
  • Nabonidus 19


  • Q005416
  • Nabonidus 19



  • cylinder
  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Marad
  • Royal Inscription
  • Nabonidus


  [EX001] BM 108981

  [EX002] AO 06444

Nabonidus 19

Column i
i 1i 1

ì-nu-um dAMAR.UTU dEN.LÍL DINGIR.MEŠ ša-qu-ú EN gi-im-ra

(i 1) When the god Marduk, the Enlil of the gods, the exalted one, the lord of everything, proclaimed a ruler to exercise lordship, named Nabonidus, the king, as the one who provides (for the gods), (and) elevated him above all of the (other) kings, the great gods were happy about his command(s) regarding his (Nabonidus’) kingship.

i 22

ú-ša-pu-ú ma-al-ku a-na e-- e-nu-tim

i 33

dna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id šar-ri a-na za-ni-nu-tim im-bu-ù

i 44

ú-ul-lu-ú re-e-ši-šu e-li ka-li-šu-nu LUGAL.MEŠ

i 55

-bi-tu--šu DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL iḫ-du-ú a-na šar-ru-ti-šu

i 66

da-num ù dEN.LÍL GIŠ.GU.ZA a-gu-ú GIŠ.NÍG.GIDRU ù ši-bir-ri

(i 6) The gods Anu and Enlil gave him a throne, crown, scepter, and staff, the eternal insignia of kingship; the god Ea, the creator of all (things), gave him every (type of) wisdom; the goddess Bēlet-ilī, the creator of everything, perfected his features; the god Nabû, the overseer of the totality (of heaven and earth), gave him (knowledge of) scribal skills; the god Nannāru, the son of the prince, inspected his form;

i 77

pa-ra-aṣ šar-ru-tim a-na du-ur u₄-mu i--šu-šum

i 88

dé-a ba-an ka-la-mu -me- ú-šá-ag-mi-ir-šu

i 99

dbe-let-ì- ba-na-at gi-im-ra ú-šá-ak-li-lu bu-na-an--e-šu

i 1010

dna-bi-um pa-qid ki--šá-ti -ru-uk-šu šu-ka-ma

i 1111

dŠEŠ.KI-ri DUMU ru--e ú-ṣa-ab-ba-a nab-ni-it-su

i 1212

dUTU-ši nu-úr ì- ir-i-am re-é-ut-su

(i 12) the god Šamaš, the light of the gods, loved his shepherdship (and) allowed (Nabonidus) to settle people through his (Nabonidus’) command; the god Erragal, the (most) powerful one among the gods, gave him power; the god Zababa, the noble one, made him supremely powerful; the god Nusku, the martial one, decorated him with the brilliance of kingship, became his šēdu in order to give orders, hold counsel, and investigate matters, (and) sent the great gods to his aid so that (he) could exercise his leadership.

i 1313

ba-ʾu-la-a-ti ú-še-ši-ib -bi-tu--šu

i 1414

dèr-ra-gal ga--ru DINGIR.DINGIR -ru-uk-šu du-un-num

i 1515

dza-ba₄-ba₄ mu-ut-ta-al-lum ú-ma-ša ú-ša-ag-mi-ir-šu

i 1616

dnusku da-pi-nu ú-za-ʾi-in-šu me-lam-mi LUGAL-ú-tu

i 1717

a-na ú-ʾu-úr ṭè-e-mu ša-ka-ni₇ ši-tul-tum ù pa-ra-as ár-kát i-tur še-du--šu

i 1818

a-na mu-er-ru-ti-šu e--šu DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL ú-šá-li-ku re-ṣu-su

i 1919

i-nu-šu dna-bi-um-na-ʾi-id LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI ru-bu-um na-a-dam

(i 19) At that time, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, attentive prince, the capable shepherd who reveres the great gods, the governor who provides, the one who is attentive to the will of the gods, (the one) who is constantly seeks out the sanctuaries of the gods and goddesses daily, son of Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, wise prince, am I.

i 2020

re-é-a-am it-pe-šu pa-li-iḫ DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL

i 2121

GÌR.NÍTA za-ni-nu ša a-na ṭè-e-mu DINGIR.DINGIR pu-tuq-qu

i 2222

ša u₄-mi-ša-am-ma -te---ú -rat DINGIR.MEŠ ù d.TAR

i 2323

DUMU mdna-bi-um-TIN-su-iq-bi NUN e-em- a-na-ku

i 2424

e-nu-ma dAMAR.UTU EN GAL-ú a-na be-lu- ma-a-ti im-bu-ù ni-bi-

(i 24) When the god Marduk, the great lord, called my name for ruling over the land (and) the son of the prince the god Nabû made the fame of my kingship surpassing, I spoke daily, (showing) devotion to their divinity, (and) I constantly strove (to do) what(ever) was pleasing to them.

i 2525

mar ru--e dna-bi-um zi-ik-ru šar-ru-ti-ia ú-šar-bu-ù

i 2626

u₄-mi-ša-am-ma a-ta-mi pu-lu-úḫ- i-lu-ti-šu-un

i 2727

ka-a-a-nam -te--e ša e-li-šu-nu ṭa-a-bu

i 2828

a-na é-sag-íl ù é-zi-da šu-tu-ra-ku zi-in-na-a-tim

(i 28) I am foremost in provisioning Esagil and Ezida: I send the best of everything into their (Marduk and Nabû’s) presence. Constantly (and) without interruption, I constantly seek out their places (of worship). I make their great cult centers worthy of (high) praise (and) make their fame great among the people of the inhabited world.

i 2929

re- mi*-im*-ma-a-a dam-qa ú-še-er-re-eb ma-ḫa-ar-šu-un1

i 3030

gi-na-a la na-par-ka-a -te---a -ri-šu-un

i 3131

ma-ḫa-zi-šu-nu ra-bu-tim a-na ta-na-da-a-ta -ták-ka-an

i 3232

ú-šar-bi zi-ik-ra-<šú>-nu in a-pa₁₂-ta-áš da-ád-me

i 3333

a-na dUTU DI.KU₅.GAL DINGIR ša-qu-ú EN ZIMBIR.KI é-babbar-ra ki-iṣ-ṣi* 2

(i 33) For the god Šamaš, the great judge of the gods, the exalted one, lord of Sippar: (As for) Ebabbar, the pure cella, his original dwelling whose (ancient) foundation(s) he had never revealed to any former king, the god Šamaš, the great lord, waited for me to build it and I secured its (new) foundation(s) on top of the (original) foundation(s) of Narām-Sîn.

i 3434

šu-bat-sa reš-ti-ti ša ma-na-ma šar-ri maḫ-ri la ú-kal-li-mu te-me-en-šú

i 3535

e---su dUTU EN GAL-ú ú--an-ni-ma

i 3636

e-li te-me-en-na šá na-ra-am-dEN.ZU ú-ki-in -šu-šu

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ša BÀD u₄-gal-a--ru₁₀ BÀD .DU₈.A.KI ul-la-a re*-ši-šu*

(ii 1) As for the wall Ugal-amaru, the wall of Cutha, I raised up its superstructure. (As for) the wall Melem-kurkurra-dulla, the wall of Kish, I raised (it) as high as a mountain.

ii 22

BÀD me-lem₄-kur-kur-ra-dul-la BÀD kiš.KI ú-za-aq--ir ḫur-sa-ni-

ii 33

a-na duraš EN ga--ru É á-ki-tu₄ ta-ap-šu-uḫ-ti-šu

(ii 3) For the god Uraš, the (most) powerful lord, I built the akītu-house of his rest anew as (it had been) in ancient times.

ii 44

ki-ma la-bi-ri-im-ma e--ši- e--

ii 55

ša URU.ú-ba-as-si DAL.BA.AN.NA .DINGIR.RA.KI ù bár-sipa.KI

(ii 5) As for the city Ubassu, (which is) between Babylon and Borsippa, I raised up its superstructure with bitumen and baked brick(s) and (then) had the goddess Nanāya, the supreme goddess, enter her cella.

ii 66

i-na ESIR.UD.DU.A ù a-gur-ru re-e-ši-šu ul-li-ma

ii 77

dna-na-a d.TAR šu-úr-bi-tum ú-še-ri-ib ki-iṣ-ṣu--šu

ii 88

a-na d30 EN GAL-ú a-ši-ib é-kiš-nu-gál šá -reb úri.KI

(ii 8) For the god Sîn, the great lord, the one who resides in Ekišnugal, which is inside Ur, I lavishly provided his sattukku-offerings and made his nindabû-offerings plentiful. I constantly sought out his places (of worship) and beseeched his lordship.

ii 99

sa-at-tuk-ki-šu ú-ṭa-aḫ-ḫi-id-ma ú-šar-ri-ḫu ni-id--e-šú

ii 1010

-te---e-ma -ri-šu a-ba-lu be-lu-ut-su

ii 1111

a-na e-ri--ti i-ri-ša-an-ni ap-làḫ at-ta-ʾi-id-ma

(ii 11) At the request that he (Sîn) made of me, I became frightened, (but) I was attentive and did not deny his request and consented to his command. I elevated (my) daughter, my own offspring, to the office of ēntu-priestess and (then) I named (her) En-nigaldi-Nanna, as her (new, official) name, and had (her) enter the Egipar.

ii 1212

e-ri--ta-šu la ak-la-am-ma am-gu-ru -bit-su

ii 1313

DUMU.MUNUS ṣi-it lìb-bi-ia a-na e-nu-tim áš-ši-ma en-níg-al-di-dnanna šum-šú am--e-ma

ii 1414

a-na é-gi₆-pàr ú-še-ri-ib a-na ma-ḫa-zi DINGIR.DINGIR GAL.GAL

(ii 14b) My heart dearly wanted me to provide for all of the cult centers of the great gods.

ii 1515

ka-li-šu-nu za-na-nu na-ša-an-ni lìb-bi

ii 1616

i-nu-šu a-na dlugal-már-da qar-ra-du mu-ut-ta-al-lum

(ii 16) At that time, I was attentive to the god Lugal-Marda, the noble warrior, the exalted warrior who is perfect in strength, the fierce storm whose onslaught cannot be withstood, the one who storms over hostile land(s) (and) plunders the land(s) of his foe(s), the one who resides in Eigikalama, my lord.

ii 1717

eṭ-lu-um mu-ut-le-él-lu-ú šá da-na-num šu-uk-lu-lu

ii 1818

u₄-um ez-zi šá la im-maḫ-ḫa-ru -bal-šu

ii 1919

ra-ḫi-iṣ KUR nu-kúr-ti ša-lil KUR a-a-bi a-ši-ib é-igi-kalam-ma

ii 2020

be--ia at-ta-ʾi-id-ma GIŠ.GIGIR ru-ku-bu i-lu-ti-šu

(ii 20b) (As for) the chariot, the vehicle of his divinity, the insignia of his heroism that plunders the land(s) of (his) foe(s), <which> is (well) suited for battle, which no former king had built since distant days, its stone ornaments and its equipment became visible in the foundation(s) of Eigikalama. I (then) built that chariot anew with shiny silver, bright gold, and precious stones. I magnificently decorated it and had (it) sent into his presence.

ii 2121

-ma-at qar-ra-du-ti-šu ša-li-la-at KUR a-a-bi

ii 2222

<ša> a-na ta-ḫa-zi šu-lu-ka-at ša -tu UD.MEŠ ru-qu-

ii 2323

šar-ri maḫ-ri la i--šu i-na te-me-en é-igi-kalam-ma

ii 2424

NA₄.MEŠ ti-iq-ni-šu ù ú-nu-ut-su in-na-mir-ma GIŠ.GIGIR šu-a-ti

ii 2525

e--ši- ab-ni i-na .BABBAR eb-bi .GI nam-ri ù ni--iq-tu₄ NA₄.MEŠ

ii 2626

ra-biš ú-za-ʾi-in-šu-ma a-na maḫ-ri-šu ú-še-ri-ib

ii 2727

é-igi-kalam-ma É-su šá LUGAL maḫ-ri i--šu-ma ul-lu-ú re-e-ši-šu3

(ii 27) (As for) Eigikalama, his temple, which a former king had built and had raised up its superstructure, (but) without surrounding (it) with its (own) outside wall and (thereby) failing to strengthen its protection its site was in ruins (and) its door-jamb(s) were not joined (together). I removed its buckled (piles of) earth. I examined (and) checked its original foundation(s) and (then) I laid its (new) foundation(s) on top of the (original) foundation(s). I built its (outer) wall and (thereby) strengthened its protection. I built (the outer wall) anew and raised up its superstructure.

ii 2828

i-ga-ri ki-di-šú la ú-šá-as-ḫi-ru-ma la ú-dan-ni-in ma-aṣ-ṣar-tu-

ii 2929

a-šar-šu na-di-ma la ru-uk-ku-su sip-pe-e-šu e-pe-ri-šu

ii 3030

qa-a-a-pu-ti ad-ka te-me-en-šu la--ra a-ḫi-iṭ ab-re-e-ma

ii 3131

e-li te-me-en-ni-šu ú-kin -šu-šu BÀD-šu ab-ni-ma

ii 3232

ma-aṣ-ṣar-ta-ša ú-dan-ni-in e--ši- e---ma ul-la-a re-e-ši-šu

ii 3333

dlugal-már-da EN šur-bu-ú UR.SAG mug-da--ri a-na É šu-a-ti

(ii 33) O Lugal-Marda, supreme lord, mighty warrior, when you joyfully enter this temple (and) look with pleasure upon everything that I have done (for you), speak good thing(s) about me in the presence of the god Marduk, king of heaven and earth, daily so that the days of my life are long (and) I am sated with old age. With your fierce weapons, cut down my enemies (and) destroy all of my foes.

ii 3434

ḫa-di- i-na e-re-bi-ka mim-mu-ú e-te-ep-pu- ḫa-diš in nap-lu-si-ka

ii 3535

in ma-ḫa-ar dAMAR.UTU LUGAL AN ù KI u₄-mi-šam-ma at-ma-a SIG₅-

ii 3636

li-ri-ku UD.MEŠ TIN-ia lu--ba-a lit-tu-tu i-na GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ka ez-zu-tim

ii 3737

šu-um--tu a-a-bi-ia ḫu-ul-li-iq gim-ra-at ga-ri-ia

1mi*-im*-ma-a-a “everything”: Both exemplars have im-mi-a-a, with the MI and IM signs written in inverted order.

2ki-iṣ-ṣi* “cella”: Both exemplars have visually similar ki-iṣ-AD.

3LUGAL maḫ-ri “a former king”: This presumably refers to Nebuchadnezzar II, who also records that he renovated Lugal-Marda’s temple at Marad (Eigikalama); see Da Riva, GMTR 4 pp. 120–121 no. C32.

Created by Frauke Weiershäuser and Jamie Novotny, 2015-20, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich, the Henkel Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East), and and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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