en-na mšà-ga-rak-ti-šur*-ia-áš DUMU mNÍG.GUB-dEN.LÍL | |
iii 3232 | ||
iii 3333 | ||
iii 3434 | (iii 34) I had the goddess Anunītu, the lady of battle who fully carries out the command(s) of the god Enlil, her father, the one who overwhelms enem(ies and) destroys the wicked, (and) the one who marches at front of the gods, dwell in her residence. I made sattukku-offerings and nindabû-offerings more plentiful than before and (re)confirmed (them) in her presence. | |
iii 3535 | ||
iii 3636 | ||
iii 3737 | ||
iii 3838 | (iii 38b) You, O Anunītu, great lady, when you enter this temple with pleasure, look with pleasure upon my good deeds and, monthly, at sunrise and sunset, petition the god Sîn, the father who engendered you, about good thing(s) for me. | |
iii 3939 | ||
iii 4040 | ||
iii 4141 | ||
iii 4242 | ||
iii 4343 | (iii 43) Whoever you are, whom the gods Sîn and Šamaš name to be king and during whose reign that temple becomes dilapidated and who builds (it) anew, may he find an inscribed object bearing my name and not change (its position). May he anoint (it) with oil, make an offering, place (it) with an inscribed object bearing his (own) name, and return (it) to its place. | |
iii 4444 | ||
iii 4545 | ||
iii 4646 | ||
iii 4747 | it-ti mu-sa-ru-ú ši-ṭir šu-mi-šú liš-kun-ma lu-ter áš-ru-uš-šu | |
iii 4848 | (iii 48) (Then,) may the god Šamaš and the goddess Anunītu hear his prayer(s), accept his request(s), march at his side, cut down his foe(s), and say good things about him daily to the god Sîn, the father who created them. | |
iii 4949 | ||
iii 5050 | ||
iii 5151 |
1LUGAL ra-bu-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL kiš-šá-ti ... LUGAL kib-ra-a-ti er-bet-ti “great king, strong king, king of the world, ..., king of the four quarters (of the world)”: Nabonidus is the only Neo-Babylonian king who uses these Assyrian royal titles; see Schaudig, Studies Kienast pp. 476 and 489.
2The inscriptions prologue — the king’s name, titles, and filiation — is framed by a double anāku (“I”). For details on this Assyrian-style feature, see Schaudig, Inschriften Nabonids pp. 141–142.
3The plural verbal forms in these two lines (is-li-mu, ir-šu-ú, and ú-šab-ru-ʾi-in-ni) are the remnants of a revision of an earlier version of this passage. For details, see Schaudig, Inschriften Nabonids pp. 77–78 §I.7.f.
4is-li-mu “became reconciled”: Exs. 7, 20, 21, and 25 have is-si-li-mu.
5e-pe-šu “(re)building”: Exs. 16–18, 20–21, 26, and 44 have e-pé-eš₁₅-su, e-pé-eš-su, or e-pe-eš₁₅-su “its (re)building.”
6um-ma-ni-šu “his troops”: Ex. 16 has ni-ši-šu “his people.”
7na-qut-ti ar-še-e-ma “I was anxious and”: The reading of the second sign as qut, rather than kut, is preferred here and in i 52, following AHw p. 745 sub naquttu and CDA p. 241. The RINAP Project, however, prefers kut, following the CAD (K pp. 198–199 sub nakuttu), Tadmor, Tigl. III, and Borger, BIWA; see, for example, Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 252 Ashurbanipal 11 (Prism A) viii 31, and Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 127 Tiglath-pileser III 48 line 21´.
8KAŠ “beer”: Exs. 11–12, 19, 23, 29, and 31 have KAŠ.SAG.
9ZAG “right”: Exs. 1–2, 10–12, 14, 17–18, 23, 29, 31, and 45 have ZAG, while ex. 16 has i-mit-ti and exs. 20 and 25 have im-ni.
10šu-an-na.KI “Šuanna (Babylon)”: Exs. 16 and 17 have ba-bi-lam.KI and TIN.TIR.KI “Babylon.”
11É “the temple”: Exs. 2 and 17 have É-su “his (Šamaš’) temple.”
12ia-a-ši (dat.) “to me”: Ex. 25 has ia-a-ti (acc.) “me.” ŠE.GA (=šemê) “auspicious (lit. ‘hearing’)”: Ex. 16 has ma-ag-ru “favorable.”
13e-pu-uš-ma “I built and”: Exs. 25 and 32 have ab-ni-ma “I built and.”
14mšà-ga-rak-ti-šur*-ia-áš “Šagarakti-Šuriaš”: Most copies of this inscription write the ŠUR sign in this Kassite king’s name with the BUR sign. As already pointed out by H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 119) and M. Worthington (Textual Criticism p. 77), the scribes who wrote out these manuscripts likely did not know the name of the Kassite king and, therefore, did not know how to write his name and, thus, hypercorrected šur to bur. Schaudig described the issue as follows: “Der anscheinend nicht mehr verstandene kassitische Königsname Šagarakti-Šuriaš (s. Index) gibt Gelegenheit zu vielerlei Irrtümern, die sich zum Teil durch leicht zu verwechselnde Zeichen(verbindungen) erklären lassen, wie: -šur!(bur)-, -àš!(iá) oder -ga!(bi)-<rak>-. ... Die in den Textvertretern von (2.12) fast ausnahmslos durchgehende Fehlschreibung -bur- für -šur- wird auf einen Schreibfehler in der Vorlage zurückgehen, der aber von den damaligen Abschreibern nicht berichtigt wurde. Der Grund dafür wird darin liegen, daß ihnen weder der König, noch der kassitische Göttername ausreichend bekannt war. Dies ist wohl auch durch die Verwechselung des Götternamens Šuriaš mit Buriaš, der im Königsnamen Burna-Buriaš (s. Index) erscheint, begünstigt worden.”
Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as