
  • Nabonidus 23


  • Q005420
  • Nabonidus 23



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Sippar
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabonidus


Nabonidus 23

Column i
i 1i 1

ì-nu-um AN-num ù dEN.LÍL

(i 1) When the gods Anu and Enlil had commanded the renovation of the city, Sippar, (and) their firmly appointed time to (re)build Ebabbar had arrived, the god Šamaš, the great lord, remembered his original residence.

i 22

ša URU ZIMBIR.KI iq-bu-ú e-de--su

i 33

a-da-an-šu-num ki-i-ni ik-šu-dam

i 44

a-na e-- é-babbar-ra dUTU be-el ra--ù

i 55

i-iḫ-su-sa šu-bat-sa re--ti-

i 66

ša zi--ra-at ge-gu-na-šu

(i 6) Their hearts prompted (them) with pleasure to raise the superstructure of the ziggurat, his raised temple, higher than the previous one and they nominated Nabonidus, the king who provides for (and) pleases their heart(s).

i 77

re-ši-šu e-li ša pa-ni ul-lu-ù

i 88

lib-ba-šu-ni ḫa-di- ub-lam-ma

i 99

dna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL za-ni-nu

i 1010

mu-ṭi-ib lib-bi-šu-nu ib-bu-ú

i 1111

re-é-a-am ka-an-šu

(i 11) The submissive shepherd who constantly seeks out the shrines of the great gods, the capable governor who is constantly attentive to the will of the gods, the one who provides for Esagil and Ezida, the one who renovates the shrines of the gods and goddesses, the one who makes sattukku-offerings abundant (and) nindabû-offerings splendid, son of Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, wise prince, am I.

i 1212

muš-te--ú -ra-a-ti DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL

i 1313

GÌR.NÍTA it--šu

i 1414

ša a-na ṭè-em DINGIR.MEŠ pu-tuq-qu

i 1515

za-ni-in é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da

i 1616

mu-ud-di- -re-e-ti DINGIR.MEŠ ù EŠ₁₈.TÁR

i 1717

mu-ṭaḫ-ḫi-id sa-at-tuk-ku

i 1818

mu-šar-ri-iḫ ni-id--e

i 1919

DUMU mdna-bi-um-ba-la-at-su-iq-bi

i 2020

ru-bu-ú e-em- a-na-ku1

i 2121

[ì-nu-um dAMAR.UTU be-lu]-ut KUR?-šú i--pa-ni*?2

(i 21) [When the god Marduk] entrusted me [(to) rule ov]er his land [...] the god Nabû [... nom]inated me

i 2222

[...] dna-bi-um

i 2323

[... im]-ba-an-ni



i 1'1'

[...] ḫi-ṭi-

(i 1') [So that there would be no] cultic mistake(s), [...] ... praying to them [(and) I was] constantly [praying de]voutly [to the gr]eat [gods].

i 2'2'

[...] x x su-pe-e-šu-un

i 3'3'

[...] x GAL (erasure) --da-a

i 4'4'

[x x šu-te]-mu--ku₁₃-šu-nu-ti

i 5'5'

i-nu-šu é-babbar-ra ki-iṣ-ṣi* ra-áš-bu3

(i 5') At that time, (with regard to) Ebabbar, the awe-inspiring shrine, the residence of the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya that is inside Sippar, which a king of the past had built (and) raised its superstructure, forty-five years had not (yet) elapsed and its walls had buckled.

i 6'6'

šu-ba-at dUTU ù da-a

i 7'7'

ša i-na -re-eb ZIMBIR.KI

i 8'8'

ša LUGAL ma-ḫar i-pu-šu-ma ul-la-a re-e-ši-šu

i 9'9'

45 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ la im-la-ma i-qu-pu i-ga-ru-šu

i 10'10'

ra-am-ku- é-babbar-ra i-ta-mu-nim

(i 10') The ramku-priests of Ebabbar told me: “The temple had buckled.” I did not believe their report, but (nevertheless) I was worried.

i 11'11'

i-qu-pu É

i 12'12'

-bi-it-su-nu la a--ip-ma

i 13'13'

ra-šá-a-ku* ni--it-ti4

i 14'14'

ú-ma-ʾe-er-ma DUMU.MEŠ TIN.TIR.KI ù bár-sipa.KI

(i 14') I sent citizens of Babylon and Borsippa, skilled men who know (every) task, (to Sippar) and had (them) enter Ebabbar. Then, they saw that the walls of that temple had buckled, that the structure of (its) gates were falling apart, (and) that the beam(s) of its roof were stripped away (and) protruding inside the temple. They saw (this) and they filled me with fear.

i 15'15'

em-qu-tu mu-de-e ši-ip-ri

i 16'16'

a-na -re-eb é-babbar-ra ú-še-rib-ma

i 17'17'


i 18'18'

É šu-a-ti i-ga-ru-šu qu-up-pu-ma

i 19'19'

pu-uṭ-ṭu-ru ri-ki-is .

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

GIŠ.ÙR ṣú-lu-li-šu šu-uḫ-ḫu-ṭu

ii 22

a-ṣú-ú -re-eb É

ii 33

ip-pal-su-ma ú-ša-am-lu-in-ni pu-lu-ùḫ-

ii 44

-tu É šu-a-ti

(ii 4) They led the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya out of that temple by the hand and had (them) reside in a good shrine, a suitable place.

ii 55

-at dUTU ù da-a iṣ-ba-tu-ma

ii 66

i-na ki-iṣ-ṣi da-am-qu

ii 77

-ri šu-us-su-mu ú-še-ši-bu

ii 88

a-ta-mi [a]-na ni-ši ma-a-ti

(ii 8) I spoke [t]o the people of (my) land, (saying): “What has happened to it so that it buckled?”

ii 99

mi-na-a i-ši-ir-šum-ma i-qu-up-ma

ii 1010

an-ni-ta i-ta-mu-nim

(ii 10) This is what they said me: “Its (original) emplacement had not been sought out. It was not (re)built on its true site and its location was changed. The god Šamaš, the great lord, has waited for you to (re)build Ebabbar. (Therefore,) make its construction beautiful! He has entrusted you with building it on its true site.”

ii 1111

ul bu-ʾa-a a-šar-šu

ii 1212

e-li šu-ub-ti-šú kit-ti ul e---ma e-ni --ar-šu

ii 1313

dUTU be-el ra--ù

ii 1414

e-- é-babbar-ra ú-qa-a re--ka

ii 1515

ši--ir-šu bu-un-ni-i

ii 1616

i-na -ri-šu ki-nim e---su

ii 1717

ú-ša-ad-gi-il pa-ni-ka

ii 1818

a-na da-ke-e é-babbar-ra ŠÀ pa-li-iḫ

(ii 18) My heart was afraid (at the thought of) removing Ebabbar; I was worried. In (my) night bed, I did not get enough good sleep. I raised [my] ha[nds (and) bese]eched the Enlil of the gods, the god Marduk.

ii 1919

ra-šá-a-ku ni--it-ti

ii 2020

i-na ma-a-a-al (erasure) mu-ši-im

ii 2121

ul ú-qa-at-ta-a ši-it-tim ṭa-ab-tim

ii 2222

áš-ši qa-[ti-ia ú-ṣa]-al-la-a

ii 2323


ii 2424

[]-šum e--[] é-babbar-ra

(ii 24) [With reg]ard to (re)buil[ding] Ebabbar, I frequently visited [the shrines of] the gods Šamaš and Adad, [the lords of divination], and [I performed extispicies. The gods Šamaš and] Adad [always answer]ed me [with a firm ‘yes].’

ii 2525

[-ra-a-ti d]UTU ù dIŠKUR

ii 2626

[EN.MEŠ bi-ri] -te-e-ma

ii 2727

[bi-ri ab-re-e-ma dUTU ù] dIŠKUR

ii 2828

[an-na ki-i-nu i-tap-pa]-lu-in

ii 2929

[áš--e-ma te-er-tum ap-qid]-ma

(ii 29) [I repeated (and) checked the extispicy] and

ii 3030




ii 1'1'

za-bi-il [tu]-up-ši-ik-ku5

(ii 1') [I mustered the workmen of the gods Šamaš and Marduk those who wield hoes, hold spade(s)], (and) carry [bas]ket(s).

ii 2'2'

-tu pa-ni (erasure) --ri-im

(ii 2') From the surface of the ground, they dug down eighteen cubits and I saw the original foundation(s) of Narām-Sîn, a king of the past, and (then) found tablet(s) of gold, lapis lazuli, and carnelian concerning the construction of Ebabbar. I did not alter their (original) place(s) and I returned (them) to their (proper) place(s). I firmly placed my (own) inscription(s) with them forever.

ii 3'3'

18 KÙŠ ú-ša-ap--lu-ma

ii 4'4'

te-me-en la-bi-ri-im

ii 5'5'

ša na-ra-am-dEN.ZU LUGAL ma-ḫar

ii 6'6'


ii 7'7'

ṭup- .GI NA₄.ZA.GÌN ù NA₄.GUG

ii 8'8'

ša e-- é-babbar-ra a-mu-ur-ma

ii 9'9'

a-šar-šu-nu la ú-na-ak-ki-ir-ma

ii 10'10'

ú-te-er -ru--šu-<un>

ii 11'11'

ši-ṭi-ir šu-mi-ia it-ti-šu-un

ii 12'12'

ú-ki-in a-na (erasure) ṣa-a-ti

ii 13'13'

e-li te-em--ni-šú la-bi-ri

(ii 13') I indeed firmly established its boundary marker(s precisely) on its original foundation(s), not (even) a fingerbreadth outside or inside (of them).

ii 14'14'

ŠU.SI a-na la a-ṣe-e ù la e-re-bi

ii 15'15'

pu-lu-uk-ka-šu lu-ú ú-ki-in

ii 16'16'

mi-im-ma ḫi-ši-iḫ-tum e-- É šu-a-

(ii 16') I did not withhold anything needed to (re)build that temple, but had (all of those things) brought inside it.

ii 17'17'

la ak-la-am-ma ú-še-ri-ib -re-eb-šu

ii 18'18'


(ii 18') (For the temple,) whose roof a king of the past had built with beam(s) of date palm(s), I carried strong cedars from Mount Lebanon, the bright forest, and indeed had 1,050 cedars for (re)building Ebabbar brought inside.

ii 19'19'

ib-nu-ú ṣú-lu-ul-šu

ii 20'20'

GIŠ.EREN.MEŠ da-an-nu-ti

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

-tu la-ab-na-nu

iii 22

GIŠ.TIR el-le-ti

iii 33


iii 44

1 LIM 50 GIŠ.EREN.MEŠ a-na e-- é-babbar-ra

iii 55

lu-ú ú-še-ri*-ib*

iii 66

a-na ši-i--šu6 GIŠ.EREN.MEŠ* .MEŠ -tak-ka-an

(iii 6) For its šīpu, I set bright cedars in place. At each gate and room, I securely fastened crossbeam(s), architrave(s), giškanakku(s), (and) sikkūru šāqilu lock(s) of bright cedar.

iii 77

GIŠ.DAL GIŠ.GAN.DU₇ giš--na-ku7

iii 88


iii 99

e-ma .MEŠ ù É.MEŠ ú-šar-ši-id

iii 1010

ki-ma ša -tu KUR-i GIŠ.EREN

(iii 10) Just like when the god Šamaš, the supreme lord, rises up from the Cedar Mountain, I built a roof over it with strong cedar(s).

iii 1111

dUTU EN šur-bu-ú i-na na-pa-ḫi-šú

iii 1212

i-na GIŠ.EREN da-an-nu-tu

iii 1313

e-li-šu ṣú-lu-lu ab-ni

iii 1414

a-šar mu-ša-bi-šu ki-ma GIŠ.TIR ḪA.ŠUR8

(iii 14) I made the scent of the place where he (Šamaš) resides as pleasing as a forest of ḫašūru-tree(s).

iii 1515

i-ri--su -ṭi-ib

iii 1616


(iii 16) At each of its gates, I securely fastened doors of cedar and musukkannu-wood. (As for) <the temples> in the vicinity of Ebabbar, I built their roof(s) with (beams of) thick pine-tree(s).

iii 1717

e-ma .MEŠ-šu ú-šar-ši-id

iii 1818

<É.MEŠ?> si-ḫi-ir-ti é*-babbar*-ra*9

iii 1919

i-na GIŠ.Ù.<SUḪ₅>.MEŠ pa-ag-lu-tim

iii 2020

ṣú-lu-ul-ši-na ab-ni

iii 2121

-šum ug-ga- ar-ra-tim ù ḫi-ṭi-

(iii 21) So that anger, curse, (and) cultic mistake are not brought into existence inside it (nor) placed in the mouth(s) of the workmen executing its construction, but (instead) that blessing(s) of good fortune are placed in their mouths, I copiously supplied them with bread, beer, meat, and an abundance of wine, lavishly anointed their bod(ies) with (ritually-)pure oil, (and) had their heads drenched with a perfume of sweet-smelling oil.

iii 2222

-er-ba-šu la šu-ub-ši-i

iii 2323

i-na pi-i um-ma-na-a-ti e-- šip-ri-šú

iii 2424

la ša-ka-nim-ma

iii 2525

ik-ri-ib da-mi-iq-tim

iii 2626

i-na pi-i-ši-na šá-ka-na-am

iii 2727


iii 2828

ú*-da-áš-ši-šú-nu-ti piš-šá- Ì.GIŠ el-lu10

iii 2929

zu-mur-šú-un ú-ṭaḫ-ḫi-id nar--ti Ì.GIŠ DÙG.GA

iii 3030

mu-uḫ-ḫa-šu-nu ú-šá-áš-

iii 3131

[el]-ṣi- lìb-ba-šú-nu -par-di

(iii 31) [Jo]yously, I cheered up their heart(s). [...] their [h]earts and [...] ... [...] in his place [...] me.

iii 3232

[... li]-ib-ba-šu-nu-ma

iii 3333


iii 3434

[...] -ru--šu

iii 3535


iii 3636

[a-na dUTU EN GAL mu]-dam-mi-iq

(iii 36) [For the god Šamaš, the great lord, the one who] makes [my signs] favorable, I magnificently built for him [a temple (one) that] n[one] of the king(s) among the king(s of the past) had built [like] me, (but as for) me, (the one that) I had (it) built well for the god Šamaš and the goddess Aya, my [lor]ds and completed its construction.

iii 3737

[it-ta-ti-ia É šá] ma-[na-ma] LUGAL i-na LUGAL

iii 3838

[ki-ma] ia-a-ti-ma la ib-nu-ú

iii 3939

[ia-a-ti] a-na dUTU [ù] da-a

iii 4040

[EN.MEŠ]-e-a dam-[-] e--šu

iii 4141

[ra]-bi- ab-ni-šu-ma

iii 4242

ú-ša-ak-li-il ši--ir-šu

iii 4343

dUTU EN GAL ša AN-e ù KI-tim

(iii 43) O Šamaš, great lord of heaven and earth, when you enter this temple with pleasure (and) gladly occupy your pure, original residence, bless me, Nabonidus, the king who provides, with blessings of good fortune (and) grant me a long life (lit. “a life of long days”) so that I stay in good health for eternity. Give me dominion over the black-headed (people) so that I may shepherd all of them.

iii 4444

a-na É šu-a-ti

iii 4545

ḫa-di- i-na e-re-bi-ka

iii 4646

šu-bat-ka* el-le-ti re--ti-11

iii 4747

ṭa-bi- i-na ra--e-ka

iii 4848

a-na dAG-na-ʾi-id LUGAL za-ni-nu

iii 4949

ik-ri-bi da-mi-iq- ku-úr-ba

iii 5050

šu-úr-ka-am-ma TIN UD.MEŠ ru-qu-tim

iii 5151

lu-bu-úr a-na da--a-tim (over erasure)

iii 5252

id-na be-lu- ṣal-mat --du

iii 5353

lu-úr-a-am na-gab-šu-un

iii 5454

da-a ḫi-ir-ti na-ra-<am>-ta-ka

(iii 54) May the goddess Aya, your beloved spouse, say good thing(s) about me to you.

iii 5555

li-ta-mi-ka da-mi-iq-

iii 5656

i-na di-nim ù bi-ri

(iii 56) In (divine) pronouncement(s) and extispicy, whenever I raise up (my) hands to you, answer me unequivocally. Make my (good) deeds constantly find acceptance in the presence of the god Marduk, king of heaven and earth.

iii 5757

e-ma qa-ti a-na-áš-šu-ka

iii 5858

i-ša-ri- ap-la-an-ni

iii 5959

ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU LUGAL AN ù KI

iii 6060

ka-a-a-na šu-um-gi-ra

iii 6161


1The subject of this phrase are the gods, who appoint Nabonidus, but after the list of epithets of the king the scribe added anāku as if Nabonidus were the subject of the phrase and as one finds it in other inscriptions.

2i--pa-ni*? “he entrusted me”: The scribe appears to have written i--pa-MEŠ.

3ki-iṣ-ṣi* “shrine”: The text has visually similar ki-iṣ-AD.

4ra-šá-a-ku* “I had”: The cylinder has ra-šá-a-RA.

5Following H. Schaudig (Inschriften Nabonids p. 441), the translation assumes that the two now-missing lines before ii 1´ contained ad-ka-am-ma um-ma-na-a-ti dUTU ù dAMAR.UTU / ṣa-bi-it al-lu na-áš GIŠ.MAR “I mustered the workmen of the gods Šamaš and Marduk — those who wield hoes, hold spade(s).”

6ši-i--šu “its šīpu”: šīpu designates a part of the roof.

7giš--na-kugiškanakku(s)”: It is not entirely clear which part of the door the giškanakku designates. In the dictionaries it is referred to as a “part of the doorframe,” but without going into any detail.

8ḪA.ŠURḫašūru-tree(s)”: ḫašūru-/ḫašurru-tree designates a kind of cypress or cedar (see CAD Ḫ p. 147, which designates this word as a kind of cedar). It is difficult to distinguish if the ḫašurru-tree was a type of cypress or cedar tree, especially as both belong to the same botanic order of Coniferales.

9<É.MEŠ?> si-ḫi-ir-ti é*-babbar*-ra* “<the temples> in the vicinity of Ebabbar”: The cylinder has si-ḫi-ir-ti É.MEŠ “the entirety of the temples.” The corrected reading of the line follows Schaudig, Inschriften Nabonids p. 442.

10ú*-da-áš-ši-šú-nu-ti “I copiously supplied them”: The cylinder has visually similar GI-da-áš-ši-šú-nu-ti.

11šu-bat-ka* “your residence”: The scribe wrote šu-bat-.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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